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Showing 25,751 through 25,775 of 26,083 results

Wood & Fire Safety: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wood & Fire Safety 2020

by Linda Makovicka Osvaldova Frank Markert Samuel L. Zelinka

This proceedings volume presents new scientific works of the research workers and experts from the field of Wood Science & Fire.It looks into the properties of various tree species across the continents affecting the fire-technical properties of wood and wood-based materials, its modifications, fire-retardant methods and other technological processes that have an impact on wood ignition and burning. The results of these findings have a direct impact on Building Construction and Design describing the fire safety of wooden buildings, mainly large and multi-story ones. The results of these experiments and findings may be applied, or are directly implemented into Fire Science, Hazard Control, Building Safety which makes the application of wood and wood materials in buildings possible, while maintaining strict fire regulations.One part of the contributions focuses on the symbiosis of the material and the fire-fighting technologies. Wood burning has its own specific features, therefore, the fire protection technologies need to be updated regularly. It also includes the issue of the intervention of fire-fighting and rescue teams in the fires of wooden buildings. Presentations deal with the issue of forest fires influenced by the climate changes, relief, fuel models based on the type and the age of the forest stand.

Wood Hicks and Bark Peelers: A Visual History of Pennsylvania’s Railroad Lumbering Communities; The Photographic Legacy of William T. Clarke (Keystone Books)

by Ronald E. Ostman Harry Littell

In Wood Hicks and Bark Peelers, Ronald E. Ostman and Harry Littell draw on the stunning documentary photography of William T. Clarke to tell the story of Pennsylvania’s lumber heyday, a time when loggers serving the needs of a rapidly growing and globalizing country forever altered the dense forests of the state’s northern tier.Discovered in a shed in upstate New York and a barn in Pennsylvania after decades of obscurity, Clarke’s photographs offer an unprecedented view of the logging, lumbering, and wood industries during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They show the great forests in the process of coming down and the trains that hauled away the felled trees and trimmed logs. And they show the workers—cruisers, jobbers, skidders, teamsters, carpenters, swampers, wood hicks, and bark peelers—their camps and workplaces, their families, their communities. The work was demanding and dangerous; the work sites and housing were unsanitary and unsavory. The changes the newly industrialized logging business wrought were immensely important to the nation’s growth at the same time that they were fantastically—and tragically—transformative of the landscape. An extraordinary look at a little-known photographer’s work and the people and industry he documented, this book reveals, in sharp detail, the history of the third phase of lumber in America.

Wood Hicks and Bark Peelers: A Visual History of Pennsylvania’s Railroad Lumbering Communities; The Photographic Legacy of William T. Clarke (Keystone Books)

by Ronald E. Ostman Harry Littell

In Wood Hicks and Bark Peelers, Ronald E. Ostman and Harry Littell draw on the stunning documentary photography of William T. Clarke to tell the story of Pennsylvania’s lumber heyday, a time when loggers serving the needs of a rapidly growing and globalizing country forever altered the dense forests of the state’s northern tier.Discovered in a shed in upstate New York and a barn in Pennsylvania after decades of obscurity, Clarke’s photographs offer an unprecedented view of the logging, lumbering, and wood industries during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They show the great forests in the process of coming down and the trains that hauled away the felled trees and trimmed logs. And they show the workers—cruisers, jobbers, skidders, teamsters, carpenters, swampers, wood hicks, and bark peelers—their camps and workplaces, their families, their communities. The work was demanding and dangerous; the work sites and housing were unsanitary and unsavory. The changes the newly industrialized logging business wrought were immensely important to the nation’s growth at the same time that they were fantastically—and tragically—transformative of the landscape. An extraordinary look at a little-known photographer’s work and the people and industry he documented, this book reveals, in sharp detail, the history of the third phase of lumber in America.

Wood Modification Technologies: Principles, Sustainability, and the Need for Innovation

by Dick Sandberg Andreja Kutnar Olov Karlsson Dennis Jones

The market for durable products using modified wood has increased substantially during the last few years. This is partly because of the restriction on the use of toxic preservatives due to environmental concerns, and to lower maintenance cost and time. Furthermore, as sustainability becomes a greater concern, the environmental impact of construction and interior materials is factored in planning by considering the whole life cycle and embodied energy of the materials used. Wood is modified to improve its intrinsic properties, enhance the range of applications of timber, and to acquire the form and functionality desired by engineers without calling the environmental friendliness into question. Wood modification processes are at various stages of development, and the challenges faced in scaling up to industrial applications differ. The aim of this book is to put together the key elements of the changes of wood constituents and the related changes in wood properties of modified wood. Further, a selection of the principal technologies implemented in wood modification are presented. This work is intended for researchers, professionals of timber construction, as well as students studying the science of materials, civil engineering and architecture. This work is not exhaustive, but intends to deliver an outline of the scientific disciplines necessary to apprehend the technologies of wood modification and its behavior during treatment, as well as during its use.

Wood Pallet Workshop: 20 DIY Projects that Turn Forgotten Wood into Stylish Home Furnishings

by Danny Darke

Wooden shipping pallets have found an unlikely second life: beautiful, handcrafted home décor without the designer price. The DIY market has long been drawn to refurbishing furniture and interior design on a budget, but easily accessible wood pallets have opened up all-new and inspiring ways to personalize a home in an eco-friendly, low-cost way.Until recently, upcycling required crafters to hunt for goods and furniture at yard sales and online, and many refurbishing books could only offer tips for specific pieces. With wooden pallets, the scope of the project is boundless, and warehouses and stores are happy to give them away for free. What was once a scavenger hunt and test of skill for experienced DIYers can now be an easy weekend project for even the newest of crafters.Wood Pallet Workshop will be a book of inspiration as well as a hardworking instructional guide for an array of projects. With 20 easy-to-follow designs ranging from coffee tables and wine racks to decorative wall art and step-by-step photos, this book will be a go-to instructional guide for DIYers looking for simple and creative ways to decorate their homes.

Wood Pellet Heating Systems: The Earthscan Expert Handbook on Planning, Design and Installation (Earthscan Expert Ser.)

by Dilwyn Jenkins

Wood Pellet Heating Systems is a comprehensive handbook covering all aspects of wood pellet heating technology. The use of wood pellets as an alternative heating fuel is already well established in several countries and is becoming widespread as fossil fuel prices continue to rise and awareness of climate change grows. Wood pellets are a carbon-neutral technology, convenient to use, and can easily be integrated into existing central heating systems or used in independent space heaters. This fully-illustrated and easy-to-follow guide shows how wood-pellet heating works, the different types of systems – from small living room stove systems to larger central heating systems for institutions – how they are installed, and even how wood pellets are manufactured. Featuring examples from around the world, it has been written for heating engineers and plumbers who are interested in installing systems, home owners and building managers who are considering purchasing a system, advanced DIYers, building engineers and architects, but will be of interest to anyone who requires a clear guide to wood pellet technology.

Wood Polymer Composites: Recent Advancements and Applications (Composites Science and Technology)

by Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai Mohit Hemanth Kumar Suchart Siengchin

This book comprehensively covers the different topics of wood polymer composite materials mainly synthesis methods for the composite materials, various characterization techniques to study the superior properties and insights on potential advanced applications. It also discusses the chemistry, fabrication process, properties, applications, recycling and life cycle assessment of wood polymer composites. This is a useful reference source for both engineers and researchers working in composite materials science as well as the students attending materials science, physics, chemistry and engineering courses.

Wood Polymer Nanocomposites

by Md Rezaur Rahman

This book shows how chemical modifications influence some properties of wood nanocomposites. It describes suitable and effective chemical modifications that strengthen the physico-mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of wood. The authors provide intuitive explanation of the various types of chemical modifications applied to polymer cell walls in wood. They emphasize the reaction changes in wood cell walls due to the chemical modifications. Increased mechanical strength, improved thermal stability as well as the efficient retardancy against fungi attack are described. This book concludes summarizing the potential applications of wood-based nanocomposites taking into account sustainability and economic aspects.

The Woodchip Handbook: A Complete Guide for Farmers, Gardeners and Landscapers

by Ben Raskin

The first and only complete guide to sourcing and using woodchip—an abundant, inexpensive, and ecologically sustainable material—for savvy growers and landscapers at any scale, from farm to garden to greenhouse. The Woodchip Handbook is the essential guide to the many uses of woodchip both in regenerative agriculture and horticulture. Author Ben Raskin, Head of Horticulture and Agroforestry at the Soil Association, draws on his extensive practical experience using woodchip, provides the latest research from around the world, and presents inspiring case studies from innovative farmers. The book explores and unlocks the tremendous potential of woodchip to enhance soil health and plant growth: As a natural mulch for weed suppression, temperature buffering, and water conservation As a growing medium for propagating plants As a decomposing source of warmth for hotbeds in the greenhouse or hoop house As a carbon-rich compost ingredient that supports beneficial fungi and microorganisms As a powerful soil health booster, when applied as small-sized ramial chipped wood As an ideal substrate for growing many kinds of edible or medicinal mushrooms As a sustainable, versatile, and durable material for foot paths and ornamental landscaping Some of these techniques, like mulching—or the renewable harvest potential from coppicing and pollarding trees—have been around forever. Yet there is always new science to be discovered, such as the role that salicylic acid from willow woodchip can play in preventing tree diseases or promoting livestock health when used as a bedding material. Whether you are a commercial grower or farmer, a permaculture practitioner, or a serious home gardener producing your own fruit and vegetables, The Woodchip Handbook will show you how to get the most out of this readily available and renewable material.

Woodchucks (Nature's Children)

by Laima Dingwall

Which North American animal has a holiday named after him? Do woodchucks really sleep through the winter? What do groundhogs eat? Read all about the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of woodchucks.

Woodcraft: A Guide to Camping and Survival

by E H. Kreps

If you have ever wished you could escape to your own Walden Pond, consider creating a unique wilderness haven with the instructions found in this book! While woodcraft usually brings furniture to mind, this book is a guide to the craft of extended camping and travel in the woods. First published in 1919, this wilderness book, complete with illustrations, teaches you how to construct a simple log cabin, live off the land, build different types of fires, make snowshoes, and use outdoor tools. With all the modern conveniences of camping today, these forgotten skills are invaluable for those longing to return to a simpler, more self-sufficient time.Written by an expert woodsman, the easy to follow sections make this suitable for both young and old adventurers. Exploring the unknown is often daunting, but with the lessons found in this book, even the most novice of backpackers will know how to use a compass so they won't get lost, the types of camp foods they should bring to sustain their energy, and how to make shelter to stay safe from the elements. With the basics taken care of, go forth into the woods and trek the pathless forest--just don't forget to bring this timeless guide with you!


by Nessmuk

Legendary canoeing guide, conservationist in the 1800s, and one of the first proponents of the hyper popular "ultra-light” camping style, George Washington "Nessmuk” Sears was a true American mountain man. Using a 9-foot-long, 10 and a half pound canoe he successfully completed a 266-mile journey through the central Adirondacks. His classic treatise on American camping, Woodcraft , is definitive proof that he was the most capable and intelligent woodsman of his time.First published in 1884, and continuously in print ever since then, this is the ultimate book for hikers, campers, fishers, canoers, and anyone else who feels the call of the wild. With information on what to bring, how to build fires, how to fish with and without flies, and how to cook, this book is still totally relevant in our modern society. For anyone with even a passing interest in getting closer to nature this is required reading. The forerunner of the ultra-light camping movement and the precursor to all other books on camping and traveling through the wilderness, Woodcraft belongs on the bookshelf of every aspiring mountain person.Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for fishermen. Our books for anglers include titles that focus on fly fishing, bait fishing, fly-casting, spin casting, deep sea fishing, and surf fishing. Our books offer both practical advice on tackle, techniques, knots, and more, as well as lyrical prose on fishing for bass, trout, salmon, crappie, baitfish, catfish, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.


by George W. Sears

Legendary canoeing guide, conservationist in the 1800s, and one of the first proponents of the popular "ultralight" camping style, George Washington Sears (who used the pen name "Nessmuk") was a true American mountain man. Using a 9 foot long, 10 ½ pound canoe, he successfully completed a 266 mile journey through the central Adirondacks. His classic treatise on American camping, Woodcraft, is definitive proof that he was the most capable and intelligent woodsman of his time.First published in 1900, and continuously in print ever since then, this is the ultimate book for hikers, campers, fishers, canoers, and anyone else who feels the call of the wild. With information on what to bring, how to build fires, how to fish with and without flies, and how to cook, this book remains relevant in our modern society. For anyone with even a passing interest in getting closer to nature, this is required reading. The forerunner of the ultralight camping movement and the precursor to all other books on camping and traveling through the wilderness, Woodcraft belongs on the bookshelf of every aspiring mountain person.

Woodcraft and Camping

by George Nessmuk

One of America's most famous woodsmen and nature experts provides classic instructions for roughing it. His advice covers camping, hiking, building a fire, cooking out, shelters, tools and equipment, hunting and fishing, canoeing, and more. "Useful, specific information and suggestions on all aspects of woodcraft." — Moor and Mountain.

Woodcraft and Indian Lore: A Classic Guide From A Founding Father Of The Boy Scouts Of America (Native American)

by Ernest Seton

Naturalist and artist Ernest Thompson Seton was a founding pioneer of the Boy Scouts of America who introduced many elements of Native American lore to scouting rituals. In this comprehensive collection of his most interesting stories, crafts, games, and other activities related to outdoor life, Seton offers a respectful and informative tribute to Native American culture. More than 500 of his drawings illustrate this practical guide for campers of all ages. In addition to briefly outlining the principles of scouting, Seton discusses Indian customs and laws as well as songs, dances, and ceremonies. He suggests both indoor and outdoor activities and provides a wealth of information on Indian sign language and games, campfire tales, forestry, and many other captivating facts and fancies.

Woodcraft and Indian Lore: A Classic Guide from a Founding Father of the Boy Scouts of America (Native American Ser.)

by Ernest Thompson Seton

At the turn of the twentieth century, an age of booming technology and a rapid reduction of the outdoors, wildlife enthusiast Ernest Thompson Seton called for a renewed interest in outdoor living. If the nation was in need of a dose of nature then, we could certainly benefit from Seton's expert guidance today. With this book, you'll learn to: Build a campfire, dam, or birch basket Recognize animal tracks, constellations, and all manner of forestry Spot the differences between poisonous plants and edible berries Remedy everything from common cuts and wounds to life-threatening snakebites And much more!Combining scientific knowledge with Native American wisdom and practices, this guide is essential for Boy Scouts, their pack leaders, and any guides leading outdoor treks. It's also a great read for any outdoors lover who is looking for a fuller experience of nature.Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for hunters and firearms enthusiasts. We publish books about shotguns, rifles, handguns, target shooting, gun collecting, self-defense, archery, ammunition, knives, gunsmithing, gun repair, and wilderness survival. We publish books on deer hunting, big game hunting, small game hunting, wing shooting, turkey hunting, deer stands, duck blinds, bowhunting, wing shooting, hunting dogs, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Woodcraft and Indian Lore

by Ernest Thompson Seton

"I should like to lead this whole nation into the way of living outdoors," wrote Ernest Seton over seventy-five years ago. If the nation was in need of a dose of nature then, we can certainly benefit even more from Seton's sage advice now. Learn how to build a campfire, a dam, or a birch bark basket; to recognize animal tracks, constellations, and all manner of forestry; to stop a nose-bleed, ease poison ivy, or soothe a sore throat with natural remedies; to make delicious biscuits on the trail and spot edible mushrooms; and more. This book is essential for Boy Scouts and their leaders, and great fun for anyone desiring a fuller experience of outdoors life.

Wooden Façades and Fire Safety: Effects of Joint Type on Ignition Behaviour (SpringerBriefs in Fire)

by Linda Makovicka Osvaldova

This book presents the results of an experiment assessing the impact of spruce wood joints on the creation and development of fire when these joints are applied within a façade. The book includes an extensive analysis of wooden cladding, which is a flammable material in which the elements are connected lengthwise using various types of joint. The parameters of the experiment, as well as the setting, material criteria and evaluation criteria are described in detail. The results confirm that the joint type used has an impact on the selected evaluation criteria and thus also on the potential spread of fire.

Woodland and Forest: Explore Nature with Fun Facts and Activities (Nature Explorers)

by DK

How do forests form? What kind of animals live in forests? Packed with facts and activities, this book has these answers and more, and is a perfect introduction to the world of trees, leaves, and woodland animals for kids who are curious about nature.With amazing facts about fun topics like bark and buds, Woodland and Forest lets kids have fun and be innovative as they learn through simple activities like paper making and leave identification. It includes information on cold coniferous forests, dry deciduous woodland, and tropical rain forests, so kids can search the greenery wherever they are.With its natural look and feel and its practical approach to learning, Woodland and Forest is sure to encourage budding little explorers.Series Overview: DK's revised Nature Explorers series is a fantastic first set of books on the great outdoors for children ages 6 to 8. From birds to weather to the seashore and more, the key topics of each subject are explained with plenty of fun activities to do along the way, encouraging kids to investigate and record everything they see. Fully updated with a contemporary design, DK's Nature Explorer series is perfect for kids who are curious about the world outside and want to discover nature.

Woodland Development

by George F. Peterken Edward P. Mountford

In 1944 Lady Park Wood (45 hectares of woodland in Gloucestershire and Monmouthshire, UK) was set aside indefinitely by the Forestry Commission so that ecologists could study how woodland develops naturally. Since then, in a unique long-term study, individual trees and shrubs have been recorded at intervals, accumulating a detailed record of more than 20,000 individual beech, sessile oak, ash, wych elm, small-leaved lime, large-leaved lime, birch, hazel, yew and other species. In the seven decades since the study started, the wood has changed; trees grew, died and regenerated, and drought, disease and other events shaped its destiny. Each tree and shrub species reacted in its own way to changes in the wood as a whole and to changes in the fortunes of its neighbours. Meanwhile, the wild fauna, flora and fungi also responded, leaving the wood richer in some groups but poorer in others. In this landmark book, beautifully illustrated throughout, George Peterken and Edward Mountford, summarise the ongoing results of the Lady Park Wood study, highlighting its unique place in nature conservation and its significance to ecology in general. It also builds on experience at Lady Park Wood and elsewhere to discuss in particular: the role and maintenance of long-term ecological studies; the concept and form of natural woodland; the role of minimum-intervention policies in woodland nature conservation; near-to-nature forestry; and the desirability and practicalities of re-wilding woodlands.

Woodland Dreams

by Karen Jameson

In Woodland Dreams, young readers say goodnight to beloved woodland animals as they prepare to sleep.This sweet bedtime book is at once a picture book and a lullaby, pairing familiar bedtime routines with nonfiction elements.Little ones will follow along as each animal returns to their warm and cozy woodland home.• Each adorable animal has their own special nighttime routine.• Charming illustrations by celebrated artist Marc Boutavant• Each animal is presented in an approachable, sleep-affirming way.And once every creature is tucked in tight, shhh . . . It's time for everyone to say goodnight.From the fox curling up in her den to the turtle dozing off in his shell, Woodland Dreams will send your little one off to sleep with a gentle and loving goodnight.• The lyrical text is perfect for bedtime read-alouds, engaging little readers with beautiful illustrations and a cozy rhyming narrative.• Ideal for children ages 3 to 5 years old• Perfect for parents, grandparents, and caregivers• You'll love this book if you love books like Time for Bed by Mem Fox, The Goodnight Train by June Sobel, and If Animals Kissed Good Night by Ann Whitford Paul.

Woodlot Management: Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-70 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser.)

by Jay Heinrich

Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.

Woodpeckers (Nature's Children)

by Tim Harris

How many kinds of woodpeckers are there? What do woodpeckers eat? Why don't woodpeckers get headaches? Find the answers to these questions, and learn much more about the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and lives of woodpeckers.


by Anne Labastille

A charming memoir in which the author tells about building her own log cabin, surviving harsh winters, living affably with nature, and thoroughly enjoying and beautifully describing this part of her life.

Woodswoman II: Beyond Black Bear Lake

by Anne LaBastille

Anne LaBastille found peace and solitude in the log cabin she built for herself at Black Bear Lake. But as the years passed, the outside world intruded in various ways: curious fans, after reading her best-selling book Woodswoman, tracked her down; land developers arrived; there was air and noise pollution and the damages of acid rain. Woodswoman II is the story of the author's decision to retreat farther, a half-mile behind her main cabin, and build a tiny cabin―fashioned after the one in Thoreau's Walden―in which she could write and contemplate. In this book (originally published under the title Beyond Black Bear Lake) she writes movingly of her life with two German shepherds as companions, of a sustaining relationship with a man as independent as herself, and her renewed bond with nature.

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