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Showing 4,376 through 4,400 of 24,900 results

Community Seed Banks: Origins, Evolution and Prospects (Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity)

by Ronnie Vernooy Pitambar Shrestha Bhuwon Sthapit

Community seed banks first appeared towards the end of the 1980s, established with the support of international and national non-governmental organizations. This book is the first to provide a global review of their development and includes a wide range of case studies. Countries that pioneered various types of community seed banks include Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Nepal, Nicaragua, the Philippines and Zimbabwe. In the North, a particular type of community seed bank emerged known as a seed-savers network. Such networks were first established in Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA before spreading to other countries. Over time, the number and diversity of seed banks has grown. In Nepal, for example, there are now more than 100 self-described community seed banks whose functions range from pure conservation to commercial seed production. In Brazil, community seed banks operate in various regions of the country. Surprisingly, despite 25 years of history and the rapid growth in number, organizational diversity and geographical coverage of community seed banks, recognition of their roles and contributions has remained scanty. The book reviews their history, evolution, experiences, successes and failures (and reasons why), challenges and prospects. It fills a significant gap in the literature on agricultural biodiversity and conservation, and their contribution to food sovereignty and security.

Community, State, and Market on the North Atlantic Rim: Challenges to Modernity in the Fisheries

by Bonnie Mccay Gene Barrett Knut Mikalsen Leigh Mazany Petter Holm Richard Apostle Svein Jentoft

This is a study of Northern Norway and Atlantic Canada, two regions experiencing a severe crisis due to overexploitation of fisheries resources. The work of a group of researchers from Canada, Norway, and the United States, it examines the implications of common market integration, privatized resource management, and small business development policies for fishery-dependent communities in terms of long-term sustainability and participatory democracy. The book is broken into three sections: an examination of the economic and institutional history of the fisheries in Norway and Atlantic Canada, a study of the regulatory regimes used in the fisheries of these two regions, and an analysis of reactions in three communities, two in Canada and one in Norway, to the decline and collapse of fish stocks. Comparative, multidisciplinary, and multinational in approach, it is a major contribution to the literature on fishing regulations, the role of the state, and resource development in the North Atlantic.

Community Vision and Leadership in Practice: A Sustainable Approach (Social-Environmental Sustainability)

by Chris Maser Holly V. Campbell

This book is about building and maintaining involved, sustainable, and inclusive communities from the ground up during a period of unprecedented growth and global change. It explains the concepts and principles of community and sustainability and provides students with a framework of sustainable community planning to put into practice. It is also designed to help communities everywhere identify and reconnect the true essence of their ecological setting with the objective of raising their quality of life by increasing social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Features: Provides up-to-date frameworks for sustainable community planning processes and case studies on community planning Explains tools for sustainable planning in accessible (non-specialist) language Illustrates a roadmap to an inclusive, collaborative future Explains aspects of sustainable community planning to maximize ecological ecosystem services and climate co-benefits simultaneously Includes discussion questions and suggestions following each chapter Intended for undergraduate and graduate students taking leadership and community courses with an emphasis on sustainable practices and ethics, as well as for citizens and professionals involved in community projects related to sustainability, the authors provide a forward-thinking approach, showing readers that they are capable of making a positive impact on the future of community development through sustainable approaches and ethical leadership practices.

Cómo cuidar de la carpa Koi (Cómo hacer... #1)

by Owen Jones

¡Hola! Gracias por comprar este libro electrónico llamado 'Cómo cuidar de la Carpa Koi'. Espero que la información le resulte útil y provechosa. El contenido de este libro electrónico sobre estanques de jardín Koi y otros temas relacionados está agrupado en dieciocho capítulos, que le ayudarán a elegir un sitio para su estanque de carpas Koi, cómo montarlo y mantenerlo durante todo el año. También aprenderá a cuidar de sus valiosos peces durante las diferentes estaciones del año e incluso en condiciones adversas. Le puede ayudar a iniciar una nueva profesión o como mínimo le ayudará a ahorrar cien veces más en asesoramiento profesional. Como incentivo adicional, le doy permiso para usar el contenido en su propio sitio web o en sus blogs y sus boletines, aunque es mejor si lo vuelve a escribir con sus propias palabras primero. También puede dividir el libro y revender los artículos. De hecho, el único derecho del que no puede disfrutar es el de revender o regalar el libro tal como se le entregó. Si tiene algún comentario, por favor, envíelo a la compañía donde compró este libro o envíelo a Puede encontrar más libros como este donde lo compró. Gracias de nuevo por comprar este libro electrónico, Atentamente, Owen Jones.

Cómo estamos acabando con el planeta (How We're F***ing Up Our Planet): Guía gráfica del cambio climático

by Tony Juniper

Diez millones de personas cada año se ven afectadas por inundaciones costeras y la contaminación por plásticos es una amenaza constante para la vida marina. La pandemia, el cambio climático, la superpoblación, el consumismo, la polución...¿tienen solución? Cómo estamos acabando con el planeta resuelve todas tus dudas sobre los retos y dificultades a los que se enfrenta el mundo en el que vivimos. - Imágenes, gráficos y datos claros para una mejor comprensión de aspectos como la polución, el calentamiento global, la deforestación o los patrones climáticos - Mensajes positivos e ideas para hacer de nuestro planeta un lugar mejor donde vivir - Cifras y comparativas por años de la población, del aumento de las energías renovables, de personas desplazadas... - Basado en las últimas investigaciones científicasEsta guía explicativa te invita a aprenderlo todo sobre los temas ambientales más actuales y a reflexionar cómo los problemas mundiales impactan nuestras vidas.

Cómo evitar un desastre climático: Las soluciones que ya tenemos y los avances que aún necesitamos

by Bill Gates

En este libro tan necesario y riguroso, Bill Gates expone un plan amplio, funcional y, sobre todo, asequible, para reducir a cero las emisiones de los gases causantes del efecto invernadero y evitar a tiempo una catástrofe medioambiental. Bill Gates ha dedicado una década a investigar el cambio climático. Con la orientación de expertos en física, química, biología, ingeniería, ciencias políticas y finanzas, se ha centrado en determinar qué medidas debemos tomar para detener la carrera del planeta hacia un desastre ambiental irreversible. En este libro, el autor no solo reúne la información básica para que tomemos conciencia de la necesidad de eliminar las emisiones de los gases causantes del efecto invernadero, sino que también explica qué debemos hacer para alcanzar este objetivo tan importante. Gates nos ofrece una descripción lúcida de los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos. Aprovechando sus conocimientos en innovación y en lo que supone introducir nuevos conceptos en el mercado, nos detalla cuáles son los campos en los que la tecnología ya está ayudando a reducir las emisiones, cómo y cuándo se logrará que la tecnología actual sea más eficaz, dónde necesitamos dichos avances y quiénes están trabajando en estas mejoras tan necesarias. Por último, traza un plan práctico y específico para llegar a las cero emisiones, tanto con políticas gubernamentales como a título personal, implicando así a gobiernos, a empresas y a nosotros mismos en esta crucial misión. Como advierte Bill Gates, cumplir el objetivo de las cero emisiones no será una tarea sencilla, pero sí está a nuestro alcance si seguimos sus pautas.

Cómo evitar un desastre climático

by Bill Gates

En este libro urgente y necesario Bill Gates propone un plan amplio, práctico y comprensible para conseguir que el mundo llegue a cero emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero para así evitar una catástrofe climática. Bill Gates ha pasado una década investigando las causas y efectos del cambio climático. Con la ayuda de expertos en los campos de la física, la química, la biología, la ingeniería, las ciencias políticas y las finanzas, se ha centrado en investigar exactamente qué se debe hacer para detener la deriva del planeta hacia un desastre ambiental. En este libro, además de explicar por qué debemos esforzarnos en lograr emisiones netas cero de gases de efecto invernadero, también detalla lo que debemos hacer para lograr este objetivo tan importante. Gates nos presenta una descripción clara de los desafíos que enfrentamos. A partir de su conocimiento sobre innovación y lo que se requiere para introducir nuevas ideas en el mercado, describe las áreas en las que la tecnología ya está ayudando a reducir las emisiones, dónde y cómo la tecnología actual puede funcionar de manera más eficaz, dónde es necesario desarrollar tecnologías de punta, y quién está trabajando en estas innovaciones esenciales. Finalmente, presenta un plan concreto y práctico para lograr el objetivo de cero emisiones, sugiriendo no solo las políticas que los gobiernos deberían adoptar, sino lo que nosotros, como individuos, podemos hacer para que nuestro gobierno, nuestros empleadores y nosotros mismos nos responsabilicemos esta crucial iniciativa. Como deja claro Bill Gates, llegar a cero emisiones no será sencillo ni fácil, pero si seguimos el plan que aquí propone, es una meta que se encuentra decididamente a nuestro alcance. Para detener el calentamiento global y evitar los peores efectos del cambio climático, los humanos deben dejar de agregar gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. Si nada cambia, el mundo seguirá produciendo gases de efecto invernadero, el cambio climático seguirá empeorando y el impacto en los seres humanos con toda probabilidad será catastrófico. Pero las cosas pueden cambiar. Este libro trata sobre lo que se necesitará para lograrlo y por qué estoy convencido de que podemos hacerlo. -- Bill Gates

Cómo funciona el mundo: Una guía científica de nuestro pasado, presente y futuro

by Vaclav Smil

Unsinceroy revelador análisis de las posibilidades energéticas de nuestro futuro.«Sitepreocupael futuro y te enfurece que no se esté haciendo suficiente al respecto, por favor, lee este libro».Paul CollierVaclav Smil lleva cincuenta años estudiando las posibilidades que tenemos a nuestro alcance para garantizar el futuro energético de nuestro planeta. Debido a la complejidad de las interacciones que mueven el mundo, la atomización del conocimiento y la volatilidadde la información es muy difícil anticipar con exactitud qué ocurrirá. Por eso es necesario ceñirse a los datos y a los límites quenos ofrece la ciencia,así como poner la atención en los escenarios más cercanos y menos idealistas para encarar los retos actuales de manera eficaz.Así pues, este libro aborda temas tan importantes como la improbable y difícil tarea de descarbonizar el planeta, en parte por la estrecharelación entre la producción de alimentos y los combustibles fósiles, pero también destapa realidades incómodas, como ladependenciade las economías modernas respecto de la alta producción de amoníaco, metal, cemento y plástico. Además, examina de qué formael calentamiento global puede afectar a nuestras necesidades básicas para sobreviviry anima a reevaluar los riesgos que hemos subestimado o exagerado a lo largo de los años para aprender a vivir más y mejor.Cómo funciona el mundo es literalmente un libro sobre cómo funciona el mundo. Por su estructura y clarividencia, sirve como unaguía interdisciplinaria que evita a toda costa dar eco a las posturas extremas y propone una respuesta objetiva, científica yrazonadaa todos los titulares que nos generan ansiedad: la crisis climática, la crisis energética, la crisis de materias primas, laglobalizacióny el futuro de nuestra civilización. El resultado es un poderoso ensayo que combina los más recientes descubrimientoscientíficos y el trabajo de quien ha investigado a lo largo de medio siglo los retos energéticos a los que nos enfrentamos. La crítica ha dicho:«Puedes estar o no de acuerdo con Smil; aceptar o desconfiar de su “solo los hechos”; pero no deberías ignorarlo».The Washington Post«Una guía en nuestra lucha contra el cambio climático que combina un análisis brutal y realista del presente y la confianza en la capacidad de los seres humanos para cambiar el futuro. Muy instructivo y revelador en muchos sentidos».Ha-Joon Chang, autor de 23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo«Cómofuncionael mundo cumple plenamente la promesa de su título. Es difícil formular un elogio mayor».Simon Ings, New Scientist«No soy ni pesimista ni optimista; soy un científico, escribe Smil en la introducción con la típica valentía Smiliana. De hecho, es más bien un numerista, un erudito con un don para triturar datos complejos con rigor y reducirlos a agradables bocados de información».Financial Times«Un maestro del análisis estadístico».The Guardian

¿Cómo sabes que es invierno? (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Read Aloud Module 5 #2)

by Ruth Owen Suzy Gazlay Kimberly Brenneman

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Como sapiens: Correr, comer, amar y descansar a la manera de los humanos

by Lucas Llach

El conflicto entre nuestros instintos y cuerpo de Homo sapiens y la vida que llevamos es cada vez mayor. ¿Qué humanidad estamos construyendo? Nuestra especie no era la única ni la más prometedora de las varias versiones de humanos en el planeta hace 200.000 años. Pero lo conquistó. Salió de su cuna en África y ocupó todos los continentes. Seleccionó y rediseñó al puñado de animales y vegetales de los que se alimenta. Se multiplicó una y mil veces. Hizo pueblos, ciudades, imperios, guerras, transportes, fábricas e ideas, muchas ideas. El Homo sapiens de hoy es el mismo animal, pero se mueve menos, come peor, trabaja más y tiene menos sexo que sus tatarabuelos africanos. Padece ese desfasaje a cambio de mortalidad baja y pobreza en descenso. Sigue triunfando en su primacía sobre el resto de las especies, pero lo pueden desafiar seriamente una pandemia o una crisis ecológica, o los cambios en su propio cuerpo a medida que la medicina apaga la selección natural y la ingeniería genética imagina humanos de diseño. A prudente distancia de la corrección política y con una dosis importante de humor, este ensayo -que es también crónica- repasa los hallazgos de los últimos años sobre la evolución humana e invita a pensar cómo queremos vivir de ahora en adelante. "Que una especie intente desactivar los mecanismos de la selección natural que operan sobre sí misma, y lo logre casi por completo, es inédito, y ya está redefiniendo al Homo sapiens [...] El ser humano se va convirtiendo gradualmente en Homo medicus, una especie mucho más diversa, formada por descendientes de Homo sapiens que van acumulando variaciones genéticas, útiles o no. Gracias a la medicina, los Homo medicus pueden sobrevivir a los errores de copia, y a su vez necesitan cada vez más de la medicina para que emparche lo que ya no limpia de manera más eficaz y mucho más cruel la selección natural. [...] Pero también es cierto que podemos tratar de moderar esos desequilibrios entre lo que somos y la vida que llevamos. Vivir como sapiens no es volver a ningún tiempo ni lugar específicos. Es tratar de ser conscientes de que somos Homo sapiens (casi iguales, biológicamente, a los de hace cien siglos) nacidos en una cultura para la que el Homo sapiens no está preparado".

¿Cómo se ayudan los seres vivos? (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level I #6)

by Alice Reardon

Las plantas, los animales y las personas se ayudan unos a otros. ¿Cómo ayudas tú? NIMAC-sourced textbook

¿Como te llamas?: Everyday Llamas You Might Know

by Kristin Llamas

Artist Kristin Llamas (her real name) has been drawing adorably odd portraits of llamas for years. Inspired by a name and her affection for these delightfully expressive animals, she creates detailed, personality-rich portraits in her realistic and humorous black-and-white style. The results are charming and funny, raising the question, which llama are you? Some mornings are Claire mornings. Allyn, we know just how you feel.... This smile of a gift book collects 60 of Llamas's most amusing and endearing portraits, pairing them with biographical quips and jewel-tone color washes to capture these llamas' quirky inner lives, and our own.

The Compact Book of Big Game Animals

by Ray Ovington

This book along with the companion books in the current series offers much non-technical information of interest to the layman plus very excellent illustrations of the principal examples of the species. It attempts to answer inquiry by the person looking out the window of his car, from his back porch, hunting blind or nature sanctuary. Hunters, naturalists, photographers and "animal watchers" can therefore find these books of great value. In some cases game animals such as the whitetail deer are considered a crop to be protected where and when needed, but by the same token, they must be harvested in order to keep their numbers to a balance in line with their available territory and food supply. Other of the animals seen seldom except by hunters and hikers fall under the protection of the government agencies with their state laws and regulations. Conservation groups and organizations have in large part been responsible for the establishment of sanctuaries, law enforcement and protection of the wild animals and birds, but also have helped to alert the population to the dangers to wildlife as civilization has advanced. The awareness of the wilds and its animals and birds has been made possible through education. Part of the education is accomplished by the aid of books such as these. Once a person reads about the wilds, a contact, no matter how remote, has been made which will eventually be strengthened through further study and meeting with the creatures of the wild country.

Companies and Climate Change: Theory and Law in the United Kingdom (Cambridge Studies on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance)

by Lisa Benjamin

Companies lie at the heart of the climate crisis and are both culpable for, and vulnerable to, its impacts. Rising social and investor concern about the escalating risks of climate change are changing public and investor expectations of businesses and, as a result, corporate approaches to climate change. Dominant corporate norms that put shareholders (and their wealth maximization) at the heart of company law are viewed by many as outdated and in need of reform. Companies and Climate Change analyzes these developments by assessing the regulation and pressures that impact energy companies in the UK, with lessons that apply worldwide. In this work, Lisa Benjamin shows how the Paris Agreement, climate and energy law in the EU and the UK, and transnational human rights and climate litigation, are regulatory and normative developments that illustrate how company law can and should act as a bridge to progressive corporate climate action.

A Companion of Feminisms for Digital Design and Spherology

by Amanda Windle

<p>This book questions if spherology is a philosophy for designers, giving guidance on ways to read Spheres, how to approach the trilogy’s indexicality, and apply the key tropes and ethics of atmospheres to digital design. Each chapter includes a design-in, that is a practical entry point into the many tropes of Spheres including― bubbles, globes and foam. The book also applies spherology to an atmosphere design issue involving endangered species and geospatial threats to the environment. <p>Spherology refers to the Spheres trilogy by the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, which traces spherical ideas, theories, sensations and feelings related to the philosophical concept of ‘being’ and the human-centered position of ‘being-in’. It is the first cynical, feminist companion of spherology to take a practice-led approach and to cover all three controversial volumes to with and against Spheres. Windle draws on feminist science and technology studies (STS) through parody within reading, writing and design practices. Design provides navigation so that academics and students can engage with spherology through an embodied concern with digital materiality. <p>As a feminist companion for today’s design issues, the book is an essential read for feminist STS scholars, design practitioners and digital R&D specialists working both in industry and academia, including more specifically data visualisers, interface and interaction designers.</p>

Companion to Environmental Studies

by Mike Hulme Noel Castree James D. Proctor

Companion to Environmental Studies presents a comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the key issues, debates, concepts, approaches and questions that together define environmental studies today. The intellectually wide-ranging volume covers approaches in environmental science all the way through to humanistic and post-natural perspectives on the biophysical world. Though many academic disciplines have incorporated studying the environment as part of their curriculum, only in recent years has it become central to the social sciences and humanities rather than mainly the geosciences. ‘The environment’ is now a keyword in everything from fisheries science to international relations to philosophical ethics to cultural studies. The Companion brings these subject areas, and their distinctive perspectives and contributions, together in one accessible volume. Over 150 short chapters written by leading international experts provide concise, authoritative and easy-to-use summaries of all the major and emerging topics dominating the field, while the seven part introductions situate and provide context for section entries. A gateway to deeper understanding is provided via further reading and links to online resources. Companion to Environmental Studies offers an essential one-stop reference to university students, academics, policy makers and others keenly interested in ‘the environmental question’, the answer to which will define the coming century.

Companions in Conflict: Animals in Occupied Palestine

by Penny Johnson

An award-winning author explores the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a surprising lens: the animals trying to survive in occupied hotspotsIn August of 2016, Israeli police officers arrested a Palestinian donkey in the Jordan Valley. The charge? Not having the correct paperwork.It's an image as sad (and strangely common) as it is symbolic: No creature great or small is free from the absurdities of the Occupied Territories. Companions in Conflict is a surprising investigation into the deeply intertwined lives of the region's human and animal populations: From camel beauty contests, to a herd of "illegal" Palestinian cows hunted down by Israeli soldiers; from a hyena in a wolf pack that becomes a symbol of Middle East peace, to the tragic story of the now-taxidermied inhabitants of the West Bank's only zoo--who were frightened to death by Israeli explosive devices. Drawing on three decades of living in the region, Penny Johnson's insightful writing reveals what these and many other animals' fates tell us about the current state of Israel and Palestine. What's more, looking forward, she introduces a new generation of environmental activists to us, who represent the region's best hope for conservation, collaboration, and justice for all creatures.

The Company of Trees: A Year in a Lifetime's Quest

by Thomas Pakenham

Thomas Pakenham, indefatigable champion of trees, narrates a story of exploration and discovery, and of life-cycles that are longer than our own. Lavishly illustrated, The Company of Trees recounts his personal quest to establish a large arboretum at Tullynally, his forays to other tree-filled parks and plantations, his often hazardous seed-hunting expeditions, and his efforts to preserve magnificent old trees and historic woodlands. The book is structured in the form of a travel diary. Almost every chapter shelters stories about the life of his large trees. He takes us on a tour of Tullynally's demesne and its trees, evaluating the condition of the oaks, alders, ash and limes that were among the first plantings. He travels to the Tibetan border in search of a magnolia (magnolias are Pakenham's particular passion), to Eastern Patagonia to see the last remaining giants of the Monkey Puzzle tree, while the first of the Chinese-inspired gardens at Tullynally was planted entirely with seeds from south-west China. An expedition to Tibet's Tsango Gorge goes awry only to lead to a fruitful exploration of the Rongchu Valley, which yields more than 100 bags of seeds, including the Tibetan golden oak, the Tsango cypress and blue-stemmed maples. All of the collected trees and plants are thriving at Tullynally. Whether writing about the terrible storms breaking the backs of majestic trees which have stood sentinel for hundreds of years, or a fire in the 50-acre peat bog on Tullynally which threatens to spread to 'the main commercial spruce-woods to the west of the peat bog'; his fear of climate change and disease, or the sturdy young sapling giving him hope for the future, the book is never less than enthralling. Pakenham is a passionate writer, educator and entertainer, and brings both wit and wisdom to a subject of universal appeal.

The Company of Trees: A Year in a Lifetime's Quest

by Thomas Pakenham

'The master. Puts all other modern tree-writers in the shade' John Lewis-Stempel, author of MeadowlandThomas Pakenham is an indefatigable champion of trees. In The Company of Trees he recounts his personal quest to establish a large arboretum on the family estate, Tullynally in Ireland; his forays to other tree-filled parks and plantations; his often hazardous seed-hunting expeditions; and his efforts to preserve magnificent old trees and historic woodlands.Whether writing about the terrible storms breaking the backs of hundred-year-old trees or a fire in the peat bog on Tullynally which threatens to spread to the main commercial spruce-woods, his fear of climate change and disease, or the sturdy young saplings giving him hope for the future, his book is never less than enthralling.

The Company of Wolves

by Peter Steinhart

As wolves return to their old territory in Yellowstone National Park, their presence is reawakening passions as ancient as their tangled relations with human beings. This authoritative and eloquent book coaxes the wolf out from its camouflage of myth and reveals the depth of its kinship with humanity, which shares this animal's complex complex social organization, intense family ties, and predatory streak.

Comparative Environmental Politics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects (American and Comparative Environmental Policy)

by Stacy D. VanDeveer edited by Paul F. Steinberg

Combining the theoretical tools of comparative politics with the substantive concerns of environmental policy, experts explore responses to environmental problems across nations and political systemsHow do different societies respond politically to environmental problems around the globe? Answering this question requires systematic, cross-national comparisons of political institutions, regulatory styles, and state-society relations. The field of comparative environmental politics approaches this task by bringing the theoretical tools of comparative politics to bear on the substantive concerns of environmental policy. This book outlines a comparative environmental politics framework and applies it to concrete, real-world problems of politics and environmental management.After a comprehensive review of the literature exploring domestic environmental politics around the world, the book provides a sample of major currents within the field, showing how environmental politics intersects with such topics as the greening of the state, the rise of social movements and green parties, European Union expansion, corporate social responsibility, federalism, political instability, management of local commons, and policymaking under democratic and authoritarian regimes. It offers fresh insights into environmental problems ranging from climate change to water scarcity and the disappearance of tropical forests, and it examines actions by state and nonstate actors at levels from the local to the continental. The book will help scholars and policymakers make sense of how environmental issues and politics are connected around the globe, and is ideal for use in upper-level undergraduateand graduate courses.

Comparative Environmental Politics

by Stacy D. Vandeveer Paul F. Steinberg

How do different societies respond politically to environmental problems around the globe? Answering this question requires systematic, cross-national comparisons of political institutions, regulatory styles, and state-society relations. The field of comparative environmental politics approaches this task by bringing the theoretical tools of comparative politics to bear on the substantive concerns of environmental policy. This book outlines a comparative environmental politics framework and applies it to concrete, real-world problems of politics and environmental management. After a comprehensive review of the literature exploring domestic environmental politics around the world, the book provides a sample of major currents within the field, showing how environmental politics intersects with such topics as the greening of the state, the rise of social movements and green parties, European Union expansion, corporate social responsibility, federalism, political instability, management of local commons, and policymaking under democratic and authoritarian regimes. It offers fresh insights into environmental problems ranging from climate change to water scarcity and the disappearance of tropical forests, and it examines actions by state and nonstate actors at levels from the local to the continental. The book will help scholars and policymakers make sense of how environmental issues and politics are connected around the globe, and is ideal for use in upper-level undergraduateand graduate courses.

Comparative Perspectives on Communal Lands and Individual Ownership: Sustainable Futures

by Lee Godden

Comparative Perspectives on Communal Lands and Individual Ownership: Sustainable Futures addresses property and land title as central mechanisms governing access to communally-held land and resources. The collection assesses the effectiveness of property law and tenure models developed around concepts of individual ownership, for achieving long-term environmental and economic sustainability for indigenous peoples and local communities. It explores the momentum for change in the international realm, and then develops a comparative focus across Australia, North America, Africa, Peru, New Zealand and the Pacific region, examining the historical and current impacts of individuation of title on the customary law and practice of indigenous peoples and local communities. Themes of property, privatisation and sustainable communities are developed in theoretical analyses and case studies from these jurisdictions. The case studies throw into sharp relief how questions of land law and resources management should not be separated from wider issues about the long-term viability of communities. Comparative analysis allows consideration of how western models of land tenure and land title might better accommodate the exercise of traditional practices of indigenous peoples and local communities, while still promoting autonomy, choice and economic development. This volume will be of interest to scholars and professionals working in the fields of property law, land reform, policy and planning, indigenous law and customary law, environmental sustainability, development and resource management.

Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Policies and Issues (Routledge Research in Environmental Policy and Politics)

by Robert Dibie

Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Policies and Issues presents tools and concepts about environmental policies in several developed and developing countries. It explores a broad survey of ecological modernization theory, ecological feminism theory, environmental justice theory, the concept of sustainability, and research on environmental policies. Data were collected through surveys, interviews, and focus groups, and are used to analyze social, economic, and environmental impact on people. The book specifically discusses how the earth’s basic life-supporting capital (soils, forests, species, fresh water and oceans) is degraded or depleted to provide for human needs, and how air pollution and acid precipitation, are causing widespread injury to humans, forests, and crops. Realistically, over-taxing of natural resources and ecological systems throughout the world has promoted economic growth and created increasing opportunities for people while also advancing social injustice. The use of the environment to accomplish social and economic transformation raises fundamental issues for the study of environmental policy and the natural ecological system. As human beings exploit the natural environment to meet present needs, they often will destroy resources needed for the future generations. Thus, environmental policies are enacted to ensure that social and economic impacts of the environment are compatible with the limits of natural systems. Offering an intuitive and crystal-clear explanation of the key concepts and principles of environmental policies and sustainable development, this volume is suitable not only for environmental science students, but also for instructors, practitioners, researchers, and academics.

Comparative Plant Succession among Terrestrial Biomes of the World (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)

by Karel Prach Lawrence R. Walker

Despite a century of study by ecologists, recovery following disturbances (succession) is not fully understood. This book provides the first global synthesis that compares plant succession in all major terrestrial biomes and after all major terrestrial disturbances. It asks critical questions such as: Does succession follow general patterns across biomes and disturbance types? Do factors that control succession differ from biome to biome? If common drivers exist, what are they? Are they abiotic or biotic, or both? The authors provide insights on broad, generalizable patterns that go beyond site-specific studies, and present discussions on factors such as varying temporal dynamics, latitudinal differences, human-caused vs. natural disturbances, and the role of invasive alien species. This book is a must-read for researchers and students in ecology, plant ecology, restoration ecology and conservation biology. It also provides a valuable framework to aid land managers attempting to manipulate successional recovery following increasingly intense and widespread human-made disturbances.

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