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Showing 526 through 550 of 24,850 results

Agricultural Subsidies in the WTO Green Box: Ensuring Coherence with Sustainable Development Goals

by Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz Christophe Bellmann Jonathan Hepburn

Do the World Trade Organization's rules on 'green box' farm subsidies allow both rich and poor countries to achieve important goals such as food security, or do they worsen poverty, distort trade and harm the environment? Current WTO requirements set no ceiling on the amount of green box subsidies that governments can provide, on the basis that these payments cause only minimal trade distortion. Governments are thus increasingly shifting their subsidy spending into this category, as they come under pressure to reduce subsidies that are more directly linked to production. However, growing evidence nonetheless suggests that green box payments can affect production and trade, harm farmers in developing countries and cause environmental damage. By bringing together new research and critical thinking, this book examines the relationship between green box subsidies and the achievement of sustainable development goals, and explores options for future reform.

Agriculture and Ecosystem Resilience in Sub Saharan Africa: Livelihood Pathways Under Changing Climate (Climate Change Management)

by Yazidhi Bamutaze Samuel Kyamanywa Bal Ram Singh Gorettie Nabanoga Rattan Lal

This volume discusses emerging contexts of agricultural and ecosystem resilience in Sub Saharan Africa, as well as contemporary technological advances that have influenced African livelihoods. In six sections, the book addresses the sustainable development goals to mitigate the negative impacts on agricultural productivity brought about by climate change in Africa. Some of the challenges assessed include soil degradation, land use changes, natural resource mismanagement, declining crop productivity, and economic stagnation. This book will be of interest to researchers, NGOs, and development organizations.Section 1 focuses on climate risk management in tropical Africa. Section 2 addresses the water-ecosystem-agriculture nexus, and identifies the best strategies for sustainable water use. Section 3 introduces Information Communication Technology (ICT), and how it can be used for ecosystem and human resilience to improve quality of life in communities. Section 4 discusses the science and policies of transformative agriculture, including challenges facing crop production and management. Section 5 addresses landscape processes, human security, and governance of agro-ecosystems. Section 6 concludes the book with chapters uniquely covering the gender dynamics of agricultural, ecosystem, and livelihood resilience.

Agriculture and EU Environmental Law

by Brian Jack

This book critically examines the development and current structure of European Union agri-environmental measures at a substantive level. Examining the measures in an integrated manner, showing how they interrelate linking different aspects of European Union agricultural law and policy, this volume examines the legislation adopted at European Union level as well as the impact of particular national measures to implement that legislation. Where appropriate, comparisons are drawn between the manner in which European Union legislation has been implemented among various Member States. Critically assessing European Union and national measures, in the light of other policy pressures such as the influence of world trade agreements and the political pressures exerted by the agricultural sector within the national legal systems of individual Member States, this volume is a valuable resource for academics researching and practitioners working in the areas of European Union environmental and agricultural law.

Agriculture and Public Goods: The Role of Collective Action

by Francesco Vanni

The debate on the future orientation of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is increasingly shaped by the role of agriculture in providing public goods, and there is a broad consensus that this approach will be particularly relevant in legitimating the policy intervention in agriculture in the future. In the context of this debate, it is not clear to what extent collective action could be taken into consideration as a valuable alternative to market or state regulation in contributing to the provision of public goods, and to what extent it is possible to design and implement agricultural policies that incorporate a collective and collaborative approach between different stakeholders in rural areas. Through an in depth analysis two case studies in Italy, the book provides insights to both the policy and the theoretical debate on the role of collective action for the public goods associated to agriculture. ​

Agriculture and the Development Process: A Study of Punjab (Routledge Library Editions: Agriculture #2)

by D. P. Chaudhri Ajit K. Dasgupta

First published in 1985. The need to increase agricultural output and to use increased output to generate sustained general economic development is a problem facing many Third World countries. This book explores in particular the agricultural growth of the Punjab in Northern India, a country which has long been a leader in the formulation of new development strategies. It shows how agricultural output is affected by, and affects, demographic changes, income distribution, state involvement and structural changes both in society and the economy. Agricultural growth in the Punjab is seen in an historical perspective. In addition, the different aspects of economic development are viewed in an integrated way so that much is learned about the contribution of agricultural growth to the development process. The conclusions drawn can be related to problems and trends worldwide.

Agriculture and the European Community (Routledge Library Editions: Agriculture #3)

by John S. Marsh Pamela J. Swanney

First published in 1980. From the earliest beginnings of the European Economic Community, it was recognised that a common market for agriculture would be one of the basic prerequisites for workable economic unity. And yet the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) remained a subject of much controversy and debate. The CAP, more than any other element of European policy, was seen to test the true depth of the commitment shown by Community members to the practice as well as the principle of economic integration. Agriculture and the European Community examines the reasons for the existence of the CAP and its format. It outlines the main instruments, price and structural policy, and the changing emphasis between them. It discusses in turn the effects of the CAP on producers’ income levels and on consumer prices; how far it had fulfilled the promises of the Treaty of Rome; the implications of the policy for third country trade; and its place within the Community as a whole. The study argues that, although incomes of Community farmers had improved, this is not simply the result of the CAP, nor was the geographical distribution of benefit in terms of farming income satisfactory. The policy has achieved a degree of success in securing food supplies and stabilising prices but the cost to the consumer has been high. Knowledge of the CAP had become almost essential to any understanding of modern European affairs. Agriculture and the European Community will serve as a straightforward introduction to the policy for students approaching the subject for the first time, especially in departments of Agricultural Economics, European Studies and Political Science.

Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets: Livelihoods and Agroecology in Comparative Perspective

by Stewart Lockie David Carpenter

Debate about how best to ensure the preservation of agricultural biodiversity is caught in a counter-productive polemic between proponents and critics of market-based instruments and agricultural modernisation. This book argues that neither position does justice to the range of strategies that farmers use to manage agrobiodiversity and other livelihood assets as they adapt to changing social, economic, and environmental circumstances. Chapters explore relationships between the exploitation and conservation of agricultural biodiversity and the livelihoods of agricultural communities, and evaluate the capacity of national and multilateral institutions and policy settings to support the protection and capture by communities of agrobiodiversity values. The place of ecosystem services in valuing biodiversity in the marketplace is emphasized. A number of authors assess the potential for market-based instruments and initiatives to encourage the protection of biodiversity, while others compare agrobiodiversity/community relationships, and the effectiveness of instruments designed to enhance these, across international boundaries. The book takes a comparative approach, drawing on empirical case studies from across the developed and developing worlds. In doing so, the book does not simply point to similarities and differences in the experience of rural communities. It also shows how global trade and multilateral institutions bring these otherwise disparate communities together in networks that exploit and/or preserve agrobiodiversity and other resources.

Agriculture, Environment and Development: International Perspectives on Water, Land and Politics

by Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris Bernardo Mançano Fernandes

The Second Edition of this book is completely revised and updated throughout providing an overview of current challenges faced within the area of Agri-food in relation to policymaking, ecological conservation and socio-environmental justice. Including a range of new chapters, the book explores some of the conceptual and analytical gaps that are presented by current approaches to this topic. The series of interconnected chapters offers a critical reinterpretation of the tensions associated with the failures of mainstream regulatory regimes, land and resource grabbing, and the impacts of global agri-food chains at local, regional and inter-sectoral scales. The book also examines past legacies and emerging challenges associated with agriculture modernisation, politico-spatial disputes, climate change, social movements, gender, ethnicity and education. It likewise addresses the transformative potential of different combinations of biophysical, socio-technical and socio-spatial practices of food sovereignty.

Agriculture: People and Policies (Routledge Library Editions: Agriculture #5)

by Graham Cox Philip Lowe Michael Winter

The structure and future of Britain’s agriculture sector are the central concerns of this volume, first published in 1986. It critically examines the mystique surrounding agriculture which has done much to underpin the special support the industry had enjoyed. The papers collected here address many of the key questions: What is distinctive about the social and economic organisation of agricultural production? What are the main factors which have influenced policy formation? And how are the policy makers likely to respond to widespread concern about the economic and environmental impact of those policies?

Agriculture, Resource Exploitation, and Environmental Change (An Expanding World: The European Impact on World History, 1450 to 1800 #17)

by Helen Wheatley

This volume examines the ecological consequences of European expansion as a result of land use and resource exploitation. These environmental transformations could be as dramatic as the last Ice Age, but scholars have only begun to take full measure of the changes. The articles presented here provide a map of some of the more promising directions of historical research. Major themes include biological exchange, agriculture, extraction of forest and animal resources, interactions between indigenous and European methods of exploitation, and European approaches to regulation and conservation. A useful corrective to the frontier image of Europeans conquering the wilderness, this volume provides a rich picture of the diversity of European interests and the sometimes unexpected consequences of their approaches to the land.

Agriculture, the Countryside and Land Use: An Economic Critique (Routledge Library Editions: Agriculture #4)

by J. K. Bowers Paul Cheshire

First published in 1983. How had the situation developed in which agriculture had become such a creature of state protection, where public money supported prosperous landowners while poor farmers received practically nothing? Where the value of agricultural support exceeded net farm income, and vastly exceeded the level of support available to British Steel or British Rail? In answering these questions John Bowers and Paul Cheshire examined the real value of agricultural support in successive policy phases since the Second World War, and analysed the effects this support had on income distribution. Their thesis was that agricultural change, including the transfer of land from traditional farmers to institutions and corporations, was not the product of impersonal progress, but the direct result of agricultural support policies, resting on specious economic arguments. The authors’ analysis of this subject has inescapable relevance for the policymaker, for the taxpayer and consumer of foodstuffs, for the urban user of the British countryside and indeed for farmers and the farming lobby. Agriculture, the Countryside and Land Use will be an important book for all these groups and also for students of agriculture, geography and economics.

Agrimonde - Scenarios and Challenges for Feeding the World in 2050: Scenarios And Challenges For Feeding The World In 2050

by Sandrine Paillard Sébastien Treyer Bruno Dorin

How will the world be able to feed close to 9 billion people in 2050 and still maintain the ecosystems? In this perspective, INRA and CIRAD launched the initiative, in 2006, to develop a foresight project for analysing issues pertaining to the world's food and agricultural systems on the 2050 timeline. This book provides a synthetic presentation of the main conclusions that this foresight project has yielded. First, it recapitulates the main statistical references for the period 1961 to 2003, before going on to describe the Agribiom simulation tool used to calculate food biomass resource use balances. Two scenarios on the 2050 timeline are then considered: Agrimonde GO is a trend-based scenario that bets on economic growth to feed the world, in a context where environmental protection is not a priority; in contrast, the idea in Agrimonde 1 is to feed the world while preserving its ecosystems.

Agriscience: Agriculture, Food, And Natural Resources

by Jasper S. Lee

This book will help you move ahead in learning. With over 25 years since the first edition, and numerous editions since, there is a lot in this book that has been tried and proven. Beginning with the first edition in 1993, emphasis has been on usefulness of the book as a teaching-learning tool. The focus continues to be on approaches that blend science with agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR). Students, teachers, parents, agriculturalists, scientists, and many others have provided input that shaped this revised edition. Of course, national, state, and local standards have been used in this process. The goal of the author with this and previous editions has been to produce the best possible book for introductory science-based agricultural education classes. With over a thousand pages, more than 900 illustrations, and 30 carefully designed and written chapters, you are on to something special with this book.

Agro-Climatology: Advances and Challenges

by T.N. Balasubramanian R. Jagannathan V. Geethalakshmi

The chapters in this book cover crop -weather interaction and agro-met observatory, agro-climatic analysis, crop micro-meteorology, remote sensing, crop simulation models, weather codes and their management, integrated weather forecast and agro advisories, climate change, livestock climatology/meteorology and astrometeorology. To understand the text of the book, under terminology, simple details have been given for hard technical words. Further and above all, under practical tools, important computations and calculations have been given with example, which is the unique of this publication. The authors feel that this publication would be very useful to under graduates, postgraduates, research scholars, publics, teachers and also to the politicians to take policy decisions on the subject. Note: T&F does not sell or distribute the hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This title is co-published with NIPA.

Agro-Environmental Sustainability in MENA Regions (Springer Water)

by Mohamed Abu-Hashim Faiza Khebour Allouche Abdelazim Negm

This book focuses on the status quo and the latest information on the water-soil-agriculture nexus in the MENA countries. It presents several case studies and applications from e.g. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan, while also sharing and discussing the latest findings. The content includes a range of agriculture-related topics that focus on: water resources management, impacts of climate change, and wastewater treatment for reuse in agriculture sectors; in addition, sustainable approaches to agricultural-based industry, organic crop production, crop water requirements, and soil environment are discussed in an updated and comprehensive review. In turn, the book discusses the applications of GIS and remote sensing as a new technology for better agriculture management, as well as its use in Egypt as a representative country. In closing, it considers the implementation of an environmental information system in data-scarce MENA countries from the standpoint of the water-food nexus, and addresses the question of climate justice in the MENA region. Exploring various dimensions of MENA country-based case studies on achieving sustainable agriculture, the book offers an invaluable source of topical information for agricultural sustainability-related stakeholders in the region, researchers and graduate students alike.

Agrobiodiversity, School Gardens and Healthy Diets: Promoting Biodiversity, Food and Sustainable Nutrition (Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity)

by Danny Hunter

This book critically assesses the role of agrobiodiversity in school gardens and its contribution to diversifying diets, promoting healthy eating habits and improving nutrition among schoolchildren as well as other benefits relating to climate change adaptation, ecoliteracy and greening school spaces. Many schoolchildren suffer from various forms of malnutrition and it is important to address their nutritional status given the effects it has on their health, cognition, and subsequently their educational achievement. Schools are recognized as excellent platforms for promoting lifelong healthy eating and improving long-term, sustainable nutrition security required for optimum educational outcomes. This book reveals the multiple benefits of school gardens for improving nutrition and education for children and their families. It examines issues such as school feeding, community food production, school gardening, nutritional education and the promotion of agrobiodiversity, and draws on international case studies, from both developed and developing nations, to provide a comprehensive global assessment. This book will be essential reading for those interested in promoting agrobiodiversity, sustainable nutrition and healthy eating habits in schools and public institutions more generally. It identifies recurring and emerging issues, establishes best practices, identifies key criteria for success and advises on strategies for scaling up and scaling out elements to improve the uptake of school gardens.

Agroecological Innovations: Increasing Food Production with Participatory Development

by Norman Uphoff

The world's food supply needs to rise significantly, yet both arable and water supplies per capita are decreasing. Not only are modern agricultural methods beyond the reach of those suffering the greatest food insecurity but they are also ecologically damaging, relying upon fossil energy and chemical inputs. This volume offers a collection of innovative and diverse approaches to agricultural development. Documented in 12 case studies, these approaches are reliant upon greater knowledge, skill and labour input, rather than larger capital expenditure. They are shown to increase yield substantially, sometimes doubling or tripling output. This volume presents the concepts and operational means for reorienting agricultural efforts towards these more environmentally friendly and socially desirable approaches in the developed as well as developing world.

Agroecological Transitions: From Theory To Practice In Local Participatory Design

by Jacques-Eric Bergez Elise Audouin Olivier Therond

This Open Access book presents feedback from the ‘Territorial Agroecological Transition in Action’- TATA-BOX research project, which was devoted to these specific issues. The multidisciplinary and multi-organisation research team steered a four-year action-research process in two territories of France. It also presents:i) the key dimensions to be considered when dealing with agroecological transition: diversity of agriculture models, management of uncertainties, polycentric governance, autonomies, and role of actors’ networks;ii) an operational and original participatory process and associated boundary tools to support local stakeholders in shifting from a shared diagnosis to a shared action plan for transition, and in so doing developing mutual understanding and involvement;iii) an analysis of the main effects of the methodology on research organisation and on stakeholders’ development and application;iv) critical analysis and foresights on the main outcomes of TATA-BOX, provided by external researchers.

Agroecology: Leading the Transformation to a Just and Sustainable Food System (Advances in Agroecology)

by Stephen R. Gliessman V. Ernesto Méndez Victor M. Izzo Eric W. Engles

Agroecology is at the forefront of transforming our food systems. This bestselling textbook provides the essential foundation for understanding this transformation in all its components: agricultural, ecological, economic, social, cultural, and political. It presents a case for food system change, explains the principles and practices underlying the ecological approach to food production, and lays out a vision for a food system based on equity and greater compatibility with the planet’s life support systems. New to the fourth edition: A chapter on Alternatives to Industrial Agriculture, covering the similarities and distinctions among different approaches to sustainable agriculture A chapter on Ecological Pest, Weed, and Disease Management A chapter on Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture A chapter on Agriculture and the Climate Crisis A revised analysis and critique of the food system’s embeddedness in the extractive capitalist world economy that reflects ideas in the emerging field of political agroecology. Streamlined treatment of agroecology’s foundations in ecological science, making the text more compatible with typical course curricula. A Companion Website incorporates the entire contents of the updated practical manual Field and Laboratory Investigations in Agroecology, split into student and lecturer resources. These 24 sample investigations facilitate hands-on learning that involves close observation, creative interpretation, and constant questioning of findings. Groundbreaking in its first edition and established as the definitive text in its second and third, the fourth edition of Agroecology captures recent developments in the field and forcefully applies the idea that agroecology is a science, a movement, and a practice. Written by a team of experts, this book will encourage students and practitioners to consider the critical importance of transitioning to a new paradigm for food and agriculture.

Agroecology: Sustainable Ecosystem

by Anand M. R. Poojitha Kommireddy Seenappa C. Kalyana Murthy K. N. Ningaraju G. K.

Agroecology literacy is 'the degree to which people have an objective and well-informed understanding of crop production with environmental issues.' The increased food grain production has also increased the unscientific and indiscriminate use of agrochemicals which has affected the soil health and degraded agroecosystem adversely and brought down the immunity of soil and the productivity of crops. In addition, it has resulted in the over-exploitation of soil, leading to nutrient imbalance. Moreover, the negative impact of chemical agriculture on the environment and human health has been reported and documented. Increased environmental awareness and health consciousness promoted scientists and planners to think about sustainable farming practices as an alternate way for healthy agriculture to protect the environment and human health. Eco-friendly methods or ecosystem services are one solution to manage this issue. This book intends to provide the core elements of a curriculum for teaching agroecology at colleges and universities. Print edition not for sale in India.

Agroecology and Strategies for Climate Change (Sustainable Agriculture Reviews #8)

by Eric Lichtfouse

Sustainable agriculture is a rapidly growing field aiming at producing food and energy in a sustainable way for our children. This discipline addresses current issues such as climate change, increasing food and fuel prices, starvation, obesity, water pollution, soil erosion, fertility loss, pest control and biodiversity depletion. Novel solutions are proposed based on integrated knowledge from agronomy, soil science, molecular biology, chemistry, toxicology, ecology, economy, philosophy and social sciences. As actual society issues are now intertwined, sustainable agriculture will bring solutions to build a safer world. This book series analyzes current agricultural issues and proposes alternative solutions, consequently helping all scientists, decision-makers, professors, farmers and politicians wishing to build safe agriculture, energy and food systems for future generations.

Agroecology in China: Science, Practice, and Sustainable Management (Advances in Agroecology #22)

by Stephen R. Gliessman Luo Shiming

Key features: Reviews the development of agroecology in China, including research, practice, management, and education regarding challenges for rural and agricultural progress Presents information from sources not readily available in the West about agricultural development in China during the last several decades Provides models and indicates starting points for future research and practice Addresses how to meet future challenges of agroecosystems from the field to the table in China from scientific, technological, and management perspectives During the past 30 years, industrialization has fundamentally changed traditional rural life and agricultural practices in China. While the incomes of farmers have increased, serious issues have been raised concerning the environment, resource depletion, and food safety. In response, the Chinese government and Chinese scientists encouraged eco-agriculture, the practice of agroecology principles and philosophy, as a way to reduce the negative consequences of large-scale industrialized systems of farming. Agroecology in China: Science, Practice, and Sustainable Management represents the work of experts and leaders who have taught, researched, and expanded Chinese agroecology and eco-agriculture for more than 30 years. It reviews decades of agricultural change to provide an integrated analysis of the progress of research and development in agroecological farming practices. The book contains research on traditional and newly developed agricultural systems in China, including intercropping systems, rainfall harvest systems, and rice–duck, rice–fish, and rice–frog co-culture systems. It covers current eco-agriculture practices in the major regions of China according to climate conditions. The book closes with a discussion of the major technical approaches, necessary policy support, and possible major development stages that must occur to allow broader agroecological implementations toward the sustainability of future food systems in China. Presenting eco-agriculture systems that are somewhat unique in comparison to those of the United States, Latin America, and Europe, Agroecology in China gives insight on how Chinese agroecologists, under the political and cultural systems specific to China, have created a strong foundation for ecologically sound agroecosystem design and management that can be applied and adapted to food systems elsewhere in the world. By using selected regional examinations of agroecological efforts in China as examples, this book provides models of how to conduct research on a broad range of agroecosystems found worldwide.

Agroecology Now!: Transformations Towards More Just and Sustainable Food Systems

by Colin Ray Anderson Janneke Bruil M. Jahi Chappell Csilla Kiss Michel Patrick Pimbert

This open access book develops a framework for advancing agroecology transformations focusing on power, politics and governance. It explores the potential of agroecology as a sustainable and socially just alternative to today’s dominant food regime. Agroecology is an ecological approach to farming that addresses climate change and biodiversity loss while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. Agroecology transformations represent a challenge to the power of corporations in controlling food system and a rejection of the industrial food systems that are at the root of many social and ecological ills. In this book the authors analyse the conditions that enable and disable agroecology’s potential and present six ‘domains of transformation’ where it comes into conflict with the dominant food system. They argue that food sovereignty, community-self organization and a shift to bottom-up governance are critical for the transformation to a socially just and ecologically viable food system. This book will be a valuable resource to researchers, students, policy makers and professionals across multidisciplinary areas including in the fields of food politics, international development, sustainability and resilience.

Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Landscapes

by Anne-Marie N. Izac Claude Gascon Götz Schroth Celia A. Harvey Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca Heraldo L. Vasconcelos

Agroforestry -- the practice of integrating trees and other large woody perennials on farms and throughout the agricultural landscape -- is increasingly recognized as a useful and promising strategy that diversifies production for greater social, economic, and environmental benefits. Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Landscapes brings together 46 scientists and practitioners from 13 countries with decades of field experience in tropical regions to explore how agroforestry practices can help promote biodiversity conservation in human-dominated landscapes, to synthesize the current state of knowledge in the field, and to identify areas where further research is needed. Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Landscapes is the first comprehensive synthesis of the role of agroforestry systems in conserving biodiversity in tropical landscapes, and contains in-depth review chapters of most agroforestry systems, with examples from many different countries. It is a valuable source of information for scientists, researchers, professors, and students in the fields of conservation biology, resource management, tropical ecology, rural development, agroforestry, and agroecology.

Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services

by Shibu Jose Ranjith P. Udawatta

This book is a state-of-the-art compilation of the latest information on ecosystem services of agroforestry. The last two decades have seen a surge in literature on the ecosystem services of sustainable agriculture practices, including that of agroforestry; however, compilation and synthesis of such information from agroforestry have been limited. This book fills that void by bringing in a number of experts from around the world. In addition to presenting the multiple dimensions of ecosystem services provided by major agroforestry practices, the book also offers case studies from both tropical and temperate regions of the world.Information from this book can be used to design land management practices for climate change mitigation, ecosystem benefits, agricultural productivity and sustainability, and for survival and profitability of family farms and to conserve biodiversity. While synthesizing information of the biophysical aspects of ecosystem services, the book also outlines the socioeconomic and policy dimensions, including appropriate incentive models to enhance adoption of agroforestry so that society at large can enjoy these important benefits

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