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Empty Nest, Full Life: Discovering God's Best for Your Next

by Jill Savage

How to Thrive After Your Kids Leave HomeIT&’S HAPPENING! You weren&’t always sure you&’d get here, but the kids grew up and are surviving—more or less successfully. But what now?! If you&’re like most moms, you&’re caught between grief and delight, and full of questions, loose ends, hopes, and regrets. Empty nesting can be a disorienting time, but it can also be the best time of your life. Jill Savage, an empty-nest veteran, offers youWISDOM for the murky waters ahead. Teaching you what you need to let go of and hold on to ENCOURAGEMENT for when you&’re feeling confused and discouraged. Full of stories and new insights, you&’ll find your spirits lifted and hope renewed. IDEAS for when you don&’t know "What&’s next?" Jill offers loads of practical ideas for coping and thriving in this encore season.

Empty Places

by Kathy Cannon Wiechman

It is 1932, in Harlan County, Kentucky. Times are tough in the mining community, especially for thirteen-year-old Adabel Cutler's family. As they fight to survive, Adabel has to figure out her own identity while dealing with her volatile father, her dutiful sister, her defiant brother, and her mother's disappearance, which she can't seem to remember. This is a beautifully written and deeply felt coming-of-age novel by the acclaimed author of Like a River. Includes an author's note, bibliography, and archival images.

Empty World

by John Christopher

When Neil survives a deadly plague and plunges into solitude, he must question everything in this gripping adventure from critically acclaimed Tripods author John Christopher.Neil's world is shattered when he and his family are involved in a horrible car accident that leaves him an orphan. He is sent to live in a small village with his grandparents, whom he loves but doesn't really know.Soon, a devastating illness, the Calcutta Plague, begins making the headlines. After killing thousands of people in India in just a few months, the disease begins to spread much farther, quickly sweeping across the world and eventually settling in the same village where Neil resides. The sickness is a strange one, affecting only the adults and none of the children, and soon Neil finds himself an orphan once more.Alone, Neil travels to London in search of other survivors of the plague. There he finds a strange world of fear and suspicion, where friends can be enemies and people will do anything to survive. In this time of strife, amid the excitement and loneliness of his solitude, can Neil find a way to focus on what matters most?

En busca de la pasión: ¿qué clase de amor haces?

by Linda Dillow Dr. Juli Slattery

¿Un estudio bíblico para la mujer sobre el sexo? ¡Eso sí que es diferente!¿Puede el sexo ser santo y erótico? ¿Tiene Dios una opinión sobre el sexo? ¿Qué está permitido en la habitación? Este desafiante y osado estudio de diez semanas dará respuesta a estas y a muchas otras preguntas que la mujer se hace, pero no ha encontrado respuestas bíblicas y honestas en una fuente de confianza. Ahora sí la encontró.Cómo recuperar el diseño de Dios del sexoUn placer asombroso e intimidad entre dos almas es lo que Dios diseñó para un esposo y su esposa. Sin embargo, debido a los problemas de nuestro pasado, la información dañina procedente del mundo o la enseñanza incompleta de la Iglesia, la mayoría de nosotros no disfruta de estos dones sagrados.A través del uso de la Escritura, especialmente de Cantar de los Cantares, En busca de la pasión no solo insta a la mujer a buscar la pasión, sino que también detalla cómo Dios le ha dado permiso para hacerlo. Revela el poder que una mujer tiene para construir o para destruir su matrimonio, y cómo puede hacer frente a sus propias tentaciones y las de su esposo con empatía y santidad.¡Reavive su matrimonio!En busca de la pasión ofrece una trayectoria valiosa y sagrada hacia la alegría y la libertad. La búsqueda de la pasión toma tiempo, intencionalidad y creatividad. ¿Qué esposo no quisiera estar casado con la Mujer Súper Sexy de Cantar de los Cantares?Este desafiante estudio de diez semanas combina la pericia psicológica de la Dra. Juli Slattery, exintegrante de Enfoque a la Familia, junto con la reconocida y querida maestra de la Biblia Linda Dillow. Son de dosgeneraciones diferentes, pero sienten la misma pasión de traer la verdad y la sanidad de Dios a la mujer para su matrimonio y su vida.-------------------------------------------------------------------------A Bible study about sex for women? Now that&’s different!This new study, Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making?, lets God&’s Word speak about sex as being holy and erotic, blessed by God, and satisfying far beyond what the world can even imagine. Picture that as a headline on the cover of Cosmopolitan! By using scripture throughout the Bible, Passion Pursuit not only urges women to pursue passion but details how God has given them permission to do so. Though there is fun to be had along the way in this study, it hits hard on the questions women have but are hesitant to ask, like: What does God say is okay and not okay in the bedroom? I&’m 54 years old; how can my husband still be attracted to me? Why did God make men and women so different? This audaciously bold study combines the psychological expertise of Dr Juli Slattery, formerly of Focus on the Family, along with moving stories from trusted Bible teacher and best-selling author Linda Dillow. The groups who have already done this study have seen their marriages come alive, whether they&’ve been married four months or forty years; be next!

En busca de la pasión: ¿qué clase de amor haces?

by Linda Dillow Dr. Juli Slattery

¿Un estudio bíblico para la mujer sobre el sexo? ¡Eso sí que es diferente!¿Puede el sexo ser santo y erótico? ¿Tiene Dios una opinión sobre el sexo? ¿Qué está permitido en la habitación? Este desafiante y osado estudio de diez semanas dará respuesta a estas y a muchas otras preguntas que la mujer se hace, pero no ha encontrado respuestas bíblicas y honestas en una fuente de confianza. Ahora sí la encontró.Cómo recuperar el diseño de Dios del sexoUn placer asombroso e intimidad entre dos almas es lo que Dios diseñó para un esposo y su esposa. Sin embargo, debido a los problemas de nuestro pasado, la información dañina procedente del mundo o la enseñanza incompleta de la Iglesia, la mayoría de nosotros no disfruta de estos dones sagrados.A través del uso de la Escritura, especialmente de Cantar de los Cantares, En busca de la pasión no solo insta a la mujer a buscar la pasión, sino que también detalla cómo Dios le ha dado permiso para hacerlo. Revela el poder que una mujer tiene para construir o para destruir su matrimonio, y cómo puede hacer frente a sus propias tentaciones y las de su esposo con empatía y santidad.¡Reavive su matrimonio!En busca de la pasión ofrece una trayectoria valiosa y sagrada hacia la alegría y la libertad. La búsqueda de la pasión toma tiempo, intencionalidad y creatividad. ¿Qué esposo no quisiera estar casado con la Mujer Súper Sexy de Cantar de los Cantares?Este desafiante estudio de diez semanas combina la pericia psicológica de la Dra. Juli Slattery, exintegrante de Enfoque a la Familia, junto con la reconocida y querida maestra de la Biblia Linda Dillow. Son de dosgeneraciones diferentes, pero sienten la misma pasión de traer la verdad y la sanidad de Dios a la mujer para su matrimonio y su vida.-------------------------------------------------------------------------A Bible study about sex for women? Now that&’s different!This new study, Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making?, lets God&’s Word speak about sex as being holy and erotic, blessed by God, and satisfying far beyond what the world can even imagine. Picture that as a headline on the cover of Cosmopolitan! By using scripture throughout the Bible, Passion Pursuit not only urges women to pursue passion but details how God has given them permission to do so. Though there is fun to be had along the way in this study, it hits hard on the questions women have but are hesitant to ask, like: What does God say is okay and not okay in the bedroom? I&’m 54 years old; how can my husband still be attracted to me? Why did God make men and women so different? This audaciously bold study combines the psychological expertise of Dr Juli Slattery, formerly of Focus on the Family, along with moving stories from trusted Bible teacher and best-selling author Linda Dillow. The groups who have already done this study have seen their marriages come alive, whether they&’ve been married four months or forty years; be next!

En Busca de Milagros

by Julia Alvarez

MILLY KAUFMAN ES una adolescente estadounidense común y corriente que vive en el estado de Vermont hasta que un estudiante nuevo llamado Pablo llega a su escuela secundaria. Su acento exótico, su extraño sentido de la moda y el interés intenso que Milly despierta en él hacen que ella enfrente su identidad de niña adoptada del país natal de Pablo. A medida que su relación crece, Milly decide emprender un viaje lleno de valentía de regreso a su paÍs natal y en el camino descubre que la historia de su nacimiento está entrelazada con la historia de un país que se recupera de una brutal historia marcada por la dictadura y la corrupción política. La galardonada autora Julia Alvarez teje una conmovedora historia que examina la adopción entre culturas al describir la búsqueda de una adolescente por encontrar quién es ella exactamente, sólo para descubrir que ella es --de manera maravillosa y misteriosa-- muchas cosas.

En el bosque: (In the Woods) (Spanish Soundings)

by Robin Stevenson

Cuando Cameron rescata a una bebita abandonada en el bosque, todos dicen que es un milagro, un golpe de suerte que diera la casualidad de que él estuviera ahí paseando en bici por ese sendero y escuchara el llanto de la criatura. Pero Cameron tiene un secreto: no fue sólo suerte. Estuvo ahí porque su hermana gemela Katie le suplicó que fuera. ¿Sabía Katie de la niña? ¿Estaría encubriendo a alguien? Al principio, Cameron sólo quiere algunas respuestas...pero cuando finalmente averigua la verdad, tiene que decidir qué hacer con ella. When Cameron rescues a baby abandoned in the woods, everyone says it is a miracle. A stroke of luck that he just happened to be there, riding his bike along that trail, and heard the baby's cry. But Cameron has a secret: It wasn't just luck. He was there because his twin sister Katie begged him to go. Did Katie know about the baby? Is she covering for someone? At first Cameron just wants some answers but once he knows the truth he has to decide what to do with it.

En este banco (The Bench Spanish Edition)

by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex

El primer libro infantil de Meghan, La Duquesa de Sussex, En este banco capta hermosamente la relación especial entre padres e hijos a través de los ojos de una madre. La narración y la ilustración del libro nos brindan imágenes de momentos compartidos que evocan un profundo sentimiento de calidez, conexión y compasión.Este es tu bancodonde vivirás grandes alegrías. Aquí descansarás y verás crecer a nuestro hijo cada día.Meghan, La Duquesa de Sussex, retrata conmovedoramente en su libro En este banco la creciente y profunda relación entre padre e hijo y nos recuerda las múltiples maneras en que el amor puede tomar forma y expresarse en el marco de una familia contemporánea. Al evocar un profundo sentimiento de calidez, conexión y compasión, En este banco ofrece a los lectores una ventana hacia momentos compartidos y perdurables entre un diverso grupo de padres e hijos: instantes de paz y reflexión, confianza y fe, descubrimiento y aprendizaje, al igual que de un duradero bienestar. Trabajando por primera vez con acuarela, el exitoso ilustrador Christian Robinson, ganador del premio Caldecott, expande su estilo característico para brindarle a las páginas encanto y dulzura, reflejando la belleza del amor de un padre a través de una mirada maternal. Con un mensaje universal, esta reflexiva y conmovedora lectura se presta a ser leída en voz alta y está destinada a convertirse en un tesoro familiar para las generaciones venideras.

En honor a la verdad: El autoengaño y la autenticidad

by Martha Alicia Chávez

Este es un libro sobre autenticidad, sobre el poder sanador de la verdad y la imperiosa necesidad de reconocerla. La verdad detrás de lo que hacemos y decimos, la verdad sobre las intenciones detrás de muchos de nuestros actos. No es motivo de culpabilidad, vergüenza ni desprecio reconocer que de muchas formas todos nos autoengañamos. Sin embargo, sí es necesario hacernos conscientes de esta situación para poder aceptar la verdad, que nos permite vivir en paz. En honor a la verdad es un libro sobre autenticidad, congruencia, confianza y el poder sanador de la verdad. En sus páginas, la autora nos muestra abiertamente las muchas formas en que nos autoengañamos respecto a temas como los hijos, la relación de pareja, el dinero y otros asuntos sociales, y nos brinda el mejor método para reconocer la verdad como parte fundamental de nuestro proceso de maduración, en todos los aspectos de la vida, así como para evitar que el autoengaño aparezca incluso detrás de nuestras más loables intenciones.

En m'entrainant

by Valérie Hockert

Katelyn, très soucieuse de sa santé, s'entraine presque quotidiennement dans une salle de sport quand elle n'entraîne pas une équipe de jeunes basketteurs. Pendant qu'elle s'entraîne, elle observe les différents clients de la salle qui vont et viennent et y travaillent également. Au cours d'une conversation avec une nouvelle adhérente, Katelyn commence à s'interroger sur sa vie actuelle. Fait-elle vraiment ce qui lui plait ? Le fait-elle pour de bonnes ou de mauvaises raisons ? Ses interrogations l'amèneront à se remettre en question et à finalement trouver son but dans la vie.

En tu amor encontre mi hogar: Testimonio de una madre adoptiva

by Marisa Lacouture

¿Es posible conformar una familia cuando no existen lazos sanguíneos entre ninguno de sus integrantes? La adopción es un tema del que aún se habla poco. A pesar de ser una práctica tan antigua como el concepto de familia, para muchos es un tabú. Pero ¿por qué? En estas páginas, Marisa Lacouture aborda de frente y con la mayor naturalidad este asunto, y demuestra que no hay razón para que un acto de amor tan grande sea motivo de vergüenza. Por el contrario, la adopción se ha convertido en su mayor orgullo, pues les permitió a ella y a Fernando, su esposo, tener la familia que siempre habían soñado, y brindarles un hogar a María Isabel y Fernando Andrés. A través de una prosa sencilla y honesta, la autora nos invita a la intimidad de este hogar y nos cuenta sobre el proceso de adopción de sus hijos, que fue abierto y transparente; cuáles fueron los principales retos y dudas que enfrentaron durante la crianza; la importancia de una comunicación asertiva y constante, y, sobre todo, cómo, sin ayuda de la biología, construyó una familia unida y feliz desde el amor incondicional y la exaltación de las diferencias. Este es el libro que Marisa deseó haber tenido en sus manos como madre adoptiva, y sin duda se convertirá en un compañero para quienes empiezan a recorrer este camino, o quisieran hacerlo. Y quienes no, encontrarán en estas líneas una lectura conmo-vedora e inspiradora que, desde lo más profundo del corazón, nos habla del valor de las relaciones humanas y del verdadero significado de la familia.

En tus zapatos

by Beth O'Leary

La irresistible nueva novela de la autora del best seller internacional Piso para dos. Leena está harta de la vida en la gran ciudad.A Eileen se le ha quedado pequeño su pueblo.Puede que sea el momento de cambiar las cosas... Después de que meta la pata en el trabajo, los jefes de Leena le piden que se tome dos meses de vacaciones lejos del bullicio de Londres. Mentalmente agotada, Leena decide ir a Hamleigh, un pequeño pueblo de Yorkshire, a visitar a su abuela. Eileen es una mujer formidable que acaba de quedarse soltera a sus setenta y nueve años y, aunque quiere empezar de nuevo, en el pueblo no tiene, precisamente, un buen mercado de hombres entre los que elegir.Cuando Leena se entera de que su abuela quiere enamorarse otra vez, propone una solución: durante dos meses, Eileen se irá a Londres a buscar el amor mientras ellacuida de todo en el pueblo. Aunque, con una marabunta de pensionistas muy particulares y un insoportable (y atractivo) joven profesor a los que enfrentarse, Leena no tardará en descubrir que cambiar de vida no es tan sencillo como parece... La crítica ha dicho...«¡Me encanta En tus zapatos! Es muy tierno, inspirador y un bálsamo para el alma en estos tiempos tan complicados.»Marian Keyes «Beth O'Leary, la autora de Piso para dos, nos regala otra lectura que te deja con la misma sensación que un cálido abrazo. Otro triunfo de novela.»Woman's Weekly «¡Nos ha hecho reír, llorar... y enamorarnos!»The Sun «Encantadora y llena de esperanza.»Daily Mirror «Una lectura llena de calidez y positividad que nos enseña que nunca es demasiado tarde para cambiar tu vida y perseguir tus sueños.»Platinum «Con su elenco de personajes redondos y brillantes, En tus zapatos es la novela perfecta para hacerte sentir bien. Un auténtico regalo para las fans de Marian Keyes.»Daily Express «Una lectura sobre la alegría de vivir la vida al máximo.»Heat «Una novela divertidísima y con un emotivo mensaje sobre la importancia de la comunidad.»The Bookseller «De la mano de la autora de la increíble comedia romántica Piso para dos, nos llega una lectura reconfortante que, francamente, necesitamos de verdad.»Stylist «Un remedio perfecto para estos tiempos llenos de ansiedad.»The People «Si te gustó Piso para dos, esto te va a encantar.»Fabulous Magazine «Una gran lectura llena de corazón, de ternura y de risas, perfecta para animarnos.»Red Magazine

The Enchanted: a wonderfully uplifting story of a special friendship that runs incredibly deep from bestselling author Charlotte Bingham

by Charlotte Bingham

Exciting and dramatic but tender and heartfelt; this is a novel that you will return to again and again. From the million copy and Sunday Times bestselling author Charlotte Bingham, for fans of Louise Douglas and Dinah Jeffries.'A galloping read...Bingham relishes her period detail and social comedy and adds a touch of whimsy' -- SUNDAY TIMES'Mesmerising' -- ***** Reader review'I was hooked from beginning to end' -- ***** Reader review'Held me enthralled' -- ***** Reader review'LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT!' -- ***** Reader review*************************************************************************************************AN UNBREAKBLE BOND CAN LEAD TO EXTRAORDINARY THINGSWhen Kathleen finds a mare in foal, she and her father take him in, despite the fact that they can barely afford to feed her. Tragically the mare dies, leaving an orphan that they name The Enchanted. As the young horse grows up among Ireland's lush pastures, Kathleen loses her heart to him...But as Kathleen has always feared The Enchanted must be sold. Rory James and his father take a chance on the little horse in the hope of improving the fortune of their run-down racing yard. But luck does not run Rory's way when The Enchanted mysteriously sickens. It seems that only Kathleen can help.And it is only under her care that The Enchanted is able to live up to his name and astonishing things start to happen to all those around him.

The Enchanted April (Read-along Ser.)

by Elizabeth von Arnim

A charming Italian castle holds the key to happiness for four English women in this classic by the author of Elizabeth and Her German Garden. It begins on a rainy London afternoon in February. Four ladies, whose only common trait is dissatisfaction with life, answer an ad placed in the advice column of The Times. Addressed &“To Those Who Appreciate Wistaria and Sunshine,&” it offers the opportunity to rent a fully-furnished medieval Italian castle in Portofino along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea for the month of April—servants included. A peaceful holiday is all the ladies are expecting, but the sunny warmth of the Italian spring is about to change their lives . . . &“The Enchanted April sounds as if it would be an appallingly cloying cream puff of a fairy tale, but that would be to ignore that the author habitually kept a pot of lemon juice mixed with vinegar beside her ink-pot. With this bracing element there is additionally what can only be called a feast of flowers, hanging from every wall and pouring scent over the company.&” —The Times Literary Supplement &“[A] restful, funny, sumptuous, and invigorating vacation for the mind and soul.&” —500 Great Books by Women &“[A]n expression of the propensity of people to be blind to the real secret of happiness, and . . . how exquisitely men and women get upon each other&’s nerves and how they suffer from each other&’s egos.&” —National Review &“Lyrical . . . Dry, delicious humor . . . An April does not satisfy my greedy heart. I want all year.&” —Smart Bitches, Trashy Books

Enchanted August: A Novel

by Brenda Bowen

Set on a picture-perfect island in Maine, a sparkling summer debut that offers readers a universal fantasy: one glorious month away from it all On a dreary spring day in Brooklyn, Lottie Wilkinson and Rose Arbuthnot spot an ad on their children's preschool bulletin board: Hopewell Cottage Little Lost Island, Maine. Old, pretty cottage to rent on a small island. Springwater, blueberries, sea glass. August. Neither can afford it, but they are smitten--Lottie could use a break from her overbearing husband and Rose from her relentless twins. On impulse, they decide to take the place and attract two others to share the steep rent: Caroline Dester, an indie movie star who's getting over a very public humiliation, and elderly Beverly Fisher, who's recovering from heartbreaking loss. If it's not a perfect quartet, surely it will be fine for a month in the country. When they arrive on the island, they are transformed by the salt air; the breathtaking views; the long, lazy days; and the happy routine of lobster, corn, and cocktails on the wraparound porch. By the time of the late-August blue moon, real life and its complications have finally fallen far, far away. For on this idyllic island they gradually begin to open up: to one another and to the possibilities of lives quite different from the ones they've been leading. Change can't be that hard, can it? With a cast of endearingly imperfect characters and set against the beauty of a gorgeous New England summer, Enchanted August brilliantly updates the beloved classic The Enchanted April in a novel of love and reawakening that is simply irresistible.From the Hardcover edition.

The Enchanted Barn (Grace Livingston Hill #49)

by Grace Livingston Hill

Thanks to daughter Shirley's courage and resourcefulness, the homeless Hollisters were able to transform a deserted stone barn into a delightful residence. Their ingenuity even astounded the rich young landlord, Sidney Graham, who found the place a new haven of happiness, especially when Shirley was there. But his glad willingness to help them renovate worried her. Shirley could never accept charity, and she feared that he would one day forsake them and return to his world of wealth now that she was falling helplessly in love with him. No one knew that better than young Shirley Hollister whose hardworking family had lived with close tenderness regardless of their poverty. And now that they had an opportunity to live in the country, what did it matter if they could only afford to live in a barn? But Shirley's joy was clouded when their new young landlord seemed to take a charitable interest in their project. She knew that Sidney was too wealthy to understand their humble life. Could he ever know what it was like to be rich in love as well as money, or would he become bored and return to a world of carefree ease? As a result of the dedication of several volunteers there are 90 books by Grace Livingston Hill in Bookshare's library. These books feature romance, overcoming obstacles, adventure and the importance of Christian faith. They were written at the end of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century and deliver detailed views of life in the United States during those times.

Enchanted Grand Forest

by Kimberly Long Cockroft

Lena and her mother are taking her cousin, Micah, into the Grand Forest for the first time. They are hoping to find fairies—but Micah is too loud and keeps scaring them away! Will Micah be quieted so Lena can see her first fairy?

The Enchanted Hacienda: A Novel

by J.C. Cervantes

From the New York Times bestselling author, J.C. Cervantes, THE ENCHANTED HACIENDA introduces us to the magical Estrada family."This is a contemporary coming-of-age story, with a sprinkling of magic, that&’s one of my most anticipated reads of the year." —Emily Henry, #1 New York Times bestselling author, in Elle Magazine&“The warmth and humor of The Enchanted Hacienda immediately cast a spell over me.&”—Katy Hays, New York Times bestselling author of The CloistersWhen Harlow Estrada is abruptly fired from her dream job and her boyfriend proves to be a jerk, her world turns upside down. She flees New York City to the one place she can always call home—the enchanted Hacienda Estrada.The Estrada family farm in Mexico houses an abundance of charmed flowers cultivated by Harlow&’s mother, sisters, aunt, and cousins. By harnessing the magic in these flowers, they can heal hearts, erase memories, interpret dreams—but not Harlow. So when her mother and aunt give her a special task involving the family&’s magic, she panics. How can she rise to the occasion when she is magicless? But maybe it&’s not magic she&’s missing, but belief in herself. When she finally embraces her unique gifts and opens her heart to a handsome stranger, she discovers she&’s far more powerful than she imagined.With unforeseen twists, romance, and a heavy sprinkle of magic, The Enchanted Hacienda is a captivating coming-of-age debut exploring identity, unconditional family love, and uncovering the magic within us all.

The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction

by Meghan Cox Gurdon

A Wall Street Journal writer’s conversation-changing look at how reading aloud makes adults and children smarter, happier, healthier, more successful and more closely attached, even as technology pulls in the other direction.A miraculous alchemy occurs when one person reads to another, transforming the simple stuff of a book, a voice, and a bit of time into complex and powerful fuel for the heart, brain, and imagination. Grounded in the latest neuroscience and behavioral research, and drawing widely from literature, The Enchanted Hour explains the dazzling cognitive and social-emotional benefits that await children, whatever their class, nationality or family background. But it’s not just about bedtime stories for little kids: Reading aloud consoles, uplifts and invigorates at every age, deepening the intellectual lives and emotional well-being of teenagers and adults, too.Meghan Cox Gurdon argues that this ancient practice is a fast-working antidote to the fractured attention spans, atomized families and unfulfilling ephemera of the tech era, helping to replenish what our devices are leaching away. For everyone, reading aloud engages the mind in complex narratives; for children, it’s an irreplaceable gift that builds vocabulary, fosters imagination, and kindles a lifelong appreciation of language, stories and pictures.Bringing together the latest scientific research, practical tips, and reading recommendations, The Enchanted Hour will both charm and galvanize, inspiring readers to share this invaluable, life-altering tradition with the people they love most.

The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction

by Meghan Cox Gurdon

'As soon as I began to read, I was filled with that kind of engrossed blossoming that happens somewhere inside of you when you start a really nourishing book.' - Pandora SykesA conversation-changing look at the social, familial, neurological, and psychological benefits of reading aloud, especially for parents and children. A miraculous alchemy occurs when one person reads to another, transforming the simple stuff of a book, a voice, and a bit of time into complex and powerful fuel for the heart, brain, and imagination. Grounded in the latest neuroscience and behavioural research, and drawing widely from literature, The Enchanted Hour explains the dazzling cognitive and social-emotional benefits that await children who are read to, whatever their class, nationality or family background. Meghan Cox Gurdon argues that this ancient practice is a fast-working antidote to the fractured attention spans, atomized families and unfulfilling ephemera of the tech era, helping to replenish what our devices are leaching away. For everyone, reading aloud engages the mind in complex narratives; for children, it's an irreplaceable gift that builds vocabulary, fosters imagination, and kindles a lifelong appreciation of language, stories and pictures.Bringing together the latest scientific research, practical tips, and reading recommendations, The Enchanted Hour will both charm and galvanize, inspiring readers to share this invaluable, life-altering tradition with the people they love most.

Enchanted Ivy

by Sarah Beth Durst

Sixteen-year-old Lily is determined to attend Princeton University, so she's thrilled when she meets a group of powerful alumni, the Old Boys, who guarantee her admission if she passes a secret test and finds the Princeton Key. In her search to seal her future, Lily learns of a magical, alternate Princeton and discovers that the Princeton Key, which opens the door between the two worlds, is not an object, but a person. And it's her. Now Lily is caught in a power struggle between the Old Boys and the leaders of the magical realm, and unless she can find a way to make peace between the two sides, Lily's mother--and possibly Lily herself--will die. and dragons might be out for blood, Lily will need all of her ingenuity and courage--and a little magic--to unite the worlds and unlock the secrets of her past and her future.

The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope: A Novel

by Rhonda Riley

The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope is an unconventional and passionately romantic love story that is as breathtaking and wondrous as The Time Traveler’s Wife and The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.During WWII, teenager Evelyn Roe is sent to manage the family farm in rural North Carolina, where she finds what she takes to be a badly burned soldier on their property. She rescues him, and it quickly becomes clear he is not a man…and not one of us. The rescued body recovers at an unnatural speed, and just as fast, Evelyn and Adam fall deeply in love.In The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope, Rhonda Riley reveals the exhilarating, terrifying mystery inherent in all relationships: No matter how deeply we love someone, and no matter how much we will sacrifice for them, we can only know them so well…

The Enchanted Puppy: Book 2 (Evie's Magic Bracelet #2)

by Jessica Ennis-Hill Elen Caldecott

The second in a magical, exciting series by Olympian and World Book Day ambassador Jessica Ennis-Hill. Perfect for fans of Rainbow Magic and My Little Pony! What if you had a magic bracelet that allowed you to bring toys to life? Evie's grandma has sent her another parcel. Inside layers of tissue and colourful ribbons is a beautiful bracelet! This time, the bracelet lets her bring things to life. But when a stuffed toy becomes a cute little puppy with a mind of his own, Evie and her friends are off on a magical adventure! Evie shares Jessica's determination and drive - an inspiration for kids everywhere.The full list of titles: 1. The Silver Unicorn2. The Enchanted Puppy3. The Sprites' Den4. The Unicorn's Foal5. The Clocktower Charm6. The Fire Bird7. The Golden Sands

The Enchanted Waterfall (Snow Sisters #4)

by Astrid Foss

The Snow Sisters have one last chance to save the Everchanging Lights—and their parents—in this fourth and final installment in the magical chapter book series perfect for fans of Snow and Rose and Disney&’s Frozen!It&’s the Day of the Midnight Sun, and the evil Shadow Witch is ready to use all her power to steal the magic of the Everchanging Lights that protect the kingdom. The Snow Sisters must be braver and stronger than they ever imagined for their final quest. Only they can rescue their parents and stop the Shadow Witch from turning their world dark forever. Can they reach Silfur Falls and return the Everchanging Lights to the sky before the clock strikes midnight?

Enchanter's Child: Midnight Train (Enchanter's Child)

by Angie Sage

In the second magical volume of the Enchanter’s Child duology, the bestselling author of the Septimus Heap series, Angie Sage, crafts a stunning finale filled with humor, drama, and nonstop action, just right for fantasy-adventure lovers.In the first book of the Enchanter’s Child duology, Alex discovered the truth: Not only does she possess magical powers but her father is Hagos RavenStarr, who was once the king’s Enchanter.Alex is pursued by the fiendish Twilight Hauntings, monstrous Enchantments created because a prophecy foretold the king’s death at the hands of an Enchanter’s Child. The Twilight Hauntings are designed to rid the land of all Enchanters and their children, but Alex has other ideas. Why should she be forced to leave the place where she belongs?So now Alex is on a mission to destroy the Twilight Hauntings. And to do so she must find the very thing that created them—a magical talisman called the Tau. But where is it? In her search for the Tau, Alex enlists the reluctant help of her father and a strange assortment of people along the way. As she travels, Alex hones her magical skills and learns that even family and friends can surprise her. Praise for the first book in the Enchanter’s Child duology, Twilight Hauntings:"Intricate worldbuilding, richly evocative settings, nuanced characters, deftly woven plotting, and wry humor. An unmitigated delight." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)"Fans of fantasy and adventure will snap this up and eagerly await the sequel." —School Library Journal (starred review)"Sage deftly crafts an endearing and familiar fantasy story, expertly characterizing distinct, extreme personalities. Fantasy fans will highly anticipate the next steps in Alex’s journey in the projected sequel of the Enchanter’s Child duology." —Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

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