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Showing 10,976 through 11,000 of 43,268 results

The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree

by Shokoofeh Azar

A grieving family flees Tehran after the Islamic Revolution in this novel of &“magical realism with a Persian twist&” translated from Farsi (The Guardian, UK). When their home in Tehran is burned to the ground by zealots, killing their thirteen-year-old daughter Bahar, a once-prominent family flees to a small village. There, they hope to preserve both their intellectual freedom and their lives. But they soon find themselves caught up in the post-revolutionary chaos that sweeps across their ancient land and its people. Bahar&’s mother, after a tragic loss, will embark on a long, eventful journey in search of meaning in a world swept up in the post-revolutionary madness. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree speaks of the power of imagination when confronted with cruelty, and of our human need to make sense of trauma through the ritual of storytelling itself. Through her unforgettable characters, Iranian novelist Shokoofeh Azar weaves a timely and timeless story that juxtaposes the beauty of an ancient, vibrant culture with the brutality of an oppressive political regime. &“[Azar&’s] book is a great journey. It moves places and it moves us as readers, in an emotional and intellectual sense.&” —Robert Wood, The Los Angeles Review of Books

Enly and the Buskin' Blues

by Jennie Liu

Twelve-year-old Enly Wu Lewis is determined to go to band camp and follow in the footsteps of his musician father, who died years ago. But his mom, a single parent working two jobs, is saving every penny for his older brother's college tuition. So Enly sets out to earn the money for camp on his own, by busking with an obscure instrument he can only kind of play. When someone drops a winning scratch-off lottery ticket into his tip box, Enly thinks it's the answer to his problems—but he'll have to overcome teenage thieves and his own family if he wants to achieve his dreams.

Enola Holmes 2 - Enola Holmes y la prisionera aristócrata (Enola Holmes #Volumen 2)

by Nancy Springer

¡Enola ha vuelto con una nueva y distinguida aventura!La serie superventas internacional y éxito de Netflix regresa para cautivarnos. En esta entrega, Enola Holmes se ve obligada a garantizar la seguridad de Lady Cecily, y también su libertad. El detestable Sir Eustace Alistair ha encerrado a su hija zurda en su dormitorio. Enola llevará a cabo una arriesgada pero exitosa maniobra de fuga a altas horas de la noche, y acogerá a Cecily en su propio alojamiento secreto. Sin embargo, alguien le pisa los talones: ¡Sherlock! Así da comienzo una emocionante aventura. ¿Cómo podrá Enola proteger a Lady Cecily de su padre? ¿Y qué hará Lady Cecily, plantarle cara o regresar a su personalidad diestra y obediente? Reseñas:«Una chica empoderada, capaz y muy lista. La serie Enola Holmes transmite el potente mensaje de que puedes hacer lo que quieras si te lo propones. ¡Y lo muestra con mucha emoción y grandes dosis de aventura!».Millie Bobby Brown «Ha pasado una década desde que Springer escribió el primer caso de Enola, y este es un excelente puerto de entrada tanto para los ya fans como para los recién llegados. La voz de Enola, con una afición desmesurada por hacer listas, es encantadora: humorística y sarcástica en su justa medida».Kirkus «La última novela continúa las crónicas de esta joven valiente, capaz, ingeniosa y muy independiente».Booklist «Escrita con elegancia y con un argumento enérgico, Enola Holmes y el carruaje negro se ganará a los fans de la película que buscan nuevas aventuras con Enola».BookPage «Si te gustó el libro anterior, este te gustará todavía más. Si solo has visto la película, dale una oportunidad a esta serie. Te conquistará».Gumshoe Review «Springer brinda a los nuevos y antiguos lectores de su serie una visión empoderada y que empodera de Enola, esa descubridora de almas perdidas, justiciera, defensora de los derechos de la mujer y aliada incondicional de los marginados y desfavorecidos, consiguiendo una lectura esencial y muy oportuna. El juego está servido de nuevo».Charleston Post & Courier «Enola es una joven encantadora, orgullosa y feminista, que no rehúye su naturaleza delicada si la ocasión lo requiere. Este personaje me fascina porque no tiene miedo a ser ella misma, por muy tempestuosa, mandona y poco convencional que sea».Hypable «Un misterio victoriano entretenido y muy bien escrito».The Buffalo News «Tan pronto como empecé a leerlo, supe que no solo tendría que ver la película de Netflix, sino también que iba a leerme los otros libros».Books Are Magic Too Blog «Enola Holmes es una heroína intrépida, y leer sus aventuras supone diversión a raudales. ¡Esperemos que haya más!».BookLoons Blog «Recomiendo fervientemente este libro. ¿Se puede añadir una estrella de más por humor? ¡Porque este libro la merece!».Tales Untagled Blog «Me enamoré inmediatamente. Con esta nueva historia llena de humor sobre el misterioso caso de una desaparición, Springer rejuvenece el género del whodunit victoriano».After the Final Page Blog

Enola Holmes - Enola Holmes y el carruaje negro (Enola Holmes #Volumen)

by Nancy Springer

Enola Holmes regresa en su primera aventura tras el éxito de la película de Netflix, que la ha llevado de nuevo a los primeros puestos de las listas de ventas. Enola Holmes es la hermana de Sherlock y Mycroft. Y al igual que ellos, posee inteligencia, habilidades e inclinaciones detectivescas. Cuando la señorita Letitia Glover, una mujer emancipada, acude a Sherlock para pedirle que averigüe qué ha ocurrido con su hermana gemela, es Enola quien la recibe. Al parecer, y según dice el breve mensaje que ha recibido, su hermana Felicity, casada con el conde de Dunhench, ha muerto. Pero Letitia Glover está convencida de que eso no es cierto: si su hermana hubiera fallecido, lo habría sabido, lo habría sentido en su interior.

Enough (Orca Soundings)

by Mary Jennifer Payne

Life hasn't been easy for fifteen-year-old Lizzie Jackson since her father's sudden death four years ago. Shortly after he died, her mother, Lydia, began dating and drinking herself into oblivion, leaving Lizzie to parent her younger brother, Charlie. Things go from bad to worse when Lydia marries Dean. To protect Charlie from Dean's rage, Lizzie makes herself the target of his abuse. But when Dean sexually assaults Lizzie, things change forever. Can she continue to ensure her brother's safety after she flees their home?

Enough Already

by Mary Hargreaves

Sharply witty and highly relatable - KATE SMITH When a junior on her team pitches an exciting new idea to her boss, Briony is so preoccupied by her fear of public speaking that she misses the concept entirely, and ends up in a spiralling web of lies and excuses as she tries to manage a project she knows nothing about. When everything comes to a head with a colossal panic attack, she is signed off work for a month on mental health leave.To make matters worse, Briony's boyfriend Ben is being distant, and her best friend Sami seems to have replaced her with a new work friend. And then there is her dad, who needs a lift home from jail - again. Briony feels like she will never be enough for any of them. Briony decides that she needs to make a change, to become a better employee, a better girlfriend, a better friend and a better daughter, and signs up to a local social anxiety support group in order to deal with her issues. It is there that she meets Jordan and Sarah, two new friends who might just show Briony that she is 'enough' already.

Enough As She Is: How to Help Girls Move Beyond Impossible Standards of Success to Live Healthy, Happy, and Fulfilling Lives

by Rachel Simmons

"Is it wrong that I wanted to underline every single word in this book? Simmons brilliantly crystallizes contemporary girls’ dilemma: the way old expectations and new imperatives collide; how a narrow, virtually unattainable vision of ‘success’ comes at the expense of self-worth and well-being. Enough As She is a must-read, not only for its diagnosis of the issues but for its insightful, useful strategies on how to address them."—Peggy Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex"A brilliant and passionate call to action that reveals how girls and young women are suffering in our toxic culture of constant comparison and competition. This is the book parents need to change girls’ lives and guide them to truly become happy, healthy, and powerful adults."—Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bees and Wannabees From the New York Times bestselling author of Odd Girl Out, a deeply urgent book that gives adults the tools to help girls in high school and college reject "supergirl" pressure, overcome a toxic stress culture, and become resilient adults with healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives.For many girls today, the drive to achieve is fueled by brutal self-criticism and an acute fear of failure. Though young women have never been more "successful"–outpacing boys in GPAs and college enrollment–they have also never struggled more. On the surface, girls may seem exceptional, but in reality, they are anxious and overwhelmed, feeling that, no matter how hard they try, they will never be smart enough, successful enough, pretty enough, thin enough, popular enough, or sexy enough.Rachel Simmons has been researching young women for two decades, and her research plainly shows that girl competence does not equal girl confidence—nor does it equal happiness, resilience, or self-worth. Backed by vivid case studies, Simmons warns that we have raised a generation of young women so focused on achieving that they avoid healthy risks, overthink setbacks, and suffer from imposter syndrome, believing they are frauds. As they spend more time projecting an image of effortless perfection on social media, these girls are prone to withdraw from the essential relationships that offer solace and support and bolster self-esteem.Deeply empathetic and meticulously researched, Enough As She Is offers a clear understanding of this devastating problem and provides practical parenting advice—including teaching girls self-compassion as an alternative to self-criticism, how to manage overthinking, resist the constant urge to compare themselves to peers, take healthy risks, navigate toxic elements of social media, prioritize self-care, and seek support when they need it. Enough As She Is sounds an alarm to parents and educators, arguing that young women can do more than survive adolescence. They can thrive. Enough As She Is shows us how.

Enrabiats: Consells i eines per afrontar les enrabiades amb consciència, humor i amor

by Míriam Tirado

Un llibre que ens ajudarà a afrontar les enrabiades dels nostres fills amb consciència, humor i amor. Les enrabiades dels nostres fills ens descol·loquen i ens fan perdre els nervis. Fins tot posen a prova la paciència dels pares més conscients i respectuosos. Però aquestes enrabiades també ens poden ajudar a saber què els passa. Aquest llibre no pretén donar lliçons sobre com podem posar fi a les enrabiades dels nostres fills. Més aviat ens fa contemplar-les com una gran oportunitat de creixement i aprenentatge personal. Des de la seva experiència com a mare de dues filles i experta en criança conscient, Míriam Tirado ens dona consells i eines per educar els més petits de la casa des d'una altra perspectiva, més serena, respectuosa i amb sentit de l'humor. Aprendrem a relacionar-nos amb els nens d'una manera més efectiva, recorrent al joc i a la imaginació; a desenvolupar l'empatia i acceptar les enrabiades com una part fonamental del creixement i a revisar les nostres idees sobre la infància, les nostres projeccions i expectatives. I tot això ho aprendrem amb l'objectiu de créixer en respecte, consciència i amor, perquè puguem ajudar millor els nostres fills i filles en el seu camí vital.

Enrique's Journey (The Young Adult Adaptation): The True Story of a Boy Determined to Reunite with His Mother

by Sonia Nazario

In this astonishing true story, award-winning journalist Sonia Nazario recounts the unforgettable odyssey of a Honduran boy who braves unimaginable hardship and peril to reach his mother in the United States. When Enrique is five years old, his mother, Lourdes, too poor to feed her children, leaves Honduras to work in the United States. The move allows her to send money back home to Enrique so he can eat better and go to school past the third grade.Lourdes promises Enrique she will return quickly. But she struggles in America. Years pass. He begs for his mother to come back. Without her, he becomes lonely and troubled. When she calls, Lourdes tells him to be patient. Enrique despairs of ever seeing her again. After eleven years apart, he decides he will go find her.Enrique sets off alone from Tegucigalpa, with little more than a slip of paper bearing his mother's North Carolina telephone number. Without money, he will make the dangerous and illegal trek up the length of Mexico the only way he can-clinging to the sides and tops of freight trains.With gritty determination and a deep longing to be by his mother's side, Enrique travels through hostile, unknown worlds. Each step of the way through Mexico, he and other migrants, many of them children, are hunted like animals. Gangsters control the tops of the trains. Bandits rob and kill migrants up and down the tracks. Corrupt cops all along the route are out to fleece and deport them. To evade Mexican police and immigration authorities, they must jump onto and off the moving boxcars they call El Tren de la Muerte-The Train of Death. Enrique pushes forward using his wit, courage, and hope-and the kindness of strangers. It is an epic journey, one thousands of immigrant children make each year to find their mothers in the United States.Based on the Los Angeles Times newspaper series that won two Pulitzer Prizes, one for feature writing and another for feature photography, Enrique's Journey is the timeless story of families torn apart, the yearning to be together again, and a boy who will risk his life to find the mother he loves.

Enséñales a comer para toda la vida

by Héctor Mendoza

"La salud no ocurre en un consultorio médico. Se origina en el hogar y en la comunidad". Dr. Héctor Mendoza Tener una alimentación sana, variada y divertida es posible y mucho más fácil de lo quepensamos. En este libro, el reconocido pediatra Héctor Mendoza acompaña a los padres en el emocionante camino que va desde el embarazo, pasando por los primeros meses de vida del bebé, hasta el inicio de la alimentación complementaria, y les presenta así un universo lleno de posibilidades en el que el bienestar y el amor son los protagonistas. A partir del revolucionario método BLW (Baby Led Weaning) no solo los niños, sino toda lafamilia, podrán reconocer en los alimentos los mejores aliados para gozar de una vida plena y a la vez amigable con el medio ambiente.

Ensnared: Splintered Book Three (Splintered Series)

by A. G. Howard

A teenage girl faces her evil nemesis in the Alice&’s Adventures in Wonderland-inspired trilogy that &“should sweep readers down the rabbit hole&” (Publishers Weekly). After surviving a disastrous battle at prom, Alyssa has embraced her madness and gained perspective. She&’s determined to rescue her two worlds and the people and netherlings she loves. Even if it means challenging Queen Red to a final battle of wills and wiles . . . and even if the only way to Wonderland, now that the rabbit hole is closed, is through the looking-glass world—a parallel dimension filled with mutated and violent netherling outcasts. In the final installment of the wildly popular Splintered trilogy, Alyssa and her dad journey into the heart of magic and mayhem in search of her mom and to set right all that&’s gone wrong. Together with Jeb and Morpheus, they must salvage Wonderland from the decay and destruction that has ensnared it. But if they succeed and come out alive, can everyone truly have their happily ever after? Praise for the Splintered trilogy &“Alyssa is one of the most unique protagonists I&’ve come across in a while. Splintered is dark, twisted, entirely riveting, and a truly romantic tale.&” —USA Today &“Brilliant, because it is ambitious, inventive, and often surprising.&” —The Boston Globe &“A dark beauty fills the novel&’s pages, which will mesmerize teens with a taste for magic, romance or suspense. Unhinged lays the groundwork for a third book where anything could happen—it is Wonderland, after all.&” —Shelf Awareness


by Amy Rose Capetta

Alone was the note Cade knew best. It was the root of all her chords. Seventeen-year-old Cade is a fierce survivor, solo in the universe with her cherry-red guitar. Or so she thought. Her world shakes apart when a hologram named Mr. Niven tells her she was created in a lab in the year 3112, then entangled at a subatomic level with a boy named Xan. Cade's quest to locate Xan joins her with an array of outlaws--her first friends--on a galaxy-spanning adventure. And once Cade discovers the wild joy of real connection, there's no turning back.

Entender las emociones: Una guía para criar hijos sanos y seguros

by Luz María Peniche Soto

¿Se puede educar emocionalmente a nuestros hijos para que se conviertan en personas sanas y felices? ¿Cómo podemos quitarnos la idea del "deber sentir" en la educación de nuestros niños? Este libro tiene las respuestas.Por Luz María Peniche Soto, psicoanalista y especialista en el tema. La emoción es un término que está en boca de todos, pero que en realidad comprendemos poco. Hemos crecido pensando en emociones positivas y negativas, impulsando las primeras y ocultando las segundas. Y eso es lo que les transmitimos a nuestros hijos. Pero este libro nos muestra la importancia de entender qué es lo que sentimos y, sobre todo, qué es lo que sienten nuestros hijos, para enseñarnos y enseñarles cómo manifestarlo y hablarlo. De esta forma no aseguramos que cuando crezcan tendrán perspectivas de éxito plenas de una autoestima sólida, una seguridad inquebrantable y una felicidad acorde a sus deseos.Entender las emociones, escrito por la experta Luz María Peniche Soto, nos ofrece distintas herramientas para aplicar día a día que nos ayudan a advertir la función vital de las emociones: adaptarnos al medio y funcionar en una sociedad. Por ello, aprender a reconocerlas, aceptarlas y concientizarlas es un requisito fundamental en el camino hacia el desarrollo sano y exitoso de nuestros hijos.

Enter Title Here

by Rahul Kanakia

I'm your protagonist-Reshma Kapoor-and if you have the free time to read this book, then you're probably nothing like me. Reshma is a college counselor's dream. She's the top-ranked senior at her ultra-competitive Silicon Valley high school, with a spotless academic record and a long roster of extracurriculars. But there are plenty of perfect students in the country, and if Reshma wants to get into Stanford, and into med school after that, she needs the hook to beat them all. What's a habitual over-achiever to do? Land herself a literary agent, of course. Which is exactly what Reshma does after agent Linda Montrose spots an article she wrote for Huffington Post. Linda wants to represent Reshma, and, with her new agent's help scoring a book deal, Reshma knows she'll finally have the key to Stanford. But she's convinced no one would want to read a novel about a study machine like her. To make herself a more relatable protagonist, she must start doing all the regular American girl stuff she normally ignores. For starters, she has to make a friend, then get a boyfriend. And she's already planned the perfect ending: after struggling for three hundred pages with her own perfectionism, Reshma will learn that meaningful relationships can be more important than success-a character arc librarians and critics alike will enjoy. Of course, even with a mastermind like Reshma in charge, things can't always go as planned. And when the valedictorian spot begins to slip from her grasp, she'll have to decide just how far she'll go for that satisfying ending. (Note: It's pretty far.) In this wholly unique, wickedly funny debut novel, Rahul Kanakia consciously uses the rules of storytelling-and then breaks them to pieces.

Entering Ephesus

by Daphne Athas

Winner of the Sir Walter Raleigh Award: A humorous and unparalleled account of the lives of three young sisters during the Great Depression. It is 1939 and life has changed drastically for the Bishop family. After losing their money and being forced to abandon their lovely seaside home in Connecticut, they move to the all-black Southern town of Ephesus. Patriarch P. Q. (which might stand for Peculiar) is a dreamer whose failed attempts at various schemes have landed the Bishops in a squalid shack that never stays warm and collects soot like a dustbin. And Mrs. Bishop is having an impossible time adjusting to their less than aristocratic conditions. But adolescent daughters Irene, Urie, and the zany Loco Poco—with their eccentric personalities and clothes made from tablecloths—won&’t let anything stop them from taking on the world. Little Women meets The Grapes of Wrath, Daphne Athas&’s award-winning novel has been hailed by critics and named one of the best books of the year by Time magazine. Entering Ephesus is a glorious and unforgettable story of life during the Great Depression through the eyes of three young, vivacious women.

Entertaining Angels

by Joanna Bell

Joshua Gilfoyle has decided there are two things he wants from life before he dies: to find his lost son and to commission an artist to produce his lasting legacy - a new angel for Foxbarton church. His family can't understand why he's already bidding his life farewell, but Joshua is not a man used to opposition. However Julia, the artist he's employed, doesn't believe in angels - unlike her daughter Hebe. Although she's desperate for the commission, she's frightened her artistic inspiration has run dry and is beginning to wonder whether making the angel is beyond her ability. But as Hebe's extraordinary gift begins to affect everyone around her, including even irascible old Joshua himself, there seems to be more than a touch of magic in the air as the mysteries of the past finally begin to reveal themselves.

Entertaining Mr Pepys: A thrilling, sweeping historical page-turner (Women Of Pepys' Diary Series #3)

by Deborah Swift

Perfect for fans of Philippa Gregory, Alison Weir, Anne O'Brien and Elizabeth Chadwick, Deborah Swift brings a unique period in history to vivid, fascinating life in her acclaimed Pepys trilogy.'A remarkably beguiling read. It transported me to the glitter and filth of seventeenth century London' Martine Bailey, author of The Almanack'The fusion of historical facts and fiction is so flawless that it is hard to know where reality ends and fiction begins' Readers' FavoriteLondon, 1666. Elizabeth 'Bird' Carpenter has a wonderful singing voice, and music is her chief passion. When her father persuades her to marry horse-dealer Christopher Knepp, she suspects she is marrying beneath her station, but nothing prepares her for the reality of life with Knepp. Her father has betrayed her trust, for Knepp cares only for his horses; he is a tyrant and a bully, and will allow Bird no life of her own.When Knepp goes away, she grasps her chance and, encouraged by her maidservant Livvy, makes a secret visit to the theatre. Entranced by the music, the glitter and glamour of the surroundings, and the free and outspoken manner of the women on the stage, she falls in love with the theatre and is determined to forge a path of her own as an actress.But life in the theatre was never going to be straightforward - for a jealous rival wants to spoil her plans, and worse, Knepp forbids it, and Bird must use all her wit and intelligence to change his mind.Based on events depicted in the famous Diary of Samuel Pepys, Entertaining Mr Pepys brings London in the 17th Century to life. It includes the vibrant characters of the day such as the diarist himself and actress Nell Gwynne, and features a dazzling and gripping finale during the Great Fire Of London.The third in Deborah Swift's atmospheric trilogy, bringing to life the women in Pepys' Diary. Each novel features a different character and can be read as a standalone book.PRAISE FOR THE PEPYS TRILOGY:'Swift is a consummate historical novelist, basing her books on immaculate research and then filling the gaps between real events and real people with eloquent storytelling, atmospheric scene setting and imaginative plot lines' The Visitor'A novel that transports readers with astonishing and engrossing detail' Readers' Favorite 5*'Pepys and his world spring to vibrant life... Gripping, revealing and stunningly imagined' Lancashire Evening Post

Enthralled by Her Enemy's Kiss

by Helen Dickson

From feuding families…To an unlikely alliance? Jane Deighton&’s sister has eloped with the son of her family&’s sworn enemy! Determined to retrieve her at all costs, Jane is even willing to ask the man&’s formidable older brother, Lord Francis Randolph, for help. On their journey to find the runaways, Jane and Francis reluctantly start gravitating toward one another—culminating in one sinful kiss! Their families have been feuding for years, yet Jane can&’t help herself from being drawn to Francis&’s forbidden touch…From Harlequin Historical: Your romantic escape to the past.

The Enthusiast: A Novel

by Charlie Haas

Henry Bay has his own America going. If there's an offbeat interest or extreme sport that's poised to sweep the nation, chances are there's a magazine for its enthusiasts, and chances are also good that Henry has worked there. He's a modern nomad, associate-editing his way from state to state, exploring the small worlds that make up modern America from Spelunk to Ice Climbing, to Cozy, The Magazine of Tea.But those are other people's interests—Henry's still looking for his own enthusiasm. He ends up finding more than he ever imagined in this energetic, hilarious debut novel from a surprising and promising new voice.

Entice Me: A Stark Ever After Novella (Stark Series #21)

by J. Kenner

New York Times bestselling author J. Kenner continues her beloved, million-copy selling Stark series with Entice Me, a a sensually seductive Stark Ever After novella starring fan favourites. For fans of Fifty Shades of Grey, Sylvia Day, Meredith Wild and Jodi Ellen Malpas. Includes a special preview of Anchor Me, the highly anticipated fourth full-length novel featuring Nikki & Damien as they begin the next chapter in their life together.I didn't understand passion until I met Damien, the man who turned my world upside down and swept me off my feet.And though our life together feels perfect, we can't escape our secrets - and the danger that continually threatens to surface.But for one night, I seek a respite. A birthday wish for my husband, my lover, my friend - one absolutely perfect night.It is my most ardent wish.And I only hope that it will come true...Find out how it all began for Nikki and Damien in J. Kenner's hot and addictive bestselling Stark series: Release Me, Claim Me, Complete Me, Take Me, Have Me, Play My Game, Seduce Me, Unwrap Me and Deepest Kiss.Return to the smoking hot Stark world with the Stark International trilogy: Say My Name, On My Knees, Under My Skin and Take My Dare, is the explosively emotional story of Jackson Steele and Sylvia Brooks.Don't miss J. Kenner's sizzling Most Wanted series of three enigmatic and powerful men, and the striking women who can bring them to their knees: Wanted, Heated and Ignited.

Enticing Benedict Cole

by Eliza Redgold

An artist, a lady, a secret passion... When Benedict Cole shuns her request for painting lessons, Lady "Cameo" Catherine Mary St. Clair takes matters into her own hands. She arrives at Benedict's studio, only to be mistaken for a model! It's an opportunity she just can't turn down... Benedict knows better than to let intimacy interfere with his work, yet he can't quell his fascination for the mysterious Cameo. And after one daring night together, everything changes. Will Cameo still be his muse when Benedict discovers who she really is?

The Enticing of Miss Standish (The Cinderella Spinsters #3)

by Julia Justiss

A meeting of minds…But a most unsuitable match!When lady’s companion Sara Standish meets Cameron Fitzallen, he has his jacket off and he’s mending mill machinery. He is manly, capable—though it’s most improper for him to set her heart aflutter! He is a mill owner—trade—after all. They share the same aim to help impoverished children, but in the eyes of the ton, she must not mix with him. That doesn’t stop her craving his company, or his touch…The Cinderella SpinstersBook 1 — The Awakening of Miss HenleyBook 2 — The Tempting of the Governess Book 3 — The Enticing of Miss Standish “Ms. Justiss’ prose is flawless, so evocative that every emotion permeates the narrative, subtly yet powerfully.”—Fresh Fiction on The Awakening of Miss Henley“If, like me, you enjoy traditional Regencies, historical authenticity in details, complex and nuanced characterization, and excellent writing, this book is for you.”—Frolic, Blog on The Awakening of Miss Henley“Julia Justiss delivers again... and the outcome is delightful.”—All About Romance, Book Blog on The Awakening of Miss Henley

The Entitlement-Free Child

by Karen Deerwester

Raising confident and responsible kids in a "me, mine, now!" culture In a world of quick fixes and instant gratification, The Entitlement-Free Child is your essential resource for how and when to say no, how and when to praise, how to handle age-appropriate challenges, and how to set reasonable expectations—all while maintaining unconditional love. Expert advice for the newest and most in-demand parenting hot-button issue. Parenting expert Karen Deerwester offers hundreds of practical strategies and hands-on tips to guide you through today's confusing parenting situations at home and in public, including: * Cell phones * Eating out * Birthday parties * Bossiness * Teacher conflicts * Allowances * Bickering siblings * Dinnertime demands Put an end to the stubbornness, disrespect, and social problems now by giving your child the resourcefulness to get what she needs and the confidence to respect the needs of others. The Entitlement-Free Child is the new essential resource for 21st-century parenting. Unlock your child's potential today!

The Entitlement Trap: How to Rescue Your Child with a New Family System of Choosing, Earning, and Owne rship

by Richard Eyre Linda Eyre

Dump the allowance-and use a new "Family Economy" to raise responsible children in an age of instant gratification. Number-one New York Times bestselling authors Richard and Linda Eyre, have spent the last twenty-five years helping parents nurture strong, healthy families. Now they've synthesized their vast experience in an essential blueprint to instilling children with a sense of ownership, responsibility, and self-sufficiency. At the heart of their plan is the "Family Economy" complete with a family bank, checkbooks for kids, and a system of initiative-building responsibilities that teaches kids to earn money for the things they want. The motivation carries over to ownership of their own decisions, values, and goals. Anecdotal, time-tested, and gently humorous, The Entitlement Trap challenges some of the sacred cows of parenting and replaces them with values that will save kids (and their parents) from a lifetime of dependence and disabling debt.

Entre el trabajo y el cuidado de los nuestros

by Amy Goyer

La asombrosa cifra de 50 millones de estadounidenses se enfrenta a los desafíos de tener que cuidar de un ser querido y trabajar al mismo tiempo. A pesar de que la prestación de cuidados puede ser una experiencia muy gratificante, este rol acarrea una enorme responsabilidad -y presiones-. Esta guía de AARP te ofrece recursos prácticos y sugerencias fáciles de encontrar cuando más los necesitas, ya sea que estés cuidando diariamente a un ser querido, estés planificando para una situación futura o te encuentres en medio de una crisis. Y de igual importancia, este libro te ayuda a ocuparte del cuidador -o sea, de ti mismo-. La autora, Amy Goyer, experta en envejecimiento y familias, ofrece información, inspiración y su propia y conmovedora historia como encargada directa del cuidado de sus padres.

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