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Guía para Mujeres para Recuperar a tu ex para Siempre: ¡En menos de 4 semanas!

by Sarah James

¿Sientes pena o remordimiento por haberte separado de tu EX? ¿Quieres darle una segunda oportunidad a tu relación o matrimonio? Si quieres tener las mejores posibilidades de recuperar a tu ex entonces esta guía es para ti. Usamos las estrategias más probadas y un proceso paso a paso que puedes seguir para volver definitivamente con tu ex. Nuestra guía cubre lo siguiente: - Paso a paso de como volver a estar juntos. - Consejos y estrategias. - Psicología para incrementar tus chances de tener éxito. - Como actuar y que proceso realizar para reiniciar el contacto con tu ex. - ¡Y MUCHO MAS! Si quieres mejorar tu relación con tu ex y finalmente volver con él, entonces esta guía es para ti. -> Desplázate hasta la parte superior de la página y haz clic en Agregar al carrito para comprarlo ahora mismo<- Renuncia de responsabilidad: Este autor y/o el(los) propietario(s) de los derechos no hacen afirmaciones, promesas o garantías con respecto a la exactitud, integridad o adecuación de los contenidos de este libro, y se exime de toda responsabilidad.

Guía para un embarazo consciente

by Laia Casadevall

El libro que reivindica una maternidad informada y el derecho a decidir de la mujer embarazada. Cada vez son más las mujeres que buscan un cambio en la atención que reciben durante el embarazo y el parto. Este libro es un manual de información y divulgación en torno al embarazo, el parto y el puerperio en nuestro contexto actual. Una herramienta en la que encontrarás información veraz, objetiva y científica sobre todo este proceso vital, y que te ayudará a tomar el control y el protagonismo de tu embarazo con tus propias decisiones. «Aunque la mayoría de las mujeres deberían poder alcanzar el final de la gestación con la consideración de embarazo normal, la realidad es que pocas de ellas llegan a término sin haber pasado por demasiadas pruebas o intervenciones […]. Un proceso que suele experimentarse como una carrera de obstáculos y que a menudo las mujeres viven con ansiedad e incertidumbre, cuando debería ser vividodesde la información y la confianza.» Reseña:«El primer derecho que tenemos como seres humanos es el derecho a un nacimiento respetado. Este libro puede cambiar tu vida.»Tania García, autora de Educar sin perder los nervios y Hermanos

Guía para una mamá millennial: Para vivir una maternidad más tranquila y feliz

by Carolina Molina O.

Guía práctica para las mamás de hoy, mujeres de la vida real, que caminan en comunidad y aprenden unas de otras. A diferencia de la mayoría de libros sobre maternidad que existen en el mercado, que suelen ser teóricos y poco adaptables a la vida real de una mujer moderna, Guía para una mamá millennial pretende acompañar a esta generación de mujeres en todo el proceso de maternidad con un lenguaje profesional pero cercano, y con diversos tips que pueden ser de gran ayuda para las nuevas madres. Incluye ejercicios y emoticones que ayudarán a las jóvenes madres a conectarse con la autora.

Guida Agli Stili Genitoriali: Diventa la madre perfetta per i tuoi figli

by Amanda Winter

Segreti che i professionisti usano per genitori i loro figli! Con decenni di strategie testate, questo ebook ti mostrerà il modo più veloce ed efficace per diventare il miglior genitore possibile. Imparerai come diventare il genitore di maggior successo in appena poche settimane. Costruirai un legame e la fiducia con i tuoi figli come mai prima d'ora con tecniche facili da eseguire che siano gentili e gratificanti. Passo dopo passo e facile da seguire. Cosa è incluso: - Programma di allenamento efficiente. - Semplici passi da seguire. - Ascolta i tuoi figli. - Rinforzo. - Premia i tuoi figli. - Ama e connettiti con loro. + MOLTO ALTRO! Se vuoi avere il miglior rapporto possibile con i tuoi figli, questo libro è per te. -> Scorrere fino alla parte superiore della pagina e fare clic su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente Disconoscimento: L'autore e / o i titolari dei diritti non rilasciano reclami, promesse o garanzie in merito all'accuratezza, alla completezza o all'adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro e declina espressamente la responsabilità per errori e omissioni nei contenuti all'interno. Questo prodotto è solo per riferimento. Si prega di consultare un professionista prima di agire su uno qualsiasi dei contenuti trovati all'interno.

Guida Completa Per i Neogenitori: Tutto Quello che Devi Sapere su Come Prenderti Cura del Tuo Bambino

by Patricia Nunez

Guida Completa per i Neogenitori: Come Prendersi Cura del Proprio Figlio Tutto quello che devi sapere su come prenderti cura del tuo bambino. Impara le strategie più efficaci per prenderti cura del tuo bambino. Questi metodi sono usati e sostenuti da alcuni dei più rinomati sostenitori dell'assistenza all'infanzia di tutti i tempi. Sei una neomamma o un neopapà? Aspetti un bambino? Non sei sicuro di come prenderti cura di un neonato? Se è così, allora questo è il libro che fa per te. Imparare le strategie più efficaci per prenderti cura del tuo bambino. Questi metodi sono usati e sostenuti da alcuni dei più rinomati sostenitori dell'assistenza all'infanzia di tutti i tempi. Strategie provate per aiutare il tuo bambino a crescere al meglio! Troverai consigli su: - La cura del bambino - Istruzione - Come gestire un neonato - Rilassarlo e creare un legame - Pannolini - Fasciatoio - Bagno - Alimentazione - Sonno + TANTO ALTRO!

Guidance Of Young Children

by Marian Marion

Promote positive child guidance and management strategies <P><P>Written in a conversational style, yet solidly grounded in child development theory and research, Guidance of Young Children, 10th Edition focuses on positive and developmentally appropriate guidance of young children. <P><P> Based on the author’s belief that adults need to have realistic expectations of children, the book emphasizes understanding young children’s development in addition to major guidance theories. Real-world examples and case studies illustrate guidance in action, while analysis and application activities give readers a chance to construct their own basic approach to child guidance. With this foundation in place, teachers are encouraged to think critically and make intentional, informed decisions that positively impact the children in their care. <P><P> The 10th Edition enhances its focus on positive guiding strategies with new information about the authoritative caregiving style, an emphasis on encouragement over praise, additional information about the high rate of childcare and preschool expulsions, and more school-based examples at the pre-K and K level.

Guidance of Young Children (8th Edition)

by Marian C. Marion

Based on her belief that adults need to have realistic expectations of children, Marian Marion's Guidance of Young Children emphasizes understanding young children's development, using a developmentally appropriate approach to guidance, and thinking critically in making wise guidance decisions. social-emotional development, guiding children during routines and transitions, revised presentation on child development, methods of observing, expanded and revised coverage on theories, theoretical application to constructing physical environments For Early Childhood Educators teaching courses in Guidance in Early Childhood Education or Behavior Management of Young Children.

Guide des Styles Parentaux: Devenez la mère parfaite pour vos enfants

by Amanda Winter

Les secrets que les professionnels utilisent pour élever leurs enfants! Avec des décennies de stratégies éprouvées, cet ebook vous montrera le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace de devenir le meilleur parent possible. Vous apprendrez comment devenir le parent le plus performant en aussi peu que quelques semaines. Vous créerez un lien et une confiance avec vos enfants comme jamais auparavant grâce à des techniques faciles à réaliser, douces et enrichissantes. Étape par étape et facile à suivre. Ce qui est inclu: - Programme de formation efficace. - Étapes faciles à suivre. - À l'écoute de vos enfants. - Renforcement. - Récompenser vos enfants. - Aimer et se connecter avec eux. + BEAUCOUP PLUS! Si vous voulez avoir la meilleure relation possible avec vos enfants, ce livre est pour vous.

A Guide for Parents Divorce and the Special Needs Child

by Margaret Pegi" Price

Going through a divorce is always tough, but when a child with special needs is involved it can be especially challenging. This book takes a clear and comprehensive look at every aspect of the legal divorce process, and addresses all of the legal issues that divorcing parents of children with special needs face. The author guides parents through the initial hurdles of choosing the right lawyer for their case, and explains exactly how to work with them to achieve the best possible outcome for all concerned. From agreeing upon child custody arrangements that meet the particular needs of the child, to making provision for child support payments, gathering together the documentation needed to prove a case, and dealing with financial issues such as debts and property distribution, no aspect of divorce is left uncovered. A set of checklists is included to ensure that parents consider everything they need to, and the book concludes with a useful list of further resources. Written by an experienced family lawyer who went through her own divorce when her son, who has autism, was six, this book offers much-needed guidance to divorcing parents of children with a variety of special needs.

The Guide For Separated Parents: Putting children first

by Karen Woodall Nick Woodall

Children living in separated family situations fare best when their relationship with each of their parents continues to be close. Putting Children First helps mothers and fathers unlock and resolve the conflict around contact with children that can arise during and after separation. Using strategies such as parenting plans, scripted phone calls and parenting meetings, the book will enable parents to communicate effectively on all the most important things in their children's lives - and make relaxed arrangements for the continued involvement by both parents with their children.

The Guide For Separated Parents: Putting children first

by Nick Woodall Karen Woodall

Children living in separated family situations fare best when their relationship with each of their parents continues to be close. Putting Children First helps mothers and fathers unlock and resolve the conflict around contact with children that can arise during and after separation. Using strategies such as parenting plans, scripted phone calls and parenting meetings, the book will enable parents to communicate effectively on all the most important things in their children's lives - and make relaxed arrangements for the continued involvement by both parents with their children.

Guide pour les Femmes: En Moins de 4 Semaines

by Sarah James

Guide pour les femmes : Comment récupérer votre ex pour de bon par Sarah James En moins de 4 semaines ! Un guide pour les femmes qui veulent retrouver leur ex pour de bon : en moins de 4 semaines ! Est-ce que vous avez des remords ou des regrets d'avoir rompu avec votre EX ? Vous voulez donner une seconde chance à votre relation ou à votre mariage précédent ? Si vous voulez avoir les meilleures chances pour retrouver votre EX, ce guide est fait pour vous. Nous utilisons les stratégies les plus éprouvées, ainsi qu'un processus que vous pouvez suivre, pas à pas, pour vous remettre, de façon efficace, avec votre ex. Notre guide couvre les points suivants : - Une procédure étape par étape sur la façon de se remettre ensemble. - Conseils et stratégies. - Une psychologie pour augmenter vos chances de réussite. - Comment s'y prendre et quel processus utiliser pour reprendre contact avec votre ex. - ET BIEN PLUS ENCORE ! Si vous souhaitez améliorer votre relation avec votre ex pour finalement vous remettre avec lui, ce guide est fait pour vous.

A Guide to Being Born

by Ramona Ausubel

Reminiscent of Aimee Bender and Karen Russell--an enthralling new collection that uses the world of the imagination to explore the heart of the human condition. Major new literary talent Ramona Ausubel combines the otherworldly wisdom of her much-loved debut novel, No One Is Here Except All of Us, with the precision of the short-story form. A Guide to Being Born is organized around the stages of life--love, conception, gestation, birth--and the transformations that happen as people experience deeply altering life events, falling in love, becoming parents, looking toward the end of life. In each of these eleven stories Ausubel's stunning imagination and humor are moving, entertaining, and provocative, leading readers to see the familiar world in a new way. In 'Atria' a pregnant teenager believes she will give birth to any number of strange animals rather than a human baby; in 'Catch and Release' a girl discovers the ghost of a Civil War hero living in the woods behind her house; and in 'Tributaries' people grow a new arm each time they fall in love. Funny, surprising, and delightfully strange--all the stories have a strong emotional core; Ausubel's primary concern is always love, in all its manifestations

Guide To Family-Centered Circle Drawings F-C-C-D With Symb

by Robert C. Burns

First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum

by Jane Nugent Kirsty Dempster-Rivett Emma Goodall Wenn B. Lawson Jeanette Purkis

Filled with strategies and advice, this empowering guide presents practical ways to improve the mental wellbeing of people on the Autism Spectrum. This helpful guide focusses on the specific difficulties that can arise for people on the autism spectrum who may also experience a mental illness. The book includes information on common mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, as well as strategies for improving sleep patterns and mindfulness. Providing guidance on the benefits and drawbacks of therapy pets, medication, and psychotherapy, the authors offer balanced perspectives on treatment options and introduce self-help strategies tailored to meet your needs and improve your mental wellbeing. A number of short personal narratives from people on the autism spectrum and mental health issues illustrate the text. The book also includes a list of resources, books and organisations that can provide further support and inspiration.

A Guide to Mental Health Issues in Girls and Young Women on the Autism Spectrum: Diagnosis, Intervention and Family Support

by Judy Eaton

This book addresses the specific mental health needs of girls and young women with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Looking at the ways autism presents differently in girls than in boys, and the mental health conditions that occur most frequently in girls with ASD, this is the essential guide for clinicians and educators on tailoring interventions and support to meet girls' needs. Describing the current assessment process for autism diagnosis, the book explains why girls are under- or mis-diagnosed, leading to later mental health issues. It outlines the types of intervention that are particularly helpful for working with girls to reduce anxiety, improve social interaction skills, and manage self-harm. The book also covers how to manage eating disorders and feeding difficulties, focusing on working with girls with sensory processing difficulties. There is advice on how to deal with the emotional impact on parents, carers and families, and the challenges they face when negotiating appropriate psychological and educational support.

Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer's Patients and Their Families

by Pat Otwell

Learn how to develop an effective Alzheimer’s ministry. The Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer's Patients and Their Families examines the importance of spirituality in dealing with the everyday challenges of this mysterious disease. Not a “how-to” manual with step-by-step instructions or tried and true formulas, this unique book instead examines the essential elements of ministering to dementia patients based on the first-hand accounts of family members living through pain and uncertainty. The book explores the stages of Alzheimer's, grief and guilt, available resources, and implications of spiritual care for patients and families. It is equally useful as a textbook for graduate and undergraduate work, a reference for study groups and seminars, and a primer for those with limited knowledge of the illness. Ministers sometimes neglect Alzheimer’s patients and their families because they feel they don’t know what to say or do even though they want to be obedient and faithful servants in this specialized ministry. The Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer’s Patients and Their Families communicates the thoughts, feelings, and needs of those affected by the disease to help ministers feel more comfortable, confident, and competent as they develop a theological understanding of God, Alzheimer’s patients, and their role in ministry. The book also provides models for ministry; role-play scenarios; a sample text for a care facility worship service, a care facility memorial service, and a funeral service for a Christian and a non-Christian as well as a sample clergy seminar program on Alzheimer’s ministry. The Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer’s Patients and Their Families examines: common characteristics of early, mild, moderate, and severe Alzheimer’s general information about Alzheimer’s ethical decision-making support group ministry respite care religious rites faith issues heredity hospitalization of Alzheimer’s patients long-distance caregiving working with other clergy The Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer’s Patients and Their Families also includes a special appendix of selections from the Scriptures. This book is a unique resource for all Christians who desire to minister to those affected by Alzheimer’s—especially pastors, priests, chaplains, pastoral counselors, church leaders, healthcare professionals, and seminary students.

A Guide to Planning and Support for Individuals Who Are Deafblind

by John Mcinnes

In this ground-breaking collection, leading experts in the field address the problems of parents, intervenors, and professionals who work with people who have been deafblind since birth or from a very early age. Individuals who are congenitally deafblind face the same challenges as those who become deafblind later in life, but they have not had the same opportunity to develop the communications skills and a conceptual base needed to construct an understanding of the world. The contributors address identification of deafblindness, planning and intervention, development, family support, and education.Just as McInnes and Treffry's "Deafblind Infants and Children" helped to change the approach to and the perception of deafblind children, this collection will assist in fostering a new approach to the education of and support for older children, youth and adults who are deafblind. An essential part of this process is to set forth standards for program development, implementation, and evaluation, which this volume aims to accomplish. It will make an essential contribution to the expanding field of services for the deafblind population of all ages, and to the improved understanding of parents, family members, and professionals who support them.

A Guide to Programs for Parenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities or Developmental Disabilities: Evidence-Based Guidance for Professionals

by John R. Lutzker Katelyn M. Guastaferro Lynn Koegel Brittany Koegel Robert Koegel V. Mark Durand Shelley Clarke Julia Strauss Laura Lee McIntyre Mallory Brown Melissa A. Mello Meagan Talbott Sally Rogers Sandy Magana Wendy Machalicek Kristina Lopez Emily Iland Susan Timmer Brandi Hawk Anthony Urquiza Ronit M. Molko-Harpaz Kenneth Fung Lee Steel Kelly Bryce Yona Lunsky

This book provides a comprehensive outline of the major parent training programs for parents of children with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD), including Autism Spectrum Disorder. Parents or primary caregivers spend the most time with a child, and training them in behaviour management and intervention strategies is critical to improving a child's behaviour, to helping them to learn new skills, and to reduce parental stress. Authored by eminent specialists in the field and written for researchers and clinicians supporting or treating families, each chapter focuses on one of the key evidence-based parent training programs - from Incredible Years® and Positive Family Intervention through to Pivotal Response Treatment and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Each chapter provides a breakdown that features an introduction to the model, evidence for the model, a full description of the model, a discussion of implementation and dissemination efforts, and concluding comments. Grounded in research, this definitive overview provides the evidence and guidance required for anyone considering investing in or running a parenting program.

A Guide to Sometimes Noise is Big for Parents and Educators

by Angela Coelho Lori Seeley Camille Robertson

Understand how children with autism experience the world around them with this simple guide. Learn why they might react unexpectedly to lights, noise, and even seemingly simple requests, and what you can do to help reduce sensory overload. This accompanying guide to the children's picture book Sometimes Noise is Big takes the illustrations and gives a breakdown of what is happening in each picture, with practical tips on how to help children who struggle with sensory issues. This book can also be used as a standalone resource, and is ideal for supporting children aged 5+ with autism at home, in the classroom, and for raising awareness of autism and sensory issues.

A Guide to Special Education Advocacy: What Parents, Clinicians and Advocates Need to Know

by Matthew Cohen

Disability law can be complex and intimidating, so how can concerned parents use it to ensure their child with a disability receives the appropriate education they are legally entitled to? A Guide to Special Education Advocacy gives strategies for advocating for better provision of special education in schools. Despite the many services and accommodations that have been made for students with disabilities, such as the use of Braille or providing specialized education in a regular or special classroom, many children with disabilities do not get the services they need and are not placed in appropriate programs or settings. Because of this, the perception of disability often remains unchanged. Matthew Cohen's insightful manual gives a practical vision of how a parent or a professional can become an advocate to achieve a more inclusive and rewarding education for the child with a disability. This book will provide parents, people with disabilities, professionals and clinicians thinking about special education advocacy with an overview of current disability law and how it works, identifying practical ways for building positive and effective relationships with schools.

Guide to the Alaska Highway

by Ron Dalby

Traveling across the great northern expanses from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to Delta Junction, Alaska, the 1,500-mile Alaska Highway remains one of the greatest driving adventures of all time. Inside you will find details on gas prices, where to camp, how to prepare your vehicle for the journey, and insightful driving tips.Tips scattered through the guidetell you where to spot wildlife,let you in on a few favorite fishing holes, andhighlight important destinations.Brimming with full-color photography, Guide to the Alaska Highway is the most stunning, the most complete, and most thoroughly researched book on the market today. This invaluable guide will help travelers tailor a safe, pleasant, and enjoyable drive through some of the most scenic and rugged landscape on Earth. This guide is perfect for the adventure lover.

Guide to the Blue Ridge Parkway

by Nichole Blouin Victoria Logue Frank Logue

Flowing among the beautiful mountains and valleys of Virginia and North Carolina, the 469-mile-long Blue Ridge Parkway is a true American jewel. Built to expose motorists to nature as well as to preserve its beauty, the Parkway still delivers unrivaled beauty today. Guide to the Blue Ridge Parkway is filled with information useful to those traveling the Parkway and is detailed with color photographs throughout. It highlights the many significant points of interest located on and nearby the Parkway, including Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi, Moses H. Cone Memorial Park, and Mabry Mill, one of the most photographed sites on the Parkway. Also noted are locations of overlooks, waterfalls, and tunnels as well as key entry and exit points along the Parkway. The guide features a brief history of the Parkway itself, a look at the surrounding geology and human history of the area, and an extensive wildflower bloom calendar. The book is organized mile-post to mile-post, appropriate for travelers who are driving the entire Blue Ridge Parkway or only a small section.

Guide to the Natchez Trace Parkway

by F. Lynne Bachleda

A unique journey through the heart of the Deep South, The Natchez Trace Parkway traverses 444 miles from Natchez, Mississippi, across the mighty Tennessee River in northwestern Alabama, to its northern terminus just shy of Nashville, Tennessee. For travelers planning a visit or already on the way, Guide to the Natchez Trace Parkway will help them discover all that the historic byway has to offer. From milepost to milepost, discover an ancient trail blazed hundreds of years ago by Native Americans that, in the early nineteenth century, became a trekking road for river boaters, who had sold their goods and vessels and were now headed back to central Tennessee and beyond.Visitors can drive the entire length, sampling the hundreds of scenic areas, restaurants, inns, exhibits, recreation areas, and other sites along the way. Motorcyclists will want to cruise the entire length as well, but will especially savor the hundreds of miles of meandering road between Natchez and Tupelo. For an even more intimate experience, Guide to the Natchez Trace Parkway shows where to hike on over 60 miles of National Scenic Trail, where to camp, and gives tips on bicycling the parkway's scenic length.Whether exploring a few miles or a few hundred miles, visitors will enjoy it most with the Guide to the Natchez Trace Parkway.

A Guide to the Other Side

by Robert Imfeld

A boy and his ghostly twin sister work together to pass messages from the beyond in this funny paranormal debut.There are a few things you should know about Baylor Bosco: He's thirteen-years-old, he has a twin sister, and he really does NOT like ghosts...which is problematic because he's a medium and sees ghosts everywhere. Oh, and his twin sister, Kristina? She's a ghost too. They've been working as a pair for years, expertly relaying messages from ghosts to their still-living loved ones. Baylor's even managed to come up with an introductory phrase--one that he has to use far too often. But when a strange ghost shows up close to Halloween, a grown man, covered in a sheet, with only his black leather shoes showing from the bottom, Baylor starts to wonder if something else has taken notice of him. And when his sister goes missing, somehow ghost-napped, he's forced to figure out the truth about the Sheet Man and his sister's disappearance, all without his usual ghostly ambassador.

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