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The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry

by Wendell Berry

"Here is a human being speaking with calm and sanity out of the wilderness. We would do well to hear him."—The Washington Post Book WorldThe Art of the Commonplace gathers twenty essays by Wendell Berry that offer an agrarian alternative to our dominant urban culture. Grouped around five themes—an agrarian critique of culture, agrarian fundamentals, agrarian economics, agrarian religion, and geobiography—these essays promote a clearly defined and compelling vision important to all people dissatisfied with the stress, anxiety, disease, and destructiveness of contemporary American culture.Why is agriculture becoming culturally irrelevant, and at what cost? What are the forces of social disintegration and how might they be reversed? How might men and women live together in ways that benefit both? And, how does the corporate takeover of social institutions and economic practices contribute to the destruction of human and natural environments?Through his staunch support of local economies, his defense of farming communities, and his call for family integrity, Berry emerges as the champion of responsibilities and priorities that serve the health, vitality and happiness of the whole community of creation.

The Art of Wearing a Trench Coat: Stories

by Sergi Pàmies

A baker&’s dozen of intertwined stories that brilliantly evoke the ups and downs of relationships between strangers, spouses, parents, and children. Drawing on the author&’s own experiences, this slim, intimate collection of thirteen stories explores myriad forms of love (and disappointment and nostalgia and panic) through a narrator who bemoans his inability to wear a trench coat well, like Humphrey Bogart and the other elegant men his mother taught him to admire. In these encounters and these endings, in these details and these feelings, a compassionate portrait of a life emerges. Terse, droll, sometimes absurd but always lucid, Pàmies casts his gaze on the urge to write as seen through his mother&’s final days; on his teenage fantasy that his father was actually Jorge Semprún; and on situations such as adopting a dog to staunch a failing marriage, or a father asked to play the part of a corpse in his son&’s short film. In this phantasmagoria of failure and loss, Pàmies confronts us—pulling us in with his use of the second person—with the omnipresence of well-intentioned lies without which it might be impossible to ever make anyone else happy.

Art on Fire

by Hilary Sloin

Art on Fire is the apparent biography of subversive painter Francesca deSilva, the founding foremother of "pseudorealism," who lived hard and died young. But in the tradition of Vladimir Nabokov's acclaimed novel Pale Fire, it's a fiction from start to finish. It opens with Francesca's early life. We learn about her childhood love, the chess genius Lisa Sinsong, as well as her rivalry with her brilliant sister Isabella, who publishes an acclaimed volume of poetry at the age of twelve. She compensates for the failings of her less than attentive parents by turning to her grandmother who is loyal and adoring until she learns Francesca is a lesbian, when she rejects her. Francesca flees to a ramshackle cabin in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, working weekends at the flea market. She breaks into the gloomy basement of a house, where she begins her life as a painter. Much to her confusion and even dismay, fame comes quickly. Interspersed with Francesca's narrative are thirteen critical "essays" on the paintings of Francesca deSilva by critics, academics, and psychologists--essays that are razor-sharp satires on art, lesbian life, and the academic world, puncturing pretentiousness with every paragraph. Art on Fire is a darkly comic, pitch-perfect, and fearless satire on the very art of biography itself. Art on Fire is the latest winner of the Bywater Prize for Fiction and was a finalist for the Heekin Foundation Award, the Dana Awards, and the Story Oaks Prize. It was mistakenly awarded the nonfiction prize in the Amherst Book and Plow Competition.

Art With Anything: 52 Weeks of Fun Using Everyday Stuff

by Maryann Kohl

With 52 weeks of fantastic art projects using easy-to-find, everyday materials, Art with Anything provides a year of creativity, imagination, and fun for children ages 4-10! Organized alphabetically by material, each week features one everyday material (address labels, fabric scraps, leaves, rocks) and provides five days of unique activities, increasing in complexity with each day. Art with Anything uses materials like buttons, cardboard, hole-punch dots, junk mail, masking tape, sandpaper, and salt, which encourages recycling and reusing! Children will love making "Glitter Photo Jars" or working on "Shake-It-Up-Bag Paintings," and projects like "Family Finger Puppets" and "Fluff-N-Puff Mobiles" will keep them entertained for hours and stretch their imaginations. Whether at home or at school, in child care or an after-school program, exploring the process of creating art is one of the most compelling ways children learn, and Art with Anything keeps children learning creatively all year long!

El arte de hacer de tu hijo un líder: Un modelo para desarrollar tu liderazgo personal entrenando a tus hijos (El arte de #Volumen)

by Mario Borghino

Técnicas de desarrollo humano para generar un líder de tu hijo. La oportunidad para conseguir que nuestros hijos puedan ser enseñados a ser los líderes del mañana desde los primeros años de su vida. Mario Borghino asume en este libro la responsabilidad de apoyar a los padres en el mejoramiento de su liderazgo personal a través del mayor compromiso que tienen en la vida: la educación de sus hijos. El valioso y original modelo que ha creado con este propósito abre la posibilidad de construir, dentro del mismo seno familiar, el legado más importante que podemos ofrecerles a nuestros hijos: transformarlos en líderes. "El hogar, -explica Borghino- a sus lectores puede ser donde niños y niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes, aprendan el mecanismo más seguro para potenciar sus talentos naturales." Este libro eminentemente práctico pone al alcance de todo el mundo técnicas, fórmulas, instrucciones y ejercicios diseñados originalmente para la formación de altos directivos dentro del mundo empresarial, sólo que esta vez el maestro del liderazgo nos invita a instalar el laboratorio de capacitación y entrenamiento en nuestra propia casa.

Arte de hacer de tu hijo un líder

by Mario Borghino

La oportunidad para conseguir que nuestros hijos puedan ser enseñados a ser los líderes del mañana desde los primeros años de su vida. Mario Borghino asume en este libro la responsabilidad de apoyar a los padres en el mejoramiento de su liderazgo personal a través del mayor compromiso que tienen en la vida: la educación de sus hijos. El valioso y original modelo que ha creado con este propósito abre la posibilidad de construir, dentro del mismo seno familiar, el legado más importante que podemos ofrecerles a nuestros hijos: transformarlos en líderes. El hogar, explica Borghino a sus lectores puede ser donde niños y niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes, aprendan el mecanismo más seguro para potenciar sus talentos naturales.

El arte de no encajar: Lo que pasa cuando el autismo llega a casa

by Noemí Navarro (@noemimisma)

El libro testimonial de @Noemimisma Este es el libro que a Noemí le hubiera gustado tener entre las manos el día en que a su hijo Mateo le diagnosticaron TEA. Y el libro que la habría ayudado a entender su propio caso cuando, al cabo del tiempo, descubrió que también ella era una persona con autismo. ¿Cómo gestionar la incertidumbre? ¿Cómo afrontar el miedo que sientes como madre? ¿Cómo tratarlo con los hermanos? ¿Y con la pareja? ¿Qué decirle a la gente que quiere ayudar, pero no sabe cómo? ¿Qué recursos hay? Pero en él no solo nos habla de esta realidad, sino que hace un recorrido por su vida y su maternidad. En forma de entrevista, este potente memoir lleno de entresijos emocionales pretende inspirar y ayudar con herramientas y recursos a todos aquellos lectores que tengan cerca un ser querido neurodivergente, para que -como declara la autora- «hagan de la vida de ambos una vida plena».

El arte de perder

by Alice Zeniter

Convertida en un fenómeno literario, El arte de perder es una novela arrebatadora sobre los orígenes, la identidad y la libertad de ser uno mismo. Para Naïma, una joven francesa que trabaja en una galería de arte parisina, Argelia, el país del que proceden su padre y sus abuelos, ha sido durante mucho tiempo solamente un punto difuso en el mapa sin demasiado interés. Sin embargo, en una sociedad agitada por el debate sobre la inmigración y el racismo a causa de los atentados de París, todo parece querer devolverla a la tierra de sus ancestros. Pero ¿qué relación puede tener Naïma con una historia que nunca le han contado? Su abuelo Ali, un cabileño de las montañas cercanas a la antigua Palestro, murió antes de que pudiera preguntarle por qué abandonó su aldea y se convirtió en un expatriado; Yema, su abuela, quizá pudiera responderle, pero no en una lengua comprensible para Naïma. En cuanto a Hamid, su padre, un chiquillo brillante llegado el verano de 1962 a uno de los campos de refugiados construidos a toda prisa en Francia, ha decidido no hablar de la Argelia de su niñez. Un drástico silencio familiar que para Naïma, francesa de suelo pero de ascendencia argelina, no deja de ser en buena medida una manera de dominar el arte de perder. La crítica ha dicho...«Un libro importante, tan desbordante como deslumbrador.»Le Parisien «La novela definitiva, siempre ágil y plural, sobre la identidad francesa.»L'Obs «Un texto poderosamente realista sobre los conceptos de identidad y descolonización.»Vanity Fair «Alice Zeniter abarca los grandes movimientos de la historia a través de relatos íntimos y singulares, siempre a partir de unos personajes llenos de vida.»Le Croix «Una novela hermosa.»Lire «Sorprendente.»Le Monde «Imposible que no te llegue al corazón.»Le Figaro Magazine

El arte femenino de amamantar

by Asociacion Liga De La Leche Colombia

La información más actualizada para que la lactancia funcione La lactancia es el método más normal y más sano para alimentar y nutrir al bebé. La Liga de La Leche, organización de prestigio internacional dedicada al apoyo de las futuras madres lactantes, ha establecido los mejores consejos para ayudar a las mujeres en desarrollar este arte natural. Ahora, esta obra clásica se ha adaptado a las madres y estilos de vida actuales y se edita por primera vez en Colombia ¡El arte de la lactancia ofrece al bebé el mejor comienzo posible!

El arte perdido de educar: Recuperar la sabiduría ancestral para criar pequeños seres humanos felices

by Michaeleen Doucleff

Las culturas más antiguas del mundo siempre han dominado el arte de criar niños felices y bien adaptados. ¿Qué podemos aprender de ellos? Una lectura obligatoria para las mamás y los papás que buscan soluciones inteligentes y creativas a los problemas de crianza que más nos preocupan y frustran. Las culturas más antiguas del mundo siempre han dominado el arte de criar niños felices y bien adaptados. ¿Qué podemos aprender de ellos? Una lectura obligatoria para las mamás y los papás que buscan soluciones inteligentes y creativas a los problemas de crianza que más nos preocupan y frustran. Después de ser madre, la periodista científica Michaeleen Doucleff, curiosa por aprender acerca de métodos de crianza más efectivos que los que actualmente practicamos en Occidente, decide visitar una aldea maya en la península de Yucatán. Allí se encuentra con mamás y papás que lo son de una manera totalmente diferente a la nuestra y que crían niños extraordinariamente amables, generosos y serviciales sin tenerles que gritar o regañar. Enseguida se da cuenta de que la mayoría de los grandes desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos los padres occidentales como inculcar amabilidad, empatía y confianza en los pequeños no resultan un problema en otras culturas. Pero, ¿qué más nos estamos perdiendo de la sabiduría ancestral? Tras hacerse esta pregunta, la autora decide partir con su hija Rosy de tres años para aprender y practicar estrategias de crianza de distintas familias en tres de las comunidades más venerables del mundo: los mayas en México, los inuit sobre el Círculo Polar Ártico y los hadzabe en Tanzania. Estas familias demuestran no tener los mismos problemas con los niños que nosotros y logran construir una relación muy diferente con los pequeños que se basa en la cooperación en lugar del control, en la confianza en lugar del miedo y en las necesidades personalizadas en lugar del desarrollo estandarizado. Michaeleen Doucleff es corresponsal de Science Desk de NPR. En 2015, formó parte del equipo que ganó un premio George Foster Peabody por su cobertura del brote de ébola en África Occidental. Tiene un doctorado en Química de la Universidad de California, Berkeley, y vive con su esposo y su hija en San Francisco. Reseña:«El arte perdido de educar de Michaeleen Doucleff nos ofrece una forma completamente nueva de enfocar la crianza de los niños y resulta maravillosamente intuitiva incluso cuando va en contra de todo lo que nos han enseñado hasta ahora como padres occidentales. Amo a todas las familias que nos presenta en este libro, los paisajes que nos cuenta y la honestidad sobre la relación con la propia hija de la autora. Es un placer seguir a Michaeleen y a Rosy de aldea en aldea.»Ángela Santomero -creadora y productora ejecutiva de programas infantilesen Nikelodeon

Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl #1)

by Eoin Colfer

Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is a millionaire, a genius-and, above all, a criminal mastermind. But even Artemis doesn't know what he's taken on when he kidnaps a fairy, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These aren't the fairies of bedtime stories; these fairies are armed and dangerous. <P><P> Artemis thinks he has them right where he wants them but then they stop playing by the rules.<P> Winner of Pacific Northwest Library Association’s Young Reader’s Choice Intermediate Award

Artemis Fowl I. El mundo subterráneo

by Eoin Colfer

Lo que él todavia no sabe es que sus habitantes: hadas, duendes, elfos..., no son las criaturas maravillosas que siempre hemos imaginado y no van a consentir que un humano conozaca sus secretos más sagrados.Como él, van armados hasta las barbas y conocen las últimas tecnologías: se prepara un trepidante duelo que puede provocar una auténtica guerra entre las especies del planeta.

Artemis Fowl III. El cubo B

by Eoin Colfer

Espero, humano, que con solo oír mi nombre un escalofrío recorra tu cuerpo.Si no, pregúntales a las Criaturas mágicas o a las que viven en el Ártico quién soy; seguramente formo parte de sus pesadillas mástemidas, y eso a mí me gusta. Sepas que yo pienso, y Mayordomo actúa. Fui el primer humano que se enfrentó a los seres subterráneosy conseguí lo que quería: oro y algún secreto más. Ahora todo parece volver a la normalidad: he rescatado a mi padre y mi madre está empeñada en que seamos una familia normal. Me queda poco tiempo para mi última maniobra... No sé si ni siquiera te mereces saber cuál es: pero, bueno, hoy me siento especialmente generoso, así que te adelanto que voy a chantajear a un magnate de la tecnología dela comunicación con un invento -mío, evidentemente--: el cubo B. Y, ahora, ¿a qué esperas para empezar a leer?Si todavía no conoces a Artemis, ¡no te pierdas Artemis Fowl y Artemis Fowl. Encuentro en el Ártico!

The Artful Parent: Simple Ways to Fill Your Family's Life with Art and Creativity--Includes over 60 Art Projects for Children Ages 1 to 8

by Jean Van'T Hul

Bring out your children's creativity and imagination with more than 60 kids' art activities from the creator of Art making is a wonderfully fun way for young children to tap into their imagination, deepen their creativity, and explore new materials, all while strengthening their fine motor skills and developing self-confidence. The Artful Parent has all the tools and information you need to encourage your children's creativity through art. You'll learn how to set up an art space, how to talk to children about their artwork, how to choose the best art supplies (without breaking the bank), how to repurpose and organize the piles of art created, and even how to use kids' art activities to soften everyday transitions. The more than sixty engaging kids' arts and crafts projects included here are accessible and developmentally appropriate for one- to eight-year-olds, and they're a far cry from the cookie-cutter crafts many of us did in school as kids. From bubble prints to musical chairs art, these kids' art activities allow children to explore art materials, techniques, and ideas as they grow more creative every day. With activities for downtimes, action art for releasing energy, and recipes for making your own art materials, this book is your guide for raising an artful family.

The Artful Parent: Simple Ways to Fill Your Family's Life with Art and Creativity

by Jean Van't Hul

Bring out your child’s creativity and imagination with more than 60 artful activities in this completely revised and updated editionArt making is a wonderful way for young children to tap into their imagination, deepen their creativity, and explore new materials, all while strengthening their fine motor skills and developing self-confidence. The Artful Parent has all the tools and information you need to encourage creative activities for ages one to eight. From setting up a studio space in your home to finding the best art materials for children, this book gives you all the information you need to get started. You’ll learn how to:* Pick the best materials for your child’s age and learn to make your very own* Prepare art activities to ease children through transitions, engage the most energetic of kids, entertain small groups, and more* Encourage artful living through everyday activities* Foster a love of creativity in your family

The Artful Year: Celebrating the Seasons and Holidays with Crafts and Recipes--Over 175 Family- friendly Activities

by Jean Van'T Hul

Celebrating the seasons provides a wonderful opportunity to embrace creativity together as a family. It's also a fun way to decorate for, prepare for, and learn about the holidays we celebrate. In The Artful Year, you'll find a year's worth of art activities, crafts, recipes, and more to help make each season special. These artful explorations are more than just craft projects--they are ways for your family to create memories and mementos and develop creatively, all while exploring nature, new ideas, and traditions. The book includes: Arts and crafts, using the materials, colors, and themes of the seasonIdeas and decorations for celebrating the holidays togetherFavorite seasonal recipes that are fun for children to help make (and eat!)Suggested reading lists of children's picture books about the seasons and holidaysThe 175+ activities in this book are perfect for children ages one to eight, and for creating traditions that appeal to all ages.

Arthur, for the Very First Time

by Patricia Maclachlan

After a summer visit to his aunt and uncle's farm, Arthur begins to understand there is more than one way of seeing and doing and loving--that there is a world waiting for him to discover. An ALA Notable Children's Book.

Arthur Jumps into Fall

by Marc Brown

Arthur the aardvark can’t leave well enough alone in this autumn adventure—from the creative producer of PBS’s Peabody and Emmy Award-winning TV series.Arthur has a big job to do: raking all of the leaves in the backyard. He tries to focus, but jumping in the leaves is way more fun than raking them. How will he ever finish? Arthur will need some help from his friends for this task!

Arthur Turns Green

by Marc Brown

Arthur is full of ideas when it comes to doing his part to save the planet. But is he actually turning green? Arthur comes home from school and begins sneaking around the house, taking notes and talking about a Big Green Machine. D.W. is suspicious of her brother's weird behavior, and when Arthur shows up late for dinner with green hands, she really gets the creeps! Will the Big Green Machine get her, too? Find out how Arthur's secret project convinces his entire family to turn green! Get to know your favorite aardvark all over again in the first new Arthur Adventure in nearly a decade!

Arthur's Computer Disaster

by Marc Brown

Arthur wants to play Deep, Dark Sea on the computer every chance he gets. He's hooked! When his mother leaves for work and asks him not to touch the computer, Arthur can't resist the temptation. Disobedience leads to disaster when Arthur and his friend Buster both reach for the mouse -- and the computer screen goes blank! Will Arthur be able to fix the computer before his mom gets home from work? Once again Arthur, D.W., and friends lead us on a hilarious adventure kids won't want to miss.

Arthur's Heart Mix-Up (Arthur 8x8 Bks)

by Marc Brown

Arthur the aardvark’s dog breaks his heart! From the creative producer of PBS’s Peabody and Emmy Award-winning TV series.Arthur is carefully working on his science fair project—a model of the human heart—when an overexcited Pal runs through and ruins it! Will Arthur’s friends be able to help—and in time for the fair?

Arthur's Jelly Beans (Arthur 8x8 Bks)

by Marc Brown

Everyone's favorite aardvark, Arthur, is back in this exciting reissue of an Easter adventure!It's Muffy's Spring Fling party, and everyone seems to be better at the games than Arthur. He's the slowest at the Egg Push and the Bunny Hop... but who will win the Jelly Bean Hunt? Will slow and steady finally win the race? Part of an exciting new seasonal Arthur rerelease with Scholastic!

Arthur's Off to School (Arthur [brown] Ser.)

by Marc Brown

Everyone's favorite aardvark, Arthur, is back in this exciting reissue -- just in time for school!Everyone's favorite aardvark, Arthur, is back in this exciting reissue -- just in time for school!Arthur and his friends are getting ready for school! Get a sneak peek at every character's morning routine, from Francine preparing for recess to the Brain searching for his lost lizard. D.W. wishes she could join in the fun, but she's still too young for school. Can she find her own way to help Arthur get ready? Part of an exciting new seasonal 8x8 Arthur publishing re-release with Scholastic, sure to engage and delight a whole new generation of Arthur fans!

Arthur's Reading Race

by Marc Brown

Arthur doesn't believe that his little sister can really read, so he challenges her to prove it.

Arthur's TV Trouble

by Marc Brown

It all started while Arthur was watching The Bionic Bunny Show... When Arthur sees the commercial for the amazing doggy Treat Timer, he knows it's the perfect thing for his puppy, Pal. He can't get it out of his mind--in fact, every time he turns around, another ad is staring him in the face! Arthur's attempt to earn money just gets him into more trouble. Arthur's TV trouble gets worse before it gets better. Will Arthur and his family ever find a solution? Stay tuned.

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