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Mary Wolf

by Cynthia D. Grant

Permanently on the road, a teenage girl struggles to keep her family together Sixteen-year-old Mary Wolf can remember when her family lived in a house, when her father was a successful insurance executive who would jump through sprinklers with his briefcase just to make her laugh. But he never got back on his feet after his business collapsed, and he had to move the whole Wolf family into a giant RV, taking them on the road for a permanent "vacation." Now he drives Mary, her pregnant mother, and her three little sisters from city to city, where they stay at campgrounds and parks with other homeless people, never remaining in one place for long. Mary's mother has turned to petty theft to make ends meet and her dad loses his temper too much to hold down a job, but both insist that everything is going to be fine. Watching her parents increasingly deny the reality of their situation, Mary can feel it: Her whole family is coming to the end of a road.

Maryam's Wish

by Fariza Ahmadova

Like many other girls, Maryam always dreamed of having a sister. One day, on her way home, Maryam met a girl called Shusha. Even though Shusha was not able to speak, she was able to hear. Maryam couldn’t leave Shusha alone on the cold street and so she took her with her. Slowly, despite the difficulties Mayram and Shusha grew into the closest friends. But then Shusha discovers a musical talent, which changes her life. Will Maryam’s and Shusha’s friendship overcome the difficulties? Discover a touching story in the heart of the Caucasus-Azerbaijan, revolving around four women. This book is about the importance of accepting societal differences.

Mary's Wild Winter Feast

by Hannah Lindoff

When winter rain washes away Mary’s chances for a sledding day, she thinks there is no hope for excitement. But with a little imagination and a brimming pantry she soon finds herself caught up in a colorful journey. Together with her father she relives five Alaska adventures, each uniquely inspired by a jar in her pantry. From salmon to blueberries, each lively tale introduces young readers to Mary’s homeland and invites them to learn about how different places can produce different foods.

Más allá

by Julia Alvarez

&“Uno de los libros más esperados del año&” según Oh, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, Vogue, Goodreads, Library Journal, LitHub y Electric Literature.Poco después de jubilarse de la universidad donde enseñaba literatura, Antonia Vega, una escritora latina, pierde a su adorado esposo y su vida parece desmoronarse de repente. Hasta entonces parecía haber encontrado consuelo en la literatura que ama—las palabras de sus autores preferidos dan vueltas en su cabeza como plegarias—, pero la desaparición de su hermana, con su personalidad impredecible y su gran corazón, junto con la aparición de una inmigrante ilegal en el garaje de su casa, devuelven a Antonia a la dura realidad. En estas circunstancias, el mundo requiere más que palabras. Mas allá es una novela ágil y de prosa depurada. En momentos en los que reinan la confusión y el caos, la protagonista se plantea: ¿Le debemos algo a los que sufren, sean inmigrantes desconocidos o familiares cercanos? ¿Cómo podemos mantener la fe en los demás y en nosotros mismos en una realidad destrozada? Y, sobre todo, ¿cómo honramos a las personas que amamos y hemos perdido?"Una imponente obra de arte que recordara a los lectores que Alvarez está, y siempre ha estado, en un nivel inigualable". --Elizabeth Acevedo, autora del New York Times bestseller, Poet X y ganadora del National Book Award "Un retrato íntimo de una escritora inmigrante y reciente viuda que consigue sacar esperanza en medio de un luto personal y político". --O, The Oprah Magazine"Una novela divertida y conmovedora acerca del amor y la perdida…Alvarez escribe con calidez sobre la relación entre hermanas, sobre cómo pueden pelearse, pero también como apoyarse como nadie. En esta novela de corazón grande, los lazos familiares sanan el luto de una mujer".--Kirkus Reviews"Una encantadora novela de inmigración, perdida y amor". --Booklist"La reina está de vuelta con la novela que necesitamos en este momento. Un poderoso testimonio sobre la humanidad, escrito con audacia y autoridad". --Luis Alberto Urrea, autor del bestseller, La casa de los ángeles rotos"Encantadora y sincera, Mas allá explora las complejidades de la devoción familiar y la tragedia, con el trasfondo de un mundo en crisis, y la forma en que luchamos por mantener la esperanza, la fe, la compasión y el amor. Esta es Julia Alvarez en su mejor y mas intima version". --Jonathan Santlofer, autor de The Widower's Notebook"Desde siempre Julia Alvarez ha demostrado que es sabia además de divertida, y que tiene buen ojo para las alegrías y los pesares del amor y la familia. Ahora, en Mas allá, aplica sus dones a la historia de Antonia, quien lucha por salir de la comodidad consoladora de la poesía y enfrentarse de nuevo a la floreciente confusión del mundo".--Stewart O'Nan, autor de Emily, Alone and Henry, Himself

Más allá

by Julia Alvarez

Uno de los libros más esperados del año según Oh, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, Vogue, Goodreads, Library Journal, LitHub y Electric Literature. Poco después de jubilarse de la universidad donde enseñaba literatura, Antonia Vega, una escritora latina, pierde a su adorado esposo y su vida parece desmoronarse de repente. Hasta entonces parecía haber encontrado consuelo en la literatura que amalas palabras de sus autores preferidos dan vueltas en su cabeza como plegarias, pero la desaparición de su hermana, con su personalidad impredecible y su gran corazón, junto con la aparición de una inmigrante ilegal en el garaje de su casa, devuelven a Antonia a la dura realidad. En estas circunstancias, el mundo requiere más que palabras. Mas allá es una novela ágil y de prosa depurada. En momentos en los que reinan la confusión y el caos, la protagonista se plantea: ¿Le debemos algo a los que sufren, sean inmigrantes desconocidos o familiares cercanos? ¿Cómo podemos mantener la fe en los demás y en nosotros mismos en una realidad destrozada? Y, sobre todo, ¿cómo honramos a las personas que amamos y hemos perdido? "Una imponente obra de arte que recordara a los lectores que Alvarez está, y siempre ha estado, en un nivel inigualable". --Elizabeth Acevedo, autora del New York Times bestseller, Poet X y ganadora del National Book Award "Un retrato íntimo de una escritora inmigrante y reciente viuda que consigue sacar esperanza en medio de un luto personal y político". --O, The Oprah Magazine "Una novela divertida y conmovedora acerca del amor y la perdidaAlvarez escribe con calidez sobre la relación entre hermanas, sobre cómo pueden pelearse, pero también como apoyarse como nadie. En esta novela de corazón grande, los lazos familiares sanan el luto de una mujer".--Kirkus Reviews "Una encantadora novela de inmigración, perdida y amor". --Booklist "La reina está de vuelta con la novela que necesitamos en este momento. Un poderoso testimonio sobre la humanidad, escrito con audacia y autoridad". --Luis Alberto Urrea, autor del bestseller, La casa de los ángeles rotos "Encantadora y sincera, Mas allá explora las complejidades de la devoción familiar y la tragedia, con el trasfondo de un mundo en crisis, y la forma en que luchamos por mantener la esperanza, la fe, la compasión y el amor. Esta es Julia Alvarez en su mejor y mas intima version". --Jonathan Santlofer, autor de The Widower's Notebook "Desde siempre Julia Alvarez ha demostrado que es sabia además de divertida, y que tiene buen ojo para las alegrías y los pesares del amor y la familia. Ahora, en Mas allá, aplica sus dones a la historia de Antonia, quien lucha por salir de la comodidad consoladora de la poesía y enfrentarse de nuevo a la floreciente confusión del mundo".--Stewart O'Nan, autor de Emily, Alone and Henry, Himself

Mas alla de mi / Reaching Out (Spanish Edition)

by Francisco Jiménez

From the perspective of the young adult he once was, Francisco Jiménez describes the challenges he faces when continuing his education. During his college years, the very family solidarity that allows Francisco to survive as a child is tested. Not only must he leave his family when his goes to Santa Clara University, but while Francisco is there, his father abandons the family and returns to Mexico. This is the story of how Francisco copes with poverty, with his guilt over leaving his family financially strapped, with his self-doubt about succeeding academically, and with separation. Once again, his telling is honest and true--and inspiring.

Más allá de mi reino

by Yaa Gyasi

Tras el éxito de Volver a casa, Yaa Gyasi vuelve con un relato íntimo y valiente sobre una familia ghanesa en Alabama. Estudiante de doctorado en neurociencia, Gifty explora la conducta en ratones para investigar el funcionamiento de los circuitos neuronales de la depresión y la adicción, dos enfermedades que han causado estragos entre sus seres más queridos: su hermano, Nana, era una promesa del atletismo que murió hace años a causa de una sobredosis de heroína tras una lesión de tobillo y la dependencia al OxyContin, mientras que su madre ha vuelto a caer en una depresión severa. Aunque Gifty está decidida a descubrir la base científica que anida en el sufrimiento familiar, se topa una y otra vez con la fe religiosa y los valores de la Iglesia evangélica que marcaron su infancia, un mundo cuya promesa de salvación sigue siendo tan tentadora como inalcanzable. La crítica ha dicho...«Un libro brillante, deuna profunda reflexión científica y espiritual. [...] Una doble hélice de sabiduría y rabia gira a través de las líneas silenciosas de esta extraordinaria novela.»The Washington Post «Llena de momentos brillantes y reveladores, a veces divertidos, a menudo conmovedores.»The New Yorker «Una profunda meditación sobre el dolor, la religión y la familia.»The Boston Globe «Meticulosa y psicológicamente compleja. [...] Una vívida evocación de la experiencia del inmigrante y un retrato agudo de la lucha interna de un individuo.»Publishers Weekly «Una novela inteligente, que ahonda en la intimidad de los personajes y, gracias a su prosa precisa, plasma un dolor compartido por quienes conocen los escombros de la adicción.»Kirkus Reviews

¡Más cosas que dice mi abuela! (Other Things My Grandmother Says)

by Ana Galán

A grandmother teaches her grandchildren using traditional Spanish-language sayings. The follow-up to Qué cosas dice mi abuela by Ana Galan.Grandma and her grandchildren visit a farm. Once again, Grandma advices the children in a fun and unique way. La abuela y sus nietos visitan una granja. Una vez más, la abuela aconseja a los niños de una forma divertida y única.

Más que dos: Una guía para el poliamor ético

by Franklin Veaux Eve Rickert

El libro More Than Two se publicÓ en el aÑo 2014 y pronto se convirtiÓ en un referente del poliamor, ya que se centra en exclusiva en este tipo de relaciones y ofrece multitud de casos prÁcticos y consejos Útiles para su buen funcionamiento. MÁs allÁ de la pareja es la guÍa mÁs reciente sobre poliamor Ético. En sus 25 capÍtulos, los autores van y vienen de la teorÍa a la prÁctica. Eve Rickert y Franklin Veaux han recogido a lo largo de 20 aÑos sus experiencias y las de cientos de miembros de la comunidad poliamorosa norteamericana. Este manual es una herramienta Útil tanto para las personas que estÁn empezando a pensar sus relaciones de forma poliamorosa como para quienes viven el poliamor desde hace tiempo y quieren encontrar ideas, reflexiones e historias de personas que han buscado relacionarse emocionalmente de forma Ética y no monÓgama durante aÑos. Los autores abordan los cuidados, las negociaciones, el veto, los derechos de las personas que tienen una relaciÓn con alguien que ya tiene pareja, las jerarquÍas en las relaciones y si estas tienen sentido, la confianza, el empoderamiento, los celos, la honestidad y la comunicaciÓn en relaciones no monÓgamas. Este libro no solo derriba los mitos de la monogamia, tambiÉn algunos de los mitos de las relaciones no monÓgamas, Eve Rickert y Franklin Veaux nos invitan a cuestionar desde dÓnde decidimos querernos, escriben sobre el riesgo, el miedo y el crecimiento. No es posible abrirse al poliamor si no queremos habitar nuestra vulnerabilidad y no es posible amarnos sin asomarnos radicalmente a las necesidades y deseos de aquellas personas con las que caminamos.

Más que suficiente

by The Sistars

The Sistars tienen miles de seguidores en You Tube, Tik Tok, Instagram y Spotify. Esta es su primera novela. Las protagonistas se topan por casualidad pero, tal como The Sistars, terminan enlazadas por una misma pasión. Valen y Maxi están pasando por momentos difíciles en sus vidas. Cuando se cruzan en un avión rumbo a Tokio, sienten que son totalmente opuestas, que no tienen nada en común y cada una carga con sus propios fastidios. Pero ¿qué pasa cuando la vida les da un comodín y les pide que lo jueguen? ¿Cómo viven sus sueños? ¿Cuáles son las decisiones correctas? Más que suficiente es una historia sobre la pasión por la música, los sueños y la importancia de la amistad.

Mascot to the Rescue!

by Peter David

“Holy page-turner! ” — Kirkus Reviews


by Robert Crawford

In MASCULINITY, Robert Crawford elegantly explores many aspects of that troubling concept, from imperial militarism to his own experiences as father, husband, and son. By turn affectionate and amusing, painful and self-excoriating, Crawford wryly examines, sometimes in intimate detail, what it is to be male - from awkward, unsporty and even more awkward adolescent, to husband, father of a child and, apparently, New Man. Clever, accessible, very funny and chillingly accurate, MASCULINITY is a sparklingly original collection. Star Trek Epigrams Mr Sulu, set the controls To Economy Wash. We're about to venture Where no man has gone before. Kirk to enterprise: 'I'm going back to my cabin With a box of Kleenex. I want to experience the lonliness of Command. '

Måsen Gandhi

by Francesca Bertha

På den antika krogen Picasso, längs den liguriska kusten, har livet passerat långsamt generation efter generation. När sonen gifter sig , och får ta över, ändras saker och ting. Framtiden innehåller absurda, drömlika erfarenheter, den betryggande smaken av fylld ansjovis och med hjälp av en tillgiven vän och bitar av focaccia: den ende som kommer att förstå varför inte människorna, inbjudna till en begravning där liket saknas, blir upprörda.

The Mask of Destiny (The Archer Legacy)

by Richard Newsome

The life of Australian teen Gerald Wilkins changed forever when he inherited twenty billion pounds and a mystery to solve. In The Mask of Destiny, Gerald believes his enemy Sir Mason Green will be put in prison for murder. Instead, Gerald is accused of murder himself. He’ll have to find the last of three emerald caskets to clear his name. The search takes him, Ruby, Sam, and Mr. Fry to Paris, Rome, Athens, and Delphi. They discover Delphi once held the greatest treasure on earth. It could still be there, waiting to be found by someone good. Or evil… Anthony Horowitz fans will love the extreme adventure, exotic locals, and illustrations in The Mask of Destiny, the rollicking conclusion to the Archer Legacy trilogy.

Mason Dixon: Basketball Disasters (Mason Dixon #3)

by Claudia Mills Guy Francis

Here's the third entry in Claudia Mills' charming middle-grade series. Mason Dixon survived the school choir. He survived adopting his now-beloved dog named, uh, Dog. But now he faces his biggest challenge yet: joining the local basketball team. Not by choice, of course. Not only do his parents encourage it, but his dad even volunteers to be his coach. Now, with his best pal Brody and a team of misfits even worse at basketball than him (if that's possible), Mason must try to rally to beat his arch-rival, the school bully Dunk. Just another day-in-the-life of a disaster-prone fourth grader.From the Hardcover edition.

Mason Dixon: Pet Disasters (Mason Dixon #1)

by Claudia Mills Guy Francis

Soon-to-be fourth-grader Mason Dixon does not want a pet, but his parents think it will be good for him. Goldfish dies soon after his arrival (from overfeeding). Mason is relieved. Hamster escapes. Mason is relieved. Cat has to go back because best friend Brody is too allergic to ever be at their house while Cat is there. Mason is relieved. But when Dog comes, it takes a little dose of jealousy for Mason to realize he does want a pet, all of his very own. Claudia Mills introduces a new, hilarious character in Mason, and each of the three books about him will feature both boys as they cope with a new experience; pitch-perfect for 8- to 10- year-old newly independent readers, the books will maintain a consistent page count and feature black-and-while art throughout.From the Hardcover edition.

Mason Dixon: Fourth-Grade Disasters (Mason Dixon #2)

by Claudia Mills Guy Francis

Here's the second entry in veteran author Claudia Mills' charming middle-grade series, which finds the lovably sardonic title character starting the fourth grade, which he's dreading: everyone in fourth grade is expected to join the school choir. And sing. In front of everyone. Mason can't think of many things he enjoys less than singing. But performing in front of other people might come close; Mason devises a foolproof plan that will keep him out of the spotlight on concert night. Of course, in the world of Mason Dixon, there is no such thing as a foolproof plan. There is only disaster.From the Hardcover edition.

Masquerade (Paperback Program Ser.)

by Janet Dailey

A New Orleans heiress awakens with memories she&’s afraid to trust in this New York Times bestseller by a master of romantic suspense. One minute, beautiful Louisiana shipping heiress Remy Jardin was being swept away by the uninhibited party madness of Carnival in France&’s Côte d&’Azur. The next, she wakes up in Nice, suffering from amnesia after a brutal attack, her identity and memories lost in a dizzying eddy of confusion. Found by her family and rushed back to her home in New Orleans, Remy feels neither relief nor calm—only dread. For Remy is surrounded by strangers. Her father claims to have Remy&’s best interests at heart, yet he seems too anxious to have her committed. Her conniving brother is filled with cryptic warnings. And what is she to make of slippery and handsome Cole Buchanan, CEO of the family&’s Louisiana shipping line? He claims they were once passionately involved, but his secrets suggest something devious. Now, as Cole claws at her heart anew, Remy wonders if he&’s just another soul she dare not trust, or the only man whose declarations of love can save her.

Masquerade: The Games Trilogy 3 (The Games Trilogy)

by Nyrae Dawn

If you love Jamie McGuire's Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster and Abbi Glines, THE GAMES trilogy is for you.BOOK 3 in THE GAMES trilogy. After his father is imprisoned for murder, leaving his mother suicidal, Maddox Cross is left alone in Brenton, Virginia. When he meets a feisty young woman in the club where he works security, he has no idea that she might change his life for ever.Bee Malone has just moved to Brenton to open a tattoo parlour, Masquerade. But Bee hides a dark past. When she meets Maddox, there's an instant attraction that leaves them wanting to connect in more ways than one. Maddox is fascinated by Bee's passion for ink, and asks her to teach him her art. As they work side by side at Masquerade, sparks fly and they are both forced out of their comfort zones. Will their stubborn natures tear them apart? Or push them dangerously closer together?

Massage for Pregnancy and Beyond: Simple, Soothing Touch for Before and After Baby

by Michele Rosa Morrison

Soothing massage to support a mother before, during, and after birth Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time, and expectant mothers need all the physical and emotional support they can get. A massage from a partner or loved one can be a beautiful way to offer that support. Massage for Pregnancy and Beyond is your how-to guide for safe and comforting massage techniques that can be used by anyone looking to do something helpful and healing for a mom-to-be. You'll learn the basics of effective massage therapy, including simple sequences to relieve everything from sore feet and hip tension to supporting a woman through the remarkable event that is birth. Massage for Pregnancy and Beyond features: Advice for the entire journey—Understand the changes mom's body is undergoing during each trimester of pregnancy, as well as labor and the postpartum phase. No experience required—Simple instructions ensure you can easily learn techniques to soothe, calm, and support a pregnant loved one. A closer connection—Discover the beauty of healing touch to provide comfort, safety, and bonding for mom, baby, and partners. Learn how pregnancy massage can help loved ones connect on the journey of bringing a new life into the world.

The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Adolescent Medicine Handbook

by Mark A. Goldstein

The second edition of this definitive guide for clinical care of adolescents builds upon the practical knowledge and guidance of the first edition, and expands into new subjects of adolescent care. The handbook is divided into three sections: general adolescent medicine, sexuality, and mental health, and contains relevant, practical knowledge, covering those areas most often seen in the practice of adolescent medicine. The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Adolescent Medicine Handbook, 2nd edition details best practices in regards to diagnostic evaluations and clinical care, but also instructs practitioners on the best methods to connect, communicate, and continue that care with adolescents, in order to provide optimal treatment, and instill healthy lifetime behaviors. Each chapter is written by clinicians who have been trained at, or are members of the staff of Massachusetts General Hospital, and this edition has nearly doubled the amount of skilled physician authors. While this title has been revised and updated, entirely new chapters devoted to hypertension, immunizations, breast disorders, HIV, and resilience have also been added, reflecting new and changing contributions to the field of adolescent medicine. This second edition brings together the practical, hands-on knowledge of the first edition, along with new information and additional subject areas to create a balanced, multi-specialty method to treating and engaging adolescent patients.

The Master: A Novel (Picador Classic Ser. #73)

by Colm Toibin

&“Colm Tóibín&’s beautiful, subtle illumination of Henry James&’s inner life&” (The New York Times) captures the loneliness and hope of a master of psychological subtlety whose forays into intimacy inevitably fail those he tried to love.Beautiful and profoundly moving, The Master tells the story of Henry James, a man born into one of America&’s first intellectual families who leaves his country in the late nineteenth century to live in Paris, Rome, Venice, and London among privileged artists and writers. The emotional intensity of Tóibín's portrait of James is riveting. Time and again, James, a master of psychological subtlety in his fiction, proves blind to his own heart and incapable of reconciling his dreams of passion with his own fragility. With stunningly resonant prose, &“The Master is unquestionably the work of a first-rate novelist: artful, moving, and very beautiful&” (The New York Times Book Review).

Master Conflict Therapy: A New Model for Practicing Couples and Sex Therapy

by Stephen J. Betchen Heather L. Davidson

Illustrated with case studies, this book teaches couples and sex therapists the comprehensive, integrative treatment approach of master conflict therapy (MCT), which combines psychoanalytic conflict theory and Bowen Theory with the basic principles and practice of sex therapy. MCT suggests that each partner has an internal conflict born out of their experiences from their respective families of origin. Partners then choose one another based on these conflicts, and it is only when they are out of balance that the couple experiences symptoms. The authors help clinicians treat couples through providing them with a solid theoretical foundation, a practical assessment procedure, and highly effective treatment techniques to re-balance a couple and, in turn, alleviate their sexual symptoms.

The Master Fiddler (Camden Ser.)

by Janet Dailey

In Tombstone, Arizona, a woman surrenders to a stranger&’s dangerous bargain—in this steamy romance from the New York Times–bestselling author. Jacquie Grey heads west, dreaming of a life outside her wealthy father&’s influence, only to find herself stranded and broke in Tombstone, Arizona. She knows better than to accept the hard bargain offered by the arrogant stranger Choya Barnett. But with nowhere else to turn, she agrees to be his live-in housekeeper, despite his scandalous terms. Now Choya is about to strip her bare of all her beliefs about what a man really wants from a woman—one smoldering kiss at a time. But before the hardhearted widower sets the spoiled beauty straight, he might learn a thing or two about love. Set beneath the blue skies of a spirited western town, The Master Fiddler is the searing story of strangers battling desire as only romance legend Janet Dailey can tell it. With over 300 million books in print in nineteen languages, Dailey remains one of the world&’s most popular novelists.

Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sharyl Attkisson James Ottar Grundvig

The explosive true story of fraud, embezzlement, and government betrayal. In 2000, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) carried out a secret mission to bury, skew, and manipulate data in six vaccine safety studies, in a coordinated effort to control the message that "vaccines do not cause autism.” They did so via secret meetings and backtesting health-care data. The CDC invested tens of millions of dollars in a foreign health-care data analytics startup run by Danish scientist Poul Thorsen, a move to ensure that no link ever surfaced. But fate had other ideas. The agency soon learned it couldn’t control Thorsen. In 2011, the US Justice Department indicted him for the theft of more than $1 million of CDC grant money.Master Manipulator exposes the CDC’s hidden agenda for the cover-up. Influenced by Big Pharma money, future high-paying jobs, and political lobbyists, CDC executives charted a course different than what the findings of earlier vaccine safety studies revealed. The CDC needed an outsider to "flatten” the results of the data, while building an exit strategy: a fall guy in case the secret plan was exposed. Thorsen fit the bill nicely, conducting studies overseas. But the CDC’s plan backfired, as Thorsen took the money to the bank and the power went to his head. It would take years for his fraud scheme funneling CDC grant money to a Danish university and then back to a CDC bank account he controlled to play out.Master Manipulator is a true story of fraud and betrayal, and an insider’s view of what takes place behind the closed doors of agencies and drug companies, and with the people tasked to protect the health of American children. It’s a cautionary tale of the dangers of blind trust in the government and the health-care industry.

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