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Mirabella 6 - Mirabella y el verano de hadas (Mirabella #Volumen 6)

by Harriet Muncaster

Mitad bruja, mitad hada, ¡un torbellino de magia! Mirabella es especial porque es diferente. Su mamá es una bruja, su papá es un hada, y Mirabella tiene un poquito de los dos. Este verano va a ser mágico: Wilbur y Mirabella pasarán unos días en casa de sus abuelos hada. ¡Tienen mil planes preparados! Pero los hechizos de bruja no siempre les salen bien, ¡aunque siempre sorprenden! Sin querer, Mirabella ha dejado la habitación hecha un desastre, y Wilbur ha vuelto al gato violeta... ¿Conseguirán arreglar este estropicio mágico antes de que sus abuelos lo vean?

Mirabella 7 - Mirabella y los patines encantados (Mirabella #Volumen 7)

by Harriet Muncaster

Mitad bruja, mitad hada, ¡un torbellino de magia! Mirabella es especial porque es diferente. Su mamá es una bruja, su papá es un hada, y Mirabella tiene un poquito de los dos. Además... ¡a la prima mayor de Isadora le encanta meterse en líos! Mirabella está desesperada por tener unos patines mágicos nuevos, pero mamá y papá dicen que deberá conseguirlos ella sola. ¿Cómo podrá hacerlo? Ya está: ¡montando un negocio! ¡Descubre las aventuras de Mirabella en este nuevo lío mágico! Una colección llena de travesuras mágicas para primeros lectores: -Texto sencillo y entretenido, fácil de leer y de entender para niños y niñas a partir de 7 años. -Capítuloscortos y adorables ilustraciones en morado y negro en cada página. ¡Ideal para dejarse hechizar por la lectura a solas! -Del mundo de Isadora Moon y la autora bestseller Harriet Muncaster, con 2 millones de libros vendidos en español. -Con purpurina en la cubierta, para lectores que quieren travesuras, pero también les atrae el mundo hechizante de las brujas y las hadas.

Mirabella y el bosque de las brujas (Mirabella #Volumen 4)

by Harriet Muncaster

Mitad hada, mitad bruja, ¡un torbellino de magia! ¡Vuelve Mirabella, la prima más traviesa de Isadora Moon! Mirabella es especial porque es diferente. Su mamá es una bruja, su papá es un hada, y Mirabella tiene un poquito de los dos. Mirabella y su familia van a disfrutar de unas vacaciones al estilo de las brujas. Ella intenta portarse bien, pero su nueva amiga brujita no para de meterlas en líos... ¿Y si esta vez Mirabella intentara de verdad ser la bruja buena?

Mirabella y el hechizo del dragón (Mirabella #Volumen)

by Harriet Muncaster

Mitad bruja, mitad hada, ¡un torbellino de magia! Mirabella es especial porque es diferente. Su mamá es una bruja, su papá es un hada, y Mirabella tiene un poquito de los dos. Además... ¡a la prima mayor de Isadora le encanta meterse en líos! Ha llegado la fiesta de hadas, y el papá de Mirabella le ha dicho que tiene que portarse muy muy bien. Pero ella sabe que todo será mucho más divertido con un poco de magia... Acompáñala en una aventura llena de hechizos, escobas voladoras, ¡y muchas travesuras!

Mirabella y la escuela de magia (Mirabella #Volumen)

by Harriet Muncaster

Mitad bruja, mitad hada, ¡un torbellino de magia! Mirabella es especial porque es diferente. Su mamá es una bruja, su papá es un hada, y Mirabella tiene un poquito de los dos. Además... ¡a la prima mayor de Isadora le encanta meterse en líos! Mirabella ha prometido no crear problemas en la escuela de brujas, pero nada más llegar las cosas ya se tuercen... En Pociones no le va muy bien, y la clase de vuelo es un desastre. ¡Mirabella no puede evitar ser un poco rebelde! ¿Conseguirán Mirabella y su amiga Carlotta solucionarlo todo a tiempo?

Mirabelle 6 - Mirabelle i l'estiu de fades (Mirabelle #Volumen 6)

by Harriet Muncaster

Meitat bruixa, meitat fada, un remolí de màgia! La Mirabelle és especial perquè és diferent. La seva mare és una bruixa, el seu pare és un follet, i ella té una miqueta de tots dos. Aquest estiu serà màgic: en Wilbur i la Mirabelle passaran uns quants dies a casa dels seus avis follet. Han pensat un munt de plans per fer! Però els encanteris de bruixa no sempre els surten bé, tot i que sempre sorprenen! Sense voler, la Mirabelle ha deixat l'habitació feta un desastre, i en Wilbur ha tenyit el gat de color lila... Aconseguiran arreglar aquest desastre màgic abans que els avis ho vegin?

Mirabelle i el bosc de les bruixes (Mirabelle #Volumen 4)

by Harriet Muncaster

De l'univers de la Isadora Moon, arriba una nova aventura de la Mirabelle: meitat bruixa, meitat fada, un remolí de màgia! Mirabelle és especial perquè és diferent. La seva mare és bruixa, el seu pare és un follet, i ella té una miqueta de tots dos. La família de la Mirabelle se'n va de vacances a l'estil de les bruixes. La Mirabelle intenta portar-se bé, però la seva nova amiga bruixeta no deixa de ficar-les en embolics… I si, aquest cop, la Mirabelle intenta ser la bruixa bona?

Mirabelle i la classe de pocions

by Harriet Muncaster

Meitat bruixa, meitat fada, un remolí de màgia! La Mirabelle és especial perquè és diferent. La seva mare és bruixa, el seu pare és un follet, i la Mirabelle té una miqueta de tots dos. A més, a la cosina gran de la Isadora li encanta ficar-se en embolics! La Mirabelle té un dia molt estrany: l’escombra màgica se li rebel·la, no troba la seva amiga Carlotta..., i la poció que ha fet ha anat a parar damunt la persona equivocada! Aconseguirà arreglar-ho i acabar bé el dia?

Mirabelle i l´encanteri del drac (Mirabelle #Volumen)

by Harriet Muncaster

Meitat bruixa, meitat fada, un remolí de màgia! La Mirabelle és especial perquè és diferent dels altres. La seva mare és una bruixa, el seu pare és una fada, i ella té una miqueta de tots dos. A més, a la cosina gran de la Isadora li encanta ficar-se en embolics! És la nit de la festa de les fades i el pare de la Mirabelle li ha dit que ha de portar-se molt i molt bé. Però ella sap que tot serà molt més divertit amb una mica de màgia... Acompanya la Mirabelle en una aventura plena d'encanteris, escombres voladores i moltes trapelleries!

Mirabelle y la clase de pociones

by Harriet Muncaster

Mitad bruja, mitad hada, ¡un torbellino de magia! Mirabella es especial porque es diferente. Su mamá es una bruja, su papá es un hada, y Mirabella tiene un poquito de los dos. Además... ¡a la prima mayor de Isadora le encanta meterse en líos! Mirabella está teniendo un día muy raro: su escoba mágica está rebelde, no encuentra a su amiga Carlota, y su nueva poción… ¡ha caído sobre la persona equivocada! ¿Conseguirá Mirabella arreglarlo y terminar bien el día?


by Amanda Leask

As seen on ITV's Britain's Got Talent, where they captured the hearts of the nation, this is Amanda and Miracle's incredible story of survival, love and hopeSnatched from the streets of Thailand, loaded onto a truck with hundreds of other stolen dogs and destined for the restaurants of Hanoi, Miracle the dog shouldn’t be alive today. But an incredible rescue led to a fateful meeting with Amanda Leask, a dog lover from Scotland. Devastated by Miracle’s plight and the hopelessness of his situation, she knew she had to do everything in her power to save him. But Amanda could never have imagined that in doing so she was really saving herself… Amanda’s six year-old son Kyle, who was born with cerebral palsy and autism, built a deep and lasting connection with Miracle and their special bond has transformed not only Kyle’s life but that of the entire family. Heartbreaking, inspirational and ultimately life-affirming, this incredible tale is proof that miracles really can happen…

The Miracle (Singing River Series #3)

by Gilbert Morris

Raising four strong-willed younger siblings after her mother&’s death and her father&’s imprisonment, seventeen-year-old Lanie Freeman never knows what new adventure will roll into view—such as her brother&’s wild idea to turn the family&’s old truck into a traveling store. The Freeman Rolling Emporium could provide the financial security Lanie and her family so desperately need, or it could tear them apart. Yet it&’s only a prelude to other changes. Author Brent Hayden&’s arrival in Fairhope breathes fresh life into Lanie&’s dream of becoming a writer. And then the hammer descends … Lanie&’s father is diagnosed with cancer, and the faith and unity of her family are stretched to the limit. And on top of this shattering news, a crisis is about to strike that will rock the whole town of Fairhope—and shatter Lanie&’s dreams of love. The Miracle continues the story of a young woman&’s valiant struggle to uphold her faith, her family, and her dreams during the height of the Great Depression.

Miracle Baby: A Fertility Doctor's Fight for Motherhood

by Dorette Noorhasan

An OG/GYN and fertility specialist details her personal struggles with getting pregnant, sharing a doctor’s perspective on a journey faced by many.After years of dedicating her career to bringing new lives into the world, ob/gyn and fertility specialist Dr. Dorete Noorhasan wanted to have a child of her own. But her journey to motherhood was not an easy one.This is her story. The story of a girl who grew up amid hardship, natural disaster, and the harsh reality of life and death. The story of a young woman who dedicated herself to her education and pursued a career in medicine so she could help patients become parents. The story of a mother who was determined, despite all the struggles, setbacks, and heartbreak, to bring her child into this world.Today, one woman in eight is battling infertility. As a physician, Dr. Noorhasan understands the medical aspects of this condition. But as a patient, she has also experienced the emotional turmoil firsthand. Through this unique perspective, Miracle Baby sheds much-needed light on infertility while also offering hope and comfort to those struggling on the road to parenthood, showing how even the most difficult journeys can end in a miracle.Praise for Miracle Baby“Poignant, transparent, inspiring, Dr. Noorhasan’s perspective will resonate with anyone facing a challenging journey to parenthood. Having found her own path to motherhood through surrogacy, she brings a physician’s insight to a deeply personal struggle, and her books are much-need tools to de-mystify infertility and help families find the hope and understanding to persevere.” —Kavitha Blewitt, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women’s Health Specialists of Dallas

Miracle Baby for the Midwife: London Hospital Midwives (London Hospital Midwives #2)

by Tina Beckett

A night like no other leads to a miracle she’s dreamed of!In this London Hospital Midwives story, Carly Eliston knows that she may never have children. That’s not an easy realization for a midwife but devoting her life to helping other mothers realize that dream is fulfillment enough. Until she begins working alongside sexy neurosurgeon Adem Kepler! After the charismatic doctor challenges Carly to let her hair down, she’s in for a miraculous shock—she’s carrying Adem’s baby! Could this be the passioante romance she’s been searching for?Read the rest of the London Hospital Midwives series:Cinderella and the Surgeon by Scarlet WilsonMiracle Baby for the Midwife by Tina BeckettReunited by Their Secret Daughter by Emily Forbes A Fling to Steal Her Heart by Sue MacKayFrom Harlequin Medical Romance: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.“Ms. Beckett is a wonderful author whose books I normally find easy to get into…where the chemistry between this couple was strong right from the beginning and only gets stronger as this story progresses; the romance was delightful….”—Harlequin Junkie on The Surgeon’s Surprise Baby“Every medical romance I’ve read by Ms. Beckett has entertained me from start to finish, as she writes complex characters with interesting back stories, compelling dialogue that has me enjoying the growing relationship between the two main characters, and challenging obstacles for the characters to overcome and this story was no different.”—Harlequin Junkie on One Night to Change Their Lives

Miracle Baby, Miracle Family

by Alison Roberts

Returning home could lead to a life the nurse never expected! Enjoy this wonderful reunion romance from Harlequin Medical Romance author Alison Roberts.A family……to change the nurse&’s life! Nurse Isobel has no doubt. Returning home will be anything but easy. Especially as being back in England means being back in her ex Dr. Rafe&’s life. Rafe was once the man whom Isobel almost found happily-ever-after with. Now he&’s the single father of adorable twin boys! Yet it&’s when Isobel discovers that she has an orphaned newborn niece in the NICU that their lives truly collide. Will their reunion be for good this time?From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.

The Miracle Ball Method for Pregnancy: Relieve Back Pain, Ease Labor, Reduce Stress, Regain a Flat Belly

by Elaine Petrone

**Note: Miracle Balls are not included with ebook edition. If you’re looking for the full Miracle Ball package, please select the print edition.** Every year, four million women experience the joy of pregnancy—along with backaches, indigestion, sore feet, and difficulty sleeping. And after baby arrives, that persistent postpartum belly. Now proven relief is here. From Elaine Petrone, author of The Miracle Ball Method, with over 1.1 million copies in print, comes The Miracle Ball Method for Pregnancy, a program designed to help women deal with the pains, stress, and physical changes of pregnancy, and then help them regain a flat belly afterward. Elaine Petrone, a former dancer who created the original Miracle Ball Method to heal herself after suffering a career-ending injury, developed The Miracle Ball Method for Pregnancy after her own high-risk pregnancy with twins. The Miracle Ball Method works because it’s the un-exercise: muscles relax and become supple enough to allow the body to realign and reshape. The program starts with how to breathe properly, and why focusing on exhalation strengthens the diaphragm and relieves anxiety and fatigue. There are movements for specific problem areas—Neck on the Ball, the Rib Cage Side Stretch—and whole-body moves like Standing Body Hang Over. There are also variations to use in later months, when it’s no longer advised to lie flat on your back. The final exercises help reshape the body after birth, plus address labor, breastfeeding, and carrying a new baby around, now on the outside.

Miracle Beach

by Erin Celello

In a stirring debut novel, the discovery of a husband's troubling secrets after his death shakes his wife's faith in their marriage and herself. Macy Allen, an accomplished equestrienne, has relied on her horses and her husband, Nash, to pull her through. But after Nash dies in a tragic accident, Macy learns devastating secrets about his life that rock her belief in their marriage and herself. Nash's mother, Magda, blames Macy for her only son's death. When her husband, Jack, moves to Vancouver Island in a desperate attempt to feel closer to the son he's lost and never really knew, Magda's bitterness threatens to alienate the people she needs most. As this unlikely family questions how well they knew Nash and what love really means, still another surprise awaits them-an irrepressible child who will overturn all their expectations...

Miracle Beach

by Erin Celello

In a stirring debut novel, the discovery of a husband's troubling secrets after his death shakes his wife's faith in their marriage and herself. Macy Allen, an accomplished equestrienne, has relied on her horses and her husband, Nash, to pull her through. But after Nash dies in a tragic accident, Macy learns devastating secrets about his life that rock her belief in their marriage and herself. Nash's mother, Magda, blames Macy for her only son's death. When her husband, Jack, moves to Vancouver Island in a desperate attempt to feel closer to the son he's lost and never really knew, Magda's bitterness threatens to alienate the people she needs most. As this unlikely family questions how well they knew Nash and what love really means, still another surprise awaits them-an irrepressible child who will overturn all their expectations. . . .

A Miracle Every Day

by Marita Golden

A Miracle Everyday takes an illuminating and intimate look at flourishing single-mother families. Single motherhood and the children of single mothers have been the subject of overwhelmingly negative statistical analysis. But, asks Marita Golden, where are the studies that analyze the strengths of single mothers, the positive adaptive skills learned by their children, the support systems that help these families work? In A Miracle Every Day Golden, once a single mother herself, and several other single mothers and their family members share their success stories with great honestly and insight. Golden identifies the coping characteristics these families have in common and organizes them into guiding themes, making A Miracle Every Day a book that single mothers and their support networks can turn to for wisdom, comfort, and inspiration.

A Miracle for the Baby Doctor

by Meredith Webber

Conceived in paradise... When beautiful embryologist Fran Hawthorne is offered the opportunity to work on a Pacific island for a month, she seizes the chance to escape the humiliation of her ex-husband's betrayal. But Fran isn't prepared for Steve Ransome, the handsome doctor heading the clinic. After years of struggling to conceive with her ex, Fran is tempted to give in to the pure passion that burns between them. Only their "temporary" fling results in her carrying the child she thought she'd never have...

Miracle in a Daddy's Hug Gift

by John Burns

In a world where so many boys and girls grow up deprived of their father's love, we see the repercussions of this depravation in the individual lives of these children and in society as a whole. The Miracle in a Daddy's Hug has a two-fold meaning: It's about the child who is a miracle full of miracles, and it's about the miracle-producing power of a daddy wrapping his arms, words, and heart around his child. This easy to read and understand book shares seven components of the miracle in a daddy's hug: First it examines the miracle of the child and the dad. Then, it looks at the value of touch, words, time, love, and faith. This book helps parents understand their children, it provides vision and strategies for both moms and dads, and it builds confidence in every dad that he can raise miracles called children.

The Miracle in a Mother's Hug GIFT

by Helen Burns

Female readers will readily embrace this gentle yet strong exploration of the power of motherhood. Helen Burns confides that "every prayer I prayed, every bedtime story I read, every tear I kissed away, every encouraging word I spoke, every promise I kept, every memory I made -- all of these things truly mattered." Written in what she refers to as the "reward stage" of motherhood -- when all the seeds she has sown are reaping harvest in the lives of her now-grown children -- she rejoices that she can "fully understand the why behind the what in everything we do as mothers." Any mother will be refreshed as she is reminded of the value of the everyday miracles that result from expressing affection, being truly present in conversations, and demonstrating commitment in small ways.

Miracle in Music City

by Natalie Grant

In this third title in the Faithgirlz Glimmer Girls series by Natalie Grant, Miracle in Music City, the Glimmer Girls are at it again—looking for a mystery to solve. Gloria wants her daughters to learn they aren’t too young to make a difference, so she gets them involved in her annual benefit and auction. But as things often do with the trio of smart and sassy sisters, they get themselves and their nanny Miss Julia involved in a lot more than just helping mom raise money for a worthy and wonderful cause.

Miracle in Seville

by James A. Michener Steve Berry John Fulton

James A. Michener, the Pulitzer Prize-winning master of the historical saga, returns to his beloved Spain with this magical novel of Seville at Easter time, a season of splendid pageantry, thrilling bullfights, deep piety--and the possibility for miracles. An American sports journalist has come to the city to report on efforts by the rancher Don Cayetano Mota to revive his once-proud line of bulls: Not only does Mota pray to the Virgin Mary, but he takes on Herculean acts of devotion during the solemn celebrations of Holy Week. The story goes deeper into life's mysteries, shaking the newspaperman's skepticism and opening his eyes to the wonder of faith. Featuring illustrations by the American bullfighter John Fulton, Miracle in Seville is Michener at his most dazzling. Praise for Miracle in Seville "Eloquent . . . a vintage demonstration of Michener storytelling . . . What emerges most strongly is the real admiration and awe that lovers of bullfighting feel for the toro bravo."--The New York Times Book Review "Compelling . . . told with an understanding of and appreciation for a culture where matadors are artists and miracles are possible."--Chicago TribuneFrom the Hardcover edition.

The Miracle Man: The Miracle Man; When You Call My Name; Shades Of A Desperado (Romantic Traditions #650)

by Sharon Sala

Get swept up in this classic romance story from New York Times bestselling author Sharon Sala.More than anything, Antonette Hatfield wanted a baby. But she’d long since given up on Mr. Right. He simply didn’t exist. So rather than marry a good man, Toni planned to bear a good man’s child. No strings attached. Then he washed ashore—the nameless answer to her every prayer…US Marshal Lane Monday had survived one close call, only to find himself in another quandary. The most exciting woman he’d ever met—the woman who’d saved his life—was offering him safe haven…in her bed. But pleasure without price wasn’t Lane’s style. He knew all too painfully that the consequence of getting involved would be falling in love. Especially when he discovered Toni’s plan.Originally published in 1995

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