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Showing 26,176 through 26,200 of 44,094 results

Mum's Sneaky Recipes: 200 creative ways to smuggle fruit and vegetables into delicious meals for children

by Samantha Quinn

This book contains over 200 recipes and tips to help you to introduce healthy meals and snacks to your children, so that eating the right foods soon becomes an intuitive and pleasant experience, without the accompanying battles! Recipe ideas range from brilliant breakfasts to perfect party food, and there is a time-saving, day-by-day meal planner. There is also a chapter dedicated to superfoods to boost children's intake of essential nutrients for energy and growth, and another chapter on gluten free. This book will help families bond during mealtimes and encourage healthy eating habits that can be passed on to the next generation.

Mum’s Sneaky Recipes: 200 creative ways to smuggle fruit and vegetables into delicious meals for children

by Samantha Quinn

This book contains over 200 recipes and tips to help you to introduce healthy meals and snacks to your children, so that eating the right foods soon becomes an intuitive and pleasant experience, without the accompanying battles! Recipe ideas range from brilliant breakfasts to perfect party food, and there is a time-saving, day-by-day meal planner. There is also a chapter dedicated to superfoods to boost children's intake of essential nutrients for energy and growth, and another chapter on gluten free. This book will help families bond during mealtimes and encourage healthy eating habits that can be passed on to the next generation.

The Mumsition: Your friendly companion to the first year of motherhood

by The Creators Mush

'Funny and relatable . . . Buy it as a present for a pregnant friend and she'll probably make you godmother' Pandora Sykes'Making the transition to motherhood is a seminal moment in the life of a woman and this gutsy, informative - and very funny - guidebook is the ideal 'best friend' to navigate new terrain. I loved it.' Rosie Nixon, Editor-in-Chief, Hello!So, you're a mum. Now what? It's easy to spend so long thinking about the birth (and packing and re-packing that hospital bag) that you forget what happens next: becoming a fully-fledged actual parent.Introducing The Mumsition: basically your smartest, wittiest mum friend. It covers everything you'll go through in that crazy first year in a way that's useful and informative - but also funny, chatty and above all, real.Becoming a mum (i.e. your mumsition) is one of the biggest things that you'll ever go through. That's why the milestones in this book aren't just about your baby smiling or walking or sleeping through the night for the first time, but everything YOU'RE going through too: the first time you manage to leave the house, the first time you get on a bus with your little one and the first time you have sex again.The Mumsition is clued-up without being judgemental or patronising, funny without trying too hard and sympathetic and supportive without being saccharine. From the moment you go on maternity leave until your baby's first birthday, this book has got your back.

El mundo

by Juan José Millás

LA NOVELA MÁS PERSONAL DE JUAN JOSÉ MILLÁS, GANADORA DEL PREMIO NACIONAL DE NARRATIVA Y DEL PREMIO PLANETA «Guarda en sus páginas verdades sobrecogedoras, auténticas y emocionantes sobre el poder de las palabras».Jesús Ruiz Mantilla, El País «El mejor Millás».Soledad Puértolas «Qué habría ocurrido si aquel día lejano de mi infancia no hubiera regresado al sótano por el mismo agujero por el que había salido de él. Tal vez la vida hubiera mantenido siempre aquel brillo o aquella fiebre». «Hay libros que, al modo del automóvil que se salta un semáforo, se cruzan violentamente en tu existencia. Este es de los que se saltan el semáforo —explica Millás—. Me habían encargado un reportaje sobre mí mismo, de forma que comencé a seguirme. Un día me dije: “Mi padre tenía un taller de aparatos de electromedicina”. Entonces se me apareció el taller, conmigo y con mi padre dentro. Él estaba probando un bisturí eléctrico sobre un filete. De súbito, me dijo: “Fíjate, Juanjo, cauteriza la herida en el momento mismo de producirla”. Comprendí que la escritura, como el bisturí, cicatrizaba las heridas en el instante de abrirlas e intuí por qué era escritor. Acababa de ser arrollado por una novela». Ganadora del Premio Nacional de Narrativa y del Premio Planeta, alabada por la crítica y los lectores, El mundo narra con maestría el tránsito a la vida adulta de un adolescente, pero también el descubrimiento de una manera original e imaginativa de observar y entender la realidad. La crítica ha dicho:«Para no hacerlo sentir incómodo, finjamos que Millás no es uno de nuestros mejores escritores».Sergi Pàmies, La Vanguardia «La escritura de Juan José Millás, el Buster Keaton de nuestra literatura, es única e inimitable».J. A. Masoliver Ródenas, Cultura/s (La Vanguardia) «Una mirada transgresora y llena de sutileza que transforma la realidad, la reinterpreta y la ficcionaliza».Íñigo Urrutia, El Diario Vasco «Millás derriba el mundo y descubre su trastienda, se divierte con la demolición, aunque describa el triste escaparate de los días. Millás, está claro, sigue siendo un maestro».Saúl Fernández, La Nueva España «Juan José Millás es dueño de un territorio fantástico de incuestionable personalidad».J. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, El País «Millás tiene la capacidad de ver donde otros no alcanzamos ni siquiera a vislumbrar nada».César Coca, El Correo «Millás es uno de los escritores con más verdad por centímetro cuadrado de página».Antonio Iturbe, Qué Leer «Millás se aprovecha de la actualidad para contarnos la vida, para expresar su perplejidad, que es la nuestra, ante el discurrir del mundo. [...] Navegar por él permite viajar a nuestra imaginación».Fernando Delgado, La Opinión «Aquí está el mejor Millás, el autor en estado puro, liberado de la tiranía del género y del convencionalismo de tener que idear un personaje, urdir un argumento y atarse mínimamente a unas reglas cuyo dominio está sobradamente probado».Iñaki Ezquerra, El Correo Español (sobre La vida a ratos) «Una pirueta, un salto mortal del acróbata Juan José Millás [...]. Y sin red».Manuel Llorente, La Esfera (El Mundo) (sobre Que nadie duerma)

El mundo adorado de Sonia Sotomayor

by Sonia Sotomayor

En esta adaptación para alumnos de grados intermedios, basada en su exitosa memoria para adultos Mi Mundo Adorado, la vida extraordinaria de Sonia Sotomayor, Jueza Asociada de la Corte Suprema, es una inspiración. Su logro sirve como un verdadero testimonio al hecho de que sin importar los obstáculos, los sueños siempre pueden hacerse realidad. Incluye una inserción de fotos de 8 páginas.Sonia Sotomayor, la primera mujer hispana y tercera mujer nombrada para el Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos, era una niña cuando se atrevió a soñar en grande. ¿Su sueño? Convertirse en un abogado y un juez. Como explica la juez Sotomayor: "Cuando era niña, mi familia era pobre y no conocíamos abogados ni jueces, y ninguno vivía en nuestro vecindario. No sabía nada sobre el Tribunal Supremo ni de como su reinterpretación de la Constitución y las leyes del país afectan a las vidas de las personas estadounidenses. No puedes soñar con ser algo que ni siquiera conoces. Esa ha sido la lección más importante de mi vida. Tienes que aprender a soñar grandes sueños". Sonia no dejó que las dificultades de su pasado --entre ellas el crecer en las rudas viviendas gubernamentales del sur del Bronx en Nueva York, el lidiar con la diabetes juvenil, el soportar las graves discusiones de sus padres y el preocuparse por el dinero-- se impusieran en su camino. Siempre creía en sí misma, y su determinación, junto con la orientación de generosos mentores y el amor inquebrantable de su extendida familia puertorriqueña, la impulsaron a seguir adelante.

El Mundo del Hombre, la Jaula de la Mujer (Mujer Encadenada Libro 3 #3)

by Mary King

Cuando Emelisa encuentra que su ofensa es un crimen y acepta la culpa moral completa, ella piensa que la vida en la cárcel sería simple. Pero pronto encuentra la verdad en su celda solitaria. O se dobla o se rompe, la policía quiere que entregue sus protestas en vida. Ella encuentra esto tan difícil que se pregunta si podría siquiera confiar en su abogado defensor, Humphrey, para cambiar las cosas. Aún así, Emelisa no quiere darse por vencida. Debe ver si el hombre siempre gana.

Mundos habitados

by Roberto Merino Rojo

Un viaje por la memoria de Roberto Merino, el «secreto mejor guardado» de la literatura chilena (The Guardian). Suerte de libro híbrido, que no es crónica, ensayo, biografía o ficción, Mundos habitados es una exploración por los recuerdos de infancia y juventud del autor. Desde la bucólica rememoración de la vida en el campo a la dificultosa instalación en la ciudad, pasando por diversos espacios compartidos con familiares y conocidos, Roberto Merino despliega un atractivo recorrido por los diversos mecanismos de la memoria, situada en el «Chile que se fue»: el de los conventillos, las estaciones de radio ubicadas en el centro de la capital, las idas y venidas por panaderías, los kioskos con revistas de China o la RDA, las casonas con enormes patios interiores, el parque forestal, los juegos en plazas y pasajes sin salida, Punta de Tralca, La Reina, algún teatro donde se llevó a cabo un encuentro político, entre otros lugares que el autor decide, en este meditabundo viaje, rememorar.

Mundos opuestos

by Felipe Corvo

Prepárese para conocer a Verónica, una muchacha com o corazón maior que o mundo, recientemente salida de seu país natal. A pesar de cargar nostalgias por su fallecida madre enterrada en Colombia, se siente feliz, pues lucha con Sofia, su hermana menor, por mejores condiciones de life trabajando duramente en Japón. Verónica, solamente, no contaba con that justamente allí, del outro lado do continente, el amor le predicaría una increíble obra

Munich Airport: A Novel

by Greg Baxter

"A masterwork of minimalism." --Entertainment Weekly From the critically acclaimed author of The Apartment comes a powerful, poetic, and haunting exploration of loss, love, and isolation, now available in paperback. An American living in London receives a phone call from a German policewoman telling him the nearly inconceivable news that his sister, Miriam, has been found dead in her Berlin apartment-from starvation. Three weeks later the man, his father, and an American consular official named Trish find themselves in the bizarre surroundings of a fogbound Munich Airport, where Miriam's coffin is set to be loaded onto a commercial jet and returned to America. Greg Baxter's bold, mesmeric novel tells the story of these three people over the course of three weeks, as they wait for Miriam's body to be released, grieve over her incomprehensible death, and try to possess a share of her suffering--and her yearning and grace. With prose that is tense, precise, and at times highly lyrical, MUNICH AIRPORT is a novel for our time, a work of richness, gravity, and even dark humor. Following his acclaimed American debut, MUNICH AIRPORT marks the establishment of Greg Baxter as an important new voice in literature, one who has already drawn comparisons to masters such as Kafka, Camus, and Murakami.

Munro vs. the Coyote

by Darren Groth

Since the sudden death of his younger sister, Evie, sixteen-year-old Munro Maddux has been having flashbacks and anger-management issues. He has a constant ache in his right hand. And there's a taunting, barking, biting voice he calls "the Coyote." Munro knows a six-month student exchange will not be the stuff of teenage dreams, but in Brisbane, he intends to move beyond his troubled past. It is there, at an assisted-living residence called Fair Go Community Village, that Munro discovers the Coyote can be silenced. Munro volunteers as a "Living Partner" and gets to know the team of residents he is assigned to. The burden Munro carries, however, is not so easily cast aside. When one of the team makes the decision to leave, the Coyote gets a new life. When a second resident is taken away, the specter of trauma and death looms larger than ever. Will Munro learn how to silence the voice? Or will the Coyote ultimately triumph?

Murder at the PTA Luncheon (Susan Henshaw Mystery #1)

by Valerie Wolzien

CYANIDE APPETIZER When the Parent-Teachers Association president drops dead from a poison-laced canapé, two investigating officers enlist the aid of the PTA's busy vice president, Susan Henshaw. Susan finds juggling car-pool duty and crime fighting most exhausting. Yet who but a seasoned member could take the detectives inside the byzantine workings of the PTA, an organization that was riddled with sex, drugs, and scandal and turning into a killer's playground? Catch up on other books in the Susan Henshaw Suburban Mystery series where the mysteries are compelling, gossip and interwoven suburban relations are steamy, one upmanship is pervasive and everyone struggles to live luxuriously, buying the latest and greatest to stay en trend. Look for #2 The Fortieth Birthday Body, #5 An Old Faithful Murder, #6 A Star Spangled Murder, #11Weddings are Murder, #13 Death at a Discount and #16 Death in Duplicate, with more on the way.

Murder Before Evensong: A Canon Clement Mystery (Canon Clement Mystery)

by Reverend Richard Coles

THE FIRST NOVEL IN THE REVEREND RICHARD COLES' CANON CELEMENT MYSTERY SERIES'Britain's favourite vicar might be hanging up the dog collar, but in Murder Before Evensong he proves to be the unlikely heir to Barbara Pym'DAILY TELEGRAPH'I've been waiting for a novel with vicars, rude old ladies, murder and sausage dogs ... et voila!'DAWN FRENCH'Coles' rendering of his fictional church, St Mary's, in the village of Champton, twinkles with quirky detail and sharp humour'METRO 'Whodunnit fans can give praise and rejoice'IAN RANKIN 'A cunning whodunnit... This wise and often beautifully written novel remains most memorable as a sharp but sympathetic portrayal of everyday life in a small community and a clergyman's role within it' DAILY EXPRESS 'A warm funny joy from start to finish'SARAH MILLICAN'Cosy crime with a cutting edge'SUNDAY TELEGRAPH'You'll want to take a front row pew in Champton while this delicious series unfolds' JANICE HALLETT'A good old page-turner with brilliantly drawn characters... and dachshunds so real you can almost smell them'SAGA, Book of the Month 'An absolute joy from cover to cover - funny, clever and wonderfully plotted. Praise be!' ADAM KAY 'Coles' murderous take on a quintessentially English parish makes for a likeable, cosy crime caper'SUNDAY EXPRESS 'Champton joins St Mary Mead and Midsomer in the great atlas of fictional English villages where the crimes are as dastardly as the residents delightful. Only Richard Coles could pull this off so joyfully and with such style'DAMIAN BARR Canon Daniel Clement is Rector of Champton. He has been there for eight years, living at the Rectory alongside his widowed mother - opinionated, fearless, ever-so-slightly annoying Audrey - and his two dachshunds, Cosmo and Hilda.When Daniel announces a plan to install a lavatory in church, the parish is suddenly (and unexpectedly) divided: as lines are drawn, long-buried secrets come dangerously close to destroying the apparent calm of the village.And then Anthony Bowness - cousin to Bernard de Floures, patron of Champton - is found dead at the back of the church, stabbed in the neck with a pair of secateurs.As the police moves in and the bodies start piling up, Daniel is the only one who can try and keep his fractured community together... and catch a killer.

Murder by Family: The Incredible True Story of a Son's Treachery and a Father's Forgiveness

by Kent Whitaker

"On December 10, 2003, an intruder waits inside the home of Kent and Tricia Whitaker. The Whitakers and their two sons, Bart and Kevin, are returning from a dinner celebrating Bart's college graduation. Four shots ring out; the first two kill Tricia and Kevin, and the next two wound Kent and Bart, who is struck while struggling with the gunman." "Three days later, as investigators explore leads so they can secure justice for the victims, they find evidence that Bart has been leading a double life, and he becomes the chief suspect. Kent thinks the police are allowing the real killer to escape while they focus on Bart, but when Bart disappears into the mountains of Mexico seven months later, even Kent has to face the possibility that his son was involved in the murder. Fifteen months later Bart is arrested and charged with masterminding the shootings, and in March 2007, he is convicted and sentenced to death." "How can a father survive the anguish of what his son has done and forgive such betrayal? Murder by Family is the true story of a father's search to save his son, and the son's long road toward awakening to, acceptance of, and reconnection with God."--BOOK JACKET.

The Murder Complex

by Lindsay Cummings

The Murder Complex is an action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate.Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision. The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is--although he doesn't know it--one of the MC's programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or is it part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family? This is a dark and compelling debut novel that will appeal to fans of Moira Young's Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

The Murder Complex #2: The Death Code

by Lindsay Cummings

Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is the dark and compelling sequel to the bestselling The Murder Complex, which Booklist praised as "carefully crafted . . . chilling" and Justine magazine called "a must for fans of action-packed dystopians like The Hunger Games and Divergent."With short, fast-paced, alternating point-of-view chapters, The Death Code starts several weeks after The Murder Complex ends. Zephyr keeps the secret about Meadow close--that if she dies, The Murder Complex will be destroyed, too. Meadow, desperate to find her brother, father, and little sister, is determined to fight fearlessly to the end, even if it means sacrificing herself and her friends, new and old. The Death Code introduces a memorable cast of secondary characters and delivers a vivid and scary thrill ride read. For fans of La Femme Nikita, Legend, and Hanna.

Murder in the Family: A Novel

by Cara Hunter

ONE BODY. SIX EXPERTS. CAN YOU SOLVE THE CASE BEFORE THEY DO?Mega-bestselling British crime novelist Cara Hunter makes her big American debut with a wholly immersive thriller like none you've seen before: written as the teleplay of a true-crime documentary, it has the reader puzzling away, reviewing photos, maps, coroner's reports and other evidence as they read. Can you tell who's lying?"An excellent, wholly original whodunnit! You won’t have read a mystery like this, and you’ll be kept in the dark right to the end." --Gilly MacMillan, bestselling author of The Long WeekendIt was a case that gripped the nation. In December 2003, Luke Ryder, the stepfather of acclaimed filmmaker Guy Howard (then aged 10), was found dead in the garden of their suburban family home.Luke Ryder’s murder has never been solved. Guy Howard’s mother and two half-sisters were in the house at the time of the murder—but all swear they saw nothing. Despite a high-profile police investigation and endless media attention, no suspect was ever charged.But some murder cases are simply too big to forget…Now comes the sensational new streaming series Infamous, dedicated to investigating—and perhaps cracking—this famous cold case. Years later a group of experts re-examine the evidence – with shocking results. Does the team know more than they’ve been letting on?True crime lovers and savvy readers, you can review the evidence and testimony at the same time as the experts. But can you solve the case before they do?

Murder On The Christmas Express: All aboard for the puzzling Christmas mystery of the year

by Alexandra Benedict

**COULD YOU SOLVE THE CASE? PRE-ORDER NOW FOR THE PUZZLING CHRISTMAS MYSTERY OF THE YEAR** &‘It&’s wonderful! A page-turning homage to the Golden Age, with a dash of Poirot and a dark, modern heart&’ S J BENNETT &‘Magnificent! A smart, suspenseful and snow-covered mystery with plenty of heart and more than a few quiz questions. A total must read for Christmas&’ STEPH BROADRIBB &‘I absolutely loved it! Such a clever and pacy read with a glorious nod to classic Christie&’ JO JAKEMAN &‘An engrossing and heart-warming mystery. Like a glorious Christmas chocolate – beautiful on the outside with a richly dark centre. Perfect to curl up with on cold winter nights&’ MARION TODD Eighteen passengers. Seven stops. One killer. In the early hours of Christmas Eve, the sleeper train to the Highlands is derailed, along with the festive plans of its travellers. With the train stuck in snow in the middle of nowhere, a killer stalks its carriages, picking off passengers one by one. Those who sleep on the sleeper train may never wake again. Can former Met detective Roz Parker find the killer before they kill again?All aboard for . . . Murder on the Christmas ExpressPraise for The Christmas Murder Game: 'The perfect gift for quizzers and mystery addicts . . . A delicious locked room mystery crammed with cryptic clues, secrets in sonnets and a deadly game. But it's more than a series of puzzles, it's also an entertaining exploration of relationships and a riveting read' VAL McDERMID 'Perfectly pitched for cold nights and warm fires. A lovely Golden Age tribute' SINEAD CROWLEY 'A perfectly plotted festive mystery' SUSI HOLLIDAY 'Clever and twisty' CRIME MONTHLY 'One for book lovers that can't get enough of mystery fiction - even during Christmas' THE SUN 'Packed with riddles, anagrams and puzzles, this is an engaging murder mystery that will grip you until the end' DAILY MIRROR 'This is the perfect Christmas book. Get it for yourself to read when the nights are cold and dark and give it as a present. To everyone!' MARTYN WAITES 'Curl up by the fire (and lock all the doors) for this Christmas cracker of a book' C.S. GREEN 'Utterly original and breathtakingly intriguing . . . A must-read this Christmas' STEPH BROADRIBB 'The perfect updating of the classic Christmas Country House mystery . . . Fabulous festive fun' DEREK FARRELL 'The perfect Christmas read . . . and puzzles galore for both readers and the players of the game' W.C. RYAN

The Murderer's Daughters: A Novel

by Randy Susan Meyers

Lulu and Merry's childhood was never ideal, but on the day before Lulu's tenth birthday their father propels them into a nightmare. He's always hungered for the love of the girls' self-obsessed mother; after she throws him out, their troubles turn deadly. Lulu had been warned not let her father in, but when he shows up drunk, he's impossible to ignore. He bullies his way past Lulu, who then listens in horror as her parents struggle. She runs for help, but discovers upon her return that he's murdered her mother, stabbed her five-year-old sister, Merry, and tried, unsuccessfully, to kill himself.Lulu and Merry are effectively orphaned by their mother's death and father's imprisonment. The girls' relatives refuse to care for them and abandon them to a terrifying group home. Even as they plot to be taken in by a well-to-do family, they come to learn they'll never really belong anywhere or to anyone—that all they have to hold onto is each other. For thirty years, the sisters try to make sense of what happened. Their imprisoned father is a specter in both their lives, shadowing every choice they make. One spends her life pretending he's dead, while the other feels compelled--by fear, by duty--to keep him close. Both dread the day his attempts to win parole may meet with success.A beautifully written, compulsively readable debut, Randy Susan Meyers's The Murderer's Daughters is a testament to the power of family and the ties that bind us together and tear us apart.

Murphy's Boy

by Torey Hayden

When Torey Hayden first met fifteen-year-old Kevin, he was barricaded under a table. Desperately afraid of the world around him, he hadn’t spoken a word in eight years. He was considered hopeless, incurable, but Hayden refused to believe it. With unwavering devotion and gentle, patient love, she set out to free him—and slowly uncovered a shocking, violent history and a terrible secret that an unfeeling bureaucracy had simply filed away and forgotten. But she never gave up on this tragic “lost case.” For a trapped and frightened boy desperately needed her help—and she knew in her heart she could not rest easy until she had rescued him from the darkness.

Murray Out of Water

by Taylor Tracy

Perfect for fans of Rebecca Stead, Natalie Lloyd, and Jasmine Warga, this beautiful novel in verse explores one girl's struggle to regain her magic after a hurricane forces her to move away from her beloved ocean that, she believes, has given her special powers. Bighearted and observant twelve-year-old Murray O’Shea loves the ocean. Every chance she gets, she’s in it. It could be because the ocean never makes her apologize for being exactly who she is—something her family refuses to do—but it could also be because of the secret magic that Murray shares with the ocean. Though she can’t explain its presence, the electric buzz she feels from her fingertips down to her toes allows her to become one with the ocean and all its creatures, and it makes Murray feel seen in a way she never feels on land.But then a hurricane hits Murray’s Jersey Shore home, sending the O'Sheas far inland to live with relatives. Being this far from the ocean, Murray seems to lose her magic. And stuck in a house with her family, she can no longer avoid the truths she’s discovering about herself—like how she feels in the clothes her mom makes her wear, or why she doesn't have boys on the brain like other girls her age.But it’s not all hurricanes and heartache. Thankfully, Murray befriends a boy named Dylan, who has a magic of his own. When Murray agrees to partner with him for a youth roller-rama competition in exchange for help getting her magic back, the two forge an unstoppable bond—one that shows Murray how it's not always the family you were given that makes you feel whole...sometimes it's the family you build along the way.

Murray the Ferret (My Furry Foster Family)

by Debbi Michiko Florence

Since the Takano family's new foster pet, Murray the ferret, arrived at their house, all sorts of things have gone missing: shoes, jewelry, keys, coins . . . Although eight-year-old Kaita enjoys solving the mysteries, she worries that finding a forever home for the lovable furry bandit will be near impossible! Playful illustrations and lots of sleuthing fun make this chapter book a treat for animal lovers and mystery fans alike.

Murther and Walking Spirits

by Robertson Davies

'Vintage Davies, employing a subtle feeling for family relationships and a genuine understanding of money and power while indulging in effortless intellectual acrobatics' Sunday Telegraph 'I was never so amazed in my life as when the Sniffer drew his concealed weapon from its case and struck me to the ground, stone dead. ' So begins the story of Connor 'Gil' Gilmartin when he catches his wife in flagrante with the Sniffer, his former colleague and now his murderer. Unfortunately, death is only the first indignity Gil is about to suffer. For he lingers on as a ghost, and from this bleak vantage - made even less endurable by the fact that he must spend the afterlife sitting beside his killer at a film festival - he is forced to view the exploits and failures of his ancestors, from the forerunners who sailed up the Hudson to Canada during the American Revolution to his university-professor parents. 'Davies' devotees will recognize at once the master's sharp ear for proverbial wisdoms, his relish for fantastical and dark linguistic corners, his magpie accumulations of odd bits of lore and historical tidbits' Observer 'An extraordinary tapestry of a book - richly layered, embroidered with detail and stitched together with skill and style' Time Out

Muse of Nightmares: Book Two Of Strange The Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #2)

by Laini Taylor

The highly anticipated, thrilling sequel to the New York Times bestseller, Strange the Dreamer, from National Book Award finalist Laini Taylor, author of the bestselling Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy. <P><P>Sarai has lived and breathed nightmares since she was six years old. <P><P>She believed she knew every horror, and was beyond surprise. <P><P>She was wrong. <P><P>In the wake of tragedy, neither Lazlo nor Sarai are who they were before. One a god, the other a ghost, they struggle to grasp the new boundaries of their selves as dark-minded Minya holds them hostage, intent on vengeance against Weep. <P><P>Lazlo faces an unthinkable choice--save the woman he loves, or everyone else?--while Sarai feels more helpless than ever. <P><P>But is she? Sometimes, only the direst need can teach us our own depths, and Sarai, the muse of nightmares, has not yet discovered what she's capable of. <P><P>As humans and godspawn reel in the aftermath of the citadel's near fall, a new foe shatters their fragile hopes, and the mysteries of the Mesarthim are resurrected: Where did the gods come from, and why? What was done with thousands of children born in the citadel nursery? And most important of all, as forgotten doors are opened and new worlds revealed: Must heroes always slay monsters, or is it possible to save them instead? <P><P>Love and hate, revenge and redemption, destruction and salvation all clash in this gorgeous sequel to the New York Times bestseller, Strange the Dreamer. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Museum of Failures: A Novel

by Thrity Umrigar

From the bestselling author of The Space Between Us comes a powerful story about family secrets, a mother's power, and the importance of forgiveness. When Remy Wadia left India for the United States, he carried his resentment of his cold and inscrutable mother with him and has kept his distance from her. Years later, he returns to Bombay, planning to adopt a baby from a young pregnant girl—and to see his elderly mother again before it is too late. She is in the hospital, has stopped talking, and seems to have given up on life. Struck with guilt for not realizing just how ill she had become, Remy devotes himself to helping her recover and return home. But one day in her apartment he comes upon an old photograph that demands explanation. As shocking family secrets surface, Remy finds himself reevaluating his entire childhood and his relationship to his parents, just as he is on the cusp of becoming a parent himself. Can Remy learn to forgive others for their human frailties, or is he too wedded to his sorrow and anger over his parents&’ long-ago decisions? Surprising, devastating, and ultimately a story of redemption and healing still possible between a mother and son, The Museum of Failures is a tour de force from one of our most elegant storytellers about the mixed bag of love and regret. It is also, above all, a much-needed reminder that forgiveness comes from empathy for others.

The Museum of Forgotten Memories: A Novel

by Anstey Harris

&“Moving.&” —Booklist (starred review) At Hatters Museum of the Wide Wide World, where the animals never age but time takes its toll, one woman must find the courage to overcome the greatest loss of her life.Four years after her husband Richard&’s death, Cate Morris is let go from her teaching job and unable to pay rent on the London flat she shares with her son, Leo. With nowhere else to turn, they pack up and venture to Richard&’s ancestral Victorian museum in the small town of Crouch-on-Sea. Despite growing pains and a grouchy caretaker, Cate begins to fall in love with the quirky taxidermy exhibits and sprawling grounds, and she makes it her mission to revive them. But threats from both inside and outside the museum derail her plans and send her spiraling into self-doubt. As Cate becomes more invested in Hatters, she must finally confront the reality of Richard&’s death—and the role she played in it—in order to reimagine her future. Perfect for fans of Katherine Center and Evvie Drake Starts Over.

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