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Yesterday Crumb and the Tea Witch's Secret: Book 3 (Yesterday Crumb #3)
by Andy SagarYesterday Crumb is no ordinary girl - and she's about to face her biggest challenge yet. With magic in every teacup, this is perfect for readers aged 8-12 and fans of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency and Starfell. Yesterday Crumb is determined, brave and nearly ready to defeat a formidable foe: Mr Weep, the Lord of the Dead. Reunited with her beloved Dwimmerly End - a magical, walking teashop - apprentice tea witch Yesterday and her friends begin to search for Mr Weep's weakness. Except the dark influence of a strange flower is taking hold of Yesterday's friends and allies, turning them cold-hearted and pitting them against each other. As the flower's effects spread further, Yesterday needs to save her friends and rally the magical world to overcome Mr Weep's dark reign...But there's nothing that can't be solved with a pot of tea, best friends and a BIG dash of magic!Praise for Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup:'Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup is endlessly enchanting. The world building is so fresh and inventive, the characters so charming and individual... I can't wait for my next visit to Dwimmerly End!' - Annabel Steadman, author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief'A scrumptious world with dollops of charm.' - Michael Mann, author of Ghostcloud
Yesterday Crumb and the Tea Witch's Secret: Book 3 (Yesterday Crumb #3)
by Andy SagarYesterday Crumb is no ordinary girl - and she's about to face her biggest challenge yet. With magic in every teacup, this is perfect for listeners aged 8-12 and fans of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency and Starfell. Yesterday Crumb is determined, brave and nearly ready to defeat a formidable foe: Mr Weep, the Lord of the Dead. Reunited with her beloved Dwimmerly End - a magical, walking teashop - apprentice tea witch Yesterday and her friends begin to search for Mr Weep's weakness. Except the dark influence of a strange flower is taking hold of Yesterday's friends and allies, turning them cold-hearted and pitting them against each other. As the flower's effects spread further, Yesterday needs to save her friends and rally the magical world to overcome Mr Weep's dark reign...But there's nothing that can't be solved with a pot of tea, best friends and a BIG dash of magic!Praise for Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup:'Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup is endlessly enchanting. The world building is so fresh and inventive, the characters so charming and individual... I can't wait for my next visit to Dwimmerly End!' - Annabel Steadman, author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief'A scrumptious world with dollops of charm.' - Michael Mann, author of Ghostcloud
Yesterday Crumb and the Teapot of Chaos: Book 2 (Yesterday Crumb)
by Andy SagarReturn to Dwimmerly End, the magical, walking teashop, where Yesterday Crumb's adventures continue. With magic in every teacup, this is perfect for readers aged 8-12 and fans of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency and Starfell.Yesterday Crumb is in London to watch The Wild Feast, a magical cooking competition. But when the teashop Yesterday and her friends call home is stolen by the Faerie Queen, she must join the competition to win it back.Except the Faerie Queen is not going to make winning easy for her and blames Yesterday when members of the Faerie Court start disappearing. Yesterday must prove her innocence but, as she and her friends investigate, they discover that something much more sinister is at play... But there's nothing that can't be solved with a pot of tea, best friends and a BIG dash of magic!Praise for Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup:'Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup is endlessly enchanting. The world building is so fresh and inventive, the characters so charming and individual... I can't wait for my next visit to Dwimmerly End!' - Annabel Steadman, author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief'A scrumptious world with dollops of charm.' - Michael Mann, author of Ghostcloud
Yesterday Crumb and the Teapot of Chaos: Book 2 (Yesterday Crumb)
by Andy SagarReturn to Dwimmerly End, the magical, walking teashop, where Yesterday Crumb's adventures continue. With magic in every teacup, this is perfect for listeners aged 8-12 and fans of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency and Starfell.Apprentice tea witch Yesterday Crumb is on a mission to find her mother. First stop in her search is London to watch The Wild Feast, the biggest magical cooking competition in Europe. But when the teashop Yesterday and her friends call home is shrunk by the Faerie Queen's Spymaster, she must join the competition to win it back.Yesterday will have to face more than just a fierce competition when new enemies emerge and members of the Faerie Court start to go missing...But there's nothing that can't be solved with a pot of tea, best friends and a BIG dash of magic!Praise for Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup:'Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup is endlessly enchanting. The world building is so fresh and inventive, the characters so charming and individual... I can't wait for my next visit to Dwimmerly End!' - Annabel Steadman, author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief'A scrumptious world with dollops of charm.' - Michael Mann, author of Ghostcloud(P) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Yesterday, Today and Forever
by Maria Von TrappTrue stories of Maria Von Trapp's family and her life.
Yesterday's Child
by Sonia Levitin"Time will help. That's what people promised. But for Laura, nothing is helping or healing. Her mother's death has left a void in her. It's made Laura realize she hardly knew her mother, and that can never be fixed. So Laura lies in her mother's bed, puts on her lipstick, reads her letters-anything to answer Laura's questions and end her unbearable loneliness. Then Laura finds a letter that raises more questions than it answers. Written the day before her mother's death, it's addressed to someone named Megan and speaks vaguely of "forgiveness." Laura's never heard of Megan, but Megan and Laura's mother appear to have been childhood friends who hadn't spoken in twenty-five years. What would prompt her mother to write Megan now? And what did she mean by "forgiveness"? If Laura can unveil the mystery behind this letter, maybe she'll also unveil the mystery that was-and still is-her mother. But Laura's search for answers becomes an obsession. Laura can't stop, not until she knows the truth about everything-even if it kills her.
Yesterday's Santa and the Chanukah Miracle
by Sarah Hartt-Snowbell Patty GallingerAnnie can’t believe her eyes! The "Santa" in the mall looks so much like her grandfather’s friend, Simon. A Jewish Santa? Annie lines up to get a closer look - and ends up "placing an order". Simon Greenbaum, flat broke, has taken the job at the Winter Castle to earn a few dollars between jobs. And after all, with his long white beard, he looks just like Santa already. "Don’t breathe a word to your Zaideh that you saw me here," he says. "If you don’t tell him that I’m a Santa Claus, I won’t tell him what you asked for. It’s a deal?" When Annie’s parents find out, however, that she has placed an order with Santa for a Christmas tree, they are disappointed and tell her that she must learn to be her own person and stand up for her beliefs in order to earn the respect of others. Meanwhile, Annie wants to help Mr. Greenbaum and comes up with a plan. But to carry out her plan, she must reveal his secret. What will she do?
Yesterday's Sun: A Novel
by Amanda BrookeYesterday’s Sun, a poignant debut novel from British author Amanda Brooke, finds a young woman having to choose between her own life and the life of her future child.When newly married Holly and her husband Tom move into a charming old manor house in the English countryside, she couldn’t have predicted that a mystical moondial would change her life—and her destiny.In the style of Jodi Picoult, with memorable characters, and tender, warm, prose, Yesterday’s Sun is a brilliant, suspenseful tale of free will versus fate; a heart-wrenching story of family and the risks we take to break from the past.
The Yin-Yang Sisters and the Dragon Frightful
by Nancy Tupper LingOpposites Mei and Wei may be small, but when they work together they are mighty enough to face a dragon. When a fearsome dragon takes over their village bridge, twin sisters Mei and Wei have opposing views of how to fix the problem. Wei wants nothing more than to confront that stinky old dragon head on, but Mei favors a more thoughtful approach. With Wei's confidence and gumption plus Mei's creativity and diligence, it's only a matter of time before everyone can be happy again. This empowering sibling story is about celebrating differences and finding that what makes us different is also what makes us a powerful team.
Yippee! Summer Holidays
by Tjalaminu Mia Jessica ListerDebbie and Billy just love the summer holidays, especially when their grandfather comes to stay. They have lots of fun racing tires, telling stories, and discovering the secret places Dada Kean knows about. A beautifully illustrated Aboriginal book, this entertaining modern-day fable underscores the importance of family and caring for the environment.
Yo amo comer: Descubriendo los alimentos en familia
by Karina Eilenberg Sabrina Gatti WosnerLa guía más sencilla y práctica para disfrutar de la alimentación de nuestros hijos, desde el embarazo hasta el jardín de infantes. Diseñada por las integrantes del grupo OliLu, con la experiencia y el rigor de su profesión, pero también su calidez y compromiso como madres. Incluye treinta recetas de Natalia Kiako. ¿Existe algún truco efectivo para criar niños que coman sano? ¿Cómo sé si mi bebé está preparado para empezar? ¿Es obligatorio darle el primer plato a los seis meses? ¿Son necesarias las papillas? ¿Cómo sobrevivir a la oferta de alimentos ultraprocesados? ¿Crece porque come o come porque crece? En lugar de ser una etapa más de la crianza, en los últimos años la alimentación infantil se ha vuelto un motivo de preocupación y ansiedad para las familias. Madres y padres intentan hacer lo mejor por sus bebés con el poco tiempo del que disponen, mientras avanzan entre las ofertas de los supermercados y una enorme cantidad de mensajes contradictorios. Alejadas de las consignas complejas y los productos industriales, las médicas y madres Sabrina Gatti Wosner y Karina Eilenberg proponen volver a comer alimentos de verdad. Frescos, naturales. Comida real cocinada en casa, sin preparaciones descabelladas ni ingredientes imposibles de conseguir: verduras, frutas, cereales integrales, algo de carne. Una guía simple y práctica, y a la vez científicamente rigurosa, para disfrutar de la alimentación del bebé con alegría, como lo hacemos con sus primeras palabras y sus primeros pasos.
Yo elijo salvar
by Evanyely Zamorano Emanuel PachecoTras un cruel acoso cibernético por parte de sus pares, una adolescente se suicidó. Sus padres decidieron honrar su memoria difundiendo la real amenaza del cyberbullying para ayudar a otros. Para los padres de Katy Summer, quien se suicidó el 22 de mayo de 2018 después de recibir un duro ataque de bullying y ciberacoso en redes sociales, este libro ha sido una forma de terapia. Pero también parte del proceso que los llevó a honrar su memoria a través de una fundación que sirviera a otros. A partir del testimonio de su dura experiencia, quieren compartir una reflexión: preocuparse de los niños, tomar conciencia de que a veces, tras una aparente normalidad, los chicos sufren en silencio. Nuevos fenómenos como el acoso cibernético son más grandes y graves de lo que creemos, y la invitación es a aprender y crecer sin convertirse en víctima. Yo elijo salvar es un compromiso por la vida y por la unión familiar que transmite un mensaje de resiliencia, solidaridad y empatía.
Yo, Jo!
by Rachel IsadoraWhile Jomar and his brother, Franklin, are on their stoop waiting for Grandpa, friends and neighbors come by--whizzing on skates, showing off their new treads, or bouncing a ball. Whether it's Whassup? or Yo!, Jo's got a greeting for everyone--until Grandpa arrives and only classic words will do: I love you. With a fresh new style, Caldecott Honor-winning illustrator Rachel Isadora fashions an exuberant intergenerational celebration of language, neighborhoods, and family.
Yo, Naomi León (Becoming Naomi Leon)
by Pam Muñoz RyanA novel from the Pura Belpre and Jane Addams Peace Award-winning author of ESPERANZA RISING.Naomi Soledad León Outlaw has had a lot to contend with in her young life, her name for a start. Then, there are her clothes (sewn in polyester by Gram), her difficulty speaking up, and her status at school as "nobody special." But according to Gram, most problems can be overcome with positive thinking. And with Gram and her little brother, Owen, life at Avocado Acres Trailer Rancho in California is happy and peaceful...until their mother reappears after seven years, stirring up all sorts of questions and challenging Naomi to discover who she really is.Naomi Soledad León Outlaw ha tenido que enfrentarse a mucho en su corta vida, empezando por su nombre. También está el problema de su ropa (hechas por su abuela en tela de poliéster), su timidez y la fama que tiene en la escuela de no ser nadie especial. Pero su vida, junto a su abuela y su pequeño hermano, Owen, en el parque de casas móviles Avocado Acres, es tranquila y feliz... hasta que su mamá aparece luego de siete años.
Yo no soy tu perfecta hija mexicana
by Erika L. SánchezFinalista del National Book Award!Bestseller del New York Times!Julia no es la hija mexicana perfecta. Ese era el rol de su hermana Olga. Olga no fue a la universidad, se quedó en casa para cuidar a sus padres, limpiar la casa y trabajar a medio tiempo. Julia tiene grandes sueños y no quiere formar parte del camino de su hermana mayor. Pero un solo error, que ocurre mientras enviaba un mensaje de texto al mismo tiempo que cruzaba la calle más concurrida de Chicago, resulta en la muerte de Olga, dejando atrás a Julia para ocuparse de las secuelas. Sus padres, quienes inmigraron ilegalmente a Chicago desde México en busca de una vida mejor, están inconsolables. La madre de Julia parece canalizar su dolor para señalar de todas las maneras posibles que Julia no es la hija mexicana perfecta que Olga era. Pero Julia pronto descubre que Olga puede haber tenido secretos, también. Con la ayuda de su mejor amiga Lorena, Julia está decidida a descubrirlo. ¿Era Olga realmente lo que parecía? ¿O había algo más en la historia de su hermana? Y de cualquier manera, ¿cómo puede Julia incluso intentar vivir a la altura de un ideal aparentemente imposible?
Yo no soy tu perfecta hija mexicana
by Erika L. SánchezFinalista del National Book Award! Bestseller del New York Times! Julia no es la hija mexicana perfecta. Ese era el rol de su hermana Olga. Olga no fue a la universidad, se quedó en casa para cuidar a sus padres, limpiar la casa y trabajar a medio tiempo. Julia tiene grandes sueños y no quiere formar parte del camino de su hermana mayor. Pero un solo error, que ocurre mientras enviaba un mensaje de texto al mismo tiempo que cruzaba la calle más concurrida de Chicago, resulta en la muerte de Olga, dejando atrás a Julia para ocuparse de las secuelas. Sus padres, quienes inmigraron ilegalmente a Chicago desde México en busca de una vida mejor, están inconsolables. La madre de Julia parece canalizar su dolor para señalar de todas las maneras posibles que Julia no es la hija mexicana perfecta que Olga era. Pero Julia pronto descubre que Olga puede haber tenido secretos, también. Con la ayuda de su mejor amiga Lorena, Julia está decidida a descubrirlo. ¿Era Olga realmentelo que parecía? ¿O había algo más en la historia de su hermana? Y de cualquier manera, ¿cómo puede Julia incluso intentar vivir a la altura de un ideal aparentemente imposible?
Yo os salvaré a todos
by Emilie FrècheDos diarios: Uno, de unos padres que no logran comprender qué llevó a su hija Eléa, de 17 años, a unirse al Estado Islámico. Otro, de Eléa, que nos irá descubriendo poco a poco cómo llegó a cruzar la frontera entre la influencia y la convicción. <P><P>Debido a que no tiene noticias de Eléa, su hija de 17 años reclutada por el Estado Islámico y desaparecida en Siria hace seis meses, Laurence comienza a escribir un diario. Escribir le impide entregarse por completo al dolor que la roe todos los días, a la rabia de no haberlo visto venir, y no haber sido capaz de entender que todo iba a cambiar. Laurence le habla a su hija y le cuenta todos los días su tristeza y su participación en grupos de desradicalización, su lucha para crear conciencia, tratando de impedir la salida de otros adolescentes... para de alguna manera contrarrestar la falta de su hija, para noperderlo todo por completo... <P><P>A sus palabras responden las del diario personal de Eléa, escrito un año antes. Y así descubrimos poco a poco cómo los sueños de futuro, el primer amor, las amistades, fueron reemplazados por la manipulación, la sumisión, el extremismo...
Yo prometo lealtad
by Pat Mora Libby MartinezUna excelente manera para que niños y niñas aprendan sobre el patriotismo, la ciudadanía, y los inmigrantes mientras una niñita y su tía abuela aprenden juntas la Promesa de Lealtad.Yo prometo . . .Lobo, la tía abuela de Libby, es mexicana, pero ha vivido en Estados Unidos por muchos años y quiere convertirse en ciudadana. Para ello, Lobo tendrá que recitar La Promesa de Lealtad a la Bandera en una ceremonia especial para ciudadanos nuevos. Libby también está aprendiendo La Promesa y va a dirigir a su clase a recitarla al final de la semana. Libby y Lobo deciden practicar juntas, haciéndose preguntas y compartiendo historias hasta el momento en que se hallan listas para erguirse orgullosas, con las manos sobre sus corazones.
Yo Puedo Ayudar
by Gabrielle PrattDaniela va a dormir en casa de la abuela Valeria y a pasar un tiempo con la tía Sofía que está enferma de cáncer. Mientras comparte con ellas, demuestra el aprecio y amor que siente por su tía. A través de actos sencillos de bondad, muestra además una gran compasión por ella. ‘’Yo puedo ayudar’’ es una historia clásica donde la Palabra de Dios puede influenciar a los niños y a las niñas de manera creativa para iluminar la vida de una persona enferma que ellos amen mucho. ¡Es una historia que todos deben leer! Pastor Ron Shearer, Máster en Teología Iglesia Evangélica Blue Hill Nassau, Las Bahamas Con gran placer y satisfacción elogio y felicito a Gabrielle Pratt por la publicación de ‘’Yo puedo ayudar’’. Aunque el libro está enfocado a lectores jóvenes, contiene una valiosa lección que eleva el espíritu en todas las edades. Mi esperanza está en que este texto pueda enseñar a los jóvenes a tener fe en Dios y que puedan mostrar aprecio, aceptación y generosidad a otros no solo en Las Bahamas, sino también alrededor del mundo. Vera Chase Presidenta de la Mancomunidad de Escritores de Las Bahamas
Yo Wants to Know: How Do You Tell Dolphins Apart?
by Lea DanielYo, Kayla, and Auntie Kim go to the aquarium to see the dolphins. Kayla’s favorite is Freddie, but Yo doesn’t know how to tell which one is Freddie or Maria or Mario. Do you know how to tell dolphins apart?
Yo Wants to Know: Where Do Stars Go During the Day?
by Lea DanielDo you ever wonder where the stars go during the day? Yo is ready to fly into the sky in a rocket ship when he learns something from his Dad. Yo learns that even though he can’t see the stars during the day, they are always there.
Yo Wants to Know: What Happened to the Lights?
by Lea DanielHave you ever had a power outage in your house? The electricity in Yo’s neighborhood goes out, but his mom is prepared with emergency supplies. She makes a special treat and Yo’s dad tells a story to make the night less scary.
Yo Wants to Know: How Do We Get Apples?
by Lee DanielYo and her father are visiting an apple orchard! Discover the different types of apples that an orchard grows and harvests. Yo can't wait to make special treats with all the apples she picked!
Yo Wants to Know: How Do We Get Blueberries?
by Lee DanielYo and her grandmother are visiting the Little Blueberries Organic Farm. They are picking a lot of blueberries from berry bushes for her grandfather. What special treat will they make with the berries?
Yo Wants to Know: How Do We Get Cranberries?
by Lee DanielWhat color are cranberries before they’re harvested? Take a guess as Yo tours a cranberry bog with her grandpa! Discover what a bog is and how it helps cranberries flower and grow!