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Your Fertile Years: What You Need to Know to Make Informed Choices
by Joyce Harper'Essential reading' Professor Kypros Nicolaides'Fills an important gap in understanding' Professor Robert WinstonHow well do you really know your body? How easy do you think it will be for you to get pregnant - or NOT to get pregnant? You've probably never really been educated about your reproductive years - perhaps you learnt everything you know from friends, or from the media, or online. You might be ready for a baby now; or, like so many other women, you might want to delay the birth of your first child while you establish your career. Perhaps you're thinking about freezing your eggs. Professor Joyce Harper is an internationally recognized expert on female fertility and fertility education, and in 12 chapters she covers the full scope of your reproductive years, from your first period to menopausal symptoms. Her straightforward, scientifically based advice will give you all the information you need to make informed decisions about your reproductive choices. Only when you really understand your menstrual cycle works can you optimise your lifestyle to get pregnant successfully - while being properly aware of how and when your fertility will decline. Your Fertile Years answers all your questions about things like egg freezing and IVF, and debunks not only the myths surrounding fertility treatment, but also the misinformation and scare stories that surround conception and pregnancy, including the bottom line on supplements, diet and holistic therapies. A shining beacon in the murky fertility landscape, this book will accompany you through your fertile years, giving you the guidance you need to make decisions that work for you, your family, your career and your body.
Your Five-Year-Old: Sunny and Serene
by Louise Bates AmesFrom nightmares to kindergarten to make-believe -- everything you need to know about your five-year-old.
Your Four-Year-Old: Wild and Wonderful
by Louise Bates AmesWhat is it about four-year-olds that makes them so lovable? What problems do four-year-olds have? What can they do now that they couldn't do at three? Drs. Ames and Ilg, recognized authorities on child behavior and development, discuss these and scores of other questions unique to four-year-old girls and boys, and they offer parents practical advice and enlightening psychological insights.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Your Fussy Baby
by Marc WeissbluthIf your new baby cries inconsolably for many hours a day, take heart. The soothing help you need is here.Renowned pediatrician Dr. Marc Weissbluth knows firsthand how stressful life can be for a sensitive, fussy newborn--not to mention the child's frantic, exhausted parents. His own firstborn, like more than a fifth of all babies, was a colicky child, causing him and his wife to suffer many sleepless nights. Your Fussy Baby is Dr. Weissbluth's gift to other sorely tired mothers and fathers, written to help them comfort their newborns without disrupting their own lives. Even extreme fussiness, he says, is not dangerous and usually stops when the child is about four months old. In the meanwhile, however, life can be tough for the whole family. But whether your baby cries for as long as eight hours a day, suffers from gas, refuses to sleep, or all of the above, Your Fussy Baby will gently guide your little one--and you--through this mysterious phase of infant growth. Inside you will discover* Why your baby cries so much: The most up-to-date research, including some fascinating possibilities that researchers are just beginning to explore.* Dangerous myths about fussiness: Facts and fiction about diet, mothering, proper medications, and much more that even your pediatrician may not know.* The emotional effects: Avoiding the guilt, anxiety, and frustration that having a fussy baby so often stirs up. * What to do when your baby fusses: Specific recommendations for what parents can do to minimize the distress that prolonged crying causes the whole family.* Expert, step-by-step advice on establishing healthy sleep habits for your baby.With this reassuring, down-to-earth guidance, you can help your fretful, fussy newborn to become the sweet, happy baby he or she was meant to be.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Your Growing Child
by Penelope LeachPenelope Leach is one of today's foremost authorities on child care, author of the greatly admired Your Baby & Child: From Birth to Age Five, which Dr. T. Berry Brazelton has called "a wonderful book. Well researched, well written and sensitive to both parents' and children's needs in the task of growing up together." Now, with the same authority and understanding, she discusses parents' concerns about children of all ages.Your Growing Child is an A-to-Z compendium of vital information and comfort for every mother and father--from new parents bringing home their first infant to parents of adolescents soon to strike out on their own. Whether she is telling you what to do when your child suddenly develops a high fever or earache or rash, or suggesting how you might determine the reason behind your eight-year-old's unwillingness to go to school, or helping you deal with your adolescent's developing sexuality, Penelope Leach's full and specific advice always reflects not only the practice of leading medical authorities but her own immense expertise and experience as a child psychologist, her extraordinary sensitivity to the feelings of both child and parent, and her grasp of the realities--financial, professional, and social--of life today.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss: Hope and Healing When You're No Longer Expecting
by Dr. Kate WhiteIn Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss, Kate White, M.D., OB/GYN, miscarriage survivor, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Boston University School of Medicine and Vice Chair of Academics in the OB/GYN department at Boston Medical Center, combines the latest medical research with the information you need—the facts and the forecasts, the hand-holding and the hope—when you experience a pregnancy loss.Miscarriage affects almost 1 million women in the United States every year. Yet each person experiencing a pregnancy loss often feels alone and full of questions about the process and the aftermath. And today&’s health care system is simply not designed to shepherd you and your family through the loss with the information and understanding you need. Dr. Kate provides an experienced hand to help guide you through this painful experience. Dr. Kate&’s book provides women and their families with the two things sorely missing from their experience: detailed answers to their questions about miscarriage, and support and guidance through the healing process. Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss takes readers through the journey of miscarriage diagnosis and treatment. It addresses all types of pregnancy loss—like ectopic and molar pregnancies, as well as ones that are often overlooked by the media and other books. Filled with accessible information, frequently asked questions and answers, and methods for coping with grief, the book empowers women undergoing pregnancy loss to take control over their experience. Written from the perspective of a medical professional who has cared for women having miscarriages for more than 20 years and a woman who has experienced two miscarriages herself, Dr. Kate&’s Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss is an earnest conversation between doctor and reader that provides compassion and guidance, as well as hope for a woman&’s future pregnancy efforts. &“The Miscarriage Guide lays out the paths of all kinds of miscarriages, helping women understand what&’s happening and how they can move forward toward healing.&” -- Dr. Beri Ridgeway, Chief of Staff, Former Chair, Department of OB/GYN and the Women&’s Health Institute, Cleveland Clinic &“A delicate and expert mix of medical knowledge, emotional intelligence, and individual clinical guidance. This book provides that in a way that is wise, comprehensive, and sympathetic.&” -- Dr. Jeffrey Ecker, Chief, Department of OB/GYN Massachusetts General Hospital Professor, Harvard Medical School &“Finally, a book about miscarriages written in clear, simple language, filled with understanding and human kindness.&” - Dr. Eve Espey, Professor and Chair, Department of OB/GYN, University of New Mexico &“The emotional turmoil of miscarriage makes it impossible for the current healthcare system to provide the necessary support so desperately needed. By empowering women to control their experience, Dr. Kate creates a space for understanding, healing, and most importantly hope.&” --Dr. Amy Murtha, Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, University of California San Francisco &“This book answers all of the questions my own patients ask me in the office, as well as the ones they are afraid to ask. A must-have resource for anyone who has been touched by miscarriage.&” -- Dr. Angela Dempsey, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Associate Dean for Curriculum, Clinical Sciences, Department of OB/GYN, Medical University of South Carolina &“If you&’ve ever experienced a pregnancy loss or know someone who has, this book is for you. If you&’ve ever faced a difficult decision after receiving unexpected results on fetal testing, this book is also for you. Dr. White speaks from the hea
Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss: Hope and Healing When You’re No Longer Expecting
by Kate WhiteMiscarriage affects almost 1 million women in the United States every year. Yet each woman experiencing a pregnancy loss often feels alone and full of questions about the process and the aftermath. And today&’s health care system is simply not designed to shepherd a woman and her family through the loss with the information and understanding they need. A woman needs an experienced hand to help guide her through one of the most painful experiences of her life. Having experienced two miscarriages of her own, Dr. Kate&’s provides women and their families with the two things sorely missing from their experience: detailed answers to their questions about miscarriage, and support and guidance through the healing process. Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss; Hope and healing when you&’re no longer expecting takes a woman through the journey of miscarriage diagnosis and treatment. It addresses all types of pregnancy loss—like ectopic and molar pregnancies, as well as ones that are often overlooked by the media and other books. Filled with accessible information, frequently asked questions and answers, and methods for coping with grief, the book empowers women undergoing pregnancy loss to take control over their experience. Written from the perspective of a medical professional who has cared for women having miscarriages for more than 20 years and a woman who has experienced two miscarriages herself, Dr. Kate&’s Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss; Hope and healing when you&’re no longer expecting is an earnest conversation between doctor and reader that provides compassion and guidance, as well as hope for a woman&’s future pregnancy efforts.
Your Healthy Pregnancy with Thyroid Disease: A Guide to Fertility, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Wellness
by Mary Shomon Dana TrentiniAt minimum, 27 million Americans have thyroid disease. Despite being the majority of thyroid sufferers, women rarely know that thyroid problems increase their risk of pregnancy complications, including infertility, preeclampsia, miscarriage, premature delivery, and low birth weight. This awareness gap affects patients and doctors, who know little about the ramifications of an undiagnosed or under-treated thyroid condition on a mother and her unborn baby.Founder of HypothyroidMom.com Dana Trentini and thyroid health advocate and bestselling author Mary Shomon have both endured challenges with pregnancies due to thyroid disorders. In Your Healthy Pregnancy with Thyroid Disease, they team up to give readers the answers they need. With personal stories and cutting-edge medical advice from leading health practitioners, the book explains how to recognize thyroid symptoms, get properly diagnosed/treated, manage thyroid problems during pregnancy, overcome thyroid-related infertility, and deal with postpartum challenges.
Your Heritage
by J. Otis Ledbetter Jim WeidmannAt last, a chance and a a plan to ensure that the heritage that you pass on to your children is the meaningful, spiritually rich, loving legacy that you want it to be.
Your Home a Place of Grace
by Susan HuntYou have everything you need to make your home a haven of grace. God's presence brings peace to your home and empowers you to reflect His goodness. Beyond Himself, God has given you the church so that your home can be all it should be. In God's definition, the church is part of your family--so whether you're married or widowed, a parent or single, you have an extended family. You have grandparents in the faith who can share with you what they have learned about living in a relationship with God and others, and whose words and example will show you how to raise the next faith generation. Susan Hunt is a spiritual grandmother to many. Using her experience and knowledge, along with that of other "grandparents," she shares how you can create a home of grace. Though "Your Home"brims with practical applications, it is not a how-to book. It is more about who God is than what we do. It is more about God's grace than our game plans. It is about God working in and through you to make your home a sanctuary of His design.
Your Hyperactive Child
by Barbara IngersollThe authoritative and up-to-date handbook provides a wealth of urgently needed information to help parents of a hyperactive child understand and cope with their child's baffling behavior.
Your Kid's a Brat and It's All Your Fault: Nip the Attitude in the Bud--from Toddler to Tween
by Elaine Rose GlickmanIn this wise and hilarious parenting book, Elaine Rose Glickman tells parents that--when it comes to their bratty kids--the buck stops with them! You've seen them--kids running wild through restaurants while the parents avert their gaze and order another cappuccino. You've heard them--kids telling their parents to "shut up" and "get me that." You've met them--kids who dress inappropriately and roll their eyes and never say "thank you." Maybe one of those kids belongs to you. Combining incisive commentary with grounded, practical advice, Your Kid's a Brat and It's All Your Fault will have you recognizing and laughing at yourself, your fellow parents, and a culture that seems determined to turn our precious angels into not-so-precious brats. Divided into three sections--"Your Budding Brat" for toddlers and preschoolers, "Your Bratty Child" for grade-schoolers, and "Your Bratty Tween"--this book is packed with wisdom and tips culled from the trenches of child-rearing. Your Kid's a Brat and It's All Your Fault will not only help you grow adept at responding to specific misbehaviors, but also will encourage and empower you to become the confident, respected parent you yearn to be.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Your Kids Are Your Own Fault
by Larry WingetStraight-talking, bestselling Pitbull of Parenting Larry Winget says "This is not a fix your kid book. It's a fix the way you parent book. You owe it to your kids to parent with a plan!" Being a parent is the toughest job in the world, especially with the increasing number of negative influences and pitfalls facing our kids today, from childhood obesity and out-of-control celebrity culture to the dangers of the internet and credit card debt. Larry Winget has never been one to shy away from tough truths, and what he says here may well be difficult for some parents to swallow: we are in the midst of a crisis with our kids. Kids today are over-indulged, over-entertained, under-achieving, and under-disciplined, with a sense of entitlement that is crippling society. And the real problem is that parents aren't paying attention to what's going on. If they were they would realize that most kids today barely read and write, except with their thumbs on their cell phones! Well-behaved, respectful kids are the exception, not the rule, and for the most part, parents are to blame. Responsible parenting is about beginning with the end in mind and parenting with a plan. But most parents have never stopped to consider what kind of adult they want to raise. They have all this fun creating a baby, but they don't have a plan for the end product. Larry's message to parents: Teach your kids to become the best adults they can be. But don't expect your kids to improve until you improve. Your Kids Are Your Own Fault covers familiar lessons and principles that have led Larry's readers to greater success with money, career, and goal setting, this time at a level where they can be taught to children. This book shows parents how to design the adult they want their kid to become and work backwards to make sure it happens. Kids don't come with an instruction manual, but finally being a parent does!
Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift
by James DobsonWe live in a culture that seeks to destroy the embryonic faith of our children and usher them into politically correct ideology, godless systems of belief, and gross immorality that would have shocked previous generations. This is what confronts today's Christian parents and many of them are terrified of it. We live in truly perilous times. But the good news is there is a way you can be victorious in this battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of your precious children. Whatever stage you are in as a parent or grandparent, you can leave a spiritual legacy that will equip your children and grandchildren with an unshakable heritage of faith. YOUR LEGACY tells you how by presenting: Dr. Dobson's personal story of his own spiritual legacy Strategies for the spiritual training of children Help for parents of prodigals Hope for reaching unsaved parents Principles for building a love relationship with your children Testimonies from parents who got it right Stories you can read to your children for leaving your legacy Steps you can take to lead your child to Christ How can you teach your children what matters most? It is by being intentional about their spiritual training. YOUR LEGACY will help you make that the central priority of your family.
Your Life is Not A Label
by Jerry NewportThis book describes Jerry's life and how he dealt with the challenges of Asperger syndrome. It also lets you, the reader know of things you should and shouldn't do, as well as Jerry's mistakes.
Your Love Is All I Need: Green Mountain Book 1 (Green Mountain)
by Marie ForceFrom New York Times bestselling author Marie Force, creator of the beloved McCarthys of Gansett Island, Quantum and Fatal series, comes the first book in her Green Mountain series. Fans of Debbie Macomber, Susan Mallery and Jill Shalvis will love the heartwarming, sexy romance series centered on the lives of the Abbott family. The Green Mountain Country Store is cherished by locals as a reminder of simpler times, and the Abbott siblings are determined to keep it that way... When Cameron Murphy heads to Vermont to build a website for a new client, she anticipates a relaxing trip. That is until she collides with the town moose, wrecking her car, and meets the most handsome man she's ever seen. Unfortunately, her saviour and son of her client, Will Abbott, wants nothing to do with the new website or the city girl creating it. For all Will cares, Cameron can march her fancy boots right out of town and his family's business. But he can't seem to get her out of his head. As the chemistry between the two heats up, they begin to wonder if simple could be best - especially when it comes to matters of the heart.***Your Love Is All I Need is published in the USA as All You Need Is Love***For more spellbinding Green Mountain romance, check out the whole series: Your Love Is All I Need, Let Me Hold Your Hand, I Saw You Standing There, And I Love You, You'll Be Mine, It's Love, Only Love and Ain't She Sweet.
Your Magickal Name: Using Astrology, Numerology, Myth and Meaning to Choose the Perfect One
by Phyllis Vega Debra VegaAre you seeking a magickal name for ritual, ceremonial, or Craft purposes? Are you looking for the ideal name for a child, pet, group, sacred object, or business? Are you trying to name the characters in your latest novel, story or screenplay? Your Magickal Name is the perfect book for you! This book will help you discover that perfect name by showing you how to use basic astrology, numerology, mythological references, meanings, and the mysterious powers associated with names. Your Magickal Name is an indispensable guide that covers all the naming basics including; » Reasons for choosing a magickal name based on numerology and astrology. » Cultural and religious customs and rituals associated with naming. » The folklore of the mysterious powers attributed to names. » How to create original names. » Methods for discovering the most appropriate name. And much more. For easy reference, Your Magickal Name contains an alphobetical listing of more than 8,000 names, noting the language of origin, meaning and numerical value of each. They are sorted into female and male master lists, with those names considered to be unisex appearing in both. No matter who or what you are naming, Your Magickal Name is a rich resource of ideas and information that will help you make the best possible choice.
Your Mama
by NoNieqa RamosA sweet twist on the age-old “yo mama” joke, celebrating fierce moms everywhere with playful lyricism and gorgeous illustrations, Your Mama is an essential Mother’s Day read.Yo’ mama so sweet, she could be a bakery. She dresses so fine, she could have a clothing line. And, even when you mess up, she’s so forgiving, she lets you keep on living.Heartwarming and richly imagined, Your Mama twists an old joke into a point of pride that honors the love, hard work, and dedication of mamas everywhere.A Kirkus Prize FinalistKirkus Most Joyous Picture Book of 2021School Library Journal Best Picture Books of 20212022 NCTE Notable Books in Poetry2021 Nerdy Book Club AwardVirginia Center for the Book Great Read 2021
Your Mommy Was Just Like You
by Kelly BennettOnce upon a time-according to Grandma-Mommy loved getting messy, wearing kooky costumes, and dragging out bedtime with just one more story. She collected bottle caps and dandelion fluff, and didn't know how to tie her shoes. Sometimes she was a terror, but most of the time she was a sweet potato. Just like her own little girl today. Kids love to hear about what their parents were like as children, and this celebration of moms and the little girls they were will inspire lots of laughter and memories.
Your Move, J.P.! (Just the Tates!)
by Lois LowryLowry's third novel about J. P. and his sister has J. P. in love and doing all sorts of weird things, such as wearing deodorant and even telling a lie to impress Angela.
Your New Life with Adult Children: A Practical Guide for What Helps, What Hurts, and What Heals
by Gary Chapman Ross CampbellLoving Your Adult Children Without Losing Your Mind (Or Your Heart, Or All Your Money, Or Your Soul)Your kids will always be your kids. The trick is figuring out how to adapt to the new phases in that parent-child relationship. No question, it can be tricky. And if you fail to navigate that transition well, the result will be stress, alienation, and maybe a broken relationship.But it doesn&’t have to be that way. In Your New Life with Adult Children, Dr. Gary Chapman—author of the worldwide bestseller The 5 Love Languages®—teams up with clinical psychiatrist Dr. Ross Campbell to provide the insights you need when your child moves into adulthood. You&’ll find help for those moments when:Your adult child isn&’t succeedingYour nest isn&’t emptyingYour child moves back homeYou have conflict over lifestyle issuesYou become an in-law or grandparentAnd much more . . .The book includes brief sidebars from parents of adult children, as well as stories from adult children who relate what works best for them. An online study guide is also available.Stop wondering how to connect with your adult child. Instead, learn to love them in the ways they so desperately want.
Your New Pregnancy Bible
by Anne DeansRecognised by women and their caregivers as simply the best pregnancy guide available, this latest edition of Your Pregnancy Bible has been updated to take account of recent changes in antenatal and newborn care and to provide more comprehensive discussion of caesarean deliveries. Given a fresh design, it still contains special fold-out sections on each of the trimesters and the birth process; week-by-week images of the developing baby; in-depth chapters dealing with all aspects of antenatal care, labour preparation, delivery experiences and care of the newborn; comprehensive reference sections on medical treatments and procedures in both pregnancy and the postnatal period and an extensive glossary of ante- and neonatal terminology. Written by a team of eminent specialists under the direction of a leading UK obstetrician, Your New Pregnancy Bible is filled with everything prospective parents need to know about creating the optimum environment for a developing baby and safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the mother.
Your New Pregnancy Bible: The Experts' Guide to Pregnancy and Early Parenthood
by Anne DeansRecognised by women and their caregivers as simply the best pregnancy guide available, this latest edition of Your Pregnancy Bible has been updated to take account of recent changes in antenatal and newborn care. Given a fresh design, it still contains special fold-out sections on each of the trimesters and the birth process; week-by-week images of the developing baby; in-depth chapters dealing with all aspects of antenatal care, labour preparation, delivery experiences and care of the newborn; comprehensive reference sections on medical treatments and procedures in both pregnancy and the postnatal period and an extensive glossary of ante- and neonatal terminology. Written by a team of eminent specialists under the direction of a leading UK obstetrician, Your New Pregnancy Bible is filled with everything prospective parents need to know about creating the optimum environment for a developing baby and safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the mother.
Your New Pregnancy Bible: The Experts' Guide to Pregnancy and Early Parenthood
by Dr Anne DeansRecognised by women and their caregivers as simply the best pregnancy guide available, this latest edition of Your Pregnancy Bible has been updated to take account of recent changes in antenatal and newborn care. Given a fresh design, it still contains special fold-out sections on each of the trimesters and the birth process; week-by-week images of the developing baby; in-depth chapters dealing with all aspects of antenatal care, labour preparation, delivery experiences and care of the newborn; comprehensive reference sections on medical treatments and procedures in both pregnancy and the postnatal period and an extensive glossary of ante- and neonatal terminology. Written by a team of eminent specialists under the direction of a leading UK obstetrician, Your New Pregnancy Bible is filled with everything prospective parents need to know about creating the optimum environment for a developing baby and safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the mother.