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Showing 14,376 through 14,400 of 39,192 results

Groupthink Versus High-Quality Decision Making in International Relations

by Scott Crichlow Mark Schafer

-Are good and bad outcomes significantly affected by the decision-making process itself? Indeed they are, in that certain decision-making techniques and practices limit the ability of policymakers to achieve their goals and advance the national interest. The success of policy often turns on the quality of the decision-making process. Mark Schafer and Scott Crichlow identify the factors that contribute to good and bad policymaking, such as the personalities of political leaders, the structure of decision-making groups, and the nature of the exchange between participating individuals. Analyzing thirty-nine foreign-policy cases across nine administrations and incorporating both statistical analyses and case studies, including a detailed examination of the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, the authors pinpoint the factors that are likely to lead to successful or failed decision making, and they suggest ways to improve the process. Schafer and Crichlow show how the staffing of key offices and the structure of central decision-making bodies determine the path of an administration even before topics are introduced. Additionally, they link the psychological characteristics of leaders to the quality of their decision processing. There is no greater work available on understanding and improving the dynamics of contemporary decision making.

The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight

by Joseph R. Herkert Gary E. Marchant Braden R. Allenby

At the same time that the pace of science and technology has greatly accelerated in recent decades, our legal and ethical oversight mechanisms have become bogged down and slower. This book addresses the growing gap between the pace of science and technology and the lagging responsiveness of legal and ethical oversight society relies on to govern emerging technologies. Whether it be biotechnology, genetic testing, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, computer privacy, autonomous robotics, or any of the other many emerging technologies, new approaches are needed to ensure appropriate and timely regulatory responses. This book documents the problem and offers a toolbox of potential regulatory and governance approaches that might be used to ensure more responsive oversight.

Growing Moral Relations

by Mark Coeckelbergh

New scientific and technological developments challenge us to reconsider our moral world order. This book offers an original philosophical approach to this issue: it makes a distinctive contribution to the development of a relational approach to moral status by re-defining the problem in a social and phenomenological way.

Growing Slowly Wise: Building a Faith that Works

by David Roper

David Roper discusses the Book of James and connects his insights to human problems.

Growing up in the Playground: The Social Development of Children (Routledge Library Editions: Sociology of Education #51)

by Andy Sluckin

First published in 1981, this work is based on the author’s research in the playgrounds of two Oxford schools. It describes the order amongst the apparent chaos by relating the playtime activities – the games, rhymes and taunts of five-to-ten-year-olds in first and middle schools – to children’s goals, problems and solutions. It shows how children learn and display in the playground a remarkably complex set of social skills and the study clearly demonstrates the importance of playtime for preparing a child to cope in the adult world.

Growing Wisdom: An Invitation to Western Philosophy

by Charles Cardwell E. Frank Mashburn

Growing Wisdom: An Invitation To Western Philosophy COVERS the following subtopics: Society and Politics Philosophy Knowledge and Reality God Human Nature and Personal Identity

The Growth of Minds and Culture: A Unified Interpretation of the Structure of Human Experience

by Willem H. Vanderburg

The impact of science and technology on culture raises a number of questions about the ways in which people relate to each other and to their environment. Such questions cannot be answered by traditional approaches. Thus another level of analysis is needed to complement the traditional approaches and to address future challenges. The first step in creating this new analysis was taken by Willem H. Vanderburg in 1985 with his pioneering work The Growth of Minds and Cultures. In this book, the first of a multi-volume series that includes Our Battle for the Human Spirit (2016), Vanderburg shows how the culture of a society underlies its science, technology, economy, social structure, political institutions, morality, religion, and art. As such, he seeks to build bridges not only between the ‘two cultures’ but between all the sciences in order to gain a deeper understanding of our age. This expanded second edition makes the author’s ground-breaking analysis available to a generation of digital natives.

Grund und Freiheit

by Stefan W. Schmidt

In der vorliegenden Studie geht der Autor den mannigfaltigen Zusammenhängen von Gründung und Begründung in der Welt nach, um mit Martin Heidegger zu zeigen, dass all diese Zusammenhänge Freiheit voraussetzen, aus Freiheit hervorgehen oder doch zumindest freiheitsbedingt sind. Die Analyse des ontologischen Freiheitsbegriffs Heideggers nimmt so die Gestalt einer phänomenologischen Destruktion von ,,Grund" an. Der Fokus des Buches liegt auf Heideggers tatsächlichem Gebrauch des Begriffs ,,Freiheit". Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist das Diktum ,,Die Freiheit ist der Grund des Grundes". Dieser Satz fällt in Heideggers ,,metaphysische Periode", die sich auf den Zeitraum von 1928 bis 1930 beschränkt und in der er versucht, einen positiven Begriff von Metaphysik, eine Metaphysik des Daseins, zu entwerfen. Zur Aufschlüsselung dieses Diktums konzentriert sich die Untersuchung daher auf eben jenen Zeitraum. Im ersten Kapitel wird der Begriff des Grundes systematisch und philosophiehistorisch untersucht, um unsere Praxis des Begründens offenzulegen und aufzuzeigen, wie diese Praxis bereits den Begriff von Welt präsupponiert. Das zweite Kapitel widmet sich Heideggers positivem Verständnis von Freiheit und weist nach, wie die beiden Begriffe ,,Grund" und ,,Freiheit" mittels des Weltbegriffs miteinander verwoben sind. Das dritte Kapitel zieht ein Resümee und setzt die Ergebnisse in einen breiteren phänomenologischen Kontext, der nicht allein auf Heidegger beschränkt bleibt. Das vierte und letzte Kapitel setzt sich mit den ethischen Implikationen von Heideggers ontologischem Freiheitsbegriff auseinander.

Grundbegriffe der grünen Gentechnik

by Susanne Hiekel

Die Autorin analysiert grundlegende Begrifflichkeiten, die in der normativen Argumentation zur grünen Gentechnik verwendet werden, und liefert damit eine philosophisch fundierte Argumentationsgrundlage. Sie geht von der Annahme aus, dass Begriffe wie z. B. Lebewesen, (natürliche) Art oder Gen in verschiedenen Bedeutungsnetzen unterschiedlich konnotiert sind und daher nicht kontextunabhängig definiert werden können. Die Begriffsklärung ist notwendige Voraussetzung, um zu einer angemessenen Bewertung der grünen Gentechnik kommen zu können.

Grundlagen der Politischen Theorie: Ein Überblick

by Michael Haus

Das Lehrbuch verbindet eine bewährte Orientierung an Schlüsselautor*innen mit einer innovativ-systematischen Darstellungsweise. Mit dem Verständnis von Politischer Theorie als Systematisierung der Rechtfertigung und Kritik politischer Verhältnisse wird ein weiter, aber zugleich eingegrenzter Fokus gesetzt. Im ersten Teil („Klassische Perspektiven“) werden jeweils zwei Figuren der politischen Ideengeschichte kapitelweise gegenübergestellt. Auch im zweiten Teil („Zeitgenössische Perspektiven“) werden zentrale Argumentationsansätze mittels einer vergleichenden Betrachtung von Theoretiker*innen erschlossen. Darüber hinaus werden Forderungen nach einer grundlegenden Neuausrichtung der Politischen Theorie behandelt. Eine übergreifende Klammer bilden Reflexionen zu den Konzepten „Macht“, „Gerechtigkeit“ und „Demokratie“.

Grundlagen und Anwendung von Mixed Methods in der empirischen Bildungsforschung (Methodenintegrative Sozialforschung)

by Gerda Hagenauer Andreas Gegenfurtner Michaela Gläser-Zikuda

Das Buch gibt einen Einblick in Mixed Methods in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Der Fokus liegt auf der Kombination von qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungszugängen, die aktuell sehr prominent in der empirischen Bildungsforschung diskutiert werden.Die Inhalte sind gleichermaßen für Studierende wie Forscher:innen verständlich aufbereitet, die sich bisher noch nicht mit Mixed Methods beschäftigt haben. Daher werden die methodologischen Grundlagen kurz beschrieben (mit Verweisen auf Vertiefungsliteratur) und mit konkreten Beispielen aus der empirischen Bildungsforschung verknüpft.

Grundlinien einer globalen Ethik: Gerechtigkeit, Politik und Kultur im 21. Jahrhundert

by Peter Rinderle

Die Globalisierung stellt die Ethik vor ganz neue Herausforderungen: Einerseits sind alle Menschen in bestimmten Hinsichten gleich und zunehmend voneinander abhängig; andererseits fühlen sie sich aber verschiedenen politischen und kulturellen Gemeinschaften zugehörig. Aber wie sollen wir dann auf gerechte Art und Weise das Zusammenleben der Menschen auf unserem Planeten gestalten? Die Idee eines kosmopolitischen Suffizientarismus kann darauf eine Antwort geben, die kein Mensch mit guten Gründen zurückweisen kann: Alle Menschen – welcher Gemeinschaft oder Generation sie auch immer angehören – sollen mindestens genug für ihr Leben haben. Die globale und intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit macht also nicht an den Grenzen von Gemeinschaften halt, denn alle Menschen teilen bestimmte Grundbedürfnisse. Sie verlangt aber keine vollständige Gleichstellung aller Menschen, denn damit würde man sowohl die politische Selbstbestimmung von Gemeinschaften als auch die globale Diversität von Kulturen in Frage stellen.

Grundprobleme der modernen Naturphilosophie

by Andreas Bartels

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt zentrale naturphilosophische Probleme, die durch Theorien der modernen Naturwissenschaften aufgeworfen werden. Es fragt, welches Bild von Raum, Zeit, Materie, Leben und Bewusstsein sich aus ihnen ergibt, aber auch nach den Konsequenzen der aktuellen Umweltkrise für unser praktisches Verhältnis zur Natur.

Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy

by Karl Marx

Written during the winter of 1857-8, the Grundrisse was considered by Marx to be the first scientific elaboration of communist theory. A collection of seven notebooks on capital and money, it both develops the arguments outlined in the Communist Manifesto (1848) and explores the themes and theses that were to dominate his great later work Capital. Here, for the first time, Marx set out his own version of Hegel's dialectics and developed his mature views on labour, surplus value and profit, offering many fresh insights into alienation, automation and the dangers of capitalist society. Yet while the theories in Grundrisse make it a vital precursor to Capital, it also provides invaluable descriptions of Marx's wider-ranging philosophy, making it a unique insight into his beliefs and hopes for the foundation of a communist state.

Grundversorgung Bildung

by Rudolf Egger Karina Fernandez

Demographische Veränderungen und geographische Wanderungsbewegungen führen zu zahlreichen sozialen und lebensweltlichen Spannungen zwischen städtischen Zentren und ländlichen Gebieten. Die Folgen dieses Wandels sind in zahlreichen peripheren Regionen bereits deutlich zu spüren. In diesem Buch werden die Effekte von Abwanderungsprozessen und Gegensteuerungsmaßnahmen durch Bildung anhand eines Modellfalls beschrieben. Dabei werden die Gestaltungskräfte von Weiterbildung für Prozesse der Regionalentwicklung, der Schaffung sozial-regionaler Ankerpunkte und der Daseinsvorsorge für Menschen analysiert.

Guanxi, Social Capital and School Choice in China: The Rise of Ritual Capital (Palgrave Studies on Chinese Education in a Global Perspective)

by Ji Ruan

This book focuses on the use of guanxi (Chinese personal connections) in everyday urban life: in particular, how and why people develop different types of social capital in their guanxi networks and the role of guanxi in school choice. Guanxi takes on a special significance in Chinese societies, and is widely-discussed and intensely-studied phenomenon today. In recent years in China, the phenomenon of parents using guanxi to acquire school places for their children has been frequently reported by the media, against the background of the Chinese Communist Party’s crackdown on corruption. From a sociological perspective, this book reveals how and why parents manage to do so. Ritual capital refers to an individual's ability to use ritual to benefit and gain resources from guanxi.

The Guarantee of Perpetual Peace (Elements in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant)

by Wolfgang Ertl

This Element tries to answer three questions about Kant's guarantee thesis by examining the 'first addendum' of his Philosophical Sketch; how the guarantor powers interrelate, how there can be a guarantee without undermining freedom, why there is a guarantee in the first place. Kant's conception of an interplay of human and divine rational agency encompassing nature is crucial: on moral grounds, we are warranted to believe the 'world author' knew that if he brought about the world, the 'supreme' good would come about too. Perpetual peace is the condition enabling the supreme good to be realized in history.

The Guardian of the Constitution: Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on the Limits of Constitutional Law

by Lars Vinx

This volume provides the first English translation of Hans Kelsen's and Carl Schmitt's influential Weimar-era debate on constitutional guardianship and the legitimacy of constitutional review. It includes Kelsen's seminal piece, 'The Nature and Development of Constitutional Adjudication', as well as key extracts from the 'Guardian of the Constitution' which present Schmitt's argument against constitutional review. Also included are Kelsen's review of Schmitt's 'Guardian of the Constitution', as well as some further material by Kelsen and Schmitt on presidential dictatorship under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. These texts show Kelsen and Schmitt responding to one another, in the context of a debate focused on a concrete constitutional crisis, thus allowing the reader to assess the plausibility of Kelsen's and Schmitt's legal and constitutional theories.

The Guardians of Concepts: Political Languages of Conservatism in Britain and West Germany, 1945-1980 (Studies in British and Imperial History #9)

by Martina Steber

Since 1945, what ‘conservative’ means has troubled intellectuals, politicians and parties in the United Kingdom and West Germany. In Britain conservatism was an accepted term of the political vocabulary, denoting a particular tradition of political thought and practice. In West Germany, by contrast, conservatism was a difficult concept for the young democracy to swallow. It carried a heavy antiliberal and antidemocratic burden and led people to question whether there was a place for conservatism within democratic culture after all. The Guardians of Concepts scrutinizes the debates about conservatism in the UK and the Federal Republic of Germany from the late 1940s to the early 1980s. Informed by historical semantics, it conceives of conservatism as a flexible linguistic structure, and shows the importance of language for the self-understanding of many conservatives, who not by chance, have regarded themselves as the guardians of concepts. The intense national and transnational debates about the meaning of conservatism had far-reaching consequences and continue to influence politics today.

Guardrails: Guiding Human Decisions in the Age of AI

by Urs Gasser Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

How society can shape individual actions in times of uncertaintyWhen we make decisions, our thinking is informed by societal norms, &“guardrails&” that guide our decisions, like the laws and rules that govern us. But what are good guardrails in today&’s world of overwhelming information flows and increasingly powerful technologies, such as artificial intelligence? Based on the latest insights from the cognitive sciences, economics, and public policy, Guardrails offers a novel approach to shaping decisions by embracing human agency in its social context.In this visionary book, Urs Gasser and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger show how the quick embrace of technological solutions can lead to results we don&’t always want, and they explain how society itself can provide guardrails more suited to the digital age, ones that empower individual choice while accounting for the social good, encourage flexibility in the face of changing circumstances, and ultimately help us to make better decisions as we tackle the most daunting problems of our times, such as global injustice and climate change.Whether we change jobs, buy a house, or quit smoking, thousands of decisions large and small shape our daily lives. Decisions drive our economies, seal the fate of democracies, create war or peace, and affect the well-being of our planet. Guardrails challenges the notion that technology should step in where our own decision making fails, laying out a surprisingly human-centered set of principles that can create new spaces for better decisions and a more equitable and prosperous society.

La Guerra de Guerrillas

by Ernesto Che Guevara

A bestselling Che classic for decades, this is Che Guevara's own incisive analysis of the Cuban revolution-a text studied by his admirers and adversaries alike. Here he explains how a small, dedicated group grew in strength and with the support of the Cuban people was able to defeat a dictator's army.

La guerra en palabras

by Oswaldo Zavala

Una historia intelectual de la hegemonía que funcionó como la plataforma para lanzar la “guerra contra el narco”: primero desde un plano simbólico y después como una campaña permanente de violencia organizada. Basado en una investigación de archivos oficiales, reportajes periodísticos, estudios académicos y producciones culturales sobre el tráfico de drogas, Oswaldo Zavala revisa el arco histórico del lenguaje en el que se inscriben un relato de guerra con personajes intercambiables en lugares variables que configuran la ilusión sobre el “narco” en nuestra sociedad contemporánea, con atención especial en los productos culturales sobre el tráfico de drogas en general. .

La Guerra y La Paz: Paz Para El Mundo

by André Cronje

LA GUERRA Y LA PAZ Presenta más de 500 citas sobre la belleza de la paz mundial, la paz interior y la paz con Dios en medio de las cenizas de la guerra, los puentes quemados y las promesas incumplidas.

Guerrilla Metaphysics

by Graham Harman

In Guerrilla Metaphysics, Graham Harman develops further the object-oriented philosophy first proposed in Tool-Being. Today's fashionable philosophies often treat metaphysics as a petrified relic of the past, and hold that future progress requires an ever further abandonment of all claims to discuss reality in itself. Guerrilla Metaphysics makes the opposite assertion, challenging the dominant "philosophy of access" (both continental and analytic) that remains quarantined in discussions of language, perception, or literary texts. Philosophy needs a fresh resurgence of the things themselves-not merely the words or appearances themselves. Once these themes are adapted to the needs of an object-oriented philosophy, what emerges is a brand new type of metaphysics-a "guerrilla metaphysics."

Guerrilla Warfare

by Harry Pombo" Villegas Ernesto Che Guevara

Featuring a new preface by his guerrilla compañero in Bolivia and Africa, Harry "Pombo" Villegas, this new, expanded and revised edition of a bestselling Che Guevara classic reviews a crucial period of Latin American political history.

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