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Hans J. Morgenthau und die Twenty Years‘ Crisis: Das realistische Denken eines Emigranten im Lichte seines deutschen Erfahrungshintergrundes

by Alexander Reichwein

Alexander Reichwein stellt in diesem Buch die realistische Theorie Hans J. Morgenthaus in den Kontext der deutschen Geschichte. Dabei vertritt er die These eines sinnstiftenden Zusammenhangs zwischen der Sozialisation und dem Denken des in Frankfurt promovierten Völkerrechtlers und späteren Politikwissenschaftlers. Reichwein argumentiert, dass erst das Wissen um Morgenthaus soziales und intellektuelles Umfeld, seinen persönlichen und akademischen Werdegang und die politischen Ereignisse in Europa in den Zwischenkriegsjahren den Schlüssel zum Verständnis seines Weltbildes bieten, das sich nicht auf ein affirmatives Verständnis von Macht reduzieren lässt. Morgenthaus Denken offenbart liberale Grundüberzeugungen, einen normativen Kern und Lehren aus der Vergangenheit, die in seiner Kritik an der US-Außenpolitik sowie in seinen Arbeiten zur Demokratie in Amerika zum Ausdruck kommen. Und die sich wie eine Warnung vor einer kriegerischen Außenpolitik, Nationalismus und einem zweiten Weimar lesen lassen.

Hans Jonas: Etappen seines Denkwegs (essentials)

by Robert Theis

Dieses essential widmet sich dem Werk des Philosophen Hans Jonas und zwar aus dem Blickwinkel der Entwicklung seines Denkens. Die frühen Studien über die spätantike Gnosis bilden den Ausgangspunkt. Hier stößt Jonas auf ein Thema, das er in seinem gesamten späteren Werk kritisch diskutiert, nämlich das des weltfeindlichen Dualismus. In den ab den 1940er-Jahren entworfenen Studien zu einer philosophischen Biologie wird der Versuch unternommen, den Menschen in seiner leib-geistigen Verfasstheit bis hin zu seinen höchsten symbolischen Ausdrucksformen aus dem Prozess der gesamten Evolution heraus zu deuten und damit implizit die Weltfeindlichkeit der Gnosis zu widerlegen. In seiner Ethik der Verantwortung, die er in dem 1979 veröffentlichten berühmten Prinzip Verantwortung systematisch vorträgt, findet sich gleichsam die ethische Seite der Überwindung der Gnosis, nämlich, dass der Mensch Verantwortung für eine Welt zu übernehmen habe, in der auch zukünftige Generationen menschenwürdig leben können. In seinen letzten metaphysisch-theologischen Vermutungen dann wird die Problematik der Verantwortung mit Blick auf einen in der Schöpfung selber werdenden Gott hin thematisiert.

Hans Jonas's Ethic of Responsibility: From Ontology to Ecology (SUNY series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics)

by Theresa Morris

Despite his tremendous impact on the German Green Party and the influence of his work on contemporary debates about stem cell research in the United States, Hans Jonas's (1903–1993) philosophical contributions have remained partially obscured. In particular, the ontological grounding he gives his ethics, based on a phenomenological engagement with biology to bridge the "is-ought" gap, has not been fully appreciated. Theresa Morris provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of Jonas's philosophy that reveals the thread that runs through all of his thought, including his work on the philosophy of biology, ethics, the philosophy of technology, and bioethics. She places Jonas's philosophy in context, comparing his ideas to those of other ethical and environmental philosophers and demonstrating the relevance of his thought for our current ethical and environmental problems. Crafting strong supporting arguments for Jonas's insightful view of ethics as a matter of both reason and emotion, Morris convincingly lays out his account of the basis of our responsibilities not only to the biosphere but also to current and future generations of beings.

Hans Kelsen in America - Selective Affinities and the Mysteries of Academic Influence

by D.A. Jeremy Telman

This volume explores the reasons for Hans Kelsen'slack of influence in the United States and proposes ways in which Kelsen'sapproach to law, philosophy, and political, democratic, and internationalrelations theory could be relevant to current debates within the U. S. academyin those areas. Along the way, the volume examines Kelsen's relationship andoften hidden influences on other members of the mid-century Central Europeanémigré community whose work helped shape twentieth-century social science in theUnited States. The book includes majorcontributions to the history of ideas and to the sociology of the professionsin the U. S. academy in the twentieth century. Each section of the volumeexplores a different aspect of the puzzle of the neglect of Kelsen's work invarious disciplinary and national settings. Part I provides reconstructions of Kelsen's legal theory and defendsthat theory against negative assessments in Anglo-American jurisprudence. Part II focuses both on Kelsen's theoreticalviews on international law and his practical involvement in the post-wardevelopment of international criminal law. Part III addresses Kelsen's theories ofdemocracy and justice while placing him in dialogue with other majortwentieth-century thinkers, including two fellow émigré scholars, Leo Straussand Albert Ehrenzweig. Part IV explores Kelsen's intellectual legacies throughEuropean and American perspectives on the interaction of Kelsen's theoreticalapproach to law and national legal traditions in the United States and Germany. Each contribution features a particularapplications of Kelsen's approach to doctrinal and interpretive issuescurrently of interest in the legal academy. The volume concludes with two chapters on the nature of Kelsen's legaltheory as an instance of modernism.

Hans Kelsen's Normativism (Elements in Philosophy of Law)

by Carsten Heidemann

Hans Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law is the most prominent example of legal normativism. This text traces its origins and its genesis. In philosophy, normativism started with Hume's distinction between Is- and Ought-propositions. Kant distinguished practical from theoretical judgments, while resting even the latter on normativity. Following him, Lotze and the Baden neo-Kantians instrumentalized normativism to secure a sphere of knowledge which is not subject to the natural sciences. Even in his first major text, Kelsen claims that law is solely a matter of Ought or normativity. In the second phase of his writings, he places himself into the neo-Kantian tradition, holding legal norms to be Ought-judgments of legal science. In the third phase, he advocates a barely coherent naive normative realism. In the fourth phase, he supplements the realist view with a strict will-theory of norms, coupled with set-pieces from linguistic philosophy; classical normativism is more or less dismantled.

Happiness (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by Robin Barrow

The first part of the book reviews empirical work relating to happiness (including attitudinal studies), claims made in an educational context and postwar philosophical treatment of the concept. There is a useful account of Aristotle’s pioneering work and a stimulating summary of some of the main themes to be found in the literature concerning happiness. In the second part the author elucidates the concept of happiness, and consider the significance, reliability and plausibility of the various empirical claims in the light of a clear understanding of what happiness is. After discussing whether happiness ought to be valued in general terms the study concludes by outlining the ways in which it can be related to education and schooling and by suggesting action which could be taken in schools in order to promote happiness.


by Andrew Brown Frederic Lenoir

A huge bestseller in Europe, Frederic Lenoir's Happiness is an exciting journey that examines how history's greatest philosophers and religious figures have answered life's most fundamental question: What is happiness and how do I achieve it? From the ancient Greeks on--from Aristotle, Plato, and Chuang Tzu to the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad; from Voltaire, Spinoza, and Schopenhauer to Kant, Freud, and even modern neuroscientists--Lenoir considers the idea that true and lasting happiness is indeed possible. In clear language, Lenoir concisely surveys what the greatest thinkers of all time have had to say on the subject, and, with charming prose, raises provocative questions: · Do we have a duty to be happy? · Is there a connection between individual and collective happiness? · Is happiness contagious? · Is there a difference between pleasure and happiness? · Can unhappiness and happiness coexist? · Does our happiness depend on our luck? Understanding how civilization's best minds have answered those questions, Lenoir suggests, not only makes for a fascinating reading experience, but also provides a way for us to see us how happiness, that most elusive of feelings, is attainable in our own lives.From the Hardcover edition.

Happiness: Personhood, Community, Purpose

by Pedro Alexis Tabensky

This book is about happiness and about how the supremely happy life - the life blessed with what Aristotle refers to as eudaimonia - is the life of an ethical individual living in a healthy community. Much ethical literature has drawn inspiration from Aristotle's outlook, but relatively little attention has been paid to the central concept of Aristotle's ethical system - the concept of eudaimonia. This book fills this important gap, focusing on Aristotle's central ethical concept and, among other things, using Davidson's account of mind and rationality to explain central Aristotelian claims relating to the structure of the psychological domain and to our radical interconnectedness. Starting with Aristotle, Tabensky shows how the ethical domain can best be understood in relation to our fundamental desire to live happy lives. Recapturing the Greek spirit, this book is an invitation to rethink the manner in which we understand our lives and the manner in which we conduct ourselves, and it is an invitation to do so in relation to an understanding of the sorts of creatures we are - creatures living for the sake of happiness.

Happiness Across Cultures

by Gareth Davey Helaine Selin

Different cultures experience happiness differently. Traditionally, the West is considered materialistic, and happiness is said to come from achievement and acquisition. The East is said to be more people-oriented, where happiness is a result of deep personal interactions. Thus, poor people can be happier in the East than the West, because they are not so concerned with possession and more with society. This book considers happiness and quality of life in non-Western countries and cultures. Its coverage is diverse and spans the breadth of the non-Western world, revealing unique perspectives of happiness and life quality embedded in rich cultural traditions and histories.

Happiness and Goodness: Philosophical Reflections on Living Well

by Steven M. Cahn Christine Vitrano

&“A phenomenal book that offers innovative and penetrating insights into the most fundamental questions of human concern . . . vivid and enjoyable.&”—Dov Weiss, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign How should we evaluate the success of each person&’s life? Countering the prevalent philosophical perspective on the subject, Steven M. Cahn and Christine Vitrano defend the view that our well-being is dependent not on particular activities, accomplishments, or awards but on finding personal satisfaction while treating others with due concern. The authors suggest that moral behavior is not necessary for happiness and does not ensure it. Yet they also argue that morality and happiness are needed for living well, and together suffice to achieve that goal. Cahn and Vitrano link their position to elements within both the Hellenistic and Hebraic traditions, in particular the views of Epicurus and lessons found in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Written in an accessible style and illustrated with incisive vignettes drawn from history, literature, films, and everyday life, Happiness and Goodness is a compelling work of philosophy for anyone who seeks to understand the nature of a good life. &“Reminds me of a Socratic dialogue. The absence of jargon and use of realistic examples in this book make philosophy accessible to all interested in improving their lives.&”—Andrea Tschemplik, American University &“This crisply written and incisive book draws on ancient thought and contemporary examples to develop a compelling account of living well.&”—David Shatz, Yeshiva University &“I can&’t remember the last time I read a book about ethics that was so fascinating.&”—Ed Lake, deputy editor, Aeon

Happiness and Goodness: Philosophical Reflections on Living Well

by Steven Cahn Christine Vitrano

How should we evaluate the success of each person's life? Countering the prevalent philosophical perspective on the subject, Steven M. Cahn and Christine Vitrano defend the view that our well-being is dependent not on particular activities, accomplishments, or awards but on finding personal satisfaction while treating others with due concern.The authors suggest that moral behavior is not necessary for happiness and does not ensure it. Yet they also argue that morality and happiness are needed for living well, and together suffice to achieve that goal. Cahn and Vitrano link their position to elements within both the Hellenistic and Hebraic traditions, in particular the views of Epicurus and lessons found in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Written in an accessible style and illustrated with incisive vignettes drawn from history, literature, films, and everyday life, Happiness and Goodness is a compelling work of philosophy for anyone who seeks to understand the nature of a good life.

Happiness and Other Small Things of Absolute Importance

by Haim Shapira

What is your happiest moment? How can you know it? Do we waste time or does time waste us? Are questions about meaning truly meaningful? What's really important? How do our emotions, our desires, our imagination and our understanding of our ever changing relationship with meaning help us to define and understand what happiness really means and what really matters. Drawing on literary and philosophical sources ranging from Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh and The Little Prince to Descartes and Nietzche, Haim Shapira invites us to challenge our perspectives on happiness and provides us with alternative ways we may view what is important. As Haim concludes it is the spaces in between the possible paths that we might take, where we are able to find a place of grace that the important things that matter to us will light our way. The choice is ours.

Happiness and Virtue Beyond East and West

by Karen E. Bohlin Osamu Nakayama Bernice Lerner Kazunobu Horiuchi Kevin Ryan

Happiness and Virtue Beyond East and West presents an important series of essays from Japanese and American authors examining essential virtues shared by both Eastern and Western cultures with the ultimate goal of allowing happiness to be realized in a globally and socially responsible manner.Each chapter examines one of nine virtues-Courage, Justice, Benevolence, Gratitude, Wisdom, Reflection, Respect, Responsibility and Temperance-and the importance of each in our lives.With clarity of purpose the essays demonstrate that the virtues and happiness that living a good life can bring know no national boundaries. It is the sincere hope of the editors and authors that this book will help its readers reexamine the timeless question of what constitutes true happiness and a good life and will therefore play some part in increasing international cooperation and good will.

Happiness and Well-Being (Elements in Ethics)

by Chris Heathwood

This Element provides an opinionated introduction to the debate in moral philosophy over identifying the basic elements of well-being and to the related debate over the nature of happiness. The question of the nature of happiness is simply the question of what happiness is (as opposed to what causes it or how to get it), and the central philosophical question about well-being is the question of what things are in themselves of ultimate benefit or harm to a person, or directly make them better or worse off.

Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good

by Tina Turner

Tina Turner—living legend, icon to millions, and author of the &“brave and wry&” (Vulture) memoir My Love Story—returns with a deeply personal book of wisdom that explores her longstanding faith in Buddhism and provides a guide to these timeless principles so you can find happiness in your own life. I dedicate this book to you… in honor of your unseen efforts to triumph over each problem life sends your way. Tina is a global icon of inspiration. And now, with Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good, Tina shows how anyone can overcome life&’s obstacles—even transform the &“impossible&” to possible—and fulfill our dreams. She shows how we, too, can improve our lives, empowering us with spiritual tools and sage advice to enrich our unique paths. Buddhism has been a central part of Tina Turner&’s life for decades and, in music, film, and live performances, she has shined as an example of generating hope from nothing, breaking through all limitations, and succeeding in life. Drawing from the lessons of her own life, from adversity to stratospheric heights, Tina effortlessly shows how the spiritual lessons of Buddhism help her transform from sorrow, adversity, and poverty into joy, stability, and prosperity. Now, Tina offers the wisdom of an extraordinary lifetime in Happiness Becomes You making this the perfect gift of inspiration for you or a loved one.

Happiness, Death, and the Remainder of Life: The Tanner Lectures on Human Values

by Jonathan Lear

Lear exposes this tendency to self-disruption for what it is: an opening, an opportunity for new possibilities.

Happiness, Democracy, and the Cooperative Movement: The Radical Utilitarianism of William Thompson (SUNY series in New Political Science)

by Mark J. Kaswan

Happiness is political. The way we think about happiness affects what we do, how we relate to other people and the world around us, our moral principles, and even our ideas about how society should be organized. Utilitarianism, a political theory based on hedonistic and individualistic ideas of happiness, has been dominated for more than two-hundred years by its founder, Jeremy Bentham. In Happiness, Democracy, and the Cooperative Movement, Mark J. Kaswan examines the work of William Thompson, a friend of Bentham's who nonetheless offers a very different utilitarian philosophy and political theory based on a different conception of happiness, but whose work has been largely overlooked. Kaswan reveals the importance of our ideas about happiness for our understanding of the basic principles and nature of democracy, its role in society and its character as a social institution. In what is the closest examination of Thompson's political theory to date, Kaswan moves from philosophy to theory to practice, starting with conceptions of happiness before moving to theories of utility, then to democratic theory, and finally to practice in the first detailed account of how Thompson's ideas laid the foundations for the cooperative movement, which is now the world's largest democratic social movement.

Happiness, Ethics and Economics (Routledge Frontiers Of Political Economy Ser. #142)

by Johannes Hirata

Despite decades of empirical happiness research, there is still little evidence for the positive effect of economic growth on life satisfaction. This poses a major challenge to welfare economic theory and to normative conceptions of socio-economic development. This book endeavours to explain these findings and to make sense of their ethical implications. While most of the existing literature on empirical happiness research is ultimately interested in understanding how to improve human lives and societal development, the ethical backdrop against which these findings are evaluated is rarely made explicit. In contrast to this, Professor Hirata focuses on the role happiness should play in an ethically founded conception of good development. Taking a development ethics perspective, this book proposes a nuanced conception of happiness that includes both its affective and its normative dimensions and embeds this in a comprehensive conception of good development. The argument is that happiness should not be regarded as the only thing that determines a good life and that good development cannot sensibly be thought of as a matter of maximizing happiness. Happiness should rather be seen as an important indicator for the presence or absence of those concerns that really matter to people: the reasons that give rise to happiness. This book should be of interest to students and researchers of economics, psychology and development studies.

Happiness in Action: A Philosopher’s Guide to the Good Life

by Adam Adatto Sandel

“Here, at last, is a book about what happiness really means, and why it often eludes us in our stressed-out, always-on lives.”—Arianna Huffington, Founder and CEO, ThriveA young philosopher and Guinness World Record holder in pull-ups argues that the key to happiness is not goal-driven striving but forging a life that integrates self-possession, friendship, and engagement with nature.What is the meaning of the good life? In this strikingly original book, Adam Adatto Sandel draws on ancient and modern thinkers and on two seemingly disparate pursuits of his own, philosophy and fitness, to offer a surprising answer to this age-old human question.Sandel argues that finding fulfillment is not about attaining happiness, conceived as a state of mind, or even about accomplishing one’s greatest goals. Instead, true happiness comes from immersing oneself in activity that is intrinsically rewarding. The source of meaning, he suggests, derives from the integrity or “wholeness” of self that we forge throughout the journey of life.At the heart of Sandel’s account of life as a journey are three virtues that get displaced and distorted by our goal-oriented striving: self-possession, friendship, and engagement with nature. Sandel offers illuminating and counterintuitive accounts of these virtues, revealing how they are essential to a happiness that lasts.To illustrate the struggle of living up to these virtues, Sandel looks to literature, film, and television, and also to his own commitments and adventures. A focal point of his personal narrative is a passion that, at first glance, is as narrow a goal-oriented pursuit as one can imagine: training to set the Guinness World Record for Most Pull-Ups in One Minute. Drawing on his own experiences, Sandel makes philosophy accessible for readers who, in their own infinitely various ways, struggle with the tension between goal-oriented striving and the embrace of life as a journey.

Happiness Is Overrated: Simple Lessons on Finding Meaning in Each Moment

by Cuong Lu

Stop chasing happiness and reconnect to the meaning of each moment through this practical guide, told through vignettes of life training as a Buddhist monk under world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh. We spend so much time in pursuit of happiness—trying to purchase it, experience it, meditate our way toward it—but happiness is elusive and doesn&’t last. According to the teachings of the Buddha, Cuong Lu writes, &“Suffering is not a problem to be solved. It is a truth to be recognized.&” Happiness Is Overrated invites us to look deeply at the truths in our lives—not glossing over or denying our suffering—and to focus on the meaning and value already within us. Each chapter of Happiness Is Overrated shares a lesson drawn from Buddhist psychology, accessible for all readers. Short practices at the end of each of the 30 short chapters help readers apply the teachings on their own. Happiness Is Overrated helps us get in touch with our true selves and our true minds, through meditation and mindfulness practices that include paying attention to the breath, observing our minds, connecting with our hearts, practicing &“interbeing&” with others and the Earth, and more.

Happiness, Justice, and Freedom: The Moral and Political Philosophy of John Stuart Mill

by Fred R. Berger

This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1984.

The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think Is Right Is Wrong

by Jennifer Hecht

Jennifer Michael Hecht explodes the myths about happiness, liberating us from the message that there's only one way to care for our hearts, minds, and bodies.

The Happiness Philosophers: The Lives and Works of the Great Utilitarians

by Bart Schultz

A colorful history of utilitarianism told through the lives and ideas of Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and its other foundersIn The Happiness Philosophers, Bart Schultz tells the colorful story of the lives and legacies of the founders of utilitarianism—one of the most influential yet misunderstood and maligned philosophies of the past two centuries.Best known for arguing that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong," utilitarianism was developed by the radical philosophers, critics, and social reformers William Godwin (the husband of Mary Wollstonecraft and father of Mary Shelley), Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart and Harriet Taylor Mill, and Henry Sidgwick. Together, they had a profound influence on nineteenth-century reforms, in areas ranging from law, politics, and economics to morals, education, and women's rights. Their work transformed life in ways we take for granted today. Bentham even advocated the decriminalization of same-sex acts, decades before the cause was taken up by other activists. As Bertrand Russell wrote about Bentham in the late 1920s, "There can be no doubt that nine-tenths of the people living in England in the latter part of last century were happier than they would have been if he had never lived." Yet in part because of its misleading name and the caricatures popularized by figures as varied as Dickens, Marx, and Foucault, utilitarianism is sometimes still dismissed as cold, calculating, inhuman, and simplistic.By revealing the fascinating human sides of the remarkable pioneers of utilitarianism, The Happiness Philosophers provides a richer understanding and appreciation of their philosophical and political perspectives—one that also helps explain why utilitarianism is experiencing a renaissance today and is again being used to tackle some of the world's most serious problems.

The Happiness Project, Tenth Anniversary Edition: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

by Gretchen Rubin

#1 New York Times Bestseller“An enlightening, laugh-aloud read. . . . Filled with open, honest glimpses into [Rubin’s] real life, woven together with constant doses of humor.”—Christian Science MonitorGretchen Rubin’s year-long experiment to discover how to create true happiness. Drawing on cutting-edge science, classical philosophy, and real-world examples, Rubin delivers an engaging, eminently relatable chronicle of transformation. This special 10th Anniversary edition features a Conversation with Gretchen Rubin, Happiness Project Stories, a guide to creating your own happiness project, a list of dozens of free resources, and more.Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. “The days are long, but the years are short,” she realized. “Time is passing, and I’m not focusing enough on the things that really matter.” In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project.In this lively and compelling account—now updated with new material by the author—Rubin chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Among other things, she found that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that money can help buy happiness, when spent wisely; that outer order contributes to inner calm; and that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference.This updated edition includes:An extensive new interview with the authorStories of other people’s life-changing happiness projectsA resource guide to the dozens of free resources created for readersThe Happiness Project ManifestoAn excerpt from Rubin’s bestselling book The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles that Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People’s Lives Better, Too)

Happiness Studies: An Introduction

by Tal Ben-Shahar

In this book, Tal Ben-Shahar introduces a new interdisciplinary field of study that is dedicated to exploring happiness. The study of happiness ought not be left to psychologists alone. Philosophers, theologians, biologists, economists, and scholars from other disciplines have explored ways of attaining happiness, and to do justice to this important pursuit, we ought to listen to their words and experiment with their prescriptions. Not only does the field of happiness studies embrace different disciplines, it also approaches happiness as a multifaceted and multidimensional variable that includes five parts which form the acronym SPIRE:Spiritual wellbeingPhysical wellbeingIntellectual wellbeingRelational wellbeingEmotional wellbeing This book addresses each of these elements of happiness, explains them, and addresses practical ways for their cultivation.

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