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Handbook of Reason
by Dagobert D. RunesThe eminent philosopher presents a summation of his views on an encyclopedic range of topics from abstract art to Zionism.Culled from years of research and introspection, the diverse observations discussed in Handbook of Reason by Dagobert D. Runes are bound to stimulate, challenge, and at times force upon the reader a shock of recognition grounded in universal truths. In a style that moves from the aphoristic to the metaphorical, Runes offers countless gems of wisdom, often irresistibly quotable, and always profoundly moving. A humanitarian theme evolved partly from personal tragedies permeates his lifelong search for &“a life of God the Spirit and the Giver/(Of) God unbound and unencumbered/By hate or prejudice/A god to love by Deeds/Not hollow hymns and vows.&”
Handbook of Research in the Social Foundations of Education
by Steven E. TozerParts one and two of this volume present the theoretical lenses used to study the social contexts of education. These include long-established foundations disciplines such as sociology of education and philosophy of education as well as newer theoretical perspectives such as critical race theory, feminist educational theory, and cultural studies in education. Parts three, four, and five demonstrate how these theoretical lenses are used to examine such phenomena as globalization, media, popular culture, technology, youth culture, and schooling. This groundbreaking volume helps readers understand the history, evolution, and significance of this wide-ranging, often misunderstood, and increasingly important field of study. This book is appropriate as a reference volume not only for scholars in the social foundations of education but also for scholars interested in the cultural contexts of teaching and learning (formal and informal). It is also appropriate as a textbook for graduate-level courses in Social Foundations of Education, School and Society, Educational Policy Studies, Cultural Studies in Education, and Curriculum and Instruction.
Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences
by Pranee LiamputtongResearch is defined by the Australian Research Council as “the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings”. Research is thus the foundation for knowledge. It produces evidence and informs actions that can provide wider benefit to a society. The knowledge that researchers cultivate from a piece of research can be adopted for social and health programs that can improve the health and well-being of the individuals, their communities and the societies in which they live. As we have witnessed in all corners of the globe, research has become an endeavor that most of us in the health and social sciences cannot avoid. This Handbook is conceived to provide the foundation to readers who wish to embark on a research project in order to form knowledge that they need. The Handbook comprises four main sections: Traditional research methods sciences; Innovative research methods; Doing cross-cultural research; and Sensitive research methodology and approach. This Handbook attests to the diversity and richness of research methods in the health and social sciences. It will benefit many readers, particularly students and researchers who undertake research in health and social science areas. It is also valuable for the training needs of postgraduate students who wish to undertake research in cross-cultural settings, with special groups of people, as it provides essential knowledge not only on the methods of data collection but also salient issues that they need to know if they wish to succeed in their research endeavors.
Handbook of Research on School Choice
Updated to reflect the latest developments and increasing scope of school-based options, the second edition of the Handbook of Research on School Choice makes readily available the most rigorous and policy-relevant research on K–12 school choice. This comprehensive research handbook begins with scholarly overviews that explore historical, political, economic, legal, methodological, and international perspectives on school choice. In the following sections, experts examine the research and current state of common forms of school choice: charter schools, school vouchers, and magnet schools. The concluding section brings together perspectives on other key topics such as accountability, tax credit scholarships, parent decision-making, and marginalized students. With empirical perspectives on all aspects of this evolving sphere of education, this is a critical resource for researchers, faculty, and students interested in education policy, the politics of education, and educational leadership.
Handbook of Research on Schools, Schooling and Human Development
by Judith L. MeeceChildren spend more time in school than in any social institution outside the home. And schools probably exert more influence on children’s development and life chances than any environment beyond the home and neighbourhood. The purpose of this book is to document some important ways schools influence children’s development and to describe various models and methods for studying schooling effects. Key features include: Comprehensive Coverage – this is the first book to provide a comprehensive review of what is known about schools as a context for human development. Topical coverage ranges from theoretical foundations to investigative methodologies and from classroom-level influences such as teacher-student relations to broader influences such as school organization and educational policies. Cross-Disciplinary – this volume brings together the divergent perspectives, methods and findings of scholars from a variety of disciplines, among them educational psychology, developmental psychology, school psychology, social psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and educational policy. Chapter Structure – to ensure continuity, chapter authors describe 1) how schooling influences are conceptualized 2) identify their theoretical and methodological approaches 3) discuss the strengths and weaknesses of existing research and 4) highlight implications for future research, practice, and policy. Methodologies – chapters included in the text feature various methodologies including longitudinal studies, hierarchical linear models, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, and mixed methods.
Handbook of Resilience in Children of War
by Michel Ferrari Chandi FernandoTheir frightened, angry faces are grim reminders of the reach of war. They are millions of children, orphaned, displaced, forced to flee or to fight. And just as they have myriad possibilities for trauma, their lives also hold great potential for recovery. The Handbook of Resilience in Children of War explores these critical phenomena at the theoretical, research, and treatment levels, beginning with the psychosocial effects of exposure to war. Narratives of young people's lives in war zones as diverse as Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Columbia, and Sudan reveal the complexities of their experiences and the meanings they attach to them, providing valuable keys to their rehabilitation. Other chapters identify strengths and limitations of current interventions, and of constructs of resilience as applied to youth affected by war. Throughout this cutting-edge volume, the emphasis is on improving the field through more relevant research and accurate, evidence-based interventions, in such areas as: An ecological resilience approach to promoting mental health in children of war.Child soldiers and the myth of the ticking time bomb.The Child Friendly Spaces postwar intervention program.The role of education for war-zone immigrant and refugee students.Political violence, identity, and adjustment in children.The Handbook of Resilience in Children of War is essential reading for researchers, scientist-practitioners, and graduate students in diverse fields including clinical child, school, and developmental psychology; child and adolescent psychiatry; social work; counseling; education; and allied medical and public health disciplines.
Handbook of Risk Theory
by Per Sandin Rafaela Hillerbrand Sabine Roeser Martin PetersonRisk has become one of the main topics in fields as diverse as engineering, medicine and economics, and it is also studied by social scientists, psychologists and legal scholars. But the topic of risk also leads to more fundamental questions such as: What is risk? What can decision theory contribute to the analysis of risk? What does the human perception of risk mean for society? How should we judge whether a risk is morally acceptable or not? Over the last couple of decades questions like these have attracted interest from philosophers and other scholars into risk theory. This handbook provides for an overview into key topics in a major new field of research. It addresses a wide range of topics, ranging from decision theory, risk perception to ethics and social implications of risk, and it also addresses specific case studies. It aims to promote communication and information among all those who are interested in theoetical issues concerning risk and uncertainty. This handbook brings together internationally leading philosophers and scholars from other disciplines who work on risk theory. The contributions are accessibly written and highly relevant to issues that are studied by risk scholars. We hope that the Handbook of Risk Theory will be a helpful starting point for all risk scholars who are interested in broadening and deepening their current perspectives.
Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence
by William Sims Bainbridge Mihail C. RocoScientists and engineers have long been aware of the tension between narrow specialization and multidisciplinary cooperation, but now a major transformation is in process that will require technical fields to combine far more effectively than formerly in the service of human benefit. This handbook will catalog all the ways this can be accomplished and the reasons it must be. Nature is a single coherent system and diverse methods of scientific and engineering investigations should reflect this interlinked and dynamic unity. Accordingly, general concepts and ideas should be developed systematically in interdependence, with cause-and-effect pathways, for improved outcomes in knowledge, technology and applications. At the same time, industrial and social applications rely on integration of disciplines and unification of knowledge. Thus, convergence is both a fundamental principle of nature and a timely opportunity for human progress. This handbook will represent the culmination of fifteen years of workshops, conferences and publications that initially explored the connections between nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and new technologies based on cognitive science. A constant emphasis on human benefit then drew in the social sciences, even as shared scientific and ethical principles brought in sustainability of the Earth environment and the challenge of equitable economic advancement. The intellectual contributions of literally hundreds of scientists and engineers established a number of research methods and analytical principles that could unite disparate fields. The culmination has been called Convergence of Knowledge and Technology for the benefit of Society (CKTS), defined as the escalating and transformative interactions among seemingly different disciplines, technologies, communities and domains of human activity to achieve mutual compatibility, synergism and integration.
Handbook of Semiotics (Advances in Semiotic)
by Winfried Nöth"This is the most systematic discussion of semiotics yet published." —Choice"A bravura performance." —Thomas Sebeok"Nöth's handbook is an outstanding encyclopedia that provides first-rate information on many facets of sign-related studies, research results, and applications." —Social Sciences in General
Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts: Social-Emotional, Motivation, and Cognitive Outcomes (Educational Psychology Handbook)
by Kathryn R. Wentzel Geetha B. RamaniThe Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts draws from a growing body of research on how and why various aspects of social relationships and contexts contribute to children’s social and academic functioning within school settings. Comprised of the latest studies in developmental and educational psychology, this comprehensive volume is perfect for researchers and students of Educational Psychology. Beginning with the theoretical perspectives that guide research on social influences, this book presents foundational research before moving on to chapters on peer influence and teacher influence. Next, the book addresses ways in which the school context can influence school-related outcomes (including peer and teacher-student relationships) with specific attention to research in motivation and cognition. Within the chapters authors not only present current research but also explore best-practices, drawing in examples from the classroom. With chapters from leading experts in the field, The Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts provides the first complete resource on this topic.
Handbook of Supererogation
by David HeydSupererogation is the category of moral actions which go beyond the call of duty. This collection of articles is the first of its kind to cover the broad spectrum of issues related to supererogation. It provides an up-to-date status of the discussion on the main issues, alternative analyses, and controversies regarding central cases of supererogation. The work explores a broad range of philosophical problems and challenges our presuppositions about the basis of ethical theories. Beyond the challenges of supererogation to deontological and utilitarian views, this book presents the latest developments in the way virtue ethics approaches supererogation. It also discusses the issue of whether there is a negative analogue to the supererogatory: the suberogatory. The Handbook consists also of the first systematic discussion of supererogation from the point of view of five religions as well as a feminist analysis of the concept. The book is an essential read for philosophy scholars interested in moral philosophy.
Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between Heritage and Future
by Nathanaël Wallenhorst Christoph WulfThis Handbook is a collection of contributions of more than 300 researchers who have worked to grasp the Anthropocene, this new geological epoch characterised by a modification of the conditions of habitability of the Earth for all living things, in its biogeophysical and socio-political reality. These researchers also sought to define a historical and prospective anthropology that integrates social, economic, cultural and political issues as well as, of course, environmental ones. What are the anthropological changes needed to ensure that our human adventure will be able to continue in the Anthropocene? And what are the educational and political issues involved?Anthropocene is fast becoming a widely-used term, but thus far, there been no reference work explaining the thoughts of the greatest experts of the present day on this subject (at the intersection of biogeophysical and socio-political knowledge). A scientific and political concept (but which is also the conceptual vehicle for conveying the scientific community's sense of concern), this complex term is explained by international experts as they reflect on scientific arguments taking place in earth system science, the social sciences and the humanities. What these researchers from different disciplines have in common is a healthy concern for the future and how to prepare for it in the Anthropocene and also the identification of possible anthropological changes. This Handbook encourages readers to immerse themselves in reflections on the human adventure through descriptions of our differing heritages and the future that is in the process of being written.
Handbook of the Historiography of Latin American Studies on the Life Sciences and Medicine (Historiographies of Science)
by Ana BarahonaThis volume provides a definitive assessment of the historiography of the life sciences and medicine in Latin America. It makes historiographic work available for new scholars to join the field and for graduate students and other scholars new to the history of science in Latin America, by means of meaningful and original contributions.This volume brings transnational analysis to the center of global historiographical discussions. It seeks to contribute both empirically and theoretically to the fields of History of Science and Science and Technology Studies (STS) in Latin America, to account for how the knowledge produced in developing countries is part of international knowledge as it circulates in transnational collaborative networks. The volume consists of articles written by experienced, expert authors who expose the lines of ongoing research in the history of life sciences and medicine in Latin America in order to provide an overview of the multiplicity of analytic frameworks and perspectives in a way that allows them to be contrasted with each other. Some of the topics discussed include Asymmetrical networks of collaboration, Circulation of Knowledge, Conceptual History, History and Art, History of Race, Gender and the like, and many more.
Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
by Bharath SriramanThe purpose of this unique handbook is to examine the transformation of the philosophy of mathematics from its origins in the history of mathematical practice to the present. It aims to synthesize what is known and what has unfolded so far, as well as to explore directions in which the study of the philosophy of mathematics, as evident in increasingly diverse mathematical practices, is headed. Each section offers insights into the origins, debates, methodologies, and newer perspectives that characterize the discipline today. Contributions are written by scholars from mathematics, history, and philosophy – as well as other disciplines that have contributed to the richness of perspectives abundant in the study of philosophy today – who describe various mathematical practices throughout different time periods and contrast them with the development of philosophy. Editorial Advisory Board Andrew Aberdein, Florida Institute ofTechnology, USA Jody Azzouni, Tufts University, USA Otávio Bueno, University of Miami, USA William Byers, Concordia University, Canada Carlo Cellucci, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Chandler Davis, University of Toronto, Canada (1926-2022) Paul Ernest, University of Exeter, UK Michele Friend, George Washington University, USA Reuben Hersh, University of New Mexico, USA (1927-2020) Kyeong-Hwa Lee, Seoul National University, South Korea Yuri Manin, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Germany (1937-2023) Athanase Papadopoulos, University of Strasbourg, France Ulf Persson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden John Stillwell, University of San Francisco, USA David Tall, University of Warwick, UKThis book with its exciting depth and breadth, illuminates us about the history, practice, and the very language of our subject; about the role of abstraction, ofproof and manners of proof; about the interplay of fundamental intuitions; about algebraic thought in contrast to geometric thought. The richness of mathematics and the philosophy encompassing it is splendidly exhibited over the wide range of time these volumes cover---from deep platonic and neoplatonic influences to the most current experimental approaches. Enriched, as well, with vivid biographies and brilliant personal essays written by (and about) people who play an important role in our tradition, this extraordinary collection of essays is fittingly dedicated to the memory of Chandler Davis, Reuben Hersh, and Yuri Manin.---Barry Mazur, Gerhard Gade University Professor, Harvard UniversityThis encyclopedic Handbook will be a treat for all those interested in the history and philosophy of mathematics. Whether one is interested in individuals (from Pythagoras through Newton and Leibniz to Grothendieck), fields (geometry, algebra, number theory, logic, probability, analysis), viewpoints (from Platonism to Intuitionism), or methods (proof, experiment, computer assistance), the reader will find a multitude of chapters that inform and fascinate.---John Stillwell, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of San Francisco; Recipient of the 2005 Chauvenet PrizeDedicating a volume to the memory of three mathematicians – Chandler Davis, Reuben Hersh, and Yuri Manin –, who went out of their way to show to a broader audience that mathematics is more than what they might think, is an excellent initiative. Gathering authors coming from many different backgrounds but who are very strict about the essays they write was successfully achieved by the editor-in-chief. The result: a great source of potential inspiration!---Jean-Pierre Bourguignon; Nicolaas Kuiper Honorary Professor at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques
Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy: Volume 3: From Ross to Dworkin and Beyond (Studies in the History of Law and Justice #24)
by Gianfrancesco Zanetti Mortimer Sellers Stephan KirsteThis Handbook discusses representative philosophers in the history of the philosophy of law and social philosophy, giving clear concise expert definitions and explanations of key personalities and their ideas. It provides an essential reference for experts and newcomers alike.
Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy: Volume 2: From Kant to Nietzsche (Studies in the History of Law and Justice #23)
by Gianfrancesco Zanetti Mortimer Sellers Stephan KirsteThis Handbook discusses representative philosophers in the history of the philosophy of law and social philosophy, giving clear concise expert definitions and explanations of key personalities and their ideas. It provides an essential reference for experts and newcomers alike.
Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy: Volume 1: From Plato to Rousseau (Studies in the History of Law and Justice #22)
by Gianfrancesco Zanetti Mortimer Sellers Stephan KirsteThis Handbook discusses representative philosophers in the history of the philosophy of law and social philosophy, giving clear concise expert definitions and explanations of key personalities and their ideas. It provides an essential reference for experts and newcomers alike.
Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics
by Christoph LuetgeThe Handbook of Business Ethics: Philosophical Foundations is a standard interdisciplinary reference handbook in the field of business ethics. Articles by notable philosophers and economists examine fundamental concepts, theories and questions of business ethics: Are morality and self-interest compatible? What is meant by a just price? What did the Scholastic philosophers think about business? The handbook will cover the entire philosophical basis of business ethics. Articles range from historical positions such as Aristotelianism, Kantianism and Marxism to systematic issues like justice, religious issues, rights and globalisation or gender. The book is intended as a reference work for academics, students (esp. graduate), and professionals.
Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change (Handbooks in Philosophy)
by Gianfranco Pellegrino Marcello Di PaolaThis Handbook offers a broad yet unified treatment of many philosophical issues connected with climate change, ranging from foundational puzzles to detailed applications. It extends to many branches of philosophy that are relevant to the understanding of the premises and implications of the impacts of climate change on human and nonhuman life on Earth. More specifically, the handbook examines the scientific accounts of climate change as well as its causes. It explores the tools offered by social sciences and humanities to study the societal premises and impacts of climate change as well as delving deeper into the ethical and political issues connected with and resulting from climate change. By doing so, it puts it all in an ecological and historical context. In addition, the book offers solutions to some important philosophical puzzles and problems, and indicates paths of interaction between philosophy and other disciplines. The discussion about climate change and the mitigation/adaptation policies spans many areas and levels – from abstract science and philosophy to current on-the-ground politics. However, climate change is also a great a philosophical puzzle. Indeed, its existential and practical relevance can be thought to largely derive from the philosophical complications it engenders. Climate change is applied philosophy par excellence. Preventing dangerous anthropogenic climate change needs very good philosophy applied to concrete and specific practical issues. Climate change is an area where scholars from very different provenances should cooperate on equal terms, having in view a common, and really important, purpose – contribute to preventing great burdens and even the extinction of humankind and the destruction of hospitable and valuable non-human nature.
Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century (Handbooks Of Sociology And Social Research Ser.)
by Barbara SchneiderThis handbook unifies access and opportunity, two key concepts of sociology of education, throughout its 25 chapters. It explores today’s populations rarely noticed, such as undocumented students, first generation college students, and LGBTQs; and emphasizing the intersectionality of gender, race, ethnicity and social class. Sociologists often center their work on the sources and consequences of inequality. This handbook, while reviewing many of these explanations, takes a different approach, concentrating instead on what needs to be accomplished to reduce inequality. A special section is devoted to new methodological work for studying social systems, including network analyses and school and teacher effects. Additionally, the book explores the changing landscape of higher education institutions, their respective populations, and how labor market opportunities are enhanced or impeded by differing postsecondary education pathways. Written by leading sociologists and rising stars in the field, each of the chapters is embedded in theory, but contemporary and futuristic in its implications. This Handbook serves as a blueprint for identifying new work for sociologists of education and other scholars and policymakers trying to understand many of the problems of inequality in education and what is needed to address them.
Handbook of the Sociology of Morality
by Stephen Vaisey Steven HitlinHuman beings necessarily understand their social worlds in moral terms, orienting their lives, relationships, and activities around socially-produced notions of right and wrong. Morality is sociologically understood as more than simply helping or harming others; it encompasses any way that individuals form understandings of what behaviors are better than others, what goals are most laudable, and what "proper" people believe, feel, and do. Morality involves the explicit and implicit sets of rules and shared understandings that keep human social groups intact. Morality includes both the "shoulds" and "should nots" of human activity, its proactive and inhibitive elements. At one time, sociologists were centrally concerned with morality, issues like social cohesion, values, the goals and norms that structure society, and the ways individuals get socialized to reproduce those concerns. In the last half-century, however, explicit interest in these topics has waned, and modern sociology has become uninterested in these matters and morality has become marginalized within the discipline. But a resurgence in the topic is happening in related disciplines - psychology, neurology, philosophy, and anthropology - and in the wider national discourse. Sociology has much to offer, but is not fully engaged in this conversation. Many scholars work on areas that would fall under the umbrella of a sociology of morality but do not self-identify in such a manner, nor orient their efforts toward conceptualizing what we know, and should know, along these dimensions. The Handbook of the Sociology of Morality fills a niche within sociology making explicit the shared concerns of scholars across the disciplines as they relate to an often-overlooked dimension of human social life. It is unique in social science as it would be the first systematic compilation of the wider social structural, cultural, cross-national, organizational, and interactional dimension of human moral (understood broadly) thought, feeling, and behavior.
Handbook of the Sociology of Morality, Volume 2 (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research)
by Steven Hitlin Shai M. Dromi Aliza LuftThis handbook articulates how sociology can re-engage its roots as the scientific study of human moral systems, actions, and interpretation. This second volume builds on the successful original volume published in 2010, which contributed to the initiation of a new section of the American Sociological Association (ASA), thus growing the field. This volume takes sociology back to its roots over a century ago, when morality was a central topic of work and governance. It engages scholars from across subfields in sociology, representing each section of the ASA, who each contribute a chapter on how their subfield connects to research on morality. This reference work appeals to broader readership than was envisaged for the first volume, as the relationship between sociology as a discipline and its origins in questions of morality is further renewed. The volume editors focus on three areas: the current state of the sociology of morality across a range of sociological subfields; taking a new look at some of the issues discussed in the first handbook, which are now relevant in sometimes completely new contexts; and reflecting on where the sociology of morality should go next. This is a must-read reference for students and scholars interested in topics of morality, ethics, altruism, religion, and spirituality from across the social science.
The Handbook of Virtue Ethics (Acumen Handbooks Ser.)
by Stan van HooftVirtue ethics has emerged as a distinct field within moral theory - whether as an alternative account of right action or as a conception of normativity which departs entirely from the obligatoriness of morality - and has proved itself invaluable to many aspects of contemporary applied ethics. Virtue ethics now flourishes in philosophy, sociology and theology and its applications extend to law, politics and bioethics. "The Handbook of Virtue Ethics" brings together leading international scholars to provide an overview of the field. Each chapter summarizes and assesses the most important work on a particular topic and sets this work in the context of historical developments. Taking a global approach by embracing a variety of major cultural traditions along with the Western, the "Handbook" maps the emergence of virtue ethics and provides a framework for future developments.
Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management (International Handbooks in Business Ethics #1)
by Alejo José G. Sison Gregory R. Beabout Ignacio FerreroThis volume examines the breadth and depth of virtue ethics and aims to counter the virtue ethics amnesia that both afflicts general moral philosophy and affects business and management ethics. Divided into two parts, the handbook starts out with a historical introduction and chronology of the development of virtue ethics, providing a comprehensive assessment of its evolution and identifying the most influential authors and their works. The authors discussed include those who follow a philosophical or conceptual tradition in their treatment of virtue and those who belong to the research tradition of positive science, in particular, empirical, quantitative and applied psychology. The second part of the book discusses systematic approaches and major themes developed in virtue ethics. These contributions are conceptual, empirical/applied or case studies. They offer insight into the different topics to which virtue ethics has been applied, and show how virtue ethics has influenced the various operational areas of firms. Finally, they examine the virtue ethics responses to some of the most important issues that businesses and organizations face in the 21st century.
A Handbook of Wisdom
by Robert J. Sternberg Jennifer JordanAt a time when poor choices are being made by notably intelligent and powerful individuals, this book analyzes a form of reasoning and decision-making that is not only productive and prudent, but serves as well a beneficial purpose for society. A Handbook of Wisdom includes contributions from some of the most prominent scholars in the field of wisdom research. Written from multiple perspectives, including psychology, philosophy, and religion, this book gives the reader an in-depth understanding of wisdom's past, present, and possible future direction within literature, science, and society.