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Hiroshima: The Last Witnesses
by M.G. SheftallThe stories of hibakusha - Japanese for atomic bomb survivors - lie at the heart of this compelling minute-by-minute account of 6 August 1945 - the day the world changed forever as the Enola Gay dropped its payload over Hiroshima, ushering in the nuclear age. These survivors and witnesses, now with an average age of over 90, are the last people alive who can still provide us with reliable and detailed testimony about life in Hiroshima before the bombings. In this heart-stopping account they relay what they experienced on the day the city was obliterated, and what it has been like to live with those memories and scars over the rest of their lives.M. G. Sheftall has spent years personally interviewing survivors who were just adolescents at the time but have lived well into their nineties, allowing him to construct portraits of what Hiroshima was like before the bomb, and how catastrophically its citizens' lives changed in the seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months and years afterwards. Fluent in spoken and written Japanese, his deep immersion in Japanese society has given him unprecedented access to the hibakusha in their waning years. Their trust in him is evident in the personal and traumatic depths they open up for him as he records their stories.The result is a deeply human history of an unfathomable tragedy, which continues to haunt the world today.
Hiroshima After Iraq: Three Studies in Art and War (The Wellek Library Lectures)
by Rosalyn DeutscheMany on the left lament an apathy or amnesia toward recent acts of war. Particularly during the George W. Bush administration's invasion of Iraq, opposition to war seemed to lack the heat and potency of the 1960s and 1970s, giving the impression that passionate dissent was all but dead. Through an analysis of three politically engaged works of art, Rosalyn Deutsche argues against this melancholic attitude, confirming the power of contemporary art to criticize subjectivity as well as war. Deutsche selects three videos centered on the deployment of the atomic bomb: Krzysztof Wodiczko's Hiroshima Projection (1999), made after the first Gulf War; Silvia Kolbowski's After Hiroshima mon amour (2005-2008); and Leslie Thornton's Let Me Count the Ways (2004-2008), which followed the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Each of these works confronts the ethical task of addressing historical disaster, and each explores the intersection of past and present wars. These artworks profoundly contribute to the discourse of war resistance, illuminating the complex dynamics of viewing and interpretation. Deutsche employs feminist and psychoanalytic approaches in her study, questioning both the role of totalizing images in the production of warlike subjects and the fantasies that perpetuate, especially among the left, traditional notions of political dissent. She ultimately reveals the passive collusion between leftist critique and dominant discourse in which personal dimensions of war are denied.
Hiroshima After Iraq: Three Studies in Art and War
by Rosalyn DeutscheMany on the left lament an apathy or amnesia toward recent acts of war. Particularly during the George W. Bush administration's invasion of Iraq, opposition to war seemed to lack the heat and potency of the 1960s and 1970s, giving the impression that passionate dissent was all but dead. Through an analysis of three politically engaged works of art, Rosalyn Deutsche argues against this melancholic attitude, confirming the power of contemporary art to criticize subjectivity as well as war. Deutsche selects three videos centered on the deployment of the atomic bomb: Krzysztof Wodiczko's Hiroshima Projection (1999), made after the first Gulf War; Silvia Kolbowski's After Hiroshima mon amour (2005-2008); and Leslie Thornton's Let Me Count the Ways (2004-2008), which followed the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Each of these works confronts the ethical task of addressing historical disaster, and each explores the intersection of past and present wars. These artworks profoundly contribute to the discourse of war resistance, illuminating the complex dynamics of viewing and interpretation. Deutsche employs feminist and psychoanalytic approaches in her study, questioning both the role of totalizing images in the production of warlike subjects and the fantasies that perpetuate, especially among the left, traditional notions of political dissent. She ultimately reveals the passive collusion between leftist critique and dominant discourse in which personal dimensions of war are denied.
His Hiding Place is Darkness: A Hindu-Catholic Theopoetics of Divine Absence
by Francis X. ClooneyHis Hiding Place is Darkness explores the uncertainties of faith and love in a pluralistic age. In keeping with his conviction that studying multiple religious traditions intensifies rather than attenuates religious devotion, Francis Clooney's latest work of comparative theology seeks a way beyond today's religious and interreligious uncertainty by pairing a fresh reading of the absence of the beloved in the Biblical Song of Songs with a pioneering study of the same theme in the Holy Word of Mouth (9th century CE), a classic of Hindu mystical poetry rarely studied in the West. Remarkably, the pairing of these texts is grounded not in a general theory of religion, but in an engagement with two unexpected sources: the theopoetics, theodramatics, and theology of the 20th-century Catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar, and the intensely perceived and written poetry of Pulitzer Prize winner Jorie Graham. How we read and write on religious matters is transformed by this rare combination of voices in what is surely a unique and important contribution to comparative studies and religious hermeneutics.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama: A Reader's Guide
by Shambhala PublicationsThis is a short guide to the works of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, offering most especially a quick glimpse of His Holiness's books published in English by Shambhala Publications (including Snow Lion). It includes information on books both for practicing Buddhists and for general readers.
La historia de los Mockers: ¿Eres un mod o un rocker?
by Julio Montero Esteban Hirschfeld«No alcanza con decir que Los Mockers son a los Rolling Stones lo que Los Shakers son a los Beatles: son el primer eslabón del ADN rockero del Río de la Plata y Sudamérica». Andrés Calamaro La historia de una de las bandas fundacionales y más influyentes del rock uruguayo con proyección internacional. «Los Mockers fueron banda y mito… Las historias que aquí se nos narran se repitieron e imitaron mil veces en posteriores décadas y yo mismo, humildemente, me siento identificado con su lucha y pasión». Enrique Bunbury «En Buenos Aires, años 65, 66, nos encontramos muchas veces… ¡Amigos de sueños y músicas! ¡Queridos Mockers!». Hugo Fattoruso «Celebro la aparición de este libro narrando la historia de Los Mockers. Con un solo álbum grabado en 1966, Los Mockers lograron trascender a través del tiempo». Litto Nebbia
La historia de mi gente
by Edoardo NesiUna poderosa historia a medio camino entre el texto de memorias y la denuncia de graves problemas que cuestionan el modelo de sociedad europeo. «Este premio no es para mí, sino para todos aquellos de los que hablo en el libro, y para mi ciudad, Prato [...] que sufre de una globalización sin gobierno y sin derechos.»Edoardo Nesi Ganador del Premio Strega 2011, uno de los más prestigiosos de Italia, La historia de mi gente es uno de esos libros singulares que cautivan la imaginación de lectores muy diversos y nos recuerdan que la autenticidad no sabe de etiquetas ni de géneros literarios. A partes iguales relato autobiográfico y texto de denuncia política, Nesi disecciona desde la experiencia personal y familiar las graves consecuencias que ha tenido y sigue teniendo para Europa la progresiva extinción del sistema económico más civilizado que haya conocido el hombre y su reemplazo por un modelo cuyo principal objetivo es la rentabilidad más elevada posible sin reparar en costes humanos. Novelista y traductor perteneciente a la tercera generación de una próspera familia de empresarios toscanos, Nesi rememora con una sinceridad sin paliativos la Edad de Oro de la industria textil de su país y reflexiona sobre su estado actual pues, al igual que tantas otras industrias europeas, ha sufrido el azote de la globalización. Con un lenguaje lleno de rabia e indignación, pero también de elocuencia y lirismo, Nesi transmite el dolor con el que contempla el silencio de las fábricas desmanteladas y la desaparición de una forma digna de entender las relaciones laborales que, además de generar riqueza y bienestar para la comunidad, contribuyó a consolidar la paz social. La crítica ha dicho...«La historia de mi gente es uno de esos puñetazos que de vez en cuando la literatura lanza al mundo.»Sandro Veronesi «La historia de mi gente de Edoardo Nesi es un canto sublime, tanto épico como lírico, a la industria y al trabajo humano.»Antonio Pennacchi «Nesi da voz a una lectura no global de la actualidad, privada y no política, que pone de manifiesto la experiencia de quien ha vivido la interrupción de una historia maravillosa y no alcanza a comprender la razón.»Dario di Vico, Corriere della Sera «¿Sabéis qué haría yo si mañana me convirtiera en líder del Partido Democrático? Cogería este valiente libro publicado por Bompiani y lo convertiría en un capítulo de mi proyecto político. La historia de mi gente contiene el amor de un pueblo por sus raíces, de una comunidad por su tierra, de una ciudad por su industria.»Massimo Giannini «Pocos escritores han conseguido transmitir como Nesi el rostro incívico de la ideología globalista.»Luciano Lanna, Secolo d'Italia «Un libro hermoso y conmovedor [...] Se puede estar de acuerdo o no con su contenido, pero se le debe reconocer una gran virtud: nos hace pensar.»Giorgio Marabini, Sabato Sera
La historia de La República de Platón
by Simon BlackburnLa república de Platón, sus orígenes, sus significados y su vigencia en nuestros días. «Ella [la injusticia extrema] es la tiranía que arrebata lo ajeno, sea sagrado o profano, privado o público, por dolo o por fuerza, no ya en pequeñas partes, sino en masa.» Platón, La República Tal vez Platón sea el filósofo más importante de la historia. Escrito en Atenas hacia el 375 a.C., La república es su diálogo más conocido. Su discusión de la ciudad perfecta, y la mente perfecta, sentó los cimientos de la cultura occidental y, durante más de dos mil años, ha estado en el corazón de la filosofía occidental. En este libro Simon Blackburn explica las ideas jurídicas, morales y políticas de La república, y examina su influencia en el mundo contemporáneo. Muestra cómo, desde san Agustín hasta Wordsworth y los filósofos del siglo XX, el pensamiento occidental ha sido, y sigue siendo, una serie de respuestas a uno de los libros más importantes del mundo.
Historia de un biblioteca: De Platón a Nietzsche
by Tomás AbrahamAbraham nos permite seguir el curso de la filosofía occidental yencontrar los nudos de su articulación en los lugares menos pensados. Este libro evoca una historia personal y construye un programa irresistible y exclusivo. Las respuestas habituales se borran, abolidas por un rigor asistemático que no asigna valores juzgados desde algún tribunal sino que contrasta usos, pasiones y texturas. En pocos textos como en este de Abraham la idea de libro se consolida con la de biblioteca y cultura. Dentro de cada uno de estos conceptos una sustancia única y renovada nos permite seguir el curso de la filosofía occidental y encontrar los nudos de su articulación en los lugares menos pensados. A partir de esos hallazgos, esta «historia universal de una sola biblioteca» nos ayuda a habitar la filosofía desde la sorpresa y admiración que prodiga el autor a los responsables de su vocación.
La historia del futuro: La palabra que cambió el mundo
by Isaac MarcetFrente al momento actual, todos nos preguntamos: ¿podremos sobrevivir a los retos del presente? ¿Tenemos tan siquiera un futuro? Pocas épocas han sido tan decisivas como la nuestra: cambio climático, sobrepoblación, bombas nucleares, inteligencia artificial... No obstante, nadie se está formulando la pregunta clave: ¿qué es el futuro? O, mejor aún, ¿quién lo inventó para esclavizarnos? La historia del futuro es un ensayo que relata el origen de la idea que definió y condenó a nuestra civilización. Sin embargo, más que otro libro sobre el futuro, este es un relato sobre cómo recobrar el tiempo más allá del tiempo.Hallaremos las respuestas que buscamos entre los antiguos mitos babilónicos, los enigmas del tiempo del Antiguo Egipto o la creencia en el fin del mundo de la tradición hindú y la cristiana.Sin excepción, todos ellos nos recordarán una sencilla enseñanza: hasta que no nos iniciemos en los misterios del tiempo, nunca seremos libres. Solo de esta manera, podremos volver a tener un futuro después del futuro.«El tiempo es el problema esencial del hombre. Si supiéramos qué es el tiempo, sabríamos qué es el mundo, quiénes somos. El tiempo es el problema. Es el enigma».Jorge Luis BorgesIsaac Marcet es el creador del medio de comunicación PlayGround.Desde el año 2008, fecha de su fundación, hasta el año 2022, fue su director y editor. También, ha sido el creador y conductor de proyectos de podcasting de pensamiento y política como Salir del Grupo o Generación Futuro, además de plataformas de innovación democrática como El Futuro es Ahora.
Historian in Chief: How Presidents Interpret the Past to Shape the Future
by John Milton Cooper Jr. Edward Countryman Kathleen Dalton Jonathan Earle James T. Kloppenberg Charlie Laderman Elvin T. Lim Jeffrey L. Pasley Rick Perlstein David Sehat David WaldstreicherPresidents shape not only the course of history but also how Americans remember and retell that history. From the Oval Office they instruct us what to respect and what to reject in our past. They regale us with stories about who we are as a people, and tell us whom in the pantheon of greats we should revere and whom we should revile. The president of the United States, in short, is not just the nation’s chief legislator, the head of a political party, or the commander in chief of the armed forces, but also, crucially, the nation’s historian in chief.In this engaging and insightful volume, Seth Cotlar and Richard Ellis bring together top historians and political scientists to explore how eleven American presidents deployed their power to shape the nation’s collective memory and its political future. Contending that the nation’s historians in chief should be evaluated not only on the basis of how effective they are in persuading others, Historian in Chief argues they should also be judged on the veracity of the history they tell.
Historians on Leadership and Strategy: Case Studies From Antiquity to Modernity
by Martin GutmannThis book examines the well-covered subject of leadership from a unique perspective: history's vast catalogue of leadership successes and failures. Through a collection of highly compelling case studies spanning two millennia, it looks beyond the classic leadership parable of men in military or political crises and shows that successful leadership cannot be reduced to simplistic formulae.Written by experts in the field and based on rigorous research, each case provides a rich and compelling account that is accessible to a wide audience, from students to managers. Rather than serving as a vehicle for advancing a particular theory of leadership, each case invites readers to reflect, debate and extract their own insights.
Historias de la Argentina deseada
by Tomás AbrahamUn ensayo narrado sobre las estrategias cotidianas y las elaboraciones de alto vuelo con que se quiso conjurar el peligro que acecho y sigue acechando la pureza de la gran familia argentina. ¿Acaso podemos negar que Perón fue amado; que la Libertadora llenó plazas con un público feliz, que Onganía asumió al mando con el beneplácito de la comunidad; que las acciones guerrilleras del 70 recibieron aprobación de grandes sectores de las clases acomodadas; que el regreso del líder fue aclamado; que a Videla lo coronó el suspiro de alivio de millones de argentinos; que Galtieri encontró eco durante sus sangrientas maniobras para perpetuarse en el poder; que Alfonsín fue votado por la mayoría de los argentinos y que el menemismo gobernó con repetido consenso? Gestas inconclusas o fracasadas que nos han hecho la medida de los deseos, de los recuerdos, de su memoria. ¿Cuál es el país que las clases dirigentes -apoyadas por nosotros- quisieron hacer? Tomas Abraham describe y narra en este libro el lado oscuro de la Argentina: la caza de hippies en la brillante década del setenta, la cruzada moral de la izquierda en tiempos de Frondizi, la polémica sobre el gauchos fines del cuarenta, la trayectoria de formadores de opinión como Mariano Grondona. Articula así un relato infrecuente en la plácida atmósfera intelectual que simula indignación por temor a argumentar. Deja emerger además una historia personal -cifrada, por muchos motivos, en el año 48- que involucra, a través de las múltiples ficciones colectivas, la clave ética de un discurso insoslayable. Un ensayo narrado sobre las estrategias cotidianas y las elaboraciones de alto vuelo con que se quiso conjurar el peligro que acechó y sigue acechando la pureza de la gran familia argentina.
Historic Power Europe: A Post-Hegelian Interpretation of European Integration (Critical European Studies)
by Davide BarileThis book proposes a new theoretical framework to move beyond the traditional tenets of modern international relations theory to investigate European integration and shed light on current events. Based on contemporary analyses, Hegel’s political philosophy, and the fundamental role of historical interpretation, this book addresses the institutional dynamics as well as the discursive practices behind both the Eastern enlargement and the current critical situation. Looking back in particular at European integration in one of its most significant events, namely the enlargement of the European Union to include former Socialist countries, it offers a unique conceptualisation of the nature and limits of European integration and for understanding the current crisis between Brussels and the Visegrád countries, 30 years since the revolutions of 1989. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of European integration, European politics and history, and political theory and philosophy.
Historical and Critical Dictionary: Selections
by Pierre Bayle Richard H. PopkinRichard Popkin's meticulous translation--the most complete since the eighteenth century--contains selections from thirty-nine articles, as well as from Bayle's four Clarifications. The bulk of the major articles of philosophical and theological interest--those that influenced Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume, and Voltaire and formed the basis for so many eighteenth-century discussions--are present, including David, Manicheans, Paulicians, Pyrrho, Rorarius, Simonides, Spinoza, and Zeno of Elea.
A Historical and Legal Comparison between Tianxia Wei Gong and Quod Omnes Tangit (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #110)
by Yifan ShangThis book explores the historical and legal importance of two principles, Quod Omnes Tangit, and Tianxia Wei Gong, which have played significant roles in European and Chinese political and legal history. While Quod Omnes Tangit has been thoroughly researched, Tianxia Wei Gong has not been systematically examined. This thesis fills this void and connects these two principles for the first time. Quod Omnes Tangit was initially introduced in Justinian's Codex Civil, while Tianxia Wei Gong originated from Liji, one of the books in a key series of works by Confucius. Liji is comparable to the Thora in the Old Testament and is considered as important as law in Chinese legal history. Both principles have undergone comparable developmental processes, with scholars contributing to their reinterpretation. This book thoroughly examines the interpretations of individual scholars, with particular attention given to Liang Qichao, who is the only one to have mentioned both Tianxia Wei Gong and Quod Omnes Tangit. The book also provides an explanation for the original discrepancies in their concepts, particularly their methodologies in distributing and legitimizing rights. This research will be of interest to legal philosophers and historians in both the Western and Eastern worlds, legal practitioners and policymakers, and researchers seeking to explain current events and explore fundamental differences between the East and West.
Historical and Moral Consciousness in Education: Learning Ethics for Democratic Citizenship Education
by Niklas Ammert Silvia Edling Jan Löfström Heather SharpHistorical and Moral Consciousness highlights how ethics can be understood in the context of History education. It analyses the qualitative differences in how young people respond to historical and moral dilemmas of relevance to democratic values and human rights education. Drawing on a four-year international project, the book offers nuanced discussion and new scholarly understanding of the intersections between historical consciousness and moral consciousness within research. It develops new theoretical tools for history teaching and learning that can support teachers as they endeavor to educate for democratic citizenship. The book includes a meta-analysis of research within history Didaktik and around historical events with a moral bearing, and presents a comparative study of Australian, Finnish, and Swedish high school students’ moral understandings of historical dilemmas. Raising important questions about how our learning from the past is intertwined with our present and future interpretations and judgements, this book will be of great interest to academics, scholars, teachers, and post graduate students in the fields of history education, democratic education, human rights education, and citizenship education.
Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope
by Steven C. van den HeuvelThis open access volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing research on hope theory by combining insights from both its long history and its increasing multi-disciplinarity. In the first part, it recognizes the importance of the centuries-old reflection on hope by offering historical perspectives and tracing it back to ancient Greek philosophy. At the same time, it provides novel perspectives on often-overlooked historical theories and developments and challenges established views. The second part of the volume documents the state of the art of current research in hope across eight disciplines, which are philosophy, theology, psychology, economy, sociology, health studies, ecology, and development studies. Taken together, this volume provides an integrated view on hope as a multi-faced phenomenon. It contributes to the further understanding of hope as an essential human capacity, with the possibility of transforming our human societies.
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Biomedical Ethics: From Paternalism to Autonomy? (Routledge Revivals)
by Andreas-Holger Maehle Johanna Geyer-KordeschThis title was first published in 2002: This volume discusses the subject of biomedical ethics. Various views, historical and contemporary, are discussed, with the editors using the contrasting concepts in the shift from paternalism to autonomy in 20th-century medicine as a heuristic tool for the critical study of ethics in medicine.As far as the evidence in this volume goes, paternalistic medical practices and patient autonomy had an uneasy relationship by the beginning of the 20th century. A hundred years later, full autonomy in decisions on medical treatment is still subject to numerous caveats. The text pays close attention to the interplay between various players, noting how factors such as social contexts, governmental organizations and the biotechnological industry influence and shape responses to the principle of bioethics.
The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic (History of Analytic Philosophy)
by Adam Tamas TubolyThis edited collection provides the first comprehensive volume on A. J. Ayer’s 1936 masterpiece, Language, Truth and Logic. With eleven original chapters the volume reconsiders the historical and philosophical significance of Ayer’s work, examining its place in the history of analytic philosophy and its subsequent legacy. Making use of pioneering research in logical empiricism, the contributors explore a wide variety of topics, from ethics, values and religion, to truth, epistemology and philosophy of language. Among the questions discussed are: How did Ayer preserve or distort the views and conceptions of logical empiricists? How are Ayer's arguments different from the ones he aimed at reconstructing? And which aspects of the book were responsible for its immense impact? The volume expertly places Language, Truth and Logic in the intellectual and socio-cultural history of twentieth-century philosophical thought, providing both introductory and contextual chapters, as well as specific explorations of a variety of topics covering the main themes of the book. Providing important insights of both historical and contemporary significance, this collection is an essential resource for scholars interested in the legacy of the Vienna Circle and its effect on ethics and philosophy of mind.
A Historical and Systematic Perspective on A Priori Knowledge and Justification (Philosophical Studies Series #151)
by Ivette Fred-RiveraThis book provides a detailed and comprehensive account of the problem of a priori knowledge from a historical as well as a systematic perspective. The author explores Kant’s views in connection with the possibility of revision, something hardly, if at all, done in philosophical literature. Furthermore, the views of well-renowned philosophers such as Quine, Putnam, Kitcher, and Hale are discussed in detail and are put into a historical and systematic perspective. Finally, this book contains a glossary of important notions offering illuminating accounts of a priori knowledge and related notions and explains the relationship between a priori knowledge, fallibility and revision. The detailing of concepts such as ‘defeasibility’, ‘infallibility’, ‘falsifiability’ helps anyone reading philosophical literature to pin down the meaning of the terms and its implications in this context. The enriched and dual approach the author takes makes the book a very useful and lucid guide to the problem of a priori knowledge.
A Historical and Theological Investigation of John's Gospel
by Kirk R. MacGregorThis book provides original and controversial contributions into specific areas of Johannine studies, along with defenses of various traditional theological interpretations of John that are commonly overlooked in New Testament scholarship. Kirk R. MacGregor offers new insights into the authorship of the Fourth Gospel, the content of the underlying Signs Source, the meaning of the phrases “believe in him” and “believe in his name,” Jesus’ claim that Abraham saw his day, the significance of John 14.6, and why the resurrected Jesus upbraided Thomas. MacGregor employs the doctrine of middle knowledge to reconcile the seemingly paradoxical Johannine claims of divine predestination, genuine human freedom, and the universal divine salvific will. He defends the ontological equality but functional subordination of the Johannine Jesus to God the Father as well as the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit as presented by the Gospel of John.
Historical Background of Wang Yang-ming’s Philosophy of Mind: From the Perspective of his Life Story
by Ping DongThis open access book offers comprehensive information on Wang Yang-ming’s life, helping readers identify and grasp the foundations on which his philosophy was established. Though a great man, Wang had an extremely difficult life, full of many hardships. Based on various official histories, Wang’s own writings, and his disciples’ records, the book explores the legendary life of this ancient philosopher, who not only diligently pursued his objective of living as a sage, but also persistently sought the ideal state of a sage in ideology. The author also shares his own interpretations of the main aspects of Wang’s philosophy using simple and straightforward language.This book will help readers understand and appreciate Wang Yang-ming’s extraordinary life, his generous mind, deep thoughts and bright personality, inspiring them to pursue enriching lives. It offers a unique and insightful work for undergraduate students and all others interested in Wang’s philosophy and life story.
Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's Being and Time
by Johannes FritscheThere has been much debate over the relationship of Heidegger's philosophy—in particular his book Being and Time—to his practical involvement with National Socialism. Yet the question has never been addressed through a comparison of Being and Time with other texts on history and politics written at the time. Johannes Fritsche does this, providing a detailed interpretation of the relevant passages in Being and Time—especially sections 72-77 on fate, community, and society. He analyzes for comparison two other authors who explicitly regarded themselves as rightists—Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf) and Max Scheler (Formalism in Ethics and other writings)—and two authors on the left—Georg Lukács (History and Class Consciousness) and Paul Tillich (The Socialist Decision).Fritsche concludes that Being and Time is a brilliant summary of right-wing politics in general, which proposes the destruction of liberal society in order to regenerate an idealized community. In addition, Heidegger rejects positions on the right, such as Scheler's, that enabled their authors to distance themselves from the most extreme political rightists, and thus he paves the way for National Socialism. Being and Time, Fritsche demonstrates, must be seen as a clear case for the National Socialists and their project of revitalization of the Volksgemeinschaft, the community of the people.
The Historical Dynamics of Chinese Politics (China Insights)
by Guangbin YangThis book puts forward a new perspective, the historical dynamics of Chinese politics, for better understanding China’s politics, which is from the vertical history of China and the dimension of horizontal world politics, combining the historical analysis of how Chinese politics has come along the way and the comparative analysis of China's governance achievements in world politics. Based on this premise, this book attempts to explain the democratic discourse of contemporary Chinese political logic. The historical dynamics of Chinese politics comes from long-term communication between the author and Western scholars, which may help the global audience to understand China’s politics from all angles.