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Higher Education Internationalization and English Language Instruction: Intersectionality of Race and Language in Canadian Universities

by Xiangying Huo

This book offers new understanding of the implications of pluralism and of transnational movements to higher education and the construct of a “native speaker” within contemporary globalization processes. Theoretically, it calls for a revisioned English as an International Language (EIL) pedagogy and a wider acceptance of EIL and of World Englishes. It challenges the postsecondary education sector to change the discourse around language proficiency to one that engages the “pluralism of English.” As for the applied significance, the book contributes to the work on neo-racism which means racism goes beyond color to stereotypic foreign cultures, nationalities, and exotic accents based on cultural distinctions instead of merely skin differences. The book contributes to higher education policy and practice, pushing a revisioning of ESL in conceptual and pedagogical ways, such as designing more culturally oriented curriculum, implementing culturally responsive pedagogy, and valuing the teaching proficiency more than the language proficiency.

Higher Education, Pedagogy and Social Justice: Politics and Practice

by Helen Proctor Susan Goodwin Kelly Freebody

This book explores how the concepts of social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion can be understood within the context of higher education. While terms such as these are often in common use in universities, they are not always used with clarity and precision. The editors and contributors offer a serious and detailed examination of pressing contemporary concerns around ‘social justice’ across politics, practice and pedagogy in order to encourage hard thinking and practical agenda setting for social-justice oriented research, teaching and community engagement. Drawing upon new theoretical work, research projects and innovative university teaching, this book offers both useful theoretical insights and practical possibilities for action. This collective and collaborative volume will be of interest and value to all those interested in promoting social justice, in particular how it can be promoted within the university setting.

Higher Education Policy Convergence and the Bologna Process: A Cross-National Study (Transformations of the State)

by Eva Maria Vögtle

What are the principal drivers of recent higher education reforms? This study investigates whether the soft governance mechanism of transnational communication has evoked cross-national policy harmonization. Results suggest that the Bologna Process has triggered substantial policy harmonization beyond general policy convergence.

Higher Education, Social Class and Social Mobility

by Ann-Marie Bathmaker Nicola Ingram Jessie Abrahams Anthony Hoare Richard Waller Harriet Bradley

This book explores higher education, social class and social mobility from the point of view of those most intimately involved: the undergraduate students. It is based on a project which followed a cohort of young undergraduate students at Bristol's two universities in the UK through from their first year of study for the following three years, when most of them were about to enter the labour market or further study. The students were paired by university, by subject of study and by class background, so that the fortunes of middle-class and working-class students could be compared. Narrative data gathered over three years are located in the context of a hierarchical and stratified higher education system, in order to consider the potential of higher education as a vehicle of social mobility.

Higher Education, Stratification, and Workforce Development

by Sheila Slaughter Barrett Jay Taylor

This work analyses how political economic shifts contribute to competition within higher education systems in the US, EU, and Canada. The authors highlight competition for prestige and public and private subsidies, exploring the consequences of these processes through theoretical and empirical analyses. Accordingly, the work highlights topics that will be of interest to a wide range of audiences. Concepts addressed include stratification, privatization of formerly public subsidies, preference for "high tech" academic fields, and the vocationalization of the curriculum (i. e. , Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: [STEM] fields, selected professions, and business) rather than the liberal arts or the Humboldtian vision of the university. Across national contexts and analytic methods, authors analyze the growth of national policies that see universities as a sub set of economic development, casting universities as corporate research laboratories and education as central to job creation. Throughout the volume, the authors make the case that national and regional approaches to politics and markets result in different experiences of consequences of academic capitalism. While these shifts serve the interests of some institutions, others find themselves struggling to meet ever-greater expectations with stagnant or shrinking resource bases.

Higher Education Transformation in Africa: A Quest for Epistemological Rupture (ISSN)

by Emnet Tadesse Woldegiorgis, Logan Govender and Dennis Zami Atibuni

This book critically interrogates the notion of transformation in higher education, focusing on epistemological and structural issues in postcolonial and contemporary Africa.The book considers the multifaceted challenges facing higher education in the continent and uses the concept of transformation as a common thread weaving through a range of issues, including epistemology, identity, relevance, research, collaboration and decoloniality. Arguing for a holistic approach towards progressive and innovative education systems, the book calls for a fundamental transformation that expands access, enhances quality and competitiveness, addresses past injustices and improves the capacity to act together for a more sustainable and just future. Overall, the book makes a powerful case for the power of transformation in higher education to shape the social, economic and cultural fabric of society.This book’s critical evaluation of knowledge production in Africa will be an important read for researchers and policymakers involved in Africa’s higher education sector.

Higher Education, Youth and Migration in Contexts of Disadvantage: Understanding Aspirations and Capabilities

by Faith Mkwananzi

This book explores the lives, experiences and the formation of higher educational aspirations among marginalised migrant youth in South Africa. Using a case study based in Johannesburg, the author illuminates their voices in order to demonstrate the reality faced by these young people in the context of migration to the Global South. Within the complex landscape of global and African migration, this book draws on detailed narratives to understand the conditions under which aspirations for higher education are – or are not – developed. In doing so, the author highlights the value of understanding individual lives, experiences and opportunities from a human development point of view, capturing the multidimensional disadvantages experienced by migrants in a balanced, intersectional manner. Balancing empirical data with theoretical analysis, this volume tells a rich, nuanced story about marginalised migrant youth – an essential work for understanding the conditions necessary for such youth to live valuable lives in both local and international contexts. This book will appeal to students and scholars of youth migration, aspiration and educational opportunities, particularly within the Global South.

Higher Expectations: Can Colleges Teach Students What They Need to Know in the 21st Century?

by Derek Bok

How our colleges and universities can respond to the changing hopes and needs of societyIn recent decades, cognitive psychologists have cast new light on human development and given colleges new possibilities for helping students acquire skills and qualities that will enhance their lives and increase their contributions to society. In this landmark book, Derek Bok explores how colleges can reap the benefits of these discoveries and create a more robust undergraduate curriculum for the twenty-first century.Prior to this century, most psychologists thought that creativity, empathy, resilience, conscientiousness, and most personality traits were largely fixed by early childhood. What researchers have now discovered is that virtually all of these qualities continue to change through early adulthood and often well beyond. Such findings suggest that educators may be able to do much more than was previously thought possible to teach students to develop these important characteristics and thereby enable them to flourish in later life.How prepared are educators to cultivate these qualities of mind and behavior? What do they need to learn to capitalize on the possibilities? Will college faculties embrace these opportunities and make the necessary changes in their curricula and teaching methods? What can be done to hasten the process of innovation and application? In providing answers to these questions, Bok identifies the hurdles to institutional change, proposes sensible reforms, and demonstrates how our colleges can help students lead more successful, productive, and meaningful lives.

Higher Expectations: How to Survive Academia, Make it Better for Others, and Transform the University

by Leslie Kern Roberta Hawkins

Higher Expectations is a practical guide to navigating academia for people who want to improve their own day-to-day work lives and create better conditions for everyone. Universities are broken: they’re built on systems that are discriminatory, hierarchical, and individualistic. This hurts the people that work and learn in them and limits the potential for universities to contribute to a better world. But we can raise our expectations. Hawkins and Kern envision a university transformed by collaboration, care, equity, justice, and multiple knowledges. Drawing on real-world, international examples where people and institutions are already doing things in new ways, Higher Expectations offers concrete advice on how to make these transformations real. It covers many areas of academic life including course design, conferencing, administration, research teams, managing workloads and more. Designed for faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other scholars, Higher Expectations delivers hope and practical actions you can take to start making change now. It is a must-have for everyone working in academia today.

Higher-Order Evidence and Calibrationism (Elements in Epistemology)

by Ru Ye

The higher-order evidence debate concerns how higher-order evidence affects the rationality of our first-order beliefs. This Element has two parts. The first part (Sections 1 and 2) provides a critical overview of the literature, aiming to explain why the higher-order evidence debate is interesting and important. The second part (Sections 3 to 6) defends calibrationism, the view that we should respond to higher-order evidence by aligning our credences to our reliability degree. The author first discusses the traditional version of calibrationism and explains its main difficulties, before proposing a new version of calibrationism called 'Evidence-Discounting Calibrationism.' The Element argues that this new version is independently plausible and that it can avoid the difficulties faced by the traditional version.

Higher-Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology (Routledge Studies in Epistemology)

by Michael Klenk

This book offers a systematic look at current challenges in moral epistemology through the lens of research on higher-order evidence. Fueled by recent advances in empirical research, higher-order evidence has generated a wealth of insights about the genealogy of moral beliefs. Higher-Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology explores how these insights have an impact on the epistemic status of moral beliefs. The essays are divided into four thematic sections. Part I addresses the normative significance of higher-order evidence for moral epistemology. Part II covers the sources of higher-order evidence in moral epistemology, such as disagreement and moral testimony, for both individuals and groups. The essays in Part III discuss permissible epistemic attitudes regarding a body of moral evidence, including the question of how to determine the permissibility of such attitudes. Finally, Part IV examines the relevance of higher-order evidence for phenomena of practical concern, such as fundamentalist views about moral matters. This volume is the first to explicitly address the implications of higher-order evidence in moral epistemology. It will be of interest to researchers and advanced graduate students working in epistemology and metaethics.

Higher RMPS: Religious & Philosophical Questions

by Joe Walker

The only resource for religious and philosophical questions at Higher level, by a bestselling author and expert in the field.Joe Walker's new full colour book provides comprehensive coverage of the newly designed CFE Higher in Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, but is also ideal for students across Scotland studying key topic areas in Religious and Philosophical Questions as part of the broad general education and the senior phase of RME. The book:Offers a lively, accessible and engaging style with appropriate humour that reflects real-life situations and moral issuesHighlights the importance of dealing with varieties of belief within religious traditionsDeals with up-to-date contemporary and topical issues in a highly practical manner

Higher RMPS: Morality & Belief, Second Edition

by Joe Walker

Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: RMPSFirst Teaching: August 2018First Exam: June 2019The only resource for RMPS at Higher level, by a bestselling author and expert in the field. Completely updated with the latest SQA assessment changes.This book provides comprehensive coverage of the updated Higher in Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, but is also ideal for students across Scotland studying key topic areas in Morality and Belief as part of the broad general education and the senior phase of RME.- Written in a lively, accessible and engaging style that reflects real-life situations and moral issues- Highlights the importance of dealing with varieties of belief within religious traditions- Deals with up-to-date contemporary and topical issues in a highly practical manner

Higher RMPS: Morality & Belief, Second Edition

by Joe Walker

Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: RMPSFirst Teaching: August 2018First Exam: June 2019The only resource for RMPS at Higher level, by a bestselling author and expert in the field. Completely updated with the latest SQA assessment changes.This book provides comprehensive coverage of the updated Higher in Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, but is also ideal for students across Scotland studying key topic areas in Morality and Belief as part of the broad general education and the senior phase of RME.- Written in a lively, accessible and engaging style that reflects real-life situations and moral issues- Highlights the importance of dealing with varieties of belief within religious traditions- Deals with up-to-date contemporary and topical issues in a highly practical manner

Higher Teaching and Learning for Alternative Futures: A Renewed Focus on Critical Praxis

by Yusef Waghid Faiq Waghid Judith Terblanche Zayd Waghid

This book analyses the narratives of four academics who consider themselves post-structuralist. Grounded in the work of major thinkers in post-structuralism, these narratives reflect on higher education as a community of scholars without community. The authors highlight what specifically motivates their pedagogical affirmations and orientations, analyse why they are concerned with social justice education, and what they envisage the alternative futures of higher education to be – that is, futures in which discrimination, oppression, violence and inequality are waning or have been eradicated. Through their own narratives, the authors tackle the educational matter of poststructuralist human encounters and expand upon the notion of social justice education. In doing so, they argue for higher education on the African continent as an alternative discourse that can be responsive to political, societal and environmental dystopias.

The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women's Quest for the American Presidency

by Ellen Fitzpatrick

Best-selling historian Ellen Fitzpatrick tells the story of three remarkable women who set their sights on the Presidency. The arduous, dramatic quests of Victoria Woodhull (1872), Margaret Chase Smith (1964), and Shirley Chisholm (1972) illuminate today's political landscape, shedding light on Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for the Oval Office.

The Highway of Despair

by Robyn Marasco

G. W. F. Hegel's "highway of despair," introduced in his Phenomenology of Spirit, refers to the tortured path traveled by "natural consciousness" on its way to freedom. Despair is the passionate residue of Hegelian critique. Through an eclectic cast of thinkers, Robyn Marasco considers the dynamism of despair as a critical passion, reckoning with the forms of historical life forged along Hegel's highway. Despair, for Marasco, also indicates fugitive opportunities for freedom and preserves the principle of hope against all hope. The Highway of Despair follows Theodor Adorno, Georges Bataille, and Frantz Fanon as they each read, resist, and reconfigure a strand of thought in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Confronting the twentieth-century collapse of a certain revolutionary dialectic, these thinkers struggled to revalue critical philosophy and recast Left Hegelianism within the contexts of genocidal racism, world war, and colonial domination. Each intellectual also re-centered the role of passion in critique. Arguing against more recent trends in critical theory that promise an escape from despair, Marasco shows how passion frustrates the resolutions of reason and faith. Embracing the extremism of what Marx, in the spirit of Hegel, called the "ruthless critique of everything existing," she affirms the contemporary purchase of radical critical theory, resulting in a militant and passionate approach to political thought.

The Highway of Despair: Critical Theory After Hegel (New Directions in Critical Theory #41)

by Robyn Marasco

Hegel's "highway of despair," introduced in his Phenomenology of Spirit, is the tortured path traveled by "natural consciousness" on its way to freedom. Despair, the passionate residue of Hegelian critique, also indicates fugitive opportunities for freedom and preserves the principle of hope against all hope. Analyzing the works of an eclectic cast of thinkers, Robyn Marasco considers the dynamism of despair as a critical passion, reckoning with the forms of historical life forged along Hegel's highway. The Highway of Despair follows Theodor Adorno, Georges Bataille, and Frantz Fanon as they each read, resist, and reconfigure a strand of thought in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Confronting the twentieth-century collapse of a certain revolutionary dialectic, these thinkers struggle to revalue critical philosophy and recast Left Hegelianism within the contexts of genocidal racism, world war, and colonial domination. Each thinker also re-centers the role of passion in critique. Arguing against more recent trends in critical theory that promise an escape from despair, Marasco shows how passion frustrates the resolutions of reason and faith. Embracing the extremism of what Marx, in the spirit of Hegel, called the "ruthless critique of everything existing," she affirms the contemporary purchase of radical critical theory, resulting in a passionate approach to political thought.

Hijacked: How Neoliberalism Turned the Work Ethic against Workers and How Workers Can Take It Back

by Elizabeth Anderson

What is the work ethic? Does it justify policies that promote the wealth and power of the One Percent at workers' expense? Or does it advance policies that promote workers' dignity and standing? Hijacked explores how the history of political economy has been a contest between these two ideas about whom the work ethic is supposed to serve. Today's neoliberal ideology deploys the work ethic on behalf of the One Percent. However, workers and their advocates have long used the work ethic on behalf of ordinary people. By exposing the ideological roots of contemporary neoliberalism as a perversion of the seventeenth-century Protestant work ethic, Elizabeth Anderson shows how we can reclaim the original goals of the work ethic, and uplift ourselves again. Hijacked persuasively and powerfully demonstrates how ideas inspired by the work ethic informed debates among leading political economists of the past, and how these ideas can help us today.

Hiking with Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are

by John Kaag

One of Lit Hub's 15 Books You Should Read in SeptemberA revelatory Alpine journey in the spirit of the great Romantic thinker Friedrich NietzscheHiking with Nietzsche: Becoming Who You Are is a tale of two philosophical journeys—one made by John Kaag as an introspective young man of nineteen, the other seventeen years later, in radically different circumstances: he is now a husband and father, and his wife and small child are in tow. Kaag sets off for the Swiss peaks above Sils Maria where Nietzsche wrote his landmark work Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Both of Kaag’s journeys are made in search of the wisdom at the core of Nietzsche’s philosophy, yet they deliver him to radically different interpretations and, more crucially, revelations about the human condition.Just as Kaag’s acclaimed debut, American Philosophy: A Love Story, seamlessly wove together his philosophical discoveries with his search for meaning, Hiking with Nietzsche is a fascinating exploration not only of Nietzsche’s ideals but of how his experience of living relates to us as individuals in the twenty-first century. Bold, intimate, and rich with insight, Hiking with Nietzsche is about defeating complacency, balancing sanity and madness, and coming to grips with the unobtainable. As Kaag hikes, alone or with his family, but always with Nietzsche, he recognizes that even slipping can be instructive. It is in the process of climbing, and through the inevitable missteps, that one has the chance, in Nietzsche’s words, to “become who you are."

Hilary Putnam: Pragmatism and Realism (Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy)

by James Conant Urszula M. Żegleń

One of the most influential contemporary philosophers, Hilary Putnam's involvement in philosophy spans philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, ontology and epistemology and logic.This specially commissioned collection discusses his contribution to the realist and pragmatist debate. Hilary Putnam comments on the issues raised in each article, making it invaluable for any scholar of his work.

Hilary Putnam: Hilary Putnam (Philosophy Now #6)

by Maximilian De Gaynesford

Putnam is one of the most influential philosophers of recent times, and his authority stretches far beyond the confines of the discipline. However, there is a considerable challenge in presenting his work both accurately and accessibly. This is due to the width and diversity of his published writings and to his frequent spells of radical re-thinking. But if we are to understand how and why philosophy is developing as it is, we need to attend to Putnam's whole career. He has had a dramatic influence on theories of meaning, semantic content, and the nature of mental phenomena, on interpretations of quantum mechanics, theory-change, logic and mathematics, and on what shape we should desire for future philosophy. By presenting the whole of his career within its historical context, de Gaynesford discovers a basic unity in his work, achieved through repeated engagements with a small set of hard problems. By foregrounding this integrity, the book offers an account of his philosophy that is both true to Putnam and helpful to readers of his work.

Hilary Putnam on Logic and Mathematics (Outstanding Contributions to Logic #9)

by Geoffrey Hellman Roy T. Cook

This book explores the research of Professor Hilary Putnam, a Harvard professor as well as a leading philosopher, mathematician and computer scientist. It features the work of distinguished scholars in the field as well as a selection of young academics who have studied topics closely connected to Putnam’s work. It includes 12 papers that analyze, develop, and constructively criticize this notable professor's research in mathematical logic, the philosophy of logic and the philosophy of mathematics. In addition, it features a short essay presenting reminiscences and anecdotes about Putnam from his friends and colleagues, and also includes an extensive bibliography of his work in mathematics and logic. The book offers readers a comprehensive review of outstanding contributions in logic and mathematics as well as an engaging dialogue between prominent scholars and researchers. It provides those interested in mathematical logic, the philosophy of logic, and the philosophy of mathematics unique insights into the work of Hilary Putnam.

Hillbilly Highway: The Transappalachian Migration and the Making of a White Working Class (Politics and Society in Modern America #157)

by null Max Fraser

&“The best book to explain the world J. D. Vance came from is Max Fraser&’s Hillbilly Highway.&”—Jessica Wilkerson, author of To Live Here, You Have to Fight: How Women Led Appalachian Movements for Social JusticeOver the first two-thirds of the twentieth century, as many as eight million whites left the economically depressed southern countryside and migrated to the booming factory towns and cities of the industrial Midwest in search of work. The "hillbilly highway" was one of the largest internal relocations of poor and working people in American history, yet it has largely escaped close study by historians. In Hillbilly Highway, Max Fraser recovers the long-overlooked story of this massive demographic event and reveals how it has profoundly influenced American history and culture—from the modern industrial labor movement and the postwar urban crisis to the rise of today&’s white working-class conservatives.The book draws on a diverse range of sources—from government reports, industry archives, and union records to novels, memoirs, oral histories, and country music—to narrate the distinctive class experience that unfolded across the Transappalachian migration during these critical decades. As the migration became a terrain of both social advancement and marginalization, it knit together white working-class communities across the Upper South and the Midwest—bringing into being a new cultural region that remains a contested battleground in American politics to the present.The compelling story of an important and neglected chapter in American history, Hillbilly Highway upends conventional wisdom about the enduring political and cultural consequences of the great migration of white southerners in the twentieth century.

Hillel Steiner and the Anatomy of Justice: Themes and Challenges (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

by Stephen De Wijze Matthew H. Kramer Ian Carter

Throughout the English-speaking world, and in the many other countries where analytic philosophy is studied, Hillel Steiner is esteemed as one of the foremost contemporary political philosophers. This volume is designed as a festschrift for Steiner and as an important collection of philosophical essays in its own right. The editors have assembled a roster of highly distinguished international contributors, all of whom are eager to pay tribute to Steiner by focusing on topics on which he himself has concentrated. Some of the contributors engage directly with Steiner's work, whereas others focus not directly on his writings but instead grapple with issues that have figured prominently therein. Each essay seeks to advance the debates in which Steiner himself has so notably participated. The study concludes with a response by Steiner himself.

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