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A History of British Eugenics since 1865: From Francis Galton to Designer Babies (Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern History)
by David RedvaldsenThis book examines British eugenics from its origins in 1865 to the early 1990s. It considers the two institutions promoting the doctrine: the Galton Laboratory attached to the University of London; and the Eugenics Society. It charts internal and ideological changes across more than a century, seeing eugenics as primarily a political movement. The doctrine had influence on British society and guided adherents ranging from scientists to charitable ladies. The Galton Laboratory published detailed studies of heredity. It transformed itself into a centre for medical genetics after the Second World War. As early as the 1920s, the Eugenics Society was the mainspring of the doctrine, formulating what became the British version of an international ideology. It began as applied social Darwinism, later incorporating a greater degree of meritocracy and amelioration. Its support for sterilization in the 1930s eroded the kudos it had gained in policy-making circles. From the 1960s, organized eugenics was especially a forum for learned and popular discussion of biology and sociology. Medical advances after 1970 aided its continuation, notably the growth of assisted reproductive technologies. The book presents British eugenics as mostly shaped by domestic concerns, offering new revelations and interpretations with the capacity to readjust historical thinking. It also covers contemporary bioethical and political issues aligned to eugenics.
A History of China in the 20th Century
by Lü PengThis book provides readers with rich context and detailed description leading to new perspectives on major historical events in China. Positioned as a thought leader and highly acclaimed arts professional in China, the author is able to give a historical account of China’s twentieth century that is richly informed by its valent fields of political economy and cultural studies. Western readers' knowledge of China’s twentieth century remains based on pioneering research of modern scholars such as Fairbank and Jonathan Spence. In recent years, however, it is rare to see a complete history of China spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries which also includes the first two decades of the twenty-first century. This book contributes new narrative and perspective to this span of history. Now, as the Sino-US trade conflict makes dramatic impact on a post-COVID global economy, readers have the need for a fresh understanding of how China came to be what it is today. The author’s groundbreaking work provides new insight provided by newly uncovered sources explaining how China came to be what it is today from a cultural and sociological perspective, in a historical mode.
A History of China-U.S. Relations (Contributions to International Relations)
by Wenzhao TaoThis book contains the history of China-U.S. Relations (1911–1949), including China-US relations in Early Republican Period, the impact of Versailles Peace Conference and Washington Conference on China-US relations, US support for Northern Warlord Government, the Guangzhou Revolutionary Government, and the Nanjing National Government. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the United States went from neutral to form an alliance with China against Japan. After the end of the War, China and the United States gradually moved toward confrontation. This book also has a brief description of China-US relations from 1784 to 1911.
History of Chinese Imperial Examination
by Liu Haifeng Li BingThis book is a comprehensive and systematic exposition of the history of the emergence, development, and evolution of Chinese imperial examination system. It gathers the author’s insights from over thirty years of research on the history of the imperial examination and can be regarded as a summary work on the study of imperial examination history in China. It follows the historical sequence, taking the development and evolution of the imperial examination as the warp, and the characters, events, activities, and thoughts as the latitude. It not only narrates the history of the imperial examination system, but also pays attention to the actual operation of the imperial examination system. At the same time, it takes into account the historical development of examination thought. And during narration, it focuses on the interaction and interdependence between people and the system, as well as their interactive influence. Therefore, it is both academic and readable.
History of Chinese Philosophy in the Ming Dynasty
by Xuezhi ZhangThis book starts with the classification of the main views of different thinkers after the study of the original materials, which covers all the thinkers’ thoughts and conceptions. A major objective of this book is to reveal the ideas of the philosophers. Key ideological opinions are stated with the former discussion of exact questions and further clarification of their philosophical meaning, which enables the readers to better understand the meaning and value of the philosophical thoughts. Since the logic and history are in accordance with each other, a frame of conception is formed then. Then, the author clearly explains the logical relationship in the frame mentioned before, as well as the formation of the key concepts and their relationship.
History of Chinese Philosophy Through Its Key Terms
by Yueqing Wang Qinggang Bao Guoxing GuanThis book provides a conceptual overview of the evolution of Chinese philosophy from its earliest beginnings to the end of the imperial era, highlighting 38 of the most essential terms in the Chinese philosophical tradition. Written by prominent contemporary scholars from Mainland China, the respective chapters cover topics ranging from cosmology, benti metaphysics, human nature, self-cultivation, and methodology, to views on history and politics. Each chapter addresses one of the constitutive terms of the Chinese philosophical tradition and provides clear historical information on how it was used and developed during the key periods of Chinese philosophy.Highlighting both central concepts and essential structures of Chinese philosophy, the book allows readers to view the history of Chinese philosophy from the perspective of the Chinese themselves. Offering content that is both academically rigorous and accessible for a wider audience, this book is an indispensable reference guide for all students of Chinese philosophy.
History of Chinese Political Thought: During the Early Tsin Period (International Library of Philosophy #Vol. 3)
by Liang Chi-ChaoFirst published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
A History of Classical Chinese Thought (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Chinese Philosophy)
by Zehou LiLi Zehou is widely regarded as one of China’s most influential contemporary thinkers. He has produced influential theories of the development of Chinese thought and the place of aesthetics in Chinese ethics and value theory. This book is the first English-language translation of Li Zehou’s work on classical Chinese thought. It includes chapters on the classical Chinese thinkers, including Confucius, Mozi, Laozi, Sunzi, Xunzi and Zhuangzi, and also on later eras and thinkers such as Dong Zhongshu in the Han Dynasty and the Song-Ming Neo-Confucians. The essays in this book not only discuss these historical figures and their ideas, but also consider their historical significance, and how key themes from these early schools reappeared in and shaped later periods and thinkers. Taken together, they highlight the breadth of Li Zehou’s scholarship and his syncretic approach—his explanations of prominent thinkers and key periods in Chinese intellectual history blend ideas from both the Chinese and Western canons, while also drawing on contemporary thinkers in both traditions. The book also includes an introduction written by the translator that helpfully explains the significance of Li Zehou’s work and its prospects for fostering cross-cultural dialogue with Western philosophy. A History of Chinese Classical Thought will be of interest to advanced students and scholars interested in Chinese philosophy, comparative philosophy, and Chinese intellectual and social history.
The History of Compulsory Voting in Europe: Democracy's Duty? (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
by Anthoula MalkopoulouIs voting out of fashion? Does it matter if voters don't show up at the polls? If yes, is legal enforcement of voting compatible with democracy? These are just a few of the questions linked to the thorny problem of electoral abstention. This book addresses the hot question whether there is a duty to vote and if this is enforceable in the form of compulsory voting. Divided into two parts, Anthoula Malkopoulou begins by expertly presenting the importance of compulsory voting today, situating the debate within the contemporary discussion on liberty, equality and democracy. Then, she questions the historical origins of the idea in Europe. In particular, she examines parliamentary discussions and other primary sources from France and Greece, including a few additional insights from other countries like Switzerland and Belgium. Focusing especially on the years between 1870 and 1930, the reader learns about the historical actors of the debates, their efforts to legitimate punishment of abstention through normative arguments, but also their strategic motivations and political interests. While discussions at the beginning of the century focus on introducing compulsory voting, Malkopoulou criticizes its misuse after the Second World War, exposing the contingency of relevant normative claims today and the conditionality of compulsory voting. From ancient times until today, you learn about the ideological debates, their political context and how the problems of equal representation and democratic moderation persist through the ages.
The History of Correlation
by null John Nicholas ZorichAfter 30 years of research, the author of The History of Correlation organized his notes into a manuscript draft during the lockdown months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Getting it into shape for publication took another few years. It was a labor of love.Readers will enjoy learning in detail how correlation evolved from a completely non-mathematical concept to one today that is virtually always viewed mathematically. This book reports in detail on 19th- and 20th-century English-language publications; it discusses the good and bad of many dozens of 20th-century articles and statistics textbooks in regard to their presentation and explanation of correlation. The final chapter discusses 21st-century trends.Some topics included here have never been discussed in depth by any historian. For example: Was Francis Galton lying in the first sentence of his first paper about correlation? Why did he choose the word "co-relation" rather than "correlation" for his new coefficient? How accurate is the account of the history of correlation found in H. Walker's 1929 classic, Studies in the History of Statistical Method? Have 20th-century textbooks misled students as to how to use the correlation coefficient?Key features of this book: Charts, tables, and quotations (or summaries of them) are provided from about 450 publications. In-depth analyses of those charts, tables, and quotations are included. Correlation-related claims by a few noted historians are shown to be in error. Many funny findings from 30 years of research are highlighted. This book is an enjoyable read that is both serious and (occasionally) humorous. Not only is it aimed at historians of mathematics, but also professors and students of statistics and anyone who has enjoyed books such as Beckmann's A History of Pi or Stigler's The History of Statistics.
History of Development Thought: A Critical Anthology
by R. SrivatsanDevelopment thought emerged as the governing principle of First World global hegemony in the new world order marked by the end of the Second World War and decolonization. Six decades later, at yet another critical geopolitical conjuncture marked by globalization and neoliberal resurgence, History of Development Thought revisits the major strands in the development debate from the 1950s to the early twenty-first century. The volume places classic international interventions in critical development thinking alongside major contributions to the discourse from the Indian context.Beginning by juxtaposing W. A. Lewis’s classic liberal theory of the dual economy with P. C. Mahalanobis’s schema for planned development in India, the volume tracks the trajectory of the development debate — from the Latin American neo-Marxist paradigm, through the ‘mode of production’ debates in India, to Indian and international feminist perspectives on development. It explores the departures of the 1980s in India and elsewhere as theorists, including Pranab Bardhan, Sukhamoy Chakravarty, Partha Chatterjee, A. O. Hirschman, Samuel Huntington, and Amartya Sen, sought to address from various perspectives the reasons for the failure of development to live up to expectations. It ends with excerpts signposting the emerging strands of the development (and post-development) debate at the turn of the twenty-first century. Throughout, the volume remains committed to the paradigm of development as a horizon of critical thought and a field of democratic politics, while paying attention to the multiple storylines of the discourse over the last 60 years. This anthology, together with its critical introduction and rigorous prefatory remarks for each extract, will be invaluable to students and researchers in the social sciences and the humanities, especially those in development studies, history, politics and economics, as well as to activists, administrators, and professionals in health, education, and development.
The History of Disruption: Social Struggle in the Atlantic World
by Mehmet DosemeciChallenging our understanding of social struggles as movements, Mehmet Dösemeci traces a 300-year counter-history of struggle predicated on disruptionWhy do we think of social struggles as movements? Have struggles been practiced otherwise, not as motion but as interruption, occupation, disturbance, arrest? Looking at three hundred years of Atlantic social struggle kinetically, Mehmet Dösemeci questions the axiomatic association that academics and activists have made between modern social struggles and the category of movement. Dösemeci argues that this movement politics has privileged some forms of historical struggle while obscuring others and, perhaps more damningly, reveals the complicity of social movements in the very forces they oppose.Dösemeci&’s story begins with the eighteenth-century establishment of a transatlantic regime of movement that coerced goods and bodies into violent and ceaseless motion. He then details the long history of resistance to this regime, interweaving disparate social struggles such as food riots, Caribbean maroon communities, Atlantic pirates, secret societies and syndicalism, the student New Left, Black Power, radical feminism, Operaismo, and the Zapatistas into a history of politics as disruption. Dösemeci convincingly argues that this history is key to understanding the resurgence of disruptive politics in the twenty-first century and offers valuable guidance for future struggles seeking to overturn an ever-intensifying regime of movement.
History of Economic Ideas in 20 Talks
by Cheng-chung Lai Tai-kuang HoThis book provides a concise history of economic thought for readers of all ages. While some basic economics knowledge would be helpful, it is not required. The book sets out to achieve three aims: to be interesting, entertaining, and thought-provoking. While the authors may appear opinionated in certain instances, this is intentionally done in order to alert readers to form their own views. History of ideas does not make the us smarter nor richer, but it can reduce our ignorance and the “banality of evil”—a term Hannah Arendt referred to people who lack self-reflection, “He did his duty...; he not only obeyed orders, he also obeyed the law.”
History of Ethics: Nicomachean Ethics (Blackwell Readings in the History of Philosophy)
by Daniel Star Roger CrispIs there an objective moral standard that applies to all our actions? To what extent should I sacrifice my own interests for the sake of others? How might philosophers of the past help us think about contemporary ethical problems? As the most recent addition to the Blackwell Readings in Philosophy series, History of Ethics: Essential Readings with Commentary brings together rich and varied excerpts of canonical work and contemporary scholarship to span the history of Western moral philosophy in one volume. Editors Star and Crisp, noted scholars in their fields, expertly introduce the readings to illuminate the main philosophical ideas and arguments in each selection, and connect them to broader themes. These detailed and incisive editorial commentaries make the primary source texts accessible to students while guiding them chronologically through the history of Western ethics. Structured around a thematic table of contents divided into three distinct sections, History of Ethics charts patterns in the development of ethical thought across time to highlight connections between intellectual movements. Selections range from the work of well-known figures such as Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and Mill to the work of philosophers often overlooked by such anthologies, including Butler, Smith, Sidgwick, Anscombe, Foot, and Frankena. Star and Crisp skillfully arrange the collection to connect readings to contemporary issues and interests by featuring examples such as Aquinas on self-defense and the doctrine of double effect, Kant on virtue, and Mill’s The Subjection of Women. Written for students and scholars of ethics, History of Ethics is a comprehensive collection of readings with expert editorial commentary that curates the most important and influential work in the history of ethics in the Western world.
The History of European Conservative Thought
by Francesco GiubileiModern conservatism was born in the crisis of the French Revolution that sought to overturn Christianity, monarchy, tradition, and a trust in experience rather than reason. In the name of reason and progress, the French Revolution led to the guillotine, the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte, and a decade of continental war. Today Western Civilization is again in crisis, with an ever-widening progressive campaign against religion, tradition, and ordered liberty; Francesco Giubilei's cogent reassessment of some of conservatism's greatest thinkers could not be timelier. Within these pages, English-speaking readers will come across some familiar names: Burke, Disraeli, Chesterton, and Scruton. Americans get their own chapter too, including penetrating examinations of John Adams, Richard Weaver, Henry Regnery, Robert Nisbet, Russell Kirk, William F. Buckley Jr., and Barry Goldwater. But perhaps most interesting is Giubilei's coverage of the continental European tradition–largely Catholic, monarchical, traditionalist, and anti-Jacobin, anti-Communist, and anti-Fascist. Giubilei offers insightful intellectual portraits of statesmen and philosophers like Count Klemens von Metternich, the man who restored Europe after the Napoleonic Wars; Eric Voegelin, the German political philosopher who made his career in America and traced recurrent strains of leftism to an early Christian heresy; Joseph de Maistre, the leading French counterrevolutionary philosopher; George Santayana, a Spaniard who became an American philosopher and conservative pragmatist; Jose Ortega y Gasset, who warned of the "revolt of the masses"; and a wide variety of Italian thinkers whose conservatism was forged against a Fascist ideology that presented itself as a force for stability and respect for the past, but that was fundamentally modernist and opposed to conservatism. Unique and written by one of Italy's youngest and brightest conservative thinkers, Francesco Giubilei's History of European Conservative Thought is sure to enlighten and inform.
A History of Existential Psychology: Introduction to Existential Psychology Volume 1
by Zoltán KőváryThe first in a two-part set, this book takes a deep dive into the history and theory of existential psychology.Beginning with a discussion of the “existentialism and psychology problem,” the book presents the philosophical and historical roots of existential psychology. It introduces the most important philosophical schools in the development of existentialism and their creators, such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre, as well as the literary roots of existentialism in the writings of Dostoevsky and Kafka and the important contribution of psychoanalysis and phenomenological psychiatry. The book then goes on to look at the existential psychology schools, including daseinsanalysis, logotherapy and existential analysis, the existential-humanistic school and the existential-phenomenological school.Going beyond the questions of therapy and counseling that typically make up the study of existential psychology, the book offers the ultimate introduction for students and scholars of this fascinating and deeply rooted discipline. It may also interest professionals working in related fields.
A History of Finnish Higher Education from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century (Higher Education Dynamics #52)
by Jussi VälimaaThis book unravels the origins, continuities, and discontinuities of Finnish higher education as part of European higher education from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. It describes the emergence of universities in the Middle Ages and the Finnish student, and moves on to the Reformation and the end of Swedish rule. It then discusses the founding of the Royal Academy of Turku, its professors and governing bodies, its role as a community, student numbers, the research and controversies. Travelling through the age of autonomy, the first decades of independence and the Second World War, the book examines the expansion of higher education, the development of the system, and the establishment of polytechnics. It concludes by analysing the multiple institutional and organisational layers of Finnish higher education. Altogether, the book offers an historical study that shows how and why education and higher education have been important in the process of making the Finnish nation and nation state.
A History of Folding in Mathematics: Mathematizing The Margins (Science Networks. Historical Studies #59)
by Michael FriedmanWhile it is well known that the Delian problems are impossible to solve with a straightedge and compass – for example, it is impossible to construct a segment whose length is the cube root of 2 with these instruments – the discovery of the Italian mathematician Margherita Beloch Piazzolla in 1934 that one can in fact construct a segment of length the cube root of 2 with a single paper fold was completely ignored (till the end of the 1980s). This comes as no surprise, since with few exceptions paper folding was seldom considered as a mathematical practice, let alone as a mathematical procedure of inference or proof that could prompt novel mathematical discoveries. A few questions immediately arise: Why did paper folding become a non-instrument? What caused the marginalisation of this technique? And how was the mathematical knowledge, which was nevertheless transmitted and prompted by paper folding, later treated and conceptualised? Aiming to answer these questions, this volume provides, for the first time, an extensive historical study on the history of folding in mathematics, spanning from the 16th century to the 20th century, and offers a general study on the ways mathematical knowledge is marginalised, disappears, is ignored or becomes obsolete. In doing so, it makes a valuable contribution to the field of history and philosophy of science, particularly the history and philosophy of mathematics and is highly recommended for anyone interested in these topics.
A History of Global Capitalism: Feuding Elites and Imperial Expansion (Frontiers in Economic History)
by Sambit BhattacharyyaThe book sets out to explore the economic motivations of imperial expansion under capitalism. This undoubtedly is related to two fundamental research questions in economic sciences. First, what factors explain the divergence in living standards across countries under the capitalist economic system? Second, what ensures internal and external stability of the capitalist economic system? The book adopts a unified approach to address these questions. Using the standard growth model it shows that improvements in living standards are dependent on access to raw materials, labour, capital, technology, and perhaps most importantly 'economies of scale'. Empires ensure scale economy through guaranteed access to markets and raw materials. The stability of the system depends on growth and distribution and it is not possible to have one without the other. However, the quest for growth and imperial expansion implies that one empire invariably comes into conflict with another. This is perhaps the most unstable and potentially dangerous characteristic of the capitalist system. Using extensive historical accounts the book shows that this inherent tension can be best managed by acknowledging mutual spheres of influence within the international system along the lines of the 1815 Vienna Congress. This timely publication addresses not only students and scholars of economics, geography, political science, and history, but also general readers interested in a better understanding of economic development, international relations, and the history of global capitalism.
A History of Greek Mathematics, Volume I: From Thales to Euclid
by Thomas Heath"As it is, the book is indispensable; it has, indeed, no serious English rival." — Times Literary Supplement. "Sir Thomas Heath, foremost English historian of the ancient exact sciences in the twentieth century." — Professor W. H. Stahl"Indeed, seeing that so much of Greek is mathematics, it is arguable that, if one would understand the Greek genius fully, it would be a good plan to begin with their geometry." The perspective that enabled Sir Thomas Heath to understand the Greek genius — deep intimacy with languages, literatures, philosophy, and all the sciences — brought him perhaps closer to his beloved subjects and to their own ideal of educated men, than is common or even possible today. Heath read the original texts with a critical, scrupulous eye, and brought to this definitive two-volume history the insights of a mathematician communicated with the clarity of classically taught English. "Of all the manifestations of the Greek genius none is more impressive and even awe-inspiring than that which is revealed by the history of Greek mathematics." Heath records that history with the scholarly comprehension and comprehensiveness that marks this work as obviously classic now as when it first appeared in 1921. The linkage and unity of mathematics and philosophy suggest the outline for the entire history. Heath covers in sequence Greek numerical notation, Pythagorean arithmetic, Thales and Pythagorean geometry, Zeno, Plato, Euclid, Aristarchus, Archimedes, Apollonius, Hipparchus and trigonometry, Ptolemy, Heron, Pappus, Diophantus of Alexandria and the algebra. Interspersed are sections devoted to the history and analysis of famous problems: squaring the circle, angle trisection, duplication of the cube, and an appendix on Archimedes' proof of the subtangent property of a spiral. The coverage is everywhere thorough and judicious; but Heath is not content with plain exposition: It is a defect in the existing histories that, while they state generally the contents of, and the main propositions proved in, the great treatises of Archimedes and Apollonius, they make little attempt to describe the procedure by which the results are obtained. I have therefore taken pains, in the most significant cases, to show the course of the argument in sufficient detail to enable a competent mathematician to grasp the method used and to apply it, if he will, to other similar investigations. Mathematicians, then, will rejoice to find Heath back in print and accessible after many years. Historians of Greek culture and science can renew acquaintance with a standard reference; readers in general will find, particularly in the energetic discourses on Euclid and Archimedes, exactly what Heath means by impressive and awe-inspiring.
A History of Greek Mathematics, Volume II: From Aristarchus to Diophantus
by Thomas HeathThe perspective that enabled Sir Thomas Heath to understand the Greek genius — deep intimacy with languages, literatures, philosophy, and all the sciences — brought him perhaps closer to his beloved subjects, and to their own ideal of educated men than is common or even possible today. Heath read the original texts with a critical, scrupulous eye and brought to this definitive two-volume history the insights of a mathematician communicated with the clarity of classically taught English."Of all the manifestations of the Greek genius none is more impressive and even awe-inspiring than that which is revealed by the history of Greek mathematics." Heath records that history with the scholarly comprehension and comprehensiveness that marks this work as obviously classic now as when it first appeared in 1921. The linkage and unity of mathematics and philosophy suggest the outline for the entire history. Heath covers in sequence Greek numerical notation, Pythagorean arithmetic, Thales and Pythagorean geometry, Zeno, Plato, Euclid, Aristarchus, Archimedes, Apollonius, Hipparchus and trigonometry, Ptolemy, Heron, Pappus, Diophantus of Alexandria and the algebra. Interspersed are sections devoted to the history and analysis of famous problems: squaring the circle, angle trisection, duplication of the cube, and an appendix on Archimedes's proof of the subtangent property of a spiral. The coverage is everywhere thorough and judicious; but Heath is not content with plain exposition: It is a defect in the existing histories that, while they state generally the contents of, and the main propositions proved in, the great treatises of Archimedes and Apollonius, they make little attempt to describe the procedure by which the results are obtained. I have therefore taken pains, in the most significant cases, to show the course of the argument in sufficient detail to enable a competent mathematician to grasp the method used and to apply it, if he will, to other similar investigations.Mathematicians, then, will rejoice to find Heath back in print and accessible after many years. Historians of Greek culture and science can renew acquaintance with a standard reference; readers in general will find, particularly in the energetic discourses on Euclid and Archimedes, exactly what Heath means by impressive and awe-inspiring.
A History of Greek Philosophy
by W.K.C. GuthrieThe fourth volume of Professor Guthrie's great history of Greek thought deals exclusively with Plato. Plato, however, so prolific a writer, so profoundly original in his thought, and so colossal an influence on the later history of philosophy, that it has not been possible to confine him to one volume. Volume IV therefore offers a general introduction to his life and writings, and covers the so-called 'early' and 'middle' periods of his philosophical development (up to and including the Republic).
History of Indian Philosophy (Routledge History of World Philosophies)
by Purushottama BilimoriaThe History of Indian Philosophy is a comprehensive and authoritative examination of the movements and thinkers that have shaped Indian philosophy over the last three thousand years. An outstanding team of international contributors provide fifty-eight accessible chapters, organised into three clear parts: knowledge, context, concepts philosophical traditions engaging and encounters: modern and postmodern. This outstanding collection is essential reading for students of Indian philosophy. It will also be of interest to those seeking to explore the lasting significance of this rich and complex philosophical tradition, and to philosophers who wish to learn about Indian philosophy through a comparative lens.
A History of Irish Thought
by Thomas DuddyThe first complete introduction to the subject ever published, A History of Irish Thought presents an inclusive survey of Irish thought and the history of Irish ideas against the backdrop of current political and social change in Ireland.Clearly written and engaging, the survey introduces an array of philosophers, polemicists, ideologists, satirists, scientists, poets and political and social reformers, from the anonymous seventh-century monk, the Irish Augustine, and John Scottus Eriugena, to the twentieth century and W.B. Yeats and Iris Murdoch.Thomas Duddy rediscovers the liveliest and most contested issues in the Irish past, and brings the history of Irish thought up to date. This volume will be of great value to anyone interested in Irish culture and its intellectual history.
History of Islam in German Thought: From Leibniz to Nietzsche (Routledge Studies in Cultural History)
by Ian AlmondThis concise overview of the perception of Islam in eight of the most important German thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries allows a new and fascinating investigation of how these thinkers, within their own bodies of work, often espoused contradicting ideas about Islam and their nearest Muslim neighbors. Exploring a variety of 'neat compartmentalizations' at work in the representations of Islam, as well as distinct vocabularies employed by these key intellectuals (theological, political, philological, poetic), Ian Almond parses these vocabularies to examine the importance of Islam in the very history of German thought. Almond further demonstrates the ways in which German philosophers such as Hegel, Kant, and Marx repeatedly ignored information about the Muslim world that did not harmonize with the particular landscapes they were trying to paint – a fact which in turn makes us reflect on what it means when a society possesses 'knowledge' of a foreign culture.