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Marx’s Rebellion Against Lenin

by Norman Levine

Marx's Rebellion Against Lenin, by negating the Leninist-Stalinist theory of dialectical materialism and tracing Marx's political philosophy to the Classical Humanism of Aristotle, overthrows the stultifying entrapment of Stalinist Bolshevism and contributes to the revitalization of Marx's method.

Marx's Resurrection of Aristotle

by Norman Levine

This book seeks to show how Karl Marx’s vision of communism was a continuation of Aristotle’s classical humanist philosophy. Challenging the Engelsian distortion of Marx, it presents a negation of previous interpretations of Marx which present him in materialist terms. Engels proposed a picture of the highest stage of communist society as an economic egalitarianism, a vision which became an axiom of Leninist-Stalinist-Soviet Communism. By contrast, here it is shown that Marx embraced the Aristotelian concept of “distributive justice”, of proportionate equality. Spanning the works of Marx, from his university education and doctoral dissertation on the differences between the Democritean and Epicurean philosophy of the atom, to the study of his Rheinische Zeitung period and the persistence of classical humanism in Marx’s defense of the freedom of the press, Levine skillfully reveals the gravitational pull between Marx and Aristotle.Showing how classical humanism is the dominant ethos in the communism of Marx, the book includes chapters on:Hegel as a transition point between Aristotle and MarxThe links between Marx’s theory of labor and Aristotle’s idea of the constitutive subject located in The Politics How the local methodologies of Aristotle and Hegel provided Marx with the social methodologies by which to interpret the functioning of capitalismMarx's Resurrection of Aristotle is the culmination of Norman Levine's life-long work to establish the correct placement of Marx and Marx’s communism within the classical humanist tradition.

Marx's Russian Moment (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Vesa Oittinen

This book discusses Marx’s relations with Russia, which have always been ambivalent. In his youth, and indeed a good way into the 1860s, Marx might even be called a “Russophobe.” Around 1870, however, his views on Russia undergo a change; he becomes acquainted with a new kind of Russian radical and revolutionary movement and begins to study Russian. It becomes clear that Marx begins to feel that Russia is some kind of a “touchstone” for his theories. Offering a new and original interpretation of Marx’s theoretical development, Marx’s Russian Moment analyzes the following themes: Marx’s concept of ideology (as developed in the German Ideology) and its fortunes in Russia; Marx’s encounter with Bakunin and Russian nihilism; Marx’s and Engels’s studies of primitive societies; Engels’s views of the developmental perspectives of small Slavic nations; and Marx’s views on Finland, the Russian Grand Duchy. Considering these topics as “case studies,” Oittinen argues that Marx’s encounter with Russia substantially influenced Marx’s (and Engels’s) views not just on current political and economic matters but also on a philosophical and methodological level.

Marx’s Theory of Value in Chapter 1 of Capital: A Critique of Heinrich’s Value-Form Interpretation (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Fred Moseley

Chapter 1 is the most important chapter in Capital, as well as the most difficult and the most controversial. An influential interpretation of Chapter 1 in recent decades has been the so-called “value-form interpretation” of Marx’s theory in general and Chapter 1 in particular. The most important proponent of the value-form interpretation today, both in Germany and in the English-speaking world, is Michael Heinrich, and Heinrich’s work has emphasized the first chapter. Heinrich’s latest book in English is a detailed commentary of the first seven chapters of Volume 1 of Capital. The publication of an English translation of Heinrich’s book is an important event in Marxian scholarship and it is important to critically engage with this important book in order to advance our understanding of this critical foundational chapter. This book emphasizes the quantitative issue of whether the magnitude of value and socially necessary labour-time are determined in production or also depend on exchange and demand, which has been the main issue in the controversy over the value-form interpretation.

Marx’s Wager: Das Kapital and Classical Sociology (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Thomas Kemple

Marx's masterpiece Capital (Das Kapital) ignored or misread as well as selectively and creatively interpreted by the generation of social scientists that came after him. Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Georg Simmel attempt to supplement what they call ‘historical materialism’ or to engage in debates about ‘socialism’ through their readings of The Communist Manifesto and occasional Capital. Although these and other classical sociologists did not have access to most of Marx’s published and unpublished works as we do today, each is concerned with revising and refining Marx’s unfinished critique of political economy. Despite their differences with Marx and with one another, they share his concern with how empirically detailed and scientifically valid knowledge of the social world may inform historical struggles for a more human world. This commitment can be called ‘Faustian’, after the title character of the poet J. W. von Goethe’s tragic epic of modernity, insofar as Marx and the classical sociologists hope to translate theory into practice while making a pact or wager with the diabolical social, political, and economic forces of the modern world.

Mary I in Writing: Letters, Literature, and Representation (Queenship and Power)

by Valerie Schutte Jessica S. Hower

This book—along with its companion volume Writing Mary I: History, Historiography, and Fiction—centers on representations of Queen Mary I in writing, broadly construed, and the process of writing that queen into literature and other textual sources. It spans an equally wide chronological and geographical scope, accounting for the years prior to her accession in July 1553 through the centuries that followed her death in November 1558 and for her reach across England, and into Ireland, Spain, Italy, Russia, and Africa. Its intent is to foreground words and language—written, spoken, and acted out—and, by extension, to draw out matters of and conversations about rhetoric, imagery, methodology, source base, genre, narrative, form, and more. Taken together, these two volumes find in England’s first crowned queen regnant an incomparable opportunity to ask new questions and seek new answers that deepen our understanding of queenship, the early modern era, and modern popular culture.

Mary Shepherd (Elements on Women in the History of Philosophy)

by Antonia LoLordo

There has recently been a resurgence of interest in the early nineteenth century Scottish philosopher Mary Shepherd. This Element is intended to provide an overview of Shepherd's system, including her views on the following wide range of topics: causation, induction, knowledge of the external world, matter, life, animal cognition, the relationship between mind and body, the immortality of the soul, the existence of God, miracles, and the nature of divine creation. The author also provides an overview of relevant secondary literature and argues for their own interpretation of Shepherd's metaphysics.

Mary Shepherd's Essays on the Perception of an External Universe

by Antonia Lolordo

This is the first modern edition of the works of Lady Mary Shepherd, one of the most important women philosophers of the early modern period. Shepherd has been widely neglected in the history of philosophy, but her work engaged with the dominant philosophers of the time - among them Hume, Berkeley, and Reid.<P><P> In particular, her 1827 volume Essays on the Perception of an External Universe outlines a theory of causation, perception, and knowledge which Shepherd presents as an alternative to what she sees as the mistaken views of Berkeley and Hume. What she ultimately presents is an original and systematic metaphysics and epistemology. Shepherd's Essays consists of two parts. The first is a theory of perception and knowledge of the external world, which is designed to rebut idealism and skepticism about the external world and show that our ordinary beliefs are based on reason. The second is a collection of essays on topics in metaphysics and epistemology, including the immateriality and eternity of the mind, the relationship between mind and body, the possibility of miracles, the association of ideas, the relationship between physical and mathematical reasoning, and the epistemology of testimony. <P><P>Antonia LoLordo's edition of Shepherd's Essays includes scholarly notes throughout the text that provide historical and philosophical context and expand on the major concepts of Shepherd's system. Her extensive introduction to Shepherd's life and works surveys some of the major points of Shepherd's system, points out directions for future research, and offers guidance for readers planning to teach her work in their courses. This volume is an invaluable primary resource for scholars, graduate students, and undergraduates interested in metaphysics, epistemology, and early modern philosophy.

Mary Wollstonecraft (Elements on Women in the History of Philosophy)

by Martina Reuter

Mary Wollstonecraft is recognized as an important early feminist. This Element argues that she is also an ingenious moral philosopher, who showed that true virtue and the liberty of women are necessarily interdependent. The Element consists of eight sections. After an introduction, Section 2 discusses Wollstonecraft's concept of reason by examining its metaphysical foundation and its role as moral capacity. According to Wollstonecraft, reason interacts closely with the passions. Then, Sections 3 and 4 discuss the roles of the passions and the imagination. Reason, passion and imagination all come together in Wollstonecraft's discussions of love and friendship, which are the topic of Section 5. Wollstonecraft values education and knowledge, but discussions of her epistemology have been rare. Section 6 analyses some aspects of her views on knowledge. Finally, Section 7 discusses Wollstonecraft's notion of virtue, including its relations to liberty and duty. Section 8 makes some general conclusions.

Mary Wollstonecraft and Feminist Republicanism: Independence, Rights and the Experience of Unfreedom (The Enlightenment World #30)

by Lena Halldenius

Mary Wollstonecraft is a writer whose work continues to provoke scholarly debate. Halldenius explores Wollstonecraft’s political philosophy, focusing on her treatment of republicanism and independence, to propose a new way of reading her work – that of a ‘feminist republican’.

Más allá de la vida y de la historia

by Luis Alcalde Linares

Desde hace tiempo tengo la sensación de que la vida solo es sueño e ilusión, tengo esa sensación porque no somos conscientes de lo que somos y de lo que hacemos, es decir, que hacemos las cosas por rutina, por costumbre. Quiero decir que el que más o el que menos, hace las mismas cosas todos los días y a la misma hora, hasta tiene la mala costumbre de ir al baño. Supuestamente hemos venido o estamos aquí para evolucionar la especie, o sea, para crecer, ¿con qué propósito? Quizás el de alcanzar la quinta dimensión. Quizás tenga otro propósito la vida, pero lo que es evidente, es que tenga el propósito que tenga la vida, creo que los seres humanos no son felices con su hábitat, ya que no se sienten realizados ni con su vida ni con su persona. Es por eso que he presentado este título y este libro, que es el quinto que publico aunque el mundo de las editoriales está muy complicado. Ojalá y ese es mi deseo, que ustedes tengan laoportunidad de echarle un vistazo al contenido de este libro.

Más Platón y menos Prozac

by Lou Marinoff

Un libro diferente que, con sencillez, nos acerca al pensamiento de grandes filósofos como Platón, Sócrates o Kant y demuestra que la filosofía puede ser una opción para lograr una vida más satisfactoria. ¿Puede la filosofía combatir los problemas y dificultades cotidianos? Esto es precisamente lo que propone Más Platón y menos Prozac: aplicar la filosofía a nuestro sistema de vida para alcanzar un mayor equilibrio interior. Se trata de considerar la filosofía como una forma de vida más que como una disciplina, idea que existe desde Sócrates. Más Platón y menos Prozac se inspira en los más importantes filósofos de la historia para enseñarnos a afrontar los principales y más habituales aspectos de la vida, el amor, la ética, prepararse para morir o simplemente enfrentarse a un cambio de trabajo.

Más Platón y menos Prozac

by Lou Marinoff

Un libro diferente que, con sencillez, nos acerca al pensamiento de grandes filósofos como Platón, Sócrates o Kant y demuestra que la filosofía puede ser una opción para lograr una vida más satisfactoria. ¿Puede la filosofía combatir los problemas y dificultades cotidianos? Esto es precisamente lo que propone Más Platón y menos Prozac: aplicar la filosofía a nuestro sistema de vida para alcanzar un mayor equilibrio interior. Se trata de considerar la filosofía como una forma de vida más que como una disciplina, idea que existe desde Sócrates. Más Platón y menos Prozac se inspira en los más importantes filósofos de la historia para enseñarnos a afrontar los principales y más habituales aspectos de la vida, el amor, la ética, prepararse para morir o simplemente enfrentarse a un cambio de trabajo.

Masao Abe a Zen Life of Dialogue

by Donald W. Mitchell

Masao Abe: A Zen Life of Dialogue is a compilation of essays that cover the life and work of Masao Abe, perhaps one of the greatest Zen Buddhist communicators of the twentieth century.Masao Abe has opened up a rich dialogue between Japan and the West. He is considered the leading living Zen figure in the Kyoto School of Buddhist thought and the successor of D.T. Suzuki, his early mentor, as the foremost exponent of Zen Buddhism in the West.Through stories and recollections, thirty-five leading intellectual figures explore Abe's encounter with the West, including his work on interfaith dialogue as a basis for world peace as well as his comparative philosophical scholarship over the past thirty years. This book is a retrospective and an extra ordinary step ahead in the encounter between Zen and the West.

Masao Abe a Zen Life of Dialogue

by Donald W. Mitchell

Masao Abe: A Zen Life of Dialogue is a compilation of essays that cover the life and work of Masao Abe, perhaps one of the greatest Zen Buddhist communicators of the twentieth century. Masao Abe has opened up a rich dialogue between Japan and the West. He is considered the leading living Zen figure in the Kyoto School of Buddhist thought and the successor of D.T. Suzuki, his early mentor, as the foremost exponent of Zen Buddhism in the West.Through stories and recollections, thrity-five leading intellectual figures explore Abe's encounter with the West, including his work on interfaith dialogue as a basis for world peace as well as his comparative philosophical scholarship over the past thirty years. This book is a retrospective and an extra ordinary step ahead in the encounter between Zen and the West.

Masao Abe a Zen Life of Dialogue

by Donald W. Mitchell

Masao Abe: A Zen Life of Dialogue is a compilation of essays that cover the life and work of Masao Abe, perhaps one of the greatest Zen Buddhist communicators of the twentieth century. Masao Abe has opened up a rich dialogue between Japan and the West. He is considered the leading living Zen figure in the Kyoto School of Buddhist thought and the successor of D.T. Suzuki, his early mentor, as the foremost exponent of Zen Buddhism in the West.Through stories and recollections, thrity-five leading intellectual figures explore Abe's encounter with the West, including his work on interfaith dialogue as a basis for world peace as well as his comparative philosophical scholarship over the past thirty years. This book is a retrospective and an extra ordinary step ahead in the encounter between Zen and the West.

Masculinities in Transition

by Victoria Robinson Jenny Hockey

Contributing to feminist approaches to masculinities, this book examines men's contextual experiences of masculine identity. Drawing on new data which compares men as they move across and between public and domestic spaces, it explores the implications of this for the nature of contemporary masculinity.

Masculinity and Aspiration in an Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives (Routledge Critical Studies in Gender and Sexuality in Education)

by Garth Stahl Derron Wallace Joseph Nelson

This collection investigates the ways in which boys and young men negotiate neoliberal discourse surrounding aspiration and how neoliberalism shapes their identities. Expanding the field of masculinity studies in education, the contributors offer international comparisons of different subgroups of boys and young men in primary, secondary and university settings. A cross-sectional analysis of race, gender, and class theory is employed to illuminate the role of aspiration in shaping boys’ identities, which adds nuance to their complex "identity work" in neoliberal times.

Masculinity, Class and Music Education: Boys Performing Middle-Class Masculinities through Music (Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education)

by Clare Hall

This book offers a provocative sociological examination of masculinity, class and music education within the context of a unique and fascinating culture: the classical musical world of choirboys. The myriad cultural meanings embodied in the ‘boy voice’ are unravelled through compelling musical narratives of young choirboys, their mothers, and their teachers. The book investigates how boys negotiate dominant gender-class discourses and the various pedagogies involved in producing middle-class masculinities during primary school and early years contexts. Drawing on the theoretical resources of Bourdieu to develop the concept of ‘musical habitus’, the continued symbolic distinction of the choirboy is analysed in order to better understand how culture is simultaneously reproduced and evolving through music. This interdisciplinary work at the juncture of pedagogy and culture will appeal to social science researchers, educators and arts practitioners interested in the sociocultural dynamics of music.

The Mask Of Enlightenment: Nietzsche's Zarathustra

by Stanley Rosen

This landmark study is a detailed textual and thematic analysis of one of Nietzsche’s most important but least understood works. Stanley Rosen argues that in Zarathustra Nietzsche lays the groundwork for philosophical and political revolution, proposing a change in humanity’s condition that would be achieved by eliminating the decadent existing race and breeding a new race to take its place. Rosen discusses Nietzsche’s systematically duplicitous rhetoric of esoteric messages in Zarathustra, and he places the book in the contexts of Greek, Christian, Enlightenment, and postmodernist thought.

The Mask of Socrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity (Sather Classical Lectures #59)

by Paul Zanker

This richly illustrated work provides a new and deeper perspective on the interaction of visual representation and classical culture from the fifth century B.C. to the fourth century A.D. Drawing on a variety of source materials, including Greco-Roman literature, historiography, and philosophy, coupled with artistic renderings, Paul Zanker forges the first comprehensive history of the visual representation of Greek and Roman intellectuals. He takes the reader from the earliest visual images of Socrates and Plato to the figures of Christ, the Apostles, and contemporaneous pagan and civic dignitaries. Through his interpretations of the postures, gestures, facial expressions, and stylistic changes of particular pieces, we come to know these great poets and philosophers through all of their various personas—the prophetic wise man, the virtuous democratic citizen, or the self-absorbed bon vivant. Zanker's analysis of how the iconography of influential thinkers and writers changed demonstrates the rise and fall of trends and the movement of schools of thought and belief, each successively embodying the most valued characteristics of the period and culture. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1995.

Mass Education and the Limits of State Building, c.1870–1930

by Laurence Brockliss Nicola Sheldon

The first comparative study of the spread of mass education around the world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, this unique new book uses a bottom-up focus and demonstrates, to an extent not appreciated hitherto, the gulf between the intentions of the government and the reality on the ground.

Mass Education, Global Capital, And The World

by Tom G. Griffiths Robert Imre

By presenting a series of intricate analyses of educational phenomena through the theoretical lenses offered by Immanuel Wallerstein and Istv#65533;n M#65533;sz#65533;ros, the book engages readers and helps them to critically analyze their own participation in the global economy, as citizens, policy-makers, and academics or teachers.

Mass Flourishing: How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change

by Edmund S. Phelps

In this book, Nobel Prize-winning economist Edmund Phelps draws on a lifetime of thinking to make a sweeping new argument about what makes nations prosper--and why the sources of that prosperity are under threat today. Why did prosperity explode in some nations between the 1820s and 1960s, creating not just unprecedented material wealth but "flourishing"--meaningful work, self-expression, and personal growth for more people than ever before? Phelps makes the case that the wellspring of this flourishing was modern values such as the desire to create, explore, and meet challenges. These values fueled the grassroots dynamism that was necessary for widespread, indigenous innovation. Most innovation wasn't driven by a few isolated visionaries like Henry Ford and Steve Jobs; rather, it was driven by millions of people empowered to think of, develop, and market innumerable new products and processes, and improvements to existing ones. Mass flourishing--a combination of material well-being and the "good life" in a broader sense--was created by this mass innovation. Yet indigenous innovation and flourishing weakened decades ago. In America, evidence indicates that innovation and job satisfaction have decreased since the late 1960s, while postwar Europe has never recaptured its former dynamism. The reason, Phelps argues, is that the modern values underlying the modern economy are under threat by a resurgence of traditional, corporatist values that put the community and state over the individual. The ultimate fate of modern values is now the most pressing question for the West: will Western nations recommit themselves to modernity, grassroots dynamism, indigenous innovation, and widespread personal fulfillment, or will we go on with a narrowed innovation that limits flourishing to a few? A book of immense practical and intellectual importance, Mass Flourishing is essential reading for anyone who cares about the sources of prosperity and the future of the West.

Mass-Produced Original Paintings, the Psychology of Art, and an Everyday Aesthetics

by Martin S. Lindauer

This book examines the contribution of mass-produced original painting to the psychology of art, psychological aesthetics, and art criticism. Mass-produced paintings are an inexpensive, accessible, ubiquitous, and hand-painted popular art by anonymous artists or teams. Sold in an array of outlets, ranging from flea markets to shopping centers to cruise ships, they decorate hotels, offices, and homes. Addressed is their neglect in current scholarship in favor of a nearly exclusive investigation of the high arts and their audiences, as represented by museum paintings. Lindauer contextualizes his analysis by tracing the historical origins of this type of painting, popular art in general, and their evolutionary trajectory, exploring issues including: the impact of art and artists’ creativity on viewers; the overemphasis on originality and name recognition; what is art and who can be called an artist; and the extension of aesthetics to include an everyday kind. The book concludes with directions for future research in the popular and traditional arts, the psychology of art, and, more broadly, the ties that transcend barriers between science, the arts, and the humanities. It will appeal to students and scholars from across the fields of psychology, sociology, philosophy, art history, and cultural, media and communication studies.

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