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Showing 21,901 through 21,925 of 40,518 results

Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany: Individual Fates and Global Impact

by Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze

The emigration of mathematicians from Europe during the Nazi era signaled an irrevocable and important historical shift for the international mathematics world. Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany is the first thoroughly documented account of this exodus. In this greatly expanded translation of the 1998 German edition, Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze describes the flight of more than 140 mathematicians, their reasons for leaving, the political and economic issues involved, the reception of these emigrants by various countries, and the emigrants' continuing contributions to mathematics. The influx of these brilliant thinkers to other nations profoundly reconfigured the mathematics world and vaulted the United States into a new leadership role in mathematics research. Based on archival sources that have never been examined before, the book discusses the preeminent emigrant mathematicians of the period, including Emmy Noether, John von Neumann, Hermann Weyl, and many others. The author explores the mechanisms of the expulsion of mathematicians from Germany, the emigrants' acculturation to their new host countries, and the fates of those mathematicians forced to stay behind. The book reveals the alienation and solidarity of the emigrants, and investigates the global development of mathematics as a consequence of their radical migration. An in-depth yet accessible look at mathematics both as a scientific enterprise and human endeavor, Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany provides a vivid picture of a critical chapter in the history of international science.

Mathematicians in Bologna 1861–1960

by Salvatore Coen

The scientific personalities of Luigi Cremona, Eugenio Beltrami, Salvatore Pincherle, Federigo Enriques, Beppo Levi, Giuseppe Vitali, Beniamino Segre and of several other mathematicians who worked in Bologna in the century 1861-1960 are examined by different authors, in some cases providing different view points. Most contributions in the volume are historical; they are reproductions of original documents or studies on an original work and its impact on later research. The achievements of other mathematicians are investigated for their present-day importance.

A Mathematician's Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science (Archimedes #45)

by Alexander Jones John M. Steele Christine Proust

This book explores facets of Otto Neugebauer's career, his impact on the history and practice of mathematics, and the ways in which his legacy has been preserved or transformed in recent decades, looking ahead to the directions in which the study of the history of science will head in the twenty-first century. Neugebauer, more than any other scholar of recent times, shaped the way we perceive premodern science. Through his scholarship and influence on students and collaborators, he inculcated both an approach to historical research on ancient and medieval mathematics and astronomy through precise mathematical and philological study of texts, and a vision of these sciences as systems of knowledge and method that spread outward from the ancient Near Eastern civilizations, crossing cultural boundaries and circulating over a tremendous geographical expanse of the Old World from the Atlantic to India.

A Mathematician's Lament

by Keith Devlin Paul Lockhart

"One of the best critiques of current mathematics education I have ever seen."--Keith Devlin, math columnist on NPR's Morning EditionA brilliant research mathematician who has devoted his career to teaching kids reveals math to be creative and beautiful and rejects standard anxiety-producing teaching methods. Witty and accessible, Paul Lockhart's controversial approach will provoke spirited debate among educators and parents alike and it will alter the way we think about math forever.Paul Lockhart, has taught mathematics at Brown University and UC Santa Cruz. Since 2000, he has dedicated himself to K-12 level students at St. Ann's School in Brooklyn, New York.

The Mathematician's Mind: The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field (Princeton Science Library #109)

by Jacques Hadamard

Fifty years ago when Jacques Hadamard set out to explore how mathematicians invent new ideas, he considered the creative experiences of some of the greatest thinkers of his generation, such as George Polya, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Albert Einstein. It appeared that inspiration could strike anytime, particularly after an individual had worked hard on a problem for days and then turned attention to another activity. In exploring this phenomenon, Hadamard produced one of the most famous and cogent cases for the existence of unconscious mental processes in mathematical invention and other forms of creativity. Written before the explosion of research in computers and cognitive science, his book, originally titled The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, remains an important tool for exploring the increasingly complex problem of mental life. The roots of creativity for Hadamard lie not in consciousness, but in the long unconscious work of incubation, and in the unconscious aesthetic selection of ideas that thereby pass into consciousness. His discussion of this process comprises a wide range of topics, including the use of mental images or symbols, visualized or auditory words, "meaningless" words, logic, and intuition. Among the important documents collected is a letter from Albert Einstein analyzing his own mechanism of thought.

Mathematicians' Reflections on Teaching: A Symbiosis with Mathematics Education Theories (Advances in Mathematics Education)

by Sepideh Stewart

This book opens the case on collaboration among mathematicians and mathematics educators. The authors of this book provide their research and experience based insights on collaboration to inspire the young generation of the mathematics community to engage in productive collaborations and exchange of knowledge early in their careers. These valuable collaborations are anticipated to generate innovative research questions that set new and novel paths for mathematics education research with ample possibilities yet to be realized and discovered.


by Jennie M. Bennett Edward B. Burger David J. Chard Earlene J. Hall Paul A. Kennedy Freddie L. Renfro Tom W. Roby Janet K. Scheer Bert K. Waits

The topics described in the Standards for Mathematical Content will vary from year to year. However, the way in which you learn, study, and think about mathematics will not. The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe skills that you will use in all of your math courses.

Mathematics (Mathematics in Mind)

by Marcel Danesi Dragana Martinovic Stacy A. Costa

This book brings together ideas from experts in cognitive science, mathematics, and mathematics education to discuss these issues and to present research on how mathematics and its learning and teaching are evolving in the Information Age. Given the ever-broadening trends in Artificial Intelligence and the processing of information generally, the aim is to assess their implications for how math is evolving and how math should now be taught to a generation that has been reared in the Information Age. It will also look at the ever-spreading assumption that human intelligence may not be unique—an idea that dovetails with current philosophies of mind such as posthumanism and transhumanism. The role of technology in human evolution has become critical in the contemporary world. Therefore, a subgoal of this book is to illuminate how humans now use their sophisticated technologies to chart cognitive and social progress. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the chapters, this will be of interest to all kinds of readers, from mathematicians themselves working increasingly with computer scientists, to cognitive scientists who carry out research on mathematics cognition and teachers of mathematics in a classroom.

Mathematics, Administrative and Economic Activities in Ancient Worlds (Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter #5)

by Cécile Michel Karine Chemla

This book focuses on the ancient Near East, early imperial China, South-East Asia, and medieval Europe, shedding light on mathematical knowledge and practices documented by sources relating to the administrative and economic activities of officials, merchants and other actors. It compares these to mathematical texts produced in related school contexts or reflecting the pursuit of mathematics for its own sake to reveal the diversity of mathematical practices in each of these geographical areas of the ancient world. Based on case studies from various periods and political, economic and social contexts, it explores how, in each part of the world discussed, it is possible to identify and describe the different cultures of quantification and computation as well as their points of contact. The thirteen chapters draw on a wide variety of texts from ancient Near East, China, South-East Asia and medieval Europe, which are analyzed by researchers from various fields, including mathematics, history, philology, archaeology and economics. The book will appeal to historians of science, economists and institutional historians of the ancient and medieval world, and also to Assyriologists, Indologists, Sinologists and experts on medieval Europe.

Mathematics and Explanation (Elements in the Philosophy of Mathematics)

by Christopher Pincock

This Element answers four questions. Can any traditional theory of scientific explanation make sense of the place of mathematics in explanation? If traditional monist theories are inadequate, is there some way to develop a more flexible, but still monist, approach that will clarify how mathematics can help to explain? What sort of pluralism about explanation is best equipped to clarify how mathematics can help to explain in science and in mathematics itself? Finally, how can the mathematical elements of an explanation be integrated into the physical world? Some of the evidence for a novel scientific posit may be traced to the explanatory power that this posit would afford, were it to exist. Can a similar kind of explanatory evidence be provided for the existence of mathematical objects, and if not, why not?

Mathematics and Its Applications: A Transcendental-Idealist Perspective (Synthese Library #385)

by Jairo José da Silva

This monograph offers a fresh perspective on the applicability of mathematics in science. It explores what mathematics must be so that its applications to the empirical world do not constitute a mystery. In the process, readers are presented with a new version of mathematical structuralism.The author details a philosophy of mathematics in which the problem of its applicability, particularly in physics, in all its forms can be explained and justified. Chapters cover: mathematics as a formal science, mathematical ontology: what does it mean to exist, mathematical structures: what are they and how do we know them, how different layers of mathematical structuring relate to each other and to perceptual structures, and how to use mathematics to find out how the world is.The book simultaneously develops along two lines, both inspired and enlightened by Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy. One line leads to the establishment of a particular version of mathematical structuralism, free of “naturalist” and empiricist bias. The other leads to a logical-epistemological explanation and justification of the applicability of mathematics carried out within a unique structuralist perspective. This second line points to the “unreasonable” effectiveness of mathematics in physics as a means of representation, a tool, and a source of not always logically justified but useful and effective heuristic strategies.

Mathematics and Its History: A Concise Edition (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)

by John Stillwell

This textbook provides a unified and concise exploration of undergraduate mathematics by approaching the subject through its history. Readers will discover the rich tapestry of ideas behind familiar topics from the undergraduate curriculum, such as calculus, algebra, topology, and more. Featuring historical episodes ranging from the Ancient Greeks to Fermat and Descartes, this volume offers a glimpse into the broader context in which these ideas developed, revealing unexpected connections that make this ideal for a senior capstone course. The presentation of previous versions has been refined by omitting the less mainstream topics and inserting new connecting material, allowing instructors to cover the book in a one-semester course. This condensed edition prioritizes succinctness and cohesiveness, and there is a greater emphasis on visual clarity, featuring full color images and high quality 3D models. As in previous editions, a wide array of mathematical topics are covered, from geometry to computation; however, biographical sketches have been omitted. Mathematics and Its History: A Concise Edition is an essential resource for courses or reading programs on the history of mathematics. Knowledge of basic calculus, algebra, geometry, topology, and set theory is assumed. From reviews of previous editions: “Mathematics and Its History is a joy to read. The writing is clear, concise and inviting. The style is very different from a traditional text. I found myself picking it up to read at the expense of my usual late evening thriller or detective novel…. The author has done a wonderful job of tying together the dominant themes of undergraduate mathematics.” Richard J. Wilders, MAA, on the Third Edition"The presented in a lively style without unnecessary detail. It is very stimulating and will be appreciated not only by students. Much attention is paid to problems and to the development of mathematics before the end of the nineteenth century.... This book brings to the non-specialist interested in mathematics many interesting results. It can be recommended for seminars and will be enjoyed by the broad mathematical community." European Mathematical Society, on the Second Edition

Mathematics and Logic in History and in Contemporary Thought

by Isabel Quigly Ettore Carruccio

This book is not a conventional history of mathematics as such, a museum of documents and scientific curiosities. Instead, it identifies this vital science with the thought of those who constructed it and in its relation to the changing cultural context in which it evolved. Particular emphasis is placed on the philosophic and logical systems, from Aristotle onward, that provide the basis for the fusion of mathematics and logic in contemporary thought.

Mathematics and Metaphilosophy (Elements in the Philosophy of Mathematics)

by Justin Clarke-Doane

This Element discusses the problem of mathematical knowledge, and its broader philosophical ramifications. It argues that the challenge to explain the (defeasible) justification of our mathematical beliefs ('the justificatory challenge'), arises insofar as disagreement over axioms bottoms out in disagreement over intuitions. And it argues that the challenge to explain their reliability ('the reliability challenge'), arises to the extent that we could have easily had different beliefs. The Element shows that mathematical facts are not, in general, empirically accessible, contra Quine, and that they cannot be dispensed with, contra Field. However, it argues that they might be so plentiful that our knowledge of them is unmysterious. The Element concludes with a complementary 'pluralism' about modality, logic and normative theory, highlighting its surprising implications. Metaphysically, pluralism engenders a kind of perspectivalism and indeterminacy. Methodologically, it vindicates Carnap's pragmatism, transposed to the key of realism.

Mathematics and Philosophy

by Daniel Parrochia

This book, which studies the links between mathematics and philosophy, highlights a reversal. Initially, the (Greek) philosophers were also mathematicians (geometers). Their vision of the world stemmed from their research in this field (rational and irrational numbers, problem of duplicating the cube, trisection of the angle...). Subsequently, mathematicians freed themselves from philosophy (with Analysis, differential Calculus, Algebra, Topology, etc.), but their researches continued to inspire philosophers (Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, Husserl, etc.). However, from a certain level of complexity, the mathematicians themselves became philosophers (a movement that begins with Wronsky and Clifford, and continues until Grothendieck).

Mathematics and Philosophy 2: Graphs, Orders, Infinites and Philosophy

by Daniel Parrochia

From Pythagoreans to Hegel, and beyond, this book gives a brief overview of the history of the notion of graphs and introduces the main concepts of graph theory in order to apply them to philosophy. In addition, this book presents how philosophers can use various mathematical notions of order. Throughout the book, philosophical operations and concepts are defined through examining questions relating the two kinds of known infinities – discrete and continuous – and how Woodin's approach can influence elements of philosophy. We also examine how mathematics can help a philosopher to discover the elements of stability which will help to build an image of the world, even if various approaches (for example, negative theology) generally cannot be valid. Finally, we briefly consider the possibilities of weakening formal thought represented by fuzziness and neutrosophic graphs. In a nutshell, this book expresses the importance of graphs when representing ideas and communicating them clearly with others.

Mathematics and the Body

by Elizabeth De Freitas Nathalie Sinclair

This book explores alternative ways to consider the relationship between mathematics and the material world. Drawing on the philosophy of Gilles Châtelet and the post-humanist materialism of Karen Barad, the authors present an 'inclusive materialist' approach to studying mathematics education. This approach offers a fresh perspective on human and nonhuman bodies, challenging current assumptions about the role of the senses, language, and ability in teaching and learning mathematics. Each chapter provides empirical examples from the classroom that demonstrate how inclusive materialism can be applied to a wide range of concerns in the field. The authors analyze recent studies on students' gestures, expressions, and drawings in order to establish a link between mathematical activity and mathematical concepts. Mathematics and the Body expands the landscape of research in mathematics education and will be an essential resource for teachers, students, and researchers alike.

Mathematics and the Image of Reason (Philosophical Issues in Science)

by Mary Tiles

A thorough account of the philosophy of mathematics. In a cogent account the author argues against the view that mathematics is solely logic.

Mathematics and the Imagination (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by James Newman Edward Kasner

Anyone who gambles, plays cards, loves puzzles, or simply seeks an intellectual challenge will love this amusing and thought-provoking book. With wit and clarity, the authors deftly progress from simple arithmetic to calculus and non-Euclidean geometry. "Charming and exciting." -- Saturday Review of Literature. Includes 169 figures.

Mathematics and the Mind

by Hassan Tahiri

This book examines how epistemology was reinvented by Ibn Sīnā, an influential philosopher-scientist of the classical Islamic world who was known to the West by the Latinised name Avicenna. It explains his theory of knowledge in which intentionality acts as an interaction between the mind and the world. This, in turn, led Ibn Sīnā to distinguish an operation of intentionality specific to the generation of numbers. The author argues that Ibn Sīnā's transformation of philosophy is one of the major stages in the de-hellinisation movement of the Greek heritage that was set off by the advent of the Arabic-Islamic civilisation. Readers first learn about Ibn Sīnā's unprecedented investigation into the concept of the number and his criticism of such Greek thought as Plato's realism, Pythagoreans' empiricism, and Ari stotle's conception of existence. Next, coverage sets out the basics of Ibn Sīnā's theory of knowledge needed for the construction of numbers. It describes how intentionality turns out to be key in showing the ontological dependence of numbers as well as even more critical to their construction. In describing the various mental operations that make mathematical objects intentional entities, Ibn Sīnā developed powerful arguments and subtle analyses to show us the extent our mental life depends on intentionality. This monograph thoroughly explores the epistemic dimension of this concept, which, the author believes, can also explain the actual genesis and evolution of mathematics by the human mind.

Mathematics and the Real World

by Zvi Artstein

In this accessible and illuminating study of how the science of mathematics developed, a veteran math researcher and educator looks at the ways in which our evolutionary makeup is both a help and a hindrance to the study of math.Artstein chronicles the discovery of important mathematical connections between mathematics and the real world from ancient times to the present. The author then describes some of the contemporary applications of mathematics--in probability theory, in the study of human behavior, and in combination with computers, which give mathematics unprecedented power.The author concludes with an insightful discussion of why mathematics, for most people, is so frustrating. He argues that the rigorous logical structure of math goes against the grain of our predisposed ways of thinking as shaped by evolution, presumably because the talent needed to cope with logical mathematics gave the human race as a whole no evolutionary advantage. With this in mind, he offers ways to overcome these innate impediments in the teaching of math.

Mathematics Before and After Pythagoras: Exploring the Foundations and Evolution of Mathematical Thought

by Ravi P. Agarwal

This book provides the reader with a comprehensive account of the contributions of Pythagoras to mathematics and philosophy, using them as a starting point to compare pre-Pythagorean accomplishments with the myriad mathematical developments that followed. It begins with a thorough study of Pythagoreanism and the early Pythagoreans, including the major events in Pythagoras' life and the origins of the mystical significance attributed by Pythagoreans to natural numbers. From Chapter 3 onward, the book describes how mathematical thinking works and prepares the reader for the subsequent chapters, which cover mathematical logic and proofs, their application to the study of natural and prime numbers, the investigation of Pythagorean triples, figurative numbers, and irrational numbers, all interwoven with rich historical context. Aimed at students and teachers at all levels, this work is accessible to non-mathematicians as well, with the main prerequisite being an avid curiosity about some of the ideas and thinkers that helped to forge the mathematical world as we know it. Early praises for “Mathematics Before and After Pythagoras”: “Your book is charming and fun to read. It would be fine to be able to teach from it.” (Steve Krantz, USA) “...your new book, an obvious labor of love... I can see that it will be an inspiration for young students.” (Bruce Berndt, USA) “It is an excellent book, and I am deeply grateful for sending it to me. It is an extraordinary gift, and I am so grateful for this.” (Carlo Cattani, Italy) “I am really impressed by the wealth of interesting material you have collected and presented.” (Rainer Kress, Germany)

Mathematics, Education and History: Towards A Harmonious Partnership (ICME-13 Monographs)

by Constantinos Tzanakis Sebastian Schorcht Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen Kathleen M. Clark

This book includes 18 peer-reviewed papers from nine countries, originally presented in a shorter form at TSG 25 The Role of History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education, as part of ICME-13 during. It also features an introductory chapter, by its co-editors, on the structure and main points of the book with an outline of recent developments in exploring the role of history and epistemology in mathematics education. It serves as a valuable contribution in this domain, by making reports on recent developments in this field available to the international educational community, with a special focus on relevant research results since 2000. The 18 chapters of the book are divided into five interrelated parts that underlie the central issues of research in this domain: 1. Theoretical and conceptual frameworks for integrating history and epistemology in mathematics in mathematics education; 2. Courses and didactical material: Design, implementation and evaluation; 3. Empirical investigations on implementing history and epistemology in mathematics education; 4. Original historical sources in teaching and learning of and about mathematics; 5. History and epistemology of mathematics: Interdisciplinary teaching and sociocultural aspects. This book covers all levels of education, from primary school to tertiary education, with a particular focus on teacher education. Additionally, each chapter refers to and/or is based on empirical research, in order to support, illuminate, clarify and evaluate key issues, main questions, and conjectured theses raised by the authors or in the literature on the basis of historical-epistemological or didactical-cognitive arguments.

Mathematics Education in a Context of Inequity, Poverty and Language Diversity

by Mamokgethi Phakeng Stephen Lerman

This volume is dedicated to the career of Jill Adler and the role she has played in growing mathematics education research in South Africa, Africa and beyond. Her work epitomises what is referred to as the 'engaged scholar': i. e. doing rigorous and theoretically rich research at the cutting edge of international work in the field which at the same time contributes to critical areas of local and regional need in education. Jill is one of the world's leading experts in mathematics education research and her exemplary career is a continuous source of inspiration for generations of researchers and students. The chapters in this volume are authored by Jill's former PhD students, a few select colleagues from different parts of the world that she collaborated with as well as leading scholars who she worked with in PME, ICMI and in her many international assignments. In essence, this volume celebrates Jill's contribution not only to mathematics education but also to our contributions as her friends and colleagues. Topics covered include language and mathematics, teacher education, and the dilemma of an activist researcher engaging in issues that matter hugely to the participants in the research, students and teachers in post-apartheid schooling, whilst also setting up the separation that is needed for good research.

Mathematics Education in a Neocolonial Country: The Case of Papua New Guinea (History of Mathematics Education)

by Patricia Paraide Kay Owens Charly Muke Philip Clarkson Christopher Owens

Most education research is undertaken in western developed countries. While some research from developing countries does make it into research journals from time to time, but these articles only emphasize the rarity of research in developing countries. The proposed book is unique in that it will cover education in Papua New Guinea over the millennia. Papua New Guinea’s multicultural society with relatively recent contact with Europe and the Middle East provides a cameo of the development of education in a country with both a colonial history and a coup-less transition to independence. Discussion will focus on specific areas of mathematics education that have been impacted by policies, research, circumstances and other influences, with particular emphasis on pressures on education in the last one and half centuries. This volume will be one of the few records of this kind in the education research literature as an in-depth record and critique of how school mathematics has been grown in Papua New Guinea from the late 1800s, and should be a useful addition to graduate programs mathematics education courses, history of mathematics, as well as the interdisciplinary fields of cross cultural studies, scholarship focusing on globalization and post / decolonialism, linguistics, educational administration and policy, technology education, teacher education, and gender studies.

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