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Showing 21,976 through 22,000 of 40,507 results

The Matter of Voice: Sensual Soundings

by null Karmen MacKendrick

Philosophers for millennia have tried to silence the physical musicality of voice in favor of the purity of ideas without matter, souls without bodies. Nevertheless, voices resonate among bodies, among texts, and across denotation and sound; they are singular, as unique as fingerprints, but irreducibly collective too. They are material, somatic, and musical. But voices are also meaningful—they give body to concepts that cannot exist in abstractions, essential to sense yet in excess of it. They can be neither reduced to neurology nor silenced in abstraction. They complicate the logos of the beginning and emphasize the enfleshing of all words. Through explorations of theology and philosophy, pedagogy, translation, and semiotics, all interwoven with song, The Matter of Voice works toward reintegrating our thinking about both speaking and authorial voice as fleshy combinings of meaning and music.

Matter Out of Place: Anthropological Explorations of Bodies, Dirt and Morality

by Rebecca Lynch, Joseph Calabrese Roland Littlewood

Anthropologists often use ‘pollution’ to refer to social and individual challenges to a cultural idea of purity, which may be seen in terms of religious practice, foodstuffs and social differentiation. It has been used as a trope to explore ideas of dirt and place, moral inversion and reinforcement, disgust and taboo. The book is an invitation to consider the continued relevance of Mary Douglas’ conceptualization of pollution and dirt as ‘matter out of place’ in relation to contemporary circumstances. Its ethnographic and theoretical contributions cover diverse contexts, ranging from Europe to Africa, the Caribbean, India and Outer Space.

Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More than Human Worlds

by María Puig de la Bellacasa

To care can feel good, or it can feel bad. It can do good, it can oppress. But what is care? A moral obligation? A burden? A joy? Is it only human? In Matters of Care, María Puig de la Bellacasa presents a powerful challenge to conventional notions of care, exploring its significance as an ethical and political obligation for thinking in the more than human worlds of technoscience and naturecultures. Matters of Care contests the view that care is something only humans do, and argues for extending to non-humans the consideration of agencies and communities that make the living web of care by considering how care circulates in the natural world. The first of the book’s two parts, “Knowledge Politics,” defines the motivations for expanding the ethico-political meanings of care, focusing on discussions in science and technology that engage with sociotechnical assemblages and objects as lively, politically charged “things.” The second part, “Speculative Ethics in Antiecological Times,” considers everyday ecologies of sustaining and perpetuating life for their potential to transform our entrenched relations to natural worlds as “resources.” From the ethics and politics of care to experiential research on care to feminist science and technology studies, Matters of Care is a singular contribution to an emerging interdisciplinary debate that expands agency beyond the human to ask how our understandings of care must shift if we broaden the world.

Matters of Mind: Consciousness, Reason and Nature (International Library of Philosophy)

by Scott Sturgeon

Matters of Mind examines the mind-body problem. It offers a chapter by chapter analysis of debates surrounding the problem, including visual experience, consciousness and the problem of Zombies and Ghosts. It will prove invaluable for those interested in epistemology, philosophy of mind and cognitive science.

Matters of Spirit: J. G. Fichte and the Technological Imagination (American and European Philosophy)

by F. Scott Scribner

This book offers a radically new interpretation of the entire philosophy of J. G. Fichte by showing the impact of nineteenth-century psychological techniques and technologies on the formation of his theory of the imagination—the very centerpiece of his philosophical system. By situating Fichte’s philosophy within the context of nineteenth-century German science and culture, the book establishes a new genealogy, one that shows the extent to which German idealism’s transcendental account of the social remains dependent upon the scientific origins of psychoanalysis in the material techniques of Mesmerism. The book makes it clear that the rational, transcendental account of spirit, imagination, and the social has its source in the psychological phenomena of affective rapport. Specifically, the imagination undergoes a double displacement in which it is ultimately subject to external influence, the influence of a material technique, or, in short, a technology.

Matters of the Mind

by William Lyons

This book presents a popular and authoritative account of the dramatically different ways in which philosophers have thought about the mind over the last hundred years. It explores the effect of the major turning points in recent western philosophy as well as the influence of the leading figures.

Matters of Vital Interest: A Forty-Year Friendship with Leonard Cohen

by Eric Lerner

A memoir of the author's decades-long friendship and spiritual journey with the late singer, songwriter, novelist, and poet Leonard CohenLeonard Cohen passed away in late 2016, leaving behind many who cared for and admired him, but perhaps few knew him better than longtime friend Eric Lerner. Lerner, a screenwriter and novelist, first met Cohen at a Zen retreat forty years earlier. Their friendship helped guide each other through life's myriad obstacles, a journey told from a new perspective for the first time.Funny, revealing, self-aware, and deeply moving, Matters of Vital Interest is an insightful memoir about Lerner's relationship with his friend, whose idiosyncratic style and dignified life was deeply informed by his spiritual practices. Lerner invites readers to step into the room with them and listen in on a lifetime's ongoing dialogue, considerations of matters of vital interest, spiritual, mundane, and profane. In telling their story, Lerner depicts Leonard Cohen as a captivating persona, the likes of which we may never see again.

Matthew Lipman and Ann Margaret Sharp: Philosophy for Children’s Educational Revolution (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo

This book explores the contribution to education contained in the theoretical work and teaching practice of Matthew Lipman (1923-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010). Their long-lasting cooperation gave rise to the well-known “Philosophy for Children” (P4C) curriculum, which is nowadays globally widespread. P4C basically relies on the following innovations: firstly, the unprecedented connection between philosophy and childhood; secondly, the reframing of philosophy in practical, viz., not reductively theoretical terms; thirdly, the employment of philosophy to foster democracy and moral capabilities through the development of children’s thoughtfulness and autonomous thinking, which would eventually result in empowering children’s social abilities and increasing their self-defence against consumerism, propaganda, and manipulation; finally, the stand against a strictly cognitivist approach to education. More than just contextualizing these innovations in the coeval historical and social context, the author shows that P4C’s revolutionary stance on education relies on the fruitfulness of Lipman and Sharp’s intellectual cooperation and on their manifold abilities as researchers, teachers, trainers, communicators, motivators, and community-builders. The book analyzes their philosophical-educational vision and the scholastic curriculum they developed jointly; additionally, it provides a critical appraisal of P4C’s achievements as well as of its future perspectives.

Mature-Age Male Students in Higher Education: Experiences, Motivations and Aspirations (Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education)

by Madeleine Mattarozzi Laming Aileen Morris Pamela Martin-Lynch

This book explores the unique set of challenges faced by mature-age male undergraduates as they adapt to university study. The authors examine the motivations of mature male students for enrolling in higher education and their aspirations for life after graduation, in doing so filling a crucial gap in the current literature. Later access to higher education carries numerous benefits, including improved social mobility: it is therefore paramount to understand why men tend to be underrepresented among mature students. Exploring the intersections of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, culture and gender, and paying careful attention to the stories of the students themselves, the authors provide a thought-provoking analysis of an underrepresented student group. The book will be of interest and value to students and scholars of mature-age male students, and aspirations and motivations within higher education more generally.

Maurice Blanchot: The Demand of Writing (Warwick Studies in European Philosophy)

by Carolyn Bailey Gill

This timely collection of essays is the first to be written on the work of Maurice Blanchot in English. One of the finest writers of our time, Blanchot is a contemporary of Bataille and Levinas; his writing has influenced the likes of Derrida and Foucault. Eminent commentators featured here include: Simon Critchley, Paul Davies, Cristopher Fynsk, Rodolphe Gasche, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland, Jeffery Mehlman, Roger Laporte, Ian Maclachlan, Marie-Claire Ropars-Wuilleumier, Gillian Rose and Ann Smock. The essays consider the political implications of Blanchot's questioning the relationship between philosophy and literature. In addition, the provocative issue of Blanchot's politics during the 1930s is clarified by a letter from Blanchot to one of the contributors, published here for the first time. Maurice Blanchot: The Demand of Writing is a crucial selection for all students of philosophy, literature or French studies.

Maurice Blondel: A Philosophical Life (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT))

by Oliva Blanchette

French philosopher Maurice Blondel had a tremendous impact on both philosophy and religion over the first half of the twentieth century. He was at once a postmodern critical philosopher and a devout traditional Catholic, trying not only to reconcile these two seemingly disparate factors in his own mind, but also to prove to others that the two must go together. / In the first critical examination of the philosopher’s life Oliva Blanchette tells the story of Blondel’s stormy life confronting an Academy dismissive of religion and a Religion uncomfortable with rational philosophy. This book not only follows his biographical history, but also presents his systematic philosophy, from the beginning of his journey to the culmination found in Philosophical Exigencies of Christianity, the book for which he signed the publishing contract the day before he died. / Maurice Blondel is part of the Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought series, edited by David L. Schindler.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings

by Thomas Baldwin

Merleau-Ponty was a pivotal figure in twentieth century French philosophy. He was responsible for bringing the phenomenological methods of the German philosophers - Husserl and Heidegger - to France and instigated a new wave of interest in this approach. His influence extended well beyond the boundaries of philosophy and can be seen in theories of politics, psychology, art and language.This is the first volume to bring together a comprehensive selection of Merleau-Ponty's writing. Sections from the following are included:The Primacy of PerceptionThe Structure of BehaviourThe Phenomenology of PerceptionThe Prose of the WorldThe Visible and the InvisibleSense and Non-SenseThe Adventures of the DialecticIn a substantial critical introduction Thomas Baldwin provides a critical discussion of the main themes of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy, connecting it to subsequent philosophical debates and setting it in the context of the ideas of Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre. Each text is also prefaced with an explanation which sets it in its context in Merleau-Ponty's work; and there are extensive suggestions for further reading to enable students to pursue the issues raised by Merleau-Ponty. Thus the book provides the ideal materials for students studying Merleau-Ponty for the first time.

Maurice Nicoll: Forgotten Teacher of the Fourth Way

by Gary Lachman

• Traces the life of Maurice Nicoll, who left a successful career as a psychiatrist in 1922 to study with G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky• Explores newly uncovered diaries from Nicoll, revealing his mystical sex practices, his shadow self, and new understandings of his unorthodox teachings• Examines the influence of psychiatrist Carl Jung and Swedish scientist and philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg on Nicoll&’s workIn 1922, Maurice Nicoll (1884-1953) abandoned his successful London psychiatry practice and his direct studies with Carl Jung to move his family just outside of Paris to the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, a center recently opened by philosopher, mystic, and spiritual guru G. I. Gurdjieff, the founder of the esoteric system that became known as the &“Fourth Way.&” Nicoll went on to become one of the most passionate teachers of the Fourth Way, committing the final three decades of his life to teaching &“The Work&” in his own unorthodox style.In this revealing biography, Gary Lachman draws on recently uncovered diaries to explore the unusual, syncretic approach Nicoll brought to his teaching of the Fourth Way. He shows how Nicoll is unique in having Jung, Gurdjieff, and Ouspensky as teachers and to have known each of these important figures in esoteric history personally, yet—as Lachman reveals—Nicoll was not a blind devotee by any stretch. Lachman shows how Nicoll incorporated elements of Jungian psychology and Emanuel Swedenborg-inspired mysticism into his exploration and teaching of both Gurdjieff&’s and Ouspensky&’s ideas, as well as into his own best-known work, Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.Lachman reveals the unorthodox side of Nicoll in fuller detail than ever before through excerpts from recently shared diaries, in which Nicoll included detailed accounts of his own solitary &“self-sex&” erotic experimentations to reach visionary states, along with recordings of his dreams and other personal and mystical reflections. The social details of Nicoll&’s life are also examined, including vivid portraits of the occult scene in the early-to-mid-twentieth century and the communal living situations in which Nicoll sometimes resided. Drawing on his familiarity with hermetic practices and his own experiences with &“The Work,&” Lachman comprehensively explores the significance of Nicoll and the novelty of his thought, offering a profound, needed, and sympathetic but critical study of this man so instrumental to the development and legacy of the Fourth Way.

Max Bense: Werk - Kontext - Wirkung (Abhandlungen Zur Philosophie Ser.)

by Claus Zittel Andrea Albrecht Masetto Bonitz Alexandra Skowronski

Max Bense (1910–1990) gilt als Vorreiter der Computerkunst und der Technikphilosophie und war ein engagierter Förderer von Kunst und Literatur, Promotor interdisziplinären Denkens und politischer Provokateur. Häufig ist es bei der Auseinandersetzung mit Bense jedoch bei diesen Etikettierungen geblieben. Der Sammelband nimmt daher eine konzertierte Neuaufnahme der Diskussion von Max Benses Arbeiten aus literaturwissenschaftlicher, philosophie- und wissenschaftshistorischer sowie aus medien- und ästhetiktheoretischer Perspektive vor. Er versammelt Beiträge zu Themenkomplexen wie der Semiotik, Technikphilosophie, experimentellen Poesie und Ästhetiktheorie, zu Benses lokalen und internationalen Kontakten und Netzwerken sowie zu seinem publizistischen Verhalten im Nationalsozialismus und in der Nachkriegszeit.

Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School

by John Abromeit

This book is the first comprehensive intellectual biography of Max Horkheimer during the early and middle phases of his life (1895-1941). Drawing on unexamined new sources, John Abromeit describes the critical details of Horkheimer's intellectual development. This study recovers and reconstructs the model of early Critical Theory that guided the work of the Institute for Social Research in the 1930s. Horkheimer is remembered primarily as the co-author of Dialectic of Enlightenment, which he wrote with Theodor W. Adorno in the early 1940s. But few people realize that Horkheimer and Adorno did not begin working together seriously until the late 1930s or that the model of Critical Theory developed by Horkheimer and Erich Fromm in the late 1920s and early 1930s differs in crucial ways from Dialectic of Enlightenment. Abromeit highlights the ways in which Horkheimer's early Critical Theory remains relevant to contemporary theoretical discussions in a wide variety of fields.

Max Scheler in Dialogue (Contributions to Phenomenology #118)

by Susan Gottlöber

This volume explores Max Scheler’s role within the philosophical and sociological debates of his time into the 21st century. Scheler was an interpreter, a transmitter of, and respondent to the philosophical and sociological tradition. He was an interlocutor for his contemporaries, and an inspiration for subsequent and current debates in philosophy, psychology, and political thought.Both young and established scholars shed light on central and less investigated aspects of Scheler’s thought, such as the question of moral facts, personal individuality, cosmopolitanism, and opportunities for intercultural understanding. The contributors delve into Scheler’s influence on thinkers such as Tischner or Løgstrup, as well as his role as a key figure within Catholic thought. The book appeals to students and researchers while exploring how engaging with Scheler can benefit contemporary debates on embodiment, psychopathology, and value pluralism.

Max Schmeling und die Entstehung eines Nationalhelden in Deutschland im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert

by Jon Hughes

Dieses Buch ist die erste umfassende Studie über den deutschen Boxer Max Schmeling (1905-2005) als Nationalheld und Repräsentationsfigur in Deutschland zwischen den 1920er Jahren und der Gegenwart. Es untersucht die komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Sport, Kultur, Politik und nationaler Identität und stützt sich dabei auf ein Jahrhundert von Journalismus, Film, bildender Kunst, Lebensberichten und Belletristik. Detaillierte Kapitel analysieren Schmelings Aufstieg zur Ikone in der Weimarer Republik, seine Verbindung zu Amerika, seinen Prominentenstatus im Dritten Reich und seine Rivalität mit Joe Louis als Mittelpunkt eines außergewöhnlichen propagandistischen und ideologischen Wettstreits. Das Buch untersucht auch, wie Schmelings geschäftlicher Erfolg in der Nachkriegszeit ihn mit der Kultur der "Stunde Null" in der Ära des "Wirtschaftswunders" in Verbindung brachte und wie er später als "guter Deutscher" und moralisches Beispiel für eine Nachkriegsgeneration von Deutschen, die entschlossen waren, die Vergangenheit zu "bewältigen", in Anspruch genommen wurde. Das Buch richtet sich an Leser, die sich für die Geschichte des Sports und des Boxens, für Sportdiskurse und politische Kultur sowie für Fragen der nationalen Identität in der modernen deutschen Geschichte interessieren.

Max Stirner

by Saul Newman

Max Stirner was one of the most important and seminal thinkers of the mid-nineteenth century. He exposed the religiosity behind secular humanism and rationalism, and the domination of the individual behind liberal modes of politics. This edited collection explores Stirner's radical and contemporary importance as a political theorist.

Max Stirner and the Political Theology of Fanaticism

by Jorn Janssen

This book provides a rigorous and insightful exploration of political fanaticism, guided by a nuanced interpretation of the works of Max Stirner, a philosopher often overlooked in contemporary discourse. Based on a comprehensive analysis of Stirner's perspectives, the book sheds light on the phenomenon of political fanaticism and its implications for modern society. Defined as an intense and irrational emotional investment in political convictions, political fanaticism permeates both North American and European contexts, presenting a significant area of study within political theory. The aim of this work is not to advocate for any particular ideological position but rather to critically examine the phenomenon itself. Central to the investigation is Stirner's distinctive idea that political fanaticism mirrors the fervor of religious zealotry transposed onto the political stage. By delving into Stirner's philosophical insights, the book aims to elucidate the underlying mechanisms driving political fanaticism and its relationship to broader societal shifts. Contributing to the field of political theology by exploring the intersections between politics and religious belief systems, the aim is to achieve a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics at play in contemporary political discourse. Ultimately, the goal is to provide scholars and researchers with a comprehensive framework for analyzing and contextualizing political fanaticism within the broader landscape of modern politics. By engaging with Stirner's works and interrogating their relevance to contemporary challenges, the book seeks to enrich scholarly discourse and foster critical reflection on this pressing issue.

Max Weber (Key Sociologists Ser.)

by Frank Parkin

This study of Weber's sociology, written by an eminent authority, is a clear and illuminating discussion of the most important elements of Weber's thinking. The book concentrates on four main elements of Weber's work: his approach to sociological method, ethical neutrality and historical explanation; his influential work on religion and capitalism; his theory of authority and political power; and his contribution to the analysis of class, status and party.

Max Weber and Michel Foucault: Parallel Life-Works (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Arpad Szakolczai

Max Weber and Michael Foucault are among the most controversial and fascinating thinkers of our century. This book is the first to jointly analyse them in detail, and to make effective links between their lives and work; it coincides with a substantial resurgence of interest in their writings. The author's exciting interpretative approach reveals a new dimension in reading the work of Foucault and Weber; it will be invaluable to students and those researching in sociology and philosophy.

The Max Weber Dictionary: Key Words and Central Concepts, Second Edition

by Ola Agevall Richard Swedberg

Max Weber is one of the world's most important social scientists, but he is also one of the most notoriously difficult to understand. This revised, updated, and expanded edition of The Max Weber Dictionary reflects up-to-the-moment threads of inquiry and introduces the most recent translations and references. Additionally, the authors include new entries designed to help researchers use Weber's ideas in their own work; they illuminate how Weber himself thought theorizing should occur and how he went about constructing a theory. More than an elementary dictionary, however, this work makes a contribution to the general culture and legacy of Weber's work. In addition to entries on broad topics like religion, law, and the West, the completed German definitive edition of Weber's work (Max Weber Gesamtausgabe) necessitated a wealth of new entries and added information on topics like pragmatism and race and racism. Every entry in the dictionary delves into Weber scholarship and acts as a point of departure for discussion and research. As such, this book will be an invaluable resource to general readers, students, and scholars alike.

Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought: From Charisma to Canonization

by Joshua Derman

Max Weber is widely regarded as one of the foundational thinkers of the twentieth century. But how did this reclusive German scholar manage to leave such an indelible mark on modern political and social thought? Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought is the first comprehensive account of Weber's wide-ranging impact on both German and American intellectuals. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Joshua Derman illuminates what Weber meant to contemporaries in the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany and analyzes why they reached for his concepts to articulate such widely divergent understandings of modern life. The book also accounts for the transformations that Weber's concepts underwent at the hands of émigré and American scholars, and in doing so, elucidates one of the major intellectual movements of the mid-twentieth century: the transatlantic migration of German thought.

Max Weber's Theory of Modernity: The Endless Pursuit of Meaning (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory)

by Michael Symonds

This book illuminates an important dimension of the work of Max Weber. Weber’s theory of meaning and modernity is articulated through an understanding of his account of the way in which the pursuit of meaning in the modern world has been shaped by the loss of Western religion and how such pursuit gives sense to the phenomena of human suffering and death. Through a close, scholarly reading of Weber’s extensive writings and Vocation Lectures, the author explores the concepts of ’paradox’ and ’brotherliness’ as found in Weber’s work, in order to offer an original exposition of Weber’s actual theory of how meaning and meaninglessness work in the modern world. In addition to making a substantial and highly original contribution to the sociology of modernity, the book applies the theory of meaning extracted from Weber’s thought, addressing the claim that Weber’s work has been rendered out-dated by the supposed re-enchantment of the modern world, as well as discussing the ways this theory can contribute to our understanding of the development of specific forms of modernity. A rigorous examination of the thought of one of the most important figures in classical sociology, this volume will appeal to scholars of sociology, social theory and philosophy with interests in modernity, Weber and the concept of meaning.

Max Weber’s Theory of the Modern State

by Andreas Anter

Andreas Anter reconstructs Max Weber's theory of the modern state, showing its significance to contemporary political science. He reveals the ambivalence of Weber's political thought: the oscillation between an #65533;tatiste position, mainly oriented to the reason of state, and an individualistic one, focussed on the freedom of individuals

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