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**Missing**: Techno-Imaginaries around 2000 and the case of "Piazza virtuale" (1992) (Neue Perspektiven der Medienästhetik)

by Christoph Ernst Jens Schröter

The late 20th century was a formative phase in the history of digital media culture. The introduction of "new media" was associated with promises for the future that still resonate today. This book brings together contributions that discuss key aspects of the "imaginaries" surrounding new media in this epoch. The focus is on the works of the media artist group Van Gogh-TV, especially the historically very important interactive television project "Piazza virtuale" (1992).

**Missing**: Formal and Conceptual Issues of Language (Language, Cognition, and Mind #10)

by Manuel Rebuschi Michel Musiol Maxime Amblard

This present book explores recent advances in modeling discourse processes, in particular, new approaches aimed at understanding pathological language behavior specific to schizophrenia. The contributors examine the modeling paradigm of formal semantics, which falls within the scope of both linguistics and logic while providing overlapping links with other fields such as philosophy of language and cognitive psychology. This book is based on results presented during the series of workshops on (In)Coherence and Discourse organized by SLAM (Schizophrenia and Language: Analysis and Modeling), a project developed to systemize the study of pathological language processing by taking an overarching interdisciplinary approach combining psychology, linguistics, computer science and philosophy. The principle focus is on conversations produced by people with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. The contributions come from young and experienced researchers, and invited speakers. The book appeals to likeminded students and researchers.

**Missing**: Becoming (Partially) Posthumanist (Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories)

by Kathryn Riley

This book is situated in the simultaneous thinking (theory) and doing (action) of posthumanist performativity and new materialist methodologies to bring forth a multitude of stories that demonstrate co-constituted and co-implicated worldmaking practices.It is written in response to the fact that our Earth is at a critical juncture. As atmospheric temperatures rise and cast unprecedented and wide-spread social and ecological crises across the planet, social and ecological injustices and threats cannot be separated from globalising, neoliberal, capitalist, and colonial discourses that proliferate through anthropocentric and humancentric logics. Manifesting in binary classifications that position the human as separate from the Earth, and dominant categories of the human in hierarchies of power, such logics homogenise and institutionalise the field of environmental education and result in an over-emphasis on instrumentalist, technicist, and mechanistic teaching and learning practices.Exploring the affects emerging within, and between, an assemblage comprising Researcher/Teacher/Environmental Education Worldings, this book seeks to understand how the researcher makes sense of herself with/in the broader ecologies of the world; collaborative processes with an elementary-school teacher in Saskatchewan, Canada, as actualised through four co-created and co-implemented multisensory researcher/teacher enactments (Mindful Walking, Mapping Worlds, Eco-art Installation, and Photographic Encounters); and how the researcher/teacher organises themselves with Land-based pedagogies, environmental education curriculum policy, and wider discourses of Western education. This book does not propose a better way of teaching and learning in environmental education. Rather, showing how difference between categories is relationally bound, this book offers a conceptual (re)storying of human/Earth relationships in environmental education for social and ecological justice in these times of the Anthropocene.

The Missing Child in Liberal Theory: Towards a Covenant Theory of Family, Community, Welfare and the Civic State (The Royal Society of Canada Special Publications)

by John O'Neill

The Missing Child in Liberal Theory opens public discourse on what it is Canadians hold in common through their provision of civic assurances to children and families at risk. John O'Neill presents a strongly-worded critique of the dominant discourse of the market society. He observes the link between 'duty free' capitalism and minimal civic obligations. This book calls for a covenant society where civility and reciprocity are underwritten by a second generation concept of the Canadian welfare state that will not abandon children to disastrous prospects in a market society.Confronting the current call for a leaner and meaner response to global competitiveness, O'Neill challenges concepts of liberalism and communitarianism. In their place he proposes a covenant concept of state, community, and family assurances to derive from our common provision of a civic endowment that we undertake to sustain now and for future generations of Canadians.O'Neill argues that if Canada is to survive as a national community capable of responding to the global market, we must reaffirm the civic foundations of the state. If we fail to do this, we will not have a leaner society, only a meaner one. This society will be hostile to capitalism and socialism alike. If we can rededicate the Canadian commons to the well-being of the civic person, Canada will contribute a model of survival and governance among the nations of the twenty-first century.

A Missing Link in Cybernetics: Logic and Continuity (IFSR International Series in Systems Science and Systems Engineering #26)

by Alex M. Andrew

The text begins by reviewing the origins and aims of cybernetics with particular reference to Warren McCulloch's declared lifetime quest of "understanding man's understanding". It is shown that continuous systems can undergo complex self-organization, but a need for classification of situations becomes apparent and can be seen as the evolutionary beginning of concept-based processing. Possibilities for complex self-organization are emphasized by discussion of a general principle that has been termed significance feedback, of which backpropagation of errors in neural nets is a special case. It is also noted that continuous measures come to be associated with processing that is essentially concept-based, as acknowledged in Marvin Minsky's reference to heuristic connection between problems, and the associated basic learning heuristic of Minsky and Selfridge. This reappearance of continuity, along with observations on the multi-layer structure of intelligent systems, supports a potentially valuable view of intelligence as having a fractal nature. This is such that structures at a complex level, interpreted in terms of these emergent measures, reflect others at a simpler level. Implications for neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence are also examined. The book presents unconventional and challenging viewpoints that will be of interest to researchers in AI, psychology, cybernetics and systems science, and should help promote further research.

The Missing Piece: The Essential Skills That Education Forgot

by Tom Ravenscroft

There is a fundamental gap in education. While we focus on building knowledge and securing good grades there is something missing. All of us, whatever we do, need a core set of skills which go beyond the academic - to work with others, to manage ourselves, to communicate effectively, and to creatively solve problems. We might call them different things but we draw on them as much as numeracy or literacy. Tom Ravenscroft knows them as the enterprise skills. If we need them, our students need them even more. They underpin effective learning in the classroom. They stop students dropping out at university. They are more highly valued than academic grades by employers. They are a foundation for successful entrepreneurship. They are the enablers of civic engagement and social mobility. When we look to the next decades, in a world of increased automation, fragmented jobs and the need for constant learning it is these skills that will really set our children and young people up for future success. Yet as an education system, we behave as if they cannot or should not be taught. But they can be, and they must be. Tom Ravenscroft has writen this book almost a decade after he set up Enabling Enterprise as a social enterprise. He was a secondary school teacher and the Enabling Enterprise programme was for the students in his inner-city classroom. They were not learning enough in school, and were in no sense set up for the rest of their lives. Over the last ten years, he has had the enormous privilege of leading a growing team of teachers and has worked with hundreds of classroom teachers, thousands of employer volunteers and over 200,000 students. He has seen these students build those skills with the same rigour and focus as any other academic learning. And he has seen that when they are mastered, we truly allow our students to achieve their potential.

The Missing Piece: The Essential Skills That Education Forgot

by Tom Ravenscroft

There is a fundamental gap in education. While we focus on building knowledge and securing good grades there is something missing. All of us, whatever we do, need a core set of skills which go beyond the academic - to work with others, to manage ourselves, to communicate effectively, and to creatively solve problems. We might call them different things but we draw on them as much as numeracy or literacy. Tom Ravenscroft knows them as the enterprise skills. If we need them, our students need them even more. They underpin effective learning in the classroom. They stop students dropping out at university. They are more highly valued than academic grades by employers. They are a foundation for successful entrepreneurship. They are the enablers of civic engagement and social mobility. When we look to the next decades, in a world of increased automation, fragmented jobs and the need for constant learning it is these skills that will really set our children and young people up for future success. Yet as an education system, we behave as if they cannot or should not be taught. But they can be, and they must be. Tom Ravenscroft has writen this book almost a decade after he set up Enabling Enterprise as a social enterprise. He was a secondary school teacher and the Enabling Enterprise programme was for the students in his inner-city classroom. They were not learning enough in school, and were in no sense set up for the rest of their lives. Over the last ten years, he has had the enormous privilege of leading a growing team of teachers and has worked with hundreds of classroom teachers, thousands of employer volunteers and over 200,000 students. He has seen these students build those skills with the same rigour and focus as any other academic learning. And he has seen that when they are mastered, we truly allow our students to achieve their potential.

The Missing Two-Thirds of Evolutionary Theory (Elements in the Philosophy of Biology)

by Robert Brandon Daniel W. McShea

In this Element, we extend our earlier treatment of biology's first law. The law says that in any evolutionary system in which there is variation and heredity, there is a tendency for diversity and complexity to increase. The law plays the same role in biology that Newton's first law plays in physics, explaining what biological systems are expected to do when no forces act, in other words, what happens when nothing happens. Here we offer a deeper explanation of certain features of the law, develop a quantitative version of it, and explore its consequences for our understanding of diversity and complexity.

Mission High: One School, How Experts Tried to Fail It, and the Students and Teachers Who Made It Triumph

by Kristina Rizga

"This book is a godsend . . . a moving portrait for anyone wanting to go beyond the simplified labels and metrics and really understand an urban high school, and its highly individual, resilient, eager and brilliant students and educators. ” --Dave Eggers, co-founder, 826 National and ScholarMatch Darrell is a reflective, brilliant young man, who never thought of himself as a good student. He always struggled with his reading and writing skills. Darrell’s father, a single parent, couldn't afford private tutors. By the end of middle school, Darrell’s grades and his confidence were at an all time low. Then everything changed. When education journalist Kristina Rizga first met Darrell at Mission High School, he was taking AP calculus class, writing a ten-page research paper, and had received several college acceptance letters. And Darrell was not an exception. More than 80 percent of Mission High seniors go to college every year, even though the school teaches large numbers of English learners and students from poor families. So, why has the federal government been threatening to close Mission High--and schools like it across the country? The United States has been on a century long road toward increased standardization in our public schools, which resulted in a system that reduces the quality of education to primarily one metric: standardized test scores. According to this number, Mission High is a "low-performing” school even though its college enrollment, graduation, attendance rates and student surveys are some of the best in the country. The qualities that matter the most in learning--skills like critical thinking, intellectual engagement, resilience, empathy, self-management, and cultural flexibility--can’t be measured by multiple-choice questions designed by distant testing companies, Rizga argues, but they can be detected by skilled teachers in effective, personalized and humane classrooms that work for all students, not just the most motivated ones. Based on four years of reporting with unprecedented access, the unforgettable, intimate stories in these pages throw open the doors to America’s most talked about--and arguably least understood--public school classrooms where the largely invisible voices of our smart, resilient students and their committed educators can offer a clear and hopeful blueprint for what it takes to help all students succeed.

The Missouri Compromise and Its Aftermath

by Robert Pierce Forbes

Robert Pierce Forbes goes behind the scenes of the crucial Missouri Compromise, the most important sectional crisis before the Civil War, to reveal the high-level deal-making, diplomacy, and deception that defused the crisis, including the central, unexpected role of President James Monroe. Although Missouri was allowed to join the union with slavery, the compromise in fact closed off nearly all remaining federal territories to slavery. When Congressman James Tallmadge of New York proposed barring slavery from the new state of Missouri, he sparked the most candid discussion of slavery ever held in Congress. The southern response quenched the surge of nationalism and confidence following the War of 1812 and inaugurated a new politics of racism and reaction. The South's rigidity on slavery made it an alluring electoral target for master political strategist Martin Van Buren, who emerged as the key architect of a new Democratic Party explicitly designed to mobilize southern unity and neutralize antislavery sentiment. Forbes's analysis reveals a surprising national consensus against slavery a generation before the Civil War, which was fractured by the controversy over Missouri.Robert Pierce Forbes goes behind the scenes of the crucial Missouri Compromise, the most important sectional crisis before the Civil War, to reveal the high-level deal-making, diplomacy, and deception that defused the crisis, including the central, unexpected role of President James Monroe. Although Missouri was allowed to join the union as a slave state, Forbes observes, the compromise in fact closed off nearly all remaining federal territory to slavery. Forbes's analysis reveals a surprising national consensus against slavery a generation before the Civil War, which was fractured by the controversy over Missouri.-->

Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump

by Asad Haider

A powerful challenge to the way we understand the politics of race and the history of anti-racist struggleWhether class or race is the more important factor in modern politics is a question right at the heart of recent history’s most contentious debates. Among groups who should readily find common ground, there is little agreement. To escape this deadlock, Asad Haider turns to the rich legacies of the black freedom struggle. Drawing on the words and deeds of black revolutionary theorists, he argues that identity politics is not synonymous with anti-racism, but instead amounts to the neutralization of its movements. It marks a retreat from the crucial passage of identity to solidarity, and from individual recognition to the collective struggle against an oppressive social structure.Weaving together autobiographical reflection, historical analysis, theoretical exegesis, and protest reportage, Mistaken Identity is a passionate call for a new practice of politics beyond colorblind chauvinism and “the ideology of race.”

Misuse of Mind: A Study of Bergson's Attack on Intellectualism (International Library of Philosophy)

by Karin Stephen

This is Volume IV of five in a series on Epistemology and Metaphysics. Originally published in 1922, this study looks at Henri Bergson's (nineteenth century French Philosopher) attack on intellectualism and his aim to direct attention to the reality which he believes we all actually know already, but misinterpret and disregard because we are biased by preconceived ideas.

Los mitos vascos: aproximación hermenéutica

by Andrés Ortiz-Osés

Veinticinco años después de la publicación de su exitosa obra El matriarcalismo vasco, avalada por el propio J.M. Barandiarán, Andrés Ortiz-Osés vuelve a plantear aquí el tema de los mitos vascos desde la distancia que confiere la experiencia. La metodología es la hermenéutica simbólica y la mitología comparada, aportando una interpretación sistemática de la cosmovisión tradicional vasca de forma inteligible y sin forzarla.<P><P> En este libro se dan cita los arquetipos fundamentales (la Tierra madre, la diosa Mari...), así como las leyendas (Kixmi, López de Haro...), el Carnaval y la pelota... La obra se cierra con una consideración sobre el Animismo, el paso de la caverna al templo y al museo (Guggenheim), y la mitología actual.

Mixed Ability Grouping: A Philosophical Perspective (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Education #1)

by Charles Bailey David Bridges

The book, first published in 1983, explores the argument that justifies mixed ability groupings in schools and the consequences of practicing the different justificatory arguments. The issues to be dealt with by staff making decisions about grouping arrangements in their schools are clearly worked out from basic principles rooted in social philosophy. The ideas of social justice and fraternity, implicit and unexamined in much discussions about mixed-ability grouping are here explained and their limitations and implications described. The issues discussed in this book are not only important for teachers and for those studying to become teachers, but also for school governors, administrators and parents who can gain a better understanding of the school system through this study.

Mixed Methods in den Digital Humanities: Topic-informierte Diskursanalyse am Beispiel der Volkszählungs- und Zensusdebatte (Digitalitätsforschung / Digitality Research)

by Anne Deremetz

Die Topic-informierte Diskursanalyse ist ein Mixed-Methods-Verfahren, das Methoden des Text-Mining mit der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse verbindet, um Diskurstransformationen im Zeitverlauf zu analysieren. Im ersten Teil wird das Verfahren entwickelt und der epistemologische, theoretische, methodologische und methodische Aufbau erläutert. Im zweiten Teil wird das Verfahren am Beispiel der Volkszählungs- und Zensusdebatte in Deutschland in den Jahren 1982-2020 angewendet und veranschaulicht. Das Buch richtet sich an Diskursforscher:innen und Forscher:innen der Digital Humanities, die Methoden aus beiden Fachbereichen kombiniert einsetzen und anwenden wollen.

Mixed-Race Youth and Schooling: The Fifth Minority

by Sandra Winn Tutwiler

This timely, in-depth examination of the educational experiences and needs of mixed-race children ("the fifth minority") focuses on the four contexts that primarily influence learning and development: the family, school, community, and society-at-large. The book provides foundational historical, social, political, and psychological information about mixed-race children and looks closely at their experiences in schools, their identity formation, and how schools can be made more supportive of their development and learning needs. Moving away from an essentialist discussion of mixed-race children, a wide variety of research is included. Life and schooling experiences of mixed-raced individuals are profiled throughout the text. Rather than pigeonholing children into a neat box of descriptions or providing readymade prescriptions for educators, Mixed-Race Youth and Schooling offers information and encourages teachers to critically reflect on how it is relevant to and helpful in their teaching/learning contexts.

Mixing Minds

by Jeremy D. Safran Pilar Jennings

"We cannot find ourselves, or be ourselves, alone." - from Mixing Minds Mixing Minds explores the interpersonal relationships between psychoanalysts and their patients, and Buddhist teachers and their students. Through the author's own personal journey in both traditions, she sheds light on how these contrasting approaches to wellness affect our most intimate relationships. These dynamic relationships provide us with keen insight into the emotional ups and downs of our lives - from fear and anxiety to love, compassion, and equanimity. Mixing Minds delves into the most intimate of relationships and shows us how these relationships are the key to the realization of our true selves.

Mixing Races: From Scientific Racism to Modern Evolutionary Ideas (Johns Hopkins Introductory Studies in the History of Science)

by Paul Lawrence Farber

“Traces both historically and sociologically the changing attitudes on race-mixing (miscegenation) in western culture . . . clear, well written and useful.” —Journal of the History of BiologyThis book explores changing American views of race mixing in the twentieth century, showing how new scientific ideas transformed accepted notions of race and how those ideas played out on college campuses in the 1960s.In the 1930s it was not unusual for medical experts to caution against miscegenation, or race mixing, espousing the common opinion that it would produce biologically dysfunctional offspring. By the 1960s the scientific community roundly refuted this theory. Paul Lawrence Farber traces this revolutionary shift in scientific thought, explaining how developments in modern population biology, genetics, and anthropology proved that opposition to race mixing was a social prejudice with no justification in scientific knowledge.In the 1960s, this new knowledge helped to change attitudes toward race and discrimination, especially among college students. Their embrace of social integration caused tension on campuses across the country. Students rebelled against administrative interference in their private lives, and university regulations against interracial dating became a flashpoint in the campus revolts that revolutionized American educational institutions.Farber’s provocative study is a personal one, featuring interviews with mixed-race couples and stories from the author’s student years at the University of Pittsburgh. As such, Mixing Races offers a unique perspective on how contentious debates taking place on college campuses reflected radical shifts in race relations in the larger society.“A fascinating look at how evolutionary science has changed alongside social beliefs.” —Midwest Book Review“Will open the dialogue about social barriers and group identities . . . Essential.” —Choice

Miyamoto Musashi: His Life and Writings

by Kenji Tokitsu Sherab Chodzin Kohn

Miyamoto Musashi, who lived in Japan in the fifteenth century, was a renowned samurai warrior. He has become a martial arts icon, known not just as an undefeated dueler, but also as a master of battlefield strategy. Kenji Tokitsu turns a critical eye on Musashi's life and writings, separating fact from fiction, and giving a clear picture of the man behind the myth. Musashi's best-known work, The Book of Five Rings, provides timeless insight into the nature of conflict. Tokitsu translates and provides extensive commentary on that popular work, as well as three other short texts on strategy that were written before it, and a longer, later work entitled "The Way to Be Followed Alone." Tokitsu is a thoughtful and informed guide, putting the historical and philosophical aspects of the text into context, and illuminating the etymological nuances of particular Japanese words and phrases. As a modern martial artist and a scholar, Tokitsu provides a view of Musashi's life and ideas that is accessible and relevant to today's readers and martial arts students.

Mme de Staël and Political Liberalism in France

by Chinatsu Takeda

This book sheds light on the unique aspects of ‘communal liberalism’ in Mme de Staël’s writings and considers her contribution to nineteenth-century French liberal political thought. Focusing notably on the ‘Considérations sur les principaux événements de la Révolution française’, it examines the originality of Stael’s liberal philosophy. Rather than contrasting liberalism with either multiculturalism or republicanism, the book argues that Staël’s communal liberalism challenges the conventions of nineteenth-century political thought, notably through her assertion of the need to institutionalize an organic intermediary connecting the two spheres, an idea later advanced by thinkers such as Jürgen Habermas. Offering a critical reappraisal of Staël’s multifaceted work, this book assesses the political impact of her work, arguing that the political influence of the ‘Considérations’ permeates the liberal historiography of the French Revolution up to the present day.

Mnemosyne: The Parallel Between Literature and the Visual Arts (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts #16)

by Mario Praz

The classic study of the timeless relationship between literature and the visual artsIn his search for a common link between literature and the visual arts, Mario Praz draws on the abundant evidence of mutual understanding and correspondence they have long shared. Praz explains that within literature, each epoch has “its peculiar handwriting or handwritings, which, if one could interpret them, would reveal a character, even a physical appearance,” and while these characteristics belong to the general style of a given period, the personality of the writer does not fail to pierce through. Praz contends that something similar occurs in art. He shows how the likeness between the arts within various periods of history can ultimately be traced to structural similarities that arise out of the characteristic way in which the people of a certain epoch see and memorize facts aesthetically. Mnemosyne, at once the goddess of memory and the mother of the muses, presides over this view of the arts. In illustrating her influence, Praz ranges widely through Western sources, providing an incomparable tour of the literary and pictorial arts.

Mobile Communication and Online Falsehoods in Asia: Trends, Impact and Practice (Mobile Communication in Asia: Local Insights, Global Implications)

by Carol Soon

This book focuses on developments and trends pertaining to online falsehoods and mobile instant messaging services (MIMS), the impact of online falsehoods transmitted via MIMS, and practice and intervention. As the reliance on mobile devices for news seeking and information sharing continues to grow, the spread of online falsehoods on MIMS is a problem that confounds academics, practitioners, and policymakers. Recent developments in countries such as Brazil and India demonstrate how MIMS facilitate the spread of online falsehoods. Given that a number of non-academic and non-governmental institutions in the region are doing important work in countering the influence of online falsehoods, this book also includes contributions by practitioners who design initiatives and programmes in this area. The book is a timely contribution in addressing the distinct issues of online falsehoods in a large, technophilic region such as Asia, grappling with problems of online falsehoods on so many fronts, including ideological extremism, political opportunism, cyberscams, political activism, digitalised learning, geopolitical tensions, and more. Relevant to researchers and policymakers, this book provides a timely and critical analysis of both research and practice conducted in the Asian context by scholars hailing from a range of disciplines such media studies, political communication, cultural studies, and cognitive science.

Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media

by Jason Farman

Mobile media – from mobile phones to smartphones to netbooks – are transforming our daily lives. We communicate, we locate, we network, we play, and much more using our mobile devices. In Mobile Interface Theory, Jason Farman demonstrates how the worldwide adoption of mobile technologies is causing a reexamination of the core ideas about what it means to live our everyday lives. He argues that mobile media’s pervasive computing model, which allows users to connect and interact with the internet while moving across a wide variety of locations, has produced a new sense of self among users – a new embodied identity that stems from virtual space and material space regularly enhancing, cooperating or disrupting each other. Exploring a range of mobile media practices – including mobile maps and GPS technologies, location-aware social networks, urban and alternate reality games that use mobile devices, performance art, and storytelling projects – Farman illustrates how mobile technologies are changing the ways we produce lived, embodied spaces.

Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media

by Jason Farman

In this updated second edition, Jason Farman offers a groundbreaking look at how location-aware mobile technologies are radically shifting our sense of identity, community, and place-making practices. Mobile Interface Theory is a foundational book in mobile media studies, with the first edition winning the Book of the Year Award from the Association of Internet Researchers. It explores a range of mobile media practices from interface design to maps, AR/VR, mobile games, performances that use mobile devices, and mobile storytelling projects. Throughout, Farman provides readers with a rich theoretical framework to understand the ever-transforming landscape of mobile media and how they shape our bodily practices in the spaces we move through. This fully updated second edition features updated examples throughout, reflecting the shifts in mobile technology. This is the ideal text for those studying mobile media, social media, digital media, and mobile storytelling.

Mobile Media and Social Intimacies in Asia: Reconfiguring Local Ties and Enacting Global Relationships (Mobile Communication in Asia: Local Insights, Global Implications)

by Jason Vincent A. Cabañes Cecilia S. Uy-Tioco

This edited volume brings together cutting-edge studies from emerging scholars of East/Southeast Asia who explore the role of mobile media in the contemporary transformation of the region’s social intimacies, from the romantic to the familial to the communal. By providing a regional and transnational overview of such studies, it affords new insights into how these mobile technologies have contributed to the rise of ‘glocal intimacies’. This pertains to the normalisation and intensification of how people’s relationships of closeness are entangled in the ever-shifting and constantly negotiated flows between global modernity and local everyday life. In providing case studies of mobile media and glocal intimacies, the chapters in the volume attend to a broad range of countries that include China, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, and Taiwan. This illustrates the differing ways in which mobile media might be embedded in the region’s divergent articulations of social intimacies, which reflect the ongoing tensions between Western and Asian imaginaries of modernity. The chapters also discuss a wide array of mobile media that people use, from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, to messaging apps like KakaoTalk and WhatsApp, to dating apps like Tinder and Blued. This allows for a mapping out of the different levels of impact that mobile media might have on social intimacies in a region that contains some of the most technologically advanced as well as the most technologically behind societies in the world. In summary, this book allows readers to take a comparative approach to understanding the complexity of the glocal intimacies that are emerging from the ways people in Asia use mobile media to reconfigure their local ties and to enact global relationships. This volume will benefit students, academics, and researchers who are keen in media and communication, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, and Asian studies. “This exciting and much-needed book will greatly advance our efforts to decolonise media and communications research. The chapters offer empirically rich and nuanced accounts that challenge the dominant paradigms about mediated intimacy.”Mirca Madianou, Goldsmiths, University of London “This collection develops the original concept of ‘glocal intimacies’ to describe how mobile media have become a crucial site where new social intimacies are enacted, reinforced and transformed in Asia. It introduces fresh empirical research from emerging scholars to furnish deep theoretical insights into these imaginaries and practices.” Audrey Yue, National University of Singapore

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