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Mental Traps

by Andre Kukla

Mental Traps is André Kukla's immensely enjoyable and down-to-earth catalogue of the everyday blunders we make in our thinking habits, how these traps can affect our entire lives, and what we can do about it.Ever find yourself putting off even relatively minor tasks because of the many other little jobs that you'd have to tackle first? Or spending far too much time worrying about things you can't change? Or living for the future, not for today? Truth is, we all do -- and we all recognize that sometimes our ways of thinking just aren't productive. When it comes to our daily lives, we often laugh off habits like procrastination as being human nature and just resolve to approach things differently next time. Or, when the issues facing us are enormous or traumatic, we might recognize that we're dwelling on our problems, or otherwise spending our time on fruitless thinking, but have no idea how to get out of that miserable rut. Either way, it takes up a lot of our mental energy.But as André Kukla makes clear in Mental Traps, what we don't recognize -- or at least admit to ourselves! -- is how thinking unproductively about even the smallest elements of everyday life can mount up and keep us from being happy, from living life to the fullest. For what appear to be minor lapses are actually "habitual modes of thinking that disturb our ease, waste enormous amounts of our time, and deplete our energy without accomplishing anything of value for us or anyone else." So whether we're dealing with how to attain our major career goals or deciding when to serve the salad course at dinnertime, the end results can be much the same: readily identifiable patterns of wasteful thinking. These, in Kukla's view, are the mental traps.In his introduction, Kukla compares his method to that of naturalist's guides, which take a very matter-of-fact approach to providing practical information. He then outlines eleven common mental traps, such as persistence, fixation, acceleration, procrastination and regulation. Devoting a chapter to each, he provides simple examples to help us to identify mental traps in our own thinking -- and to recognize why it would be beneficial to change our ways. Our anxiety, our dissatisfaction, our disappointment -- these are often the consequences of thinking about the world the wrong way. And it's in the parallels he draws between the major and minor events of our lives that he truly brings his point home: How is refusing to eat olives like toiling at a job that has long ago lost all satisfaction? How is arriving at the airport too early a symptom of a life never fully lived? Again, what can seem to be a very inconsequential habit can actually signal bigger, more detrimental problems in our ways of thinking.Kukla's goal -- one that we should share, in the end -- is to help us realize how much more enjoyable our lives would be if we were a little more attentive to our thought processes. Just as Buddhism, from which the author has drawn many of his ideas, teaches that we should perform all of our acts mindfully, Kukla suggests that we make a conscious effort to step back, clear our minds, and simply observe how our thoughts develop. By doing so, we will begin to recognize unproductive patterns in our own thinking, and then we can try to avoid them. Ultimately, Kukla hopes that Mental Traps will help readers move towards what he calls a "liberated consciousness" -- a state in which we no longer allow mental traps to inhibit our experiences. From having more energy to being able to act impulsively, we'd realize the benefits of living in the moment and feel truly free.From the Hardcover edition.

Mente Zen, mente de principiante (Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind)

by Trudy Dixon Shunryu Suzuki Richard Baker David Chadwick

En los más de cuarenta años que han transcurrido desde su publicación original, Mente Zen, mente de principiante se ha convertido en uno de los grandes clásicos de la espiritualidad moderna, muy querido, continuamente releído y profusamente recomendado como el mejor libro que se puede leer sobre el Zen. Suzuki Roshi presenta las bases --desde los detalles de la postura y la respiración en zazen hasta la percepción de la no dualidad-- de un modo que, además de ser notablemente claro, resuena con la alegría de la comprensión desde la primera hasta la última página.In the forty-plus years since its original publication, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind has become one of the great modern Zen classics, much beloved, much reread, and much recommended as the best first book to read on Zen. Suzuki Roshi presents the basics--from the details of posture and breathing in zazen to the perception of nonduality--in a way that not only is remarkably clear, but that also resonates with the joy of insight from the first to the last page.

Las mentiras que nos unen: Replanteando la identidad

by Kwame Anthony Appiah

Un poderoso manifiesto contra la guerra de identidades, por uno de los más lúcidos pensadores contemporáneos. «Breve pero poderoso. Appiah desmantela elegantemente la farsa, el dogma y la propaganda que persisten en nuestros intentos de discutir la "identidad". Inspirador e imprescindible.»Zadie Smith Género, religión, raza, nacionalidad, clase y cultura. Estos conceptos nos definen y moldean nuestro mundo polarizado. Sin embargo, las identidades colectivas que generan están plagadas de contradicciones y falsedades. Al explorar su naturaleza y su historia -desde las engañosas ideas sobre la raza del XIX hasta los debates contemporáneos sobre «apropiación cultural»- Kwame Anthony Appiah se deshace de los mitos más venenosos y desmonta con lucidez nuestras ideas preconcebidas sobre cómo funcionan estas identidades. Todos sabemos que las identidades crean conflictos, pero Appiah revela cómo las identidades nacen del conflicto. Y demuestra también, entrelazando lúcidos argumentos, maravillosos ejemplos históricos y anécdotas personales en una narración vibrante, que nuestro preciado concepto de soberanía nacional es incoherente; que la idea misma de la cultura occidental es un espejismo deslumbrante; y, en definitiva, que no existe una esencia asociada a una determinada identidad social que explique por qué las personas son como son. Appiah, filósofo ghanés de madre inglesa y padre perteneciente a la etnia asante, está en una posición idónea para reflexionar sobre cosmopolitismo, pertenencia e identidad. Su libro es un manifiesto filosófico para el siglo XXI. La crítica ha dicho...«Inteligente y sutil, ligero y a la vez lleno de apreciaciones perspicaces.»Daniel Gascón, Letras Libres «Necesitamos más pensadores tan sabios como Appiah.»Anand Giridharadas, The New York Times Book Review (portada) «Las principales identidades de las culturas contemporáneas pueden ser erróneas. Hay mucho que aprender de esta espléndida obra.»Amartya Sen, premio Nobel de Economía «Excelente. Aunque la solución a la fractura de nuestro mundo sea inalcanzable, al menos este libro nos ayuda a ver con claridad el problema.»Clifford Thompson, The Washington Post «La tesis de este entretenido y serpenteante viaje es que las identidades son menos sólidas de lo que se suele pensar.»The Economist «Appiah nos invita a ceder ante la difícil tarea de vivir con complejidad, es decir, de ser modernos. Erudito, personal, oportuno y profundamente humano. Un libro para nuestro tiempo.»Arlie Russell Hochschild «Escritor elegante y pensador trascendente, Anthony Appiah revela la manipulación histórica de los estereotipos de color y raza. Nos conduce a replantearnos a qué tribu pertenecemos. Una genialidad y una lectura placentera.»Mary Karr, autora de El club de los mentirosos e Iluminada «Uno de los más relevantes escritores en temas como la identidad, la cultura y la diferencia. Con su marca registrada, sinónimo de claridad, elegancia y rigor, es un guía muy útil para pensar en algunos de los complicados problemas relacionados con quiénes somos y qué podemos ser.»Viet Thanh Nguyen, ganador del premio Pulitzer por El simpatizante

Mentorship, Leadership, and Research: Their Place Within The Social Science Curriculum (International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice)

by Jamie P. Halsall Michael Snowden

This insightful volume details the implementation and challenges of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), developed in the UK to ensure equal access to higher education for all social classes. It posits that a modern higher education institution requires a robust set of mechanisms - specifically mentorship, leadership, and research - to create high-quality teaching and learning. Noted contributors pose and answer key questions about the TEF in such areas as solution-focused teaching, mentoring for the job market, and social science curriculum development, using best practice examples in the field. These ideas and strategies carry great potential to improve the caliber of teaching and learning in universities, and with it, students’ social mobility.Among the topics covered: · Why have mentoring in universities? Reflections and justifications. · Working with students as partners: developing peer mentoring to enhance the undergraduate student experience. · The employers’ reach: mentoring undergraduate students to enhance employability. · Learn it and pass it on: strategies for educational succession. · Mentoring mentees to mentor. · Interdisciplinarity in higher education: the challenges of adaptability. Mentorship, Leadership, and Research will play a pivotal role in UK higher education since currently there is scant academic literature on practical tools to help universities to succeed at the TEF. A resource with international implications, it should interest sociologists of education and professionals in business strategy and leadership, social work, and community development. Michael Snowden is a Senior Lecturer in Mentoring Studies at the University of Huddersfield, UK. Jamie P. Halsall is a Reader in Social Sciences at the University of Huddersfield, UK. "Given the recent introduction of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) in the United Kingdom, this timely book outlines effective practices to help earn the “Gold” standard. While considering TEF within the current climate of academic competition and critical evaluation, a diverse group of experts lay out why mentoring is one highly effective answer to the TEF standards and without compromising productivity in other service and research agendas. This book is a must read for academics and higher learning administrators alike."Leda Nath, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin

Mercenaries, Pirates, and Sovereigns: State-Building and Extraterritorial Violence in Early Modern Europe (Princeton Studies in International History and Politics #48)

by Janice E. Thomson

The contemporary organization of global violence is neither timeless nor natural, argues Janice Thomson. It is distinctively modern. In this book she examines how the present arrangement of the world into violence-monopolizing sovereign states evolved over the six preceding centuries.

MERCOSUR and the European Union: Variation And Limits Of Regional Integration

by Mikhail Mukhametdinov

The book draws comparison between MERCOSUR and the European Union to explain variation of regionalism and to expose its limits. The project is based on the idea that contemporary examples of regionalism should be evaluated against several propositions of multiple integration theories rather than against a single theory. In order to systematically explain why and how integration outcomes in MERCOSUR differ from those in the EU, the author develops an analytical framework for the comparison of the two blocs. MERCOSUR is compared with the EU by the use of the various criteria of economic interdependence, economic convergence, intra-bloc size and interest asymmetries, cultural diversity and geostrategic motivations, which are identified as the salient parameters of integration theories.

Mere Civility

by Teresa M. Bejan

In liberal democracies committed to tolerating diversity as well as disagreement, the loss of civility in the public sphere seems critical. But is civility really a virtue, or a demand for conformity that silences dissent? Teresa Bejan looks at early modern debates about religious toleration for answers about what a civil society should look like.

Mere Natural Law: Originalism and the Anchoring Truths of the Constitution

by Hadley Arkes

Originalism Is Not Enough In this profoundly important reassessment of constitutional interpretation, the eminent legal philosopher Hadley Arkes argues that &“originalism&” alone is an inadequate answer to judicial activism. Untethered from &“mere Natural Law&”—the moral principles knowable by all—our legal and constitutional system is doomed to incoherence. The framers of the Constitution regarded the &“self-evident&” truths of the Natural Law as foundational. And yet in our own time, both liberals and conservatives insist that we must interpret the Constitution while ignoring its foundation. Making the case anew for Natural Law, Arkes finds it not in theories hovering in the clouds or in benign platitudes (&“be generous,&” &“be selfless&”). He draws us back, rather, to the ground of Natural Law as the American Founders understood it, the anchoring truths of common sense—truths grasped at once by the ordinary man, unburdened by theories imbibed in college and law school. When liberals discovered hitherto unknown rights in the &“emanations&” and &“penumbras&” of a &“living constitution,&” conservatives responded with an &“originalism&” that refuses to venture beyond the bare text. But in framing that text, the Founders appealed to moral principles that were there before the Constitution and would be there even if there were no Constitution. An originalism that is detached from those anchor - ing principles has strayed far from the original meaning of the Constitution. It is powerless, moreover, to resist the imposition of a perverse moral vision on our institutions and our lives. Brilliant in its analysis, essential in its argument, Mere Natural Law is a must-read for everyone who cares about the Constitution, morality, and the rule of law.

Mere Possibilities: Metaphysical Foundations of Modal Semantics (Carl G. Hempel Lecture Series #2)

by Robert Stalnaker

It seems reasonable to believe that there might have existed things other than those that in fact exist, or have existed. But how should we understand such claims? Standard semantic theories exploit the Leibnizian metaphor of a set of all possible worlds: a proposition might or must be true if it is true in some or all possible worlds. The actualist, who believes that nothing exists except what actually exists, prefers to talk of possible states of the world, or of ways that a world might be. But even the actualist still faces the problem of explaining what we are talking about when we talk about the domains of other possible worlds. In Mere Possibilities, Robert Stalnaker develops a framework for clarifying this problem, and explores a number of actualist strategies for solving it. Some philosophers have hypothesized a realm of individual essences that stand as proxies for all merely possible beings. Others have argued that we are committed to the necessary existence of everything that does or might exist. In contrast, Mere Possibilities shows how we can make sense of ordinary beliefs about what might and must exist without making counterintuitive metaphysical commitments. The book also sheds new light on the nature of metaphysical theorizing by exploring the interaction of semantic and metaphysical issues, the connections between different metaphysical issues, and the nature of ontological commitment.

Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults

by Greg Cootsona

Many Christians have been brought up under the assumption that mainstream science is incompatible with genuine Christian faith—so when they see compelling evidence for biological evolution, for example, they feel forced to choose between science and their faith. The devastating effects of this dilemma are plain to see, as emerging adults either leave the faith or shut themselves off to the findings of the scientific community. But it's a false dilemma. In this book, Greg Cootsona argues against the idea that science and faith are inherently antagonistic. We don't have to keep them scrupulously separated—instead, we can bring them into dialogue with one another. Cootsona brings this integration to a number of current topics in science and faith conversations, including hermeneutics, the historical Adam and Eve, cognitive science, and the future of technology. His insights are enhanced by his work with Fuller Seminary's STEAM research project. Emerging adults want to believe that science and faith can coexist peacefully. Mere Science and Christian Faith holds out a vision for how that integration is possible and how it can lead us more deeply into the conversations around science and faith that confront the church today.

Merely Judgment: Ignoring, Evading, and Trumping the Supreme Court (Constitutionalism and Democracy)

by Martin J. Sweet

Merely Judgment uses affirmative action in government contracting, legislative vetoes, flag burning, hate speech, and school prayer as windows for understanding how Supreme Court decisions send signals regarding the Court's policy preferences to institutions and actors (such as lower courts, legislatures, executive branches, and interest groups), and then traces the responses of these same institutions and actors to Court decisions. The lower courts nearly always abide by Supreme Court precedent, but, to a surprising degree, elected branches and other institutions avoid complying with Supreme Court decisions. To explain the persistence of unconstitutional policies and legislation, Sweet isolates the ability of institutions to derail the litigation process. Merely Judgment explores the mechanisms by which litigants and their peers have escaped from the clutches of litigation and thus effectively ignored, evaded, and trumped the Supreme Court.

Mereology and the Sciences

by Claudio Calosi Pierluigi Graziani

This volume is the first systematic and thorough attempt to investigate the relation and the possible applications of mereology to contemporary science. It gathers contributions from leading scholars in the field and covers a wide range of scientific theories and practices such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science and engineering. Throughout the volume, a variety of foundational issues are investigated both from the formal and the empirical point of view. The first section looks at the topic as it applies to physics. The section addresses questions of persistence and composition within quantum and relativistic physics and concludes by scrutinizing the possibility to capture continuity of motion as described by our best physical theories within gunky space times. The second part tackles mathematics and shows how to provide a foundation for point-free geometry of space switching to fuzzy-logic. The relation between mereological sums and set-theoretic suprema is investigated and issues about different mereological perspectives such as classical and natural Mereology are thoroughly discussed. The third section in the volume looks at natural science. Several questions from biology, medicine and chemistry are investigated. From the perspective of biology, there is an attempt to provide axioms for inferring statements about part hood between two biological entities from statements about their spatial relation. From the perspective of chemistry, it is argued that classical mereological frameworks are not adequate to capture the practices of chemistry in that they consider neither temporal nor modal parameters. The final part introduces computer science and engineering. A new formal mereological framework in which an indeterminate relation of part hood is taken as a primitive notion is constructed and then applied to a wide variety of disciplines from robotics to knowledge engineering. A formal framework for discrete mereotopology and its applications is developed and finally, the importance of mereology for the relatively new science of domain engineering is also discussed.

Mereology and the Sciences: Parts and Wholes in the Contemporary Scientific Context (Synthese Library #371)

by Claudio Calosi Pierluigi Graziani

This volume is the first systematic and thorough attempt to investigate the relation and the possible applications of mereology to contemporary science. It gathers contributions from leading scholars in the field and covers a wide range of scientific theories and practices such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science and engineering. Throughout the volume, a variety of foundational issues are investigated both from the formal and the empirical point of view.The first section looks at the topic as it applies to physics. The section addresses questions of persistence and composition within quantum and relativistic physics and concludes by scrutinizing the possibility to capture continuity of motion as described by our best physical theories within gunky space times.The second part tackles mathematics and shows how to provide a foundation for point-free geometry of space switching to fuzzy-logic. The relation between mereological sums and set-theoretic suprema is investigated and issues about different mereological perspectives such as classical and natural Mereology are thoroughly discussed.The third section in the volume looks at natural science. Several questions from biology, medicine and chemistry are investigated. From the perspective of biology, there is an attempt to provide axioms for inferring statements about part hood between two biological entities from statements about their spatial relation. From the perspective of chemistry, it is argued that classical mereological frameworks are not adequate to capture the practices of chemistry in that they consider neither temporal nor modal parameters.The final part introduces computer science and engineering. A new formal mereological framework in which an indeterminate relation of part hood is taken as a primitive notion is constructed and then applied to a wide variety of disciplines from robotics to knowledge engineering. A formal framework for discrete mereotopology and its applications is developed and finally, the importance of mereology for the relatively new science of domain engineering is also discussed.

The Mereology of Classes (Elements in the Philosophy of Mathematics)

by null Gabriel Uzquiano

This Element is a systematic study of the question of whether classes are composed of further parts. Mereology is the theory of the relation of part to whole, and we will ask how that relation applies to classes. One reason the issue has received attention in the literature is the hope that a clear picture of the mereology of classes may provide further insights into the foundations of set theory. We will consider two main perspectives on the mereology of classes on which classes are indeed composed of further parts. They, however, disagree as to the identity of those parts. Each perspective admits more than one implementation, and one of the purposes of this work is to explain what is at stake with each choice.

Merge: Binarity in (Multidominant) Syntax (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs #83)

by Barbara Citko Martina Gracanin-Yuksek

An argument that Merge is binary but its binarity refers to syntactic positions rather than objects.In this book, Barbara Citko and Martina Gračanin-Yüksek examine the constraints on Merge--the basic structure-building operation in minimalist syntax--from a multidominant perspective. They maintain that Merge is binary, but argue that the binarity of Merge refers to syntactic positions Merge relates: what has typically been formulated as a constraint that prevents Merge from combining more than two syntactic objects is a constraint on Merge's relating more than two syntactic positions.

Merit, Justice, and the Political Theory of Academic Knowledge Production

by Matthew C. Murray Camilla Boisen

Academia has long established itself as an institution of knowledge and ideas. Facing pressure, many academic fields and institutions have turned their attention, singularly and collectively, to the task of what to do to rectify the causes of under-representations both academic knowledge itself and who gets to be an academic producer of knowledge. Boisen and Murray argue that simply solving the contemporary symptoms of inequity in ideas, knowledge production and the academy is not enough. Political Theory must be used to analyze why dominant ideas and institutions, namely merit and the resulting meritocracy and meritocratic procedures, were given power in the first place. In using political theory and theories of justice, the book argues that academia must radically shift rather than procedurally reform these methods of evaluation in order to achieve a more coherent approach to diversity in ideas, academic knowledge producers and academic knowledge production, which are necessary to bring about other forms of social change and reform in our larger world. In questioning the ideals and the use of rival ideals to temper flawed concepts, the present motivations and justifications for producing academic knowledge can be relegated as political tools, allowing true meaningful reform. Boisen and Murray show how contemporary crises in academia around diversification of perspectives can only be solved by considering the justifications of academic knowledge production, and the inherent risk of retaining the established competitive and presumptively ‘natural’, but ultimately biased, methods of deriving academic authority.

Merit, Meaning, and Human Bondage: An Essay on Free Will

by Nomy Arpaly

Perhaps everything we think, feel, and do is determined, and humans--like stones or clouds--are slaves to the laws of nature. Would that be a terrible state? Philosophers who take the incompatibilist position think so, arguing that a deterministic world would be one without moral responsibility and perhaps without true love, meaningful art, and real rationality. But compatibilists and semicompatibilists argue that determinism need not worry us. As long as our actions stem, in an appropriate way, from us, or respond in some way to reasons, our actions are meaningful and can be judged on their moral (or other) merit. In this highly original work, Nomy Arpaly argues that a deterministic world does not preclude moral responsibility, rationality, and love--in short, meaningful lives--but that there would still be something lamentable about a deterministic world. A person may respond well to reasons, and her actions may faithfully reflect her true self or values, but she may still feel that she is not free. Arpaly argues that compatibilists and semicompatibilists are wrong to dismiss this feeling--for which there are no philosophical consolations--as philosophically irrelevant. On the way to this bittersweet conclusion, Arpaly sets forth surprising theories about acting for reasons, the widely accepted idea that "ought implies can," moral blame, and more.

Meritocratic Education and Social Worthlessness

by Khen Lampert

This book critically examines the socio-cultural role of achievement within education, arguing that the increasingly global demand for measurable standards of academic achievement is an expression of political ideology and the aggressive competitive reality of a neo-capitalist schooling system, resulting in many students feeling socially worthless.

Merits and Demerits of Political Systems in Dynastic China (China Academic Library)

by Mu Ch'ien

By comparing the political systems in different dynasties, this book illustrates the continuous evolution of traditional Chinese political systems, and evaluates the merits and demerits of the political systems in different dynasties. It also provides detailed records of the evolved government organizations, the names and functions of various offices, the titles and responsibilities of officials. The book consists of five chapters, each of which focuses on one of the five dynasties respectively -- Han, Tang, Song, Ming, and Qing, and a concluding summary. Combining historical facts and anecdotes from history to make the discussion straightforward, interesting, and easy to understand, this is an ideal book for anyone interested in the history of China, particularly its traditional political systems.

Merleau-Ponty (The Routledge Philosophers)

by Taylor Carman

Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) is one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. His theories of perception and the role of the body have had an enormous impact on the humanities and social sciences, yet the full scope of his contribution not only to phenomenology but philosophy generally is only now being fully recognized. In this lucid and comprehensive introduction, Taylor Carman explains and assesses the full range of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy. Beginning with an overview of Merleau-Ponty’s life and work, subsequent chapters cover fundamental aspects of Merleau-Ponty’s thought, including his philosophy of perception and intentionality; the role of the body in relation to perception; philosophy of history and culture; and his writings on art and aesthetics, particularly the work of Cezanne. A final chapter considers Merleau-Ponty’s importance today, examining his philosophy in light of recent developments in philosophy of mind and cognitive science. This second edition makes use of the new translation of Phenomenology of Perception, Merleau-Ponty's most important work, and engages with secondary literature published after the first edition. It also includes two new chapters: on Merleau-Ponty's account of expression, language and thought; and on his theories of temporality and freedom. Including chapter summaries, annotated further reading, and a glossary of key terms, Merleau-Ponty, Second Edition is essential reading for students of phenomenology, existentialism and twentieth-century philosophy. It is also ideal for anyone in the humanities and social sciences seeking an introduction to his work.

Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts (Key Concepts #32)

by Rosalyn Diprose Jack Reynolds

Having initially not had the attention of Sartre or Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty's work is arguably now more widely influential than either of his two contemporaries. "Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts" presents an accessible guide to the core ideas which structure Merleau-Ponty's thinking as well as to his influences and the value of his ideas to a wide range of disciplines. The first section of the book presents the context of Merleau-Ponty's thinking, the major debates of his time, particularly existentialism, phenomenology, the history of philosophy and the philosophy of history and society. The second section outlines his major contributions and conceptual innovations. The final section focuses upon how his work has been taken up in other fields besides philosophy, notably in sociology, cognitive science, health studies, feminism and race theory.

Merleau-Ponty (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Stephen Priest

Maurice Merleau-Ponty is known and celebrated as a renowned phenomenologist and is considered a key figure in the existentialist movement. In this wide-ranging and penetrative study, Stephen Priest engages Merleau-Ponty across the full range of his philosophical thought. He considers Merleau-Ponty's writings on the problems of the body, perception, space, time, subjectivity, freedom, language, other minds, physical objects, art and being. Priest addresses Merleau-Ponty's thought in connection with Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre. He uses clear and direct language to explain the thoughts of and the ensuing importance of one of the greatest contemporary thinkers.Philosophy students and scholars alike will find great pleasure in this fascinating exploration of the writings and ideas of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

by Emmanuel Alloa; Frank Chouraqui; Rajiv Kaushik

Maurice Merleau-Ponty is widely recognized as one of the major figures of twentieth-century philosophy. The recent publication of his lecture courses and posthumous working notes has opened new avenues for both the interpretation of his thought and philosophy in general. These works confirm that, with a surprising premonition, Merleau-Ponty addressed many of the issues that concern philosophy today. With the benefit of this fuller picture of his thought, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy undertakes an assessment of the philosopher's relevance for contemporary thinking. Covering a diverse range of topics, including ontology, epistemology, anthropology, embodiment, animality, politics, language, aesthetics, and art, the editors gather representative voices from North America and Europe, including both Merleau-Ponty specialists and thinkers who have come to the philosopher's work through their own thematic interest.

Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy of Perception (Routledge Research in Phenomenology)

by Peter Antich

This book draws on Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology to develop new and promising solutions to contemporary debates about perception. In providing an extension and defense of Merleau-Ponty's account of perceptual content and of the relation between perception and the world, it demonstrates the value of Merleau-Ponty's insights for philosophy of perception today. The author focuses on two main topics: the contents and the nature of perception. In the first half of this book, the author tackles debates about the content of perception, namely, what sorts of properties or features of the world reveal themselves to us in perception and in what modes. Drawing on Merleau-Ponty’s description of perceptual “sense,” the author argues that perception has a unique kind of content, which cannot be adequately described in terms of sensations or concepts. He then shows how this account of perceptual sense can clarify debates about the richness of perceptual content, including whether we can perceive moral properties. In the second half, he turns to the nature of perception. Here he argues that Merleau-Ponty’s account of perceptual intentionality makes available a powerful combination of the core insights of two main contemporary approaches to this question: realism and intentionalism. The author shows how this combination can be developed, defends it from objections, and explains how it is equipped to deal with problems posed by the existence of illusions and hallucinations. Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy of Perception will appeal to scholars and advanced students working on phenomenology and the philosophy of perception.

Merleau-Ponty and Marxism: From Terror to Reform

by Barry Cooper

Influenced by Kojève's interpretation of Hegel as well as his direct political experience of the second world war, Maurice Merleau-Ponty abandoned the religious and philosophical position he had assumed in the 1930s and turned to Marxism. This is the first critical study of the French philosopher's political ideas and the context in which they evolved. In its origin and its development, Merleau-Ponty's political thought expressed a subtle dialectic between ongoing political events and the apparent truths of Marx's analysis. With the onset of the cold war, the discovery of the Soviet concentration camps, the repression of Eastern Europe, the Algerian crisis, and the founding of the Fifth Republic, Merleau-Ponty began to take a critical look at Marx's ideas of the genesis of humanism in the light of these disturbing political realities. His reconsideration of the basis of Marxism and his conclusion that it had lost contact with history led to a fundamental reorientation of his attitudes. No longer sympathetic to the use of violence to end violence, he criticized Sartre's external justification of communist violence as 'magical' and advocated instead a new liberalism combining parliamentary democracy with an awareness of the social problems of industrial capitalism.Barry Cooper's study of this important contemporary thinker gives context for an understanding of Merleau- Ponty's politics and, in so doing, brings together the complex issues and ideas that have shaped modern European political and philosophical thought.

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