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Methodology and Emotion in International Relations: Parsing the Passions (Interventions)
by Eric Van Rythoven Mira SucharovThis volume offers a state-of-the-art study of the diverse methodological approaches and issues in the study of emotions in international relations research. <P><P> While interest in emotion and affect in IR has grown in recent years, there remains an absence of sustained engagement with questions of methodology and method. Although much of the field holds the ‘emotions turn’ as laudable, it is commonly seen as facing serious, even prohibitive, methodological challenges. <P><P> Using a common framework for making discussions of methodology and emotion mutually intelligible, this work seeks to address this lacuna and will be of interest to students and scholars of international relations, research methods and IR theory.
Methodology and Moral Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)
by Jussi Suikkanen Antti KauppinenMany ethicists either accept the reflective equilibrium method or think that anything goes in ethical theorizing as long as the results are plausible. The aim of this book is to advance methodological thinking in ethics beyond these common attitudes and to raise new methodological questions about how moral philosophy should be done. What are we entitled to assume as the starting-point of our ethical inquiry? What is the role of empirical sciences in ethics? Is there just one general method for doing moral philosophy or should different questions in moral philosophy be answered in different ways? Are there argumentative structures and strategies that we should be encouraged to use or typical argumentative patterns that we should avoid? This volume brings together leading moral philosophers to consider these questions. The chapters investigate the prospects of empirical ethics, outline new methods of ethics, evaluate recent methodological advances, and explore whether different areas of moral philosophy are methodologically continuous or independent of one another. The aim of Methodology and Moral Philosophy is to make moral philosophers more self-aware and reflective of the way in which they do moral philosophy and also to encourage them to take part in methodological debates.
The Methodology and Philosophy of Collective Writing: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader Volume X (Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor’s Choice)
by Michael A. Peters Marek Tesar Tina Besley Liz Jackson Petar Jandric Sonja Arndt Sean SturmThis multi-authored collection covers the methodology and philosophy of collective writing. It is based on a series of articles written by the authors in Educational Philosophy and Theory; Open Review of Educational Research and Knowledge Cultures to explore the concept of collective writing. This tenth volume in the Editor's Choice series provides insights into the philosophy of academic writing and peer review, peer production, collective intelligence, knowledge socialism, openness, open science and intellectual commons. This collection represents the development of the philosophy, methodology and philosophy of collective writing developed in the last few years by members of the Editors’ Collective, (EC) who also edit, review and contribute to Educational Philosophy and Theory (EPAT) and to PESA Agora, edited by Tina Besley and Access, edited by Nina Hood, two PESA ‘journals’ recently developed by EC members. This book develops the philosophy, methodology and pedagogy of collective writing as a new mode of academic writing as an alternative to the normal academic article. The philosophy of collective writing draws on a new mode of academic publishing that emphasises the metaphysics of peer production and open review along with the main characteristics of openness, collaboration, co-creation and co-social innovation, peer review and collegiality that have become a praxis for the self-reflection emphasising the subjectivity of writing, sometimes called self-writing. This collection, under the EPAT series Editor’s Choice, draws on a group of members of the Editors’ Collective,who constitute a network of editors, reviewers and authors who established the organisation to further the aims of innovation in academic writing and publishing. It provides discussion and examples of the philosophy, methodology and pedagogy of collective writing. Split into three sections: Introduction, Openness and Projects, this volume offers an introduction to the philosophy and methodology of collective writing. It will be of interest to scholars in philosophy of education and those interested in the process of collective writing.
The Methodology of G.E. Moore (Routledge Revivals)
by Sal FratantaroFirst published in 1998, this scope of this volume is limited to an exegetical and critical study of the methods or means by which Moore tried to render answers to philosophical questions and solutions to philosophical puzzles, rather than any discussion of his metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, and religious views. The author suggests that whilst Moore’s views changed over his career, his methodology has remained much more consistent: the distinction between understanding the meaning of an expression of everyday life or of science and knowing what it means in the sense of being able to provide a correct analysis of its understood meaning.
Methodology of Highway Engineering Structural Design and Construction (Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China #59)
by Hanhua Zhu Lei ShiThis book mainly studies the methodologies of structural design and construction for highway engineering, which are applicable to the overall control and the precise operation of engineering structures. It explores the method of comprehensive analysis, the simplification of complex problems, and the application of typical engineering tools. In turn, the book presents a number of innovative approaches, e.g. the coordinated control of structural deformation method, the theory of underground engineering balance and stability, and the soft soil foundation treatment of “bumping at the bridgehead.” These methodologies are then illustrated in typical cases and representative problems, explained from a practical standpoint. Examples in special settings are also discussed, e.g. highway construction in Tibet, and rebuilding after the Wenchuan earthquake. The book offers a valuable reference guide for all those whose work involves highway engineering design, construction, management, and scientific research.
Methodology of the Oppressed
by Chela SandovalIn a work with far-reaching implications, Chela Sandoval does no less than revise the genealogy of theory over the past thirty years, inserting what she terms "U.S. Third World feminism" into the narrative in a way that thoroughly alters our perspective on contemporary culture and subjectivity. What Sandoval has identified is a language, a rhetoric of resistance to postmodern cultural conditions. U.S liberation movements of the post-World War II era generated specific modes of oppositional consciousness. Out of these emerged a new activity of consciousness and language Sandoval calls the "methodology of the oppressed". This methodology -- born of the strains of the cultural and identity struggles that currently mark global exchange -- holds out the possibility of a new historical moment, a new citizen-subject, and a new form of alliance consciousness and politics. Utilizing semiotics and U.S. Third World feminist criticism, Sandoval demonstrates how this methodology mobilizes love as a category of critical analysis. Rendering this approach in all its specifics, Methodology of the Oppressed gives rise to an alternative mode of criticism opening new perspectives on a theoretical, literary, aesthetic, social movement, or psychic expression.
Methods and Criteria of Reasoning: An Inquiry into the Structure of Controversy (International Library of Philosophy)
by Rupert Crawshay-WilliamsFirst published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Methods and Nations: Cultural Governance and the Indigenous Subject
by Michael J. ShapiroMethods and Nations critiques one of the primary deployments of twentieth-century social science: comparative politics whose major focus has been "nation-building" in the "Third World," often attempting to universalize and render self-evident its own practices. International relations theorists, unable to resist the "cognitive imperialism" of a state-centric social science, have allowed themselves to become colonized. Michael Shapiro seeks to bring recognition to forms of political expression-alternative modes of intelligibility for things, people, and spaces-that have existed on the margins of the nationhood practices of states and the complicit nation-sustaining conceits of social science.
Methods and Skills for Philosophy: An Advanced Guide
by Jesper KallestrupMethods and Skills for Philosophy introduces students to methodologies, strategies, heuristics and formal tools which are typically employed in contemporary analytic philosophy. This helpful resource gets the reader to engage with the analytical skills required to master postgraduate studies in philosophy.In conjunction with analysing texts, reflecting on arguments and trying to solve problems, the book will help instil in students the kind of understanding, knowledge and skills they need to succeed at the postgraduate level. More specifically, students will have a better grasp of how to pose a succinct research question and then critically pursue the proposed topic by engaging with relevant literature, reflecting on philosophical presuppositions, selecting suitable argumentative strategies and defending a preferred view against objections. Topics covered include: the nature and character of arguments conceptual analysis analytical truths logic and language models of explanation and reduction strategies and dialectics rational intuitions. Methods and Skills for Philosophy: An Advanced Guide provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to philosophical methods. It is a must-read for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate students of philosophy, and also suitable for those studying postgraduate philosophy who have a background in other academic disciplines.
Methods in Analytical Political Theory
by Adrian BlauThis is the first book to explain how to use key methods in analytical political theory. The methods discussed include contractualism, reflective equilibrium, positive political theory, thought experiments and ideological analysis. Many discussions of political theory methods describe and justify these methods with little or no discussion of their application, emphasizing 'what is' and 'why do' over 'how to'. This book covers all three. Each chapter explains what kinds of problems in political theory might require researchers to use a particular method, the basic principles behind the method being proposed, and an analysis of how to apply it, including concrete principles of good practice. The book thus summarizes methodological ideas, grouped in one place and made accessible to students, and it makes innovative contributions to research methods in analytical political theory.
Methods of Argumentation
by Douglas WaltonArgumentation, which can be abstractly defined as the interaction of different arguments for and against some conclusion, is an important skill to learn for everyday life, law, science, politics, and business. The best way to learn it is to try it out on real instances of arguments found in everyday conversational exchanges and legal argumentation. The introductory chapter of this book gives a clear general idea of what the methods of argumentation are and how they work as tools that can be used to analyze arguments. Each subsequent chapter then applies these methods to a leading problem of argumentation. Today the field of computing has embraced argumentation as a paradigm for research in artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems. Another purpose of this book is to present and refine tools and techniques from computing as components of the methods that can be handily used by scholars in other fields.
Methods of Cut-Elimination
by Alexander Leitsch Matthias BaazThis is the first book on cut-elimination in first-order predicate logic from an algorithmic point of view. Instead of just proving the existence of cut-free proofs, it focuses on the algorithmic methods transforming proofs with arbitrary cuts to proofs with only atomic cuts (atomic cut normal forms, so-called ACNFs). The first part investigates traditional reductive methods from the point of view of proof rewriting. Within this general framework, generalizations of Gentzen's and Sch\"utte-Tait's cut-elimination methods are defined and shown terminating with ACNFs of the original proof. Moreover, a complexity theoretic comparison of Gentzen's and Tait's methods is given. The core of the book centers around the cut-elimination method CERES (cut elimination by resolution) developed by the authors. CERES is based on the resolution calculus and radically differs from the reductive cut-elimination methods. The book shows that CERES asymptotically outperforms all reductive methods based on Gentzen's cut-reduction rules. It obtains this result by heavy use of subsumption theorems in clause logic. Moreover, several applications of CERES are given (to interpolation, complexity analysis of cut-elimination, generalization of proofs, and to the analysis of real mathematical proofs). Lastly, the book demonstrates that CERES can be extended to nonclassical logics, in particular to finitely-valued logics and to G\"odel logic.
The Methods Of Ethics
by Henry Sidgwick John RawlsThis Hackett edition, first published in 1981, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the seventh (1907) edition as published by Macmillan and Company, Limited. From the forward by John Rawls: In the utilitarian tradition Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900) has an important place. His fundamental work, The Methods of Ethics (first edition 1874, seventh and last edition 1907, here reprinted), is the clearest and most accessible formulation of what we may call 'the classical utilitarian doctorine. ' This classical doctrine holds that the ultimate moral end of social and individual action is the greatest net sum of the happiness of all sentient beings. Happinesss is specified (as positive or negative) by the net balance of pleasure over pain, or, as Sidgwick preferred to say, as the net balance of agreeable over disagreeable consciousness.
Methods of Logic (Fourth Edition)
by W. V. QuineThis widely used textbook of modern formal logic now offers a number of new features. Incorporating updated notations, selective answers to exercises, expanded treatment of natural deduction, and new discussions of predicate- functor logic and the affinities between higher set theory and the elementary logic of terms, Quine's new edition will serve admirably both for classroom and for independent use.
Methods of Metaphysics (Routledge Library Editions: Metaphysics #9)
by Alan WhiteOriginally published in 1987. This book comprises a critical exposition of the thoughts on metaphysics of the major philosophers of the tradition. It introduces the ideas of these philosophers to students but is of interest to teachers as well. The author begins with a survey of the metaphysical writings of Plato, Aristotle, Berkeley, Leibniz and Bradley, clarifying throughout the relation of their methods and results to those of science. He follows this with a careful study of the critical attitudes to metaphysics espoused by Kant, Wittgenstein and the Logical Positivists. In the final section he scrutinizes the attempts by Collingwood, Wisdom and Lazerowitz to rehabilitate metaphysics.
Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems
by Ellina GrigorievaThis book is a unique collection of challenging geometry problems and detailed solutions that will build students' confidence in mathematics. By proposing several methods to approach each problem and emphasizing geometry's connections with different fields of mathematics, Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems serves as a bridge to more advanced problem solving. Written by an accomplished female mathematician who struggled with geometry as a child, it does not intimidate, but instead fosters the reader's ability to solve math problems through the direct application of theorems. Containing over 160 complex problems with hints and detailed solutions, Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems can be used as a self-study guide for mathematics competitions and for improving problem-solving skills in courses on plane geometry or the history of mathematics. It contains important and sometimes overlooked topics on triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles such as the Menelaus-Ceva theorem, Simson's line, Heron's formula, and the theorems of the three altitudes and medians. It can also be used by professors as a resource to stimulate the abstract thinking required to transcend the tedious and routine, bringing forth the original thought of which their students are capable. Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems will interest high school and college students needing to prepare for exams and competitions, as well as anyone who enjoys an intellectual challenge and has a special love of geometry. It will also appeal to instructors of geometry, history of mathematics, and math education courses.
Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems
by Ellina GrigorievaThis book is a unique collection of challenging geometry problems and detailed solutions that will build students’ confidence in mathematics. By proposing several methods to approach each problem and emphasizing geometry’s connections with different fields of mathematics, Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems serves as a bridge to more advanced problem solving. Written by an accomplished female mathematician who struggled with geometry as a child, it does not intimidate, but instead fosters the reader’s ability to solve math problems through the direct application of theorems. Containing over 160 complex problems with hints and detailed solutions, Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems can be used as a self-study guide for mathematics competitions and for improving problem-solving skills in courses on plane geometry or the history of mathematics. It contains important and sometimes overlooked topics on triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles such as the Menelaus-Ceva theorem, Simson’s line, Heron’s formula, and the theorems of the three altitudes and medians. It can also be used by professors as a resource to stimulate the abstract thinking required to transcend the tedious and routine, bringing forth the original thought of which their students are capable. Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems will interest high school and college students needing to prepare for exams and competitions, as well as anyone who enjoys an intellectual challenge and has a special love of geometry. It will also appeal to instructors of geometry, history of mathematics, and math education courses.
Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems
by Ellina GrigorievaThrough its engaging and unusual problems, this book demonstrates methods of reasoning necessary for learning number theory. Every technique is followed by problems (as well as detailed hints and solutions) that apply theorems immediately, so readers can solve a variety of abstract problems in a systematic, creative manner. New solutions often require the ingenious use of earlier mathematical concepts - not the memorization of formulas and facts. Questions also often permit experimental numeric validation or visual interpretation to encourage the combined use of deductive and intuitive thinking. The first chapter starts with simple topics like even and odd numbers, divisibility, and prime numbers and helps the reader to solve quite complex, Olympiad-type problems right away. It also covers properties of the perfect, amicable, and figurate numbers and introduces congruence. The next chapter begins with the Euclidean algorithm, explores the representations of integer numbers in different bases, and examines continued fractions, quadratic irrationalities, and the Lagrange Theorem. The last section of Chapter Two is an exploration of different methods of proofs. The third chapter is dedicated to solving Diophantine linear and nonlinear equations and includes different methods of solving Fermat’s (Pell’s) equations. It also covers Fermat’s factorization techniques and methods of solving challenging problems involving exponent and factorials. Chapter Four reviews the Pythagorean triple and quadruple and emphasizes their connection with geometry, trigonometry, algebraic geometry, and stereographic projection. A special case of Waring’s problem as a representation of a number by the sum of the squares or cubes of other numbers is covered, as well as quadratic residuals, Legendre and Jacobi symbols, and interesting word problems related to the properties of numbers. Appendices provide a historic overview of number theory and its main developments from the ancient cultures in Greece, Babylon, and Egypt to the modern day. Drawing from cases collected by an accomplished female mathematician, Methods in Solving Number Theory Problems is designed as a self-study guide or supplementary textbook for a one-semester course in introductory number theory. It can also be used to prepare for mathematical Olympiads. Elementary algebra, arithmetic and some calculus knowledge are the only prerequisites. Number theory gives precise proofs and theorems of an irreproachable rigor and sharpens analytical thinking, which makes this book perfect for anyone looking to build their mathematical confidence.
Mexican Americans with Moxie: A Transgenerational History of El Movimiento Chicano in Ventura County, California, 1945–1975
by Frank P. BarajasIn Mexican Americans with Moxie Frank P. Barajas argues that Chicanas and Chicanos of the 1960s and 1970s expressed politics distinct from the Mexican American generation that came of age in the decades prior. Barajas focuses on the citrus communities of Fillmore and Santa Paula and the more economically diversified and populated rurban municipalities of Oxnard, Simi Valley, and Ventura, illustrating Ventura County&’s relationship to Los Angeles and El Movimiento&’s ties to suburbanization, freeway construction, and the rise of a high-tech and defense-industry corridor. Mexican Americans with Moxie devotes particular attention to cross-cultural dynamics that transcended space and generation. The residents of Ventura County became involved with national issues such as the Vietnam War, school desegregation, labor, and electoral politics. The actions of Black students at the community colleges of Moorpark and Ventura and other area universities inspired Mexican American youth of Ventura County to assess their own activism.Mexican Americans with Moxie situates the Chicana-Chicano movement within the nation&’s struggle to achieve social justice. From this history, readers will gain a new appreciation for how leadership development spans generations and contributes to the identity formation of communities.
Un México posible: Una visión disruptiva para transformar a México
by José Antonio Fernández C. Salvador Alva G.Una perspectiva de cambio para que nos convirtamos en el país que deseamos, capaz de transitar por el siglo XXI con una visión incluyente, eficaz y entusiasta. México está lleno de gente talentosa y capaz, y posee un vibrante espíritu emprendedor. Sin embargo, el modelo actual de desarrollo no responde a las nuevas circunstancias y paradigmas de las economías basadas en el conocimiento y la innovación, para las que atraer, retener y desarrollar talento constituye el motor de la movilidad social y el bienestar. Debemos replantearnos de manera urgente hacia dónde vamos y qué modelo de país deseamos impulsar para enfrentar los retos presentes y futuros. En este libro, José Antonio Fernández C. y Salvador Alva G., con una destacada trayectoria en transformación organizacional, ofrecen su perspectiva de cambio para que nos convirtamos en el país que deseamos, capaz de transitar por el siglo XXI con una visión incluyente, eficaz y entusiasta. Un México posible no es un listado de políticas públicas específicas con metas e indicadores tradicionales, que en el fondo repiten los patrones de antaño. Es, por contraste, un planteamiento disruptivo para transformarnos, que nos inspira y unifica en una visión compartida que busca ventajas competitivas para destacar, mediante una nueva organización enfocada en el empoderamiento del ciudadano. La obra, así, fomenta una cultura y valores basados en el esfuerzo y el mérito de cada mexicano, y busca rescatar lo mejor de nuestra gente para, por fin, desarrollarnos plenamente como nación.
Mexico Unconquered: Chronicles of Power and Revolt
by John GiblerMexico Unconquered is an evocative report on the powers of violence and corruption in Mexico and the rebel underdogs who put their lives on the line to build justice from the ground up. Mexico Unconquered probes the overwhelming divisions in contemporary Mexico, home to the world's richest man, Carlos Slim, and to destitute millions. John Gibler weaves narrative journalism with lyrical descriptions, combining the journalist's trade of walking the streets and the philosopher's task of drawing out the tremendous implications of the seemingly mundane. John Gibler has reported for In These Times, Common Dreams, YES! Magazine, ColorLines, and Democracy Now!.
Mexico-United States Relations: The Semantics of Sovereignty (Routledge Studies in North American Politics)
by Arturo Santa-CruzSovereignty is a key factor to consider when studying the Mexico-United States relationship. During most of the twentieth century, as a result of the new character of the Mexican post-revolutionary regime, there was a decoupling between the state’s maximalist discourse on sovereignty, and its practice. Sovereignty as an undifferentiated whole does not exist; it should instead be disaggregated into the myriad issue areas in which it is constantly negotiated. Focusing on a tripartite classification relating to the construction of Mexico’s sovereignty towards its northern neighbor since 1920, this volume illustrates how Mexico’s sovereignty has varied not only according to the times, but also according to the issues at stake. In doing so, Arturo Santa-Cruz comprehensively covers a variety of issues in the bilateral agenda such as drug trafficking, electoral observation, human rights, investment, migration, security, and trade, as well as some defining moments in the relationship, such as the 1923 US granting of recognition to the Mexican post-revolutionary regime, the 1938 oil nationalization, the 1982 debt crisis, and the 1995 financial bailout. These diverse cases, analyzed through an original analytical approach, capture sovereignty’s multifocal meaning.
Mexico's Dilemma: The Political Origins Of Economic Crisis
by Roberto Newell G. Luis Rubio F.This book analyzes the crisis Mexico experienced in 1982 on the basis of the historical evolution of Mexico's political and economic structures. The author’s purpose in writing this book is to provide an interpretation of Mexico's current problems in order to analyze what must be done to solve some profound dilemmas and to restructure Mexican society. The main dilemma Mexico faces is its vanishing consensus.
Meyer Schapiro’s Critical Debates: Art Through a Modern American Mind
by C. Oliver O’DonnellDescribed in the New York Times as the greatest art historian America ever produced, Meyer Schapiro was both a close friend to many of the famous artists of his generation and a scholar who engaged in public debate with some of the major intellectuals of his time. This volume synthesizes his prolific career for the first time, demonstrating how Schapiro worked from the nexus of artistic and intellectual practice to confront some of the twentieth century’s most abiding questions.Schapiro was renowned for pioneering interdisciplinary approaches to interpreting visual art. His lengthy formal analyses in the 1920s, Marxist interpretations in the 1930s, psychoanalytic critiques in the 1950s and 1960s, and semiotic explorations in the 1970s each helped to open new avenues for inquiry. Based on archival research, C. Oliver O’Donnell’s study is structured chronologically around eight defining debates in which Schapiro participated, including his dispute with Isaiah Berlin over the life and writing of Bernard Berenson, Schapiro’s critique of Martin Heidegger’s ekphrastic commentary on Van Gogh, and his confrontation with Claude Lévi-Strauss over the applicability of mathematics to the interpretation of visual art. O’Donnell’s thoughtful analysis of these intellectual exchanges not only traces Schapiro’s philosophical evolution but also relates them to the development of art history as a discipline, to central tensions of artistic modernism, and to modern intellectual history as a whole.Comprehensive and thought-provoking, this study of Schapiro’s career pieces together the separate strands of his work into one cohesive picture. In doing so, it reveals Schapiro’s substantial impact on the field of art history and on twentieth-century modernism.
Meyer Schapiro’s Critical Debates: Art Through a Modern American Mind
by C. Oliver O’DonnellDescribed in the New York Times as the greatest art historian America ever produced, Meyer Schapiro was both a close friend to many of the famous artists of his generation and a scholar who engaged in public debate with some of the major intellectuals of his time. This volume synthesizes his prolific career for the first time, demonstrating how Schapiro worked from the nexus of artistic and intellectual practice to confront some of the twentieth century’s most abiding questions.Schapiro was renowned for pioneering interdisciplinary approaches to interpreting visual art. His lengthy formal analyses in the 1920s, Marxist interpretations in the 1930s, psychoanalytic critiques in the 1950s and 1960s, and semiotic explorations in the 1970s all helped open new avenues for inquiry. Based on archival research, C. Oliver O’Donnell’s study is structured chronologically around eight defining debates in which Schapiro participated, including his dispute with Isaiah Berlin over the life and writing of Bernard Berenson, Schapiro’s critique of Martin Heidegger’s ekphrastic commentary on Van Gogh, and his confrontation with Claude Lévi-Strauss over the applicability of mathematics to the interpretation of visual art. O’Donnell’s thoughtful analysis of these intellectual exchanges not only traces Schapiro’s philosophical evolution but also relates them to the development of art history as a discipline, to central tensions of artistic modernism, and to modern intellectual history as a whole.Comprehensive and thought-provoking, this study of Schapiro’s career pieces together the separate strands of his work into one cohesive picture. In doing so, it reveals Schapiro’s substantial impact on the field of art history and on twentieth-century modernism.