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Migrant Protest and Democratic States of Exception

by Kathleen R. Arnold

Recognizing the radical disparity between migration/border policy and constitutional law "inside these borders," Kathleen R. Arnold focuses on two main forms of migrant protest to explore the meaning of resistance in a sovereign context: self-harming protest by detainees and faith-based sanctuary of individuals scheduled for detention. This activism creates a "democratic state of exception," interrupting the legal process, altering discretionary forms of sovereign power, and enacting rights not formally granted; these efforts go beyond the assertion of liberal rights or merely restoring the rule of law (even if these are goals), challenging the warfare state while constituting a demos that is formally illegible. Migrant Protest and Democratic States of Exception will be of interest to scholars, migrant advocacy professionals (including INGO and IGO officers), graduate students, and advanced undergraduate students in a variety of fields from legal studies to forced migration and refugee studies; political science, human rights, protest history and contemporary movements.

Migrants and Militants

by Alain Badiou

The question of migration has come to dominate the news agenda in many countries, but what does the word ‘migrant’ really mean today and how should we respond to those who are labelled ‘migrants’? In this short book Alain Badiou argues that our way of thinking about migration should be governed both by an ethical duty to welcome the migrant in the name of hospitality and also by the urgent need to put an end to the global capitalist oligarchy that has produced the migrant as a figure of contemporary crisis. For the ‘migrant,’ argues Badiou, is in fact a nomadic proletarian. Today, our homeland is the world, and any meaningful politics must include those who come to us and who represent the universal nomadic proletariat. Writing with the rigor, clarity, and polemical flair that have made him one of the world’s most influential philosophers, and drawing on a rich body of material including contemporary poetry and the words of an anonymous migrant, Badiou develops a powerful riposte to those who have stoked the fear of migrants and exploited the migration question for political ends.

Migrants in the Profane: Critical Theory and the Question of Secularization (The Franz Rosenzweig Lecture Series)

by Peter E. Gordon

A beautifully written exploration of religion’s role in a secular, modern politics, by an accomplished scholar of critical theoryMigrants in the Profane takes its title from an intriguing remark by Theodor W. Adorno, in which he summarized the meaning of Walter Benjamin’s image of a celebrated mechanical chess-playing Turk and its hidden religious animus: “Nothing of theological content will persist without being transformed; every content will have to put itself to the test of migrating in the realm of the secular, the profane.” In this masterful book, Peter Gordon reflects on Adorno’s statement and asks an urgent question: Can religion offer any normative resources for modern political life, or does the appeal to religious concepts stand in conflict with the idea of modern politics as a domain free from religion’s influence? In answering this question, he explores the work of three of the Frankfurt School’s most esteemed thinkers: Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, and Theodor W. Adorno. His illuminating analysis offers a highly original account of the intertwined histories of religion and secular modernity.

Migrating Texts and Traditions (Actexpress Ser.)

by William Sweet

There can be little dispute that culture influences philosophy: we see this in the way that classical Greek culture influenced Greek philosophy, that Christianity influenced mediaeval western philosophy, that French culture influenced a range of philosophies in France from Cartesianism to post-modernism, and so on. Yet many philosophical texts and traditions have also been introduced into very different cultures and philosophical traditions than their cultures of origin – through war and colonialization, but also through religion and art, and through commercial relations and globalization. And this raises questions such as: What is it to do French philosophy in Africa, or Analytic philosophy in India, or Buddhist philosophy in North America? This volume examines the phenomenon of the ‘migration’ of philosophical texts and traditions into other cultures, identifies places where it may have succeeded, but also where it has not, and discusses what is presupposed in introducing a text or a tradition into another intellectual culture.

Migration and Political Theory (And Political Theory)

by Gillian Brock

Migration dominates contemporary politics across the world, and there has been a corresponding surge in political theorizing about the complex issues that it raises. In a world in which borders seem to be solidifying while the number of displaced people soars, how should we think about the political and ethical implications of human movement across the globe? In this book, Gillian Brock, one of the leading figures in the field, lucidly introduces and explains the important historical, empirical, and normative context necessary to get to grips with the major contemporary debates. She examines issues ranging from the permissibility of controlling borders and the criteria that states can justifiably use to underpin their migration management policies through to questions of integration, inclusion, and resistance to unjust immigration laws. Migration and Political Theory is essential reading for any student, scholar, or general reader who seeks to understand the political theory and ethics of migration and movement in the twenty-first century.

Migration and the Crisis of Democracy in Contemporary Europe (Europe in Transition: The NYU European Studies Series)

by Christoph M. Michael

This innovative and thought-provoking study puts forth a compelling analysis of the constitutive nexus at the heart of the European refugee conundrum. It maps and historically contextualises some of the distinctive challenges that pervasive ethnic and cultural pluralism present to real politics as on the level of political theorizing. By systematically integrating hitherto insufficiently linked research perspectives in a novel way, it lays open a number of paradoxical constellations and regressive tendencies in contemporary European democracy. It thereby redirects attention to the ways in which liberal thought and liberal democratic institutions shape, interact with, and may even provide justification for illiberal and exclusionary practices. This book thus makes an important contribution to the analysis of post-migrant realities in Europe and the ways in which they are defined by imperial legacies, punitive migration regimes, the culturalization of mainstream politics, and the discursive construction of a European Other.

Migration Culture: A Comparative Perspective

by Vilmantė Kumpikaitė -Valiūnienė Vilmantė Liubinienė Ineta Žičkutė Jurga Duobienė Audra I. Mockaitis Antonio Mihi-Ramirez

This book examines the emergence of a culture of migration through outward migration as a country-specific phenomenon and analyzes it from different perspectives, covering various aspects such as the history of a country, its migration flows, migration push factors, social, economic, and political issues, as well as individual values. In the first part, the authors present a theoretical background on migration culture formation. This is followed by an in-depth analysis of migration culture in Lithuania in the second part. The presented case study is based on a quantitative survey study of almost 5.400 respondents. Further, the results of this case study are compared and adapted to other classical migration countries in the European Union, such as Spain or Portugal.The book, therefore, is a must-read for everybody interested in a better understanding of migration and the emergence of a culture of migration in different countries.

Migration, Diversity, and Education

by Saija Benjamin Fred Dervin

The concept of Third Culture Kids is often used to describe people who have spent their childhood on the move, living in many different countries and languages. This book examines the hype, relevance and myths surrounding the concept while also redefining it within a broader study of transnationality to demonstrate the variety of stories involved.

Migration Diversity and Social Cohesion: Reassessing the Dutch Policy Agenda (Research for Policy)

by Roel Jennissen Mark Bovens Godfried Engbersen Meike Bokhorst

This open access book shows policymakers which initiatives work when responding to the increasing diversity in cities, towns and neighborhood's. In recent times, policymakers have grappled with ways of responding to this increase, which has resulted in a plethora of policy initiatives, some more effective than others. Bringing together a large amount of research and evidence-based policy recommendations, this book offers both a sense of strategic direction as well as more specific, actionable advice. It brings together a remarkable mixture of policy areas that touch upon issues of diversity, immigration policy, education, and labour policy. It is of benefit and importance to all those making policies for a country with increasing immigration.

Migration, Education and Employment: Pathways to Successful Integration (Education, Equity, Economy #10)

by Marianne Teräs Ali Osman Eva Eliasson

This is an open access book which focuses on different aspects of education, employment, and successful integration of migrants in three countries: Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. The chapters in this book reflect on these issues from micro, meso and macro perspectives; some are based on interviews with migrants and people who work with them, others on documents and literature about migration. There are different pathways for skilled migrants to vocations. Some start working in their previous vocations after arriving in the new environment. Some re-enter their professions but on a lower level. Some can re-train themselves in a new vocation, and some will go to further education, as studies in different chapters of this book suggest. Common for successful integration seems to be several intertwined factors: the target language competence, strong motivation and agency, supporting networks and supporting persons, as well as structural opportunities of the new environment. The book’s editorial board takes an eclectic view, hoping to start an academic debate about what ‘successful integration’ means. While discussions about the integration of migrants tend to focus on integration failures, there are millions of migrants, in different countries, who have successfully integrated into their new societies.

The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration (Global Institutions)

by Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen Ninna Nyberg Sørensen

Migration has become business, big business. Over the last few decades a host of new business opportunities have emerged that capitalize both on the migrants’ desires to migrate and the struggle by governments to manage migration. From the rapid growth of specialized transportation and labour immigration companies, to multinational companies managing detention centres or establishing border security, to the organized criminal networks profiting from human smuggling and trafficking, we are currently witnessing a growing commercialization of international migration. This volume claims that today it is almost impossible to speak of migration without also speaking of the migration industry. Yet, acknowledging the role the migration industry plays prompts a number of questions that have so far received only limited attention among scholars and policy makers. The book offers new concepts and theory for the study of international migration by bringing together cross-disciplinary theoretical explorations and original case studies. It also provides a global coverage of the phenomena under study, covering migrant destinations in Europe, the United States and Asia, and migrant sending regions in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Migration, New Nationalisms and Populism: An Epistemological Perspective on the Closure of Rich Countries

by Rada Ivekovic

This book examines the antagonistic relationship between new European nationalisms as these often go hand-in-hand with populism, and the phenomenon of migration. Migration has become a significant issue both in Europe and the whole world. Although it has always existed, much of public opinion sees it now as a problem. The latter has been exaggerated through a crisis in hospitality exacerbated by the relatively recently constructed and misplaced feeling of a civilisational threat from islam. Migration is then countered by the escalation of new nationalisms, at least some of which are supported by populism. This book offers an understanding of this conjunction of migration and nationalism in the post-cold war European context. More specifically, the book takes up how the end of the simplified cold war cognitive binary means an unprecedented epistemological confusion and depoliticisation which takes migration as its target, but could resort to other targets too. Discussing the postcolonial background to the new migrations, the book also considers womens' rights, postsocialism and the relevance of the current pandemic, as the issue of migration is addressed in the context of the European crisis-ridden present. This wide-ranging interrogation of how contemporary European migration is conceived and understood will appeal to students, academics, activists, policy makers, and others with interests in contemporary migration, new nationalisms, populism, feminism, colonial, postcolonial, and decolonial issues, as well as socialism and postsocialism.

Migration, Protest Movements and the Politics of Resistance: A Radical Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism

by Tamara Caraus Elena Paris

Migration and cosmopolitanism are said to be complementary. Cosmopolitanism means to be a citizen of the world, and migration, without impediments, should be the natural starting point for a cosmopolitan view. However, the intensification of migration, through an increasing number of refugees and economic migrants, has generated anti-cosmopolitan stances. Using the concept of cosmopolitanism as it emerges from migrant protests like Sans Papiers, No One Is Illegal, and No Borders, an interdisciplinary group of scholars addresses this discrepancy and explores how migrant protest movements elicit a new form of radical cosmopolitanism. The combination of basic theoretical concepts and detailed empirical analysis in this book will advance the theoretical debate on the inherent cosmopolitan aspects of migrant activism. As such, it will be a valuable contribution to students, researchers and scholars of political science, sociology and philosophy.

Migration, Recognition and Critical Theory (Studies in Global Justice #21)

by Gottfried Schweiger

This book brings together philosophical, social-theoretical and empirically oriented contributions on the philosophical and socio-theoretical debate on migration and integration, using the instruments of recognition as a normative and social-scientific category. Furthermore, the theoretical and practical implications of recognition theory are reflected through the case of migration. Migration movements, refugees and the associated tensions are phenomena that have become the focus of scientific, political and public debate in recent years. Migrants, in particular refugees, face many injustices and are especially vulnerable, but the right-wing political discourse presents them as threats to social order and stability. This book shows what a critical theory of recognition can contribute to the debate. The book is suitable for researchers in philosophy, social theory and migration research. "A profound examination of how states and societies struggle to recognize migrants as fellow human beings in all their fullness. The contributions are exceptional for combining astute philosophy and social theory with a discussion of actual politics and real lives."Dr. Hugo Slim(Senior Research Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford and formerly Head of Policy at the International Committee of the Red Cross) “This impressive and timely volume offers an innovative way of understanding the issues of migration and integration by using a critical theory of recognition. Recognition theory has rich potential for effectively responding to the issues of autonomy, identity, integration, and empowerment that are at the core of the current public debates on mass migration, displacement, and the refugee crisis. By examining the normative and policy implications of recognition as they apply to migration, the book offers a pathbreaking look at the human dimension of the debate.”Dr. Helle Porsdam(Professor of Law and Humanities and UNESCO Chair in Cultural Rights University of Copenhagen)

Migration, Religion, and Schooling in Liberal Democratic States (Routledge Research in Religion and Education)

by Bruce A. Collet

Speaking to an increasingly fluid world involving the migration of peoples and cultures, the global resilience of religion, and the role of schooling in fostering liberal democratic values, this book investigates the degree to which secular public schools might facilitate religious migrants’ societal integration. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach which draws from political philosophy, the philosophy of education, and the sociology of religion, Collet argues that public schools in liberal democratic states can best facilitate the pluralistic integration of religious migrant students through adopting policies of recognition and accommodation that are not only reasonable in the light of liberal democratic principles, but also informed in terms of what we understand regarding the natural role religion often plays in acculturation.

Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines

by Caroline B. Brettell James F. Hollifield

During the last decade the issue of migration has increased in global prominence and has caused controversy among the host countries around the world. Continuing their interdisciplinary approach, editors Catherine Brettell and James Hollifield have included revised essays from the first edition in such fields as anthropology, political science, and history. This edition also features new essays by a demographer, geopgrapher, and sociologist.

Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines

by Caroline B. Brettell James F. Hollifield

During the last decade the issue of migration has increased in global prominence and has caused controversy among the host countries around the world. Continuing their interdisciplinary approach, editors Catherine Brettell and James Hollifield have included revised essays from the first edition in such fields as anthropology, political science, and history. This edition also features new essays by a demographer, geopgrapher, and sociologist.

Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines

by Caroline B. Brettell and James F. Hollifield

The revised fourth edition of Migration Theory continues to offer a one-stop synthesis of contemporary thought on migration. Editors Catherine B. Brettell and James F. Hollifield remain committed to include coverage that is comparative and global in scope while enhancing similarities and differences between one academic field and the next. All chapters have been revised to highlight cutting-edge issues in the field of migration studies today. The fourth edition welcomes two new authors, Professors Marie Price and François Héran, to offer a fresh approach with their chapters on geography and demography, respectively. Designed for undergraduate and graduate courses in migration studies, a primary goal of the text is to assist instructors in guiding students who may have little background on migration, to understand important issues and the scientific debates. This ensures Migration Theory is a highly valuable guide not only to the perspectives of one's own discipline but also to those of cognate fields.

The Migration Turn and Eastern Europe: A Global Historical Sociological Analysis (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Attila Melegh

Using Marxist and Polanyian frameworks, this book examines the structural and discursive transformation that can explain the polarization of migration debates and within the rise of nationalist anti-migrant discourses in Europe with a special attention to Eastern Europe and Hungary. It goes beyond the mainstream explanations of these phenomena that uses nationalist propaganda as causal factors and instead argues that the rise of anti-immigration currents cannot be understood without a dialectical and historical analysis of the material and discursive transformations, most importantly marketization and related reification. Drawing from thinkers such as Lukács, Polanyi, and Gramsci as well as diverse empirical sources including demographic studies, historical modelling, and discourse analyses, Migration Turn and Eastern Europe is a unique and rigorous study of one of the most pressing and puzzling political and sociological questions of our time.

Migration und Konflikt (Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik)

by Norbert Kersting Julian David Müller Uwe Hunger

Konflikte im Bereich Migration nehmen zu: Brennende Asylbewerberheime, Anschläge auf Migant:innen, rassistische Hassrede im Internet, ein Anwachsen rechtspopulistischer xenophobischer Demonstrationen und Parteien. Gerade in solch beunruhigenden Ausprägungsformen treten migrationsbezogene Konflikte häufig in Politik und Medien in Erscheinung und nähren den demokratischen Krisendiskurs. Die demokratie- und ordnungstheoretische Bedeutung sozialer Konflikte reicht allerdings weit über dieses destruktive Erscheinungsbild hinaus. Konflikte sind nicht nur ein unvermeidbares Element gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens, die Möglichkeit zur Austragung und Bearbeitung ist in vielen politikwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen gar zu einem Gradmesser demokratischer Qualität avanciert. So werden in diesem Sammelband politische Anerkennungs-, Teilhabe- und Teilnahmekonflikte beschrieben und die Repräsentation von Migrant*innen sowie ihre Einbindung in demokratische Entscheidungsprozesse analysiert.

Mikhail Bakhtin: The Duvakin Interviews, 1973

by Mikhail Bakhtin

Whenever Bakhtin, in his final decade, was queried about writing his memoirs, he shrugged it off. Unlike many of his Symbolist generation, Bakhtin was not fascinated by his own self-image. This reticence to tell his own story was the point of access for Viktor Duvakin, Mayakovsky scholar, fellow academic, and head of an oral history project, who in 1973 taped six interviews with Bakhtin over twelve hours. They remain our primary source of Bakhtin’s personal views: on formative moments in his education and exile, his reaction to the Revolution, his impressions of political, intellectual, and theatrical figures during the first two decades of the twentieth century, and his non-conformist opinions on Russian and Soviet poets and musicians. Bakhtin's passion for poetic language and his insights into music also come as a surprise to readers of his essays on the novel. One remarkable thread running through the conversations is Bakhtin's love of poetry, masses of which he knew by heart in several languages. Mikhail Bakhtin: The Duvakin Interviews, 1973, translated and annotated here from the complete transcript of the tapes, offers a fuller, more flexible image of Bakhtin than we could have imagined beneath his now famous texts. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.

Mikhail Bakhtin: The Word in the World (Critics of the Twentieth Century)

by Graham Pechey

Mikhail Bakhtin is one of the most influential theorists of philosophy as well as literary studies. His work on dialogue and discourse has changed the way in which we read texts – both literary and cultural – and his practice of philosophy in literary refraction and philological exploration has made him a pioneering figure in the twentieth-century convergence of the two disciplines. In this book, Graham Pechey offers a commentary on Bakhtin’s texts in all their complex and allusive ‘textuality’, keeping a sense throughout of the historical setting in which they were written and of his own interpretation of and response to them. Examining Bakhtin’s relationship to Russian Formalism and Soviet Marxism, Pechey focuses on two major interests: the influence of Eastern Orthodox Christianity upon his thinking; and Bakhtin’s use of literary criticism and hermeneutics as ways of ‘doing philosophy by other means’.

Las mil frases más feroces de la derecha de la caverna

by José María Izquierdo

Un millar de las virulentas proclamas de la extrema derecha mediática que tan a menudo aparecen en los medios de comunicación. ¿Puede amparar el periodismo a aquellos profesionales que insultan, difaman o desprecian hasta el punto de desear el aniquilamiento de quienes no comparten su ideología? Los últimos acontecimientos políticos, económicos, sociales de la historia reciente de España -Zapatero, Rubalcaba, la crisis, el 15-M- deberían ser narrados e interpretados desde un foro de debate honesto y objetivo, que no se deje guiar por filias ni fobias. No obstante, algunos conocidos comunicadores de nuestro país han hecho de la desconsideración y el ataque despiadado sus armas de información. Las virulentas proclamas que a menudo escuchamos en la radio, televisión y leemos en la prensa ponen de manifiesto que el periodismo está enfermo, tal vez herido de muerte. El periodista José María Izquierdo, defensor del valor terapéutico de la denuncia en cualquier ámbito, también en el profesional, nos ofrece en Las mil frases más feroces de la derecha de la caverna un millar de ferocidades, una antología que pretende recoger sin juzgar el griterío de una de las zonas más densas de la extrema derecha mediática, esa que todavía habita en las cavernas. El único juez es el lector. Reseñas:«¿Hay sitio para aquel que en el uso de un medio de comunicación desprecia los datos e incluso los históricos con tal de conformar una opinión cuanto más agresiva mejor, es decir, peor?».Juan Cruz «Esta extrema derecha habita en los pliegues del PP, no en otro sitio. Fue el embrión del partido y ahora parece su herejía, pero continúa en el seno de su Iglesia. Ningún concilio la ha condenado ni ninguno de sus seguidores ha sido expulsado».Iñaki Gabilondo

Milarepa's Kungfu: Mahamudra in His Songs of Realization

by Karl Brunnhölzl

Discover a meditation master&’s &“kungfu of the mind.&”The view is the wisdom of being empty Meditation is luminosity without fixation Conduct is a continual flow free of attachment Fruition is nakedness bare of any stain This is the first stanza of Milarepa&’s Ultimate View, Meditation, Conduct, and Fruition: pith instructions originally sang to the great yogi Rechungpa, Milarepa&’s disciple. These teachings are Milarepa&’s direct offering to his disciple of his own profound realization, gained after many years of dedicated practice. Karl Brunnhölzl, acclaimed translator and senior teacher at the Nalandabodhi community of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, calls this hard-earned understanding &“kungfu&”: &“Gong means &‘skillful work,&’ &‘hard training,&’ or &‘endeavor,&’ and fu means &‘time spent...&’ The term refers to Milarepa&’s diligent and skillful training in the techniques to realize the nature of his mind and benefit countless sentient beings.&” Ultimate View, Meditation, Conduct, and Fruition is a work of remarkable depth and clarity. In just five verses, Milarepa gives incisive instructions for progressing and for avoiding pitfalls in the stages of practice: - View: the basis or ground from which the proper meditation, conduct, and fruition of mahamudra can arise - Meditation: the training in or the familiarization with that view - Conduct: the natural outflow of having familiarized with the view in meditation - Fruition: the final outcome of having fully assimilated and realized the view, whose essence is not different from it

Mild Altered States of Consciousness: Subtle Shifts of Mind and Their Therapeutic Potential

by Eileen Sheppard

This book draws on transpersonal anthropology and psychology in order to explore mild altered states of consciousness (ASCs) experienced in everyday life. While research into consciousness and particularly ASCs is growing, this book focuses on a neglected area: ‘everyday’ experiences of ASCs. Opening with an up-to-date overview of the development of the study of ASCs, the author presents an in-depth empirical exploration and mapping of mild ASCs. Dr Sheppard examines original research conducted in a range of religious and secular contexts with participants who were engaged in activities including prayer, sport, nature conservation, music and musical instrument making, and TV viewing. The author takes a novel phenomenological approach to the analysis of ASCs, emphasising the subjective experience. The book explores the healing potential of such mild ASCs; the everyday fantasy reality of the interior landscape; and discusses the problem of validity, and belief in the study of ASCs. It will appeal to students and scholars of transpersonal psychology, consciousness studies, social anthropology, and the philosophy of mind.

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