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Milieus of Minutiae: Contextualizing the Small in Literature, Philosophy, and Science

by Roger Maioli Mareike Schildmann Elena Fabietti Carmen Schmechel Dan Liu Hans-Jörg Rheinberger Andreas Mahler Cynthia Wall Christopher Johnson Malte Rauch Margareta Ingrid Christian Marianne Schuller

The long history of tiny matter(s) in the sciences, thought, and culture From catastrophic weather and steady warming caused by the accumulation of carbon particles in the Earth&’s atmosphere to societies brought to a standstill by microscopic viruses, the new millennium has reminded us of how the minutest of phenomena can have outsized effects. This notion is one that has preoccupied the European and Anglo-American cultural imaginary since at least early modernity.Milieus of Minutiae brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to investigate various forms and appearances of minutiae prior to and beyond the advent of magnification. The collection illuminates connections between the empirical practices and technologies with which minutiae have come to be associated and the broader, more diffuse discourses—from the philosophical to the artistic—that have attended theories of smallness before and after Hooke&’s Micrographia. Placing essays on Renaissance poetry, Romantic fiction, and matters of punctuation alongside essays on early modern germ theory and the optics of microscopic technology, this rigorously framed volume extends from sixteenth-century pathology to twentieth-century architectural theory, natural science to literature and art.

Militant Acts: The Role of Investigations in Radical Political Struggles (SUNY series in New Political Science)

by Marcelo Hoffman

Militant Acts presents a broad history of the concept and practice of investigations in radical political struggles from the nineteenth century to the present. Radicals launched investigations into the conditions and struggles of the oppressed and exploited to stimulate their political mobilization and organization. These investigations assumed a variety of methodological forms in a wide range of geographical and institutional contexts, and they also drew support from the participation of intellectuals such as Marx, Lenin, Mao, Dunayevskaya, Foucault, and Badiou. Marcelo Hoffman analyzes newspapers, pamphlets, reports, and other source materials, which reveal the diverse histories, underappreciated difficulties, and theoretical import of investigations in radical political struggles. In so doing, he challenges readers to rethink the supposed failure of these investigations and concludes that the value of investigations in radical political struggles ultimately resides in the possibility of producing a new political "we."

Militant Democracy – Political Science, Law and Philosophy (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations #7)

by Afshin Ellian Bastiaan Rijpkema

This volume offers an up-to-date overview of the much-debated issue of how a democracy may defend itself against those who want to subvert it. The justifications, effectiveness and legal implications of militant democracy are discussed by addressing questions as: How can militant democracy measures such as party bans be justified? Why is it that some democracies ban antidemocratic parties? Does militant democracy succeed in combatting right-wing extremism? And is militant democracy evolving into an internationalized legal and political concept?Bringing together experts and perspectives from political science, law and philosophy, this volume advances our understanding of the current threats to democracy, a political system once thought almost invincible. It is especially timely in the light of the rise of illiberal democracy in the EU, the increasingly authoritarian rule in Turkey, the steady shift to autocracy in Russia and the remarkable election of Trump in the US.

Militärische versus polizeiliche Gewalt: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Folgen für internationale Friedensmissionen (essentials)

by Ines-Jacqueline Werkner

Ines-Jacqueline Werkner verhandelt in diesem essential die Frage der kategorialen Unterscheidung militärischer und polizeilicher Gewaltanwendung und deren Folgen für internationale Friedensmissionen. Sie greift damit einen in friedensethischen Debatten zunehmend diskutierten Punkt auf, nämlich welchen Beitrag Polizeikräfte zur Konfliktbearbeitung und internationalen Rechtsdurchsetzung leisten können. Im Fokus dieser Überlegungen steht das Ziel der Gewaltdeeskalation. So würden sich Polizeieinheiten aufgrund ihres Aufgabenprofils und ihrer Ausstattung deutlich vom Militär unterscheiden. Diese Annahmen, aber auch der zugrundeliegende Begriff der Gewalt und die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen werden in diesem essential erörtert.​

Militarization, Internal Repression and Social Welfare in the Third World (Routledge Revivals)

by Miles D Wolpin

First published in 1986, Militarization, Internal Repression and Social Welfare in the Third World argues that there is a relationship between the level of a regime’s military spending and the degree of internal repression it inflicts. This book presents a detailed empirical analysis of this situation and presents the results of more than three dozen researchers who have published comparative or case studies of the substitution effects of military expenditures in socio-economic areas. While the primary concern is with the Third World, the book also analyses the costs to advanced capitalist and to state socialist systems and discusses their role in further militarization. This book will be of interest to students of political science, international relations, colonialism and area studies.

Military Ethics: Theoretical And Practical Issues For The 21st Century (The International Library of Essays in Public and Professional Ethics)

by Igor Primoratz

Recent developments such as the 'new wars' or the growing privatisation of warfare, and the ever more sophisticated military technology, present the military with difficult ethical challenges. This book offers a selection of the best scholarly articles on military ethics published in recent decades. It gives a hearing to all the main ethical approaches to war: just war theory, consequentialism, and pacifism. Part I includes essays on justice of war (jus ad bellum), focussing on defence against aggression and humanitarian armed intervention, but also addressing topics such as conscientious objection and the relation of patriotism to war. Articles in Part II deal with the central problems of justice in war (jus in bello): civilian immunity and 'collateral damage' to civilian life and property. Essays in Part III look into the moral issues facing the military as a profession, such as the civil - military relations, the responsibilities of officers to their soldiers and to their military superiors, and the status and responsibilities of prisoners of war.

Military Ethics and Virtues: An Interdisciplinary Approach for the 21st Century (Cass Military Studies)

by Peter Olsthoorn

This book examines the role of military virtues in today's armed forces.Although long-established military virtues, such as honor, courage and loyalty, are what most armed forces today still use as guiding principles in an effort to enhance the moral behavior of soldiers, much depends on whether the military virtues adhered to by these militaries suit a particular mission or military operation. Clearly, the beneficiaries of these military virtues are the soldiers themselves, fellow-soldiers, and military organizations, yet there is little that regulates the behavior of soldiers towards civilian populations. As a result, troops trained for combat in today's missions sometimes experience difficulty in adjusting to the less aggressive ways of working needed to win the hearts and minds of local populations after major combat is over. It can be argued that today's missions call for virtues that are more inclusive than the traditional ones, which are mainly about enhancing military effectiveness, but a convincing case can be made that a lot can already be won by interpreting these traditional virtues in different ways. This volume offers an integrated approach to the main traditional virtues, exploring their possible relevance and proposing new ways of interpretation that are more in line with the military tasks of the 21st century.The book will be of much interest to students of military ethics, philosophy, and war and conflict in general.

Military Leadership in the British Civil Wars, 1642-1651: 'The Genius of this Age' (Cass Military Studies)

by Stanley D.M. Carpenter

Despite the wealth of British Civil Wars studies, little work addresses the nature of military leadership effectiveness in terms of the eventual result -parliamentary victory. It is no longer sufficient to credit religion, economics, localism or constitutional concepts for the outcome without considering the role of effective military leadership. The study of human conflict illustrates a simple, immutable truth -the finest, most inspired or motivated, well-trained, disciplined or experienced force is quite like a modern cruise missile. Without effective guidance, it is no more than a collection of very expensive parts.For the general military history reader, the work provides a concise strategic and operational narrative of the British Civil Wars of 1642-51 in northern England and Scotland. For historians, it offers an additional causative explanation for ultimate parliamentary victory. As a study of effective military leadership, it proposes, through a case study analysis based on a framework of characteristics and behavior of specific commanders from the wildly successful to the abysmal failure, a model of effective military leadership for present and successive generations of military, naval and air officers at all levels of command.

Military Medical Ethics for the 21st Century (Military and Defence Ethics)

by Michael L. Gross Don Carrick

As asymmetric ’wars among the people’ replace state-on-state wars in modern armed conflict, the growing role of military medicine and medical technology in contemporary war fighting has brought an urgent need to critically reassess the theory and practice of military medical ethics. Military Medical Ethics for the 21st Century is the first full length, broad-based treatment of this important subject. Written by an international team of practitioners and academics, this book provides interdisciplinary insights into the major issues facing military-medical decision makers and critically examines the tensions and dilemmas inherent in the military and medical professions. In this book the authors explore the practice of battlefield bioethics, medical neutrality and treatment of the wounded, enhancement technologies for war fighters, the potential risks of dual-use biotechnologies, patient rights for active duty personnel, military medical research and military medical ethics education in the 21st Century.

Military Necessity and Just War Statecraft: The Principle of National Security Stewardship (War, Conflict and Ethics)

by Eric Patterson

This book analyses the concept of military necessity and just war thinking, and argues that it should be seen as a vital moral principle for leaders. The principle of military necessity is well-understood in the manuals of modern militaries and is recognized in the war convention. It is the idea that battlefield commanders should make every effort to win on a local battlefield, within legal means, and using proportionate and discriminating weapons and tactics. Every legal textbook on war includes military necessity as a foundational principle within the jus in bello (ethics of fighting war) alongside principles of proportionality and distinction, and it is taught in every Western military academy. Even the International Committee of the Red Cross lauds the concept as a cardinal principle of warfare. However, unlike legal scholarship, pick up a book by almost any just war thinker in philosophy, theology, or the social sciences, and the concept is missing altogether. This volume returns military necessity to just war thinking and lays out the argument for doing so. Each contributor taps into one of the many dimensions of military necessity, such as its relationship to jus ad bellum (ethics of going to war) categories (e.g. right intention), its relationship to jus in bello categories, or its application in foreign policy and military doctrine. Case studies in the book point out the practical moral dimensions of military necessity in cases from the targeted killing of terrorists to battlefield decisions that led to the use of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. This book will be of interest to students of just war theory, military ethics, statecraft and International Relations.

Military, Politics and Democratization in Southern Africa: The Quest for Political Transition (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development)

by Tendai Chari Patrick Dzimiri

This book explores multiple challenges faced by democratization in Southern Africa. Applying a wider lens to the concept of political transition and employing a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, the contributions gathered here explore residual political cultural practices that hinder democratic consolidation in Southern Africa. Presenting various case studies, the book tackles themes such as the military-political nexus, leadership renewal, constitutionalism, electoral politics, election violence, marginalization of women, civil society and political transition, media framing and transitional justice. Written from a multidisciplinary perspective and drawing on empirical data from multiple sources, this edited volume challenges orthodox conceptualizations of political transition. The book will be of interest to students and scholars of political science, African studies, and related fields, as well as policy-makers and professionals interested in the latest political developments in Southern Africa.

Military Robots: Mapping the Moral Landscape (Military and Defence Ethics)

by Jai Galliott

Philosophers have wrestled over the morality and ethics of war for nearly as long as human beings have been waging it. The death and destruction that unmanned warfare entails magnifies the moral and ethical challenges we face in conventional warfare and everyday society. Intrinsically linked are questions and perennial problems concerning what justifies the initial resort to war, who may be legitimately targeted in warfare, who should be permitted to serve the military, the collateral effects of military weaponry and the methods of determining and dealing with violations of the laws of war. This book provides a comprehensive and unifying analysis of the moral, political and social questions concerning the rise of drone warfare.

Mill (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Professor John Skorupski

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Mill and Paternalism

by Gregory Claeys

Many discussions of J. S. Mill's concept of liberty focus too narrowly on On Liberty and fail to acknowledge that his treatment of related issues elsewhere may modify its leading doctrines. Mill and Paternalism demonstrates how a contextual reading suggests that in Principles of Political Economy, and also his writings on Ireland, India and on domestic issues like land reform, Mill proposed a substantially more interventionist account of the state than On Liberty seems to imply. This helps to explain Mill's sympathies for socialism after 1848, as well as his Malthusianism and feminism, which, in conjunction with Harriet Taylor's views, are central to his later discussions of the family and marriage. Feminism, indeed, is shown to provide the answer to the problem which most agitated Mill, overpopulation. Thus Gregory Claeys sheds new lights on many of Mill's overarching preoccupations, including the theory of liberty at the heart of On Liberty.

Mill-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

by Frauke Höntzsch

John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) gehört im angelsächsischen Raum seit jeher zu den Klassikern der Ideengeschichte. Aber auch im deutschsprachigen Raum wird er immer stärker rezipiert: Viele seiner Hauptschriften wurden neu editiert, sein Denken erfreut sich über die disziplinären Grenzen hinweg bis hinein in die Feuilletons wachsender Aufmerksamkeit. Das liegt nicht zuletzt an Mills ungewöhnlich undogmatischer Denkhaltung, die sich in der Berücksichtigung und Synthese verschiedenster Denkrichtungen niederschlägt. Seine Schriften zeugen von einem differenzierten Blick auf gesellschaftspolitische Zusammenhänge, was sie auch für moderne Debatten vielfältig anschlussfähig macht. Das Handbuch stellt John Stuart Mills Leben, die wichtigsten Einflüsse auf sein Denken, sein Werk und die zentralen Konzepte sowie die Rezeption seines Denkens im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Diskurse vor.

Mill on Civilization and Barbarism

by Michael Levin

John Stuart Mill's best-known work is On Liberty (1859). In it he declared that Western society was in danger of coming to a standstill. To understand how Mill came to this conclusion requires one to investigate his notion of the stages from barbarism to civilisation, and also his belief in imperialism as part of the civilising process. This study encompasses discourses on the blessings, curses and dangers of modernisation from approximately the time of the American and French revolutions to that of the so-called mid-Victorian calm in which On Liberty was written. Current political issues concerning the West and Islamic countries have heightened interest in just the kind of question that this book discusses: that of how the West relates to, and assesses, the rest of the world.

Mill on Justice (Philosophers in Depth)

by L. Kahn

John Stuart Mill was one of the most important figures in political philosophy but little has been published on his ideas on justice. This impressive collection by renowned Mill scholars addresses this gap in Mill studies and theories of justice.

Millard Fillmore Caldwell: Governing on the Wrong Side of History (Florida in Focus)

by Gary R. Mormino

When actions of the past clash with the values of today Millard Fillmore Caldwell (1897–1984) was once considered one of the greatest Floridians of his generation. Yet today he is known for his inability to adjust to the racial progress of the modern world. In this biography, leading Florida historian Gary Mormino tackles the difficult question of how to remember yesterday’s heroes who are now known to have had serious flaws.The last Florida governor born in the nineteenth century and the first to govern in the atomic age, Caldwell was beloved in his time for leading the state through the hard years of World War II. He was wildly successful in a political career that may never be matched, serving as governor, congressman, state legislator, and chief justice of the Florida Supreme Court. He passed important educational reform legislation. But his attitudes toward race and citizenship strike Americans today as embarrassing and shocking. He refused to address black leaders by their titles. He argued for segregated bomb shelters. And he accepted lynching as part of the southern way of life.Mormino measures the contributions of Caldwell alongside his glaring faults, discussing his complicated role in shaping modern Florida. In the current debates surrounding public memorials and historical memory in the United States, Millard Fillmore Caldwell is a timely example of one man’s contested legacy. A volume in the series Florida in Focus, edited by Andrew K. Frank

Millennial Biology: The National Science Foundation and American Biology, 1975-2005

by Donald J. McGraw

National Science Foundation (NSF) is a unique federal agency because it supports scientific research financially, but does not engage in scientific work itself. Its history is known only in part because the NSF is a vibrant, expanding, and living entity that makes the final telling of its story impossible. Much can be learned from its beginning as well as its component parts. If the founding of the NSF in 1950 was couched in an era of physics, especially atomic physics, certainly by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, biology was, and remains, the queen of sciences for the predictable future. This book highlights the elite status of America’s biological sciences as they were funded, affected, and, to a very real degree, interactively guided by the NSF. It examines important events in the earlier history of the Foundation because they play strongly upon the development of the various biology directorates. Issues such as education, applied research, medical science, the National Institutes of Health, the beginnings of biotechnology, and other matters are also discussed.

Millennial Monsters: Japanese Toys and the Global Imagination

by Anne Allison

Millennial Monsters explores the global popularity of Japanese youth goods today while it questions the make-up of the fantasies and the capitalistic conditions of the play involved. Arguing that part of the appeal of such dream worlds is the polymorphous perversity with which they scramble identity and character, the author traces the postindustrial milieu from which such fantasies have arisen in postwar Japan and been popularly received in the United States.

Millennial Teacher Identity Discourses: Balancing Self and Other

by Janet Alsup

Over ten years after the original edition of Teacher Identity Discourses, Janet Alsup revisits her work with a new research study examining the characteristics of the millennial teachers now beginning to populate K-12 classrooms. Building off the first edition, this text is based on a qualitative, interview-based research study, and provides a contemporary look at how millennial teachers experience professional identity growth through language use. This innovative research investigates how formation of a professional identity is central in the process of becoming an effective teacher. Updated with new analyses of teacher identity discourses, the second edition covers themes that still resonate today and provides practical suggestions and sample assignments for teacher educators to use or adapt in methods courses.

Millennial Teachers: Learning to Teach in Uncertain Times (Routledge Research in Teacher Education #11)

by Heidi L. Hallman

Drawing on narratives of five beginning teachers, Millennial Teachers explores the tensions in teachers’ young careers and how changing social, economic, and technological conditions of our current era both afford and constrain teachers’ identities and in contexts in which they work. Examining case studies of beginning teachers, Hallman draws a generational portraits of novice teachers and identifies the challenges inherent in transitioning from pre-service teacher to in-service teacher. This book synthesizes these teachers’ views on a range of topics and provides an understanding of the evolving pressures and possibilities of future teachers of the "millennial" generation.

Millikan and Her Critics (Philosophers and their Critics #15)

by Dan Ryder Justine Ki Ngsbury Kenneth Williford

Millikan and Her Critics offers a unique critical discussion of Ruth Millikan's highly regarded, influential, and systematic contributions to philosophy of mind and language, philosophy of biology, epistemology, and metaphysics. These newly written contributions present discussion from some of the most important philosophers in the field today and include replies from Millikan herself. Comprises 13 new essays that critically examine the highly regarded and influential work of Ruth Millikan Covers a wide range of Millikan's most important work, from philosophy of mind and language to philosophy of biology Features contributions by some of the most important and influential philosophers working today Includes original replies to critics by Millikan

Mill's Progressive Principles

by David O. Brink

In Mill's Progressive Principles David Brink provides a systematic reconstruction and assessment of John Stuart Mill's contributions to the utilitarian and liberal traditions, examining his first principles and their application to issues of representative democracy and sexual equality. Brink defends novel interpretations of key elements in Mill's moral and political philosophy, including his concepts of motivation, happiness, duty, proof, harm and the harm principle, freedom of expression, anti-paternalism, representative democracy and weighted voting, and sexual equality. However, the most distinctive aspect of this account of Mill's commitments is the case it makes for a perfectionist reading of his conception of happiness and the significance this has for other aspects of his moral and political philosophy. On this perfectionist conception, the chief ingredients of happiness involve the exercise of a person's capacities for practical deliberation and decision that mark us as progressive beings. Once this perfectionist theme is made explicit, it can be shown to be central to Mill's views about utilitarianism, liberalism, rights, democratic government, and sexual equality.

Mill's A System of Logic: Critical Appraisals (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy)

by Antis Loizides

John Stuart Mill considered his A System of Logic, first published in 1843, the methodological foundation and intellectual groundwork of his later works in ethical, social, and political theory. Yet no book has attempted in the past to engage with the most important aspects of Mill's Logic. This volume brings together leading scholars to elucidate the key themes of this influential work, looking at such topics as his philosophy of language and mathematics, his view on logic, induction and deduction, free will, argumentation, ethology and psychology, as well as his account of normativity, kinds of pleasure, philosophical and political method and the "Art of Life."

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