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Showing 22,626 through 22,650 of 40,448 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Milton and the English Revolution 3036308 Christopher Hill 9781788736855 1979
Milton and the Puritan Dilemma, 1641-1660 1247246 Arthur E. Barker 9781442633278 1976 Contains images
Mimesis and Reason: Habermas's Political Philosophy 5450121 Gregg Daniel Miller 9781438437415 2011
Mimesis as Make-Believe: On the Foundations of the Representational Arts 4024764 Kendall L. Walton 9780674268227 1993 Contains images
Mimesis, Expression, Construction: Fredric Jamesons Seminar on Aesthetic Theory 5923615 Fredric Jameson 9781915672179 1951 Contains images
Mimesis in a Cognitive Perspective: Mallarme, Flaubert, and Eminescu 3183616 Nicolae Babuts 9781351505321 2011
Mimetic Theory and Islam: "The Wound Where Light Enters" 2572017 Michael Kirwan Ahmad Achtar 9783030056957 2019
Mind and Body: Mind And Body (Central Problems Of Philosophy Ser. #11) 4758756 Robert Kirk 9781317489252 2003
Mind and Body Are Not Two Things 869228 Osho Osho International Foundation 9780880500562 2012
Mind and Brain: The Many-Faceted Problems 22570 John Eccles 1985
Mind and Brain: A Dialogue on the Mind-Body Problem 3155177 Rocco J. Gennaro 9781624668920 2020
Mind And Cosmos: Why The Materialist Neo-darwinian Conception Of Nature Is Almost Certainly False 3921983 Thomas Nagel 9780199919758 2012
Mind and Deity: Being the Second Series of a Course of Gifford Lectures on the General Subject of Metaphysics and Theism given in the University of Glasgow in 1940 (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Religion) 4806981 John Laird 9781135979560 1941
The Mind and Its Depths 1458387 Richard Wollheim 9780674979918 1993
The Mind and its Place in Nature (International Library of Philosophy) 5282539 C.D. Broad 9781317833987 2000 Contains images
The Mind and its World (Problems of Philosophy) 4803714 Gregory McCulloch 9781134827855 1995
Mind and Life: Discussions with the Dalai Lama on the Nature of Reality (Columbia Series in Science and Religion) 3509192 Pier Luisi 9780231529709 2009 Contains images
Mind and Life: Discussions with the Dalai Lama on the Nature of Reality (Columbia Series in Science and Religion) 6377665 Pier Luigi Luisi 9780231529709 2010 Contains images
Mind and Matter: Panpsychism, Dual-aspect Monism, And The Combination Problem (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy) 2333626 Jiri Benovsky 9783030056339 2018
Mind And Nature: A Necessary Unity 5260742 Gregory Bateson 9781572734340 2002
Mind and Nature: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Mathematics, and Physics 5884331 Hermann Weyl 9781400833320 2009 Contains images
The Mind and Teachers in the Classroom: Exploring Definitions of Mindfulness 4041084 Remy Y. Low 9783030703844 2021 Contains images
Mind and the Cosmic Order: How the Mind Creates the Features & Structure of All Things, and Why this Insight Transforms Physics 3707172 Charles Pinter 9783030500832 2021 Contains images
The Mind and the Market 1131050 Jerry Z. Muller 9780307428998 2002
The Mind and the Soul: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Mind) 4660962 Jenny Teichman 9781317579496 1974

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