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Mind in Comfort and Ease
by Adam Pearcey Patrick Gaffney Matthieu Ricard Richard Barron Sogyal Rinpoche His Holiness the Dalai LamaHere, in a teaching of outstanding completeness and clarity, the Dalai Lama sets out the key principles of Buddhism, showing how the mind can be transformed, and suffering overcome, through love, compassion, and a true understanding of the nature of reality. By illustrating his brilliant overview of the path with his own personal experiences and advice on how to integrate the practice, the Dalai Lama brings these teachings to life. The Dalai Lama delves deep into the teaching of the Great Perfection, or Dzogchen. His enthusiasm and admiration for this profound tradition shine through as he comments on an important work by the great Dzogchen master Longchen Rabjam, Finding Comfort and Ease in Meditation on the Great Perfection. This teaching, with its remarkable breadth and richness, was originally given to an audience of ten thousand in France in 2000, and this book perfectly captures the majesty of the occasion. As Sogyal Rinpoche, the Dalai Lama's host for the occasion, said, "All of us were moved by the depth, relevance, and accessibility of these teachings; there were those who said that they were among the most remarkable they had ever heard him give. To receive these teachings from him was the opportunity of a lifetime." Blending the highest wisdom with the deepest compassion and humanity, Mind in Comfort and Ease offers a glimpse into the Dalai Lama's wisdom mind and a panoramic view of the Buddhist path.
The Mind in Exile: Thomas Mann in Princeton
by Stanley CorngoldA unique look at Thomas Mann’s intellectual and political transformation during the crucial years of his exile in the United StatesIn September 1938, Thomas Mann, the Nobel Prize–winning author of Death in Venice and The Magic Mountain, fled Nazi Germany for the United States. Heralded as “the greatest living man of letters,” Mann settled in Princeton, New Jersey, where, for nearly three years, he was stunningly productive as a novelist, university lecturer, and public intellectual. In The Mind in Exile, Stanley Corngold portrays in vivid detail this crucial station in Mann’s journey from arch-European conservative to liberal conservative to ardent social democrat.On the knife-edge of an exile that would last fully fourteen years, Mann declared, “Where I am, there is Germany. I carry my German culture in me.” At Princeton, Mann nourished an authentic German culture that he furiously observed was “going to the dogs” under Hitler. Here, he wrote great chunks of his brilliant novel Lotte in Weimar (The Beloved Returns); the witty novella The Transposed Heads; and the first chapters of Joseph the Provider, which contain intimations of his beloved President Roosevelt’s economic policies. Each of Mann’s university lectures—on Goethe, Freud, Wagner—attracted nearly 1,000 auditors, among them the baseball catcher, linguist, and O.S.S. spy Moe Berg. Meanwhile, Mann had the determination to travel throughout the United States, where he delivered countless speeches in defense of democratic values.In Princeton, Mann exercised his “stupendous capacity for work” in a circle of friends, all highly accomplished exiles, including Hermann Broch, Albert Einstein, and Erich Kahler. The Mind in Exile portrays this luminous constellation of intellectuals at an extraordinary time and place.
Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of Mind
by Evan ThompsonHow is life related to the mind? Thompson explores this so-called explanatory gap between biological life and consciousness, drawing on sources as diverse as molecular biology, evolutionary theory, artificial life, complex systems theory, neuroscience, psychology, Continental Phenomenology, and analytic philosophy. Ultimately he shows that mind and life are more continuous than previously accepted, and that current explanations do not adequately address the myriad facets of the biology and phenomenology of mind.
Mind in Nature: John Dewey, Cognitive Science, and a Naturalistic Philosophy for Living
by Mark L. Johnson Jay SchulkinA dialogue between contemporary neuroscience and John Dewey&’s seminal philosophical work Experience and Nature, exploring how the bodily roots of human meaning, selfhood, and values provide wisdom for living.The intersection of cognitive science and pragmatist philosophy reveals the bodily basis of human meaning, thought, selfhood, and values. John Dewey's revolutionary account of pragmatist philosophy Experience and Nature (1925) explores humans as complex social animals, developing through ongoing engagement with their physical, interpersonal, and cultural environments. Drawing on recent research in biology and neuroscience that supports, extends, and, on occasion, reformulates some of Dewey's seminal insights, embodied cognition expert Mark L. Johnson and behavioral neuroscientist Jay Schulkin develop the most expansive intertwining of Dewey's philosophy with biology and neuroscience to date.The result is a positive, life-affirming understanding of how our evolutionary and individual development shapes who we are, what we can know, where our deepest values come from, and how we can cultivate wisdom for a meaningful and intelligent life.
Mind into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit
by Fred Alan WolfA physicist examines ideas from medieval alchemy and contemporary science to explore the connection between mind and matter.Alchemists of old attempted to make sense of the universe—to discover the connection between mind and matter. Some of today’s scientists, in particular quantum physicists, are doing the same. In this contribution to the study of consciousness, physicist Fred Alan Wolf reveals what he calls the “new alchemy” —a melding of the ideas of the old alchemists and the new scientists to reach a fuller understanding of mind and matter.An elegant book with short, stand-alone chapters, each framed by an alchemical symbol and its definition, Mind into Matter is thought provoking for scientists and lay people alike.Praise for Mind into Matter“I consider Fred Alan Wolf one of the most important pioneers in the field of consciousness. This book could change the way you perceive the world.” —Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, author of How to Know God“Once again, physicist Fred Alan Wolf takes us on a magical mystery tour into the adventure land of science and spirit. . . . Both enthralling and energizing.” —Michael Toms, cofounder, host, producer of New Dimensions Radio“How refreshing to have a scientist put the emphasis on the individual where it belongs! Wolf has written a glorious entertainment for the mind that matters.” —Kenneth Ring, PhD, author of Lessons from the Light“[A]llows readers to look at their own inner mechanism and better understand the consciousness which gives them life and makes them aware of the outer world of forms and phenomena in which they live.” —Glen P. Kezwer, Ph.D., physicist, author of Meditation, Oneness and Physics
Mind, Language, and Metaphilosophy
by Stephen Leach Richard Rorty James Tartaglia Richard Rorty James TartagliaThis volume presents a selection of the philosophical essays which Richard Rorty wrote during the first decade of his career, and complements four previous volumes of his papers published by Cambridge University Press. In this long neglected body of work, which many leading philosophers still consider to be his best, Rorty develops his views on the nature and scope of philosophy in a manner which supplements and elucidates his definitive statement on these matters in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. He also develops his groundbreaking version of eliminative materialism, a label first coined to describe his position, and sets out original views on various central topics in the philosophy of language, concerning private language, indeterminacy, and verificationalism. A substantial introduction examines Rorty's philosophical development from 1961 to 1972. The volume completes our understanding of Rorty's intellectual trajectory and offers lucid statements of positions which retain their relevance to current debates.
Mind, Language and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Platts (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy)
by Gustavo Ortiz-Millán Juan Antonio Cruz ParceroMark Platts is responsible for the first systematic presentation of truth-conditional semantics and for turning a generation of philosophers on to the Davidsonian program. He is also a pioneer in discussions of moral realism, and has made important contributions to bioethics, the philosophy of human rights and moral responsibility. This book is a tribute to Platts’s pioneering work in these areas, featuring contributions from number of leading scholars of his work from the US, UK and Mexico. It features replies to the individual essays from Platts, as well as a concluding chapter reflecting on his philosophical career from Oxford to Mexico City. Mind, Language and Morality will be of interest to philosophers across a wide range of areas, including ethics, moral psychology, philosophy of law, and philosophy of language.
Mind, Language And Society: Philosophy in the Real World
by John R. SearleDisillusionment with psychology is leading more and more people to formal philosophy for clues about how to think about life. But most of us who try to grapple with concepts such as reality, truth, common sense, consciousness, and society lack the rigorous training to discuss them with any confidence. John Searle brings these notions down from their abstract heights to the terra firma of real-world understanding, so that those with no knowledge of philosophy can understand how these principles play out in our everyday lives. The author stresses that there is a real world out there to deal with, and condemns the belief that the reality of our world is dependent on our perception of it.
Mind, Language and Subjectivity: Minimal Content and the Theory of Thought (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)
by Nicholas GeorgalisIn this monograph Nicholas Georgalis further develops his important work on minimal content, recasting and providing novel solutions to several of the fundamental problems faced by philosophers of language. His theory defends and explicates the importance of ‘thought-tokens’ and minimal content and their many-to-one relation to linguistic meaning, challenging both ‘externalist’ accounts of thought and the solutions to philosophical problems of language they inspire. The concepts of idiolect, use, and statement made are critically discussed, and a classification of kinds of utterances is developed to facilitate the latter. This is an important text for those interested in current theories and debates on philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and their points of intersection.
Mind, Meaning and World: A Transcendental Perspective
by Ramesh Chandra PradhanThe present book intends to approach the problem of mind, meaning and consciousness from a non-naturalist or transcendental point of view. The naturalization of consciousness has reached a dead-end. There can be no proper solution to the problem of mind within the naturalist framework. This work intends to reverse this trend and bring back the long neglected transcendental theory laid down by Kant and Husserl in the West and Vedanta and Buddhism in India. The novelty of this approach lies in how we can make an autonomous space for mind and meaning without denying its connection with the world. The transcendental theory does not disown the embodied nature of consciousness, but goes beyond the body in search of higher meanings and values. The scope of this work extends from mind and consciousness to the world and brings the world into the space of mind and meaning with a hope to enchant the world. The world needs to be retrieved from the stranglehold of scientism and naturalism. This book will dispel the illusion about naturalism which has gripped the minds of our generation. The researchers interested in the philosophy of mind and consciousness can benefit from this work.
Mind, Method and Conditionals: Selected Papers (International Library of Philosophy)
by Frank JacksonFirst Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Mind, Morality and Magic: Cognitive Science Approaches in Biblical Studies
by Istvan Czachesz Risto UroThe cognitive science of religion that has emerged over the last twenty years is a multidisciplinary field that often challenges established theories in anthropology and comparative religion. This new approach raises many questions for biblical studies as well. What are the cross-cultural cognitive mechanisms which explain the transmission of biblical texts? How did the local and particular cultural traditions of ancient Israel and early Christianity develop? What does the embodied and socially embedded nature of the human mind imply for the exegesis of biblical texts? "Mind, Morality and Magic" draws on a range of approaches to the study of the human mind - including memory studies, computer modeling, cognitive theories of ritual, social cognition, evolutionary psychology, biology of emotions, and research on religious experience. The volume explores how cognitive approaches to religion can shed light on classical concerns in biblical scholarship - such as the transmission of traditions, ritual and magic, and ethics - as well as uncover new questions and offer new methodologies.
The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics
by Robert AitkenIn Taking the Path of Zen, Robert Aitken provided a concise guide to zazen (Zen meditation) and other aspects of the practice of Zen. In The Mind of Clover he addresses the world beyond the zazen cushions, illuminating issues of appropriate personal and social action through an exploration of the philosophical complexities of Zen ethics. Aitken's approach is clear and sure as he shows how our minds can be as nurturing as clover, which enriches the soil and benefits the environment as it grows. The opening chapters discuss the Ten Grave Precepts of Zen, which, Aitken points out, are "not commandments etched in stone but expressions of inspiration written in something more fluid than water." Aitken approaches these precepts, the core of Zen ethics, from several perspectives, offering many layers of interpretation. Like ripples in a pond, the circles of his interpretation increasingly widen, and he expands his focus to confront corporate theft and oppression, the role of women in Zen and society, abortion, nuclear war, pollution of the environment, and other concerns.The Mind of Clover champions the cause of personal responsibility in modern society, encouraging nonviolent activism based on clear convictions. It is a guide that engages, that invites us to realize our own potential for confident and responsible action.
The Mind of Light
by Sri AurobindoThe book is a guide to the future evolution of consciousness. The text includes an added section on The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo as a general overview, as well as an extensive annotated bibliography and introduction by Dr. Robert McDermott.
The Mind of Plato
by A. E. TaylorThrough his own writings and inspiration of Aristotle and countless others, Plato continues to influence every area of philosophic thought, to say nothing of his enormous influence on Christian theology. His dramatic dialogues, including Republic, the monumental treatise on the ideal state, render him one of the greatest of Greek literary geniuses.In this concise analysis, eminent Plato scholar A. E. Taylor examines the philosopher's theory of knowledge and doctrine of ideas; the ideal of the philosopher-king; the social system advocated in Republic; judgments on democracy; and belief in the immortality of the soul. Also considered: Plato's relationship with his master, Socrates; contribution to the idea of university education; attack on art; abstention from public life; anticipation of Copernicus. Taylor also mentions historical misunderstandings of the one he deems the most original and influential of all philosophers.-Print ed.“A. E. Taylor’s THE MIND OF PLATO is the work of a scholar of great eminence and the best brief introduction to Plato that I know.”—JOHN WILD“This short work, by one of the great Platonic authorities, presents the career and thought of Plato without the dogmatic, technical, or sentimental clichés found in many expositions of Platonism.”-RICHARD McKEON
The Mind of the African Strongman: Conversations With Dictators, Statesmen, and Father Figures
by Herman CohenWith The Mind of the African Strongman, Herman J. Cohen, career ambassador and former Assistant Secretary of State, takes a look at what has helped and what has hindered economic development and democracy in Africa since the end of colonialism. <P><P>Despite access to vast natural resources and decades of international development aid, why have so many African countries failed to keep the promises made to their people? <P><P>With wit and a sharp analytical eye, Ambassador Cohen reflects on nearly four decades of work throughout the continent, sharing stories of his personal encounters with some of Africa's most legendary leaders. From Nelson Mandela to Muammar Gaddafi, Cohen gives readers a never-before-seen look at the men who defined modern Africa, as well as a behind-the-scenes account of dealing with U.S. Presidents, Secretaries of State, and other key leaders shaping U.S. foreign policy toward Africa in the the post-colonial / Cold War era. <P><P>Ambassador Cohen's historical analysis shows how today's African leaders can fulfill the continent's economic and democratic potential.
The Mind of the Maker: The Expression of Faith through Creativity and Art (Library Of Anglican Spirituality Ser.)
by Dorothy L. SayersAn investigation into the nature of God and creativity from the author of the Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, with an introduction by Madeleine L&’Engle. From the first pages of Genesis, it is clear that God and man share one vital trait: the ability to create great works out of nothing. More than any other group, artists feel impelled to create, and this urge brings them closer to God. By contemplating the creative drive of humanity, we can better understand the works of God, and by reading deeply into the tenets of Christianity, we can better understand the creative spirit of man. Dorothy L. Sayers explores the concept of the Holy Trinity within the context of invention: the creative idea, the creative energy, and the creative power. In this searching, wide-ranging treatise, one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century shows us what it means to be an artist—and what it takes to make humankind.
The Mind of the Mathematician
by Michael Fitzgerald Ioan JamesWhat makes mathematicians tick? How do their minds process formulas and concepts that, for most of the rest of the world’s population, remain mysterious and beyond comprehension? Is there a connection between mathematical creativity and mental illness?In The Mind of the Mathematician, internationally famous mathematician Ioan James and accomplished psychiatrist Michael Fitzgerald look at the complex world of mathematics and the mind. Together they explore the behavior and personality traits that tend to fit the profile of a mathematician. They discuss mathematics and the arts, savants, gender and mathematical ability, and the impact of autism, personality disorders, and mood disorders. These topics, together with a succinct analysis of some of the great mathematical personalities of the past three centuries, combine to form an eclectic and fascinating blend of story and scientific inquiry.
The Mind of the Mathematician
by Michael Fitzgerald Ioan JamesAn intriguing look at the psychology and personality of mathematicians, with profiles of twenty prominent figures in the field. What makes mathematicians tick? How do their minds process formulas and concepts that, for most of the rest of the world&’s population, remain mysterious and beyond comprehension? Is there a connection between mathematical creativity and mental illness? In The Mind of the Mathematician, internationally famous mathematician Ioan James and accomplished psychiatrist Michael Fitzgerald look at the complex world of mathematics and the mind. Together they explore the behavior and personality traits that tend to fit the profile of a mathematician. They discuss mathematics and the arts, savants, gender and mathematical ability, and the impact of autism, personality disorders, and mood disorders. These topics, together with a succinct analysis of some of the great mathematical personalities of the past three centuries, combine to form an eclectic and fascinating blend of story and scientific inquiry. &“The authors&’ careful treatments are an especially welcome addition to a genre riddled with apocryphal anecdotes and shoddy scholarship.&” —Nature
The Mind of the Middle Ages: An Historical Survey
by Frederick B. Artz"This is the third edition of a near standard survey of the intellectual life of the age of faith. Artz on the arts, as on philosophy, politics and other aspects of culture, makes lively and informative reading."—The Washington Post
Mind over Matter: Memory Fiction from Daniel Defoe to Jane Austen
by Sarah EronHow do we understand memory in the early novel? Departing from traditional empiricist conceptualizations of remembering, Mind over Matter uncovers a social model of memory in Enlightenment fiction that is fluid and evolving—one that has the capacity to alter personal histories. Memories are not merely imprints of first-hand experience stored in the mind, but composite stories transacted through dialogue and reading.Through new readings of works by Daniel Defoe, Frances Burney, Laurence Sterne, Jane Austen, and others, Sarah Eron tracks the fictional qualities of memory as a force that, much like the Romantic imagination, transposes time and alters forms. From Crusoe’s island and Toby’s bowling green to Evelina’s garden and Fanny’s east room, memory can alter, reconstitute, and even overcome the conditions of the physical environment. Memory shapes the process and outcome of the novel’s imaginative world-making, drafting new realities to better endure trauma and crises. Bringing together philosophy of mind, formalism, and narrative theory, Eron highlights how eighteenth-century novelists explored remembering as a creative and curative force for literary characters and readers alike. If memory is where we fictionalize reality, fiction—and especially the novel—is where the truths of memory can be found.
Mind Power: The Sixth Sense
by Ethirajan RathakrishnanThis book explores the mysteries of the human brain and the potential of the mind. The peculiarities and infinitude of the mind have been a theme for research for scientists and philosophers alike, for centuries. This volume presents the unanswered and highly convoluted questions and hypotheses surrounding the human mind in a simplified way. It examines the binaries of religion and science, god and nature and emotions and intelligence through a philosophical lens to posit that the relationships between cognition, belief, nature and science are what we understand and infer based on our surroundings and how much we are willing to think, learn and introspect.This book will be of interest to students of philosophy, psychology, science, popular science, psychoanalysis, cognitive studies and mental health. It will also appeal to general readers.
Mind, Reason, and Being-in-the-World: The McDowell-Dreyfus Debate
by Joseph K. SchearJohn McDowell and Hubert L. Dreyfus are philosophers of world renown, whose work has decisively shaped the fields of analytic philosophy and phenomenology respectively. Mind, Reason, and Being-in-the-World: The McDowell-Dreyfus Debate opens with their debate over one of the most important and controversial subjects of philosophy: is human experience pervaded by conceptual rationality, or does experience mark the limits of reason? Is all intelligibility rational, or is there a form of intelligibility at work in our skilful bodily rapport with the world that eludes our intellectual capacities? McDowell and Dreyfus provide a fascinating insight into some fundamental differences between analytic philosophy and phenomenology, as well as areas where they may have something in common. Fifteen specially commissioned chapters by distinguished international contributors enrich the debate inaugurated by McDowell and Dreyfus, taking it in a number of different and important directions. Fundamental philosophical problems discussed include: the embodied mind, subjectivity and self-consciousness, intentionality, rationality, practical skills, human agency, and the history of philosophy from Kant to Hegel to Heidegger to Merleau-Ponty. With the addition of these outstanding contributions, Mind, Reason, and Being-in-the-World is essential reading for students and scholars of analytic philosophy and phenomenology.
Mind, Self and Interiority (Avebury Series in Philosophy)
by Thomas DuddyContemporary philosophers of mind often raise serious questions around the concepts of self, subjectivity, and ’the inner life’ on the grounds that such concepts have their origin in a discredited Cartesian metaphysics. The contention of this book is that the rejection of ’interiority’ and related concepts has been based on a time-honoured misreading of Descartes. In the course of exposing the misconceived anti-Cartesianism of a wide range of thinkers from Wittgenstein and Ryle to Dennett and Foucault, an attempt is made to clear a space for a new post-Cartesian conception of subjectivity - a conception of subjectivity which is consistent with at least some versions of materialism. The aim of this book is not to defend Cartesian dualism but to reclaim important concepts that have been anathematized by having been mistakenly associated with it.
Mind Skills: A Philosopher's Notebook
by Joseph Van de Mortel<p>In this notebook, Joseph van de Mortel reflects on the role of epiphany and the value of philosophy, covering thinkers, concepts, methods, and principles. The result is a useful and entertaining sourcebook for every desk. The pedagogical recommendations for reading difficult material are also here. They have helped many of the author's students win scholarships and gain admission to top universities, including UC Berkeley, Stanford, and UCLA. Every dedicated student will want to review and utilize these simple methods for acquiring the habits that great students possess. <p>In addition to reflecting on the problem of mental fragmentation, the author introduces a rich content for better word selection and discusses the importance of mindfulness and listening, lecture notes, reading notes, the read and stop method, the Socratic method, the circle method, the purpose of ethics, the chronology of philosophy, and the four aspects of philosophy. <p>If academic self-confidence is a product of knowing what works, then this text supports that outcome. It argues that many of the problems students face are practical and can be demystified and solved with the introduction of good mental habits that are the benchmarks of sound, critical thinking.</p>