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Showing 22,826 through 22,850 of 40,429 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Mixed Methods in den Digital Humanities: Topic-informierte Diskursanalyse am Beispiel der Volkszählungs- und Zensusdebatte (Digitalitätsforschung / Digitality Research) 5166376 Anne Deremetz 9783662663196 2023 Contains images
Mixed-Race Youth and Schooling: The Fifth Minority 5594357 Sandra Winn Tutwiler 9781317693420 2016 Contains images
Mixing Minds 842949 Jeremy D. Safran Pilar Jennings 9780861716135 2010 Contains images
Mixing Races: From Scientific Racism to Modern Evolutionary Ideas (Johns Hopkins Introductory Studies in the History of Science) 5444475 Paul Lawrence Farber 9781421402581 2011 Contains images
Miyamoto Musashi: His Life and Writings 1384503 Kenji Tokitsu Sherab Chodzin Kohn 9780834824881 1971 Contains images
Mme de Staël and Political Liberalism in France 2138582 Chinatsu Takeda 9789811080876 2018
Mnemosyne: The Parallel Between Literature and the Visual Arts (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts #16) 5663304 Mario Praz 9780691252193 1970 Contains images
Mobile Communication and Online Falsehoods in Asia: Trends, Impact and Practice (Mobile Communication in Asia: Local Insights, Global Implications) 5399227 Carol Soon 9789402422252 2023 Contains images
Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media 3105141 Jason Farman 9781136942860 2012 Contains images
Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media 3564334 Jason Farman 9780429863127 2020 Contains images
Mobile Media and Social Intimacies in Asia: Reconfiguring Local Ties and Enacting Global Relationships (Mobile Communication in Asia: Local Insights, Global Implications) 5048158 Jason Vincent A. Cabañes Cecilia S. Uy-Tioco 9789402417906 2020
Mobile Media Methods 6150999 Larissa Hjorth Gerard Goggin 9781509558810 2024 Contains images
The Mobile Philosopher: Switch off your phone, turn on your brain 4118372 Will Bynoe 9781780724942 2020
The Mobile Philosopher: Switch off your phone, turn on your brain 4120975 Will Bynoe 9781780724935 2020
The Mobile Philosopher: Switch off your phone, turn on your brain 4121974 Will Bynoe 9781780724928 2020
The Mobile Philosopher: Switch off your phone, turn on your brain 3909716 Will Bynoe 9781780724928 2020
The Mobile Philosopher: Switch off your phone, turn on your brain 3909489 Will Bynoe 9781780724935 2020
The Mobile Philosopher: Switch off your phone, turn on your brain 3909996 Will Bynoe 9781780724942 2020
Mobilitätsplanung: Theorien, Aufgaben und Prozesse 5942369 Alexander Rammert 9783658432652 2024 Contains images
Mobilities of Knowledge 1529997 Heike Jöns Peter Meusburger Michael Heffernan 9783319446547 2017 Contains images
Mobility and Environment 1351602 Corrado Poli 9789400712201 2010
Mobility of Knowledge, Practice and Pedagogy in TESOL Teacher Education: Implications for Transnational Contexts 3949061 Anwar Ahmed Osman Barnawi 9783030641405 2021 Contains images
Mobilizing Opportunities: The Evolving Latino Electorate and the Future of American Politics (Race, Ethnicity, and Politics) 5769451 Ricardo Ramírez 9780813935119 2014 Contains images
Mobilizing Traditions in the First Wave of the British Animal Defense Movement (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series) 4302388 Chien-hui Li 9781137526519 2019 Contains images
Mocking Bird Technologies: The Poetics of Parroting, Mimicry, and Other Starling Tropes 6416358 Christopher GoGwilt and Melanie D. Holm 9780823278503 2018 Contains images

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