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The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom about Children and Parenting
by Alfie KohnSomehow, a set of deeply conservative assumptions about children--what they're like and how they should be raised--have congealed into the conventional wisdom in our society. Parents are accused of being both permissive and overprotective, unwilling to set limits and afraid to let their kids fail. Young people, meanwhile, are routinely described as entitled and narcissistic...among other unflattering adjectives.In The Myth of the Spoiled Child, Alfie Kohn systematically debunks these beliefs--not only challenging erroneous factual claims but also exposing the troubling ideology that underlies them. Complaints about pushover parents and coddled kids are hardly new, he shows, and there is no evidence that either phenomenon is especially widespread today--let alone more common than in previous generations. Moreover, new research reveals that helicopter parenting is quite rare and, surprisingly, may do more good than harm when it does occur. The major threat to healthy child development, John argues, is posed by parenting that is too controlling rather than too indulgent.With the same lively, contrarian style that marked his influential books about rewards, competition, and education, Kohn relies on a vast collection of social science data, as well as on logic and humor, to challenge assertions that appear with numbing regularity in the popular press. These include claims that young people suffer from inflated self-esteem; that they receive trophies, praise, and As too easily; and that they would benefit from more self-discipline and "grit." These conservative beliefs are often accepted without question, even by people who are politically liberal. Kohn's invitation to reexamine our assumptions is particularly timely, then; his book has the potential to change our culture's conversation about kids and the people who raise them.
The Myth of Triumphalism: Rethinking President Reagan's Cold War Legacy (Studies In Conflict, Diplomacy, And Peace Ser.)
by Beth A. FischerThis historical study dismantles the myth of Reagan’s hardline victory and sheds light on his true diplomatic success in cooperation with Gorbachev.Did President Reagan’s hawkish policies destroy the Soviet Union and enable the United States to win the Cold War? Many Americans believe this to be the case. In this view?known as “triumphalism”?Reagan’s denunciations of the “evil empire” and his military buildup compelled Moscow to admit defeat. The president’s triumph demonstrates that America’s leaders should stand strong and threaten adversaries into submission.Drawing on both US and Soviet sources, this study demonstrates that triumphalism is based on a series of falsehoods about President Reagan’s intentions, his policies, and the impact his administration had on the Soviet Union. In reality, the president’s initially hardline posture undermined US interests and brought the superpowers to the brink of war. Success only came when Reagan changed his approach to one of cooperation.Together, President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev were able to accomplish what no one at the time thought possible?the peaceful conclusion of the Cold War. The president’s opposition to nuclear weapons, his determined leadership, and his dedication to diplomacy are his most enduring legacies.
Myth of Universal Human Rights: Its Origin, History, and Explanation, Along with a More Humane Way
by David N. StamosIn this groundbreaking and provocative new book, philosopher of science David N. Stamos challenges the current conceptions of human rights, and argues that the existence of universal human rights is a modern myth. Using an evolutionary analysis to support his claims, Stamos traces the origin of the myth from the English Levellers of 1640s London to our modern day. Theoretical defenses of the belief in human rights are critically examined, including defenses of nonconsensus concepts. In the final chapter Stamos develops a method of naturalized normative ethics, which he then applies to topics routinely dealt with in terms of human rights. In all of this Stamos hopes to show that there is a better way of dealing with matters of ethics and justice, a way that involves applying the whole of our evolved moral being, rather than only parts of it, and that is fiction-free.
The Myth That Will Not Die: The Formation of the National Government 1931 (Routledge Revivals)
by Humphry BerkeleyNo figure in the Labour movement has attracted such extremes of emotion as has James Ramsay MacDonald. Loved and almost worshipped for more than 30 years, his formation of the National Government in August 1931 incurred hatred, bitterness and contempt from those whom he had led for so long. MacDonald’s career and the admiration and odium which it engendered is without parallel in British politics. Originally published in 1978, this book provides an answer to the charge that MacDonald deliberately betrayed the Labour movement by forming a coalition government with the Conservative and Liberal Parties. It examines the criticism that he ruthlessly proceeded to destroy the Labour Party in the General Election of October 1931 – an election which he pledged, only two months earlier, would not be held. Using the private papers and authorised (auto)biographies, and the Cabinet minutes of the day, this book reconstructs what really happened between August 1 and 24 1931, and accounts for the mercilessness with which he is remembered by the Labour Party.
Mythic Thinking in Twentieth-Century Britain
by Matthew SterenbergA variety of thinkers used the concept of myth to articulate their anxieties about modernity. By telling the story of mythic thinking in Britain from its origins in Victorian social anthropology to its postwar cultural mainstreaming, this book reveals a yearning for transcendence in an age long assumed to be disenchanted.
Mythologies of Transhumanism
by Michael HauskellerThis book examines the dependence of transhumanist arguments on the credibility of the narratives of meaning in which they are embedded. By taking the key ideas from transhumanist philosophy - the desirability of human self-design and immortality, the elimination of all suffering and the expansion of human autonomy - Michael Hauskeller explores these narratives and the understanding of human nature that informs them. Particular attention is paid to the theory of transhumanism as a form of utopia, stories of human nature, the increasing integration of the radical human enhancement project into the cultural mainstream, and the drive to upgrade from flesh to machine.
The Mythopoetics of Currere: Memories, Dreams, and Literary Texts as Teaching Avenues to Self-Study (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series #43)
by Mary Aswell DollIn The Mythopoetics of Currere, Doll uses depth psychology, myth, and literature to offer a new approach to currere, the root of curriculum, through essays exploring significant literary images that open doorways into the fictions that layer the self. Offering a focus on the body, queer love, false belief, strangeness, otherness, and chaos, this book suggests new metaphors for understanding why currere is what matters most in curriculum.
by Markus C Schulte von DrachEine Expedition ins Herz des Dschungels. Eine Reise an den Anfang und das Ende des Glaubens. Eine abenteuerliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Religion und der Evolution. Im Jahr 1539 begegnet der spanische Konquistador Juan de la Torre im Amazonasdschungel dem Teufel. Als fast 500 Jahre später die deutsche Schriftkundlerin Nora Tilly im Indienarchiv von Sevilla auf Dokumente des Spaniers stößt, entdeckt sie Hinweise auf einen Inka-Schatz. Doch bald muss sie feststellen, dass sie nicht die einzige ist, die sich auf den Weg macht, um das Gold zu finden. Die irische Journalistin Brea MacLoughlin reist mit einer Delegation katholischer Geistlicher ebenfalls nach Peru, um ein angebliches Wunder in den Anden zu überprüfen. Zu dieser Delegation gehört auch der junge Priester Arnaud d'Albret, der in Südamerika über eine ihm verbotene Liebe hinwegzukommen hofft. Nach dem gewaltsamen Tod seines Mentors schließt d'Albret sich Nora Tilly an. Auch Brea MacLoughlin folgt der Expedition der Schatzsucher. Im Dschungel Perus entdeckt unterdessen der Biologiestudent Francisco Pérez etwas, das eigentlich nicht existieren dürfte: das fünfzehn Millionen Jahre alte Fossil eines Riesenkrokodils, in dessen Schädel eine Pfeilspitze steckt. Der Versuch, dieses Rätsel zu lösen, führt ihn schließlich mit den Schatzjägern aus Europa zusammen. Doch was die Expedition im Dschungel erwartet, ist nicht nur das Gold der Inka. Tief im Wald stoßen sie auf etwas, das ihr Weltbild in Stücke reißt. ......... "Eine abenteuerliche Melange aus Dawkins' Gotteswahn, Indiana Jones und Jurassic Park. Schulte von Drach gelingt, was Dan Brown nie schaffte: den Leser zu fesseln, ohne seinen Verstand zu lähmen. Absolut empfehlenswert!" Michael Schmidt-Salomon, Philosoph und Schriftsteller, Vorstandssprecher der Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung, Autor von "Jenseits von Gut und Böse" "Wie viel Menschenwerk steckt in der Religion? Im Unterschied zum ätzenden Stil neoatheistischer Gotteswahn-Polemik setzt dieses Buch auf eine Strategie à la Umberto Eco: Der Reigen religionskritischer Überlegungen ist eingepackt in eine Rahmenhandlung, deren Spannung - Science-Fiction und Thriller im besten Sinn - den Leser mitnimmt zu den Etappen der intellektuellen Auseinandersetzung." Christian Kummer, Biologe, Philosoph und Jesuit, Professor an der Hochschule für Philosophie in München, Autor von "Der Fall Darwin" _____ Terra X und Theodizee, Evolution und El Dorado, Schatzjagd und Gottessuche - Markus C. Schulte von Drachs neuer Roman entführt Sie auf eine abenteuerliche Reise um die halbe Welt und zurück bis ins 16. Jahrhundert: Von Sevilla, Kismayoo, Florida und Iquitos aus machen sich seine Helden auf den Weg ins Herz des Amazonas-Regenwaldes. Auf der Suche nach dem legendären Inka-Gold, einem unglaublichen Fossil und ihrem Seelenfrieden stoßen ein französischer Priester, eine deutsche Schatzjägerin, eine irische Journalistin, ein peruanischer Biologiestudent und ein türkischer Kreationist auf die Spuren des Matararo. Doch gibt es dieses Wesen überhaupt? Lassen Sie sich von den Abenteuern genauso fesseln wie von den Auseinandersetzungen über Religion und Wissenschaft, die diesen Thriller so außergewöhnlich machen. Folgen Sie den unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten auf ihrem Weg, bis am Ende alle gemeinsam vor einer einzigen Aufgabe stehen: zu überleben.
Mythos Determinismus
by Brigitte FalkenburgAus Sicht von Neurobiologen regiert das neuronale Geschehen im Kopf unser Bewusstsein. Als Physikerin und Philosophin hinterfragt die Autorin in diesem Buch die Aussagen von Hirnforschern und stellt fest, dass die Neurobiologie an längst überholten mechanistischen Vorstellungen festhält und dadurch zu Fehlschlüssen über den menschlichen Geist und den freien Willen gelangt. Der Band liefert die Grundzüge einer Wissenschaftstheorie der Hirnforschung und weist damit den Weg zu einem differenzierteren Naturverständnis und Menschenbild.
Mythos Determinismus: Wieviel erklärt uns die Hirnforschung?
by Brigitte FalkenburgAus der Sicht der Neurobiologie regiert im Kopf das neuronale Geschehen. Doch was wissen die Hirnforscher genau über die Mechanismen des Hirngeschehens und ihren Einfluss auf den menschlichen Geist? Dieser Frage geht Brigitte Falkenburg nach. Die Physik hat sich längst vom mechanistischen Weltbild gelöst, in der Neurobiologie bleiben überholte mechanistische Vorstellungen bis heute wirksam. Dabei sind die "mechanistischen" Erklärungen der Hirnforschung ganz anders als ihr Name suggeriert; und wer annimmt, der Geist sei so strukturiert wie die Materie, zieht atomistische und kausale Fehlschlüsse über das Bewusstsein. Falkenburgs Buch möchte die Debatte um Geist und Gehirn, freien Willen und Determinismus endlich davon befreien. Es liefert Grundzüge einer Wissenschaftstheorie der Hirnforschung und eröffnet den Weg zu einem differenzierteren Naturverständnis und Menschenbild. Das beliebte Sachbuch ist für die zweite Auflage vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert worden.
The Myths of Liberal Zionism
by Yitzhak LaorYitzhak Laor is one of Israel's most prominent dissidents and poets, a latter-day Spinoza who helps keep alive the critical tradition within Jewish culture. In this work he fearlessly dissects the complex attitudes of Western European liberal Left intellectuals toward Israel, Zionism and the "Israeli peace camp." He argues that through a prism of famous writers like Amos Oz, David Grossman and A.B. Yehoshua, the peace camp has now adopted the European vision of "new Zionism," promoting the fierce Israeli desire to be accepted as part of the West and taking advantage of growing Islamophobia across Europe.The backdrop to this uneasy relationship is the ever-present shadow of the Holocaust. Laor is merciless as he strips bare the hypocrisies and unarticulated fantasies that lie beneath the love-affair between "liberal Zionists" and their European supporters.
Myths of the Golden Age in European Culture (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)
by Stephen G. Nichols Claudia OlkHesiod’s concept of a Golden Age, together with analogous myths – Babylonian, Egyptian, Hebrew, etc. – speak to the psychic appeal, perhaps even deep-rooted need, for humans to conceive alternate worlds free from the anguish, toil, and dangers of the one they inhabit. Classical poets and philosophers explored the myth; the Middle Ages imagined it as the land of Cockaigne; Early Modern dramatists incorporated it; Romantic poets and nineteenth-century writers imagined it in various guises. This volume explores the configuration presented by Hesiod and the history of its reception and transformation in European literature and culture. The chapters study how texts written in specific historical moments of European history reshape elements of the myth to explore contemporary issues of concern. The book addresses these issues of cultural hybridization, and, from a transhistorical perspective, provides new insights into the dynamics of epochal shifts. It also looks at similar configurations in non-Western civilizations (China), which complements the spectrum of contributions that covers periods from classical antiquity to the Age of Goethe.
Myths, State Expansion, and the Birth of Globalization
by Jon D. CarlsonMany of the present problems of 'globalization' are mirrored in the historical expansion of the European state system. This title is a structured, comparative case study analysis of four regions and examines how these regions and their peoples were absorbed into the expanding European-centered state system from roughly the 1400s through to 1800.
The Myths We Live By: A Contrarian's Guide to Democracy, Free Speech and Other Liberal Fictions
by Peter CaveIn this witty and mischievous book, philosopher Peter Cave dissects the most controversial disputes today and uses philosophical argument to reveal that many issues are less straightforward than we'd like to believe. Leaving no sacred cow standing, Cave uses ingenious stories and examples to challenge our most strongly held assumptions. Is democracy inherently a good thing? What is the basis of so-called human rights? Is discrimination always bad? Are we morally obliged to accept refugees? In an age of identity politics and so-called "fake news," this book is an essential resource for reinvigorating genuine public debate —and an entertaining challenge to accepted wisdom.
The Myths We Live By (Routledge Classics Ser.)
by Mary MidgleyMary Midgley argues in her powerful new book that far from being the opposite of science, myth is a central part of it. In brilliant prose, she claims that myths are neither lies nor mere stories but a network of powerful symbols that suggest particular ways of interpreting the world.
The Myths We Live By (Routledge Classics)
by Mary MidgleyWith a new Introduction by the author 'An elegant and sane little book. – The New Statesman Myths, as Mary Midgley argues in this powerful book, are everywhere. In political thought they sit at the heart of theories of human nature and the social contract; in economics in the pursuit of self interest; and in science the idea of human beings as machines, which originates in the seventeenth century, is a today a potent force. Far from being the opposite of science, however, Midgley argues that myth is a central part of it. Myths are neither lies nor mere stories but a network of powerful symbols for interpreting the world. Tackling a dazzling array of subjects such as philosophy, evolutionary psychology, animals, consciousness and the environment in her customary razor-sharp prose, The Myths We Live By reminds us of the powerful role of symbolism and the need to take our imaginative life seriously. Mary Midgley is a moral philosopher and the author of many books including Wickedness, Evolution as a Religion, Beast and Man and Science and Poetry. All are published in Routledge Classics.
The Naassenes: Exploring an Early Christian Identity
by M. LitwaThis volume offers an accessible investigation of the Naassene discourse embedded in the anonymous Refutation of All Heresies (completed about 222 CE), in order to understand the theology and ritual life of the Naassene Christian movement in the late second and early third centuries CE. The work provides basic data on the date, genre, and provenance of the Naassene discourse as summarized by the author of the Refutation (or Refutator). It also offers an analysis of the Refutator’s sources and working methods, an analysis which allows for a full reconstruction of the original Naassene discourse. The book then turns to major aspects of Naassene Christianity: its intense engagement with Hellenic myth and “mysteries,” its biblical sources, its cosmopolitan hermeneutics, its snake symbology, as well as its distinctive approach to baptism, hymns, and celibacy. A concluding chapter outlines all we can securely reconstruct about the Naassene Christian movement in terms of its social identity and place in the larger field of early Christianity and ancient Mediterranean religions more broadly. The Naassenes: Exploring an Early Christian Identity is suitable for students, scholars, and general readers interested in Early Christianity, Gnostic and Nag Hammadi Studies, Classics, and Ancient Philosophy, as well as hermeneutical issues like allegory and intertextuality.
Nachhaltigkeit, Postwachstum, Transformation: Eine Rekonstruktion wesentlicher Arenen und Narrative des globalen Nachhaltigkeits- und Transformationsdiskurses
by Ulrich RoosDer Band versammelt zentrale Befunde abgeschlossener Forschungsarbeiten zur Frage der Entwicklung des globalen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurses. Welche Narrative, Strategien, Ziele und Werte bestimmen den Kampf um Definition und Ausgestaltung nachhaltiger Politik? Welche Transformationsprozesse sind erkennbar, werden initiiert, gefordert oder bekämpft? Und welche Bedeutung kommt hierbei wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Konzepten zu Wirkung und Relevanz von Wirtschaftswachstum sowie den hieran geäußerten Kritiken zu?Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, werden verschiedene Arenen des deutschsprachigen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurses – Arbeit, Bildung, „Entwicklung“, Ethik, Transformation – detailliert rekonstruiert, um auf Grundlage der daraus resultierenden Gesamtschau des ökologisch-ökonomisch-politischen Systems die gegenwärtig hegemonialen Handlungsregeln und -logiken zu erkennen und kritisch zu reflektieren.
Nachoem M. Wijnberg
by Nachoem M. WijnbergA new translation of work by one of the Netherland's most innovative, exhilarating poets, a poet who draws on everything from economics to parables to world history. The Dutch poet Nachoem M. Wijnberg is one of the most inventive, surprising, entertaining, and thought-provoking poets writing today. He is also remarkably productive, so that up to now only a small portion of his extensive body of work has appeared in English translation. This new selection of poems draws on all twenty volumes Wijnberg has published to date, constituting an indispensable introduction to this wry, off-kilter, spellbinding modern master. Wijnberg, not only a poet but a professor of business studies—hence his persistent concern with questions of value, real and false—writes only in the plainest language while displaying a formidable erudition. His poems engage economics, philosophy, and history; he writes Chinese poems and Jewish poems and classic songs; he tells stories that may or may not be parables; he writes from where the mind meets the heart. &“Tell all the truth but tell it slant,&” Emily Dickinson enjoins. Wijnberg for his part has said, &“Alienation is the last thing I am trying to achieve. The world is strange enough as it is and my poems help in dealing with that strangeness by bringing it close and as far as possible trying to understand it.&”
El nacimiento de la tragedia
by Friedrich NietzscheEl nacimiento de la tragedia es la erupción armónica de una larga e intensa formación intelectual y espiritual de un joven Nietzsche dominado por la belleza y la honestidad. En este libro, donde confluyen la pasión por la música, la búsqueda de la verdad y la admiración por el mundo clásico, corren, estrepitosas y fulgurantes, como ríos de lava, imágenes y concepciones hasta entonces nunca vistas ni oídas; un pensamiento que, descubriendo lo horrible y lo cruel de la naturaleza -su aspecto dionisíaco-, junto con su necesidad de redención en la apariencia, cautivó a miles de espíritus atentos al drama de la existencia desde su publicación hasta nuestro momento presente.
Nafssiya, or Edward Said's Affective Phenomenology of Racism
by Norman Saadi NikroThis book adapts the Arabic term nafsiyya to trace the phenomenological contours of Edward Said’s analysis of the affective dimensions of colonial and imperial racism. Reflecting on what he called his “colonial education,” Said rendered his Palestinian/Arab background and experience of racism an enabling component of his academic work. The argument focuses on his “personal dimension” section in his introduction to his famous volume Orientalism, discussing key notions of Said’s oeuvre—such as ‘elaboration,’ ‘circumstance,’ ‘humanism,’ ‘worldliness,’ ‘inventory,’ and ‘critical consciousness.’ Providing a lengthy study of his earlier and somewhat neglected Beginnings: Intention and Method, the book discusses the significance of the style of the essay as a key component of what the author calls Said’s interventionist brand of scholarship. The final chapter outlines how Said’s oeuvre can be situated in a genealogy of a radical phenomenology of racism that emerged from the colonies.
Nagarjuna's Advice for Buddhists: Geshe Sopa's Explanation of Letter to a Friend
by Lhundub SopaA modern commentary by a beloved Tibetan teacher on a classical Indian Buddhist text and an introduction to Buddhism by one of the tradition&’s most famous authors. A teaching on how to live a Buddhist life in contemporary society.Letter to A Friend, by the great Indian philosopher Nagarjuna, is one of the best-known introductions to Buddhism in classical Indian Buddhist literature. In this warm and generous commentary, one of the twentieth century&’s most beloved teachers, Geshe Lhundup Sopa, shows how Nagarjuna&’s advice on how to follow Buddhist ethics while living fully in the world speaks just as clearly to us today as it did to the Indian king for whom it was composed. Nagarjuna maintained that all Buddhists can embody the full teachings of the Buddha. Therefore, this book covers topics from simple virtues to the most profound truths of emptiness. Expertly compiled by his student, scholar Beth Newman, from talks given over a number of years, the commentary brings this ancient Buddhist teaching to a modern audience.
Nagarjuna's Middle Way
by Mark Siderits Shoryu KatsuraNagarjuna's renowned twenty-seven-chapter Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way (Mulamadhyamakakarika) is the foundational text of the Madhyamaka school of Mahayana Buddhist philosophy. It is the definitive, touchstone presentation of the doctrine of emptiness. Professors Siderits and Katsura prepared this translation using the four surviving Indian commentaries in an attempt to reconstruct an interpretation of its enigmatic verses that adheres as closely as possible to that of its earliest proponents. Each verse is accompanied by concise, lively exposition by the authors conveying the explanations of the Indian commentators. The result is a translation that balances the demands for fidelity and accessibility.
Nagarjuna's Precious Garland: Ratnavali (Classics of Indian Buddhism)
by Sara McClintockDiscover the eloquence and insight of the philosopher Nagarjuna, held by tradition to be a second Buddha, in this concise instruction for a king that is considered a masterpiece of Buddhist literature.In this profound work of five hundred verses, we encounter a presentation of Buddhism that integrates both the worldly and the transcendent. The clear and sagacious advice laid out on every page serves as a road map to one&’s highest goal—whether that goal is a better life, here called the Dharma of ascendance, or the ultimate one of spiritual freedom, the Dharma of the highest good. The verses, written for an unnamed ruler, touch on questions of statecraft, but their broader themes speak to us today because they tackle the difficulty of integrating one&’s spiritual journey with the social and political demands of daily life. Nagarjuna was an Indian Buddhist teacher, probably of the second century CE, who was renowned for his astute articulation of the philosophy of the Middle Way (Madhyamaka). His thoroughgoing critique of all forms of essentialism became a touchstone for Mahayana Buddhism in India, Tibet, and throughout East Asia, and his importance for the development of the Mahayana tradition can scarcely be exaggerated. The translators here first rendered Nagarjuna&’s letter for the Dalai Lama&’s teachings on the work in Los Angeles in 1997. While that commemorative edition was translated from the Tibetan, the present volume prioritizes the surviving Sanskrit verses along with the only known Indian commentary, by the eleventh-century scholar Ajitamitra. This is the first complete translation in English of the Precious Garland that takes the Indian text and commentary as its primary authorities. In addition, the translators provide rigorous working editions of the Sanskrit and Tibetan verses they translate. This elegant and precise rendering of Nagarjuna&’s work is certain to become the touchstone translation of this celebrated Buddhist text.
Nagarjuna's Wisdom: A Practitioner's Guide to the Middle Way
by Barry KerzinExplore the Mulamadhyamakakarika the way the Dalai Lama teaches it.Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way, or as it’s known in Tibetan, Root Wisdom, is a definitive presentation of the doctrines of emptiness and dependent arising, and a foundational text of Mahayana Buddhism. In this book, Barry Kerzin, personal physician to the Dalai Lama, presents this fundamental work in a digestible way, using a method favored by His Holiness: focusing on five key chapters, presented in a specific order. First we explore the twelve links of dependent origination, in Nagarjuna’s chapter 26, to learn why and how we cycle through sa?sara. Then we examine the self that cycles to discover that, in fact, there is no inherently existent self, based on Nagarjuna's chapter 18. We then enter an analysis of the four noble truths, based on chapter 24, to understand how conventional reality is understood. Next, an investigation of the Tathagata shows the reader that even emptiness is empty in chapter 22. Finally, Nagarjuna re-emphasizes the pervasiveness of emptiness in his first chapter. Thus, Dr. Kerzin walks us through Nagarjuna’s masterwork and lets the great teacher introduce us to Buddhist philosophy, step by step—deepening our understanding, enhancing the way we practice.