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Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy, from Plato to the Present

by George Szpiro

A lively history of the peculiar math of votingSince the very birth of democracy in ancient Greece, the simple act of voting has given rise to mathematical paradoxes that have puzzled some of the greatest philosophers, statesmen, and mathematicians. Numbers Rule traces the epic quest by these thinkers to create a more perfect democracy and adapt to the ever-changing demands that each new generation places on our democratic institutions.In a sweeping narrative that combines history, biography, and mathematics, George Szpiro details the fascinating lives and big ideas of great minds such as Plato, Pliny the Younger, Ramon Llull, Pierre Simon Laplace, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John von Neumann, and Kenneth Arrow, among many others. Each chapter in this riveting book tells the story of one or more of these visionaries and the problem they sought to overcome, like the Marquis de Condorcet, the eighteenth-century French nobleman who demonstrated that a majority vote in an election might not necessarily result in a clear winner. Szpiro takes readers from ancient Greece and Rome to medieval Europe, from the founding of the American republic and the French Revolution to today's high-stakes elective politics. He explains how mathematical paradoxes and enigmas can crop up in virtually any voting arena, from electing a class president, a pope, or prime minister to the apportionment of seats in Congress.Numbers Rule describes the trials and triumphs of the thinkers down through the ages who have dared the odds in pursuit of a just and equitable democracy.

The Numerati: How They'll Get My Number And Yours

by Stephen Baker

Learn how the crisis over digital privacy and manipulation evolved in this &“utterly fascinating&” look at the growth of data mining and analysis (Seattle Post-Intelligencer). Award-winning journalist Stephen Baker traces the rise of the &“global math elite&”: computer scientists who invent ways to not only record our behavior, but also to predict and alter it. Nowadays, we don&’t need to be online to create a digital trail; we do it simply by driving through an automated tollbooth or shopping with a credit card. As massive amounts of information are collected, sifted, and analyzed, we all become targets of those who want to influence everything from what we buy to how we vote. Clear and &“highly readable,&” The Numerati is a look at the origins of our present-day world, the possibilities of the future, and those who—whether with good or bad intentions—profile us as workers, consumers, citizens, or potential terrorists (The Wall Street Journal).

Numerical Cognition and the Epistemology of Arithmetic

by Markus Pantsar

Arithmetic is one of the foundations of our educational systems, but what exactly is it? Numbers are everywhere in our modern societies, but what is our knowledge of numbers really about? This book provides a philosophical account of arithmetical knowledge that is based on the state-of-the-art empirical studies of numerical cognition. It explains how humans have developed arithmetic from humble origins to its modern status as an almost universally possessed knowledge and skill. Central to the account is the realisation that, while arithmetic is a human creation, the development of arithmetic is constrained by our evolutionarily developed cognitive architecture. Arithmetic is a sophisticated cultural development, but it is ultimately based on abilities with numerosities that we already possess as infants and share with many non-human animals. Therefore, arithmetic is not purely conventional, an arbitrary game akin to chess. Instead, arithmetic is deeply connected to our basic cognitive capacities.

The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha

by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Like the River Ganges flowing down from the Himalayas, the entire Buddhist tradition flows down to us from the teachings and deeds of the historical Buddha, who lived and taught in India during the fifth century B.C.E. To ensure that his legacy would survive the ravages of time, his direct disciples compiled records of the Buddha's teachings soon after his passing. In the Theravada Buddhist tradition, which prevails in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, these records are regarded as the definitive "word of the Buddha." Preserved in Pali, an ancient Indian language closely related to the language that the Buddha spoke, this full compilation of texts is known as the Pali Canon. At the heart of the Buddha's teaching were the suttas (Sanskrit sutras), his discourses and dialogues. If we want to find out what the Buddha himself actually said, these are the most ancient sources available to us. The suttas were compiled into collections called "Nikayas," of which there are four, each organized according to a different principle. The Digha Nikaya consists of longer discourses; the Majjhima Nikaya of middle-length discourses; the Samyutta Nikaya of thematically connected discourses; and the Anguttara Nikaya of numerically patterned discourses. The present volume, which continues Wisdom's famous Teachings of the Buddha series, contains a full translation of the Anguttara Nikaya. The Anguttara arranges the Buddha's discourses in accordance with a numerical scheme intended to promote retention and easy comprehension. In an age when writing was still in its infancy, this proved to be the most effective way to ensure that the disciples could grasp and replicate the structure of a teaching.

Numerical Methods of Mathematics Implemented in Fortran (Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics)

by Sujit Kumar Bose

This book systematically classifies the mathematical formalisms of computational models that are required for solving problems in mathematics, engineering and various other disciplines. It also provides numerical methods for solving these problems using suitable algorithms and for writing computer codes to find solutions. For discrete models, matrix algebra comes into play, while for continuum framework models, real and complex analysis is more suitable. The book clearly describes the method–algorithm–code approach for learning the techniques of scientific computation and how to arrive at accurate solutions by applying the procedures presented. It not only provides instructors with course material but also serves as a useful reference resource. Providing the detailed mathematical proofs behind the computational methods, this book appeals to undergraduate and graduate mathematics and engineering students.The computer codes have been written in the Fortran programming language, which is the traditional language for scientific computation. Fortran has a vast repository of source codes used in real-world applications and has continuously been upgraded in line with the computing capacity of the hardware. The language is fully backwards compatible with its earlier versions, facilitating integration with older source codes.

The Nuptial Mystery (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT))

by Angelo Scola

Translated by Michelle K. Borras The idea of love pervades our society, yet it is nearly impossible to answer the question What is love? especially as we witness the divorce of love from sexuality and of sexuality from procreation. Aware that many people today are skeptical about marriage, Angelo Cardinal Scola nevertheless suggests that only in the category of nuptial mystery do we find a way to adequately describe the phenomenon of love. A bright new leader in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Scola argues that the male-female relationship lies near the heart of what it means to bear the image of God. Scola's book explores the essential sexual differences that both separate and unite men and women, and it shows how men and women can realize their purpose in marriage or celibacy. Conversant with papal teaching and Catholic writers from Aquinas to von Balthasar, Cardinal Scola writes with a deep regard for marriage and the family. His Nuptial Mystery will leave readers with a thoroughly Christian appreciation for incarnate love.

Nuri Does Not Exist

by Sadru Jetha

Amid a sea of dystopian world literatures haunted by the fractious claims of identity politics, Nuri Does Not Exist is an astonishingly charming collection of linked short stories that engages us with the utterly ­believable innocence of its Utopian vision. Accompany Nuri from Zanzibar to Canada as he learns how servitude transcends slavery; fealty transcends servitude; and community transcends fealty.

Nurses and COVID-19: Ethical Considerations in Pandemic Care

by Connie M. Ulrich Christine Grady

This book addresses the many ethical issues and extraordinary risks that nurses and others are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, which creates physical, emotional, and economic burdens, affecting nurses' overall health and well-being. Nurses are essential front-line clinicians across all health care settings and in every nation. The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel SARs-CoV-2 virus has affected children, adults, and communities within and across all societies. Nurses, too, have contracted the virus and died from the disease. They have also seen their colleagues, family members, and friends hospitalized or in intensive care units struggling to survive. Nursing’s professionalism and disciplinary resolve to care for patients and families amidst confusion, misinformation, and shifting guidelines has been called “heroic” by the public. How much risk should nurses be expected to accept during a pandemic? How do nurses help patients and families find comfort and dignity at the end-of-life? How do we help nurses who are suffering from moral distress and mental health concerns from what they have seen, been asked to do, or are unable to provide? And, how does society move forward from a pandemic that has challenged our basic ethical principles of justice and what is “fair, good and right” in caring for those who need care, including the most vulnerable and nurses themselves? This book addresses these and other ethical concerns that nurses are facing in their day-to-day clinical practice; experiences shared with patients, families, and colleagues. Although this book was written while the pandemic was still raging across the United States and globally, the events needed to be told as they were unfolding. This book helps us to learn from both the successes and failures that are affecting so many across the globe, including those on whom the public relies on to provide quality, compassionate, and expert care when they are sick: nurses.

Nutrition, Food Markets and Agriculture: Economic Issues Against the Background of Globalization

by Christian J. Jäggi

Today, nutrition is mainly discussed under nutritional, medical-health or ideological aspects (e.g. vegetarianism, veganism, etc.). Although the food industry represents one of the most important markets, questions of food production, agriculture, food trade and biodiversity are mostly discussed under national auspices. Not only on the producer side, but also from the consumer perspective, food markets - although still nationally structured - have become more and more global markets, which can be seen, for example, in the development of food commodity prices. In addition, large food corporations are pursuing the strategy of standardizing the entire value chains in the agricultural and food sectors - under their control, mind you. The book addresses economic issues related to food production, agriculture, food trade and biodiversity. Alternatives to traditional agriculture, factory farming, and biodiversity loss are discussed - and reflected upon from an economic perspective. Particular attention is paid to aspects of globalization.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Ernährung, Nahrungsmittelmärkte und Landwirtschaft by Christian J. Jäggi, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2018. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Nyansapo: Toward an African Philosophy of Education (African Studies)

by Kwadwo A. Okrah

This study examines the issues of indigenous philosophies, which are embedded in different aspects of socialization process among the Akan of Ghana. The research explores the possibility of forging a new future that builds on the positive aspects of their past and present and on carefully chosen ideas, methods and technology from abroad.

The Nyaya-sutra: Selections with Early Commentaries

by Matthew Dasti Stephen Phillips

Often translated simply as "logic," the Sanskrit word nyāya means "rule of reasoning" or "method of reasoning." Texts from the school of classical Indian philosophy that bears this name are concerned with cognition, reasoning, and the norms that govern rational debate. This translation of selections from the early school of Nyāya focuses on its foundational text, the Nyāya-sūtra (c. 200 CE), with excerpts from the early commentaries. It will be welcomed by specialists and non-specialists alike seeking an accessible text that both represents some of the best of Indian philosophical thought and can be integrated into courses on Indian philosophy, religion, and intellectual culture.

The Nyaya-sutra: Selections with Early Commentaries

by Stephen H. Phillips Matthew R. Dasti

Often translated simply as "logic," the Sanskrit word nyāya means "rule of reasoning" or "method of reasoning." Texts from the school of classical Indian philosophy that bears this name are concerned with cognition, reasoning, and the norms that govern rational debate. This translation of selections from the early school of Nyāya focuses on its foundational text, the Nyāya-sūtra (c. 200 CE), with excerpts from the early commentaries. It will be welcomed by specialists and non-specialists alike seeking an accessible text that both represents some of the best of Indian philosophical thought and can be integrated into courses on Indian philosophy, religion, and intellectual culture.

Nyāya Sūtra – on Philosophical Method: Sanskrit Text, Translation, and Commentary (Routledge Hindu Studies Series)

by Victor A. van Bijlert

Nyāya Sūtra offers a new English translation of the text ascribed to Akṣapāda, an Indian philosopher who lived around the beginning of the Common Era. The translation is accompanied by the original Sanskrit text and an original commentary.The commentary explains every sūtra separately and identifies the sources of the Nyāya Sūtra. It analyses the way older ideas on epistemology, logic, and soteriology were presented as a new coherent system of thought. The book puts forward the main goal of the Nyāya Sūtra: to define what it considered the basic tenets of a soteriology and how the goal of this soteriology could be reached by rationally applying epistemological and logical methods to finding out the truth. In turn, this truth was thought to lead to the ultimate soteriological goal of freedom from suffering. Showing the coherence of the text and its ultimate goal being soteriological, the new commentary also discusses many scholarly issues regarding the Nyāya Sūtra and its position in the history of Indian philosophy.This book will be of interest to researchers studying Indian philosophy, world philosophies, epistemology, logic, philosophical method, art of debate, soteriology, rationalism, spirituality, Hinduism, Indian religions, and religious studies.

O evangelho das enguias

by Patrik Svensson

«Uma história genial!» Femina Um pai, um filho, uma história de formação e de descoberta da natureza. Um livro único e inspirador sobre a maior herança de todas: a do assombro pela vida. Milhares de leitores apaixonados pela criatura mais enigmática do reino animal. Sabia que... - Nunca ninguém viu uma enguia a reproduzir-se? - Que as enguias não se reproduzem em cativeiro? - Que, em cativeiro, uma enguia pode viver até 80 (ou mais!) anos, mas que em liberdade, ela morre imediatamente após a desova? - Que todas as enguias europeias nascem no mar dos Sargaços e aí regressam para se reproduzir e# morrer logo a seguir? - Que durante muito tempo não foi possível classificar a enguia como peixe ou mamífero, já que não se sabia como se reproduzia nem nunca ninguém tinha visto os órgãos sexuais de uma enguia? - Que a enguia foi determinante para que, frustrado por anos de estudo infrutífero deste animal, Freud enveredasse pelo caminho da psicanálise? - Que Aristóteles dedicou parte dos seus estudos da vida natural - e da sua perplexidade - à enguia? - Que nunca uma enguia adulta foi alguma vez observada, viva ou morta, no seu local de reprodução? - Que a enguia e o seu ciclo de vida é, ainda hoje, um dos maiores mistérios do reino animal? Quanto, na verdade, se pode saber sobre uma enguia? Ou sobre uma pessoa? Essas questões, por vezes, mostraram-se estar relacionadas. Entrelaçando ciência, história e memória pessoal, esta é a história da enguia - uma criatura esquiva e sombria que permanece, ainda hoje, um dos maiores enigmas do mundo animal. Do mar dos Sargaços, onde nascem e ao qual regressam para se reproduzir e morrer, às metamorfoses por que vão passando ao longo da sua existência, tudo no ciclo de vida da enguia parece ecoar a sensação de mistério e maravilhamento que não conseguimos afastar quando nos detemos nos comos e porquês da nossa própria vida. Alternando a história das enguias com a sua própria história, o autor recorda os momentos de silêncio e cumplicidade partilhados com o pai, a pescar, que marcaram a sua juventude e que dão o mote a este mistério que, ao longo de milénios, intrigou e iludiu pensadores, cientistas e exploradores. De Aristóteles, que se dedicou ao estudo das origens e surpreendentes metamorfoses deste ser, a Freud, que se entregou obstinadamente ao estudo dos seus mecanismos reprodutivos, passando por Johannes Schmidt, o biólogo marinho que correu rios e mares perseguindo a migração das enguias até ao mar de Sargaços, esta é uma viagem fascinante de descoberta e de retorno às origens que já fascinou milhares de leitores e se tornou num bestseller imediato na Suécia. Patrik Svensson, jornalista de formação e aficionado de criaturas marinhas das profundezas mais profundas, traz-nos uma narrativa onde religião, filosofia, ciência, literatura, psiquiatria, ambientalismo, política, cultura, economia e sexualidade convergem num livro único e de rara beleza sobre a maior herança que um pai pode deixar a um filho: a do assombro pela vida - a nossa e a das enguias. Os elogios da crítica: «Patrik Svensson escreveu um livro singular, comovente, fundamentado e belo sobre aquela que é, essencialmente, uma criatura insólita. Bastam as primeiras páginas para convencer até o mais empedernido citadino, per

O livro da Alma

by Eliane Carvalho e Ulisses Pasmadjian Antonio Almas

Este livro traduz a visão do autor sobre a vida. Ele apresenta pequenos textos sobre a crença do autor em relação à essência da vida e a forma como nossa própria existência é moldada. O autor cria as circunstâncias para que ele personifique as cinco filosofias da vida, e a partir daí ele percorre sua mente em busca de respostas para a existência, uma verdadeira viagem interior. Um livro para refletir ...

O Livro de Urântia: Revelando os Misterios de Deus, do Universo, de Jesus e Sobre Nos Mesmos

by Urantia Foundation

Você acabou de descobrir a obra-prima literária que responde às suas perguntas sobre Deus, a vida no universo habitado, a história eo futuro deste mundo, ea vida de Jesus. O Livro de Urântia harmoniza história, ciência e religião em uma filosofia de vida que traz um novo significado e esperança em sua vida. <P><P>Se você está à procura de respostas, leia o Livro de Urântia! O mundo precisa de novas verdades espirituais que fornece homens e mulheres modernos com uma via intelectual em um relacionamento pessoal com Deus. Com base na herança religiosa do mundo, o livro descreve um destino sem fim para a humanidade, ensinando que a fé viva é a chave para o progresso espiritual pessoal e sobrevivência eterna. Esses ensinamentos fornecer novas verdades poderosas o suficiente para elevar e promover o pensamento humano e acreditando para a próxima 1000 years. terço do Livro de Urântia é a inspiradora história de vida inteira de Jesus e uma revelação de seus ensinamentos originais. Esta narrativa panorâmica inclui seu nascimento, infância, adolescência, adultos viagens e aventuras, ministério público, crucificação e ressurreição 19 jogos. Esta história inspiradora reformula Jesus a partir da figura principal do cristianismo para o guia para os candidatos de todas as religiões e todas as esferas da life.This livro é uma revelação.

O Príncipe

by Nicolas Maquiavelo

Escrito em 1513, no exílio, O Príncipe é uma obra fundadora daquilo que hoje conhecemos como o pensamento político moderno. A obra italiana mais lida e estudada em todo o mundo. «Os homens têm menos pudor em ofender alguém que se faz amar do que alguém que se faz temer.» Em 1513, durante um dos momentos mais conturbados da História do território que hoje compõe a Itália, Nicolau de Maquiavel escreve, no exílio, O Príncipe, um tratado de filosofia política que aparta a política da moral, fundando assim aquilo que hoje conhecemos como o pensamento político moderno. Com inusitado pragmatismo e realismo, Maquiavel analisa governos e governantes do passado, de imperadores romanos a papas renascentistas, para, liberto de qualquer idealismo, identificar a verdadeira natureza do poder e dos seus mecanismos e traçar o retrato do príncipe perfeito, forte, determinado, que inspiraria, nos seus adversários e aliados, lealdade e temor em igual medida. Uma controversa receita para o poder que permanece, 500 anos depois da sua publicação, um dos textos mais lidos e estudados de sempre.

Oakeshott’s Skepticism, Politics, and Aesthetics (Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism)

by Eric S. Kos

This collection engages the work of Michael Oakeshott predominantly on the themes of his skepticism, politics, and aesthetics. An international set of authors engages and expands the analysis of Oakeshott’s writings in often neglected areas and topics and in ways that brings Oakeshott into conversation with a surprisingly diverse set of thinkers.

The Oasis of Now

by Kazim Ali Sohrab Sepehri Mohammad Jafar Mahallati

Sohrab Sepehri (1928-1980) is one of the major Iranian poets of the 20th century. His verses are often-recited in public gatherings and lines from them were used as slogans by protesters in 2009. A painter, wood-worker, and poet, Sepehri wrote these poems after journeys through Japan, China, and India, where he was exposed to various cultural arts and spiritual disciplines.

The Oasis of Now: Selected Poems (Lannan Translations Selection Series)

by Sohrab Sepehri

Sohrab Sepehri (1928-1980) is one of the major Iranian poets of the 20th century. His verses are often-recited in public gatherings and lines from them were used as slogans by protesters in 2009. A painter, wood-worker, and poet, Sepehri wrote these poems after journeys through Japan, China, and India, where he was exposed to various cultural arts and spiritual disciplines.

Obama: The Historic Presidency In Photographs

by Barack Obama Pete Souza

<P>Relive the extraordinary Presidency of Barack Obama through White House photographer Pete Souza's behind-the-scenes images and stories--some published here for the first time--with a foreword from the President himself.During Barack Obama's two terms, Pete Souza was with the President during more crucial moments than anyone else--and he photographed them all. Souza captured nearly two million photographs of President Obama, in moments highly classified and disarmingly candid. <P>Obama: An Intimate Portrait reproduces more than 300 of Souza's most iconic photographs with fine-art print quality in an oversize collectible format. Together they document the most consequential hours of the Presidency--including the historic image of President Obama and his advisors in the Situation Room during the bin Laden mission--alongside unguarded moments with the President's family, his encounters with children, interactions with world leaders and cultural figures, and more. <P>Souza's photographs, with the behind-the-scenes captions and stories that accompany them, communicate the pace and power of our nation's highest office. They also reveal the spirit of the extraordinary man who became our President. We see President Obama lead our nation through monumental challenges, comfort us in calamity and loss, share in hard-won victories, and set a singular example to "be kind and be useful," as he would instruct his daughters. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Obama, Clinton, Palin: Making History in Elections 2008

by Liette Gidlow

Election 2008 made American history, but it was also the product of American history. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Sarah Palin smashed through some of the most enduring barriers to high political office, but their exceptional candidacies did not come out of nowhere. In these timely and accessible essays, a distinguished group of historians explores how the candidates both challenged and reinforced historic stereotypes of race and sex while echoing familiar themes in American politics and exploiting new digital technologies. Contributors include Kathryn Kish Sklar on Clinton's gender masquerade; Tiffany Ruby Patterson on the politics of black anger; Mitch Kachun on Michelle Obama and stereotypes about black women's bodies; Glenda E. Gilmore on black women's century of effort to expand political opportunities for African Americans; Tera W. Hunter on the lost legacy of Shirley Chisholm; Susan M. Hartmann on why the U.S. has not yet followed western democracies in electing a female head of state; Melanie Gustafson on Palin and the political traditions of the American West; Ronald Formisano on the populist resurgence in 2008; Paula Baker on how digital technologies threaten the secret ballot; Catherine E. Rymph on Palin's distinctive brand of political feminism; and Elisabeth I. Perry on the new look of American leadership.

Obama Karma

by Russell Razzaque

President Barack Obama is one of the calmest, coolest and most compelling political figures in modern times. Dealt a grueling first term of wars, recession, and bitter partisan attacks, he has remained even-tempered, level-headed, and downright Zen. Obama's appeal runs even deeper than the revolution his ethnicity represents. His rare combination of inner peace and outer passion, his mix of realism and idealism, are qualities that have made him an iconic figure around the globe. Extraordinary emotional intelligence is perhaps the prime quality that has drawn Barack Obama's supporters to him through thick and thin. In Obama Karma, Russell Razzaque analyzes key moments in the life of our forty-fourth president that reveal his depth and self-awareness, especially when confronted with challenges. While temperament is largely inherited, emotional intelligence can be learned. Through simple exercises included in the book readers can learn to improve their own life skills and interpersonal relationships. Finally, Obama Karma helps make the case for the re-election of Barack Obama on the basis of his extraordinary leadership in a singular time in history. Russell Razzaque, PhD, has been a practicing psychiatrist for over fifteen years. His most recent book Human Being to Human Bomb was a psychological examination of suicide bombers. He is an attending psychiatrist across several mental health and addiction treatment centers in London. Razzaque has contributed to The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Guardian, The Telegraph, and The Independent.

Obedience is Freedom

by Jacob Phillips

The virtue of obedience is seen as outdated today, if not downright toxic – and yet, are we any freer than our forebears? In this provocative work, Jacob Phillips argues not. Many feel unable to speak freely, their opinions policed by the implicit or explicit threat of coercion. Impending ecological disaster is the ultimate threat to our freedoms and wellbeing, and living in a disenchanted cosmos leaves people enslaved to nihilistic whim. Phillips shows that the antiquated notion of obedience to the moral law contains forgotten dimensions, which can be a source of freedom from these contemporary fetters. These dimensions of obedience – such as loyalty, discipline and order – protect people from falling prey to the subtle forms of coercion, control and domination of twenty-first-century life. Fusing literary insight with philosophical discussion and cultural critique, Phillips demonstrates that in obedience lies the path to true freedom.

Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View

by Stanley Milgram

This book presents Milgram's fascinating and troubling chronicle of his classic study and a vivid and persuasive explanation of his conclusions.

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