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Nexus of Global Jihad: Understanding Cooperation Among Terrorist Actors (Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare)
by Assaf MoghadamLeading jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State dominate through cooperation in the form of knowledge sharing, resource sharing, joint training exercises, and operational collaboration. They build alliances and lesser partnerships with other formal and informal terrorist actors to recruit foreign fighters and spread their message worldwide, raising the aggregate threat level for their declared enemies. Whether they consist of friends or foes, whether they are connected locally or online, these networks create a wellspring of support for jihadist organizations that may fluctuate in strength or change in character but never runs dry. Nexus of Global Jihad identifies types of terrorist actors, the nature of their partnerships, and the environments in which they prosper to explain global jihadist terrorism's ongoing success and resilience.Nexus of Global Jihad brings to light an emerging style of "networked cooperation" that works alongside interorganizational terrorist cooperation to establish bonds of varying depth and endurance. Case studies use recently declassified materials to illuminate al-Qaeda's dealings from Iran to the Arabian Peninsula and the informal actors that power the Sharia4 movement. The book proposes policies that increase intelligence gathering on informal terrorist actors, constrain enabling environments, and disrupt terrorist networks according to different types of cooperation. It is a vital text for strategists and scholars struggling to understand a growing spectrum of terrorist groups working together more effectively than ever before.
NGOs as Legitimate Partners of Corporations
by Dorothea BaurThe interaction between corporations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has become an important topic in the debate about corporate social responsibility (CSR). Yet, unlike the vast majority of academic work on this topic, this book explicitly focuses on clarifying the role of NGOs, not of corporations, in this context. Based on the notion of NGOs as political actors it argues that NGOs suffer from a multiple legitimacy deficit: they are representatives of civil society without being elected; the legitimacy of the claims they raise is often controversial; and there are often doubts regarding the legitimacy of the behaviour they exhibit in putting forward their claims. Set against an extended sphere of political action in the postnational constellation this book argues that the political model of deliberative democracy provides a meaningful conceptualization of NGOs as legitimate partners of corporations and it develops a conceptual framework that specifically allows distinguishing legitimate partner NGOs from two related actor types with whom they share certain characteristics but who differ with respect to their legitimacy. These related actor types are interest groups on the one hand and activists on the other hand. In conclusion it argues that a focus on the behaviour of NGOs is most meaningful for distinguishing them from interest groups and activists.
NGOs, Political Protest, and Civil Society
by Carew BouldingThis book argues that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have an important effect on political participation in the developing world. Contrary to popular belief, they promote moderate political participation through formal mechanisms such as voting only in democracies where institutions are working well. This is a radical departure from the bulk of the literature on civil society that sees NGOs and other associations as playing a role in strengthening democracy wherever they operate. Instead, Carew Boulding shows that where democratic institutions are weak, NGOs encourage much more contentious political participation, including demonstrations, riots, and protests. Except in extreme cases of poorly functioning democratic institutions, however, the political protest that results from NGO activity is not generally anti-system or incompatible with democracy again, as long as democracy is functioning above a minimal level. "
Ni bestias ni dioses: Trece ensayos sobre la fragilidad humana
by Diana Cohen AgrestDiana Cohen Agrest nos acompaña en la elucidación de trece laberintosque nos conmueven en nuestra humana fragilidad. A través de unitinerario tan lúcido como provocativo, nos compromete íntimamente enuna reflexión sin concesiones en torno de nosotros mismos y de nuestrosvínculos con los otros. La tiranía del tiempo, el aburrimiento, la pereza, la felicidad, elautoengaño, la envidia, el morbo, el miedo, la vergüenza, el perdón, lavejez, la muerte, la inmortalidad# Los trece ensayos aquí reunidos seconsagran a examinar el material emocional que impulsa nuestrasdecisiones. Interrogarnos acerca de estas encrucijadas existenciales,cual estaciones de una travesía, nos ofrece la posibilidad de comprenderlos resortes con los que vamos perfilando nuestra propia vida.Entrelazando exquisitas contribuciones del psicoanálisis, la sociología,la antropología y la literatura en un fino entramado filosófico, laautora nos convoca a volvernos hacia nuestras fibras más personales,clausurando así el divorcio entre el pensar y el sentir. Diana CohenAgrest nos acompaña en la elucidación de trece laberintos que nosconmueven en nuestra humana fragilidad. A través de un itinerario tanlúcido como provocativo, nos compromete íntimamente en una reflexión sinconcesiones en torno de nosotros mismos y de nuestros vínculos con losotros.
by Diana Cohen AgrestLa tiranía del tiempo, el aburrimiento, la pereza, la felicidad, el autoengaño, la envidia, el morbo, el miedo, la verg enza, el perdón, la vejez, la muerte, la inmortalidad# Los trece ensayos aquí reunidos se consagran a examinar el material emocional que impulsa nuestras decisiones. Interrogarnos acerca de estas encrucijadas existenciales, cual estaciones de una travesía, nos ofrece la posibilidad de comprender los resortes con los que vamos perfilando nuestra propia vida. Entrelazando exquisitas contribuciones del psicoanálisis, la sociología, la antropología y la literatura en un fino entramado filosófico, la autora nos convoca a volvernos hacia nuestras fibras más personales, clausurando así el divorcio entre el pensar y el sentir. Diana Cohen Agrest nos acompaña en la elucidación de trece laberintos que nos conmueven en nuestra humana fragilidad. A través de un itinerario tan lúcido como provocativo, nos compromete íntimamente en una reflexión sin concesiones en torno de nosotros mismos y de nuestros vínculos con los otros.
Niccolò Machiavelli: An Intellectual Biography
by Corrado VivantiA colorful, comprehensive, and authoritative account of Machiavelli's life and thoughtThis is a colorful, comprehensive, and authoritative introduction to the life and work of the Florentine statesman, writer, and political philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527). Corrado Vivanti, who was one of the world's leading Machiavelli scholars, provides an unparalleled intellectual biography that demonstrates the close connections between Machiavelli's thought and his changing fortunes during the tumultuous Florentine republic and his subsequent exile. Vivanti's concise account covers not only Machiavelli's most famous works—The Prince, The Discourses, The Florentine Histories, and The Art of War—but also his letters, poetry, and comic dramas. While setting Machiavelli's life against a dramatic backdrop of war, crisis, and diplomatic intrigue, the book also paints a vivid human portrait of the man.
Niccolo's Smile: A Biography Of Machiavelli
by Maurizio Viroli Antony ShugaarIn Niccolò's Smile, Maurizio Viroli brings to life the fascinating writer who was the founder of modern political thought. Niccolò Machiavelli's works on the theory and practice of statecraft are classics
Niche Construction: How Life Contributes to Its Own Evolution (Monographs In Population Biology Ser. #37)
by John Odling-SmeeHow niche construction theory extends evolutionary theory beyond natural selection to a more general theory about the coevolution of organisms with their environments.In Niche Construction, John Odling-Smee, the leading authority on niche construction theory, extends evolutionary theory from an explanation of how populations of organisms respond to natural selection pressures in their environments to a more general theory about the coevolution of organisms with their environments. Organisms, he shows, cause changes in their local external environments by interacting with them, thereby contributing in fundamental ways to their own and one another&’s evolution. This book applies niche construction theory to current problems such as human-induced global warming and suggests how humans might contribute positively to the future evolution of life on Earth.Odling-Smee explains how orthodox evolutionary theory falls short in two ways. First, it does not describe how organisms contribute to their own and one another&’s evolution through their environment-changing niche constructing activities. Second, it fails to explain how genetic evolution can give rise to supplementary knowledge-gaining processes in many species. These include certain developmental processes in individual organisms and socio-cultural processes in animals, including humans. Neo-Darwinism, the author writes, assesses the fitness of individual organisms in populations in terms of their capacity to survive and reproduce, but without attributing these capacities to the active, purposeful agency of organisms. He argues that the purposeful agency of individual organisms plays a central role in evolution. He also discusses the relationship of an organism&’s energy-consuming activities and the second law of thermodynamics.
Nicholas and Helena Roerich
by Ruth A DrayerIn her latest title, Ruth Drayer provides a factual account of the two Russian visionaries who believed beauty could solve the world's problems and unify humanity. Partners in all things, charismatic Nicholas (1874-1947) was an internationally acclaimed artist, author, daring explorer, conservationist, archeologist, humanitarian and peacemaker, while his wife, Helena (1879 - 1955), was a teacher and healer as well as the inspired co-author of the 'Agni Yoga' series. This is the first book in English to interweave the Agni Yoga writings and the Roerichs' relationship with their spiritual teacher in with their fascinating travels, disclosing the long-hidden story of the Roerichs' connection with Tibetan Buddhism. Though it may read like a tale, Drayer takes us on the real-life adventures of the Roerichs as they travel to the most remote and dangerous regions of India, China, Mongolia, the Gobi, Tibet and Siberia. We bear witness as the couple flees the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 Russia and as they arrive in New York City in the fall of 1920 where they later founded the first school that teaches all of the arts under one roof. We experience their trials and tribulations as the Roerichs trek through the following years.
Nicholas and Helena Roerich
by Ruth Abrams DrayerIn her latest title, Ruth Drayer provides a factual account of the two Russian visionaries who believed beauty could solve the world's problems and unify humanity. Partners in all things, charismatic Nicholas (1874-1947) was an internationally acclaimed artist (responsible for over 7,000 paintings), author, daring explorer, conservationist, archeologist, humanitarian and peacemaker, while his wife, Helena (1879 - 1955), was a teacher and healer as well as the inspired co-author of the Agni Yoga (www.agniyoga.org) series. This is the first book in English to interweave the Agni Yoga writings and the Roerichs' relationship with their spiritual teacher in with their fascinating travels, disclosing the long-hidden story of the Roerichs' connection with Tibetan Buddhism.Though it may read like a tale, Drayer takes us on the real-life adventures of the Roerichs as they travel to the most remote and dangerous regions of India, China, Mongolia, the Gobi, Tibet and Siberia. We bear witness as the couple flees the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 Russia and as they arrive in New York City in the fall of 1920 where they later founded the first school that teaches all of the arts under one roof. We experience their trials and tribulations as the Roerichs trek through the following years, which were marked by spy charges, political upheaval and even captivity. Though the courageous couple reached the border of Tibet by 1927 in their search of the sacred Buddhist site, Shambhala, which was to complete their mission of peace by establishing a true "heaven on Earth," their journey was again met with conflict.Sadly, Nicholas Roerich died before this dream could be fully realized. From the 1935 Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace (introduced to the world under FDR's administration in an effort to preserve the world's artistic treasures) and the 27-story Roerich Museum (www.roerich.org) that still proudly sits on Manhattan's Upper West Side, to the recently released British Secret Files detailing their unjust incarceration, these are but mere symbols of the Roerichs' immense contributions to the art, humanitarian and spiritual worlds. Drayer unlocks the door to these worlds and provides us with a never-before-seen account of the complete story that is the legacy of Nicholas and Helena Roerich.
Nicholas of Cusa: A Medieval Thinker for the Modern Age
by Kazuhiko YamakiNicholas of Cusa (1401 64), doctor of canon law, church politician and philosopher, was one of the most important thinkers of 15th century Europe. This year marks the sixth centenary of his birth. Scholars from round the globe gathered in Tokyo for the 19th Cusanus Congress last year; this volume makes their contributions more widely available. Major themes examined include tradition and innovation, religion, the relevance of Nicholas of Cusa's thought for today, the relationship between East and West in his thought, and the development of his thought and scholarship as we enter a new millennium. Multilingual text: English, German, French.
Nichtmenschliche Ästhetik: Kuratieren jenseits des Menschlichen (Cultural Animal Studies #18)
by Jessica UllrichDer Band verbindet aktuelle Diskurse um nichtmenschliche oder mehr-als-menschliche Akteure in ästhetischen Prozessen mit der derzeit virulenten Debatte um „Care“ bzw. Fürsorgeethik in der Kunst. Gefragt wird nach den Bedingungen, Modi und Konsequenzen einer nichtmenschlichen Ästhetik und danach, in welcher Form Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze, Mikroben, Bakterien, Maschinen oder künstliche Intelligenzen im Rahmen von Kunstwerken handeln. Die Beiträge beleuchten, wie Künstler*innen mit nichtmenschlichen Entitäten im Rahmen von performativen oder installativen Kunstwerken interagieren und wie sie füreinander sorgen und füreinander verantwortlich sind.
The Nick of Time: Politics, Evolution, and the Untimely
by Elizabeth GroszIn this pathbreaking philosophical work, Elizabeth Grosz points the way toward a theory of becoming to replace the prevailing ontologies of being in social, political, and biological discourse. Arguing that theories of temporality have significant and underappreciated relevance to the social dimensions of science and the political dimensions of struggle, Grosz engages key theoretical concerns related to the reality of time. She explores the effect of time on the organization of matter and on the emergence and development of biological life. Considering how the relentless forward movement of time might be conceived in political and social terms, she begins to formulate a model of time that incorporates the future and its capacity to supersede and transform the past and present. Grosz develops her argument by juxtaposing the work of three major figures in Western thought: Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Henri Bergson. She reveals that in theorizing time as an active, positive phenomenon with its own characteristics and specific effects, each of these thinkers had a profound effect on contemporary understandings of the body in relation to time. She shows how their allied concepts of life, evolution, and becoming are manifest in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Luce Irigaray. Throughout The Nick of Time, Grosz emphasizes the political and cultural imperative to fundamentally rethink time: the more clearly we understand our temporal location as beings straddling the past and the future without the security of a stable and abiding present, the more transformation becomes conceivable.
Nicolas Berdyaev: An Introduction to His Thought
by George SeaverExcerpt from Nicolas Berdyaev: An Introduction to His Thought <p><p> The charm of the words of great men, those grand sayings which are recognized as true as soon as heard, is this, that you recognize them as wisdom which has passed across your own mind. You feel that they are your own thoughts come back to you.
Nicolas de Condorcet: The Revolution of French Higher Education (SpringerBriefs in Education)
by Olivier Marty Ray J. AmiraultThis Springer brief explores the contribution of Nicolas de Condorcet in French higher education, the historical development of his work and its influence on the history of the French education system.Condorcet's educational proposals were first devised as five Memoires, which were consolidated into the ‘Rapport et Projet de Decret sur l'Organisation Generale de l'Instruction Publique’. This report has sparked debate on the subject of education in the past and lives on as a basis for ongoing iterations of plans for education by other writers.In developing these ideas and especially how they apply to higher education, this book bridges the gap between the 18th century French Enlightenment shift and the Revolution of higher education, with the advent of the Grandes Écoles such as École Normale Supérieure, École Polytechnique and Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers. Each of these schools was represented by a specific institutionalized educational idea rooted in the works of the philosopher.This book offers insights to a wider audience in the educational thought of Condorcet, which at the time of his writing was overshadowed by Rousseau, and shows how his ideas of liberty and equality flourish in the French educational system and remain an important part in today's French academic, cultural and political culture.
Nicolas Flamel: His Exposition of the Hieroglyphicall Figures (1624) (Routledge Revivals)
by Laurinda DixonPublished in 1994: Nicolas Flamel: His Exposition of the Hieroglyphicall Figures is a narrative of the life of Nicolas Flamel.
Nicolas Malebranche: Dialogues On Metaphysics And On Religion
by Nicholas Jolley Nicolas Malebranche David ScottMalebranche's Dialogues on Metaphysics and on Religion is in many ways the best introduction to his thought, and provides the most systematic exposition of his philosophy as a whole. In it, he presents clear and comprehensive statements of his two best-known contributions to metaphysics and epistemology, namely, the doctrines of occasionalism and vision in God; he also states his views on such central issues as self-knowledge, the existence of the external world and the problem of theodicy. His skilful handling of the dialogue form enables the reader to see how he responds to objections made to his earlier work The Search after Truth. This edition presents a translation of the text which is clear, readable and more accurate than any of its predecessors, together with an introduction that analyses Malebranche's central teachings and explains the importance of the Dialogues in the context of seventeenth-century philosophy.
Nicolaus Steno: Biography and Original Papers of a 17th Century Scientist
by Troels Kardel Paul MaquetThis is by far the most exhaustive biography on Niels Stensen, anatomist, geologist and bishop, better known as "Nicolaus Steno". We learn about the scientist’s family and background in Lutheran Denmark, of his teachers at home and abroad, of his studies and travels in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Bohemia and Germany, of his many pioneering achievements in anatomy and geology, of his encounters with Swammerdam, Malpighi and with members of the newly established Royal Society of London and the Accademia del Cimento in Florence, and with the philosopher Spinoza. It further treats Stensen’s religious conversion. The book includes the full set of Steno's anatomical and geological scientific papers in original language. The editors thoroughly translated the original Latin text to English, and included numerous footnotes on the background of this bibliographic and scientific treasure from the 17th century.
The Nicomachean Ethics
by AristotleNicomachean Ethics focuses on the importance of habitually behaving virtuously and developing a virtuous character. Aristotle emphasized the importance of context to ethical behavior, and the ability of the virtuous person to recognize the best course of action. Aristotle argued that happiness and well being is the goal of life, and that a person's pursuit of such, rightly conceived, will result in virtuous conduct. "EVERY art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim." -Aristotle
Nicomachean Ethics (Dover Thrift Editions)
by AristotleHailed by Dante as "the master of those who know," the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) surveyed every field of learning known to the ancient world and pioneered the sciences of psychology and logic. A disciple of Plato and the tutor to Alexander the Great, Aristotle was a prolific writer, although many of his works have been lost. His treatises, used by the students of his famous Athenian school, the Lyceum, exerted a profound and lasting influence on Western thought.Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is one of the world's great books. Identifying happiness as the goal of life, he rejects pleasure, fame, and wealth as means to it. The summit of human achievement is attainable only through the contemplation of philosophic truth, because this practice exercises the virtue peculiar to the human being, the rational principle.This inexpensive edition of a philosophical landmark will prove an invaluable resource to students and general readers alike.
The Nicomachean Ethics
by AristotleThe Author examines the nature of happiness, which he defines as a specially good kind of life. He considers the nature of practical reasoning, friendship, and the role and importance of the moral virtues in the best life.
The Nicomachean Ethics
by AristotleA profound examination of the nature of happiness by one of the giants of ancient Greek philosophy In The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues that happiness consists in 'activity of the soul in accordance with virtue' - for example, with moral virtues, such as courage, generosity and justice, and intellectual virtues, such as knowledge, wisdom and insight. The Ethics also discusses the nature of practical reasoning, the value and the objects of pleasure, the different forms of friendship and the relationship between individual virtue, society and the State. Aristotle's work has had a lasting influence on all subsequent Western thought about ethical matters.
Nicomachean Ethics
by AristotleThe second edition of C. D. C. Reeve's translation of Nicomachean Ethics features Bekker numbers in the margins as well as a significantly revised translation that combines accuracy, consistency, and readability and fits seamlessly with the other volumes in the series. Anglophone readers can now read Aristotle's works in a way previously not possible. Sequentially numbered, cross-referenced endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index guides the reader to places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
The Nicomachean Ethics
by AristotleOne of the most important philosophical works of all time, in a new Penguin Classics translation by Adam Beresford'Right and wrong is a human thing' What does it mean to be a good person? Aristotle's famous series of lectures on ethical topics ranges over fundamental questions about good and bad character; pleasure and self-control; moral wisdom and the foundations of right and wrong; friendship and love in all their forms - all set against a rich and humane conception of what makes for a flourishing life. Adam Beresford's freshly researched translation presents many of Aristotle's key terms and idioms in standard English for the first time, and faithfully preserves the unvarnished style of the original.
Nicomachean Ethics
by AristotleTerence Irwin&’s edition of the Nicomachean Ethics offers more aids to the reader than are found in any modern English translation. It includes an Introduction, headings to help the reader follow the argument, explanatory notes on difficult or important passages, and a full glossary explaining Aristotle&’s technical terms. The Third Edition offers additional revisions of the translation as well as revised and expanded versions of the notes, glossary, and Introduction. Also new is an appendix featuring translated selections from related texts of Aristotle.