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The Origin and Goal of History (Routledge Revivals)

by Karl Jaspers

First published in English in 1953, this important book from eminent philosopher Karl Jaspers deals with the philsophy of the history of mankind. More specifically, its avowed aim is to assist in heightening our awareness of the present by placing it within the framework of the long obscurity of prehistory and the boundless realm of possibilities which lie within the undecided future.This analysis is split into 3 parts: World history The present and the future The meaning of history

The Origin and Goal of History (Routledge Classics)

by Karl Jaspers

Karl Jaspers (1883–1969) was a German psychiatrist and philosopher and one of the most original European thinkers of the twentieth century. As a major exponent of existentialism in Germany, he had a strong influence on modern theology, psychiatry and philosophy. He was Hannah Arendt’s supervisor before her emigration to the United States in the 1930s and himself experienced the consequences of Nazi persecution. He was removed from his position at the University of Heidelberg in 1937, due to his wife being Jewish. Published in 1949, the year in which the Federal Republic of Germany was founded, The Origin and Goal of History is a vitally important book. It is renowned for Jaspers' theory of an 'Axial Age', running from the 8th to the 3rd century BCE. Jaspers argues that this period witnessed a remarkable flowering of new ways of thinking that appeared in Persia, India, China and the Greco-Roman world, in striking parallel development but without any obvious direct cultural contact between them. Jaspers identifies key thinkers from this age, including Confucius, Buddha, Zarathustra, Homer and Plato, who had a profound influence on the trajectory of future philosophies and religions. For Jaspers, crucially, it is here that we see the flowering of diverse philosophical beliefs such as scepticism, materialism, sophism, nihilism, and debates about good and evil, which taken together demonstrate human beings' shared ability to engage with universal, humanistic questions as opposed to those mired in nationality or authoritarianism. At a deeper level, The Origin and Goal of History provides a crucial philosophical framework for the liberal renewal of German intellectual life after 1945, and indeed of European intellectual life more widely, as a shattered continent attempted to find answers to what had happened in the preceding years. This Routledge Classics edition includes a new Foreword by Christopher Thornhill.

Origin and Performance of Democracy Profiles (Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft)

by Oliver Schlenkrich

This study has two central research questions: Do democracy profiles affect policy performance? And what causes democracy profiles? Oliver Schlenkrich conceptualizes and measures different democracy profiles (e.g., libertarian-majoritarian or egalitarian-majoritarian democracies) based on trade-offs between the central democracy dimensions of political freedom, political equality, and political and legal control. In addition, the study conceptually and empirically develops a typology of political performance. Regarding the first research question, the empirical analyses of about 80 democracies from 1974 to 2017 indicate that there is not an overall better performing democracy profile. Thereby, the democracy profiles do not have an immediate effect, instead their effects require a longer period of time to manifest. With respect to the second research question, the empirical findings show that several structural and cultural factors are relevant (e.g., British heritage or a competitive culture). This work is mainly based on Bayesian statistics to cope with the complexity of the data and models.About the authorOliver Schlenkrich works currently on the DFG research project ‘Causes of Transformation and Democracy Profiles: Empirical Findings of the Democracy Matrix’ located at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany. His research interests concern democracy, political culture, political participation, quality of statehood, and quantitative methods.

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (Pelican Ser.)

by Julian Jaynes

National Book Award Finalist: &“This man&’s ideas may be the most influential, not to say controversial, of the second half of the twentieth century.&”—Columbus Dispatch At the heart of this classic, seminal book is Julian Jaynes's still-controversial thesis that human consciousness did not begin far back in animal evolution but instead is a learned process that came about only three thousand years ago and is still developing. The implications of this revolutionary scientific paradigm extend into virtually every aspect of our psychology, our history and culture, our religion—and indeed our future. &“Don&’t be put off by the academic title of Julian Jaynes&’s The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Its prose is always lucid and often lyrical…he unfolds his case with the utmost intellectual rigor.&”—The New York Times &“When Julian Jaynes . . . speculates that until late in the twentieth millennium BC men had no consciousness but were automatically obeying the voices of the gods, we are astounded but compelled to follow this remarkable thesis.&”—John Updike, The New Yorker &“He is as startling as Freud was in The Interpretation of Dreams, and Jaynes is equally as adept at forcing a new view of known human behavior.&”—American Journal of Psychiatry

The Origin of Copyright: Expression as Knowing in Being and Copyright Onto-Epistemology (Routledge Research in Legal Philosophy)

by Wenwei Guan

Contemporary copyright was born in a heroic era of human history when technologies facilitated idea dissemination through the book trade reaching out mass readership. This book provides insights on the copyright evolution and how proprietary individual expression’s copyright protection forms an integral part of our knowing in being, driven by the advances of technology through the proliferating trading frameworks. The book captures what is central in the process of copyright evolution which is an "onto-epistemological offset". It goes on to explain that copyright’s protection of knowing in originality’s delineation of expression and fair use/dealing’s legitimization of unauthorized use and being are not isolatable, but rather mutually implicated. While the classic strict determinism has been subject to an onto-epistemological challenge, the book looks at the proliferation of global trade and advent of information technology and how they show us the beauty and possibility of intra-dependence between copyright authorship, entrepreneurship, and readership, which calls for a fresh copyright onto-epistemology. Building on its onto-epistemological critiques on the stakeholder, force, and mechanism of copyright evolution, the book helps readers understand why, not only copyright, but also law in general, and justice too, need to be onto-epistemologically balanced, as this is categorically imperative for being, the fundamental law of nature.

The Origin of Language and Consciousness: How Social Orders and Communicative Concerns Gave Rise to Speech and Cognitive Abilities (World-Systems Evolution and Global Futures)

by Nikolai S. Rozov

This book presents an evolutionary theory of the origin and step-by-step development of linguistic structures and cognitive abilities from the early stages of anthropogenesis to the Upper Paleolithic. Emphasizing the social nature of the human mind and using an extended version of C.Hempel's explanatory logic, the author proves that language and consciousness emerged and evolved through the daily efforts of our ancestors to overcome mutual misunderstandings in increasingly complex social orders with increasing tasks on memory, thinking, and normative regulation of behavior, with the addition of new and new communicative concerns.The book addresses questions such as the following:What unique social conditions led to the emergence of the first protosyllables and protowords?What steps enabled the crossing of the "linguistic Rubicon" (between animal communication and human speech)?Why were syllables and phonemes needed? How did our ancestors overcome the difficulties of misunderstanding?How, when, and why did ancient people learn to speak in turns? Why did they begin to talk about past and distant events? What is consciousness and how did it evolve along with language?How many original languages were there and why are there roughly 200 philas (language macrofamilies)?How and why did the number of languages and the degree of their complexity change in pre-written history?Did the Romance languages really evolve from Latin?Accordingly, the book will appeal to scholars in various disciplines who are interested in a better understanding of the cognitive aspects of anthropogenesis and the ancient origins of language and consciousness.

The Origin of Others

by Toni Morrison

What is race and why does it matter? Why does the presence of Others make us so afraid? America’s foremost novelist reflects on themes that preoccupy her work and dominate politics: race, fear, borders, mass movement of peoples, desire for belonging. Ta-Nehisi Coates provides a foreword to Toni Morrison’s most personal work of nonfiction to date.

The Origin of Our Knowledge of Right and Wrong (Routledge Revivals)

by Franz Brentano

Based on a lecture given before the Vienna Law Society in 1889, this title had an extraordinary influence in the field of philosophy. It provided the basis for the theory of value as this was developed by Meinong, Husserl and Scheler. In addition, the doctrine of intentionality that is presented here is central to contemporary philosophy of mind.

The Origin of Species

by Charles Darwin

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's seminal 1859 work introducing the theory of evolution by natural selection, science writer and journalist Quammen presents the first edition text richly augmented by more than 350 images including historical photos and portraits, Darwin's own drawings, images of the places he went, the people he saw, the creatures he encountered, and the ship he traveled on. An informative introduction and extensive reproductions from The Voyage of the Beagle (Darwin's research travel narrative) as well as brief excerpts from his biography, diaries, and correspondence provide added perspective on who the man really was, how he came to develop his revolutionary theory, and how one of the most important and controversial books in history came to be. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

by Charles Darwin

With his revolutionary work The Origin of Species Charles Darwin overthrew contemporary beliefs about Divine Providence and the beginnings of life on earth. Written for the general public of the 1850s, it is a rigorously documented but highly readable account of the scientific theory that now lies at the root of our present attitude to the universe. Challenging notions such as the fixity of species with the idea of natural selection, and setting forth the results of pioneering work on the ecology of animals and plants, it made a lasting contribution to philosophical and scientific thought.

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State

by Friedrich Engels

The most influential theory of the origins of women's oppression in the modern era, in a beautiful new editionIn this provocative and now-classic work, Frederick Engels explores the interrelated development of the family and the state from ancient society to the Victorian era. Drawing on new anthropological theories of his time, Engels argued that matriarchal communal societies had been overthrown by class society and its emphasis on private, not communal, property and monogamous, rather than polygamous, sexual organization. This historical development, Engels argued, constituted "the world-historic defeat of the female sex."A masterclass in the application of materialist thought to history and anthropology, and touching on love, monogamy, property, and the development of the human, this landmark work is still foundational in Marxist and socialist feminist theory.

Origin of the German Trauerspiel

by Walter Benjamin

Focusing on the 17th-century play of mourning, Walter Benjamin identifies allegory as the constitutive trope of modernity, bespeaking a haunted, bedeviled world of mutability and eternal transience. In this rigorous elegant translation, history as trauerspiel is the condition as well as subject of modern allegory in its inscription of the abyssal.

The Origin of the Knowledge of Right and Wrong

by Franz Brentano Roderick M. Chisholm Elizabeth H. Schneewind

Based on a lecture given before the Vienna Law Society in 1889, this title had an extraordinary influence in the field of philosophy. It provided the basis for the theory of value as this was developed by Meinong, Husserl and Scheler. In addition, the doctrine of intentionality that is presented here is central to contemporary philosophy of mind.

The Origin of the Logic of Symbolic Mathematics: Edmund Husserl and Jacob Klein (Studies in Continental Thought)

by Burt C. Hopkins

Burt C. Hopkins presents the first in-depth study of the work of Edmund Husserl and Jacob Klein on the philosophical foundations of the logic of modern symbolic mathematics. Accounts of the philosophical origins of formalized concepts—especially mathematical concepts and the process of mathematical abstraction that generates them—have been paramount to the development of phenomenology. Both Husserl and Klein independently concluded that it is impossible to separate the historical origin of the thought that generates the basic concepts of mathematics from their philosophical meanings. Hopkins explores how Husserl and Klein arrived at their conclusion and its philosophical implications for the modern project of formalizing all knowledge.

The Origin of the Political: Hannah Arendt or Simone Weil?

by Gareth Williams Roberto Esposito Vincenzo Binetti

In this book Roberto Esposito explores the conceptual trajectories of two of the twentieth century’s most vital thinkers of the political: Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil. Taking Homer’s Iliad—that “great prism through which every gesture has the possibility of becoming public, precisely by being observed by others”— as the common origin and point of departure for our understanding of Western philosophical and political traditions, Esposito examines the foundational relation between war and the political. Drawing actively and extensively on Arendt’s and Weil’s voluminous writings, but also sparring with thinkers from Marx to Heidegger, The Origin of the Political traverses the relation between polemos and polis, between Greece, Rome, God, force, technicity, evil, and the extension of the Christian imperial tradition, while at the same time delineating the conceptual and hermeneutic ground for the development of Esposito’s notion and practice of “the impolitical.” In Esposito’s account Arendt and Weil emerge “in the inverse of the other’s thought, in the shadow of the other’s light,” to “think what the thought of the other excludes not as something that is foreign, but rather as something that appears unthinkable and, for that very reason, remains to be thought.” Moving slowly toward their conceptualizations of love and heroism, Esposito unravels the West’s illusory metaphysical dream of peace, obliging us to reevaluate ceaselessly what it means to be responsible in the wake of past and contemporary forms of war.

The Origin of the Soul: A Conversation (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Joshua R Farris Joanna Leidenhag

The Origin of the Soul is a contemporary retrieval of an important theological discussion throughout history. The origin of the soul is thought by many to be an outdated discussion that is theologically antiquated. And, yet, in recent years, there has been a renewed and growing interest not only in the soul, immaterial substances and theistic explanations for the origins of consciousness, but a more vibrant interest in the origins of the soul and the implications it has for numerous theological topics. This is due, in part, to the growing recognition in theistic circles that we are not material beings--at least not solely, but rather we are ensouled beings and it is this part, aspect, or feature of us that needs some explaining beyond biological evolution. The conversation that takes place in this volume will be of interest to scholars and students of both theology and philosophy.

The Origin of the Species

by Charles Darwin

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's seminal 1859 work introducing the theory of evolution by natural selection, science writer and journalist Quammen presents the first edition text richly augmented by more than 350 images including historical photos and portraits, Darwin's own drawings, images of the places he went, the people he saw, the creatures he encountered, and the ship he traveled on. An informative introduction and extensive reproductions from The Voyage of the Beagle (Darwin's research travel narrative) as well as brief excerpts from his biography, diaries, and correspondence provide added perspective on who the man really was, how he came to develop his revolutionary theory, and how one of the most important and controversial books in history came to be. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

The Origin of Time: Heidegger and Bergson (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

by Heath Massey

The recent renewal of interest in the philosophy of Henri Bergson has increased both recognition of his influence on twentieth-century philosophy and attention to his relationship to phenomenology. Until now, the question of Martin Heidegger's debt to Bergson has remained largely unanswered. Heidegger's brief discussion of Bergson in Being and Time is geared toward explaining why he fails in his attempts to think more radically about time. Despite this dismissal, a close look at Heidegger's early works dealing with temporality reveals a sustained engagement with Bergson's thought. In The Origin of Time, Heath Massey evaluates Heidegger's critique of Bergson and examines how Bergson's efforts to rethink time in terms of duration anticipate Heidegger's own interpretation of temporality. Massey demonstrates how Heidegger follows Bergson in seeking to uncover "primordial time" by disentangling temporality from spatiality, how he associates Bergson with the tradition of philosophy that covers up this phenomenon, and how he overlooks Bergson's ontological turn in Matter and Memory. Through close readings of early major works by both thinkers, Massey argues that Bergson is a much more radical thinker with respect to time than Heidegger allows.

Origin(s) of Design in Nature

by Liz Swan Richard Gordon Joseph Seckbach

Origin(s) of Design in Nature is a collection of over 40 articles from prominent researchers in the life, physical, and social sciences, medicine, and the philosophy of science that all address the philosophical and scientific question of how design emerged in the natural world. The volume offers a large variety of perspectives on the design debate including progressive accounts from artificial life, embryology, complexity, cosmology, theology and the philosophy of biology. This book is volume 23 of the series, Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology.

The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution, Adapted for the 21st Century

by Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck revisited Thomas Paine's famous pre-Revolutionary War call to action in his #1 New York Times bestseller Glenn Beck's Common Sense. Now he brings his historical acumen and political savvy to this fresh, new interpretation of The Federalist Papers, the 18th-century collection of political essays that defined and shaped our Constitution and laid bare the "original argument" between states' rights and big federal government--a debate as relevant and urgent today as it was at the birth of our nation. Adapting a selection of these essential essays--pseudonymously authored by the now well-documented triumvirate of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay--for a contemporary audience, Glenn Beck has had them reworked into "modern" English so as to be thoroughly accessible to anyone seeking a better understanding of the Founding Fathers' intent and meaning when laying the groundwork of our government. Beck provides his own illuminating commentary and annotations and, for a number of the essays, has brought together the viewpoints of both liberal and conservative historians and scholars, making this a fair and insightful perspective on the historical works that remain the primary source for interpreting Constitutional law and the rights of American citizens.

The Original Atheists

by S. T. Joshi

This is the first anthology ever published to feature the writings of leading eighteenth-century thinkers on the subjects of atheism, religion, freethought, and secularism. Editor S. T. Joshi has compiled notable essays by writers from Germany, France, England, and early America. The contributors include Denis Diderot (a principal author of the multivolume French Encyclopédie), Baron d'Holbach (System of Nature, 1770), Voltaire (Philosophical Dictionary), David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Ethan Allen, Thomas Paine, and other lesser-known thinkers. With a comprehensive introduction providing the intellectual and cultural context of the essays, this outstanding compilation will be of interest to students of philosophy, religious studies, and eighteenth-century intellectual history. From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Original Buddhist Psychology: What the Abhidharma Tells Us About How We Think, Feel, and Experience Life

by Beth Jacobs

The Abhidharma, one of the three major text collections of the original Buddhist canon, frames the psychological system of Buddhism, explaining the workings of reality and the nature of the human mind. It is composed of detailed matrixes and lists that outline the interaction of consciousness and reality, the essence of perception and experience, and the reasons and methods behind mindfulness and meditation. Because of its complexity, the Abhidharma has traditionally been reserved only for academic or monastic study; now, for the first time, clinical psychologist Beth Jacobs brings this dynamic body of work to general readers, using practical explanation, personal stories, and vivid examples to gently untangle the technical aspects of the Abhidharma. Drawing on decades of experience as both a therapist and a Buddhist, Jacobs illuminates this classic area of Buddhist thought, highlighting the ways it can broaden and deepen our experience of the human psyche and offering profound insights into spiritual practice.

The Original Frontier: A Serious Seeker's Guide to Zen

by Michael Elliston

A practical and accessible manual for integrating Zen practice into everyday life without disrupting your routine. Throw open the gate to the original frontier of your creative mind discovered by Buddha, handed down to successive generations through India, China, and Japan, and now to America, in this age of increasing uncertainty. This always contemporary practice holds the key to surviving, and thriving, in trying times. Zen priest Michael Elliston&’s refreshing approach lays out the irreducibly simple method of Zen meditation in easily accessible terms and digestible bites. He covers everything from how Zen differs from popular meditations to designing a contemporary Zen life, and effective workarounds for all your excuses. Based on sound principles of direct sensory immersion, simply sitting still enough for long enough, this user&’s manual for Zen is presented step by step, encompassing personal dimensions of practice, as well as social implications for yourself and others. Zen enables you to embrace ambiguity in daily life, and to enjoy benefits to your health and happiness.

The Original I Ching : The Eranos I Ching Project

by Rudolf Ritsema Shantena Augusto Sabbadini

Often referred to as the Eranos edition, this revised and updated translation offers the most substantial advance in I Ching since Richard Wilhelm introduced the oracle to the West in the 1920s.The I Ching is one of the oldest Chinese texts and the world’s oldest oracle. Accumulated from over 2,500 years of diviners, sages and shamans and born out of the oral tradition, the I Ching as we know it today is a collection of texts, imagery and advice, philosophy and poetry, divided into 64 chapters. There are 64 hexagrams, created from a collection of six lines, either broken or solid. In order to “read” from the book, you must cast a hexagram. The traditional method required yarrow sticks but nowadays is based on tossing three coins six times.The Original I Ching Oracle or Book of Changes was inspired by Carl Gustav Jung's insights into the psyche and researched for more than 60 years through the Eranos Foundation of Switzerland. It presents the oracular core of the I Ching as a psychological tool: the symbols interact with our minds in the same way dream images do.

The Original Meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment: Its Letter and Spirit

by Randy E. Barnett Evan D. Bernick

A renowned constitutional scholar and a rising star provide a balanced and definitive analysis of the origins and original meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. Adopted in 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment profoundly changed the Constitution, giving the federal judiciary and Congress new powers to protect the fundamental rights of individuals from being violated by the states. Yet, according to Randy Barnett and Evan Bernick, the Supreme Court has long misunderstood or ignored the original meaning of the amendment’s key clauses, covering the privileges and immunities of citizenship, due process of law, and the equal protection of the laws. Barnett and Bernick contend that the Fourteenth Amendment was the culmination of decades of debates about the meaning of the antebellum Constitution. Antislavery advocates advanced arguments informed by natural rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the common law. They also utilized what is today called public-meaning originalism. Although their arguments lost in the courts, the Republican Party was formed to advance an antislavery political agenda, eventually bringing about abolition. Then, when abolition alone proved insufficient to thwart Southern repression and provide for civil equality, the Fourteenth Amendment was enacted. It went beyond abolition to enshrine in the Constitution the concept of Republican citizenship and granted Congress power to protect fundamental rights and ensure equality before the law. Finally, Congress used its powers to pass Reconstruction-era civil rights laws that tell us much about the original scope of the amendment. With evenhanded attention to primary sources, The Original Meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment shows how the principles of the Declaration eventually came to modify the Constitution and proposes workable doctrines for implementing the key provisions of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

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