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Past and Present Political Theology: Expanding the Canon (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)
by Dennis Vanden Auweele Miklos VassányiThis book demonstrates how discussions of Political Theology have been a constant feature throughout philosophical modernity and that they continue to impact contemporary political debates. By tracing the historical roots and detailing the contemporary outworking of Political Theology in Europe, it contends that this growing field requires a broader "canon" in order for it to mature. Political Theology is shown here to be about the diversity of relationships between religious beliefs and political orientations. First engaging with historical debates, chapters re-examine the relationship between personal conviction and societal orientation on such topics as the will to believe, evil, individualism, the relationship between church and state, and the relationship between belief and natural science. The volume then establishes the relevance of these debates for the present day. As such, it invites engagement on the back and forth between religion and politics in a liberal democracy and a communist state, on how communitarianism relates to religious language, on the diversity of Christian and Jewish political theology, and the politics of toleration. By broadening out the field of Political Theology this book offers the reader a more nuanced understanding of its sustained influence on public life. As such it will be of interest to academics working in Political Theology, but also Theology, Philosophy and Political Science more generally.
The Past, Present, and Future of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (History and Philosophy of Technoscience)
by Emily Herring Kevin Matthew Jones Konstantin S. Kiprijanov Laura M SellersIntegrated History and Philosophy of Science (iHPS) is commonly understood as the study of science from a combined historical and philosophical perspective. Yet, since its gradual formation as a research field, the question of how to suitably integrate both perspectives remains open. This volume presents cutting edge research from junior iHPS scholars, and in doing so provides a snapshot of current developments within the field, explores the connection between iHPS and other academic disciplines, and demonstrates some of the topics that are attracting the attention of scholars who will help define the future of iHPS.
Past, Present, and Future Possibilities for Philosophy and History of Education: Finding Space And Time For Research
by Stefan Ramaekers Naomi HodgsonOn the occasion of the retirement of Paul Smeyers, this book considers the state and status of the philosophy and history of education today. Over the last 20 years, the conditions in which research takes place have changed considerably. They have done so in ways that are often less than favourable to disciplines such as history and philosophy of education, and the space and time for the practices that constitute these disciplines – of reading, of writing, of collegiality – is increasingly under pressure. During this time, the Research Community on the History and Philosophy of Educational Research has convened annually to bring its critical lenses to bear on these emergent conditions and to suggest ways that educational research might, or ought to, be done otherwise. As co-founder and co-convenor of the Research Community, this volume explores and recounts Paul Smeyers' development of Wittgensteinian scholarship and its legacy in education, his formative role in the development of philosophy of education as an international field, his many international collaborations, the “useless” educational-philosophical deepening of concepts, and the wider educational-philosophical import of this. This gives rise to consideration of the failure of these fields to halt the changes in the governance and status of the university that threatens them, and those practices that remain and that are emerging in academia that we wish to protect, to pass on to the next generation of researchers in these fields.
Pastoral Misconduct: The American Black Church Examined
by Janelle M. Eliasson-NanniniIn the past, clergy malfeasance was mentioned only in passing by group members or adherents. The subject was invisible and those who studied it were often stigmatized as hostile to religion itself. Today clergy misconduct is acknowledged as a social problem with growing conceptual and theoretical implications. In Pastoral Misconduct, Anson Shupe and Janelle M. Eliasson-Nannini argue that the history and traditions of black pastoral leadership, coupled with the close identity of many black congregants with their pastor, congregation, and racial subculture, creates opportunity structures that facilitate predatory behavior. Familiarity and mutual identity frequently leads victims to drop their normal levels of wariness. Major denominations and minor sects have been studied, but this unique study by Shupe and Eliasson-Nannini pursues nuances of pastoral bad behavior in a new context. This book is not a tabloid treatment of the American black church. In fact, the black church becomes the vehicle for a major new sociological development: a theory of clergy misconduct in any minority religion.
Patenting Nanomedicines
by Eliana B. Souto"Patenting Nanomedicines: Legal Aspects, Intellectual Property and Grant Opportunities" focusses on the fundamental aspects of Patenting Nanomedicines applied in different "Drug Delivery and Targeting Systems". The promoters of new findings in this field of research are numerous and spread worldwide; therefore, managing intellectual property portfolios, and the acquisition and exploitation of new knowledge face several contingency factors. Today, the scientific community is discussing issues of economic outcomes in the field of Nanomedicines. Major concerns include questions as to whether the research groups, academics, industry and other stakeholders should work in unison or independently, if innovation or adaptation of new technology should be prioritized, public versus private research funding, and safeguarding versus sharing knowledge. However, despite its increasing importance for humankind, it is a matter of concern as to whether technological development can really be stimulated by patent protection. An intellectual property strategy should aim to develop a qualitative patent portfolio for continuous learning. This book addresses questions of ethics, socio-political policies and regulatory aspects of novel Nanomedicine-based products which are currently under development for the diagnosis and treatment of different types of diseases. It is divided in two parts - Part I is composed of the first 3 chapters, which focus on the "fundamentals" of legal aspects, emerging threats, advantages and disadvantages of patenting Nanomedicines, whereas Part II collects 12 chapters discussing different types of Nanomedicine-based products, their potential marketing aspects and patent protection. Whenever applied, each chapter offers a list of patents, based on a specific application in drug delivery and targeting. An outstanding team of 53 authors have contributed to this book, which will be of interest to professionals from the field of patent examiners, academics, researchers and scientists, students and other practitioners.
Paternity: The Elusive Quest for the Father
by Nara B. MilanichFor most of human history, paternity was uncertain. Blood types, fingerprinting, and, recently, DNA analysis promised to solve the riddle of paternity. But even genetic certainty did not end the quest for the father. Rather, as Nara Milanich reveals, it confirms the social, cultural, and political nature of the age-old question: Who’s your father?
The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life
by Christine Gross-Loh Michael PuettFor the first time an award-winning Harvard professor shares his wildly popular course on classical Chinese philosophy, showing you how these ancient ideas can guide you on the path to a good life today. Why is a course on ancient Chinese philosophers one of the most popular at Harvard? It’s because the course challenges all our modern assumptions about what it takes to flourish. This is why Professor Michael Puett says to his students, “The encounter with these ideas will change your life. ” As one of them told his collaborator, author Christine Gross-Loh, “You can open yourself up to possibilities you never imagined were even possible. ” These astonishing teachings emerged two thousand years ago through the work of a succession of Chinese scholars exploring how humans can improve themselves and their society. And what are these counterintuitive ideas? Good relationships come not from being sincere and authentic, but from the rituals we perform within them. Influence comes not from wielding power but from holding back. Excellence comes from what we choose to do, not our natural abilities. A good life emerges not from planning it out, but through training ourselves to respond well to small moments. Transformation comes not from looking within for a true self, but from creating conditions that produce new possibilities. In other words, The Path upends everything we are told about how to lead a good life. Above all, unlike most books on the subject, its most radical idea is that there is no path to follow in the first place—just a journey we create anew at every moment by seeing and doing things differently. Sometimes voices from the past can offer possibilities for thinking afresh about the future.
Path of Compassion
by Thich Nhat HanhPath of Compassion is a collection of key stories from Thich Nhat Hanh’s classic Old Path White Clouds, a book celebrating its 20th publishing anniversary this year. It tells the fascinating life story of Prince Siddhartha, who left his family and renounced his carefully guarded life, and after many years of spiritual seeking became the Buddha, the Enlightened One. Far more than the description of an unusual life story, it serves as an enjoyable, compelling, and informative introduction to Buddhism by conveying its most important teachings in a compact and accessible format.Thich Nhat Hanh’s ability to show the Buddha as a person who deals with the same life issues as we do is unique and unsurpassed. Written in language accessible to readers of all ages and levels of experience Thich Nhat Hanh combines the description of the major life stages of the Buddha with his most important teachings. Reaching far beyond the biography genre Path of Compassion is a highly readable and informative introduction to Buddhism.
The Path of Desire: Living Tantra in Northeast India
by Hugh B. UrbanA provocative study of contemporary Tantra as a dynamic living tradition. Tantra, one of the most important religious currents in South Asia, is often misrepresented as little more than ritualized sex. Through a mixture of ethnography and history, Hugh B. Urban reveals a dynamic living tradition behind the sensationalist stories. Urban shows that Tantric desire goes beyond the erotic, encompassing such quotidian experiences as childbearing and healing. He traces these holistic desires through a series of unique practices: institutional Tantra centered on gurus and esoteric rituals; public Tantra marked by performance and festival; folk Tantra focused on magic and personal well-being; and popular Tantra imagined in fiction, film, and digital media. The result is a provocative new description of Hindu Tantra that challenges us to approach religion as something always entwined with politics and culture, thoroughly entangled with ordinary needs and desires.
The Path of Insight Meditation: The Path Of Insight Meditation (Shambhala Pocket Classics Ser.)
by Jack KornfieldAn introductory guide to Insight meditation, offering exercises from two master teachers and a look into how this practice leads to compassion and a deeper understanding of self.Insight meditation is a Buddhist practice that opens the way to profound awakening in our daily lives. This introductory guide offers wisdom about how this path cultivates compassion, strengthens mindfulness, and leads to a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. It also includes exercises from these two master teachers, developed from their meditation retreats taught around the world. Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield are the founders of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and each has authored many books on meditation.
The Path of Love
by Osho International Foundation OshoKabir is a 15th-century Indian mystic. Born a lower-caste weaver, Kabir opposed superstition, empty ritualism and bigotry. His teachings include scathing attacks against Brahmanical pride, caste prejudice and the very concept of untouchability, as well as exposing the dogmatism and bigotry he perceived around him. Unusually, even for his time, he was embraced by disciples who had been raised in both Hindu and Muslim traditions, who saw in him the embodiment of a life-affirmative approach that transcended the narrow dogmas that divide people and set them against one another.A poet, weaver, husband and father, Kabir lived his life as a buddha and yet as an ordinary man. His poetic songs tell of the ecstasy and the pitfalls on a seeker's journey on the path of love. In this book, Osho introduces the reader to this extraordinary mystic and his songs, bringing both to light in such a way as to show how they are both timeless and utterly relevant to our time. The path of love as described by Osho, and though the songs of Kabir, is a journey that seeks out and celebrates the divine that is hidden in the ordinary, the love that becomes not just a feeling one has, but ultimately a state of being that one is."Each song of the bird, and each cloud floating in the sky, is something like a message, a coded message. You have to decode it, you have to look deep into it; you have to be silent and listen to the message."
The Path of Yoga
by Osho Osho International FoundationYoga is now internationally an integral part of our health-conscious cultural landscape. It is practiced by millions for health and fitness reasons. While Yoga is seen and practiced mostly as a body exercise program, the interest in the philosophical and spiritual dimension of Yoga is growing.This book introduces us to Patanjali, the founder of ancient Yoga in India. It takes us step by step into a deeper understanding of the essence and origins of Yoga. Osho introduces and unlocks Patanjali's ancient sutras, revealing how contemporary this ancient message truly is. It quickly becomes clear that we are just on the cusp of a gaining a much deeper understanding of Yoga and its place in our evolving world. Surprisingly, the mind even more than the body is the focus of Patanjali's teaching. He says: "Yoga is the cessation of mind."As Osho says: "This is the definition of Yoga, the best definition. Yoga has been defined in many ways; there are many definitions. Some say Yoga is the meeting of the mind with the divine; hence, it is called yoga - yoga means meeting, joining together. Some say that Yoga means dropping the ego, ego is the barrier: the moment you drop the ego you are joined to the divine. You were already joined; it only appeared that you were not joined because of the ego. There are many definitions, but Patanjali's is the most scientific. He says: Yoga is the cessation of mind."What is the mind? What is the mind doing there? What is it? Ordinarily we think that mind is something substantial there, inside the head. Patanjali doesn't agree, and no one who has ever known the inside of the mind will agree. Modern science also doesn't agree. Mind is not something substantial inside the head. Mind is just a function, just an activity."
The Path to Gay Rights: How Activism and Coming Out Changed Public Opinion
by Jeremiah J. GarretsonAn innovative, data-driven explanation of how public opinion shifted on LGBTQ rights The Path to Gay Rights is the first social science analysis of how and why the LGBTQ movement achieved its most unexpected victory---transforming gay people from a despised group of social deviants into a minority worthy of rights and protections in the eyes of most Americans. The book weaves together a narrative of LGBTQ history with new findings from the field of political psychology to provide an understanding of how social movements affect mass attitudes in the United States and globally. Using data going back to the 1970s, the book argues that the current understanding of how social movements change mass opinion—through sympathetic media coverage and endorsements from political leaders—cannot provide an adequate explanation for the phenomenal success of the LGBTQ movement at changing the public’s views. In The Path to Gay Rights, Jeremiah Garretson argues that the LGBTQ community’s response to the AIDS crisis was a turning point for public support of gay rights. ACT-UP and related AIDS organizations strategically targeted political and media leaders, normalizing news coverage of LGBTQ issues and AIDS and signaled to LGBTQ people across the United States that their lives were valued. The net result was an increase in the number of LGBTQ people who came out and lived their lives openly, and with increased contact with gay people, public attitudes began to warm and change. Garretson goes beyond the story of LGBTQ rights to develop an evidence-based argument for how social movements can alter mass opinion on any contentious topic.
The Path to Hope
by Edgar Morin Stepnane HellelA short, incisive political tract that criticizes the culture of finance capitalism and calls for a return to the humanist values of the enlightenment: equality, liberty, freedom as defined in the Declaration of the Rights of Man, a return to community, mutual respect, freedom from poverty, and an end to theocracy and fundamentalism. The authors argue that a return to these values constitutes "a path to hope," leading the way out of the present worldwide malaise brought on by economic collapse, moral failure, and an ignorance of history. For the authors, 20th-century fascism was no mere abstraction--it was a brutal system brought on by a similar malaise, a system they fought against. This gives their book special urgency. The Path to Hope is written by two esteemed French thinkers--94-year-old Stephane Hessel and 90-year-old Edgar Morin, following on the heels of Hessel's Indignez-vous! (Time for Outrage!). Both books have become bestsellers in France and throughout Europe. Both have also become foundational documents underpinning the worldwide protest movement of which Occupy Wall Street is the American subset.
The Path to Mass Evil: Hannah Arendt and Totalitarianism Today
by Michael HardimanOn the Southern border of the United States in 2018, the decision was made to implement a separation policy among refugees and migrant families arriving at the border – and so a group of government employees left their homes, bidding farewell to their families as they went to work, and began to separate hundreds of children from their families, forcefully taking them to holding centres. Developing Hannah Arendt’s analysis of the banality of evil, The Path to Mass Evil demonstrates how the most educated, sophisticated and advanced societies in human history have the potential to descend into profound inhumanity and in the extreme can turn into enormous killing machines, implementing mass murder on a vast scale. Suitable for undergraduates and graduates in philosophy, sociology, psychology and religion, Michael Hardiman reveals how traditional understandings of morality fail to grasp how ordinary citizens become collaborators and engage in a range of levels of evildoing. He also highlights the necessity of confronting this evil in the increasingly divided and antagonistic world in which we find ourselves today.
Path to the Soul: The Union Of Eastern And Western Wisdom To Heal Your Body, Mind And Soul
by Ashok BediA Jungian psychoanalyst &“offers a Hindu spin on therapy, challenging readers to rethink childhood conflict and marital strife in terms of karma and dharma&” (Publishers Weekly). Path to the Soul provides an important evolutionary leap in the rapidly evolving understanding of our psychological and spiritual essence. Drawing from Hindu and Christian spiritual wisdom, biological medicine, psychiatric technique, and over twenty-five years of clinical experience, Dr. Bedi has created a highly effective and integrated treatment approach to problems associated with both medical and psychiatric illness. He explains the Hindu concepts of maya, karma, and dharma, and builds a bridge between psychological disease and our intrinsic hunger for spiritual union. Each symptom is seen as a crucial whisper from our soul, and if we understand its message, it can lead us to psychological balance. Dr. Bedi guides us through the process of Kundalini diagnosis, showing how the use of life events, medical or psychiatric symptoms, relationship strengths and problems, and life goals and aspirations can help us determine our dominant and auxiliary chakras. Since our chakras are focal points where physical, emotional, developmental, and spiritual forces intersect, they provide a paradigm that usefully links physical, psychological, developmental, and spiritual dimensions. He explains how he has successfully helped many patients correct imbalances by learning to access and strengthen this energy. Throughout this book there are numerous examples of how Dr. Bedi&’s patients have discovered what each individual eventually has to recognize; that our fulfillment, satisfaction, wholeness, and harmony can be reawakened when we touch the spark of divine light glowing within.
Pathological Realities: Essays on Disease, Experiments, and History (Forms of Living)
by Mirko Grmek Pierre-Olivier Méthot Hans-Jörg RheinbergerMirko D. Grmek (1924-2000) is one of the most significant figures in the history of medicine, and has long been considered a pioneer of the field. The singular trajectory that took Grmek from Yugoslavia to the academic culture of post-war France placed him at the crossroads of different intellectual trends and made him an influential figure during the second half of the twentieth century. Yet, scholars have rarely attempted to articulate his distinctive vision of the history of science and medicine with all its tensions, contradictions, and ambiguities. This volume brings together and publishes for the first time in English a range of Grmek’s writings, providing a portrait of his entire career as a historian of science and an engaged intellectual figure. Pathological Realities pieces together Grmek’s scholarship that reveals the interconnections of diseases, societies, and medical theories.Straddling the sciences and the humanities, Grmek crafted significant new concepts and methods to engage with contemporary social problems such as wars, genocides and pandemics. Uniting some major strands of his published work that are still dispersed or simply unknown, this volume covers the deep epistemological changes in historical conceptions of disease as well as major advances within the life sciences and their historiography. Opening with a classic essay – “Preliminaries for a Historical Study of Diseases,” this volume introduces Grmek’s notions of “pathocenosis” and “emerging infections,” illustrating them with historical and contemporary cases. Pathological Realities also showcases Grmek’s pioneering approach to the history of science and medicine using laboratory notebooks as well as his original work on biological thought and the role of ideologies and myths in the history of science. The essays assembled here reveal Grmek’s significant influence and continued relevance for current research in the history of medicine and biology, medical humanities, science studies, and the philosophy of science.
The Pathologies of Individual Freedom: Hegel's Social Theory (Princeton Monographs in Philosophy #30)
by Axel HonnethThis is a penetrating reinterpretation and defense of Hegel's social theory as an alternative to reigning liberal notions of social justice. The eminent German philosopher Axel Honneth rereads Hegel's Philosophy of Right to show how it diagnoses the pathologies of the overcommitment to individual freedom that Honneth says underlies the ideas of Rawls and Habermas alike. Honneth argues that Hegel's theory contains an account of the psychological damage caused by placing too much emphasis on personal and moral freedom. Although these freedoms are crucial to the achievement of justice, they are insufficient and in themselves leave people vulnerable to loneliness, emptiness, and depression. Hegel argues that people must also find their freedom or "self-realization" through shared projects. Such projects involve the three institutions of ethical life--family, civil society, and the state--and provide the arena of a crucial third kind of freedom, which Honneth calls "communicative" freedom. A society is just only if it gives all of its members sufficient and equal opportunity to realize communicative freedom as well as personal and moral freedom.
Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory (New Directions in Critical Theory #23)
by Axel HonnethAxel Honneth has been instrumental in advancing the work of the Frankfurt School of critical theorists, rebuilding their effort to combine radical social and political analysis with rigorous philosophical inquiry. These eleven essays reclaim the relevant themes of the Frankfurt School, which counted Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Jürgen Habermas, Franz Neumann, and Albrecht Wellmer as members. They also engage with Kant, Freud, Alexander Mitscherlich, and Michael Walzer, whose work on morality, history, democracy, and individuality intersects with the Frankfurt School's core concerns.Collected here for the first time in English, Honneth's essays pursue the unifying themes and theses that support the methodologies and thematics of critical social theory, and they address the possibilities of continuing this tradition through radically changed theoretical and social conditions. According to Honneth, there is a unity that underlies critical theory's multiple approaches: the way in which reason is both distorted and furthered in contemporary capitalist society. And while much is dead in the social and psychological doctrines of critical social theory, its central inquiries remain vitally relevant. Is social progress still possible after the horrors of the twentieth century? Does capitalism deform reason and, if so, in what respects? Can we justify the relationship between law and violence in secular terms, or is it inextricably bound to divine justice? How can we be free when we're subject to socialization in a highly complex and in many respects unfree society? For Honneth, suffering and moral struggle are departure points for a new "reconstructive" form of social criticism, one that is based solidly in the empirically grounded, interdisciplinary approach of the Frankfurt School.
Pathologisation, Depathologisation and Mental Health: Keys for a Contemporary Discussion from Ibero-America
by Raudelio Machin SuarezThis book examines the pathologisation and depathologisation of mental health in Ibero-América. It highlights the possibilities and the epistemic limits of the interpretative models of pathos that have legitimised mental health pathologies. Further, it proposes a rereading of psychopathology and analyses the clinical, philosophical, ontological, ethical, psychological and anthropological consequences of this. Across ten chapters it brings together academics from Latin America with colleagues from Europe, Asia and North America to address issues including stigma, aesthetics, childhood, gender, migration, political public or social networks and their relationship with mental health. Section 1 brings critical psychology into dialogue with psychiatry, sociology, philosophy and psychoanalysis to review the conceptual frameworks through which "pathology" has been understood in "psy" discourses. Section 2 presents a range of case studies that demonstrate the impact of debates around the pathologisation and de-pathologisation on mental health care in various populations across Latin American. It will offer fresh insights to practitioners, as well as to students and scholars working in the areas of mental health, critical psychology, medical sociology, Latin American studies, psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
Pathology Diagnosis and Social Research: New Applications and Explorations (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)
by Neal HarrisThe diagnosis of social pathologies has long been a central concern for social researchers working within, and on the peripheries of, Critical Theory. As this volume will elaborate, the pathology diagnosing imagination enables a “thicker” form of social critique, fostering research that pushes beyond the parameters of liberal social and political thought. Faced with impending climatic catastrophe, the accelerating inequities of neoliberalism, the ascent of authoritarian movements globally, and one-dimensional computational modes of thought, a viable form of normative social critique is now more important than ever. The central aim of this volume is thus to champion the pathology diagnosing imagination as a vehicle for conducting such timely social criticism.
Pathology of Lying, Accusation, and Swindling
by William HealyVery little advancement in the treatment of delinquents or criminals can be expected if typical characteristics and their bearings on behavior are not understood. The whole study of characterology or the motivation of conduct is extremely new, particularly in their forensic and psychological significance. It is these characteristics that are addressed here. In some cases, it is vital for the administration of justice for us to understand the types of personality and behaviors before rendering a final judgment. Some appreciation of this fact may be gained from this book which shows the possibility of tracing one form of behavior to its source.
The Pathology of Normalcy
by Erich FrommThe legendary social psychologist and New York Times–bestselling author meditates on ideas of mental health and normalcy in contemporary society. At the beginning of the 1950s, Erich Fromm increasingly questioned whether people in contemporary industrial society were mentally healthy. Eventually the topic of various lectures, Fromm&’s new social psychoanalytic approach enabled him to further develop the psychoanalytic method into a comprehensive critique of the pathology of the &“normal,&” socially adjusted human being. He was thus able to subject to a radical analysis the widespread strivings that dominate behavior in society—and therefore question what is &“normal,&” what is beneficial to mental health, and what makes people ill. In The Pathology of Normalcy, Fromm examines the concepts of mental health and mental illness in modern society. He discusses, through a series of lectures, subjects including a frame of reference for evaluating mental health, the relationship between mental health issues and alienation, and the connection between psychological and economic theory. Finally, he elucidates how humanity can overcome &“the insane society,&” as well as its own innate laziness.
Paths in Heidegger's Later Thought (Studies in Continental Thought)
by Günter Figal, Diego D’Angelo, Tobias Keiling, and Guang YangIf one takes Heidegger at his word then his philosophy is about pursuing different "paths" of thought rather than defining a single set of truths. This volume gathers the work of an international group of scholars to present a range of ways in which Heidegger can be read and a diversity of styles in which his thought can be continued. Despite their many approaches to Heidegger, their hermeneutic orientation brings these scholars together. The essays span themes from the ontic to the ontological, from the specific to the speculative. While the volume does not aim to present a comprehensive interpretation of Heidegger's later thought, it covers much of the terrain of his later thinking and presents new directions for how Heidegger should and should not be read today. Scholars of Heidegger's later thought will find rich and original readings that expand considerations of Heidegger's entire oeuvre.
Paths of Revolution: Selected Essays
by Adolfo GillyFirst English-language anthology of one of Latin America&’s pre-eminent Marxist writersThe Argentine-born writer Adolfo Gilly has directly observed many of Latin America&’s most dramatic events, from the Bolivian Revolution of the 1950s and Cuba during the Missile Crisis to the guerrilla wars of Central America and Mexico&’s Zapatista uprising. Paths of Revolution presents the first representative selection from across his extensive body of work, collecting close-quarters reportage, sharp political analyses and reflections on art and letters.A living link between the New Left of the 1960s and the Pink Tide of recent decades, Gilly once described the twentieth century as a series of lightning flashes which can illuminate our present-day predicament. The essay form is where he fully comes into his own, covering a truly impressive range of topics and places. This collection draws out the continuities within one of the world&’s more vibrant and politically successful left traditions.In the introduction, Tony Wood (author of Russia Without Putin) offer an overall portrait of Gilly&’s life and work.