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Peter L. Berger on Religion: The Social Reality of Religion (Key Thinkers in the Study of Religion)

by Titus Hjelm

Peter L. Berger on Religion provides an overview and critical assessment of the work of one of the most influential sociologists of the 20th century.Situating Berger’s writings on religion and secularisation in the broader framework of social constructionism, the book argues that neither he nor the research influenced by him consistently followed the constructionist paradigm. This assessment is informed by a close examination of The Sacred Canopy (1967), in particular. The volume also offers a Berger‑inspired constructionist framework for the study of religion.This book is an excellent resource for students and researchers interested in the intersection of religion and social theory.

Peter of Spain, Questiones super libro De Animalibus Aristotelis: Critical Edition with Introduction (Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean #5)

by Francisca Navarro Sánchez

This book presents an edition of the Questiones super libro De Animalibus Aristotelis, a work by one of the greatest philosophers and physicians of the 13th century, Peter of Spain (later Pope John XXI, 1205-1277). He took as the basis for his work the translation from the Arabic made in Toledo around 1220 by Michael Scotus which included three important Aristotelian treatises. Preceding the critical edition, Dr Navarro offers an introduction to the person and works of Peter of Spain, the intellectual context of the 13th century characterized by Scholasticism and an Aristotelian Renaissance, and a short analysis of the linguistics and form of the Questiones. She also analyses the sources on which Peter drew, Greco-Latin, Arabo-Jewish and, of course, late antique and medieval treatises, showing that the text was not exclusively zoological in nature, but discusses important medical and philosophical topics, illustrating his extensive knowledge of both the Aristotelian corpus and 13th-century medicine. The text (divided into XIX books) is not a mere commentary about animals, but rather, as the title shows, a collection of questions in the Salernitan manner, the use of which was considered most appropriate for analysis and communication in the medieval scientific community to which Peter of Spain belonged. Alongside methodological and zoological problems, Peter of Spain discusses important questions disputed among the scholars of the period, including the location, hierarchy, motion, function and parts of the principal organs, the five senses, and many other medical issues such as reproduction, illnesses, or growth. Finally Dr Navarro includes a glossary that contains proper names (mainly those of the authorities and sources quoted by Petrus Hispanus), animal names (and their parts and substances), and the names of plants, metals, and the like.

Peter Singer and Christian Ethics

by Charles C. Camosy

Interaction between Peter Singer and Christian ethics, to the extent that it has happened at all, has been unproductive and often antagonistic. Singer sees himself as leading a 'Copernican Revolution' against a sanctity of life ethic, while many Christians associate his work with a 'culture of death. ' Charles Camosy shows that this polarized understanding of the two positions is a mistake. While their conclusions about abortion and euthanasia may differ, there is surprising overlap in Christian and Singerite arguments, and disagreements are interesting and fruitful. Furthermore, it turns out that Christians and Singerites can even make common cause, for instance in matters such as global poverty and the dignity of non-human animals. Peter Singer and Christian ethics are far closer than almost anyone has imagined, and this book is valuable to those who are interested in fresh thinking about the relationship between religious and secular ethics.

Peter Singer Under Fire

by Ph.D. Jeffrey A. Schaler

One of the leading ethical thinkers of the modern age, Peter Singer has repeatedly been embroiled in controversy. Protesters in Germany closed down his lectures, mistakenly thinking he was advocating Nazi views on eugenics. Conservative publisher Steve Forbes withdrew generous donations to Princeton after Singer was appointed professor of bioethics. His belief that infanticide is sometimes morally justified has appalled people from all walks of life. Peter Singer Under Fire gives a platform to his critics on many contentious issues. Leaders of the disability rights group Not Dead Yet attack Singer's views on disability and euthanasia. Economists criticize the effectiveness of his ideas for solving global poverty. Philosophers expose problems in Singer's theory of utilitarianism and ethicists refute his position on abortion. Singer's engaging "Intellectual Autobiography" explains how he came by his controversial views, while detailed replies to each critic reveal further surprising aspects of his unique outlook.

Peter Strawson: Peter Strawson (Philosophy Now Ser. #9)

by Clifford A. Brown

The British philosopher, Peter Strawson, has helped shape the development of philosophy for over fifty years. His work has radically altered the philosophical concept of analysis, returned metaphysics to centre stage in Anglo-American philosophy, and has transformed the framework for subsequent interpretations of Kantian philosophy. In this, the first, introduction to Strawson's ideas, Clifford Brown focuses on a selection of Strawson's most important texts and close and detailed examination of the arguments, and contributions to debates (with, for example, Russell, Quine and Austin), which have done the most to establish Strawson's formidable reputation. Each chapter provides clear exposition of a central work and explores the ways in which other philosophers have responded to Strawson's initiatives. Brown shows how Strawson's philosophical approach has been to seek better understanding of particular concepts or concept-groups and to draw out an awareness of parallels and connections among them that sheds new light over an apparently familiar landscape. The central thoughts in logic and language with which Strawson began his career are shown to have remained constant throughout while manifesting their applications across an even broader range of philosophical topics.

Peter van Inwagen: Materialism, Free Will and God (Münster Lectures in Philosophy #4)

by Paul M. Näger Ludger Jansen

This book discusses the philosophy of influential contemporary philosopher Peter van Inwagen. Looking at perennial philosophical problems from a modern point of view, Peter van Inwagen’s philosophy masterfully combines positions that have been considered irreconcilable: incompatibilism concerning free will, materialism, organicism, theism and realism concerning fictional entities. As readers will discover, his arguments are witty, surprising and deep.The book includes Peter van Inwagen’s Münster Lecture of 2015 on free will, as well as eleven papers from the Münster colloquium discussing central themes of his philosophy, and a reply to each paper by Peter van Inwagen himself. Introducing his philosophy and relating his work to other contemporary views, this book is of interest to graduate students and professionals in philosophy alike.

Peter Winch

by Colin Lyas

This is the first introduction to the ideas of the British philosopher, Peter Winch (1926-97). Although author of the hugely influential "The Idea of a Social Science" (1958) much of Winch's other work has been neglected as philosophical fashions have changed. Recently, however, philosophers are again seeing the importance of Winch's ideas and their relevance to current philosophical concerns. In charting the development of Winch's ideas, Lyas engages with many of the major preoccupations of philosophy of the past forty years. The range of Winch's ideas becomes apparent and his importance clearly underlined. Lyas offers more than an assessment of the work of one man: it introduces in a sympathetic and judicious way a powerful representative of an important and demanding conception of philosophy.

The Peterloo Massacre

by The Estate Marlow

***The subject of the new major film by Mike Leigh***Unity of the oppressed can make a difference in politically uncertain times A peaceful protest turned tragedy; this is the true story of the working class fight for the vote.On August 16 1819, in St Peter’s Field, Manchester, a large non-violent gathering demanding parliamentary reform turned into a massacre, leaving many dead and hundreds more injured.This catastrophic event was one of the key moments of the age, a political awakening of the working class, and eventually led to ordinary people gaining suffrage. In this definitive account Joyce Marlow tells the stories of the real people involved and brings to life the atrocity the government attempted to cover up. The Peterloo Massacre is soon to be the subject of a major film directed by Mike Leigh.

Petitioning in the Atlantic World, c. 1500–1840: Empires, Revolutions and Social Movements

by Miguel Dantas da Cruz

This book deals with one of the most pervasive ways by which people have addressed authority throughout history: petitioning. The book explores traditional practices and institutions, as well as the transformation of petitions as vehicles of popular politics. The ability or the right to petition was also a crucial element for the development and operation of early modern empires, playing a major role on the negotiated patterns of the Atlantic World. This book shows how petitions were used in Europe, America and Africa, by the governors and the governed, by the rich and the poor, by the colonists and the colonised and by the liberal and the reactionary groups. Broken down into three thematic parts, encompassing both in chronological and geographical scope, the book deepens our understanding of petitioning and its relation with ideas of consent and subjecthood, nationality and citizenship, political participation and democracy. This book provides a rare comparative platform for the study of a subject that has been receiving growing interest.

Petr Hájek on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic

by Franco Montagna

This volume celebrates the work of Petr Hájek on mathematical fuzzy logic and presents how his efforts have influenced prominent logicians who are continuing his work. The book opens with a discussion on Hájek's contribution to mathematical fuzzy logic and with a scientific biography of him, progresses to include two articles with a foundation flavour, that demonstrate some important aspects of Hájek's production, namely, a paper on the development of fuzzy sets and another paper on some fuzzy versions of set theory and arithmetic. Articles in the volume also focus on the treatment of vagueness, building connections between Hájek's favorite fuzzy logic and linguistic models of vagueness. Other articles introduce alternative notions of consequence relation, namely, the preservation of truth degrees, which is discussed in a general context, and the differential semantics. For the latter, a surprisingly strong standard completeness theorem is proved. Another contribution also looks at two principles valid in classical logic and characterize the three main t-norm logics in terms of these principles. Other articles, with an algebraic flavour, offer a summary of the applications of lattice ordered-groups to many-valued logic and to quantum logic, as well as an investigation of prelinearity in varieties of pointed lattice ordered algebras that satisfy a weak form of distributivity and have a very weak implication. The last part of the volume contains an article on possibilistic modal logics defined over MTL chains, a topic that Hájek discussed in his celebrated work, Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic, and another one where the authors, besides offering unexpected premises such as proposing to call Hájek's basic fuzzy logic HL, instead of BL, propose a very weak system, called SL as a candidate for the role of the really basic fuzzy logic. The paper also provides a generalization of the prelinearity axiom, which was investigated by Hájek in the context of fuzzy logic.

Petrification Processes in Matter and Society (Themes in Contemporary Archaeology)

by Sophie Hüglin Alexander Gramsch Liisa Seppänen

Petrification is a process, but it also can be understood as a concept. This volume takes the first steps to manifest, materialize or “petrify” the concept of “petrification” and turn it into a tool for analyzing material and social processes. The wide array of approaches to petrification as a process assembled here is more of a collection of possibilities than an attempt to establish a firm, law-generating theory. Divided into three parts, this volume’s twenty-plus authors explore petrification both as a theoretical concept and as a contextualized material and social process across geological, prehistoric and historic periods. Topics connecting the various papers are properties of materials, preferences and choices of actors, the temporality of matter, being and becoming, the relationality between actors, matter, things and space (landscape, urban space, built space), and perceptions of the following generations dealing with the petrified matter, practices, and social relations. Contributors to this volume study specifically whether particular processes of petrification are confined to the material world or can be seen as mirroring, following, triggering, or contradicting changes in social life and general world views. Each of the authors explores – for a period or a specific feature – practices and changes that led to increased conformity and regularity. Some authors additionally focus on the methods and scrutinize them and their applications for their potential to create objects of investigation: things, people, periods, in order to raise awareness for these or to shape or “invent” categories. This volume is of interest to archaeologists, geologists, architectural historians, conservationists, and historians.

Pets (The Art of Living)

by Erica Fudge

'When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not a pastime to her more than she is to me?' - Michel de Montaigne. Why do we live with pets? Is there something more to our relationship with them than simply companionship? What is it we look for in our pets and what does this say about us as human beings? In this fascinating book, Erica Fudge explores the nature of this most complex of relationships and the difficulties of knowing what it is that one is living with when one chooses to share a home with an animal. Fudge argues that our capacity for compassion and ability to live alongside others is evident in our relationships with our pets, those paradoxical creatures who give us a sense of comfort and security while simultaneously troubling the categories human and animal. For what is a pet if it isn't a fully-fledged member of the human family? This book proposes that by crossing over these boundaries pets help construct who it is we think we are. Drawing on the works of modern writers, such as J. M. Coetzee, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas and Jacques Derrida, Fudge shows how pets have been used to think with and to undermine our easy conceptions of human, animal and home. Indeed, "Pets" shows our obsession with domestic animals that reveals many of the paradoxes, contra - dictions and ambiguities of life. Living with pets provides thought-provoking perspectives on our notions of possession and mastery, mutuality and cohabitation, love and dominance. We might think of pets as simply happy, loved additions to human homes but as this captivating book reveals perhaps it is the pets that make the home and without pets perhaps we might not be the humans we think we are. For anyone who has ever wondered, like Montaigne, what their cat is thinking, it will be illuminating reading.

Pets, People, and Pragmatism

by Erin Mckenna

Pets, People, and Pragmatism examines human relationships with pets without assuming that such relations are either benign or unnatural and to be avoided. The book addresses a lack of respect in pet–people relationships; for respectful relationships to be a real possibility, however, humans must make the effort to understand the beings with which we live, work, and play. American pragmatism understands that humans and other animal beings have been interacting and transforming each other for thousands of years. There is nothing “unnatural” about the human domestication of other animal beings, though domestication does raise specific practical and ethical questions. A pragmatist account of our relationship with those animal beings commonly considered as pets does not prohibit the use of these beings in research, entertainment, competition, or work. It does, however, find abuse and neglect ethical. Because abuse can occur in any use of other animal beings, this pragmatist account takes up the abusive practices in research, entertainment, competition, and work without arguing that these practices are inherently abusive. Some of the sources of abuse have been addressed by utilitarian and deontological accounts, but a pragmatist evolutionary perspective offers unique insights and results in some surprising conclusions: For instance, there may be an ethical obligation to let a horse race, a dog show, or a cat compete in agility. Pets, People, and Pragmatism embarks on a philosophical journey that will captivate scholars and pet enthusiasts alike. It provides an important contribution to longstanding debates in the area of animal issues and strengthens the idea of multiple approaches to nonhuman beings. It also opens space for approaches that challenge some of the assumptions in the field of philosophy that have resulted in a dualistic and hierarchical approach to metaphysics and ethics.

El pez que sabía escalar: Ensayos sobre tecnología y nuevos medios en la narrativa de ser humanos

by Salvador Banchero

Salvador Banchero Monge nos presenta su nuevo libro un desafío a la reflexión y al pensamiento. Una colección de mini ensayos sobre la relación del hombre y los medios, cómo los consumimos y la pregunta más importante de todas ¿el hombre determina los contenidos o los contenidos nos están determinando? Salvador encara esta obra con inquieta curiosidad, claros fundamentos y gran valentía en las preguntas que guían al lector por situaciones y desafíos de estos tiempos, que además son propias de un filósofo contemporáneo. En una época de tantas afirmaciones y máximas no solicitadas, de abundancia de información y escasa reflexión, en la que la tecnología nos hace tanto más libres como más condicionados, este libro nos hace pensar, reflexionar y cuestionar. Interrogantes que son llaves a laberintos, reflexiones como pistas y quien lee, artífice de las conclusiones. Eduardo Mangarelli, ex Principal Software Engineer Lead de Microsoft y decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad ORT Uruguay Partiendo de la observación de las nuevas tecnologías y su impacto sobre nuestras costumbres y comportamientos, Salvador se propone una serie de reflexiones que, indefectiblemente, lo llevan a las preguntas más antiguas de la filosofía. Personal y expansivo, El pez que sabía escalar nos transporta a un lugar reflexivo, como una larga conversación con un viejo amigo, ya bien entrada la noche, bordeando el mar del Plata. Luisa Pereira Hors, música, ingeniera, diseñadora y docente del Interactive Telecommunications Program de la New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts Salvador disloca las columnas de «Nuevos medios, viejas preguntas» de la lógica del scroll, para fijarlas en las porosas páginas de un libro. Estamos ante algo más que una mera mudanza: perdimos GIF para ganar en extensión y hondura, con observaciones y preguntas precisas relacionadas con el impacto que tiene la tecnología en la vida diaria de cada uno de nosotros. Que exista El pez que sabía escalar aplaca mi ansiedad. Ahora podré leer ensayos seriados, como «Días del pasado futuro», de un tirón, sin tener que preocuparme por cuánta batería me queda. Miguel Ángel Dobrich, director de Dobcast y de Amenaza Roboto

Pfade und Berge: Entwurf einer allgemeinen Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse am Beispiel des japanischen Kyōgen (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung. Philosophische Perspektiven)

by Klaus-Christian Zehbe

Transformatorische Bildungstheorien beschreiben ›Bildung‹ zumeist als Wandlung von Selbst-, Welt- und Fremdverhältnissen. Empirisch werden solche Wandlungsprozesse häufig rückblickend über einschneidende biographische Ereignisse rekonstruiert. Doch wie kann man alltägliche Wandlungen und Prozesse des ›sich bildens‹ in ihren Entstehungskontexten beschreiben? Die stark kodifizierte, japanische Theaterform des Kyōgen bietet einen lebensweltlichen Rahmen, in dem alltägliche Prozesse des ›sich bildens‹ beobachtbar werden. Auf der Grundlage von bildungstheoretischen Überlegungen und ethnographisch teilnehmender Beobachtung wird mittels der Q-Methodology ein eigenständiger, theoretischer und methodischer Ansatz entwickelt, der erlaubt, alltägliche Bildungsprozesse in einem gegebenen Feld ›vorausblickend‹ zu rekonstruieren. Die Studie eröffnet damit einen neuen Zugang sowie ein neues Forschungsfeld für die qualitative empirische Bildungsforschung.


by G. M. Grube Plato

A first rate translation at a reasonable price. --Michael Rohr, Rutgers University


by Plato

The Phaedo is acknowledged to be one of Plato's masterpieces, showing him both as a philosopher and as a dramatist at the height of his powers. For its moving account of the execution of Socrates, the Phaedo ranks among the supreme literary achievements of antiquity. It is also a document crucial to the understanding of many ideas deeply ingrained in western culture, and provides one of the best introductions to Plato's thought. This new edition is eminently suitable for readers new to Plato, offering a readable translation which is accessible without the aid of a commentary and assumes no prior knowledge of the ancient Greek world or language.


by Plato Eva Brann Peter Kalkavage Eric Salem

This is an English translation of one of Plato’s great dialogues of Socrates talking about death, dying, and the soul due to his impending execution. Included is an introduction and glossary of key terms. Focus Philosophical Library translations are close to and are non-interpretative of the original text, with the notes and a glossary intending to provide the reader with some sense of the terms and the concepts as they were understood by Plato’s immediate audience.

Phaedrus (Focus Philosophical Library)

by Plato

This is an English translation of one of Plato's least political dialogues of Socrates and Phaedrus discussing many themes: the art and practice of rhetoric, love, reincarnation, and the soul. It includes an introduction, notes, glossary, appendices, and an interpretive essay and introduction. Also included are rarely seen illustrations, stone carvings, and vase paintings.Focus Philosophical Library translations are close to and are non-interpretative of the original text, with the notes and a glossary intending to provide the reader with some sense of the terms and the concepts as they were understood by Plato&’s immediate audience.


by Paul Woodruff Alexander Nehamas Plato

"A superb translation that captures the rhetorical brilliance of the Greek. . . . The translation is faithful in the very best sense: it reflects both the meaning and the beauty of the Greek text. . . . The footnotes are always helpful, never obtrusive. A one-page outline is useful since there are no editorial additions to mark major divisions in the dialogue. An appendix containing fragments of early Greek love poetry helps the reader appreciate the rich, and perhaps elusive, meaning of eros. . . . The entire Introduction is crisply written, and the authors' erudition shines throughout, without a trace of pedantry. . . . this is an excellent book that deservedly should find wide circulation for many years to come". --Tim Mahoney, University of Texas at Arlington

Phaenias of Eresus: Text, Translation, and Discussion (Rutgers University Studies In Classical Humanities Ser.)


"Phaenias of Eresus (c. 375 BC) was a member of Aristotle's school, the ""Peripatos"" or ""Lyceum,"" and a friend and compatriot of Aristotle's successor, Theophrastus. Phaenias's scholarly interests stretched from strictly philosophical treatises to chronology and the history of philosophy and poetry; to the lives, fortunes, and manners of death of tyrants; to biographical and historical themes and details of famous Athenians; to botanical and zoological issues; and even entertaining, ""novelistic"" stories and strange reports (Mirabilia).This volume includes new scholarship, with translation of source texts for the writings, thought, and influence of Phaenias (whose name also appears as ""Phanias""and ""Phainias""), as well as essays that take up various areas of his life and work in greater detail.The chapters of Phaenias of Eresus cover a remarkable range of intellectual areas, which is in keeping with the varied interests of the early Peripatetics in general. Phaenias is thus an ideal model for exploring issues of specialization and differentiation in research in the early Peripatos."

Phänomene der Erziehung und Bildung. Phänomenologisch-pädagogische Studien: Herausgegeben von Malte Brinkmann (Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft #7)

by Wilfried Lippitz

Der Band versammelt historische und systematische Studien von Wilfried Lippitz der letzten Jahre zur Theorie, Geschichte und internationalen Verbreitung der Phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft. Phänomene wie Sozialität, Leiblichkeit, Responsivität und Alterität werden systematisch reflektiert und pädagogische Grundbegriffe wie Lernen und Erziehen, Generation und Kindheit neu gerahmt. Neben historisch-systematischen und bildungsphilosophischen Studien bilden Texte unter der Fragestellung von Identität und Autobiographie das dritte zentrale Thema dieses Bandes. Er bietet einen übersichtlichen Einstieg in historische, internationale und aktuelle Diskurse der phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft sowie in das Denken und Forschen von Wilfried Lippitz.

Phänomenologie: Eine Einführung (Philosophische Methoden)

by Maren Wehrle

In diesem Lehrbuch wird die phänomenologische Methode nicht nur theoretisch, sondern auch in ihren aktuellen intra- und interdisziplinären Anwendungen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zurück zu den Sachen selbst, wie sie in der Erfahrung gegeben sind – dies ist das Motto der Phänomenologie im Ausgang von Edmund Husserl. Hierzu müssen wir Selbstverständliches hinterfragen und sämtliche Vorannahmen einklammern. Wie lässt sich ein solcher Einstellungswechsel erreichen, wie gelangt man zu einer vorurteilslosen Beschreibung, wie kann das Allgemeine im Konkreten bestimmt werden und wie lässt sich nach den Bedingungen der Erfahrung zurückfragen? Dies wird mit phänomenologischen Texten erläutert sowie anhand aktueller Beispiele illustriert und praktisch eingeübt.

Phänomenologie des Leibes und der Leiblichkeit bei Marc Richir

by Dominic Nnaemeka Ekweariri

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird Marc Richirs Projekt einer Neugründung der Phänomenologie untersucht, das unter dem Leitfaden der Spannung des konkreten Leibes und der subjektiven Leiblichkeit als Weltbezüglichkeit das Phänomen als Phänomen in den Blick zu bekommen versucht. Das Selbst fällt für Richir weder mit dem Leib (dem Phänomenologischen) noch mit dem Körper (dem Symbolischen) zusammen. Zwischen beiden Registern besteht ein unvermeidlicher Abstand, der auf den Überschuss der Erfahrung, das Abenteuer der Sinnbildung in ihrer unendlichen Mannigfaltigkeit hindeutet.Die These der Studie ist, dass der Überschuss des Leibes und der Leiblichkeit im Überschuss des Sprachphänomens bezeugt ist und dass die Spannung zwischen der phänomenologischen Darstellung des Leibes bzw. der Leiblichkeit und ihrer symbolischen Bestimmung im Sprachlichen aufgezeigt werden kann. Zudem wird die interdisziplinäre Anschlussfähigkeit des Ansatzes Richirs profiliert.

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