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Philosophies Of Science: Feminist Theories
by Jane DuranThis book presents the current feminist critique of science and the philosophy of science in such a way that students of the philosophy of science, philosophers, feminist theorists, and scientists will find the material accessible and intellectually rigorous. }This book presents the current feminist critique of science and the philosophy of science in such a way that students of philosophy of science, philosophers, feminist theorists, and scientists will find the material accessible and intellectually rigorous.Contemporary feminist debate, as well as the debate brought on by the radical critics of science, assumesincorrectlythat certain movements in philosophy of science and science-driven theory are understood in their dynamics as well as in their details. All too often, labels such as Kuhnian or positivistic are taken for granted, and much of the contemporary postmodern or post-structuralist feminist theory that sets out to criticize science does little to alleviate the readers lack of knowledge with regard to such movements. Unlike other texts, Philosophies of Science: Feminist Theories provides a student-oriented framework so that, for example, positivism is given a thorough grounding before the feminist critique of such epistemological theory is given. Other movements discussed include the Kuhnian turn, sociology of science, and the radical critique of science. Feminist theory and critique are interwoven throughout, with one chapter devoted to feminist thought, which includes the work of such thinkers as Longino, Hararway, Hubbard, Nelson, Harding, and Keller. }
Philosophies of Technologies: Theory as Practice
by Valérie Charolles Élise Lamy-RestedIn the space of a century, technologies have acquired unprecedented power. The result of these developments is a new form of the world. These transformations test our capacities and generate new crises with multiple issues at stake. Drawing on the lessons of a long history, Philosophies of Technologies examines the continuities and disruptions brought about by the power of contemporary technical systems, without reducing them to the digital age. It draws together 13 authors from different schools of thought and proposes tools that combine productive technology with sustainability, innovation and responsibility. This book wagers that, in the face of the sprawling and ever-changing deployment of technologies, philosophy is able to respond to the changes that offer so many opportunities to shape our future. Today, technologies need a philosophical moment.
Philosophinnen der griechischen Antike: Eine Spurensuche (Frauen in Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Women Philosophers and Scientists)
by Maria NühlenIn diesem Buch werden 39 Philosophinnen der griechischen Antike in ihrem Denken vorgestellt, ihre Werke analysiert sowie interpretiert und ihnen ein Platz in der abendländischen Philosophiegeschichte zugewiesen. Als Anliegen formuliert die Autorin: Die Rehabilitierung der in Vergessenheit geratenen Arbeiten von Philosophinnen und die Ergänzung der abendländischen Philosophie um die nicht berücksichtigten philosophischen Beiträge eben dieser Frauen geht es. Eine kritische Analyse im kultur- und philosophiehistorischen sowie im lebensweltlichen Kontext der Frauen bildet die Grundlage. Durch eine dezidierte Verortung in historische Zeiten, Orte und kulturelle Räume kann sich uns die Lehre der Philosophinnen differenzierter erschließen. Das Klischee der ungebildeten und von der Außenwelt abgeschlossenen Lebenswelt der Griechinnen jener Zeit wird als Mythos entlarvt, denn es traf nur zum Teil auf die Athenerin der klassischen Zeit zu, nicht aber für die Frauen anderer Kulturkreise, aus denen 38 der hier vorgestellten Philosophinnen stammen. In der Spurensuche geht die Autorin akribisch und systematisch den Quellen nach und diskutiert kritisch das Material, das von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart reicht. Sie durchforstet Enzyklopädien, historische Texte, Fragmente und Briefe, analysiert die ältesten Quellen bis hin zur Rezeptionsgeschichte.Das Werk eignet sich sowohl für das philosophische Fachstudium als auch für den Unterricht in Schulen, dürfte darüber hinaus für einen relativ großen Kreis von Lesenden der Philosophie von Interesse sein.
Philosophische Bildung und Didaktik: Dimensionen, Vermittlungen, Perspektiven (Ethik und Bildung)
by Christian TheinDie Beiträge dieses Bandes betrachten die Verbindung zwischen bildungsphilosophischen und philosophiedidaktischen Themen. So werden im ersten Teil "Philosophie und Bildung" aus der Philosophie heraus Konzepte und Ideen entwickelt, die für theoretische und praktische Fragen der Bildung von Relevanz sind. Der zweite Teil enthält Beiträge, die das besondere Verhältnis von philosophischer Bildung und Philosophiedidaktik in den Blick nehmen. Der dritte Themenblock schlägt dann die Brücke von den fachdidaktischen Konzepten und Ideen in den konkreten Unterricht: Philosophiedidaktik und philosophische Unterrichtspraxis.
Philosophische Grundbegriffe für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Christian GodinPhilosophische Texte sind alles andere als leichte Gutenachtlektüre. Kein Wunder, denn hier kommt es buchstäblich auf jeden Buchstaben an. Transzendent ist noch lange nicht transzendental! Und absolut nicht absolutistisch! Zum Glück gibt es einen Wegweiser im Dschungel des Fachchinesisch. "Philosophische Grundbegriffe für Dummies" liefert Definitionen und Erläuterungen von A bis Z und in verständlicher Sprache. Finden Sie heraus, warum die Fetzen fliegen, wenn ein Rationalist und ein Empirist sich streiten!
Philosophische Grundlagen der Menschenrechte (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Paul TiedemannDieses Lehrbuch stellt zunächst eine Reihe von klassischen philosophischen Ansätzen vor, um zu zeigen, dass sie als Grundlage für die Menschenrechte ungeeignet sind. Nur das Konzept der Menschenwürde - basierend auf der kantischen Unterscheidung von Preis und Würde – ist als Grundlage geeignet. Die Ableitung der Menschenrechte aus dem Prinzip der Menschenwürde erlaubt es, das entscheidende Merkmal der Menschenrechte zu identifizieren, nämlich den Schutz der Personalität. Dies wiederum ermöglicht es, (1) die Menschenrechte sinnvoll zu interpretieren, (2) zwischen echten und unechten moralischen Menschenrechten zu unterscheiden, (3) den Schutzumfang vieler kodifizierter Menschenrechte nach den Kriterien „Kern“ und „Hof“ zu differenzieren und bietet (4) einen Ausgangspunkt für die „Entdeckung“ neuer, ungeschriebener Menschenrechte. Diese philosophische Grundlage ermöglicht eine grundlegende Neubewertung der Rechtsprechung zu den Menschenrechten, die es letztlich ermöglichen wird, sie im Hinblick auf Rechtssicherheit, Klarheit und Schlüssigkeit zu verbessern.Das Lehrbuch richtet sich in erster Linie an fortgeschrittene Studierende der Rechtswissenschaft, die an einem tieferen Verständnis der Menschenrechte interessiert sind. Es eignet sich aber auch für Studierende der Geisteswissenschaften und für alle, die im politischen oder sozialen Bereich tätig sind und sich mit Menschenrechten und deren Durchsetzung befassen.Jedes Kapitel ist in vier Teile gegliedert: Zusammenfassungen, Vorlesung, empfohlene Lektüre und Fragen, um das Verständnis des Lesers zu überprüfen. Musterantworten sind am Ende des Buches enthalten.
Philosophische Präkonzepte verstehen: Eine Untersuchung der begrifflichen und methodischen Grundlagen (Ethik und Bildung)
by Nils HöppnerPhilosophische Präkonzepte sind Vorannahmen, die Lernende zu einem philosophischen Problem haben, bevor sie sich tiefergehend mit den etablierten philosophischen Positionen zu diesem Problem im Philosophie-Unterricht auseinandersetzen. In der philosophiedidaktischen Forschungsdiskussion werden Präkonzepte als Ausgangspunkt der philosophischen Urteilsbildung der Lernenden betrachtet. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zielt darauf ab, das Verstehen philosophischer Präkonzepte theoretisch zu beschreiben und zu erklären. Unter Bezug auf philosophische und didaktische Theoreme werden die begrifflichen und methodischen Grundlagen dieses Verstehens untersucht. Es wird herausgearbeitet, welche Fähigkeiten und Praktiken seitens des Lehrenden erforderlich sind, um die Präkonzepte der Lernenden gleichsam umfassend sowie differenziert zu verstehen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird gezeigt, dass es sich beim Verstehen philosophischer Präkonzepte um eine spezifische Form des Lehrens der Philosophie handelt. Dieses Lehren gilt dem Anspruch, die Lernenden in einen rationalen, philosophischen Dialog zu involvieren und zur eigenständigen Urteilsbildung zu befähigen.
Philosophische Psychologie um 1900 (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie)
by Thomas KesselDieser Band stellt die eigentümlichen Mischungsverhältnisse natur- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Perspektiven im Feld der philosophischen Psychologien um 1900 ins Zentrum. Diese Konzeptionen, die den engen Rahmen des Psychologismus-Streites überschreiten und ihn gleichwohl kontextualisieren, werden durch Beiträge zu Franz Brentano, Wilhelm Dilthey, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Lipps, Wilhelm Wundt, Oswald Külpe, Edmund Husserl, Wilhelm Windelband, Paul Natorp und Nicolai Hartmann repräsentiert.
Philosophisches Handbuch Künstliche Intelligenz
by Klaus MainzerDas Handbuch schlägt die Brücke von der Grundlagenforschung zum Orientierungswissen. Es greift damit die Bildungs- und Ausbildungsziele der bundesweiten MINT-Initiative auf, die Mathematik (M), Informatik (I), Naturwissenschaft (N) und Technik (T) als fachübergreifendes Schlüsselwissen für technisch-wissenschaftlich gestützte Gesellschaften versteht. Additives Wissen und Ausbildung in getrennten Disziplinen der Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik reichen aber nicht aus. In der Künstlichen Intelligenz wachsen diese Disziplinen mit den Human- und Sozialwissenschaften zusammen. Zunächst sollen die Grundlagen der KI-Forschung methodisch und begrifflich geklärt werden. Philosophie wird als Grundlagenforschung verstanden, die logisch und methodisch die Prinzipien von Wissenschaft und Technik untersucht. Daher handelt es sich um ein „Philosophisches Handbuch“ (in diesem Fall der KI) und nicht um eine Bindestrich-Philosophie, also ein Handbuch der Philosophie einer Einzelwissenschaft. Denken und Wissen selber und das Selbstverständnis der Menschen verändern sich durch KI grundlegend.
Philosophizing ad Infinitum: Infinite Nature, Infinite Philosophy (SUNY series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics)
by Marcel ConcheOne of France's preeminent historians of philosophy, Marcel Conche has written and translated more than thirty-five books and is recognized for his groundbreaking and authoritative work in Greek philosophy, as well as on Montaigne. In Philosophizing ad Infinitum, one of his most remarkable and daring books, Conche articulates a unique and powerful understanding of nature, inclusive of humanity, as infinite in time and space—ever self-renewing, eternal, and beyond complete understanding or control.In today's world the notion of infinity is at the core of the crisis humanity faces understanding nature. For the last two hundred years economies have been running at full speed, fueled by the implicit belief that natural resources are infinite; however, it is clear that they are not and that humanity needs to radically rethink the foundations of environmental and economic systems. Conche seeks to begin this rethinking, illustrating along the way insightful and sometimes unorthodox ideas about Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Montaigne, Nietzsche, Bergson, and others.
Philosophizing Madness from Nietzsche to Derrida
by Angelos EvangelouDrawing connections between madness, philosophy and autobiography, this book addresses the question of how Nietzsche's madness might have affected his later works. It also explores why continental philosophy after Nietzsche is so fascinated with madness, and how it (re)considers, (re)evaluates and (re)valorizes madness. To answer these questions, the book analyzes the work of three major figures in twentieth-century French philosophy who were significantly influenced by Nietzsche: Bataille, Foucault and Derrida, examining the ways in which their responses to Nietzsche's madness determine how they understand philosophy as well as philosophy's relation to madness. For these philosophers, posing the question about madness renders the philosophical subject vulnerable and implicates it in a state of responsibility towards that about which it asks. Out of this analysis of their engagement with the question of madness emerges a new conception of 'autobiographical philosophy', which entails the insertion of this vulnerable subject into the philosophical work, to which each of these philosophers adheres or resists in different ways.
Philosophizing the Americas
by Stephanie Rivera Berruz Jacoby Adeshei Carter Nadia Celis Tommy J. Curry Hernando Arturo Estévez Daniel Fryer James B. Haile III Chike Jeffers Lee A. McBride III Michael J. Monahan Adriana Novoa Susana Nuccetelli Andrea Pitts Dwayne A. Tunstall Alejandro VallegaPhilosophizing the Americas establishes the field of inter-American philosophy. Bringing together contributors who work in Africana Philosophy, Afro-Caribbean philosophy, Latin American philosophy, Afro-Latin philosophy, decolonial theory, and African American philosophy, the volume examines the full range of traditions that have, separately and in conversation with each other, worked through how philosophy in both establishes itself in the Americas and engages with the world from which it emerges.The book traces a range of questions, from the history of philosophy in the Americas to philosophical questions of race, feminism, racial eliminativism, creolization, epistemology, coloniality, aesthetics, and literature. The essays place an impressive range of philosophical traditions and figures into dialogue with one another: some familiar, such as José Martí, Sylvia Wynter, Martin R. Delany, José Vasconcelos, Alain Locke, as well as such less familiar thinkers as Arturo Alfonso Schomburg, Hilda Hilst, and George Lamming. In each chapter, the contributors find fascinating and productive matrices of tension or convergence in works throughout the Americas. The result is an original and important contribution to knowledge that introduces readers from various disciplines to unfamiliar yet compelling ideas and considers familiar texts from novel and prescient perspectives. Philosophizing the Americas stands alone as a representation of current scholarly debates in the field of inter-American philosophy.
Philosophy: Philosophy (Minnesota Studies In The Philosophy Of Science #21)
by Robert AndersonOpen this book and you will Discover the theory of knowledge Meet key thinkers Analyse the main arguments Explore the history of philosophy
Philosophy: All That Matters
by Julian BagginiIn this book:'Philosophy is like fish: best presented without too much adornment; hard to get just right and easy to ruin.'What's the point of it all? In Philosophy: All That Matters, bestselling philosopher Julian Baggini shows how abstract ideas feed into the most important existential questions of all. He tells the story of Philosophy, bringing together and interlinking all its different areas, to create what is perhaps the first non-historical narrative of the subject -- one that takes you right to its heart. It places philosophy firmly at the centre of what makes us human. From ethics and metaphysics, to the philosophy of science and religion, Baggini explains what makes us different to other species, why philosophy lies at the heart of that difference, and why that matters.This accessible and readable book will appeal to both students and general readers, giving a fascinating taste of philosophy -- and what matters most within it.The All That Matters series:All That Matters books:All books in the All That Matters series are written by world experts in their subject field. These experts work to distil a topic and get right to its heart, making the book accessible for both students and general readers. Each compelling book contains new and interesting perspectives and tells stories that matter.The Author:'one of our most lucid and accessible popularisers of philosophy'Julian Baggini is a philosopher, author and journalist, who was recently named on the Observer's list of Britain's top public intellectuals. His doctorate was from University College London on the philosophy of personal identity, and his books have been published globally and translated into twelve languages. Baggini is widely regarded as one of our most lucid and accessible popularisers of philosophy. His work appears regularly in the Guardian, Prospect and the New Humanist, and he founder The Philosophers Magazine. Julian has also appeared as a character in an Alexander McCall Smith novel, and been the subject of a question in University Challenge. Keep up with Julian Baggini on his website or follow his Twitter account @microphilosophy.Other books in the All That Matters series:All That Matters - Interesting introductions to important issuesBooks on the following subjects are available from the All That Matters series: Muhammad, Water, Political Philosophy, Sustainability, God, Intelligence, Love, Russian Revolution, War, and Creativity.Philosophy - understand philosophy - story of philosophy - existential questions - abstract - the human mind - moral philosophy - ethics - metaphysics - science - religion - accessible - pocket sized - All That Matters - world expert - students - general interest - an introduction to philosophy - ideas - e-book - what is philosophy - knowledge - Plato - Hegel - Descartes
Philosophy: An Innovative Introduction (Studies In Social, Political, And Legal Philosophy #70)
by Michael BoylanPhilosophy: An Innovative Introduction features a unique, engaging approach to introduce students to philosophy. It combines traditional readings and exercises with fictive narratives starring central figures in the history of the field from Plato to Martin Luther King, Jr. The book makes innovative use of compelling short stories from two writers who have prominently combined philosophy and fiction in their work. These narratives illuminate pivotal aspects of the carefully selected classic readings that follow. This gives students two ways to understand the philosophical positions: through indirect argument in fiction and through direct, deductive presentations. Study questions and writing exercises accompany each set of readings and help students grasp the material and create their own arguments.
Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides)
by Peter CavePhilosophy, the "love of wisdom", is the product of our endless fascination and curiosity about the world - the child of wonder. Through it, we seek to answer the most fundamental of questions: How do we know what we know? Does God exist? What is beauty? How should we live our lives? Who am I?In this exhilarating tour, Peter Cave navigates all the main topics in the subject with verve and clarity, from political philosophy to existentialism. Using witty and whimsical examples, including stoical sofas and Reg, the "regular" human, who just happens to carry his brain in a rucksack, Cave provides a welcome antidote to the dry textbook and underscores philosophy's enduring relevance today. Interspersed with helpful textboxes and mini biographies of the key thinkers, there is no better introduction for the aspiring sage.
Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction
by Edward CraigHow ought we to live? What really exists? How do we know? This book introduces important themes in ethics, knowledge, and the self, via readings from Plato, Hume, Descartes, Hegel, Darwin, and Buddhist writers. It emphasizes throughout the point of doing philosophy, explains how different areas of philosophy are related, and explores the contexts in which philosophy was and is done.
Philosophy: The Latest Answers To The Oldest Questions
by Nicholas FearnThe work of the great philosophers of the past is well known. From Aristotle and Plato to Kant and Wittgenstein, the answers to life's biggest questions have been discussed and debated endlessly. But, as philosophy itself teaches, there is never a final solution to a philosophical problem. In the search for higher meaning, Nicholas Fearn has traveled the globe to interview the world's most distinguished thinkers, from Derek Parfit, David Wiggins, and Bernard Williams, to Donald Davidson, Richard Rorty, and Bernard-Henri LÉvi. Philosophy is a brilliant and compelling guide to the latest answers to the oldest questions, bringing to light what today's philosophers think about what it is to be human.
Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide
by Jeremy HarwoodFrom philosophy's founding fathers - Thales, Socrates, Plato... to great minds of the post-modern era - Satre, Ayer, Feyerabend... this concise new guide presents 100 of the world's most influential thinkers. Arranged from the ancient world to the present day, each philosopher's key ideas, notable works and pronouncements are encapsulated in a series of succinct biographies, accompanied by illustrations, at-a-glance fact panels and thought-provoking quotations. Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide uncovers the fundamental concepts of this fascinating discipline, explaining the diverging schools of thought and revealing the universal aim of philosophy throughout the ages - to push back the boundaries of human knowledge in order to understand the fundamental nature of human existence. THE ANCIENT WORLD: Thales (c.635-c.543 BCE); Buddha (c.563-483 BCE); Confucius (c.55-479 BCE); Socrates (470-399 BCE); Plato (427-347 BCE); Aristotle (384-322 BCE). THE MIDDLE AGES: Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (980-1037); Peter Lombard (c1100-1160); Averroes (Ibn Rushd) 1126-1198); Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274); William of Ockham (1285- 1349). THE EARLY MODERN ERA: Machiavelli (1469-1527); Hobbes (1588-1679); Descartes (1596-1650); Locke (1632-1704); Voltaire (1694-1778). THE MODERN ERA: Fichte (1762-1814); G W F Hegel (1770-1831); Schopenhauer (1788-1860); Marx (1818-1883); Engels (1820-1895); Nietzsche (1844-1900); Dewy (1859-1952); Max Weber (1864-1920); Gasset (1883-1955); Heidegger (1889-1976). THE POST-MODERN ERA: Marcuse (1898-1979); Karl Popper (1902-1994); Sartre (1905-1980); Arendt (1906-1975); de Beauvoir (1908-1986); A J Ayer (1910-1989); Feyerabend (1924-1994); Rorty (1931-2007). And many more...
Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide
by Jeremy HarwoodFrom philosophy's founding fathers - Thales, Socrates, Plato... to great minds of the post-modern era - Satre, Ayer, Feyerabend... this concise new guide presents 100 of the world's most influential thinkers. Arranged from the ancient world to the present day, each philosopher's key ideas, notable works and pronouncements are encapsulated in a series of succinct biographies, accompanied by illustrations, at-a-glance fact panels and thought-provoking quotations. Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide uncovers the fundamental concepts of this fascinating discipline, explaining the diverging schools of thought and revealing the universal aim of philosophy throughout the ages - to push back the boundaries of human knowledge in order to understand the fundamental nature of human existence. THE ANCIENT WORLD: Thales (c.635-c.543 BCE); Buddha (c.563-483 BCE); Confucius (c.55-479 BCE); Socrates (470-399 BCE); Plato (427-347 BCE); Aristotle (384-322 BCE). THE MIDDLE AGES: Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (980-1037); Peter Lombard (c1100-1160); Averroes (Ibn Rushd) 1126-1198); Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274); William of Ockham (1285- 1349). THE EARLY MODERN ERA: Machiavelli (1469-1527); Hobbes (1588-1679); Descartes (1596-1650); Locke (1632-1704); Voltaire (1694-1778). THE MODERN ERA: Fichte (1762-1814); G W F Hegel (1770-1831); Schopenhauer (1788-1860); Marx (1818-1883); Engels (1820-1895); Nietzsche (1844-1900); Dewy (1859-1952); Max Weber (1864-1920); Gasset (1883-1955); Heidegger (1889-1976). THE POST-MODERN ERA: Marcuse (1898-1979); Karl Popper (1902-1994); Sartre (1905-1980); Arendt (1906-1975); de Beauvoir (1908-1986); A J Ayer (1910-1989); Feyerabend (1924-1994); Rorty (1931-2007). And many more...
Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide to the Ideas of 100 Great Thinkers
by Jeremy HarwoodFrom philosophy's founding fathers like Thales, Socrates, and Plato to great minds of the post-modern era like Sartre, Ayer, and Feyerabend, this essential guide distills the thoughts of the world's most influential minds and explains their answers to some of philosophy's key questions. Is there a Supreme Being? Who am I? What is truth? Do we have free will? Why do bad things happen? How should we live? Is death the end of everything? What is the meaning of life?Arranged from the ancient world to the present day, each philosopher's key ideas, notable works and pronouncements are encapsulated in a series of succinct , easy-to-read biographies, accompanied by illustrations, at-a-glance fact panels and thought-provoking quotations, making this the ideal beginner's guide for those wanting to get to grips with this fascinating but often daunting subject.
Philosophy: A Christian Introduction
by James K. Jr Dew Paul M. GouldTwo experienced educators offer an up-to-date introduction to philosophy from a Christian perspective that covers the four major areas of philosophical thought: epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and ethics. <p><p> Written from an analytic perspective, the book introduces key concepts and issues within the main areas of philosophical inquiry in a comprehensive yet accessible way, inviting readers on a quest for goodness, truth, and beauty that ultimately points to Jesus as the source of all.
Philosophy: Teach Yourself
by Sharon KayeWritten by Sharon Kaye, who is Professor of Philosophy at John Carroll University, Philosophy: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear jargon-free English, and then providing added-value features like summaries of key books, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam.The book uses a structure that mirrors many university courses on philosophy - using the work of key philosophers to springboard into a discussion of all the main areas of philosophy.Teach Yourself titles employ the 'Breakthrough method', which is designed specifically to overcome problems that students face.- Problem: "I find it difficult to remember what I've read."; Solution: this book includes end-of-chapter questions and summaries, and flashcards of key points available on-line and as apps- Problem: "Most books mention important other sources, but I can never find them in time."; Solution: this book includes key texts and case studies are summarised, complete with fully referenced quotes ready to use in your essay or exam.- Problem: "Lots of introductory books turn out to cover totally different topics than my course."; Solution: this book is written by a current university lecturer who understands what students are expected to know.
Philosophy: Philosophy In The Poetry Of Wallace Stevens
by Kevin PerryPhilosophy is to question everything. More than a lifestyle, larger than any single idea, broader than a conviction, philosophy is the love of exploration, of knowledge, of uncertainty, and of that cornerstone of free thinking: doubt. Kevin Perry's "Philosophy" takes the reader on a grand tour of life's biggest questions, examining all that the world's greatest philosophers have said about life and death, love and loss, language, art and God, to name a few. Philosophy is a great companion and a roadmap to navigate life's major milestones, including: How to make sense of death What loving someone or something means The effect of art on our lives What role language plays in understanding the world How do our ideas affect our actions
Philosophy: The Quest for Truth (6th edition)
by Louis P. PojmanPraised for its accessibility and comprehensiveness, Philosophy: The Quest for Truth provides an excellent selection of classical and contemporary readings on nineteen key problems in philosophy. Louis P. Pojman has carefully organized the essays in each section so that they present pro/con dialogues that allow students to compare and contrast the philosophers' positions. Topics covered include the nature of philosophy, the existence of God, immortality, knowledge, the mind-body question, personal identity, free will and determinism, ethics, political philosophy, and the meaning of life. The sixth edition offers selections from Plato, Rene Descartes, John Locke, David Hume, William James, Bertrand Russell, John Hick, John Hospers, and James Rachels--as well as essays by Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Blaise Pascal, Thomas Hobbes, George Berkeley, Immanuel Kant, Gilbert Ryle,Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Alvin Plantinga, and many others. In Philosophy: The Quest for Truth, Sixth Edition, Pojman offers substantial introductions to each of the nineteen philosophical problems. In addition, each of the seventy-six readings is accompanied by an individual introduction with a biographical sketch of the philosopher, study questions,and reflective questions that challenge students to analyze and critique the material. Short bibliographies following each major section and a detailed glossary further enhance the text's pedagogical value.