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The Philosopher's Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas

by John Chaffee

Empower students to think critically about philosophy. The Philosopher's Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas inspires students to think like philosophers, helping them to become more accomplished critical thinkers and to develop the analytical tools needed to think philosophically about important issues. The text is comprised of readings from major philosophical texts, which are accompanied by commentary from author John Chaffee to guide students in their understanding of the topics. Organized by questions central to the main branches of philosophy, The Philosopher's Way examines the ideas of philosophers past and present.

Philosophers Who Changed History (DK History Changers)

by DK

This visual celebration of the world's most celebrated thinkers tells the fascinating stories of their lives and pioneering ideas.This book would be great if you are interested in philosophy, politics, history, and literature or would like to broaden your understanding of philosophy. Philosophers Who Changed History places well-known philosophers in their historical and cultural context, allowing you to see how they came to influence philosophy. In this edition, you can find: -An overview of the lives and works of around 80 of the world's most influential philosophers - from the Classical era to the present-Eight pages of brand-new content with 12 new entries, including Frederick Douglass and Luce Irigaray-Lavishly illustrated portraits of each philosopher, alongside photographs of their homes, studies, and personal artefactsEach philosopher is introduced with a realistic portrait and biographical entries which trace the friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired and influenced them. Entries explore the key ideas and working methods of each individual and set their ideas in context, conveying a powerful sense of the place and the period of history in which they lived. Philosophers Who Changed History provides revealing insights into what drove each individual to develop new ways of understanding the world.

Philosophers without Gods: Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life

by Louise M. Antony editor

Atheists are frequently demonized as arrogant intellectuals, antagonistic to religion, devoid of moral sentiments, advocates of an "anything goes" lifestyle. Now, in this revealing volume, nineteen leading philosophers open a window on the inner life of atheism, shattering these common stereotypes as they reveal how they came to turn away from religious belief. These highly engaging personal essays capture the marvelous diversity to be found among atheists, providing a portrait that will surprise most readers. Many of the authors, for example, express great affection for particular religious traditions, even as they explain why they cannot, in good conscience, embrace them. None of the contributors dismiss religious belief as stupid or primitive, and several even express regret that they cannot, or can no longer, believe. Perhaps more important, in these reflective pieces, they offer fresh insight into some of the oldest and most difficult problems facing the human mind and spirit. For instance, if God is dead, is everything permitted? Philosophers without Gods demonstrates convincingly, with arguments that date back to Plato, that morality is independent of the existence of God. Indeed, every writer in this volume adamantly affirms the objectivity of right and wrong. Moreover, they contend that secular life can provide rewards as great and as rich as religious life. A naturalistic understanding of the human condition presents a set of challenges--to pursue our goals without illusions, to act morally without hope of reward--challenges that can impart a lasting value to finite and fragile human lives. Collectively, these essays highlight the richness of atheistic belief--not only as a valid alternative to religion, but as a profoundly fulfilling and moral way of life.

Philosophia: The Thought of Rosa Luxemborg, Simone Weil, and Hannah Arendt

by Andrea Nye

First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Philosophic Classics: Ancient Philosophy (Philosophic Classics)

by Forrest Baird

The third edition of a undergraduate text which collects writings of important philosophical figures dating from the late 1500s to the late 1700s. Presented are excerpts from prominent works by Francis Bacon, RenT Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, Blaise Pascal, Baruch Spinoza, John Locke, Gottfried Leibniz

Philosophic Classics: Ancient Philosophy

by Forrest E. Baird

For courses in Ancient Philosophy. Designed to be accessible to today's students, this anthology of readings in Ancient Western philosophy focuses on the writings of the most important Greek philosophers, along with selections from some of their Roman followers. Striking a balance between major and minor figures, it features the best available translations of texts--complete works or complete selections of works--which are both central to each philosopher's thought and are widely accepted as part of the "canon." The selections are readable and accessible, while still being faithful to the original. Introductions to each philosopher; an abundance of drawings, diagrams, photographs; and a timeline keep students focused throughout.

Philosophic Classics: Asian Philosophy, Volume VI (Philosophic Classics)

by Forrest Baird

Accessible to today‘s readers, this anthology of readings is a survey of Asian thought in India and China. It strikes a balance between major and minor figures, and features the best available translations of texts complete works or complete sections of works which are both central to each thinker or school and are widely accepted to be part of the emerging Asian canon. Introductions to each historical period and to each thinker, photographs, and a timeline help to keep learners focused throughout. For individuals interested in learning about World Religions, Asian thought, or Chinese and Indian philosophy.

Philosophic Classics: From Plato to Derrida (Philosophic Classics)

by Forrest E. Baird

Philosophic Classics: From Plato to Derrida includes essential writings of the most important philosophers from almost two millennia of Western philosophy. In updating this Seventh Edition, editor Forrest E. Baird has continued to follow the same criteria established by the late-Walter Kaufmann when the Philosophic Classics series was first established: (1) to use complete works or, where more appropriate, complete sections of works (2) in clear translations (3) of texts central to each thinker’s philosophy or widely accepted as part of the "canon." To make the works more accessible to students, most footnotes treating textual matters (variant readings, etc.) have been omitted and important words from antiquity have been transliterated and put in angle brackets. In addition, each thinker is introduced by a brief essay composed of three sections: (1) biographical (a glimpse of the life), (2) philosophical (a résumé of the philosopher’s thought), and (3) bibliographical (suggestions for further reading). A timeline places important philosophers alongside other important thinkers, world leaders, and major global events. Photos and paintings with explanatory captions illuminate the ideas, debates, and places discussed in the text. New to the Seventh Edition: New translations: Plato, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo; Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics; Epicurus, Letter to Menoeceus and Principal Doctrines; Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy; Anselm, Proslogion; Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man; René Descartes, Correspondence with Princess Elizabeth; Gottfried Leibniz, Monadology; Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract; Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics and Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Additional material: Porphyry’s Life of Plotinus (in part); Francis Bacon, Aphorisms (selections from Novum Organum); Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach; A.J. Ayer, Language, Truth, and Logic (in part). Updated, annotated bibliographies with each bibliography now broken into two sections, one for beginning and another for advanced students.

Philosophic Classics, Volume I: Ancient Philosophy

by Forrest E. Baird

First published in 1961, Forrest E. Baird's revision of Philosophic Classics continues the tradition of providing generations of students with high quality course material. Using the complete works, or where appropriate, complete sections of works, this anthology allows philosophers to speak directly to students. Esteemed for providing the best available translations, Philosophic Classics: Ancient Philosophy, features complete works or complete sections of the most important works by the major thinkers, as well as shorter samples from transitional thinkers.

Philosophic Classics, Volume II: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy

by Forrest E. Baird Walter Kaufmann

Esteemed for providing the best available translations, Philosophic Classics: Ancient Philosophy, features complete works or complete sections of the most important works by the major thinkers, as well as shorter samples from transitional thinkers. First published in 1961, Forrest E. Baird's revision of Philosophic Classics, Pearson Education's long-standing anthology (available in split volumes), continues the tradition of providing generations of students with high quality course material. Using the complete works, or where appropriate, complete sections of works, this anthology allows philosophers to speak directly to students. For more information on the main combined anthology, or the additional period volumes, please see below: Philosophic Classics: From Plato to Derrida, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783864 Philosophic Classics, Volume I: Ancient Philosophy, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783856 Philosophic Classics, Volume III: Modern Philosophy, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783899

Philosophic Classics, Volume II: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (Philosophic Classics Ser.)

by Forrest E. Baird

Esteemed for providing the best available translations, Philosophic Classics: Ancient Philosophy, features complete works or complete sections of the most important works by the major thinkers, as well as shorter samples from transitional thinkers. First published in 1961, Forrest E. Baird's revision of Philosophic Classics, Pearson Education's long-standing anthology (available in split volumes), continues the tradition of providing generations of students with high quality course material. Using the complete works, or where appropriate, complete sections of works, this anthology allows philosophers to speak directly to students. For more information on the main combined anthology, or the additional period volumes, please see below: Philosophic Classics: From Plato to Derrida, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783864Philosophic Classics, Volume I: Ancient Philosophy, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783856Philosophic Classics, Volume III: Modern Philosophy, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783899

Philosophic Classics, Volume III: Modern Philosophy (Philosophic Classics Ser.)

by Forrest Baird

Esteemed for providing the best available translations, Philosophic Classics: Modern Philosophy, features complete works or complete sections of the most important works by the major thinkers, as well as shorter samples from transitional thinkers. First published in 1961, Forrest E. Baird's revision of Philosophic Classics continues the tradition of providing generations of students with high quality course material. Using the complete works, or where appropriate, complete sections of works, this anthology allows philosophers to speak directly to students.

Philosophic Classics, Volume IV: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy

by Forrest Baird

This anthology of readings in contemporary Western philosophy focuses on 19th-century philosophers who represent a variety of responses to the issue of their day: whether or not there was a knowable, nonhuman rational order upon which thinking persons could willfully choose to act. The selections are readable and accessible, yet remain faithful to the original works. Accompanying the text are drawings, diagrams, photographs, and a timeline; all of which allow the reader to really study the major philosophical thinkers of the 19th-century: Bentham, Wollstonecraft, Fichte, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Comte, Feuerbach, Mill, Kierkegaard, Marx, Peirce, James, and Nietzche. For anyone interested in owning a collection of works from the greatest philosophical thinkers in the 19th-century.

Philosophic Classics, Volume V: 20th-Century Philosophy

by Forrest Baird

For courses in 20th-century Philosophy, recent Continental Philosophy, Anglo-American Philosophy; as part of courses in Contemporary Philosophy; or courses on Epistemology or Metaphysics that take a historical approach.This anthology in 20th-century philosophical classics includes recent European and American philosophers, and contains texts that are presently seen as classics or as emerging classics. It features complete works or complete sections of works. Includes introductions to each philosopher, an abundance of drawings, diagrams, photographs, and a timeline.

Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought from Lipsius to Rousseau

by Christopher Brooke

Philosophic Pride is the first full-scale look at the essential place of Stoicism in the foundations of modern political thought. Spanning the period from Justus Lipsius's Politics in 1589 to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Emile in 1762, and concentrating on arguments originating from England, France, and the Netherlands, the book considers how political writers of the period engaged with the ideas of the Roman and Greek Stoics that they found in works by Cicero, Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. Christopher Brooke examines key texts in their historical context, paying special attention to the history of classical scholarship and the historiography of philosophy.Brooke delves into the persisting tension between Stoicism and the tradition of Augustinian anti-Stoic criticism, which held Stoicism to be a philosophy for the proud who denied their fallen condition. Concentrating on arguments in moral psychology surrounding the foundations of human sociability and self-love, Philosophic Pride details how the engagement with Roman Stoicism shaped early modern political philosophy and offers significant new interpretations of Lipsius and Rousseau together with fresh perspectives on the political thought of Hugo Grotius and Thomas Hobbes.Philosophic Pride shows how the legacy of the Stoics played a vital role in European intellectual life in the early modern era.

Philosophic Silence and the ‘One’ in Plotinus

by Nicholas Banner

Plotinus, the greatest philosopher of Late Antiquity, discusses at length a first principle of reality - the One - which, he tells us, cannot be expressed in words or grasped in thought. How and why, then, does Plotinus write about it at all? <P><P>This book explores this act of writing the unwritable. Seeking to explain what seems to be an insoluble paradox in the very practice of late Platonist writing, it examines not only the philosophical concerns involved, but the cultural and rhetorical aspects of the question. <P>The discussion outlines an ancient practice of ‛philosophical silence' which determined the themes and tropes of public secrecy appropriate to Late Platonist philosophy. Through philosophic silence, public secrecy and silence flow into one another, and the unsaid space of the text becomes an initiatory secret. Understanding this mode of discourse allows us to resolve many apparent contradictions in Plotinus' thought.<P>Approaches the use of themes of silence and secrecy in Plotinus in a way which accounts for their social and rhetorical, as well as their philosophical, significance.<P> Utilises methodologies from a number of fields, including classics, history of religions, and philosophy.<P> Constructs a model of a mode of discourse - philosophic silence - which determined in part the ways in which Platonist philosophers were expected to engage in public secrecy.

Philosophical Adventures in African Higher Education: Cultivating Doctoral Encounters within Democratic Citizenship Education (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Yusef Waghid

This seminal volume delves into some of the doctoral research and pedagogical experiences within an African higher education context, making a case for the transformative potential of education and the integration of African indigenous philosophies into global educational practices.Through a collection of vivid narratives, the book situates philosophy of higher education by embodying the doctoral researcher and their initiation into academic life, revealing how doctoral pursuits in African higher education are not simply academic endeavours but deeply philosophical adventures that challenge, critique, and reimagine the role of education in society. Chapters advocate for a dynamic educational system that, rooted in African philosophies, nurtures democratic citizenship, embraces critical engagement, and fosters social justice. A call to action for researchers, students, and policy makers alike to view doctoral research as a powerful catalyst for change, the book offers fresh perspectives on addressing the continent's unique challenges, contributing to a more just and inclusive world.Ultimately considering the potential of academic research to shape the future of societies, both within Africa and globally, the book will appeal to researchers, academics and postgraduate students involved with the philosophy of education, higher education, and citizenship education, as well as these areas in African contexts specifically.

Philosophical Analysis and Education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 1)

by Reginald D. Archambault

When originally published in 1965 this book reflected some of the new thinking among philosophers regarding the role of the discipline in its investigation of central issues in educaton. The essays are grouped into four major sections: The Nature and Function of Educational Theory; The Context of Educational Discussion; Conceptions of Teaching; and The Essence of Education. The concepts dealt with are of the first importance to any practical or theoretical discussion in education and the editor provides a generous introduction to the essays to aid the reader in his analysis of the issues.

Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Volume 1: The Dawn of Analysis (Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century)

by Scott Soames

This is a major, wide-ranging history of analytic philosophy since 1900, told by one of the tradition's leading contemporary figures. The first volume takes the story from 1900 to mid-century. The second brings the history up to date. As Scott Soames tells it, the story of analytic philosophy is one of great but uneven progress, with leading thinkers making important advances toward solving the tradition's core problems. Though no broad philosophical position ever achieved lasting dominance, Soames argues that two methodological developments have, over time, remade the philosophical landscape. These are (1) analytic philosophers' hard-won success in understanding, and distinguishing the notions of logical truth, a priori truth, and necessary truth, and (2) gradual acceptance of the idea that philosophical speculation must be grounded in sound prephilosophical thought. Though Soames views this history in a positive light, he also illustrates the difficulties, false starts, and disappointments endured along the way. As he engages with the work of his predecessors and contemporaries--from Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein to Donald Davidson and Saul Kripke--he seeks to highlight their accomplishments while also pinpointing their shortcomings, especially where their perspectives were limited by an incomplete grasp of matters that have now become clear. Soames himself has been at the center of some of the tradition's most important debates, and throughout writes with exceptional ease about its often complex ideas. His gift for clear exposition makes the history as accessible to advanced undergraduates as it will be important to scholars. Despite its centrality to philosophy in the English-speaking world, the analytic tradition in philosophy has had very few synthetic histories. This will be the benchmark against which all future accounts will be measured.

Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Volume 2: The Age of Meaning (Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century)

by Scott Soames

This is a major, wide-ranging history of analytic philosophy since 1900, told by one of the tradition's leading contemporary figures. The first volume takes the story from 1900 to mid-century. The second brings the history up to date. As Scott Soames tells it, the story of analytic philosophy is one of great but uneven progress, with leading thinkers making important advances toward solving the tradition's core problems. Though no broad philosophical position ever achieved lasting dominance, Soames argues that two methodological developments have, over time, remade the philosophical landscape. These are (1) analytic philosophers' hard-won success in understanding, and distinguishing the notions of logical truth, a priori truth, and necessary truth, and (2) gradual acceptance of the idea that philosophical speculation must be grounded in sound prephilosophical thought. Though Soames views this history in a positive light, he also illustrates the difficulties, false starts, and disappointments endured along the way. As he engages with the work of his predecessors and contemporaries--from Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein to Donald Davidson and Saul Kripke--he seeks to highlight their accomplishments while also pinpointing their shortcomings, especially where their perspectives were limited by an incomplete grasp of matters that have now become clear. Soames himself has been at the center of some of the tradition's most important debates, and throughout writes with exceptional ease about its often complex ideas. His gift for clear exposition makes the history as accessible to advanced undergraduates as it will be important to scholars. Despite its centrality to philosophy in the English-speaking world, the analytic tradition in philosophy has had very few synthetic histories. This will be the benchmark against which all future accounts will be measured.

A Philosophical Analysis of Chaos Theory

by Lena C. Zuchowski

This book provides an analysis of the construction, diagnosis (as chaotic) and evaluation of models in chaos theory. It contains a detailed look at the interaction of the different models used in chaos theory and analyses how these models influence the way chaos is defined. Furthermore, the book discusses the conditions for the occurrence of chaos and the detection of chaos in nature.

Philosophical and Methodological Debates in Public Health

by Jordi Vallverdú Angel Puyol Anna Estany

This interdisciplinary volume gathers selected, refereed contributions on various aspects of public health from several disciplines and research fields, including the philosophy of science, epidemiology, statistics and ethics. The contributions were originally presented at the 1st Barcelona conference of “Philosophy of Public Health” (5th – 7th May 2016). This book is intended for researchers interested in public health and the contemporary debates surrounding it.

Philosophical and Political Consequences of the Critique of Political Economy: Recognizing Capital (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)

by Patrick Murray Jeanne Schuler

This book extends the approach that Murray and Schuler develop in their companion volume, False Moves in Philosophy and Social Theory: Losing Public Purpose. The chapters form a connected inquiry into consequences of capital, a far-reaching social form, through a critique of political economy and the mindset it shares with much modern philosophy and social theory. The authors call this bifurcating mentality factoring philosophy. Factoring philosophy mistakes the distinguishable for the separable. It splits the subjective and objective, form and content, and it takes the object of social theory to be an impossible economy-in-general, stripped of constitutive social forms. The critique of factoring philosophy structures the collection, which makes a wide-ranging contribution to the research field of the critique of political economy as critical social theory. Ultimately, this book solidifies Murray and Schuler’s impact on the study of political economy, political philosophy, modern philosophy, Hegel, Marx, and critical theory.

Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

by Michele Paolini Paoletti Francesco Orilia

Downward causation plays a fundamental role in many theories of metaphysics and philosophy of mind. It is strictly connected with many topics in philosophy, including but not limited to: emergence, mental causation, the nature of causation, the nature of causal powers and dispositions, laws of nature, and the possibility of ontological and epistemic reductions. Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation brings together experts from different fields—including William Bechtel, Stewart Clark and Tom Lancaster, Carl Gillett, John Heil, Robin F. Hendry, Max Kistler, Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum —who delve into classic and unexplored lines of philosophical inquiry related to downward causation. It critically assesses the possibility of downward causation given different ontological assumptions and explores the connection between downward causation and the metaphysics of causation and dispositions. Finally, it presents different cases of downward causation in empirical fields such as physics, chemistry, biology and the neurosciences. This volume is both a useful introduction and a collection of original contributions on this fascinating and hotly debated philosophical topic.

Philosophical and Theological Papers, 1958-1964: Volume 6

by Bernard Lonergan Frederick Crowe, S.J. Robert Croken Robert Doran, S.J.

The period during which Bernard Lonergan delivered the eleven lectures in this volume was one of important transition for him: he was moving rapidly toward a new conception of theology and its method; and he was on the verge of what is now recognized as a major breakthrough in his thought on method, the idea that came to him in February 1965 of the eight functional specialities. While the lectures maintain a continuity with Lonergan's previous work, they also reveal new and significant ideas, especially in regard to his drive toward a new conception of theology as a whole, and his particular concern for the relevance of theology to the spiritual life. The lectures here include 'The Redemption,' 'Method in Catholic Theology,' 'The Philosophy of History,' 'The Origins of Christian Realism,' `Time and Meaning,' 'Consciousness and the Trinity,' `Exegesis and Dogma,' 'The Mediation of Christ in Prayer,' 'The Analogy of Meaning,' 'Philosophical Positions with Regard to Knowing,' and 'Theology as Christian Phenomenon.' This volume provides a key to understanding the development of Lonergan's philosophical and theological thought, his major influences, and the pivotal moments of transition in the road leading up to Method in Theology and beyond.

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