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Showing 27,201 through 27,225 of 40,466 results

Philosophy in Cultural Theory

by Peter Osborne

Philosophy in Cultural Theory boldly crosses disciplinary boundaries to offer a philosophical critique of cultural theory today. Drawing on the legacy of Walter Benjamin, Peter Osborne looks critically at central philosophical debates in cultural theory, such as:* the relationship between sign and image* the technological basis of cultural form* the conceptuality of art* the place of fantasy in human affairs.It will appeal to those in philosophy, cultural studies and art theory.

Philosophy in Educational Research

by David Bridges

This book provides critical and reflective discussions of a wide range of issues arising in education at the interface between philosophy, research, policy and practice. It addresses epistemological questions about the intellectual resources that underpin educational research, explores the relationship between philosophy and educational research, and examines debates about truth and truthfulness in educational research. Furthermore, it looks at issues to do with the relationship between research, practice and policy, and discusses questions about ethics and educational research. Finally, the book delves into the deeply contested area of research quality assessment. The book is based on extensive engagement in empirically based educational research projects and in the institutional and professional management of research, as well as in philosophical work. It clarifies what is at stake in international debates around educational research and teases out the nature of the arguments, and, where argument permits, the conclusions to which these point. The book discusses these familiar themes using less predictable sources and points of reference, such as: codes of social obligation in contemporary Egypt and New Zealand; the 'Soviet', and the inspiration of the nineteenth-century philosopher, Abai in contemporary Kazakhstan; seventeenth-century France, Pascal, and the disputes between Jesuits and Jansenites; eighteenth-century Italy, Giambattista Vico, and la scienzia nuova; 'educational magic' in traditional Ethiopia; and ends at a banquet with Socrates and dinner with wine and a conversation-loving Montaigne.

Philosophy In The Hellenistic And Roman Worlds: A History Of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, Volume 2

by Peter Adamson

Peter Adamson offers an accessible, humorous tour through a period of eight hundred years when some of the most influential of all schools of thought were formed: from the third century BC to the sixth century AD. He introduces us to Cynics and Skeptics, Epicureans and Stoics, emperors and slaves, and traces the development of Christian and Jewish philosophy and of ancient science. Chapters are devoted to such major figures as Epicurus, Lucretius, Cicero, Seneca, Plotinus, and Augustine. But in keeping with the motto of the series, the story is told ''without any gaps,'' providing an in-depth look at less familiar topics that remains suitable for the general reader. For instance, there are chapters on the fascinating but relatively obscure Cyrenaic philosophical school, on pagan philosophical figures like Porphyry and Iamblichus, and extensive coverage of the Greek and Latin Christian Fathers who are at best peripheral in most surveys of ancient philosophy. A major theme of the book is in fact the competition between pagan and Christian philosophy in this period, and the Jewish tradition also appears in the shape of Philo of Alexandria. Ancient science is also considered, with chapters on ancient medicine and the interaction between philosophy and astronomy. Considerable attention is paid also to the wider historical context, for instance by looking at the ascetic movement in Christianity and how it drew on ideas from Hellenic philosophy. From the counter-cultural witticisms of Diogenes the Cynic to the subtle skepticism of Sextus Empiricus, from the irreverent atheism of the Epicureans to the ambitious metaphysical speculation of Neoplatonism, from the ethical teachings of Marcus Aurelius to the political philosophy of Augustine, the book gathers together all aspects of later ancient thought in an accessible and entertaining way.

Philosophy in Late Antiquity

by Andrew Smith

Philosophy in Late Antiquity provides an essential new introduction to the key ideas of the Neoplatonists, which affected approaches to Plato as late as the nineteenth century. Andrew Smith shows how they influenced Christian thought and his approach not only allows us to appreciate these philosophical ideas in their own right, but it also gives us significant insights into the mentality of the age which produced them.

Philosophy in Minutes

by Marcus Weeks

Philosophy in Minutes distills 200 of the most important philosophical ideas into easily digestible, bite-sized sections.The core information for every topic - including debates such as the role of philosophy in science and religion, key thinkers from Aristotle to Marx, and introductions to morality and ethics - is explained in straightforward language, using illustrations to make the concepts easy to understand and remember.Whether you are perplexed by existentialism or pondering the notion of free will, this accessible small-format book will help any reader to quickly grasp the basics of this highly nuanced subject.

Philosophy in Minutes (IN MINUTES)

by Marcus Weeks

Philosophy in Minutes distils 200 of the most important philosophical ideas into easily digestible, bite-sized sections. The core information for every topic - including debates such as the role of philosophy in science and religion, key thinkers from Aristotle to Marx, and introductions to morality and ethics - is explained in straightforward language, using illustrations to make the concepts easy to understand and remember. Whether you are perplexed by existentialism or pondering the notion of free will, this accessible small-format book will help any reader to quickly grasp the basics of this highly nuanced subject. Chapters include: Truth and logic, Marxism, Communism and Socialism, Ontology, Philosophy and literature, Existence of God, Feminist theory, Consciousness, The future of philosophy.

Philosophy in Minutes

by Marcus Weeks

Philosophy in Minutes distils 200 of the most important philosophical ideas into easily digestible, bite-sized sections. The core information for every topic - including debates such as the role of philosophy in science and religion, key thinkers from Aristotle to Marx, and introductions to morality and ethics - is explained in straightforward language, using illustrations to make the concepts easy to understand and remember. Whether you are perplexed by existentialism or pondering the notion of free will, this accessible small-format book will help any reader to quickly grasp the basics of this highly nuanced subject. Chapters include: Truth and logic, Marxism, Communism and Socialism, Ontology, Philosophy and literature, Existence of God, Feminist theory, Consciousness, The future of philosophy.

A Philosophy in Outline (Routledge Revivals)

by E.S. Bennett

First published in 1931, this book provides a brief overview of the essentials of philosophy. It aims to combat the notion of the inaccessibility of philosophy by providing an introduction to its history and what the author believes to a ‘minimum dose…of incontrovertible philosophical truth’. The book merely assumes an ordinary level of adult education and offers an outline of the key areas of philosophy — consciousness, reality, experience, Life, God, love, aesthetics, conduct, logic — and as such will be of interest as a very useful starting point for anyone wishing to undertake further studies.

Philosophy in Reality: A New Book of Changes (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #60)

by Joseph E. Brenner Abir U. Igamberdiev

Philosophy in Reality offers a new vision of the relation between science and philosophy in the framework of a non-propositional logic of real processes, grounded in the physics of the real world. This logical system is based on the work of the Franco-Romanian thinker Stéphane Lupasco (1900-1988), previously presented by Joseph Brenner in the book Logic in Reality (Springer, 2008). The present book was inspired in part by the ancient Chinese Book of Changes (I Ching) and its scientific-philosophical discussion of change. The emphasis in Philosophy in Reality is on the recovery of dialectics and semantics from reductionist applications and their incorporation into a new synthetic paradigm for knowledge. Through an original re-interpretation of both classical and modern Western thought, this book addresses philosophical issues in scientific fields as well as long-standing conceptual problems such as the origin, nature and role of meaning, the unity of knowledge and the origin of morality. In a rigorous transdisciplinary manner, it discusses foundational and current issues in the physical sciences - mathematics, information, communication and systems theory and their implications for philosophy. The same framework is applied to problems of the origins of society, the transformation of reality by human subjects, and the emergence of a global, sustainable information society. In summary, Philosophy in Reality provides a wealth of new perspectives and references, supporting research by both philosophers and physical and social scientists concerned with the many facets of reality.

Philosophy in Schools: An Introduction for Philosophers and Teachers (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy #47)

by Sara Goering Nicholas J. Shudak Thomas E. Wartenberg

All of us ponder the big and enduring human questions—Who am I? Am I free? What should I do? What is good? Is there justice? Is life meaningful?—but this kind of philosophical interrogation is rarely carefully explored or even taken seriously in most primary and secondary school settings. However, introducing philosophy to young people well before they get to college can help to develop and deepen critical and creative thinking, foster social and behavioral skills, and increase philosophical awareness. Philosophy in Schools: An Introduction Philosophers and Teachers is an invaluable resource for students and practitioners who wish to learn about the philosophy for children movement, and how to work its principles into their own classroom activities. The volume provides a wealth of practical information, including how to train educators to incorporate philosophy into their daily lessons, best practices and activity ideas for every grade level, and assessment strategies. With contributions from some of the best practitioners of philosophy for children, Philosophy in Schools is a must-have resource for students of philosophy and education alike.

Philosophy in Science

by Michael Heller

The traditional topics of the "philosophy of nature" -- space, time, causality, the structure of the universe -- are overwhelmingly present in our modern scientific theories. This book traces the complex paths that discussion of these topics has followed, from Plato and Aristotle, through Descartes, Leibniz, Kant and other great thinkers, right up to the relativistic cosmologies and the grand unified theories of contemporary science. In the light of this historical development, it becomes clear that modern science gives us not only a technological power over the world, but also a deeper understanding of physical reality. In this sense, science could be regarded as an heir to the traditional "philosophy of nature". Moreover, the reader will learn why science itself deserves to be the subject of philosophical reflection.

Philosophy in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic (Introductions in Seven Sentences)

by Douglas Groothuis

Socrates—The unexamined life is not worth living.Augustine—You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.Descartes—I think, therefore I am.Pascal—The heart has reasons, that reason knows nothing of.

Philosophy in Stan Brakhage's Dog Star Man: World, Metaphor, Interpretation

by Alberto Baracco

This book shows how a masterpiece of experimental cinema can be interpreted through hermeneutics of the film world. As an application of Ricœurian methodology to a non-narrative film, the book calls into question the fundamental concept of the film world. Firmly rooted within the context of experimental cinema, Stan Brakhage’s Dog Star Man was not created on the basis of a narrative structure and representation of characters, places and events, but on very different presuppositions. The techniques with which Brakhage worked on celluloid and used frames as canvases, as well as his choice to make the film without dialogue and sound, exhort the interpreter to directly question the philosophical language of moving images.

Philosophy in the American West: A Geography of Thought (Routledge Environmental Ethics)

by Josh Hayes Gerard Kuperus Brian Treanor

Philosophy in the American West explores the physical, ecological, cultural, and narrative environments associated with the western United States, reflecting on the relationship between people and the places that sustain them. The American West has long been recognized as having significance. From Crèvecoeur’s early observations in Letters from an American Farmer (1782), to Thoreau’s reflections in Walden (1854), to twentieth-century thoughts on the legacy of a vanishing frontier, "the West" has played a pivotal role in the American narrative and in the American sense of self. But while the nature of "westernness" has been touched on by historians, sociologists, and, especially, novelists and poets, this collection represents the first attempt to think philosophically about the nature of "the West" and its influence on us. The contributors take up thinkers that have been associated with Continental Philosophy and pair them with writers, poets, and artists of "the West". And while this collection seeks to loosen the cords that tie philosophy to Europe, the traditions of "continental" philosophy—phenomenology, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and others—offer deep resources for thinking through the particularity of place. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Philosophy, as well as those working in Ecocriticism and the Environmental Humanities more broadly.

Philosophy in the Classroom: Improving your Pupils' Thinking Skills and Motivating Them to Learn

by Ron Shaw

Ever had difficulty inspiring your children to consider and discuss philosophical concepts? Philosophy in the Classroom helps teachers tap in to children’s natural wonder and curiosity. The practical lesson plans, built around Aesop’s fables, encourage children to formulate and express their own points of view, enabling you to lead rich and rewarding philosophical discussions in the primary classroom. This highly practical and engaging classroom companion: prompts students to consider serious moral issues in an imaginative and stimulating way uses Aesop's fables as a springboard to pose challenging questions about the issues raised provides fifteen key themes including happiness, wisdom, self-reliance and judging others as the basis for classroom discussion. uses powerful and creative drawings to illustrate activities and photocopiable resources. Philosophy in the Classroom is an invaluable resource for any primary school teacher wanting to engage their students in meaningful philosophical reflection and discussion. Ron Shaw has many years of classroom experience and is the author of more than forty books helping primary and secondary school students to improve their thinking skills.

Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism

by Ana Falcato Antonio Cardiello

Produced on the fringes of philosophy and literary criticism, this book is a pioneering study which aims to explicitly address and thematize what may be called a “critical philosophy in the condition of modernism”. Its most important and original contribution to both disciplines is a self-conscious reflection on possible modes of writing philosophy today, and a systematic comparison with what happened in literary modernism at the beginning of the twentieth-century. The volume is divided into six sections, where internationally renowned scholars discuss such pressing topics as the role of an unreliable narrator in a major philosophical treatise, the different mediums of art-production and how these impact on our perception of the Work itself, the role of narrative in animal ethics and the filmic adaption of a Modernist classic.

Philosophy in the Middle Ages: The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditions

by James J. Walsh Arthur Hyman Thomas Williams

Thomas Williams' revision of Arthur Hyman and James J. Walsh's classic compendium of writings in the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish medieval philosophical traditions expands the breadth of coverage that helped make its predecessor the best known and most widely used collection of its kind.The third edition builds on the strengths of the second by preserving its essential shape while adding several important new texts--including works by Augustine, Boethius, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Anselm, al-Farabi, al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, and John Duns Scotus--and featuring new translations of many others.The volume has also been redesigned and its bibliographies updated with the needs of a new generation of students in mind.

Philosophy in the Roman Empire: Ethics, Politics and Society (Ashgate Ancient Philosophy Series)

by Michael Trapp

Drawing on unusually broad range of sources for this study of Imperial period philosophical thought, Michael Trapp examines the central issues of personal morality, political theory, and social organization: philosophy as the pursuit of self-improvement and happiness; the conceptualization and management of emotion; attitudes and obligations to others; ideas of the self and personhood; constitutional theory and the ruler; the constituents and working of the good community. Texts and thinkers discussed range from Alexander of Aphrodisias, Aspasius and Alcinous, via Hierocles, Seneca, Musonius, Epictetus, Plutarch and Diogenes of Oenoanda, to Dio Chrysostom, Apuleius, Lucian, Maximus of Tyre, Pythagorean pseudepigrapha, and the Tablet of Cebes. The distinctive doctrines of the individual philosophical schools are outlined, but also the range of choice that collectively they presented to the potential philosophical 'convert', and the contexts in which that choice was encountered. Finally Trapp turns his attention to the status of philosophy itself as an element of the elite culture of the period, and to the ways in which philosophical values may have posed a threat to other prevalent schemes of value; Trapp argues that the idea of 'philosophical opposition', though useful, needs to be substantially modified and extended.

Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks

by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Marianne Cowan

For Nietzsche the Age of Greek Tragedy was indeed a tragic age. He saw in it the rise and climax of values so dear to him that their subsequent drop into catastrophe (in the persons of Socrates-Plato) was as clearly Foreshadowed as though these were events taking place in the theater.And so in this work, unpublished in his own day but written at the same time that his The Birth of Tragedy had so outraged the German professorate as to imperil his own academic career, his most deeply felt task was one of education. He wanted to present the culture of the Greeks a paradigm to his young German contemporaries who might thus be persuaded to work toward a state of culture of their own; a state which Nietzsche found sorely missing.-From the Introduction by Marianne Cowan

Philosophy in Turbulent Times: Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, Derrida

by Elisabeth Roudinesco

For Elisabeth Roudinesco, a historian of psychoanalysis and one of France's leading intellectuals, Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, and Derrida represent a "great generation" of French philosophers who accomplished remarkable work and lived incredible lives. These troubled and innovative thinkers endured World War II and the cultural and political revolution of the 1960s, and their cultural horizon was dominated by Marxism and psychoanalysis, though they were by no means strict adherents to the doctrines of Marx and Freud. Roudinesco knew many of these intellectuals personally, and she weaves an account of their thought through lived experience and reminiscences. Canguilhem, for example, was a distinguished philosopher of science who had a great influence on Foucault's exploration of sanity and madness-themes Althusser lived in a notorious personal drama. And in dramatizing the life of Freud for the screen, Sartre fundamentally altered his own philosophical approach to psychoanalysis. Roudinesco launches a passionate defense of Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, and Derrida against the "new philosophers" of the late 1970s and 1980s, who denounced the work-and sometimes the private lives-of this great generation. Roudinesco refutes attempts to tar them, as well as the Marxist and left-wing tradition in general, with the brush of Soviet-style communism. In Freudian theory and the philosophy of radical commitment, she sees a bulwark against the kind of manipulative, pill-prescribing, and normalizing psychology that aims to turn individuals into mindless consumers. Intense, clever, and persuasive, Philosophy in Turbulent Times captivates with the dynamism of French thought in the twentieth century.

Philosophy, Literature and the Human Good

by Michael Weston

In this provocative new examination of the philosophical, moral and religious significance of literature, Michael Weston explores the role of literature in both analytic and continental traditions. He initiates a dialogue between them and investigates the growing importance of these issues for major contemporary thinkers.Each chapter explores a philosopher or literary figure who has written on the relation between literature and the good life, such as Derrida, Kierkegaard, Murdoch and Blanchot. Challenging and insightful, Philosophy, Literature and the Human Good is ideal for all students of philosophy and literature.

Philosophy Looks at Chess

by Benjamin Hale

Chess, the ancient strategy game, meets the latest, cutting-edge philosophy in this unique book. When 12 philosophers weigh in on one of the world's oldest and most beloved pastimes, the results are often surprising. <P><P>Philosophical concepts as varied as phenomenology and determinism share the page with a treatise on hip-hop chess tactics and the question of whether Garry Kasparov is, in fact, a cyborg. Putting forth a remarkable array of different views on chess from philosophers with varied chess-proficiency, Philosophy Looks at Chess is an engaging read for chess adherents and the philosophically inclined alike.

Philosophy Looks at the Arts: Contemporary Readings In Aesthetics

by Joseph Margolis

The first edition of this widely used anthology offered a needed introduction to a new analytic aesthetics which has in the intervening years become even more influential. This new, revised and expanded edition has been designed by one of the leaders of the field to help define the structure of current aesthetics. Of the 24 articles included more than half are new to this edition. The new edition emphasizes opposing currents in aesthetics with contributions from the most active and influential writers in the field. It is a basic book for any library and is designed to provide both undergraduate and graduate students with a professional orientation in aesthetics. Author note: Joseph Margolis is Professor of Philosophy at Temple University. He is the author or editor of twelve other books as well as numerous articles.

Philosophy Made Simple: Flash

by Mel Thompson

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Philosophy is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to philosophy. In just 96 pages, the reader will discover the ideas of all the key figures, from Socrates to Wittgenstein. Ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious, Philosophy is a quick, no-effort way to break into this fascinating topic.UNDERSTAND COMPLEX CONCEPTSEXPLORE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONSBROADEN YOUR UNDERSTANDINGDISCOVER GREAT PHILOSOPHERSCLARIFY YOUR THINKING

Philosophy Made Simple (2nd Edition, Revised)

by Richard H. Popkin Avrum Stroll

For almost four decades, Made Simple books have set the standard for continuing education and home study. In answer to the changing needs of today's marketplace, the Made Simple series for the '90s presents a thoroughly up-to-the-minute portfolio of skills, information, and experience, with revised and updated editions of bestselling titles, plus a whole range of new subjects from personal finance to office management to desktop publishing.

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