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Posthumanism In Art And Science: A Reader

by Giovanni Aloi Susan McHugh

Posthumanism synthesizes philosophical, literary, and artistic responses to technological advancements, globalization, and mass extinction in the Anthropocene. It asks what it can mean to be human in an increasingly more-than-human world that has lost faith in the ideal of humanism, the autonomous, rational subject, and it models generative alternatives cognizant of the demands of social and ecological justice. Amid rising social justice movements, collapsing economic structures, and the dwindling power of cultural institutions, posthumanism advances thinking on new and previously unenvisionable challenges. Posthumanism in Art and Science is an anthology of indispensable statements and artworks that provide an unprecedented mapping of this intellectual and aesthetic development in a global context. It features groundbreaking theorists including Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Mel Y. Chen, Michael Marder, Alexander Weheliye, Anna Tsing, Timothy Morton, N. Katherine Hayles, Bruno Latour, Francesca Ferrando, and Cary Wolfe, as well as innovative, influential artists and curators such as Yvonne Rainer, Skawennati, Chus Martínez, William Wegman, Nandipha Mntambo, Cassils, Pauline Oliveros, and Doo-sung Yoo. These provocative and compelling works, including previously unpublished interviews and essays, speak to the ongoing conceptual and political challenge of posthumanist thinking in a time of unprecedented cultural and environmental crises. An essential primer and reference for educators, students, artists, and art enthusiasts, this volume offers a powerful framework for rethinking anthropocentric certitudes and reenvisioning equitable and sustainable futures.

Posthumanism in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut: Matter That Complains So (Routledge Research in American Literature and Culture)

by Andrew Hicks

Posthumanism in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut: Matter That Complains So re-examines the prevailing critical consensus that Kurt Vonnegut was a humanist writer. While more difficult elements of his work have often been the subject of scholarly attention, the tendency amongst critics writing on Vonnegut is to disavow them, or to subsume them within a liberal humanist framework. When Vonnegut’s work is read from a posthumanist perspective, however, the productive paradoxes of his work are more fully realised. Drawing on New Materialist, Eco-Critical and Systems Theory methodologies, this book highlights posthumanist themes in six of Vonnegut’s most famous novels, and emphasises the ways in which Vonnegut troubles human/non-human, natural/artificial, and material/discursive hierarchical binaries

Posthumanist and New Materialist Methodologies: Research After the Child (Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories)

by Claudia Diaz-Diaz Paulina Semenec

This book features interviews with 19 scholars who do research with children in a variety of contexts. It examines how these key scholars address research 'after the child’ by exploring the opportunities and challenges of drawing on posthumanist and materialist methodologies that unsettle humanist research practices.The book reflects on how posthumanist and materialist approaches have informed research in relation to de-centering the child, re-thinking methodological concepts of voice, agency, data, analysis and representation. It also explores what the future of research after the child might entail and offers suggestions to new and emerging scholars involved in research with children. Reviewing how posthumanist and materialist approaches have informed authors’ thinking about children, research and knowledge production, the book will appeal to graduate students and emerging scholars in the field of childhood studies who wish to experiment with posthumanist methodologies and materialist approaches.

The Posthumanist Epistemology of Practice Theory: Re-imagining Method in Organization Studies and Beyond

by Michela Cozza Silvia Gherardi

Within and beyond organization studies, an epistemology of practice allows us to view the ongoing interaction between doing and knowing, the knowing subject and the known object, social and material, humans, nonhumans, more-than-humans. This book is a collection of reflections by scholars across the social sciences around epistemological practices and the epistemology of posthumanist practice theory. Practice theories and practice-based studies have developed a rich methodology for studying working practices. This book is an epistemological reflection that challenges the distinction between theory and method, questions the knowing practices that give form to the object of knowledge, how they draw boundaries between what comes to matter and what is excluded from mattering. It will be of great interest to scholars and students of organization studies and beyond, allowing social science researchers to rethink their positioning within their own research practices and leaving them open to a broader, looser and more generous understanding of qualitative methodologies.Chapters 1, 2, 5 and 6 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Posthumous Life: Theorizing Beyond the Posthuman (Critical Life Studies)

by Claire Colebrook Jami Weinstein

Posthumous Life launches critical life studies: a mode of inquiry that neither endorses nor dismisses a wave of recent "turns" toward life, matter, vitality, inhumanity, animality, and the real. Questioning the nature and limits of life in the natural sciences, the essays in this volume examine the boundaries and significance of the human and the humanities in the wake of various redefinitions of what counts as life. They explore the possibility of theorizing life without assuming it to be either a simple substrate or an always-mediated effect of culture and difference. Posthumous Life provides new ways of thinking about animals, plants, humans, difference, sexuality, race, gender, identity, the earth, and the future.

The Posthumous Works of Robert Hooke (Routledge Revivals)

by Robert Hooke

Published in 1971: This book represents the Posthumous works of the author, as well as lectures on Philosophy, Astronomy, and Science.

Postkommunistische Regime: Akteure, Institutionen und Dynamiken (Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft)

by Bálint Magyar Bálint Madlovics

In 120 Thesen entwickelt das Buch einen konzeptionellen Rahmen mit einer Typologie post-kommunistischer Regime und einer detaillierten Darstellung von idealtypischen Akteuren und den politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Phänomenen in diesen Regimen. Befreit von den impliziten Annahmen der Mainstream-Demokratisierungstheorie liefert die neue Terminologie ein leicht verwendbares Instrumentarium eindeutiger Ausdrucksmittel, um über den Postkommunismus zu sprechen.

Postletale Landwirtschaft: Zur anstehenden Reform unseres Agrarsystems

by Stefan Mann

Es gibt viele Bücher auf dem Markt, die uns erklären, warum wir aufhören sollten, Fleisch zu produzieren und zu essen. Dieses Buch dagegen erklärt, warum wir aufhören werden, Fleisch zu produzieren und zu essen. Und was sich dadurch in der Landwirtschaft verändern wird.Tierrechtler verweisen gerne auf die Abschaffung der Sklavenhaltung und zeigen, worin die vielen Parallelen zur Befreiung landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere liegen. Leider erklären sie nicht, warum die Sklavenhaltung zwischen 1833 und 1987 in jedem Land der Welt, die Tierproduktion aber in keinem Land der Welt abgeschafft wurde, sondern der globale Fleischkonsum weiter wächst. Es gilt also einerseits zu erklären, warum das Unbehagen immer mehr Konsumenten mit dem, was die einen Wertschöpfungskette, die anderen Tötungsmaschinerie nennen, nicht zu einem Paradigmenwechsel geführt hat. Und warum derzeit die Voraussetzungen dafür geschaffen werden, damit sich dies ändert.So füllt «Postletale Landwirtschaft» die Lücke zwischen tierethischen Abhandlungen und der Fülle «wertfreier» agrar- und umweltwissenschaftlicher Literatur zur Dynamik und den Auswirkungen des Fleischkonsums. Das Buch stellt dar, welche ethischen und welche ökologischen Probleme zwangsläufig zu einer Transformation der Landwirtschaft führen werden. Höchstwahrscheinlich einer Landwirtschaft, zu der das Töten von Tieren nicht mehr gehören wird.

Postliberal Politics: The Coming Era of Renewal

by Adrian Pabst

Hyper-capitalism and extreme identity politics are driving us to distraction. Both destroy the basis of a common life shared across ages and classes. The COVID-19 crisis could accelerate these tendencies further, or it could herald something more hopeful: a post-liberal moment. Adrian Pabst argues that now is the time for an alternative – postliberalism – that is centred around trust, dignity, and human relationships. Instead of reverting to the mutual suspicion and destabilising inhumanity of 'just-in-time' free-market globalisation, we could build a politics upon the sense of localism and community spirit, the valuing of family, place and belonging, which was a real theme of lockdown. We are not obliged to put up with the restoration of a broken status quo that erodes trust, undermines institutions and trashes our precious natural environment. We could build a pluralist democracy, decentralise the state, and promote mutualist markets embedded in the everyday economy.This bold book shows that only a politics which fuses economic justice with social solidarity and ecological balance can overcome our deep divisions and save us from authoritarian backlash.​

Postmetaphysical Thinking: Philosophical Essays

by Jürgen Habermas

This collection of Habermas's recent essays on philosophical topics continues the analysis begun in The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. In a short introductory essay, he outlines the sources of twentieth-century philosophizing, its major themes, and the range of current debates. The remainder of the essays can be seen as his contribution to these debates. Habermas's essay on George Herbert Mead is a focal point of the book. In it he sketches a postmetaphysical, intersubjective approach to questions of individuation and subjectivity. In other essays, he develops his distinctive, communications-theoretic approach to questions of meaning and validity. The book as a whole expands on his earlier efforts to define a middle ground between nostalgic revivals of metaphysical conceptions of reason and radical deconstructions of reason. Jürgen Habermas is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Frankfurt. The Essays: The Horizon of Modernity is Shifting. Metaphysics after Kant. Themes in Postmetaphysical Thinking. Toward a Critique of the Theory of Meaning. Peirce and Communication. The Unity of Reason in the Diversity of Its Voices. Individuation through Socialization: On George Herbert Mead's Theory of Subjectivity. Philosophy and Science as Literature? Translated into English by Williammark Hohengarten.

Postmodern Debates (Readers in Cultural Criticism)

by Simon Malpas

This book introduces modernity, postmodernism and postmodernity through a series of debates between prominent thinkers in literary theory, philosophy and cultural studies. The book explores this topic through thinkers who are at odds and encourages readers to consider the wide implications of postmodern thought in several areas.

The Postmodern Imagination of Russell Kirk

by Gerald J. Russello

Examines such concepts of Russell Kirk's thought as imagination, historical consciousness, the interplay between the individual and tradition, and the role of narrative in constructing individual and societal identity. Focuses on Kirk's role in the development of the new conservatism of the 1950s and 1960s and his critique of modernity.

Postmodern Philosophy and the Scientific Turn

by Dorothea E. Olkowski

A groundbreaking, interdisciplinary approach to the study of consciousness: &“Beautifully written, engaging throughout, and captivating&” (Claire Colebrook, The Pennsylvania State University). What can come of a scientific engagement with postmodern philosophy? Some scientists have claimed that the social sciences and humanities have nothing to contribute, except perhaps peripherally, to their research. Dorothea E. Olkowski shows that mathematics itself—the historic link between science and philosophy—plays a fundamental role in the development of the worldviews that drive both fields. Focusing on language, its usage and expression of worldview, she develops a phenomenological account of human thought and action to explicate the role of philosophy in the sciences. Olkowski proposes a model of phenomenology, both scientific and philosophical, that helps make sense of reality and composes an ethics for dealing with unpredictability in our world.

The Postmodern Predicament: Existential Challenges of the Twenty-First Century

by Bruce Ackerman

One of our most influential political theorists offers a boundary-breaking—and liberating—perspective on the meaning of life in the internet age Human beings have taken one thing for granted since our earliest days: we are bodily creatures dealing with one another on a face-to-face basis. The internet has shattered this fundamental feature of human existence. We are suddenly living our lives in two worlds at once—shifting endlessly from virtual to physical reality as we reach out to others. Worse yet, we are developing different personal identities in our two worlds. We say and do things in virtual reality that flatly contradict our face-to-face commitments to family, friends, and fellow-workers—and vice versa. The Postmodern Predicament explores these dilemmas at each phase of the life cycle, beginning at the moment a young child picks up a cell phone. The existentialist tradition of the twentieth century provides a precious perspective on our postmodern dilemmas. Thinkers and doers like Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre considered the fragmentation of modern life as a central source of contemporary anxieties. Like them, Ackerman views the challenges of the internet age as a political, no less than personal, problem—and proposes concrete reforms that that could mobilize broad-based support for democracy against demagogic assaults on its very foundations.

Postmodern Revisionings of the Political (Thinking Gender)

by Anna Yeatman

First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Postmodern Theory and Progressive Politics: Toward a New Humanism (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)

by Thomas De Zengotita

This book examines the lasting influence of the academic culture wars of the late 20th century on the humanities and progressive politics, and what to make now of those furious debates over postmodernism, multiculturalism, relativism, critical theory, deconstruction, post-structuralism, and so on. In an effort to arrive at a fair judgment on that question, the book reaches for an understanding of postmodern theorists by way of two genres they despised; and hopes, for that reason, to do them justice. The story, in its telling, justifies two basic claims: first, that the phenomenological/hermeneutical tradition is the most suitable source of theory for a humanism that aspires to be truly universal; and, second, that the ethical and political aspect of the human condition is authentically accessible only through narrative. In conclusion, it argues that the postmodern moment was a necessary one, or will have been if we rise to the occasion—and that that is its historical significance.

The ‘Postmodern Turn’ in the Social Sciences

by Simon Susen

Simon Susen examines the impact of the 'postmodern turn' on the contemporary social sciences. On the basis of an innovative five-dimensional approach, this study provides a systematic, comprehensive, and critical account of the legacy of the 'postmodern turn', notably in terms of its continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

The ‘Postmodern Turn’ in the Social Sciences

by Simon Susen

Simon Susen examines the impact of the 'postmodern turn' on the contemporary social sciences. On the basis of an innovative five-dimensional approach, this study provides a systematic, comprehensive, and critical account of the legacy of the 'postmodern turn', notably in terms of its continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Postmodern War: The New Politics of Conflict (Critical Perspectives Ser.)

by Chris Hables Gray

First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction

by Christopher Butler

Postmodernism has become the buzzword of contemporary society over the last decade. But how can it be defined? In this highly readable introduction the mysteries of this most elusive of concepts are unraveled, casting a critical light upon the way we live now, from the politicizing of museum culture to the cult of the politically correct. The key postmodernist ideas are explored and challenged, as they figure in the theory, philosophy, politics, ethics and artwork of the period, and it is shown how they have interacted within a postmodernist culture.

Postmodernism: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides)

by Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart introduces the reader to all of the major figures and issues in the field, including Derrida, Baudrillard and Foucault, as well as explaining what makes a thinker or writer postmodern.

Postmodernism: Philosophy and the Arts (Routledge Library Editions: Continental Philosophy #8)

by Hugh J. Silverman

This book, first published in 1990, addresses the broad cultural phenomenon that is postmodernism. The first part of the book raises some general theoretical questions about postmodernism – its language and its politics, for example. The second section attends to particular ‘sites’, namely the various arts themselves and the philosophical understanding of them. Here one finds specific readings of architecture, painting, literature, theatre, photography, film, television, dance and fashion.

Postmodernism and China

by Arif Dirlik Xudong Zhang

Few countries have been so transformed in recent decades as China. With a dynamically growing economy and a rapidly changing social structure, China challenges the West to understand the nature of its modernization. Using postmodernism as both a global frame of periodization and a way to break free from the rigid ideology of westernization as modernity, this volume's diverse group of contributors argues that the Chinese experience is crucial for understanding postmodernism. Collectively, these essays question the implications of specific phenomena, like literature, architecture, rock music, and film, in a postsocialist society. Some essays address China's complicity in--as well as its resistance to--the culture of global capitalism. Others evaluate the impact of efforts to redefine national culture in terms of enhanced freedoms and expressions of the imagination in everyday life. Still others discuss the general relaxation of political society in post-Mao China, the emergence of the market and its consumer mass culture, and the fashion and discourse of nostalgia. The contributors make a clear case for both the historical uniqueness of Chinese postmodernism and the need to understand its specificity in order to fully grasp the condition of postmodernity worldwide. Although the focus is on mainland China, the volume also includes important observations on social and cultural realities in Hong Kong and Taiwan, whose postmodernity has so far been confined--in both Chinese and English-speaking worlds--to their economic and consumer activities instead of their political and cultural dynamism. First published as a special issue of boundary 2, Postmodernism and China includes seven new essays. By juxtaposing postmodernism with postsocialism and by analyzing China as a producer and not merely a consumer of the culture of the postmodern, it will contribute to critical discourses on globalism, modernity, and political economics, as well as to cultural and Asian studies. Contributors. Evans Chan, Arif Dirlik, Dai Jinhua, Liu Kang, Anthony D. King, Jeroen de Kloet, Abidin Kusno, Wendy Larson, Chaoyang Liao, Ping-hui Liao, Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao, Sheldon Hsiao-peng Lu, Wang Ning, Xiaobing Tang, Xiaoying Wang, Chen Xiaoming, Xiaobin Yang, Zhang Yiwu, Xudong Zhang

Postmodernism and History

by Willie Thompson

In this clear, jargon-free guide, Willie Thompson provides a concise introduction to postmodernist theory and its significant impact on the study of history. Although this is a hotly-debated topic, with much of the current literature being both polemical and inaccessible to the beginner, Thompson offers straightforward explanations of complex concepts and shows how the debates are relevant to students' own work. Postmodernism and History: - considers the origins of postmodernism in both the ideas of poststructuralist thinkers, particularly Michel Foucault, and the political and cultural developments of the late 20th century - explores themes such as the treatment of historical evidence, problems of historical representation, feminist history, ethical judgements on past events, and the validity of metanarrative or long-term historical explanation - discusses critically the work of a number of current and recent practicing historians - including Joan Scott, Roy Porter, Patrick Joyce and James Vernon - who have used postmodernist ideas in their writing - enquires how far postmodern thought has been absorbed into mainstream historiography

Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis

by Arran Gare

Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis is the only book to combine cultural theory and environmental philosophy. In it, Arran Gare analyses the conjunction between the environmental crisis, the globalisation of capitalism and the disintegration of the culture of modernity. It explains the paradox of growing concern for the environment and the paltry achievements of environmental movements. Through a critique of the philosophies underlying approaches to the environmental crisis, Arran Gare puts forward his own, controversial theory of a new postmodern world view. This would be the foundation for the environmental movement to succeed. Arran Gare's work will be a vital reading for advanced students of environmental studies, as well as for environmental philosophers and cultural theorists.

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