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Politische Bildung und Zukunft: Wie Herausforderungen im Anthropozän denken? (Politische Bildung)
by Werner FriedrichsPolitische Bildung bezieht ihren Sinngehalt u. a. aus der Idee einer gelingenden Begegnung mit dem Zukünftigen. Im 3. Jahrtausend muss sie sich allerdings – jenseits der Alternative zwischen einer unausweichlichen, düsteren Katastrophe und einem naiven Machbarkeitsoptimismus – der Frage nach der (un)möglichen Gestaltbarkeit der Zukunft stellen. Denn im Anthropozän wird die Zukunft zunehmend brüchig. Das wirft Fragen von zentraler Bedeutung auf. Wie kann sich die politische Bildung zukünftig auf das Zukünftige beziehen? Welche Themen und Fragen werden zukünftig wichtig sein? Welche didaktischen Methoden und Prinzipien sind zukünftig noch tragfähig? In den Beiträgen wird mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten nach Antworten gesucht.
Politische Führung: Eine Einführung (Elemente der Politik)
by Georg EckertDieses Lehrbuch widmet sich Elementen und Konzepten von Politischer Führung. Weder in der Theorie noch in der Praxis geht sie allein von Führenden aus. Führung machen vielmehr Geführte, indem sie ihre „Leader“ eben „Leader“ sein lassen und „Führungspersönlichkeiten“ besondere Eigenschaften zuschreiben; selbst im notorischen Vorwurf der „Führungsschwäche“ spiegeln sich Machtinteressen und Ordnungsvorstellungen wider.In der repräsentativen Demokratie darf Führung sich indes nicht in Handwerkstechniken zur Machtbeschaffung erschöpfen, sondern bedeutet vor allem Überzeugungs- und Integrationsarbeit: Politische Führung heißt, Angebote zu machen, die – zum Glück – nicht immer angenommen werden. Der Inhalt· Einleitung: Führung zwischen Sehnsucht und Skepsis· Elemente des Führens: Politische Führung als Handwerk· Führung und Verführung: Die Herausforderung der Demokratie· Vom Sinn des Führens: Politische Führung als Idee· Fazit: Führung als Angebot Die Zielgruppen Studierende und Lehrende der Politik- und SozialwissenschaftenPolitische Akteurinnen und AkteurePolitikinteressierte Der AutorDr. Georg Eckert ist Privatdozent für Neuere Geschichte an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal.
Politische Ideen und politische Bildung (Politische Bildung)
by Ingo JuchlerDieses Buch hat die Beobachtung zum Ausgangspunkt, dass politische Ideen seit jeher das politische Denken und die politische Praxis bestimmen. Sie sind mit dem Politischen verwoben, sei es offensichtlich, implizit oder kaschiert. Doch wie steht es um das Verhältnis politischer Ideen und politischer Bildung? Als Unterrichtsgegenstände stehen sie in den schulischen Curricula. In den einschlägigen Nachschlagewerken der politischen Bildung finden politische Ideen allenfalls indirekt Beachtung. In den Beiträgen des Sammelbandes wird das Verhältnis politischer Ideen und politischer Bildung in seinen unterschiedlichen Dimensionen reflektiert.
Politische Mündigkeit durch digital-forschendes Lernen im Politikunterricht: Zum Umgang mit offenen Daten und öffentlichen Statistiken (Politische Bildung)
by Peer EgtvedStändig stoßen wir auf quantitative Daten, Statistiken und Diagramme im Internet, in Zeitungen und Fernsehen. Dieser Band beschäftigt sich mit dem „digital-forschenden Lernen“ mit offenen Daten und öffentlichen Statistiken im Politikunterricht. Es werden Datenquellen hinsichtlich ihrer Verwendbarkeit im Rahmen des Politik- und Wirtschaftsunterrichts anhand von fachdidaktischen Kriterien untersucht. Ziel ist die Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit der Schüler durch quantitative Daten bzw. Urteils- und Handlungsfähigkeit sowie Datenkompetenz.
Politische Partizipation: Eine Einführung in Theorie und Empirie (Elemente der Politik)
by Oscar W. GabrielPolitische Partizipation ist ein wichtiges Element der Demokratie. Sie legitimiert politische Herrschaft und verbindet die Regierenden und Regierten miteinander. Deshalb beschäftigt sich die empirische Partizipationsforschung schon seit langem mit der Frage, wer sich in welcher Form, aus welchen Gründen und mit welchen Folgen politisch engagiert. Das Lehrbuch gibt einen Überblick über Ausmaß, Formen und Bestimmungsfaktoren politischer Partizipation in Deutschland und führt in die theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen der empirischen Partizipationsforschung ein.
Politische Persönlichkeiten und ihre weltpolitische Gestaltung
by Xuewu Gu Hendrik W. OhnesorgeDer Sammelband widmet sich der Frage nach dem Einfluss politischer Persönlichkeiten auf weltpolitische Entscheidungen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Dazu werden zu Beginn des Bandes diskutierte Grundannahmen über die Einflussmöglichkeiten einzelner Persönlichkeiten mit Hilfe von detaillierten Fallstudien untersucht und so ein Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeit und Politik an ausgewählten Beispielen und in entscheidenden Situationen der Weltgeschichte herausgearbeitet. Der Band versteht sich damit als ein Beitrag zum lange vernachlässigten personenbezogenen Ansatz der Politikwissenschaft.
Politischer Extremismus: Eine Einführung (Elemente der Politik)
by Hans-Gerd JaschkeModerner politischer Extremismus hat viele Facetten: Linke und rechte Varianten, Islamismus, Fundamentalismus und Terrorismus. Der einführende Überblick informiert über diese Begriffe und ihre Hintergründe, über gegenwärtige Szenarien und mögliche künftige Entwicklungen. Auch die aktuelle sozialwissenschaftliche Debatte wird einbezogen. Alle Formen des politischen Extremismus sind Angriffe auf die liberale Verfassungs- und Gesellschaftsordnung. Im Mittelpunkt der Erklärung steht die Abspaltung der politischen Extremismen aus der historischen Konstellation von Liberalismus, Konservatismus und Sozialismus, wie sie sich im 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert entwickelt hat. Bei der Bekämpfung des Extremismus kann es nicht darum gehen, ihn zu beseitigen, sondern darum, ihn möglichst effektiv einzudämmen.
Polizei und Protest in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Geschichte und Ethik der Polizei und öffentlichen Verwaltung)
by Sabine MeckingDie Polizei als Vertreterin des staatlichen Gewaltmonopols gilt als Garantin für die öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung im Inneren eines Staates. Von jeher gehört damit das staatliche Protest-Management zu den zentralen Aufgaben der Polizei. Die Art und Weise, wie die Polizei hierbei vorgeht und der Bevölkerung gegenübertritt, gibt Einblicke in den inneren Zustand der Gesellschaft, die politische Verfasstheit und die Herrschaftsordnung des Landes. Der Blick auf die 70-jährige Geschichte der Bundesrepublik offenbart, dass sich sowohl die Inhalte und Formen des öffentlichen Protests als auch der polizeiliche Umgang damit mehrfach verändert haben. Polizeiliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, obgleich aufeinander bezogen, verlaufen dabei jedoch nicht selten versetzt und in unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten.Prof. Dr. Sabine Mecking lehrt Landes- und Zeitgeschichte an der Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Polygamy, Women, and Higher Education: Life After Mormon Fundamentalism
by Laura ParsonThis volume explores the life stories of women who were former members of Mormon fundamentalist polygamous societies, from their own perspectives, to seek insight into their readiness for higher education settings. In order to support all learners in higher education, it is important to understand the unique needs of women students who have non-traditional formal schooling experiences and/or have come from restrictive or patriarchal cultures. This book helps further the discourse by providing recommendations for inclusive programs that consider how to develop elements of self-concept, empowerment, and motivation necessary for higher education success—academically and beyond.
The Polymath: A Cultural History from Leonardo da Vinci to Susan Sontag
by Peter BurkeThe first history of the western polymath, from the fifteenth century to the present day From Leonardo Da Vinci to John Dee and Comenius, from George Eliot to Oliver Sacks and Susan Sontag, polymaths have moved the frontiers of knowledge in countless ways. But history can be unkind to scholars with such encyclopaedic interests. All too often these individuals are remembered for just one part of their valuable achievements. In this engaging, erudite account, renowned cultural historian Peter Burke argues for a more rounded view. Identifying 500 western polymaths, Burke explores their wide-ranging successes and shows how their rise matched a rapid growth of knowledge in the age of the invention of printing, the discovery of the New World and the Scientific Revolution. It is only more recently that the further acceleration of knowledge has led to increased specialisation and to an environment that is less supportive of wide-ranging scholars and scientists. Spanning the Renaissance to the present day, Burke changes our understanding of this remarkable intellectual species.
Polyphonic Minds: Music of the Hemispheres
by Peter PesicPolyphony -- the interweaving of simultaneous sounds -- is a crucial aspect of music that has deep implications for how we understand the mind. In Polyphonic Minds, Peter Pesic examines the history and significance of "polyphonicity" -- of "many-voicedness" -- in human experience. Pesic presents the emergence of Western polyphony, its flowering, its horizons, and the perspective it offers on our own polyphonic brains. When we listen to polyphonic music, how is it that we can hear several different things at once? How does a single mind experience those things as a unity (a motet, a fugue) rather than an incoherent jumble? Pesic argues that polyphony raises fundamental issues for philosophy, theology, literature, psychology, and neuroscience -- all searching for the apparent unity of consciousness in the midst of multiple simultaneous experiences. After tracing the development of polyphony in Western music from ninth-century church music through the experimental compositions of Glenn Gould and John Cage, Pesic considers the analogous activity within the brain, the polyphonic "music of the hemispheres" that shapes brain states from sleep to awakening. He discusses how neuroscientists draw on concepts from polyphony to describe the "neural orchestra" of the brain. Pesic's story begins with ancient conceptions of God's mind and ends with the polyphonic personhood of the human brain and body. An enhanced e-book edition allows the sound examples to be played by a touch.
Polyphonic Minds: Music of the Hemispheres (The\mit Press Ser.)
by Peter PesicAn exploration of polyphony and the perspective it offers on our own polyphonic brains.Polyphony—the interweaving of simultaneous sounds—is a crucial aspect of music that has deep implications for how we understand the mind. In Polyphonic Minds, Peter Pesic examines the history and significance of “polyphonicity”—of “many-voicedness”—in human experience. Pesic presents the emergence of Western polyphony, its flowering, its horizons, and the perspective it offers on our own polyphonic brains. When we listen to polyphonic music, how is it that we can hear several different things at once? How does a single mind experience those things as a unity (a motet, a fugue) rather than an incoherent jumble? Pesic argues that polyphony raises fundamental issues for philosophy, theology, literature, psychology, and neuroscience—all searching for the apparent unity of consciousness in the midst of multiple simultaneous experiences. After tracing the development of polyphony in Western music from ninth-century church music through the experimental compositions of Glenn Gould and John Cage, Pesic considers the analogous activity within the brain, the polyphonic “music of the hemispheres” that shapes brain states from sleep to awakening. He discusses how neuroscientists draw on concepts from polyphony to describe the “neural orchestra” of the brain. Pesic's story begins with ancient conceptions of God's mind and ends with the polyphonic personhood of the human brain and body. An enhanced e-book edition allows the sound examples to be played by a touch.
Ponderings II–VI: Black Notebooks, 1931–1938 (Studies in Continental Thought)
by Martin HeideggerPonderings II–VI begins the much-anticipated English translation of Martin Heidegger's "Black Notebooks." In a series of small notebooks with black covers, Heidegger confided sundry personal observations and ideas over the course of 40 years. The five notebooks in this volume were written between 1931 and 1938 and thus chronicle Heidegger's year as Rector of the University of Freiburg during the Nazi era. Published in German as volume 94 of the Complete Works, these challenging and fascinating journal entries shed light on Heidegger's philosophical development regarding his central question of what it means to be, but also on his relation to National Socialism and the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1930s in Germany. Readers previously familiar only with excerpts taken out of context may now determine for themselves whether the controversy and censure the "Black Notebooks" have received are deserved or not. This faithful translation by Richard Rojcewicz opens the texts in a way that captures their philosophical and political content while disentangling Heidegger's notoriously difficult language.
Ponderings VII–XI: Black Notebooks, 1938–1939 (Studies in Continental Thought)
by Martin HeideggerThrough these broad and sprawling notebooks, Heidegger offers fascinating opinions on Holderlin, Nietzsche, Wagner, Wittgenstein, Pascal, and many others. The importance of the Black Notebooks transcends Heidegger's relationship with National Socialism. These personal notebooks contain reflections on technology, art, Christianity, the history of philosophy, and Heidegger's attempt to move beyond that history into another beginning.
Ponderings XII–XV: Black Notebooks, 1939–1941 (Studies in Continental Thought)
by Martin HeideggerPonderings XII–XV is third in a series of four "Black Notebooks" which Martin Heidegger composed in the early years of World War II. As always with Heidegger, the thoughts expressed here are not superficial reflections on current events, but instead penetrate deeply into them in order to contemplate their historical importance. Throughout his ponderings, Heidegger meditates on the call for an antidote to the rampant technological attitude which views all things with a dismissive consumer mentality. Although this volume caused quite a scandal when originally published in German due to references to World-Judaism, English readers with access to the full text can now judge for themselves what Heidegger means in his use of that term. In style, this notebook is less aphoristic and more sustained than the previous ones, but remains probing, challenging, and fascinating.
Poor: Grit, courage, and the life-changing value of self-belief
by Katriona O'SullivanThe No. 1 BestsellerBiography of the Year, Irish Book Awards 2023The Last Word Listeners' Choice Award, Irish Book Awards 2023'One of the best [books] I have read about the complexities of poverty . . . one of the most remarkable people you will ever meet' GuardianLike young girls everywhere Katriona O’Sullivan grew up bright, enthusiastic, curious. But she was also surrounded by abject poverty and chaos, and after she became pregnant and homeless at 15, what followed was five years of barely surviving. Yet today Katriona is an award-winning academic whose work explores barriers to education for girls like her.What set Katriona on this unexpected path were the mentors and supporters who truly saw her. The teachers who showed her how to wash in the school toilets or turned up at her door to convince her to sit at least one GCSE. The community worker who encouraged her to apply for training schemes. The friend who introduced Katriona to Trinity College’s access program while she was a cleaner. Simple acts that would help her turn her life around.Told with warmth, clarity and compassion – compassion for her parents, for her younger self, for others – Poor is both an astonishing personal testimony and an impassioned plea for the future of our children.‘Powerful – Katriona is a legend’ Barry Keoghan‘Raw, passionate and resolutely honest – I’ll never forget it’ Annie Mac'Full of insight . . . so important' Fi Glover, Times Radio 'I read poor in one sitting I found it so compelling . . . moving, uplifting, brave, heroic' Nuala McGovern, Woman's Hour, BBC Radio Four'Moving, funny, brave and original - just like the author . . . absolutely incredible' Roísín Ingle, Irish Times Women's Podcast‘One of the books of the year’ Patrick Kielty, Late Late Show, RTÉ One'One of the most important books I have ever read … a beautiful telling of determination despite the odds' Lynn Ruane, Irish Times 'Fearless, funny and searingly honest' Adil Ray OBE'Raw and remarkable' Irish Independent 'A book of empowerment and hope' Patricia Scanlan‘Remarkable . . . a vivid retelling of Katriona flourishing, despite her beginnings’ BBC News West MidlandsNumber 1 bestseller, Irish Times, March 2024
Poor Women, Poor Children: American Poverty in the 1990s
by RodgersThis work presents the most recent data on poverty, family structure and participation in welfare programmes. It analyses the causes for the continuing rise in female-headed households, the high rates of poverty among such families, and evaluates past, present and future reform policies.
The Pope & the Heretic: The True Story of Giordano Bruno, the Man Who Dared to Defy the Roman Inquisition
by Michael WhiteThe story of the trial of visionary philosopher Giordano Bruno. “A nice overview of the conflict between religion and philosophy in the Renaissance.” —Publishers WeeklyGiordano Bruno challenged everything in his pursuit of an all-embracing system of thought. This not only brought him patronage from powerful figures of the day but also put him in direct conflict with the Catholic Church. Arrested by the Inquisition and tried as a heretic, Bruno was imprisoned, tortured, and, after eight years, burned at the stake in 1600. The Vatican “regrets” the burning yet refuses to clear him of heresy.But Bruno’s philosophy spread: Galileo, Isaac Newton, Christiaan Huygens, and Gottfried Leibniz all built upon his ideas; his thought experiments predate the work of such twentieth-century luminaries as Karl Popper; his religious thinking inspired such radicals as Baruch Spinoza; and his work on the art of memory had a profound effect on William Shakespeare.Chronicling a genius whose musings helped bring about the modern world, Michael White pieces together the final years—the capture, trial, and the threat the Catholic Church felt—that made Bruno a martyr of free thought.“White’s book is exemplary for its discussions of the period’s intellectual beliefs and social structure and for its vivid detail and illuminating look at Bruno’s trial and subsequent death.” —Library Journal“Riveting.” —Birmingham Post
Popper and His Popular Critics
by Joseph AgassiThis volume examines Popper's philosophy by analyzing the criticism of his most popular critics: Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos. They all followed his rejection of the traditional view of science as inductive. Starting from the assumption that Hume's criticism of induction is valid, the book explores the central criticism and objections that these three critics have raised Their objections have met with great success, are significant and deserve paraphrase. One also may consider them reasonable protests against Popper's high standards rather than fundamental criticisms of his philosophy The book starts out with a preliminary discussion of some central background material and essentials of Popper's philosophy. It ends with nutshell representations of the philosophies of Popper. Kuhn, Feyerabend and Lakatos. The middle section of the book presents the connection between these philosophers and explains what their central ideas consists of, what the critical arguments are, how they presented them, and how valid they are. In the process, the author claims that Popper's popular critics used against him arguments that he had invented (and answered) without saying so. They differ from him mainly in that they demanded of all criticism that it should be constructive: do not stop believing a refuted theory unless there is a better alternative to it. Popper hardly ever discussed belief, delegating its study to psychology proper; he usually discussed only objective knowledge, knowledge that is public and thus open to public scrutiny.
Popper-Arg Philosophers
by Anthony O'HearFirst Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Popper, Otto Selz, and the Rise of Evolutionary Epistemology
by Michel Ter HarkThis book demonstrates that Karl Popper's philosophy of science, with its emphasis on the method of trial and error, is largely based on the psychology of Otto Selz. Selz's theory of problem solving and scientific discovery laid the foundation for much of contemporary cognitive psychology. This original analysis covers Popper's early writings before he began his career as a philosopher.
Popper's Approach to Education: A Cornerstone of Teaching and Learning (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education #38)
by Stephanie ChitpinChallenging the theory of induction in teacher education, this book proposes a knowledge-building framework based on the critical rationalism of philosopher of science, Karl Popper. The Objective Knowledge Growth Framework developed in this book is designed to be an effective critical analysis framework for empowering teachers and schools to build and share professional knowledge. This book is essential reading for educational scholars, researchers, professionals, policymakers, and all those interested in exploring the application of Popperian philosophy to the field of education and re-envisioning educational practice.
Popper's Critical Rationalism: A Philosophical Investigation (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science)
by Darrell RowbottomPopper’s Critical Rationalism presents Popper’s views on science, knowledge, and inquiry, and examines the significance and tenability of these in light of recent developments in philosophy of science, philosophy of probability, and epistemology. It develops a fresh and novel philosophical position on science, which employs key insights from Popper while rejecting other elements of his philosophy. Central theses include: Crucial questions about scientific method arise at the level of the group, rather than that of the individual. Although criticism is vital for science, dogmatism is important too. Belief in scientific theories is permissible even in the absence of evidence in their favour. The aim of science is to eliminate false theories. Critical rationalism can be understood as a form of virtue epistemology
Popper's Legacy: Rethinking Politics, Economics and Science
by Raphael SassowerThe work of Karl Popper has had extraordinary influence across the fields of scientific and social thought. Widely regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the twentieth century, he was also a highly influential social and political philosopher, a proponent and defender of the "open society". "Popper's Legacy" examines Popper in the round, analysing in particular his moral and psychological insights. Once Popper's scientific legacy is couched in political and moral terms, it becomes apparent that his concern for individual autonomy does not come at the expense of institutional guidelines and social conventions. Instead, these guidelines turn out to be essential sanctions for individual freedom. Popper envisions the conduct of the scientific community as paralleling the conduct of any democratically established community. Critical rationality guides the words and actions of all participants and leadership can be replaced without violence. In presenting a critical overview, "Popper's Legacy" reveals the debt many intellectual movements - such as Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism - still owe to Popper.
Popper's Open Society After Fifty Years
by Ian Jarvie Sandra PralongPopper's Open Society After Fifty Years presents a coherent survey of the reception and influence of Karl Popper's masterpiece The Open Society and its Enemies over the fifty years since its publication in 1945, as well as applying some of its principles to the context of modern Eastern Europe.This unique volume contains papers by many of Popper's contemporaries and friends, including such luminaries as Ernst Gombrich, in his paper 'The Open Society and its Enemies: Remembering its Publication Fifty Years Ago'.