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Praxis and Action
by Richard J. BernsteinFrom the Introduction:This inquiry is concerned with the themes of praxis and action in four philosophic movements: Marxism, existentialism, pragmatism, and analytic philosophy. It is rare that these four movements are considered in a single inquiry, for there are profound differences of emphasis, focus, terminology, and approach represented by these styles of thought. Many philosophers believe that similarities among these movements are superficial and that a close examination of them will reveal only hopelessly unbridgeable cleavages. While respecting the genuine fundamental differences of these movements, this inquiry is undertaken in the spirit of showing that there are important common themes and motifs in what first appears to be a chaotic babble of voices. I intend to show that the concern with man as an agent has been a primary focal point of each of these movements and further that each contributes something permanent and important to our understanding of the nature and context of human activity.
Praxis and Method (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE: Gramsci): A Sociological Dialogue with Lukacs, Gramsci and the Early Frankfurt School
by Richard KilminsterThis sociological critique of the ‘philosophy of praxis’ looks at the importance of the concept in the social theory of leading influential Western Marxists such as Lukács, Gramsci, Korsch, Horkheimer, Marcuse and Adorno in the inter-war period. It offers a detailed critique of Marx and Hegel, and explores the validity and implications for sociology of two of Marx’s ideas which the later theorists made the centre piece of their social theory: first, that true theory is authenticated by praxis, and second, its corollary that certain major social transformations should and would in practice render sociology redundant.
Praxis and Revolution: A Theory of Social Transformation (New Directions in Critical Theory #71)
by Eva von RedeckerThe concept of revolution marks the ultimate horizon of modern politics. It is instantiated by sites of both hope and horror. Within progressive thought, “revolution” often perpetuates entrenched philosophical problems: a teleological philosophy of history, economic reductionism, and normative paternalism. At a time of resurgent uprisings, how can revolution be reconceptualized to grasp the dynamics of social transformation and disentangle revolutionary practice from authoritarian usurpation?Eva von Redecker reconsiders critical theory’s understanding of radical change in order to offer a bold new account of how revolution occurs. She argues that revolutions are not singular events but extended processes: beginning from the interstices of society, they succeed by gradually rearticulating social structures toward a new paradigm. Developing a theoretical account of social transformation, Praxis and Revolution incorporates a wide range of insights, from the Frankfurt School to queer theory and intersectionality. Its revised materialism furnishes prefigurative politics with their social conditions and performative critique with its collective force.Von Redecker revisits the French Revolution to show how change arises from struggle in everyday social practice. She illustrates the argument through rich literary examples—a ménage à trois inside a prison, a radical knitting circle, a queer affinity group, and petitioners pleading with the executioner—that forge a feminist, open-ended model of revolution.Praxis and Revolution urges readers not only to understand revolutions differently but also to situate them elsewhere: in collective contexts that aim to storm manifold Bastilles—but from within.
The Praxis of Diversity
by Christoph Lütge Christiane Lütge Markus FaltermeierThis edited collection brings together experts from various disciplines to engage critically with diversity theory, diversity politics, and their practical application. Accordingly, the volume provides a provocative discursive space, where the key theoretical as well as practical problems of diversity in business, institutions and culture can speak to each other and can be assessed. The aim is to bridge the gap between two relatively distinct discourses: the discourse on practical applications of diversity concepts and the discourse on theoretical approaches to diversity. This selection of articles delivers the first step towards achieving this goal. Approaching diversity from a business perspective, the chapters discuss its ramifications on democratic institutions and theory, as well as point to its relevance in didactic and educational settings.
The Praxis of Indirect Reports: Cognitive, Sociopragmatic, and Philosophical Issues (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #21)
by Mostafa Morady MoghaddamThis book discusses the concept of indirect reporting in relation to sociopragmatic, philosophical, and cognitive factors. In addition, it deals with several state-of-the-art topics with regard to indirect reports, such as trust, politeness, refinery and photosynthetic processes and cognitive features. The book presents socio-cognitive accounts of indirect reports that take into consideration Grice’s Cooperation Principle and Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory. It discusses direct and indirect reports and their similarities and differences, with a focus on the neglected role of the hearer in indirect reports. It presents an extensive comparison of translation and indirect reports (with a detailed discussion on reporting/translating slurring), and examines politeness issues and the role of trust. It deals with the main principles governing the use and interpretation of indirect reports (among them, the Principle of Commitment and the Principle of Immunity). Finally, the book discusses the idea of ‘common core’ and cross-cultural studies in reported speech and illustrates by means of an analysis of Persian reported speech, how subjectivity and uncertainty are presented among Persian speakers.
A Praxis of Presence in Curriculum Theory: Advancing Currere against Cultural Crises in Education (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)
by William F. PinarBuilding on his seminal methodological contribution to the field – currere – here William F. Pinar posits a praxis of presence as a unique form of individual engagement against current cultural crises in education. Bringing together a series of updated essays, articles, and new writings to form this comprehensive volume, Pinar first demonstrates how a praxis of presence furthers the study of curriculum as lived experience to overcome self-enclosure, restart lived and historical time, and understand technology through a process of regression, progression, analysis, and synthesis. Pinar then further illustrates how this practice can inform curricular responses to countering presentism, narcissism, and techno-utopianism in educators’ work with "digital natives." Ultimately, this book offers researchers, scholars, and teacher educators in the fields of curriculum theory, the sociology of education, and educational policy more broadly the analytical and methodological tools by which to advance their understanding of currere, and in doing so, allows them to tackle the main cultural issues that educators face today.
Praxishandbuch Kompetenzen in der Digitalen Transformation der Arbeit
by Petra Bruns Werner BrunsDas Praxishandbuch arbeitet die Kompetenzen für zukünftiges Arbeiten im Kontext der Digitalen Transformation heraus und soll Staat, Unternehmen und Zivilgesellschaft als Entscheidungshilfe in den Bereichen Strategie-, Personal- und Innovationmanagement dienen.Mensch und Technik waren sich durch die Digitalisierung noch nie so nah wie heute. Diese Nähe verändert Mensch, Unternehmen, Arbeit und Leben. Solche Veränderungen muss man verstehen, um mitzuhalten. Denn nur das, was wir verstehen, können wir auch aktiv und kreativ im Arbeitsalltag umsetzen und gestalten. Staat, Unternehmen und auch die Zivilgesellschaft müssen sich zukünftig noch stärker in ihren Entscheidungen darauf einstellen.Wichtige Kompetenzfelder sind heute die sozialen Prozesse im Zuge der beschleunigten Digitalen Transformation von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. Analysieren, Einordnen, Denken, Handeln und Evaluieren. Technologie, Talente, Toleranz und Tradition zusammen denken. Änderungen im Unternehmen vorschlagen, die sinnvoll sind und das mit Leidenschaft tun.
Prayer: How to Pray Effectively from the Science of Mind
by Ernest HolmesCombining the most essential principles about prayer with the dozens of prayers and meditations from Ernest Holmes's classic text, The Science of Mind, this new book, Prayer, is a simple introduction for anyone who wants to learn how to pray effectively. "What does one do when he prays?" writes Holmes. "He talks to God. Where does he talk to God? He talks to God in his own mind, through his own thought or feeling. " .
The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida: Religion without Religion (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion Ser.)
by John D. Caputo"Caputo's book is riveting. . . . A singular achievement of stylistic brio and impeccable scholarship, it breaks new ground in making a powerful case for treating Derrida as homo religiosis. . . . There can be no mistaking the importance of Caputo's work." —Edith Wyschogrod"No one interested in Derrida, in Caputo, or in the larger question of postmodernism and religion can afford to ignore this pathbreaking study. Taking full advantage of the most recent and least discussed writings of Derrida, it offers a careful and comprehensive account of the religious dimension of Derrida's thought." —Merold Westphal
The Prayers of Kierkegaard (Phoenix Bks.)
by Perry D. LefevreSoren Kierkegaard's influence has been felt in many areas of human thought from theology to psychology. The nearly one hundred of his prayers gathered here from published works and private papers, not only illuminate his own life of prayer, but speak to the concerns of Christians today. The second part of the volume is a reinterpretation of the life and thought of Kierkegaard. Long regarded as primarily a poet or a philosopher, Kierkegaard is revealed as a fundamentally religious thinker whose central problem was that of becoming a Christian, of realizing personal existence. Perry D. LeFevre's penetrating analysis takes the reader to the religious center of Kierkegaard's world.
Praying to a French God: The Theology of Jean-Yves Lacoste (Intensities: Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Religion)
by Kenneth Jason WardleyAs a phenomenologist Lacoste is concerned with investigating the human aptitude for experience; as a theologian Lacoste is interested in humanity’s potential for a relationship with the divine, what he terms the ’liturgical relationship’. Beginning from the proposition that prayer is a theme that occurs throughout Lacoste’s writing, and using this proposition as a heuristic through which to view, interpret and critique his thought, this book examines Lacoste’s place amid both the recent ’theological turn’ in French thought and the post-war emergence of la nouvelle théologie. Drawing upon unpublished and out of print material previously only available in French, Romanian or German, the book will be of interest to scholars of philosophy, phenomenology and theology.
Präzises Denken für Informatiker
by Karsten WolfDas Lehrbuch befasst sich mit dem präzisen Denken, einer Schlüsselkompetenz im Studium der Informatik. Es bildet die Vorstufe für das Verständnis der logischen Grundfunktionen der Informatik. Das Erlernen der mathematischen Logik ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Grundstudiums, da das logische Denken in der Informatik auf den gleichen Regeln und Techniken basiert wie in der Mathematik. Der Autor führt umfassend in die Aussagenlogik ein und erklärt unter anderem die Bedeutungen von logischer Äquivalenz, Implikation und Induktion für diesen Fachbereich. Darüber hinaus definiert er den Beweis aus Sicht der Mathematik und stellt grundlegende Beweisstrategien vor, die im Studium benötigt werden. Mit den in diesem Lehrbuch vorgestellten Techniken des präzisen Denkens erwerben die Studenten die Fähigkeit, Begriffe punktgenau zu definieren, Aussagen trennscharf zu formulieren und ihre Richtigkeit angemessen zu begründen. Viele praxisnahe Aufgaben und Lösungshinweise innerhalb der Kapitel erleichtern die Überprüfung und Vertiefung des Lernstoffs. Der Autor richtet sich vornehmlich an Bachelorstudenten der ersten Semester. Sie finden in diesem Werk eine optimale Vorbereitung auf die Logik-Seminare ihres Informatikstudiums. Die vermittelten Kompetenzen verbessern dabei nicht nur das Verständnis im Informatik-Studium, sondern sind ebenso für das spätere Berufsleben von großer Bedeutung. Darüber hinaus erhalten auch interessierte Laien mit diesem Buch einen interessanten Einblick in die Welt der Informatik und Mathematik und lernen, dass die Fähigkeit zu präzisem Denken auch jenseits dieser Fachbereiche hilfreich sein kann.
Pre Ged® Test Preparation Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning (Steck-vaughn Pre-ged Ser.)
by Steck-Vaughn CompanyFocuses on the three major skill sets that appear on the GED Reasoning through language arts test: Reading comprehension, Writing on extended response, Language conventions and usage.
Pre-Modernity, Totalitarianism and the Non-Banality of Evil: A Comparison of Germany, Spain, Sweden and France
by Steven SaxonbergThis book provides a comparative and historical analysis of totalitarianism and considers why Spain became totalitarian during its inquisition but not France; and why Germany became totalitarian during the previous century, but not Sweden. The author pushes the concept of totalitarianism back into the pre-modern period and challenges Hannah Arendt’s notion of the banality of evil. Instead, he presents an alternative framework that can explain why some states become totalitarian and why they induce people to commit evil acts.
Pre-reflective Consciousness: Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
by Sofia Miguens Gerhard Preyer Clara Bravo MorandoPre-reflective Consciousness: Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind delves into the relationship between the current analytical debates on consciousness and the debates that took place within continental philosophy in the twentieth century and in particular around the time of Sartre and within his seminal works. Examining the return of the problem of subjectivity in philosophy of mind and the idea that phenomenal consciousness could not be reduced to functional or cognitive properties, this volume includes twenty-two unique contributions from leading scholars in the field. Asking questions such as: Why we should think that self-consciousness is non-reflective? Is subjectivity first-personal? Does consciousness necessitate self-awareness? Do we need pre-reflective self-consciousness? Are ego-disorders in psychosis a dysfunction of pre-reflective self-awareness? How does the Cartesian duality between body and mind fit into Sartre’s conceptions of consciousness?
Precarious Balance: Sinhala Buddhism and the Forces of Pluralism (Studies in Religion and Culture)
by Bardwell L. SmithSince the third century BCE, when the king of Sri Lanka converted to Buddhism, the island nation off the southern coast of India has represented a central interest of Buddhist scholarship. The association between its politics and religious life has not always remained harmonious, however, and has contributed to the contemporary turmoil that threatens to tear it apart. In this valuable book, renowned religious scholar Bardwell Smith elucidates the history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka from the time of one of its earliest rulers through to its present-day strife.The essays collected here for the first time explore various themes of Sri Lanka’s long history in novel and constructive ways. Topics include Sinhala Buddhists’ sense of manifest destiny arising from Sri Lanka’s oldest historical chronicles, the Mahavamsa and the Dipavamsa; the nationalist implications of the chronicles’ depiction of the third-century Mahavihara monastery as the site of "original Buddhism"; and concepts of order and legitimation of power in ancient Ceylon. With a new introduction and final chapter, Smith sheds fresh light on today’s Sri Lanka, connecting historical studies with contemporary issues.
A Precarious Happiness: Adorno and the Sources of Normativity
by Peter E. GordonA strikingly original account of Theodor Adorno’s work as a critique animated by happiness. "Gordon’s confidently gripping and persistently subtle interpretation brings a new tone to the debate about Adorno’s negativism."—Jürgen Habermas Theodor Adorno is often portrayed as a totalizing negativist, a scowling contrarian who looked upon modern society with despair. Peter E. Gordon thinks we have this wrong: if Adorno is uncompromising in his critique, it is because he sees in modernity an unfulfilled possibility of human flourishing. In a damaged world, Gordon argues, all happiness is likewise damaged but not wholly absent. Through a comprehensive rereading of Adorno’s work, A Precarious Happiness recovers Adorno’s commitment to traces of happiness—fragments of the good amid the bad. Ultimately, Gordon argues that social criticism, while exposing falsehoods, must also cast a vision for an unrealized better world.
Precarity and Vocational Education and Training: Craftsmanship and Employability in Romania
by Maria-Carmen PanteaThis book explores how the changing nature of work intersects with and influences young people’s views on their future. As an increasingly precarious service sector overtakes traditional industrial work, vocational education and training (VET) is held up as a panacea for poverty alleviation, youth unemployment and economic growth. However, the views of young people in VET themselves concerning their own work and aspirations have largely been ignored. Based on interviews and focus groups conducted with over 250 young people in VET in Romania, this book examines the types of subjectivities that are generated in the processes by which they try to make sense of future and the meanings of work. In doing so, the author identifies three ideological layers that frame their views: arguing that while the young people interviewed hold ‘conventional’ aspirations for stability and predictability; they were visibly influenced by neoliberal beliefs in agency, experimentation and short termism. Ultimately, a layer of low expectations crystallises unvoiced concerns over a troubling future. In highlighting young people’s voices, this pioneering book calls for a recalibration of the emphasis on VET in Romania. It will appeal to students and scholars of youth studies, the sociology of work, vocational education and training and European studies.
Precautionary Principle, Pluralism and Deliberation: Science and Ethics
by Bernard ReberThis volume tackles the burden of judgment and the challenges of ethical disagreements, organizes the cohabitation of scientific and ethical argumentations in such a way they find their appropriate place in the political decision. It imagines several forms of agreements and open ways of conflicts resolution very different compared with ones of the majority of political philosophers and political scientists that are macro-social and general. It offers an original contribution to a scrutinized interpretation of the precautionary principle, as structuring the decision in interdisciplinary contexts, to make sure to arrive this time to the "Best of the Worlds".
Precautionary Reasoning in Environmental and Public Health Policy (The International Library of Bioethics #86)
by David B. ResnikThis book fills a gap in the literature on the Precautionary Principle by placing the principle within the wider context of precautionary reasoning and uses philosophical arguments and case studies to demonstrate when it does—and does not—apply. The book invites the reader to take a step back from the controversy surrounding the Precautionary Principle and consider the overarching rationales for responding to threats to the environment or public health. It provides practical guidance and probing insight for the intended audience, including scholars, students, journalists, and policymakers.
Precedents, Statutes, and Analysis of Legal Concepts: Interpretation (Philosophy of Legal Reasoning: A Collection of Essays by Philosophers and Legal Scholars #2)
by Scott BrewerAt least since plato and Aristotle, thinkers have pondered the relationship between philosophical arguments and the "sophistical" arguments offered by the Sophists -- who were the first professional lawyers. Judges wield substantial political power, and the justifications they offer for their decisions are a vital means by which citizens can assess the legitimacy of how that power is exercised. However, to evaluate judicial justifications requires close attention to the method of reasoning behind decisions. This new collection illuminates and explains the political and moral importance in justifying the exercise of judicial power.
The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity
by Toby OrdThis urgent and eye-opening book makes the case that protecting humanity's future is the central challenge of our time. If all goes well, human history is just beginning. Our species could survive for billions of years - enough time to end disease, poverty, and injustice, and to flourish in ways unimaginable today. But this vast future is at risk. With the advent of nuclear weapons, humanity entered a new age, where we face existential catastrophes - those from which we could never come back. Since then, these dangers have only multiplied, from climate change to engineered pathogens and artificial intelligence. If we do not act fast to reach a place of safety, it will soon be too late. Drawing on over a decade of research, The Precipice explores the cutting-edge science behind the risks we face. It puts them in the context of the greater story of humanity: showing how ending these risks is among the most pressing moral issues of our time. And it points the way forward, to the actions and strategies that can safeguard humanity. An Oxford philosopher committed to putting ideas into action, Toby Ord has advised the US National Intelligence Council, the UK Prime Minister's Office, and the World Bank on the biggest questions facing humanity. In The Precipice, he offers a startling reassessment of human history, the future we are failing to protect, and the steps we must take to ensure that our generation is not the last.
Precise Poverty Alleviation and Intergenerational Mobility in China (China Perspectives)
by Chunjin ChenThe widening of income and wealth inequality has become one of the most important obstacles on the road to China’s common prosperity. In the context of inequality reduction and anti-poverty strategy in China, this book investigates the complex relationship between education and intergenerational mobility in terms of occupation and income. Based on large-scale social survey data, cutting-edge econometric models and statistical methods, the book examines the role of education in breaking the intergenerational transmission of poverty and promoting intergenerational mobility. It analyzes the characteristics of birth cohorts in intergenerational mobility, the long-term trends of educational, occupational, and income mobility among rural and urban residents across generations, and also the different regional patterns of intergenerational mobility against the background of social changes in China. Based on empirical findings, the author advances suggestions on an education policy conducive to poverty alleviation. The book will appeal to scholars and students studying the sociology of education, the economics of education and Chinese education, as well as policy makers interested in the topics of education policy systems and poverty alleviation, as well as education equity and social mobility.
Precision Oncology and Cancer Biomarkers: Issues at Stake and Matters of Concern (Human Perspectives in Health Sciences and Technology #5)
by Roger Strand Anne BremerThis open access book reflects on matters of social and ethical concern raised in the daily practices of those working in and around precision oncology. Each chapter addresses the experiences, concerns and issues at stake for people who work in settings where precision oncology is practiced, enacted, imagined or discussed. It subsequently discusses and analyses bioethical dilemmas, scientific challenges and economic trade-offs, the need for new policies, further technological innovation, social work, as well as phenomenological research. This volume takes a broad actor-centred perspective as, whenever cancer is present, the range of actors with issues at stake appears almost unlimited. This perspective and approach opens up the possibility for further in-depth and diverse questions, posed by the actors themselves, such as: How are cancer researchers navigating biological uncertainties? How do clinicians and policy-makers address ethical dilemmas around prioritisation of care? What are the patients’ experiences with, and hopes for, precision oncology? How do policy-makers and entrepreneurs envisage precision oncology? These questions are of great interest to a broad audience, including cancer researchers, oncologists, policy-makers, medical ethicists and philosophers, social scientists, patients and health economists.
Predicted Humans: Emerging Technologies and the Burden of Sensemaking (Media, Culture and Critique: Future Imperfect)
by Simona ChiodoPredicting our future as individuals is central to the role of much emerging technology, from hiring algorithms that predict our professional success (or failure) to biomarkers that predict how long (or short) our healthy (or unhealthy) life will be. Yet, much in Western culture, from scripture to mythology to philosophy, suggests that knowing one’s future may not be in the subject’s best interests and might even lead to disaster. If predicting our future as individuals can be harmful as well as beneficial, why are we so willing to engage in so much prediction, from cradle to grave?This book offers a philosophical answer, reflecting on seminal texts in Western culture to argue that predicting our future renders much of our existence the automated effect of various causes, which, in turn, helps to alleviate the existential burden of autonomously making sense of our lives in a more competitive, demanding, accelerated society. An exploration of our tendency in a technological era to engineer and so rid ourselves of that which has hitherto been our primary reason for being – making life plans for a successful future, while faced with epistemological and ethical uncertainties – Predicted Humans will appeal to scholars of philosophy and social theory with interests in questions of moral responsibility and meaning in an increasingly technological world.