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Quasi-Things: The Paradigm of Atmospheres (SUNY series in Contemporary Italian Philosophy)

by Tonino Griffero

In this book, Tonino Griffero introduces and analyzes an ontological category he terms "quasi-things." These do not exist fully in the traditional sense as substances or events, yet they powerfully act on us and on our states of mind. He offers an original approach to the study of emotions, regarding them not as inner states of the subject, but as atmospheres, that is as powers poured out into the lived space we inhabit. Griffero first outlines the general and atmospheric characters of quasi-things, and then considers examples such as pain, shame, the gaze, and twilight—which he argues is responsible for penetrating and suggestive moods precisely because of its vagueness. With frequent examples from literature and everyday life, Quasi-Things provides an accessible aesthetic and phenomenological account of feelings based on the paradigm of atmospheres.

Quaternions for Computer Graphics

by John Vince

If you have ever wondered what quaternions are — then look no further, John Vince will show you how simple and useful they are. This 2nd edition has been completely revised and includes extra detail on the invention of quaternions, a complete review of the text and equations, all figures are in colour, extra worked examples, an expanded index, and a bibliography arranged for each chapter. Quaternions for Computer Graphics includes chapters on number sets and algebra, imaginary and complex numbers, the complex plane, rotation transforms, and a comprehensive description of quaternions in the context of rotation. The book will appeal to students of computer graphics, computer science and mathematics, as well as programmers, researchers, academics and professional practitioners interested in learning about quaternions. John Vince explains in an easy-to-understand language, with the aid of useful figures, how quaternions emerged, gave birth to modern vector analysis, disappeared, and reemerged to be adopted by the flight simulation industry and computer graphics. This book will give you the confidence to use quaternions within your every-day mathematics, and explore more advanced texts.

Quaternions for Computer Graphics

by John Vince

Sir William Rowan Hamilton was a genius, and will be remembered for his significant contributions to physics and mathematics. The Hamiltonian, which is used in quantum physics to describe the total energy of a system, would have been a major achievement for anyone, but Hamilton also invented quaternions, which paved the way for modern vector analysis. Quaternions are one of the most documented inventions in the history of mathematics, and this book is about their invention, and how they are used to rotate vectors about an arbitrary axis. Apart from introducing the reader to the features of quaternions and their associated algebra, the book provides valuable historical facts that bring the subject alive. Quaternions for Computer Graphics introduces the reader to quaternion algebra by describing concepts of sets, groups, fields and rings. It also includes chapters on imaginary quantities, complex numbers and the complex plane, which are essential to understanding quaternions. The book contains many illustrations and worked examples, which make it essential reading for students, academics, researchers and professional practitioners.

Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrāzī and the Configuration of the Heavens: A Comparison of Texts and Models

by Kaveh Niazi

As a leading scientist of the 13th century C. E. Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrāzī wrote three substantial works on hay'a (or the configuration of the celestial orbs): Nihāyat al-idrāk fī dirāyat al-aflāk ("The Limits of Attainment in the Understanding of the Heavens"), al-Tuḥfa al-shāhīya fī 'ilm al-hay'a ("The Royal Offering Regarding the Knowledge of the Configuration of the Heavens"), and Ikhtīyārāt-i Muẓaffarī ("The Muẓaffarī Elections"). Completed in less than four years and written in two of the classical languages of the Islamic world, Arabic and Persian, these works provide a fascinating window to the astronomical research carried out in Ilkhanid Persia. Shīrāzī and his colleagues were driven by their desire to rid Ptolemaic astronomy from its perceived shortcomings. An intriguing trail of revisions and emendations in Shīrāzī's hay'a texts serves to highlight both those features of Shīrāzī's astronomy that were inherited from his predecessors, as well as his original contributions to this branch of astronomical research. As a renowned savant, Shīrāzī spent a large portion of his career near centers of political power in Persia and Anatolia. A study of his scientific output and career as a scholar is an opportunity, therefore, for an examination of the patronage of science and of scientific works within the Ilkhanid realms. Not only was this patronage important to the work of scholars such as Shīrāzī but it was critical to the founding and operation of one of the foremost scientific institutions of the medieval Islamic world, the Marāgha observatory. The astronomical tradition in which Shīrāzī carried out his research has many links, as well, to the astronomy of Early Modern Europe, as can be seen in the astronomical models of Copernicus.

¿Qué decimos cuando decimos el credo?

by Enrique Martínez Lozano

Todo lo que acaece en el tiempo y el espacio es relativo, dice relación a aquellas coordenadas espaciotemporales en las que surge. Así ocurre con el Credo, nacido dentro de un idioma cultural concreto, y en un contexto sociohistórico determinado. Si pretendemos que tenga sentido para quienes nos hallamos en un contexto bien diferente y hablamos otro idioma muy distinto, se hace necesaria una traducción o trasvase cultural.Es la tarea que emprende el autor. A partir de la comprensión de lo que quisieron expresar nuestros antepasados con aquellas fórmulas, hace una relectura de las mismas, queriendo ser fiel tanto a su contenido como al momento de mutación cultural en el que nos encontramos. Para facilitar la relectura propuesta, el texto va precedido de una Introducción, en la que, de modo sintético, se plantea la novedad de nuestro momento, caracterizado por la emergencia del modelo no-dual de cognición. Desde este modelo es desde donde se aborda la lectura del Credo.En el Epílogo, el autor propone ir más allá del Credo, abogando por una espiritualidad transreligiosa y transconfesional, e insistiendo con vehemencia en la necesidad de cultivar la inteligencia espiritual, como condición para una vida más plena.Enrique Martínez Lozano (Guadalaviar, Teruel, 1950) es psicoterapeuta, sociólogo y teólogo. Es autor de varios libros y se halla comprometido en la tarea de articular psicología y espiritualidad, abriendo nuevas perspectivas que favorezcan el crecimiento integral de la persona. Su trabajo asume y desarrolla la teoría transpersonal y el modelo no-dual de cognición.

Que gane el más mejor

by Eduardo Engel Patricio Navia

«Con gran lucidez los autores argumentan que si el Estado cumple a cabalidad su rol de igualar las oportunidades y proveer protección social para los débiles, la competencia aflora como el sistema más justo y eficiente en la adjudicación de roles.» Nicolás Eyzaguirre, ex ministro de Hacienda «El Chile de las diferencias abrumadoras, aquel donde cuentan decisivamente los contubernios del poder, la clase y hasta la raza, aparece al desnudo en este estupendo libro de lectura imprescindible.» Fernando Villegas, columnista y escritor «Los autores dejan en evidencia que estamos lejos de la igualdad de oportunidades. Con una mirada certera y aguda, ofrecen soluciones audaces, como aumentar la competencia no sólo entre las AFP, sino incluso entre los colegios de los barrios más pobres. Es un libro para quienes buscan dirigir y comprender el país.» Patricia Politzer, periodista «Para quien tenga interés en entender la evolución reciente de la sociedad chilena, este libro es un excepcional aporte, fresco y entretenido, muy fácil de leer.»Felipe Lamarca, economista

¿Qué piensan los que no piensan como yo?: Diez controversias éticas

by Diana Cohen Agrest

Una mirada inteligente, cauta y movilizadora sobre los temas máscontrovertidos. El matrimonio homosexual, la homoparentalidad, el aborto, la eutanasiavoluntaria y el suicidio asistido, la prostitución, la venta de órganos,el alquiler de vientre, la pena de muerte, la tenencia de drogas, elperfil genético de los delincuentes... todos estos temas son hoy elcentro de debates tan resonantes como inconclusos. Pues dudamos de todoaquello que puede ser hecho y, en un único gesto, de que debe ser hecho.En circunstancias imposibles de ser procesadas y asimiladas, inmersos ensituaciones límite sobre las cuales, tarde o temprano, deberemospronunciarnos.Deslizándose en los márgenes de lo "políticamente incorrecto", esteDiana Cohen Agrest nos acerca las razones esgrimidas en torno de estasprácticas polémicas que, de otro modo, suelen permanecer confinadas enlos círculos de los especialistas. La premisa básica queatraviesa esta obra es la necesidad de alentar el pluralismo, queimplica la coexistencia, en igualdad de condiciones, de diferentesperspectivas desde las cuales reflexionar sobre la realidad que nostoca. Lejos de adoptar una posición que clausure el debate, la autoraofrece los argumentos a favor y en contra de cada una de esascuestiones, desafiando al lector a tomar una decisión crítica propia.A todos nos gusta opinar fundando nuestras creencias en razonesvaliosas. Porque sentimos que así colaboramos en la construcción de unmundo un poco mejor. Si el don de la palabra instaura con el hombre eluniverso simbólico, podemos ser partícipes de la construcción deaquellos valores que, hoy como siempre, deberían sostener cualquierconducta humana. «¿Qué piensan los que no piensan como yo?» contribuye aeste fin con claridad, profundo conocimiento y valentía.

Queen and Country: The Fifty-Year Reign of Elizabeth II

by William Shawcross

Describes the public persona of the Queen

Queenship and Voice in Medieval Northern Europe

by William Layher

"Queenship and Voice in Medieval Northern Europe" offers a unique perspective on aspects of female rulership in the Scandinavian Middle Ages. Working with historical as well as literary evidence from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, this book shows how three queens - Agnes of Denmark, Eufemia of Norway, and Margareta, the union queen of the Scandinavian kingdoms - marshaled the power of the royal voice in order to effect political change. In conceptualizing the political landscape of late-medieval Scandinavia as an acoustic landscape, Layher charts a new path of historical and cultural analysis into the reach and resonance of royal power in the Middle Ages.

The Queer Art of Failure

by Judith Halberstam

The Queer Art of Failure is about finding alternatives--to conventional understandings of success in a heteronormative, capitalist society; to academic disciplines that confirm what is already known according to approved methods of knowing; and to cultural criticism that claims to break new ground but cleaves to conventional archives. Judith Halberstam proposes "low theory" as a mode of thinking and writing that operates at many different levels at once. Low theory is derived from eccentric archives. It runs the risk of not being taken seriously. It entails a willingness to fail and to lose one's way, to pursue difficult questions about complicity, and to find counterintuitive forms of resistance. Tacking back and forth between high theory and low theory, high culture and low culture, Halberstam looks for the unexpected and subversive in popular culture, avant-garde performance, and queer art. She pays particular attention to animated children's films, revealing narratives filled with unexpected encounters between the childish, the transformative, and the queer. Failure sometimes offers more creative, cooperative, and surprising ways of being in the world, even as it forces us to face the dark side of life, love, and libido.

Queer Beauty: Sexuality and Aesthetics from Winckelmann to Freud and Beyond (Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts)

by Whitney Davis

The pioneering work of Johann Winckelmann (1717-1768) identified a homoerotic appreciation of male beauty in classical Greek sculpture, a fascination that had endured in Western art since the Greeks. Yet after Winckelmann, the value (even the possibility) of art's queer beauty was often denied. Several theorists, notably the philosopher Immanuel Kant, broke sexual attraction and aesthetic appreciation into separate or dueling domains. In turn, sexual desire and aesthetic pleasure had to be profoundly rethought by later writers. Whitney Davis follows how such innovative thinkers as John Addington Symonds, Michel Foucault, and Richard Wollheim rejoined these two domains, reclaiming earlier insights about the mutual implication of sexuality and aesthetics. Addressing texts by Arthur Schopenhauer, Charles Darwin, Oscar Wilde, Vernon Lee, and Sigmund Freud, among many others, Davis criticizes modern approaches, such as Kantian idealism, Darwinism, psychoanalysis, and analytic aesthetics, for either reducing aesthetics to a question of sexuality or for removing sexuality from the aesthetic field altogether. Despite these schematic reductions, sexuality always returns to aesthetics, and aesthetic considerations always recur in sexuality. Davis particularly emphasizes the way in which philosophies of art since the late eighteenth century have responded to nonstandard sexuality, especially homoeroticism, and how theories of nonstandard sexuality have drawn on aesthetics in significant ways. Many imaginative and penetrating critics have wrestled productively, though often inconclusively and "against themselves," with the aesthetic making of sexual life and new forms of art made from reconstituted sexualities. Through a critique that confronts history, philosophy, science, psychology, and dominant theories of art and sexuality, Davis challenges privileged types of sexual and aesthetic creation imagined in modern culture-and assumed today.

The Queer Cultures of 1930s Prose: Language, Identity and Performance in Interwar Britain

by Charlotte Charteris

Offering a radical reassessment of 1930s British literature, this volume questions the temporal limits of the literary decade, and broadens the scope of queer literary studies to consider literary-historical responses to a variety of behaviours encompassed by the term ‘queer’ in its many senses. Whilst it is informed by the history of sexuality in twentieth-century Europe, it is also profoundly concerned with what Christopher Isherwood termed ‘the market value of the Odd.’ Drawing, for its methodology, on the work of Raymond Williams, it traces the impact of the Great War on the development of language, examining the use of ten ‘keywords’ in the prose of Christopher Isherwood, Evelyn Waugh and Patrick Hamilton, and that of their respective literary milieux, in order to establish how queer lives and modern sub-cultural identities were forged collaboratively within the fictional realm. By utilizing contemporary perspectives on performativity in conjunction with detailed close readings it repositions these authors as self-conscious agents actively producing their own queer masculinities through calculated acts of linguistic transgression.

Queer Democracy: Desire, Dysphoria, and the Body Politic

by Daniel D. Miller

Queer Democracy undertakes an interdisciplinary critical investigation of the centuries-old metaphor of society as a body, drawing on queer and transgender accounts of embodiment as a constructive resource for reimagining politics and society. Daniel Miller argues that this metaphor has consistently expressed a desire for social and political order, grounded in the social body’s imagined normative shape or morphology. The consistent result, from the “concord” discourses of the pre-Christian Stoics, all the way through to contemporary nationalism and populism, has been the suppression of any dissent that would unmake the social body’s presumed normativity. Miller argues that the conception of embodiment at the heart of the metaphor is a fantasy, and that negative social and political reactions to dissent represent visceral, dysphoric responses to its reshaping of the social body. He argues that social body’s essential queerness, defined by fluidity and lack of a fixed morphology, spawns queer democracy, expressed through ongoing social and political practices that aim to extend liberty and equality to new social domains. Queer Democracy articulates a new departure for the ongoing development of theoretical articulations linking queer and trans theory with political theory. It will appeal to both academic and non-academic readers engaged in research on political theory, populism, US religion, gender studies, and queer studies.

Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics, Desire

by Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands and Bruce Erickson

Treating such issues as animal sex, species politics, environmental justice, lesbian space and "gay" ghettos, AIDS literatures, and queer nationalities, this lively collection asks important questions at the intersections of sexuality and environmental studies. Contributors from a wide range of disciplines present a focused engagement with the critical, philosophical, and political dimensions of sex and nature. These discussions are particularly relevant to current debates in many disciplines, including environmental studies, queer theory, critical race theory, philosophy, literary criticism, and politics. As a whole, Queer Ecologies stands as a powerful corrective to views that equate "natural" with "straight" while "queer" is held to be against nature.

Queer Inclusion in Teacher Education: Bridging Theory, Research, and Practice

by Olivia J. Murray

Queer Inclusion in Teacher Education explores the challenges and promises of building queer inclusive pedagogy and curriculum into teacher education. Weaving together theory, research findings, and practical "how-to" strategies and materials, it fills an important gap by offering a clear roadmap and resources for influencing the knowledge, beliefs, and actions of faculty working with pre-service teachers. While the book has implications for policy change, most immediately, readers will feel empowered with ideas for faculty development they can implement in their own teacher education programs. Looking at both the politics and practices of teacher education and the ways in which queer issues manifest in schools, it is hopeful in suggesting that if teachers and pre-service teachers can critically reflect on homophobia and heteronormativity, they can begin to think about and relate to queer youth in a different, more positive and inclusive way. A Companion Website [] with additional activities and materials for teacher educators and faculty development and a practical guide enhances the usefulness of the book.

Queer Masculinities: A Critical Reader in Education

by Nelson Rodriguez John Landreau

Queer Masculinities: A Critical Reader in Education is a substantial addition to the discussion of queer masculinities, of the interplay between queer masculinities and education, and to the political gender discourse as a whole. Enriching the discourse of masculinity politics, the cross-section of scholarly interrogations of the complexities and contradictions of queer masculinities in education demonstrates that any serious study of masculinity--hegemonic or otherwise--must consider the theoretical and political contributions that the concept of queer masculinity makes to a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of masculinity itself. The essays adopt a range of approaches from empirical studies to reflective theorizing, and address themselves to three separate educational realms: the K-12 level, the collegiate level, and the level in popular culture, which could be called 'cultural pedagogy'. The wealth of detailed analysis includes, for example, the notion that normative expectations and projections on the part of teachers and administrators unnecessarily reinforce the values and behaviors of heteronormative masculinity, creating an institutionalized loop that disciplines masculinity. At the same time, and for this very reason, schools represent an opportunity to 'provide a setting where a broader menu can be introduced and gender/sexual meanings, expressions, and experiences boys encounter can create new possibilities of what it can mean to be male'. At the collegiate level chapters include analysis of what the authors call 'homosexualization of heterosexual men' on the university dance floor, while the chapters of the third section, on popular culture, include a fascinating analysis of the construction of queer 'counternarratives' that can be constructed watching TV shows of apparently hegemonic bent. In all, this volume's breadth and detail make it a landmark publication in the study of queer masculinities, and thus in critical masculinity studies as a whole.

Queer Pedagogies: Theory, Praxis, Politics (Critical Studies of Education #11)

by Nelson M. Rodriguez Cris Mayo

This book invites readers to explore the critical interruptions occasioned by queer pedagogies. Building on earlier scholarly work in this area, as well as pedagogical production arising out of queer activism, the chapters in this volume examine a broad range of themes as they collectively grapple with the meaning and practice of queer pedagogy across different contexts. In this way, Queer Pedagogies provides a glance at new ways of thinking about and acting on contemporary educational topics and debates situated at the intersection of queer studies and education. In taking up the concept of queer pedagogy, the volume provides ample opportunities for scholars, educators, activists, and other cultural workers to critically engage with ongoing questions of theory, praxis, and politics.

Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others

by Sara Ahmed

In this groundbreaking work, Sara Ahmed demonstrates how queer studies can put phenomenology to productive use. Focusing on the "orientation" aspect of "sexual orientation" and the "orient" in "orientalism," Ahmed examines what it means for bodies to be situated in space and time. Bodies take shape as they move through the world directing themselves toward or away from objects and others. Being "orientated" means feeling at home, knowing where one stands, or having certain objects within reach. Orientations affect what is proximate to the body or what can be reached. A queer phenomenology, Ahmed contends, reveals how social relations are arranged spatially, how queerness disrupts and reorders these relations by not following the accepted paths, and how a politics of disorientation puts other objects within reach, those that might, at first glance, seem awry. Ahmed proposes that a queer phenomenology might investigate not only how the concept of orientation is informed by phenomenology but also the orientation of phenomenology itself. Thus she reflects on the significance of the objects that appear--and those that do not--as signs of orientation in classic phenomenological texts such as Husserl's Ideas. In developing a queer model of orientations, she combines readings of phenomenological texts--by Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Fanon--with insights drawn from queer studies, feminist theory, critical race theory, Marxism, and psychoanalysis. Queer Phenomenology points queer theory in bold new directions.

Queer Singapore: Illiberal Citizenship and Mediated Cultures

by Audrey Yue Jun Zubillaga-Pow

Singapore remains one of the few countries in Asia that has yet to decriminalise homosexuality. Yet it has also been hailed by many as one of the emerging gay capitals of Asia. This book accounts for the rise of mediated queer cultures in Singapore's current milieu of illiberal citizenship. This collection analyses how contemporary queer Singapore has emerged against a contradictory backdrop of sexual repression and cultural liberalisation. Using the innovative framework of illiberal pragmatism, established and emergent local scholars and activists provide expansive coverage of the impact of homosexuality on Singapore's media cultures and political economy, including law, religion, the military, literature, theatre, photography, cinema, social media and queer commerce. It shows how new LGBT subjectivities have been fashioned through the governance of illiberal pragmatism, how pragmatism is appropriated as a form of social and critical democratic action, and how cultural citizenship is forged through a logic of queer complicity that complicates the flows of oppositional resistance and grassroots appropriation.

Queer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools: A Global Perspective (Queer Studies and Education)

by Dennis A. Francis Jón Ingvar Kjaran Jukka Lehtonen

This book brings together leading scholars researching the field of gender, sexuality, schooling, queer activism, and social movements within different cultural contexts. With contributions from more than fifteen countries, the chapters bring fresh insights for students and scholars of gender and sexuality studies, education, and social movements in the Global North and South. The book draws together both theoretical and empirical contributions offering rich and multidisciplinary essays from scholars and activists in the field focusing on outreach work of QSM (Queer Social Movements) in schools, queer activism in educational settings, and the role of QSMs in supporting and informing queer youth.

Queer Soul and Queer Theology: Ethics and Redemption in Real Life (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Laurel C. Schneider Thelathia Nikki Young

This book takes up the question of Christian queer theology and ethics through the contested lens of "redemption." Starting from the root verb "to deem," the authors argue that queer lives and struggles can illuminate and re-value the richness of embodied experience that is implied in Christian incarnational theology and ethics. Offering a set of virtues gleaned from contemporary lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and asexual (LGBTIQA) lives and communities, this book introduces a new framework of ethical reasoning. Battered and wrongly condemned by life-denying theologies of redemption and dessicating ethics of virtue, this book asserts that the resilience, creativity, and epistemology manifesting in queer lives and communities are essential to a more generous and liberative Christian theology. In this book, queer "virtues" not only reveal and re-value queer soul but expose covert viciousness in the traditional (i.e., inherently colonial and racist, and thus ungodly) "family values" of dominant Christian ethics and theology. It argues that such re-imagining has redemptive potential for Christian life writ large, including the redemption of God. This book will be a key resource for scholars of queer theology and ethics as well as queer theory, gender and race studies, religious studies, and theology more generally.

Queer Terror: Life, Death, and Desire in the Settler Colony (New Directions in Critical Theory #59)

by C. Heike Schotten

After Sept. 11, 2001, George W. Bush declared, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Bush’s assertion was not simply jingoist bravado—it encapsulates the civilizationalist moralism that has motivated and defined the United States since its beginning, linking the War on Terror to the nation’s settlement and founding.In Queer Terror, C. Heike Schotten offers a critique of U.S. settler-colonial empire that draws on political, queer, and critical indigenous theory to situate Bush’s either/or moralism and reframe the concept of terrorism. The categories of the War on Terror exemplify the moralizing politics that insulate U.S. empire from critique, render its victims deserving of its abuses, and delegitimize resistance to it as unthinkable and perverse. Schotten provides an anatomy of this moralism, arguing for a new interpretation of biopolitics that is focused on sovereignty and desire rather than racism and biology. This rethinking of biopolitics puts critical political theory of empire in dialogue with the insights of both native studies and queer theory. Building on queer theory’s refusal of sanctity, propriety, and moralisms of all sorts, Schotten ultimately contends that the answer to Bush’s ultimatum is clear: dissidents must reject the false choice he presents and stand decisively against “us,” rejecting its moralism and the sanctity of its “life,” in order to further a truly emancipatory, decolonizing queer politics.

Queer Theory: The French Response

by Bruno Perreau

In 2012 and 2013, masses of French citizens took to the streets to demonstrate against a bill on gay marriage. But demonstrators were not merely denouncing its damaging effects; they were also claiming that its origins lay in "gender theory," an ideology imported from the United States. By "gender theory" they meant queer theory in general and, more specifically, the work of noted scholar Judith Butler. Now French opponents to gay marriage, supported by the Vatican, are attacking school curricula that explore male/female equality, which they claim is further proof of gender theory's growing empire. They fear that this pro-homosexual propaganda will not only pervert young people, but destroy the French nation itself. What are the various facets of the French response to queer theory, from the mobilization of activists and the seminars of scholars to the emergence of queer media and the decision to translate this or that kind of book? Ironically, perceiving queer theory as a threat to France means overlooking the fact that queer theory itself has been largely inspired by French thinkers. By examining mutual influences across the Atlantic, Bruno Perreau analyzes changes in the idea of national identity in France and the United States. In the process, he offers a new theory of minority politics: an ongoing critique of norms is not only what gives rise to a feeling of belonging; it is the very thing that founds citizenship.

Queer Theory and Social Change

by Max H. Kirsch

Queer Theory and Social Change argues that there is a crisis within Queer theory over whether or not its theories can actually deliver change.Max Kirsch presents a challenging alternative to the current fascination with post-modern analyses of identity, culture, and difference. It emphasizes the need for a discussion of the importance of communities and the role of globalization on queer movements.

Queer Thriving in Catholic Education: Going Beyond the Pastoral Paradigm for LGBTQ+ Inclusion

by Sean Whittle Seán Henry

This book provides readers with the opportunity to go beyond anecdote and supposition in order to get a fuller grasp of research around Catholic education and LGBTQ+ matters. This is an edited collection of chapters which explores LGBTQ+ matters in relation to Catholic education. Although the field of Catholic Education Studies has grown exponentially over the past two decades, little if any attention has been published specifically about the place of LGBTQ+ students (and teachers) in the context of Catholic education. This edited book presents the various strands of research about Catholic education and LGBTQ+ inclusion. More specifically, this edited book of chapters addresses a number of broader themes including:• Is it possible for Catholic education to sit in harmony with the concerns of LGBTQ+ inclusive education?• What does it mean to ‘queer’ education at all? How does this sit in relation to Catholic perspectives on the purpose of Catholic education?• When it comes to LGBTQ+ issues in relation to Catholic education, what is the research agenda?• How might Catholic schools move beyond a ‘pastoral accommodation’ approach to LGBTQ+ students?• What does the evidence from research in Catholic schools indicate? Are they places of inclusion, hospitality, and welcome for LGBTQ+ young people?

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