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Smoke & Mirrors: How Hype Obscures the Future and How to See Past It

by Gemma Milne

'Stop following the news until you've read Gemma Milne's persuasive analysis of the hype and bullshit that distort our understanding of emerging science. As she shows, the starting point to grasping the genuine opportunities of AI, life sciences and climate tech is a healthy dose of critical thinking'David Rowan, founding editor of WIRED UK and author of Non-Bullshit Innovation: Radical Ideas from the World's Smartest Minds'Couldn't be more timely. Fascinating and vitally important'Jamie Bartlett, author of The People Vs Tech'A much-needed blast of fresh air! Gemma Milne expertly shows us how to separate the truth from the hype surrounding the emerging techs of today, and those of the near-tomorrow'Lewis Dartnell, author of Origins: How the Earth Made Us'I loved this book! This is exactly the sort of sceptical, cut-through-the crap-but-still-excited-about-what's-emerging book around tech innovation that's sorely needed, yet is so hard to find . . . essential reading for anyone who's serious about how real-world advances might be effectively harnessed to build a better future'Dr Andrew Maynard, scientist and author of Films from the Future and Future Rising'[A] vital contribution in a world where technological progress promises so much, but too often disappoints. If, like me, you believe that advances in science and technology are our best hope for solving the grand challenges of our times, this book is the indispensable guide to avoiding the mirages and the charlatans along the way'Matt Clifford, co-founder and CEO of Entrepreneur First'A refreshingly grown-up, clear-headed look at the interaction between science, technology and the media - readable without being dumbed down, acknowledging complexities without being heavy'Tom Chivers, author of The AI Does Not Hate You'ROBOTS WILL STEAL YOUR JOB!''AI WILL REVOLUTIONISE FARMING!''GENETIC EDITING WILL CURE CANCER!'Bombastic headlines about science and technology are nothing new. To cut through the constant stream of information and misinformation on social media, or grab the attention of investors, or convince governments to take notice, strident headlines or bold claims seem necessary to give complex, nuanced information some wow factor.But hype has a dark side, too.It can mislead. It can distract. It can blinker us from seeing what is actually going on.From AI, quantum computing and brain implants, to cancer drugs, future foods and fusion energy, science and technology journalist Gemma Milne reveals hype to be responsible for fundamentally misdirecting or even derailing crucial progress.Hype can be combated and discounted, though, if you're able to see exactly where, how and why it is being deployed.This book is your guide to doing just that.

The Smoke of Horses (American Poets Continuum)

by Charles Rafferty

In this fascinating new collection by longtime poet Charles Rafferty, evocative prose poems insert strange and mysterious twists into otherwise mundane middle-class scenarios. With wonderful intelligence and imagination, these compact, revelatory poems show us what is possible when we jettison accepted devices of thought for methods that are stranger, and much truer.Charles Rafferty is the author of six collections of poetry, one collection of stories, and two poetry chapbooks. He lives in Sandy Hook, CT, where he works at a technology research firm, directs the MFA program at Albertus Magnus College, and teaches in the Westport Writers' Workshop.

Smoother Pebbles: Essays in the Sociology of Science

by Jonathan R. Cole

Until the middle of the twentieth century, few thought of science as a social system, instead seeing scientific discovery as the work of individual geniuses. Columbia University’s Department of Sociology played a pivotal role in advancing the social study of science. Researchers of the “Columbia Program” analyzed how science works as a social institution, exploring its norms, values, and structure.Smoother Pebbles presents a collection of essays authored or coauthored by Jonathan R. Cole, a leading Columbia Program figure, that trace the development and institutionalization of the sociology of science. Spanning from the 1960s to the 2020s and including both empirical and theoretical studies of science, the book is at once wide-ranging and united by core questions. Are scientists rewarded for the merits of their work or for other reasons? How does the system of social stratification in science operate? Has the funding of scientists been the result of an “old boys’ network”? How fair is the peer review process? In what ways does science fall short of its universalistic ideals? What factors have constrained opportunities for women in science? How has science fared amid attacks on academic freedom and free inquiry at universities? Cole’s introduction contextualizes both individual essays and the major concerns of the Columbia Program. Smoother Pebbles is essential reading for those interested in the growth and crucial questions of the sociology and social studies of science.

The Snake and the Fox: An Introduction to Logic

by Mary Haight

The Snake and the Fox is a highly imaginative and fun way to learn logic. Mary Haight's characters guide you through an elaborate tale of how logic works. This book features the Snake and the Fox, Granny, Gussie and the Newts, Ren^De Descartes and Miss Nightingale, along with a huge supporting cast of humans, devils and sausage machines.For anyone coming to logic for the first time, this is the best place to start. Mary Haight makes logic easy and fun - she asks the reader questions, and uses words instead of logic symbols with amusing pictures and characters to help them.This book teaches all the basics the reader needs to know about logic (how arguments work, sound, valid reasoning, truth tables, Venn diagrams etc) in a truly enjoyable and innovative way. Anyone teaching themselves logic, or learning it on a course is bound to benefit from this original and intriguing book.

The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture

by David Kupelian

America the beautiful has become America the bizarre.REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION! "A must-read if you really want to understand the world we live in and where it's headed." – SEAN HANNITY "David Kupelian's The Snapping of the American Mind chronicles the decline and fall of America and shows that it is no accident, but rather a direct result of progressive misrule?an eye-opening, scary and galvanizing book." – DINESH D'SOUZA "David Kupelian has once again given us a must-read in these times of political turbulence and cultural insanity." – PAUL KENGOR America the beautiful has become America the bizarre. Government promotes shockingly deranged policies while purposely turning citizens against each other, Christians are prosecuted as criminals, children "transition" to the opposite sex, crime skyrockets and 130 million Americans depend on mind-altering substances just to get through life. Turbocharged by the Obama presidency and continuing into the present day, long-coalescing forces of the political and cultural Left are bringing about their much-heralded "fundamental transformation of America." That much everyone knows. But this revolution is also causing a fundamental transformation of Americans in profoundly negative ways. In The Snapping of the American Mind, veteran journalist and bestselling author David Kupelian shows how the progressive Left which today dominates America's key institutions, from the news and entertainment media, to Big Tech, to education, to government itself is accomplishing much more than just enlarging government, redistributing wealth, and de-Christianizing the culture. With the Left's wild celebration of sexual anarchy, its intimidating culture of political correctness, and its incomprehension of the fundamental sacredness of human life, it is also, whether intentionally or not, promoting widespread dependency, debauchery, family breakdown, crime, corruption, addiction, despair, and suicide. Surveying this growing chaos in American society, Kupelian exposes both the utopian revolutionaries and their extraordinary methods that have turned America's most cherished values literally upside down to the point that madness is celebrated and normality demonized.

Snapshots (The Margellos World Republic of Letters)

by Claudio Magris

A collection of brief, but intimate meditations on life and culture ranging from controversial matters to private moments The internationally acclaimed author Claudio Magris offers a collection of brief “snapshots” reflecting on life and culture from 1999 to 2013 through his very personal lens. Some pieces portray private, intimate moments, while others offer views on public, sometimes controversial matters; the tone is sometimes serious, sometimes humorous, sometimes ironic, but always engaging. The panoramic nature of the vignettes is broad in scope, encompassing a variety of subjects rendered in quick, decisive brushstrokes. It is a little like leafing through a photo album of our times and our society while a learned companion seated beside us offers a perceptive running commentary. Magris’s wit—at times pungent, at times self‑deprecating, always keen—is refreshingly affable. A continuing adventure by the author who has reinvented “travel literature.”

Snarl: In Defense of Stalled Traffic and Faulty Networks

by Ruth A. Miller

Ruth A. Miller excavates a centuries-old history of nonhuman and nonbiological constitutional engagement and outlines a robust mechanical democracy that challenges existing theories of liberal and human political participation. Drawing on an eclectic set of legal, political, and automotive texts from France, Turkey, and the United States, she proposes a radical mechanical re-articulation of three of the most basic principles of democracy: vitality, mobility, and liberty. Rather than defending a grand theory of materialist or posthumanist politics, or addressing abstract concepts or "things" writ large, Miller invites readers into a self-contained history of constitutionalism situated in a focused discussion of automobile traffic congestion in Paris, Istanbul, and Boston. Within the mechanical public sphere created by automotive space, Snarl finds a model of democratic politics that transforms our most fundamental assumptions about the nature, and constitutional potential, of life, movement, and freedom.

A Sneetch is a Sneetch and Other Philosophical Discoveries

by Thomas E. Wartenberg

Taking Picture Books Seriously: What can we learn about philosophy through children's books?This warm and charming volume casts a spell on adult readers as it unveils the surprisingly profound philosophical wisdom contained in children's picture books, from Dr Seuss's Sneetches to William Steig's Shrek!. With a light touch and good humor, Wartenberg discusses the philosophical ideas in these classic stories, and provides parents with a practical starting point for discussing philosophical issues with their children. Accessible and multi-layered, it answers questions like, Is it okay for adults to deceive kids? What's the difference between saying the Mona Lisa is a great painting and vanilla is your favorite flavor? Each chapter includes illustrations commissioned especially for this book.

La soberanía del bien

by Iris Murdoch

La gran aportación filosófica de Iris Murdoch en el centenario de su nacimiento. Antes de convertirse en la gran novelista que fue, Iris Murdoch se dedicó intensamente a la filosofía, enfrentándose con valentía a los círculos analíticos y existencialistas de la época y buscando un camino de salida en el páramo de la posguerra europea. Especialista en Platón, relacionada con la escuela de Wittgenstein, pero siempre radicalmente independiente, Murdoch reunió en La soberanía del bien (1970) tres conferencias que resumen lo que había sido su investigación filosófica desde la década de 1950. A diferencia de la mayoría de sus colegas en Oxford y Cambridge, Murdoch estaba interesada sobre todo en la vida moral y en las posibilidades reales que el ser humano tiene de hacerse mejor persona. La idea del Bien en un mundo sin Dios fue siempre su principal preocupación y a ella le dedica estos tres ensayos combativos y edificantes. En esta edición, Andreu Jaume nos ofrece una nueva traducción anotada de este clásico del pensamiento así como un largo ensayo introductorio en el que se estudia la vida, la filosofía y las novelas de quien fue definida en su tiempo como «la mujer más brillante de Inglaterra». La crítica ha dicho:«Uno de los escasos libros modernos de filosofía que personas ajenas a la filosofía académica pueden encontrar realmente útil.»Mary Midgely «Excelente. Golpea en la raíz misma de nuestra autocomprensión contemporánea. Niega cosas que tendemos a entender como evidentes. Por esa sola razón ya vale la pena leer este breve libro.»The Guardian

El soberano incapaz: Debate sobre la caída del movimiento soberanista en Quebec

by Eric Labbé

En Quebec, la noción de soberanía se ha vuelto tan trivial que ya no parece guardar ningún secreto para nadie. Los independentistas repiten desde hace cincuenta años que es fundamental que Quebec se adueñe de la soberanía para poder tomar las riendas de su propio destino. Sin embargo, al centrarse tanto en lo que la soberanía les permitiría hacer, tal vez hayan olvidado hablar de la soberanía en sí misma, de dónde viene, a dónde va, cómo funciona. No obstante, ya existe una soberanía canadiense que está muy viva y podría ocurrir que, a pesar de sus intentos de subversión, sea más inherente a la sociedad quebequense de lo que nunca querrán admitir.

Sobering Wisdom: Philosophical Explorations of Twelve Step Spirituality

by Nicholas Plants Jerome A. Miller

Originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, the Twelve Step program now provides life direction for the millions of people worldwide who are recovering from addiction and undergoing profound personal transformation. Yet thus far it has received surprisingly little attention from philosophers, despite the fact that, like philosophy, the program addresses all-important questions regarding how we ought to live. In Sobering Wisdom, Jerome A. Miller and Nicholas Plants offer a unique approach to the Twelve Step program by exploring its spirituality from a philosophical point of view. Drawing on a variety of thinkers from Aristotle to William James and from Nietzsche to Foucault, as well as a diverse range of philosophical perspectives including naturalism, Buddhism, existentialism, Confucianism, pragmatism, and phenomenology, the contributors to this volume address such questions as the relation of personal responsibility to an acknowledgment of powerlessness, the existence of a "higher power," and the role of virtue in recovery. Ranging in tone from deeply scholarly to intensely personal, their essays are written in an accessible way for a broad audience that includes not only philosophers, theologians, and psychologists but also spiritual directors, health professionals, and addiction counselors. Perhaps most important, the book is also conceived for those involved in Twelve Step programs whose lives are being transformed by the experience.

Sobre la educación: La necesidad de la literatura y la vigencia de la filosofía

by Emilio Lledó

La defensa a ultranza de una educación moderna y emancipadora, de enfoque humanista y con un papel clave reservado a la Filosofía. <P><P>Emilio Lledó, uno de los más relevantes pensadores españoles de nuestro tiempo, ha situado la educación en el centro de su filosofía, y el ideal pedagógico que defiende se alimenta, por supuesto, de unos sólidos cimientos filosóficos con especial atención en la filosofía griega clásica, al lenguaje y a la memoria, pero también de una larga experiencia en las aulas. <P>Lledó, a favor de una educación pública «que haga desaparecer las azarosas e injustas diferencias que necesariamente impone la sociedad», defiende también una organización moderna e interdisciplinaria -no asignaturesca- de los conocimientos, reflexiona sobre la identidad, la necesidad de cultivar el lenguaje, los peligros de la obsesión tecnológica, de la escuela y la universidad, y de la paulatina desaparición de las Humanidades. <P>«En la raíz de la palabra "educación" está un verbo latino que significa "guiar", "conducir"; pero también sacar algo de alguien: guiar, pues, y desarrollar lo que yace en el fondo originario de cada naturaleza que es dinamismo, posibilidad, evolución, progreso.»Emilio Lledó

Sobre la voluntad en la Naturaleza

by Arthur Schopenhauer

El filósofo alemán Arthur Schopenhauer (Danzing, 1788-1860) tuvo más influencia sobre los escritores que sobre los pensadores. Los motivos: su forma de escribir, clara y sencilla, algo muy difícil de encontrar en cualquier filósofo, y su manera de reflexionar, despiadadamente crítica, cercana al sin salida ontológico. Los pensamientos -y contribuciones- de Schopenhauer giran entre la representación del objeto y el objeto mismo, en esa zona metafísica que él denomina voluntad.

Sobre las ruinas de la clase media

by Christophe Guilluy

Un ensayo imprescindible para entender la sociedad actual en su totalidad. Este ensayo, que forma parte de la obra No society (Taurus), muestra como la desaparición de la clase media está estrechamente relacionada con la globalización y el drástico crecimiento del populismo. Así pues, fenómenos como el Brexit o Trump no son fruto de la irracionalidad, sino una consecuencia directa del modelo económico y social que, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, ha estado acabando la clase media. Esta ha sido sustituida por el mundo de las periferias, que actualmente abarca a la gran mayoría de grupos de la sociedad: desde los jubilados a los estudiantes. «La suma de los márgenes acaba por formar un todo: la sociedad.»

Sobre o autoritarismo brasileiro: Uma breve história de cinco séculos

by Lilia M. Schwarcz

De uma das historiadoras brasileiras mais influentes e premiadas da actualidade, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz, chega-nos uma viagem urgente e esclarecedora aos subterrâneos da história brasileira. Um dos 10 melhores e mais vendidos livros brasileiros de 2019 Tal como os portugueses, também os brasileiros gostam de se crer mais diversos, tolerantes, abertos, pacíficos e acolhedores do que aquilo que realmente são. Esta mitologia, que domina ambas as narrativas nacionais, tem consequências muito visíveis e diretas na história destes dois países tão umbilicalmente ligados. Ao longo de oito capítulos, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz, uma das mais conceituadas historiadoras do Brasil contemporâneo, explora temas tão determinantes quando fraturantes na história do Brasil: o racismo, a desigualdade social, a corrupção, a violência, a escravatura, a intolerância. Aqui seencontram algumas das raízes do autoritarismo brasileiro, na sua maioria originárias dos tempos coloniais e frequentemente mascaradas por uma mitologia nacional construída ad hoc e que obscurece uma realidade marcada pela lógica da dominação. Para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária, no Brasil e no mundo, é urgente analisar e compreender as origens da desigualdade e do descontentamento, destrinçar a história de uma nação dos seus mitos fundadores e lançar a escada para a via da educação e da cidadania activa. «História não é bula de remédio nem produz efeitos rápidos de curta ou longa duração. Ajuda, porém, a tirar do véu do espanto e a produzir uma discussão mais crítica sobre nosso passado, nosso presente e sonho de futuro.» Da introdução de Sobre o autoritarismo brasileiro, breve história de cinco séculos

Soccer and Philosophy

by Ted Richards

This collection of incisive articles gives a leading team of international philosophers a free kick toward exploring the complex and often hidden contours of the world of soccer. What does it really mean to be a fan (and why should we count Aristotle as one)? Why do great players such as Cristiano Ronaldo count as great artists (up there alongside Picasso, one author argues)? From the ethics of refereeing to the metaphysics of bent (like Beckham) space-time, this book shows soccer fans and philosophy buffs alike new ways to appreciate and understand the world's favorite sport.

A Sociable God: Toward a New Understanding of Religion

by Ken Wilber Roger Walsh

In one of the first attempts to bring an integral dimension to sociology, Ken Wilber introduces a system of reliable methods by which to make testable judgments of the authenticity of any religious movement. A Sociable God is a concise work based on Wilber's "spectrum of consciousness" theory, which views individual and cultural development as an evolutionary continuum. Here he focuses primarily on worldviews (archaic, magic, mythic, mental, psychic, subtle, causal, nondual) and evaluates various cultural and religious movements on a scale ranging from egocentric to ethnocentric to worldcentric to Kosmic. By using this integral view, Wilber hopes, society would be able to discriminate between dangerous cults and authentic spiritual paths. In addition, he points out why these distinctions are crucial in understanding spiritual experiences and altered states of consciousness. In a lengthy new introduction, the author brings the reader up to date on his latest integral thinking and concludes that, for the succinct and elegant way it argues for a sociology of depth, A Sociable God remains a clarion call for a greater sociology.

Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity (New Directions in Critical Theory)

by Hartmut Rosa

Hartmut Rosa advances an account of the temporal structure of society from the perspective of critical theory. He identifies three categories of change in the tempo of modern social life: technological acceleration, evident in transportation, communication, and production; the acceleration of social change, reflected in cultural knowledge, social institutions, and personal relationships; and acceleration in the pace of life, which happens despite the expectation that technological change should increase an individual's free time.According to Rosa, both the structural and cultural aspects of our institutions and practices are marked by the "shrinking of the present," a decreasing time period during which expectations based on past experience reliably match the future. When this phenomenon combines with technological acceleration and the increasing pace of life, time seems to flow ever faster, making our relationships to each other and the world fluid and problematic. It is as if we are standing on "slipping slopes," a steep social terrain that is itself in motion and in turn demands faster lives and technology. As Rosa deftly shows, this self-reinforcing feedback loop fundamentally determines the character of modern life.

Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity

by Hartmut Rosa Jonathan Trejo-Mathys

Hartmut Rosa advances an account of the temporal structure of society from the perspective of critical theory. He identifies three categories of change in the tempo of modern social life: technological acceleration, evident in transportation, communication, and production; the acceleration of social change, reflected in cultural knowledge, social institutions, and personal realtionships; and acceleration in the pace of life, which happens despite the expectation that technological change should increase an individual's free time. According to Rosa, both the structural and cultural aspects of our institutions and practices are marked by the "shrinking of the present," a decreasing time period during which expectations based on past experience reliably match the future. When this phenomenon combines with technological acceleration and the increasing pace of life, time seems to flow ever faster, making our relationships to each other and the world fluid and problematic. It is as if we are standing on "slippery slopes," a steep social terrain that is itself in motion and in turn demands faster lives and technology. As Rosa deftly shows, this self-reinforcing feedback loop fundamentally determines the character of modern life.

Social Aesthetics and Moral Judgment: Pleasure, Reflection and Accountability

by Jennifer A. McMahon

This edited collection sets forth a new understanding of aesthetic-moral judgment organized around three key concepts: pleasure, reflection, and accountability. The overarching theme is that art is not merely a representation or expression like any other, but that it promotes shared moral understanding and helps us engage in meaning-making. This volume offers an alternative to brain-centric and realist approaches to aesthetics. It features original essays from a number of leading philosophers of art, aesthetics, ethics, and perception, including Elizabeth Burns Coleman, Garrett Cullity, Cynthia A. Freeland, Ivan Gaskell, Paul Guyer, Jane Kneller, Keith Lehrer, Mohan Matthen, Jennifer A. McMahon, Bence Nanay, Nancy Sherman, and Robert Sinnerbrink. Part I of the book analyses the elements of aesthetic experience—pleasure, preference, and imagination—with the individual conceived as part of a particular cultural context and network of other minds. The chapters in Part II explain how it is possible for cultural learning to impact these elements through consensus building, an impulse to objectivity, emotional expression, and reflection. Finally, the chapters in Part III converge on the role of dissonance, difference, and diversity in promoting cultural understanding and advancement. Social Aesthetics and Moral Judgment will appeal to philosophers of art and aesthetics, as well as scholars in other disciplines interested in issues related to art and cultural exchange.

The Social after Gabriel Tarde: Debates and Assessments (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Matei Candea

Gabriel Tarde was a highly influential figure in 19th century French sociology: a prolific and evocative writer whose understanding of the social differed radically from that of his younger opponent Emile Durkheim. Whereas Durkheimian sociology went on to become the core of the social scientific canon throughout much of the 20th century, Tarde’s sociology fell out of the picture, and he was remembered mostly through a few footnotes in which Durkheim dismissed him as an individualist, a psychologist and a metaphysician. The social sciences and humanities are now being swept by a Tardean revival, a rediscovery and reappraisal of the work of this truly unique thinker, for whom ‘every thing is a society and every science a sociology’. Tarde is being brought forward as the misrecognised forerunner of a post-Durkheimian era. Reclaimed from a century of near-oblivion, his sociology has been linked to Foucaultian microphysics of power, to Deleuze's philosophy of difference, and most recently to the spectrum of approaches related to Actor Network Theory. In this connection, Bruno Latour hailed Tarde’s sociology as "an alternative beginning for an alternative social science". This volume asks what such an alternative social science might look like. This second edition has been expanded to include, alongside the original chapters, two key essays by Gabriel Tarde himself - Monadology and Sociology and The Two Elements of Sociology, as well as a significantly revised and extended introduction by the editor.

Social Agency: Dilemmas and Education (Praxiology Ser. #Vol. 4)

by Wojciech W. Gasparski

Praxiology deals with doing and working from the point of view of effectiveness. It has three components: analysis of concepts involving purposive actions; critique of models of action from the viewpoint of efficiency; and normative advisory aspects in recommendations for increasing human efficiency. This fourth volume of the Praxiology series is devoted to the very special topic of social agency. It focuses on two important praxiological concepts: rationality and preparation as preconditions for human action to be effective and efficient.The question of efficiency was raised by Anatol Rapoport over three decades ago in his lecture to the audience at the Praxiological Seminar in Warsaw in 1961. Social Agency begins with an article written by this same famous scholar on the topic of decision theory, "Social Dilemmas: A Historical Overview." Social dilemmas is the subject of the first part of this volume, a question related to studies on human action guided by two types of rationality: individual and collective rationality. The intersection of the two, in which individuals meet collectives, creates the situation in which social agency emerges, generating dilemmatic circumstances for the actors involved.The articles collected in the second part explore praxiological dimensions of education aimed toward the knowledge society, because of knowledge possessed and produced by educated persons. Chapters and contributors to volume 4 include: "Five Questions on the Research on Social Dilemmas" by Marek K. Mlicki; "Psychological Processes Underlying Cooperation in Social Dilemmas" by Paul A. M. Van Lange and David M. Messick; "Designing a System for Design Learning: Designers and/or Learners?" by Arne Collen; "Creating an Evolutionary Image of New Systems of Learning and Human Development" by Janet A. Khan; and "A Study Program Design in Retrospect" by Stig C. Holmberg. Social Agency continues the trend of original research done in a little-known, but important area. Social scientists, policymakers, and educators will benefit from this work.

Social Analysis of Education: After the new sociology (Routledge Library Editions: Sociology of Education #57)

by Philip Wexler

First published in 1987, this book offers an ideological critique of the new sociology of education, with the aim to redeem understanding of the social and historical character of knowledge. It argues that with an historical and social grasp, university knowledge can be understood as a collective product and can become a useful resource for encountering and transforming the social present. To reach this objective, the book reviews the history of the new sociology of education and shows how it is limited by earlier times and social conflicts. In doing so, it aims to continue the unrealized critical analysis that was promised by the new sociology of education and remained contained.

Social and Personal Ethics (Eighth Edition)

by William H. Shaw

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ETHICS provides students with a sound introduction to ethical theory and contemporary moral issues through engaging readings on today's most hotly debated topics. Among other topics, coverage includes environmental ethics and animal rights, the limits of personal liberty, war and the struggle against terrorism, marriage and sexual morality, the death penalty, gun control, and abortion and euthanasia. The volume begins with two introductory essays written for beginning students by the editor, William H. Shaw, on the nature of morality and competing normative theories. These are followed by five other essays on ethical theory by classical and contemporary authors. The book's next 12 sections explore a wide-range of real-world ethical issues. In all, the book is composed of 53 articles (11 of which are new to this edition). To ensure that the text is as accessible as it is relevant, Shaw has edited every article with an eye toward readability, provided introductions and study questions before the essays, as well as review and discussion questions after them, and highlighted key passages to help students focus on important points and concepts.

Social and Political Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction

by John Christman

This accessible and user-friendly text will prove invaluable to any student coming to social and political philosophy for the first time. It provides a broad survey of fundamental social and political questions in modern society, as well as clear, accessible discussions of the philosophical issues central to political thought.Topics covered include: the foundations of political authority, the nature and grounds of economic justice, the limits of tolerance, considerations of community, race, gender, and culture in questions of justice, and radical critiques of current political theories.

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