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Showing 36,001 through 36,025 of 39,247 results

Transcending Postmodernism

by Morton A. Kaplan Inanna Hamati-Ataya

Contemporary philosophy is torn between a reliance on the pragmatic meanings of designated objects and a foundation based on formal theory. This book shows that philosophical knowledge, which no more has a terminal state than an infinite set has a last term, advances when the dialectical relationship between the two approaches is synthesized. The choice of designations is intimately related to theory and the form of theory is intimately related to the character of designated objects. The intimate dialectical relationship between theory and meaning is explored in detail in the area of international theory. The recent emphasis on realism rests on a regressive misunderstanding of the dialectical relationship between theory and practice that loses Newton's acute understanding of it, an understanding that underlies the great advances of physics, and that is lost in the contemporary social sciences.

Transcending Textuality: Quevedo and Political Authority in the Age of Print (Penn State Romance Studies)

by Ariadna García-Bryce

In Transcending Textuality, Ariadna García-Bryce provides a fresh look at post-Trent political culture and Francisco de Quevedo’s place within it by examining his works in relation to two potentially rival means of transmitting authority: spectacle and print. Quevedo’s highly theatrical conceptions of power are identified with court ceremony, devotional ritual, monarchical and spiritual imagery, and religious and classical oratory. At the same time, his investment in physical and emotional display is shown to be fraught with concern about the decline of body-centered modes of propagating authority in the increasingly impersonalized world of print. Transcending Textuality shows that Quevedo’s poetics are, in great measure, defined by the attempt to retain in writing the qualities of live physical display.

Transcending the Color Line: The Sociology of Black Experience in America

by Bobby E. Mills

A moral and philosophical approach to the stubborn problem of racism. Transcending the Color Line by sociologist and professor Bobby E. Mills, PhD, represents a philosophical attempt to make sense out of American black collective experience. These essays do not reflect traditional sociological perspectives and methodological considerations. Instead, the query is: How do we live? And more importantly, what are we willing to sacrifice in order to live the way we say we want to live? In other words, this collection digs deeper into the moral and spiritual issues that lie beneath the more obvious sociological ones. Invariably the search for moral understanding and spiritual meaning is neither easy nor popular. Yet it is the abstract, empirical (amoral and apolitical) character of traditional sociology that has all but rendered it irrelevant to the resolution of contemporary social ills. The biased theoretical assumptions of the scientific method (i.e., abstract empiricism) are the social basis for the collective bias otherwise known as the illusion of value neutrality. This collective cultural bias is the social foundation for institutional racism, sexism, theological dogmatism (i.e., denominationalism), and above all, authoritarianism. Indeed, every “ism” is a schism, and schisms divide. Our either/or logic fosters cultural extremism rather than a universal perspective on humanity. By digging deep to the true source of our sociological and leadership issues, these essays not only call black and white individuals accountable to the dysfunction present in our shared social experience, but inspire all people to transcend the color line and become part of the solution.

Transclasses: A Theory of Social Non-reproduction

by Chantal Jaquet

How people become "class traitors"One is not born a worker or a boss. Social reproduction is not an iron law; it admits of exceptions that must be accounted for in order to measure its scope.This book aims to understand the passage from one social class to another and to forge a method of approaching these particular cases which remain a blind spot in the theory of social reproduction. It analyzes the political, economic, social, familial and singular causes that contribute to non-reproduction, and their effects on the constitution of individuals transiting from one class to another.At the crossroads of collective history and intimate history, Chantal Jaquet identifies class locations, the interplay of affects and encounters, and the role of sexual and racial differences. She invites us to break out of disciplinary isolation in order to grasp singularity at the crossroads of philosophy, sociology, psychology and literature.This requires deconstruction of the concepts of social and personal identity, in favour of a concepts like complexion and the criss-crossing determinations. Through the figure of the transclass, it is thus the whole human condition that is illuminated in a new light.

Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation: A Dialogue between Ethics, Law, and Culture

by Olimpia Niglio Eric Yong Joong Lee

This book provides a substantial contribution to understanding the international legal framework for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage. It offers a range of perspectives from well-regarded contributors from different parts of the world on the impact of law in heritage conservation. Through a holistic approach, the authors bring the reader into dialogue around the intersection between the humanities and legal sciences, demonstrating the reciprocity of interaction in programs and projects to enhance cultural heritage in the world. This edited volume compiles a selection of interesting reflections on the role of cultural diplomacy to address intolerances that often govern international relations, causing damage to human and cultural heritage. The main purpose of this collection of essays is to analyse the different cultural paradigms that intervene in the management of heritage, and to advocate for improvements in international laws and conventions to enable better cultural policies of individual nations for the protection of human rights. The editors submit that it is only through open dialogue between the humanities and jurisprudence that the international community will be able to better protect and value sovereignty, and promote cultural heritage for the development of a better world. This collection is relevant to scholars working in areas relating to law, management and policies of cultural heritage conservation and protection.

Transcultural Theater (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)

by Günther Heeg

Transcultural Theater outlines the idea of a transcultural theater as enabling an approximation to and an interaction with the foreign and the alien. In consideration of the allure of fundamentalist and populist movements that promote the development and practices of xenophobia worldwide, this book makes a powerful plea for the art of theater as a medium of conviviality with (the) foreign(er) that should not be underestimated. This study contributes to transcultural experience, artistic practice, and education in the medium of theater. The book’s investigation extends far into space and time and pays particular attention to the relationship between aesthetic experience, artistic practice, and academic representation. This book is for scholars and students as well as for all those working in the cultural field, especially in the field of cultural transfer.

Transdisciplinarity (Integrated Science #5)

by Nima Rezaei

This contributed volume book aims at discussing transdisciplinary approaches to address common problems. By working transdisciplinarily, researchers coming from different disciplines can work jointly using a shared conceptual framework bringing together disciplinary-specific theories and concepts. There are numerous barriers that can obstruct effective communication between different cultures, communities, religions and geographies. This book shows that through bringing together different disciplines, researchers not only can surpass these barriers but can effectively produce new venues of thought that can positively affect the development and evolution of research and education. The book discusses new and emerging applications of knowledge produced by transdisciplinary efforts and covers the interplay of many disciplines, including agriculture, economics, mathematics, engineering, industry, information technology, marketing, nanoscience, neuroscience, space exploration, human-animal relationships, among others. Consequently, it also covers the relationship between art and science, as one of the most remarkable transdisciplinary approaches that paves the way for new methods in engineering, design, architecture and many other fields.

El transeúnte de la política: Un filósofo en el Congreso de los Diputados

by Manuel Cruz

Un relato desde dentro, comprometido y honesto, de una de las etapas más convulsas de nuestra democracia. Que un distinguido filósofo se aventure a entrar en la arena política constituye una magnífica oportunidad para acceder a una visión excepcional de la vida pública. Manuel Cruz, intelectual prestigioso y agudo observador de la realidad democrática, fue elegido, en 2016, diputado, formando parte del grupo socialista y, en 2019, presidente del Senado. Este libro relata su apasionante travesía política y las reflexiones que la misma le iba suscitando, al tiempo que muestra algunos de los entresijos de una actividad tan estimulante como exigente. El autor fija su mirada en la segunda década del siglo XXI, un momento trascendental en el que se ha cuestionado severamente la herencia política de la Transición, tanto desde una perspectiva territorial (por parte del independentismo catalán) como desde una perspectiva social (por parte dequien irrumpió en el escenario presentándose como la nueva izquierda). Como se destaca en el texto, más allá de las obvias diferencias entre ellas, el denominador común compartido por ambas impugnaciones era el rechazo frontal al orden diseñado en los albores de nuestra democracia. La condición de filósofo de Manuel Cruz le permite ofrecer, en este libro imprescindible, una interpretación brillante, original y constructiva de la deriva de nuestro país a lo largo de unos años cruciales, y extraer de ella valiosas lecciones para el futuro. La crítica ha dicho:«Manuel Cruz es de los que batallan en voz baja, y no es nada amigo de cargarse de razón con proclamas apocalípticas y líneas rojas y llamadas estruendosas a salvaguardar algún tipo de grandes esencias. Hay formas de romper la intrincada maleza a golpe de argumentos y buenas maneras.»José Andrés Rojo, El País

Transfiguring the Arts and Sciences

by Jon Klancher

In this important and innovative study Jon Klancher shows how the Romantic age produced a new discourse of the 'Arts and Sciences' by reconfiguring the Enlightenment's idea of knowledge and by creating new kinds of cultural institutions with unprecedented public impact. He investigates the work of poets, lecturers, moral philosophers, scientists and literary critics – including Coleridge, Godwin, Bentham, Davy, Wordsworth, Robinson, Shelley and Hunt – and traces their response to book collectors and bibliographers, art-and-science administrators, painters, engravers, natural philosophers, radical journalists, editors and reviewers. Taking a historical and cross-disciplinary approach, he opens up Romantic literary and critical writing to transformations in the history of science, history of the book, art history, and the little-known history of arts-and-sciences administration that linked early-modern projects to nineteenth- and twentieth-century modes of organizing 'knowledges'. His conclusions transform the ways we think about knowledge, both in the Romantic period and in our own.

Transfiguring Tragedy: Schopenhauer, Stirner, and Nietzsche in Eugene O’Neill’s Early Plays (ISSN)

by Ryder Thornton

This book demonstrates Eugene O’Neill’s use of philosophy in the early period of his work and provides analyses of selected works from that era, concluding with The Hairy Ape, completed in 1921, as an illustration of the mastery he had achieved in dramatizing key concepts of philosophy.Analyses of one-act and full-length plays from 1913 to 1921 reveal the influence of the three philosophers and establish that O’Neill was fundamentally a philosophic playwright, even from his earliest dramatic sketches. Specific concepts from Schopenhauer, Stirner, and Nietzsche went into O’Neill’s shaping of character arcs, dramatic circumstances, symbology, and theme. Among them are Schopenhauer’s concept of will and representation, Stirner’s notion of possession, and Nietzsche’s principle of the Apollonian–Dionysian duality. These ideas were foundational to O’Neill’s construction of tragic irony apparent in his early period plays. The critical concepts of these three philosophers are the major pathways in this study. However, such an approach inevitably reveals other layers of spiritual influence, such as Catholicism and Eastern philosophy, which are touched on in these analyses.This book is a much-needed introduction to philosophic concepts in Eugene O’Neill’s early work and would be of great interest to students and scholars in theatre studies and philosophy.

Transfinite Life: Oskar Goldberg and the Vitalist Imagination

by Bruce Rosenstock

Oskar Goldberg was an important and controversial figure in Weimar Germany. He challenged the rising racial conception of the state and claimed that the Jewish people were on a metaphysical mission to defeat race-based statism. He attracted the attention of his contemporaries--Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem, Thomas Mann, and Carl Schmitt, among others--with the argument that ancient Israel's sacrificial rituals held the key to overcoming the tyranny of technology in the modern world. Bruce Rosenstock offers a sympathetic but critical philosophical portrait of Goldberg and puts him into conversation with Jewish and political figures that circulated in his cultural environment. Rosenstock reveals Goldberg as a deeply imaginative and broad-minded thinker who drew on biology, mathematics, Kabbalah, and his interests in ghost photography to account for the origin of the earth. Caricatured as a Jewish proto-fascist in his day, Goldberg's views of the tyranny of technology, biopolitics, and the "new vitalism" remain relevant to this day.

Transformation and the History of Philosophy (Rewriting the History of Philosophy)

by G. Anthony Bruno Justin Vlasits

From ancient conceptions of becoming a philosopher to modern discussions of psychedelic drugs, the concept of transformation plays a fascinating part in the history of philosophy. However, until now there has been no sustained exploration of the full extent of its role. Transformation and the History of Philosophy is an outstanding survey of the history, nature, and development of the idea of transformation, from the ancient period to the twentieth century. Comprising twenty-two specially commissioned chapters by an international team of contributors, the volume is divided into four clear parts: Philosophy as Transformative: Ancient China, Greece, India, and Rome Transformation Between the Human and the Divine: Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy Transformation After the Copernican Revolution: Post-Kantian Philosophy Treatises, Pregnancies, Psychedelics, and Epiphanies: Twentieth-Century Philosophy Each of these sections begins with an introduction by the editors. Transformation and the History of Philosophy is essential reading for students and researchers in the history of western and non-western philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and aesthetics. It will also be extremely useful for those in related disciplines such as religion, sociology, and the history of ideas.

Transformation - A Fundamental Idea of Mathematics Education

by Sebastian Rezat Mathias Hattermann Andrea Peter-Koop

The diversity of research domains and theories in the field of mathematics education has been a permanent subject of discussions from the origins of the discipline up to the present. On the one hand the diversity is regarded as a resource for rich scientific development on the other hand it gives rise to the often repeated criticism of the discipline's lack of focus and identity. As one way of focusing on core issues of the discipline the book seeks to open up a discussion about fundamental ideas in the field of mathematics education that permeate different research domains and perspectives. The book addresses transformation as one fundamental idea in mathematics education and examines it from different perspectives. Transformations are related to knowledge, related to signs and representations of mathematics, related to concepts and ideas, and related to instruments for the learning of mathematics. The book seeks to answer the following questions: What do we know about transformations in the different domains? What kinds of transformations are crucial? How is transformation in each case conceptualized?

The Transformation of Academic Work: Fractured Futures? (Palgrave Critical University Studies)

by James Goodman Claire Parfitt Keiko Yasukawa

This book offers a unique grounded analysis of recent crises and transformations in academic work. It charts international and Australia-based efforts to overcome academic fragmentation and precarity, and to advance agendas for the public university. It is based on extensive qualitative interviews with academics and managers across several universities in Australia. It finds new grounds for ‘universal’ universities, with decent jobs, to serve the public good. The book is aimed at students and scholars from sociology, education, politics and industrial relations, and a wider readership concerned about the future of universities. Analysis centres on a trade union-led initiative in Australia aimed at decasualising universities, and ensuing debates about the impact of academic fragmentation. The authors argue for strengthening the teaching/research nexus as the foundation-stone for public purpose universities.

The Transformation of American Political Culture and the Impact on Foreign Strategy (China Perspectives)

by PAN Yaling

This book examines the interplay between political culture and diplomatic strategy in the U.S., revealing the transformation of American political culture and its impact on the country's foreign strategy. The theoretical pivot of this study is an analysis of the dynamics of political culture and the mechanisms of the interaction between political culture and diplomatic strategy. Given this premise, the core chapters revisit the historical transformations of American political culture and analyze the responses and countermeasures taken to attempt to reverse the perceived decline in American hegemony during the presidencies of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, factors interwoven with security, economic, and institutional crises. The discussion describes the landscape and evolution of contemporary American political culture and the correlated adjustments of U.S. global strategy over the course of the twenty first century. Given the myriad of challenges and political legacies left by its predecessors, the author gives a pessimistic prognosis of the prospect of resolving America's political plight by the Joe Biden administration. The title will be a valuable reference for academic and general readers interested in American politics, U.S. diplomatic strategy, and international relations.

The Transformation of American Politics: Activist Government and the Rise of Conservatism (Princeton Studies in American Politics: Historical, International, and Comparative Perspectives #94)

by Paul Pierson and Theda Skocpol

The contemporary American political landscape has been marked by two paradoxical transformations: the emergence after 1960 of an increasingly activist state, and the rise of an assertive and politically powerful conservatism that strongly opposes activist government. Leading young scholars take up these issues in The Transformation of American Politics. Arguing that even conservative administrations have become more deeply involved in managing our economy and social choices, they examine why our political system nevertheless has grown divided as never before over the extent to which government should involve itself in our lives. The contributors show how these two closely linked trends have influenced the reform and running of political institutions, patterns of civic engagement, and capacities for partisan mobilization--and fueled ever-heightening conflicts over the contours and reach of public policy. These transformations not only redefined who participates in American politics and how they do so, but altered the substance of political conflicts and the capacities of rival interests to succeed. Representing both an important analysis of American politics and an innovative contribution to the study of long-term political change, this pioneering volume reveals how partisan discourse and the relationship between citizens and their government have been redrawn and complicated by increased government programs. The contributors are Andrea Louise Campbell, Jacob S. Hacker, Nolan McCarty, Suzanne Mettler, Paul Pierson, Theda Skocpol, Mark A. Smith, Steven M. Teles, and Julian E. Zelizer.

The Transformation of Care in European Societies

by Margarita León

This book aims to explore the nature and extent of the 'care deficit' problem in European societies and how effective the different care systems are in dealing with these problems through policy innovation. It combines theoretical and conceptual debates, cross-national comparisons and analytically-driven case studies.

Transformation of Knowledge and Educational Reform

by Zhongying Shi

This book defines the concept of knowledge transformation, describes the historical process of knowledge transformation, and analyses its deep influence on education theory and practice by virtue of multiple discipline resources. The general scope of this book encompasses the philosophy of education, curriculum studies, and education reform research. It enables readers to understand how 'hidden' epistemological factors have changed or reshaped the education system throughout history and at present.

The Transformation of Mathematics in the Early Mediterranean World: From Problems to Equations

by Reviel Netz

The transformation of mathematics from its ancient Greek practice to its development in the medieval Arab-speaking world is approached by focusing on a single problem proposed by Archimedes and the many solutions offered. From a practice of mathematics based on the localized solution (originating in the polemical practices of early Greek science), we see a transition to a practice of mathematics based on the systematic approach (grounded in the deuteronomic practices of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages). A radically new interpretation is accordingly offered of the historical trajectory of pre-modern mathematics.

The Transformation of the American Democratic Republic

by Stephen M. Krason

In this stimulating volume, Stephen M. Krason considers whether the Founding Fathers' vision of the American democratic republic has been transformed and if so, in what ways. He looks to the basic principles of the Founding Fathers, then discusses the changes that resulted from evolving contemporary expectations about government. Referencing philosophical principles and the work of great Western thinkers, Krason then explores a variety of proposals that could forge a foundation for restoration.Acknowledging that any attempt to revive the Founders' views on a democratic republic must start in the public sphere, Krason focuses on concerned citizens who are aware of the extent to which our current political structures deviate from the Founders' vision and want to take action. Ultimately, a democratic republic can exist, be sustained, and flourish only when there is a deep commitment to it in the minds and norms of its people.Written by a foremost authority in the field of US Constitutional law, this book will appeal to those interested in American history, society, and politics.

The Transformation of the American Democratic Republic

by Stephen M. Krason

In this stimulating volume, Stephen M. Krason considers whether the Founding Fathers' vision of the American democratic republic has been transformed and if so, in what ways. He looks to the basic principles of the Founding Fathers, then discusses the changes that resulted from evolving contemporary expectations about government. Referencing philosophical principles and the work of great Western thinkers, Krason then explores a variety of proposals that could forge a foundation for restoration.Acknowledging that any attempt to revive the Founders' views on a democratic republic must start in the public sphere, Krason focuses on concerned citizens who are aware of the extent to which our current political structures deviate from the Founders' vision and want to take action. Ultimately, a democratic republic can exist, be sustained, and flourish only when there is a deep commitment to it in the minds and norms of its people.Written by a foremost authority in the field of US Constitutional law, this book will appeal to those interested in American history, society, and politics.

Transformation of the University: Hopeful Futures for Higher Education (World Issues in the Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education)

by Søren S. E. Bengtsen

Transformation of the University imagines preferable futures for the university, building hope for the institution’s necessary transformation. It transcends old criticisms and presents fresh ideas on how the institution might be conceived, organised and put into practice while safeguarding that which makes it a university – the pursuit of knowledge. This book is divided into three main parts: Part One – ‘Knowledge’ assumes the role of the university in generating knowledge for the benefit of society; Part Two – ‘Cultural Growth’ expands on how the university might contribute to and benefit from the cultural growth of society, with both explicit and implicit connections to social and epistemic (in)justice; and Part Three – ‘Institutions’ focuses on imaginative processes for enacting the university as an institution that meets the unforeseen future challenges facing societies around the world. With contributions from scholars across the world, Transformation of the University is an essential read for all academics, practitioners, institutional leaders and broad social thinkers who are concerned with the future of the university and its contributions to society.

A Transformation Theory of Aesthetics

by Michael Stephan

This book develops a theory of picture perception and aesthetic response, arguing that images can generate in us a complex pattern of mental changes, or transformations. It is essential reading to those seriously involved in linking the arts and cognitive sciences.

Transformational Embodiment in Asian Religions: Subtle Bodies, Spatial Bodies (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by George Pati Katherine Zubko

This volume examines several theoretical concerns of embodiment in the context of Asian religious practice. Looking at both subtle and spatial bodies, it explores how both types of embodiment are engaged as sites for transformation, transaction and transgression. Collectively bridging ancient and modern conceptualizations of embodiment in religious practice, the book offers a complex mapping of how body is defined. It revisits more traditional, mystical religious systems, including Hindu Tantra and Yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, Bon, Chinese Daoism and Persian Sufism and distinctively juxtaposes these inquiries alongside analyses of racial, gendered, and colonized bodies. Such a multifaceted subject requires a diverse approach, and so perspectives from phenomenology and neuroscience as well as critical race theory and feminist theology are utilised to create more precise analytical tools for the scholarly engagement of embodied religious epistemologies. This a nuanced and interdisciplinary exploration of the myriad issues around bodies within religion. As such it will be a key resource for any scholar of Religious Studies, Asian Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, and Gender Studies.

Transformationen: Sozialphilosophische Perspektiven der Veränderung

by Bernhard Wieser Kirstin Mertlitsch Arno Bammé

Der Band setzt sich mit aktuellen Transformationsprozessen auseinander. Globale Ereignisse wie Klimawandel, Covid-19 Pandemie, ökonomischer und sozialer Wandel sowie Veränderungen traditioneller Geschlechterverhältnisse werfen Fragen auf, wie diese Veränderungsprozesse verstanden und konstruktiv gestaltet werden können. Die Komplexität dieser Problemstellung erforderte einen inter- und transdisziplinären Zugang, wie er im vorgeschlagenen Band realisiert wird. Die Autor*innen des Bandes diskutieren anhand von konkreten Beispielen zentrale Herausforderungen aktueller Transformationsprozesse und stellen zusammengenommen eine Reflexionsgrundlage bereit, mit der dem beobachteten Wandel begegnet werden kann.

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