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Ultimate Questions: Thinking About Philosophy, Third Edition

by Nils Ch. Rauhut

This inexpensive and brief text examines the main problems in contemporary philosophy and uses more than 100 “Food for Thought” exercises to promote critical thinking and help students become active learners of philosophy. The book is intended for use by professors teaching a problems-oriented course, but is structured to appeal to any reader willing to explore subjects such as free will, personal identity, existence of God, and more. <P><P>Ultimate Questions explores how the timeless problems of Western philosophy are located inside our ordinary ways of thinking and being. It encourages readers to think about philosophy first-hand by using vivid and engaging examples. It also introduces readers to prominent up-to-date theories being applied to the same problems encountered by contemporary analytic philosophers. After reading this text, students will gain a better sense of how mysterious their own natures really are.

The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy

by Robert Arp Kevin S. Decker William Irwin

Enlightenment from the South Park gang faster than you can say, "Screw you guys, I'm going home"!The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy: Respect My Philosophah! presents a compilation of serious philosophical reflections on the twisted insights voiced by characters in TV's most irreverent animated series.Offers readers a philosophically smart and candid approach to one of television's most subversive and controversial shows as it enters its 17th seasonDraws sharp parallels between the irreverent nature of South Park and the inquiring and skeptical approach of Western philosophyJourneys deep beyond the surface of the show's scatological humor to address the perennial questions raised in South Park and the contemporary social and political issues that inspire each episodeUtilizes familiar characters and episodes to illustrate such philosophical topics as moral relativism, freedom of expression, gay marriage, blasphemy, democracy, feminism, animal ethics, existential questions, and much moreIt's a Bigger, Longer & Uncut version of the highly acclaimed South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today--and is guaranteed to be much funnier than killing Kenny

The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy

by Kevin S. Decker Jason T. Eberl William Irwin

Reunites the editors of Star Trek and Philosophy with Starfleet's finest experts for 31 new, highly logical essays Features a complete examination of the Star Trek universe, from the original series to the most recent films directed by J.J. Abrams, Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Introduces important concepts in philosophy through the vast array of provocative issues raised by the series, such as the ethics of the Prime Directive, Star Trek's philosophy of peace, Data and Voyager's Doctor as persons, moral relativism and the Federation's quest for liberation, the effect of alternate universes on reality and identity, the Borg as transhumanists, Federation Trekonomics, Star Trek's secular society, and much, much more...! An enterprising and enlightening voyage into deep space that will appeal to hardcore fans and science fiction enthusiasts alike Publishing in time to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the original TV series

The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned

by Kevin S. Decker Jason T. Eberl William Irwin

Does it take faith to be a Jedi? Are droids capable of thought? Should Jar Jar Binks be held responsible for the rise of the Empire? Presenting entirely new essays, no aspect of the myth and magic of George Lucas's creation is left philosophically unexamined in The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy. The editors of the original Star Wars and Philosophy strike back in this Ultimate volume that encompasses the complete Star Wars universe Presents the most far-reaching examination of the philosophy behind Star Wars - includes coverage of the entire film catalogue to date as well as the Expanded Universe of novels, comics, television series, games and toys. Provides serious explorations into the deeper meaning of George Lucas's philosophically rich creation. Topics explored include the moral code of bounty-hunter favourite Boba Fett, Stoicism and the Jedi Order, the nature of the Dark Side, Anakin and Achilles in a nihilism face-off, feminism and being chained to a giant slug, cloning, de-extinction, fatherhood, Wookiees, loyalty, betrayal, guardians, republics, tyrants, terrorism, civic duty, friendship, family, and more! Publishing in time for the global release of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens on December 18, 2015 - hotly anticipated to become the first film to top $3 billion in worldwide box office sales.

The Ultimate Walking Dead and Philosophy

by Wayne Yuen

In The Walking Dead, human beings are pushed to their limits by a zombie apocalypse and have to decide what really matters. <P><P>Good and evil, freedom and slavery, when one life has to be sacrificed for another, even the nature of religion-all the ultimate questions of human existence are posed afresh as the old society crumbles away and a new form of society emerges, with new beliefs and new rules. The Ultimate Walking Dead and Philosophy brings together twenty philosophers with different perspectives on the imagined world of this addictive TV show. How can we keep our humanity when faced with such extreme life-or-death choices? Did Dr. Jenner do the right thing in committing suicide, when all hope seemed to be lost? Does the Governor, as the new Machiavelli, prove that willingness to repeatedly commit murder is the best technique for getting and keeping political power? Why do most characters place such importance on keeping particular individuals alive, especially children? What can we learn about reality from Rick's haunting hallucinations?

El último Foucault: Traducción inédita al castellano de Coraje y verdad de Michel Foucault

by Tomás Abraham

Por primera vez se edita en castellano el último seminario de Foucault. Corresponde a sus reflexiones sobre las relaciones entre la filosofía y el arte de vivir pensando por los griegos. Foucault muere en junio de 1984. Durante el año 1983 dicta su último curso en París en el College de France y en Berkeley, Estados Unidos. La temática interviene en nuestra actualidad al resignificar nuestra visión sobre el cinismo, y al ofrecer elementos críticos para situar las espiritualidades terapéuticas de nuestros días. El libro contiene cinco ensayos escritos en el marco del Seminario de los Jueves coordinado por Tomás Abraham. Felisa Santos escribe acerca de la mirada foucaultiana sobre estos textos antiguos; Mónica Cabrera reconstruye el último Sócrates de Focault; Marcelo Pompei interroga las reflexiones de Foucault sobre Maquiavelo; Cristian Ferrer aporta una descripción novedosa sobre la estética de la existencia y el cuidado de sí entre los anarquistas de principio de siglo. Finalmente, Tomas Abraham nos presenta a Paúl Veyne, un amigo especial de Focault. Estos ensayos, junto al curso complemento de Foucault, ofrecen una nueva visión sobre su obra en la que el rigor de la presentación es paralelo a la claridad de la exposición.

El último oficio de Nietzsche

by Tomás Abraham

Un oficio es un modo de pensar la vida, y Nietzsche fue un filósofo con varios oficios. Este libro circular y bicéfalo expone el fracaso del primer oficio de Nietzsche y el desencadenamiento de los que siguieron, hasta llegar al último secreto, y volver así al testimonio del primero. En la primera parte, el ensayo de Tomas Abraham traza el diagrama de los oficios en relación con los amores de Nietzsche, que fueron pocos pero cruciales. La presencia diabólica de Wagner -su pater seraficus-, la de Lou Andreas-Salome, que lo rechazó y comprendió con inteligencia piadosa y distante, la de Paúl Ree, que lo liberó de su pasión pastoral. Todos estos amores atravesaron su obra. El autor dedica especial atención al amor más importante de todos, porque fue depredatorio e histórico: el de su hermana. En la segunda parte de editan en su totalidad los artículos de combate en torno a «El nacimiento de la tragedia», el libro que dividió las aguas de los oficios. Esta edición -completa, con un riguroso trabajo filosófico y un estudio preliminar de Germán Sucar- es un trofeo añorado desde hace años por los seguidores de Nietzsche y los amantes de la filosofía. Nietzsche es un filósofo que piensa contra sí mismo llevado por la fuerza de una lucidez cruel e inestable. Su pensamiento es una radiación que se expande con la fuerza de la adversidad. Por eso Nietzsche es actual, porque exhibe la pasión del pensar en su irrefrenable camino de crear nuevos espacios y en su repulsa a dejarse domesticar por interpretaciones «in vitro». La filosofía de Nietzsche no es un sistema, es el canto de un filósofo solidario que sigue siendo nuestra gran compañía. Por eso este libro: para volver a escuchar esa voz.


by Tomas Abraham

Un oficio es un modo de pensar la vida, y Nietzsche fue un filosofo con varios oficios. Este libro circular y bicéfalo lo expone el fracaso del primer oficio de Nietzsche y el desencadenamiento de los que siguieron, hasta llegar al ultimo secreto, y volver así al testimonio del primero. En la primera parte, el ensayo de Tomas Abraham traza el diagrama de los oficios en relación con los amores de Nietzsche, que fueron pocos pero cruciales. La presencia diabólica de Wagner -su pater seraficus-, la de Lou Andreas-Salome, que lo rechazo y comprendió con inteligencia piadosa y distante, la de Paúl Ree, que lo libero de su pasión pastoral. Todos estos amores atravesaron su abra. El autor dedica especial atención al amor mas importante de todos, porque fue depredatorio e histórico: el de su hermana. En la segunda parte de editan en su totalidad los artículos de combate en torno a El nacimiento de la tragedia, el libro que dividió las aguas de los oficios. Esta edición -completa, con un riguroso trabajo filosófico y un estudio preliminar de German Sucar- es un trofeo añorado desde hace años por los seguidores de Nietzsche y los amantes de la filosofía. Nietzsche es un filosofo que piensa contra si mismo llevado por la fuerza de una lucidez cruel e inestable. Su pensamiento es una radiación que se expande con la fuerza de la adversidad. Por eso Nietzsche es actual, por que exhibe la pasión del pensar en su irrefrenable camino de crear nuevos espacios y en su repulsa a dejarse domesticar por interpretaciones in vitro. La filosofía de Nietzsche no es un sistema, es el canto de un filosofo solidario que sigue siendo nuestra gran compañía. Por eso este libro: para volver a escuchar esa voz.

El último verano

by Diego S. Garrocho

La filosofía como elemento esencial de la vida cotidiana y para la comprensión del mundo. Diego Garrocho introduce en sus textos, con deslumbrante agilidad y hondura, una mirada filosófica que resulta muy poco frecuente en el panorama del periodismo en España. El último verano es una selección cuidada y equilibrada de sus mejores columnas y ensayos cortos, que elude lo coyuntural y aborda la vida y la tensión entre el pasado y el futuro, con un enfoque intelectual pero no exento denostalgia e intimidad. El libro condensa las convicciones del autor, defiende la cultura como único instrumento para reparar el mundo, reflexiona sobre el talento e invoca a figuras como Tennessee Williams, Ferlosio, Leopardi, Aristóteles o Platón. A lo largo de la historia, numerosos filósofos y pensadores han encontrado en el ensayo breve y los artículos un modo idóneo de transmitir sus ideas de manera que, sin perder el rigor conceptual o la fuerza de sus tesis, estas pudieran llegar a un público amplio. Este libro se enmarca en esa tradición, y demuestra que la Filosofía también tiene la capacidad de abordar los problemas de una manera directa y eficaz. El último verano, que puede leerse en clave generacional, ofrece una perspectiva sensible y original sobre el mundo, y es una maravillosa muestra del trabajo en prensa que, desde hace algunos años, Diego Garrocho combina con su labor académica.

Ultrasonic (Essays)

by Steven Church

A well-written collection of essays by a writer, professor, father of two. Each essay is managed differently in presentation on the page, leading the reader to wonder what might be next.

Umwege zur Freiheit: Determinismus, Moral und der freie Wille

by Daniel Schwab

Im ersten Teil der Abhandlung soll mit P.F. Strawson (und über ihn hinaus) der These das Wort geredet werden, dass unsere freiheitsimplizierende moralische Praxis, anders als z.B. der freiheitsskeptische Neurophysiologe W. Singer, aber auch sein freiheitsliebender Gegenspieler G. Keil glauben, sich von der Annahme des naturgesetzlichen Determinismus keineswegs beeindruckt zeigen muss. Die Binnensicht des uns gewohnten zwischenmenschlichen Miteinanders ist, zeigt Strawson, von der Warte der objektiven Wissenschaften her nicht zu hintergehen, Entscheidungen über die Gestaltung jenes Miteinanders sind begrifflich unabhängig von der Entscheidung der Determinismusfrage. Im zweiten Teil soll die dieser Diagnose entsprechende Vereinbarkeitsthese mithilfe von Kants Erscheinungslehre epistemologisch fundiert und auf mögliche Folgen für unser Selbstverständnis als moralische Wesen hin untersucht werden.

(Un)explainable Technology

by Hendrik Kempt

This book explores the issue of (un)explainable technology. As we face technologies, mostly autonomous, machine-learned algorithms (AI) that elude a seamless explanation on how they work (“black boxes”), several issues both from an epistemological as well as ethical perspectives emerge. It is thus not surprising that there are plenty of technological attempts in illuminating the black box as well as philosophical efforts in conceptualizing and re- assessing our concepts of an explanation and understanding, as well emerging ethical questions on how to deal with this unexplainable technology. This book thus offers a succinct and comprehensive, opinionated but fair view on the emerging ethical debate on explainability of AI and its relevance for using AI for different more or less sensitive decision-making procedures. As a short book, the goal is to introduce the reader to the issues at hand while also offering normative arguments from different sides that motivate, complicate, and resolve these issues.

Un-Gandhian Gandhi: The Life and Afterlife of the Mahatma

by Claude Markovits

This major study reconsiders the creation of the Gandhian legend through the myriad texts and images that helped spread it through both India and the Western world.

Un homme et son art de vivre: Règles rationnelles pour profiter d’une belle vie

by Nate Crew

Ce livret est le code brut d’un individualiste. Il ne s’agit pas d’une nouvelle philosophie, mais d’un guide simple et pratique pour les modes de pensée et d’action les plus bénéfiques de l’homme. Neuf règles générales directes résument les principes de base de l’éthique, de l’auto-détermination et notamment de tirer le meilleur parti de la vie. Initialement écrit pour les fils de l’auteur, sa sagesse et sa validité en font un atout pour toute personne nécessitant des valeurs rationnelles pour vivre.

The UN International Criminal Tribunals: Transition without Justice? (Routledge Research on the United Nations (UN))

by Klaus Bachmann Aleksandar Fatić

Both the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) are now about to close. Bachmann and Fatic look back at the achievements and shortcomings of both tribunals from an interdisciplinary perspective informed by sociology, political science, history, and philosophy of law and based upon on two key notions: the concepts of legitimacy and efficiency. The first asks to what extent the input (creation) of, the ICTY and the ICTR can be regarded as legitimate in light of the legal and public debate in the early 1990s. The second confronts the output (the procedures and decisions) of the ICTY and the ICTR with the tasks both tribunals were assigned by the UN Security Council, the General Assembly, and by key organs (the president and the chief prosecutors). The authors investigate to what extent the ICTY and the ICTR have delivered the expected results, whether they have been able to contribute to 'the maintenance of peace', 'stabilization' of the conflict regions, or even managed to provide 'reconciliation' to Rwanda. Furthermore, the book is concerned with how many criminals, over whom the ICTY and the ICTR wield jurisdiction, have actually been prosecuted and at what cost. Offering the first balanced and in depth analysis of the International Criminal Tribunals, the volume provides an important insight into what lessons have been learned, and how a deeper understanding of the successes and failures can benefit the international legal community in the future.

Un-Mapping the Global South (Transdisciplinary Souths)

by Gero Bauer Nicole Hirschfelder Fernando Resende

This book offers new approaches and insights into the ongoing and topical discussions on the concepts and definitions of the global south. Instead of adding to the debates about how to properly define the "global south" as such, it aims at emphasising concrete experiences and accounts of (post-)colonial dislocation and disidentification as both a starting point and linchpin for the subsequent exploration. It brings into conversation theories and interrogations of the "global south" with specific local studies, without presenting them as the romanticised "other" or as "non-western" narratives. As a bold initiation of future conversations on issues that both directly and indirectly affect ideas about the global south, the volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of critical theory, literary and cultural studies, and global south studies.

Un-Veiling Dichotomies: European Secularism and Women’s Veiling (Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies)

by Giorgia Baldi

This book analyzes the implication of secular/liberal values in Western and human rights law and its impact on Muslim women. It offers an innovative reading of the tension between the religious and secular spheres. The author does not view the two as binary opposites. Rather, she believes they are twin categories that define specific forms of lives as well as a specific notion of womanhood. This divergence from the usual dichotomy opens the doors for a reinterpretation of secularism in contemporary Europe. This method also helps readers to view the study of religion vs. secularism in a new light. It allows for a better understanding of the challenges that contemporary Europe now faces regarding the accommodation of different religious identities. For instance, one entire section of the book concerns the practice of veiling and explores the contentious headscarf debate. It features case studies from Germany, France, and the UK. In addition, the analysis combines a wide range of disciplines and employs an integrated, comparative, and inter-disciplinary approach. The author successfully brings together arguments from different fields with a comparative legal and political analysis of Western and Islamic law and politics. This innovative study appeals to students and researchers while offering an important contribution to the debate over the role of religion in contemporary secular Europe and its impact on women’s rights and gender equality.

Unamuno, Berdyaev, Marcel: A Comparative Study in Christian Existentialism

by C. A. Longhurst

This book seeks to examine the mutual interplay between existentialism and Christian belief as seen through the work of three existentialist thinkers who were also committed Christians - a Spaniard (Miguel de Unamuno), a Russian (Nikolai Berdyaev), and a Frenchman (Gabriel Marcel). They are compared with each other and with leading non-religious existentialists. The major themes studied include reason, freedom, the self, belief, hope, love, suffering, and immortality.

Unamuno's Religious Fictionalism (Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion)

by Alberto Oya

This book provides a coherent and systematic analysis of Miguel de Unamuno’s notion of religious faith and the reasoning he offers in defense of it. Unamuno developed a non-cognitivist Christian conception of religious faith, defending it as being something which we are all naturally lead to, given our (alleged) most basic and natural inclination to seek an endless existence. Illuminating the philosophical relevance this conception still has to contemporary philosophy of religion, Oya draws connections with current non-cognitivist notions of religious faith in general, and with contemporary religious fictionalist positions more particularly. The book includes a biographical introduction to Miguel de Unamuno, as well as lucid and clear analyses of his notions of the ‘tragic feeling of life’, his epistemological paradigm, and his naturally founded religious fictionalism. Revealing links to current debates, Oya shows how the works of Unamuno are still relevant and enriching today

Unbearable Life: A Genealogy of Political Erasure (Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture)

by Arthur Bradley

In ancient Rome, any citizen who had brought disgrace upon the state could be subject to a judgment believed to be worse than death: damnatio memoriae, condemnation of memory. The Senate would decree that every trace of the citizen’s existence be removed from the city as if they had never existed in the first place. Once reserved for individuals, damnatio memoriae in different forms now extends to social classes, racial and ethnic groups, and even entire peoples. In modern times, the condemned go by different names—“enemies of the people;” the “missing,” the “disappeared,” “ghost” detainees in “black sites”—but they are subject to the same fate of political erasure.Arthur Bradley explores the power to render life unlived from ancient Rome through the War on Terror. He argues that sovereignty is the power to decide what counts as being alive and what does not: to make life “unbearable,” unrecognized as having lived or died. In readings of Augustine, Shakespeare, Hobbes, Robespierre, Schmitt, and Benjamin, Bradley asks: What is the “life” of this unbearable life? How does it change and endure across sovereign time and space, from empires to republics, from kings to presidents? To what extent can it be resisted or lived otherwise? A profoundly interdisciplinary and ambitious work, Unbearable Life rethinks sovereignty, biopolitics, and political theology to find the radical potential of a life that neither lives or dies.

Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body

by Susan Bordo

Fantastic study of women and their bodies. This 10th anniversary edition has a new preface by the author plus a foreword by Leslie Haywood, feminist scholar superstar, an authority on women athletes and body builders. When originally published in 1993, it made the list of NYT Notable Books of the Year.

Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body

by Susan Bordo

"Unbearable Weight is brilliant. From an immensely knowledgeable feminist perspective, in engaging, jargonless (!) prose, Bordo analyzes a whole range of issues connected to the body—weight and weight loss, exercise, media images, movies, advertising, anorexia and bulimia, and much more—in a way that makes sense of our current social landscape—finally! This is a great book for anyone who wonders why women's magazines are always describing delicious food as 'sinful' and why there is a cake called Death by Chocolate. Loved it!"—Katha Pollitt, Nation columnist and author of Subject to Debate: Sense and Dissents on Women, Politics, and Culture (2001)

Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion

by Michael Newton Keas

Unbelievable explodes seven of the most popular and pernicious myths about science and religion. Michael Newton Keas, a historian of science, lays out the facts to show how far the conventional wisdom departs from reality. He also shows how these myths have proliferated over the past four centuries and exert so much influence today, infiltrating science textbooks and popular culture. The seven myths, Keas shows, amount to little more than religion bashing—especially Christianity bashing.Unbelievable reveals: · Why the “Dark Ages” never happened · Why we didn’t need Christopher Columbus to prove the earth was round · Why Copernicus would be shocked to learn that he supposedly demoted humans from the center of the universe · What everyone gets wrong about Galileo’s clash with the Church, and why it matters today · Why the vastness of the universe does not deal a blow to religious belief in human significance · How the popular account of Giordano Bruno as a “martyr for science” ignores the fact that he was executed for theological reasons, not scientific ones · How a new myth is being positioned to replace religion—a futuristic myth that sounds scientific but isn’t In debunking these myths, Keas shows that the real history is much more interesting than the common narrative of religion at war with science. This accessible and entertaining book offers an invaluable resource to students, scholars, teachers, homeschoolers, and religious believers tired of being portrayed as anti-intellectual and anti-science.

Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History

by Katy Tur

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER“Compelling… this book couldn’t be more timely.” – Jill Abramson, New York Times Book Review From the Recipient of the 2017 Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in JournalismCalled "disgraceful," "third-rate," and "not nice" by Donald Trump, NBC News correspondent Katy Tur reported on—and took flak from—the most captivating and volatile presidential candidate in American history. Katy Tur lived out of a suitcase for a year and a half, following Trump around the country, powered by packets of peanut butter and kept clean with dry shampoo. She visited forty states with the candidate, made more than 3,800 live television reports, and tried to endure a gazillion loops of Elton John’s "Tiny Dancer"—a Trump rally playlist staple. From day 1 to day 500, Tur documented Trump’s inconsistencies, fact-checked his falsities, and called him out on his lies. In return, Trump repeatedly singled Tur out. He tried to charm her, intimidate her, and shame her. At one point, he got a crowd so riled up against Tur, Secret Service agents had to walk her to her car. None of it worked. Facts are stubborn. So was Tur. She was part of the first women-led politics team in the history of network news. The Boys on the Bus became the Girls on the Plane. But the circus remained. Through all the long nights, wild scoops, naked chauvinism, dodgy staffers, and fevered debates, no one had a better view than Tur. Unbelievable is her darkly comic, fascinatingly bizarre, and often scary story of how America sent a former reality show host to the White House. It’s also the story of what it was like for Tur to be there as it happened, inside a no-rules world where reporters were spat on, demeaned, and discredited. Tur was a foreign correspondent who came home to her most foreign story of all. Unbelievable is a must-read for anyone who still wakes up and wonders, Is this real life?

Unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme: Zivile Drohnen im Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaft, Recht, Sicherheit und gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz

by Andreas Del Re Norbert Kämper Andreas Schoch Philipp Scheele

Drohnen sind längst von einer vielversprechenden Zukunftstechnologie zu einer etablierten Größe am Himmel geworden. Durch die zunehmenden Möglichkeiten ziviler Nutzung nimmt ihre Präsenz dabei immer noch zu, wodurch Fragen aufgeworfen werden, die schon heute beantwortet werden müssen. Neben den obligatorischen rechtlichen Fragen geht es dabei auch um den gesellschaftlichen Einfluss, den neue Technologie seit je her mit sich bringen. Welche rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen sind nötig, wenn immer mehr Drohnen sich den Luftraum mit anderen Luftverkehrsteilnehmern teilen? Wie ist es um die Sicherheit, auch IT-Sicherheit bestellt, wenn zunehmend Drohnen über der Bevölkerung schweben? Welche ethischen Herausforderungen bringen unbemannte Systeme mit sich, die zunehmend autonom operieren? All jenen Fragen widmen sich die Autoren dieses Sammelbandes und schaffen so neue Zugänge und Perspektiven auf das Zukunftsthema der Unbemannten Luftfahrtsysteme.

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