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Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas, Volume 2

by Bernard Lonergan Frederick Crowe, S.J. Robert Doran, S.J.

Bernard Lonergan's theological writings have influenced religious scholars ever since the first publication in the 1940s of the series of five articles which make up Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas. These articles first appeared in Theological Studies and were subsequently republished in book form in 1967 under the present title. This volume contains a new preface by the editors and full translations of all Latin texts.Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas is a product of Lonergan's eleven years of study of the thought of Thomas Aquinas. The work is considered by many to be a breakthrough in the history of Lonergan's theology and a foundation upon which his later contributions were constructed. Here he interprets aspects in the writing of Aquinas relevant to trinitarian theory and, as in most of Lonergan's work, one of the principal aims is to assist the reader in the search to understand the workings of the human mind.Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas is a vital component of Lonergan's oeuvre, and of continuing relevance to trinitarian theology, Aquinas studies, and inquiries into human cognition.Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984), a professor of theology, taught at Regis College, Harvard University, and Boston College. An established author known for his Insight and Method in Theology, Lonergan received numerous honorary doctorates, was a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1971 and was named as an original members of the International Theological Commission by Pope Paul VI.

Verbundenheit: Die Konstruktion der religiösen Selbst-Identität als Sinnsystem

by Britta Richter

Ist Verbundenheit, wie Studien nahelegen, die Essenz von Spiritualität? Und wie könnte ein Religionsmodell aussehen, das auf Verbundenheit als religiöse Bewusstseinsqualität aufbaut? Auf Basis qualitativer Daten aus Interviews mit Langzeitpraktizierenden aus spirituellen und künstlerischen Handlungsfeldern, entwickelt Britta Richter, im Gefolge phänomenologischer Lebensweltanalyse (Luckmann/Schütz), Modelle religiöser Selbst-Identität. Die Autorin folgt in phänomenologischen Analysen den narrativen Sinn-Konstruktionen zu ihrem Ursprung im praktischen Tun. Sie zeigt auf, dass Bindungen an Sinn-Quellen (Charles Taylor), Praktiken und Habitus, einer ontologischen Handlungslogik des Seins-Bewusstseins folgen und rekonstruiert, wie im Zwischenraum von Immanenz und Transzendenz, Welt-Beziehung und Seins-Beziehung, bedingtem und unbedingtem Sinn, Seins-Sinn-Bewusstsein verkörpert wird (religio). Unter Aufnahme bindungstheoretischer und theologischer Ansätze, wird ein Verständnis von symbolischer Identität entwickelt, in dem sich das Selbst, in der Praxis von Verbundenheit, Selbst-Transzendenz und Transformation, durch Selbstdeutung in der Gesellschaft, als verkörperte Religion seiner religio, individuiert.

The Verdict of Battle: The Law Of Victory And The Making Of Modern War

by James Q. Whitman

Today, war is considered a last resort for resolving disagreements. But a day of staged slaughter on the battlefield was once seen as a legitimate means of settling political disputes. James Whitman argues that pitched battle was essentially a trial with a lawful verdict. And when this contained form of battle ceased to exist, the law of victory gave way to the rule of unbridled force. The Verdict of Battle explains why the ritualized violence of the past was more effective than modern warfare in bringing carnage to an end, and why humanitarian laws that cling to a notion of war as evil have led to longer, more barbaric conflicts. Belief that sovereigns could, by rights, wage war for profit made the eighteenth century battle’s golden age. A pitched battle was understood as a kind of legal proceeding in which both sides agreed to be bound by the result. To the victor went the spoils, including the fate of kingdoms. But with the nineteenth-century decline of monarchical legitimacy and the rise of republican sentiment, the public no longer accepted the verdict of pitched battles. Ideology rather than politics became war’s just cause. And because modern humanitarian law provided no means for declaring a victor or dispensing spoils at the end of battle, the violence of war dragged on. The most dangerous wars, Whitman asserts in this iconoclastic tour de force, are the lawless wars we wage today to remake the world in the name of higher moral imperatives.

Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Bundesländern: Theoretische Perspektiven, methodische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde

by Werner Reutter

Der Band gibt eine theoretische und empirische Bestandsaufnahme der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in den Bundesländern. Neben dem einleitenden Beitrag beinhaltet er politik- und rechtswissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu vier Themenkomplexen: Im ersten Teil werden theoretische und methodische Ansätze zur Analyse von Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit auf nationaler und subnationaler Ebene vorgestellt und kritisch beleuchtet. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit historischen, institutionellen und soziologischen Voraussetzungen der Verfassungsrechtsprechung in den Ländern. Im dritten Teil wird der Einfluss der Landesverfassungsgerichte in mehreren Politikfeldern dargestellt und analysiert. Im abschließenden vierten Teil wird die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in den Schweizer Kantonen sowie in den amerikanischen Bundesstaaten untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird die Rolle der Landesverfassungsgerichte im Rahmen der europäischen Integration analysiert.Der InhaltTheoretische Perspektiven und methodische Überlegungen • Historische, institutionelle und soziologische Voraussetzungen der Verfassungsberichtsbarkeit in Bundesländern • Landesverfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Politik • Internationale und vergleichende PerspektivenDer HerausgeberPD Dr. Werner Reutter ist Politikwissenschaftler und Privatdozent an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Vergil and Elegy (Phoenix Supplementary Volumes #60)

by Alison Keith Micah Y. Myers

Born in 70 BCE, the Roman poet Vergil came of age during a period of literary experimentalism among Latin authors. These authors introduced new Greek verse forms and metres into the existing repertoire of Latin poetic genres and measures, foremost among them being elegy, a genre that the ancients thought originated in funeral lament, but which in classical Rome became first-person poetry about the poet-lover’s amatory vicissitudes. Despite the influence of notable elegists on Vergil’s early poetry, his critics have rarely paid attention to his engagement with the genre across his body of work. This collection is devoted to an exploration of Vergil’s multifaceted relations with elegy. Contributors shed light on Vergil’s interactions with the genre and its practitioners across classical, medieval, and early modern periods. The book investigates Vergil’s hexameter poetry in relation to contemporary Latin elegy by Gallus, Tibullus, and Propertius, and the subsequent reception of Vergil’s radical combination of epic with elegy by later Latin and Italian authors. Filling a striking gap in the scholarship, Vergil and Elegy illuminates the famous poet’s wide-ranging engagement with the genre of elegy across his oeuvre.

Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans

by David Armstrong Jeffrey Fish

The Epicurean teacher and poet Philodemus of Gadara (c. 110-c. 40/35 BC) exercised significant literary and philosophical influence on Roman writers of the Augustan Age, most notably the poets Vergil and Horace. <P><P>Yet a modern appreciation for Philodemus' place in Roman intellectual history has had to wait on the decipherment of the charred remains of Philodemus' library, which was buried in Herculaneum by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. As improved texts and translations of Philodemus' writings have become available since the 1970s, scholars have taken a keen interest in his relations with leading Latin poets.

Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems: 12th International Conference, VECoS 2018, Grenoble, France, September 26–28, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11181)

by Mohamed Faouzi Atig Saddek Bensalem Simon Bliudze Bruno Monsuez

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems ( VECoS 2018) held at Grenoble, France, in September 2018. The 11 full papers in this volume, presented together with one abstract and two invited papers, were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 submissions. The aim of the VECoS conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the areas of verification, control, performance, and dependability evaluation in order to discuss state of the art and challenges in modern computer and communication systems in which functional and extra-functional properties are strongly interrelated. Thus, the main motivation for VECoS is to encourage the cross-fertilization between various formal verification and evaluation approaches, methods and techniques, and especially those developed for concurrent and distributed hardware/software systems.

Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems: 14th International Conference, VECoS 2020, Xi'an, China, October 26–27, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12519)

by Belgacem Ben Hedia Yu-Fang Chen Gaiyun Liu Zhenhua Yu

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, VECoS 2020, which was supposed to be held in Xi’an, China, in October 2020, but was held virtually instead. The 19 full papers and 1 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The aim of the VECoS conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the areas of verification, control, performance, and dependability evaluation in order to discuss state of the art and challenges in modern computer and communication systems in which functional and extra-functional properties are strongly interrelated. Thus, the main motivation for VECoS is to encourage the cross-fertilization between various formal verification and evaluation approaches, methods and techniques, and especially those developed for concurrent and distributed hardware/software systems. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: petri-net, simulation, and scheduling; formal modeling and verification, testing; and artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 23rd International Conference, VMCAI 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA, January 16–18, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13182)

by Bernd Finkbeiner Thomas Wies

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, VMCAI 2022, which took place in Philadelphia, PA, USA, in January 2022.The 22 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed from 48 submissions. VMCAI provides a forum for researchers working on verification, model checking, and abstract interpretation and facilitates interaction, cross-fertilization, and advancement of hybrid methods that combine these and related areas.

Verificationism: Its History and Prospects (Philosophical Issues in Science)

by C.J. Misak

Verificationism is the first comprehensive history of a concept that dominated philosophy and scientific methodology between the 1930s and the 1960s. The verificationist principle - the concept that a belief with no connection to experience is spurious - is the most sophisticated version of empiricism. More flexible ideas of verification are now being rehabilitated by a number of philosophers.C.J. Misak surveys the precursors, the main proponents and the rehabilitators. Unlike traditional studies, she follows verificationist theory beyond the demise of positivism to examine its reappearance in the work of modern philosophers. Most interestingly, she argues that despite feminism's strenuous opposition to positivism, verificationist thought is at the heart of much of contemporary feminist philosophy.Verificationism is an excellent assessment of a major and influential system of thought.

Verissimus: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius

by Donald J. Robertson

In the tradition of Logicomix, Donald J. Robertson's Verissimus is a riveting graphic novel on the life and stoic philosophy of Marcus Aurelius.Marcus Aurelius was the last famous Stoic of antiquity but he was also to become the most powerful man in the known world – the Roman emperor. After losing his father at an early age, he threw himself into the study of philosophy. The closest thing history knew to a philosopher-king, yet constant warfare and an accursed plague almost brought his empire to its knees. “Life is warfare”, he wrote, “and a sojourn in foreign land!” One thing alone could save him: philosophy, the love of wisdom!The remarkable story of Marcus Aurelius’ life and philosophical journey is brought to life by philosopher and psychotherapist Donald J. Robertson, in a sweeping historical epic of a graphic novel, based on a close study of the historical evidence, with the stunning full-color artwork of award-winning illustrator Zé Nuno Fraga.

Verkannt, verfemt, vergessen: Geschichten aus der europäischen Mathematik der Neuzeit

by Heinz Klaus Strick

Sobald Sie sich eingehender mit der Geschichte der Mathematik beschäftigen, werden Sie auch auf Personen stoßen, deren Namen Ihnen bislang unbekannt waren oder von deren Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Mathematik Sie bisher nichts wussten. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen Einblick in das Leben und Wirken von 67 besonderen Persönlichkeiten aus dem europäischen Raum – und geht bei der Betrachtung der Einzelschicksale jeweils auch der Frage nach, warum diese Personen vergleichsweise unbekannt sind, warum sie regelrecht „vergessen“ wurden. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig und meist in den jeweiligen politischen, gesellschaftlichen oder individuellen Lebensumständen zu finden – viele wurden diskriminiert und konnten ihre Fähigkeiten gar nicht erst entfalten, andere waren Ihrer Zeit voraus und blieben lange Zeit unverstanden. Über die historische Einordnung hinaus werden einige der mathematischen Beiträge dieser Personen dargestellt – so ausgewählt, dass sie mit denin der gymnasialen Oberstufe üblicherweise vermittelten Kenntnissen nachvollzogen werden können. Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Darstellungen beginnen mit Persönlichkeiten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert und schließen somit chronologisch an das Buch Geschichten aus der Mathematik desselben Autors an, sind aber unabhängig davon lesbar. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften interessieren und dabei insbesondere ein tieferes Verständnis für die menschlichen Aspekte der Mathematik entwickeln möchten.

Verknüpfte Welten: Notizen aus 235 Ländern und Territorien – Band 1 (1960-1999)

by Ludger Kühnhardt

Die Aufzeichnungen, die Ludger Kühnhardt in 235 Ländern und Territorien der Erde verfasst hat, lassen ein faszinierendes Panorama entstehen, gespiegelt in persönlichen Eindrücken, Begegnungen und Erfahrungen eines in aller Welt tätigen Politikwissenschaftlers und Publizisten. Das Buch rekonstruiert die Verknüpfungen zwischen den Transformationen Europas und dem entstehenden globalen Zeitalter während sechs Jahrzehnten ab 1960 bis zur Schwelle der post-Corona-Welt 2020.

Verknüpfte Welten: Notizen aus 235 Ländern und Territorien – Band 2 (2000-2020)

by Ludger Kühnhardt

Die Aufzeichnungen, die Ludger Kühnhardt in 235 Ländern und Territorien der Erde verfasst hat, lassen ein faszinierendes Panorama entstehen, gespiegelt in persönlichen Eindrücken, Begegnungen und Erfahrungen eines in aller Welt tätigen Politikwissenschaftlers und Publizisten. Das Buch rekonstruiert die Verknüpfungen zwischen den Transformationen Europas und dem entstehenden globalen Zeitalter während sechs Jahrzehnten ab 1960 bis zur Schwelle der post-Corona-Welt 2020.

Verkörperungen: (Post-)Phänomenologische Untersuchungen zwischen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Theorie und leiblichen Praxen in pädagogischen Feldern (Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft #9)

by Malte Brinkmann

In dem Buch werden praxeologische, poststrukturalistische, hermeneutische, ethnographische und videographische Erkundungen im (post-)phänomenologischen Feld der Pädagogik vorgestellt. Aus sozial-, allgemein-, früh-, heil- und grundschulpädagogischer Perspektive werden Studien zu individuellen, gemeinschaftlichen, habituellen, kommunikativen und stimmungsbezogenen Momenten der Verkörperung präsentiert.

Vermessen des beruflichen Wissens: Welches Wissen ist das Fundament des beruflichen Könnens?

by Felix Rauner Martin Ahrens

Wir zeigen in diesem Buch die Ablösung der am wissenschaftlichen Wissen orientierten fachsystematisch strukturierten akademischen und beruflichen Bildung durch das berufliche Handlungswissen. Dieses Arbeitsprozesswissen ist die Grundlage für die Aneignung der in der Arbeitswelt an Bedeutung zunehmenden Gestaltungskompetenz beruflicher Fachkräfte.Es wird ein modernes, berufspädagogisch begründetes Wissenskonzept entfaltet und dokumentiert. Im ersten Teil des Buches wird das Konzept des beruflichen Wissens entfaltet, im zweiten Teil werden empirische Ergebnisse aus COMET-Projekten dokumentiert, an denen das in unterschiedlichen Berufen vermittelte berufliche Wissen abgelesen werden kann.Es gibt seit Jahrzehnten eine verwirrende Diskussion über das berufliche Wissen. Die KMK hat 1991 mit der Leitidee der beruflichen Gestaltungskompetenz ein neues Konzept für die berufliche Bildung vereinbart. Offen blieb, auf welchem beruflichen Wissen diese neue Leitidee basieren solle. Es fehlte bisher eine originäre berufspädagogische Begründung für das der beruflichen Gestaltungskompetenz zugrunde liegende berufliche Wissen.

Vermögen und Möglichkeit: Die Lehre des Aristoteles und die Debatte in der analytischen Philosophie

by Ursula Wolf

Während die griechische Philosophie lange auf das Notwendige als Basis sicherer Erkenntnis fokussiert war, spielen in der Metaphysik des Aristoteles der Begriff des Vermögens und der Möglichkeit eine zentrale Rolle. Der erste Teil des Buchs erläutert die Hintergründe dieser Neuerung und das Zusammenspiel der Begriffe von Vermögen, Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit bei Aristoteles. Heute hat die Thematik sich weit verzweigt. So gibt es Untersuchungen über epistemische, logische, kausale Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit sowie über Dispositionen, Fähigkeiten und das Kann der Handlungsfreiheit, wobei diese Forschungen unverbunden nebeneinander stehen. Vor dem Hintergrund der komplexen aristotelischen Theorie wird daher im zweiten Teil des Buchs versucht, die wichtigsten Teilbedeutungen nicht nur als solche zu klären, sondern auch einen systematischen Zusammenhang zwischen ihnen herauszuarbeiten.

Vernaculars in the Classroom: Paradoxes, Pedagogy, Possibilities (Routledge Research in Education)

by Shondel Nero Dohra Ahmad

This book draws on applied linguistics and literary studies to offer concrete means of engaging with vernacular language and literature in secondary and college classrooms. The authors embrace a language-as-resource orientation, countering the popular narrative of vernaculars as problems in schools. The book is divided into two parts, with the first half of the book providing linguistic and pedagogical background, and the second half offering literary case studies for teaching. Part I examines the historical and continued devaluing of vernaculars in schools, incorporating clear, usable explanations of relevant theories. This section also outlines the central myths and paradoxes surrounding vernacular languages and literatures, includes productive ways for teachers to address those myths and paradoxes, and explores challenges and possibilities for vernacular language pedagogy. In Part II, the authors provide pedagogical case studies using literary texts written in vernacular Englishes from around the world. Each chapter examines a vernacular-related topic, and concludes with discussion questions and writing assignments; an appendix contains the poems and short stories discussed, and other teaching resources. The book provides a model of interdisciplinary inquiry that can be beneficial to scholars and practitioners in composition, literature, and applied linguistics, as well as students of all linguistic backgrounds.

Veronica Mars and Philosophy: Investigating the Mysteries of Life (Which is a Bitch Until You Die) (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by William Irwin

Veronica Mars is a kick-ass private investigator, smart and street-wise. But what can her character tell us about larger life issues, such as knowledge and skepticism, trust and friendship, revenge, race, gender, and feminism? What makes her tick? And why is Logan such a sarcastic bad boy, anyway? Veronica Mars and Philosophy features a thought-provoking collection of essays centered on philosophical issues brought forth in Veronica Mars, the critically acclaimed neo-noir detective series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California. Fans and newcomers alike will gain unique insights into the philosophical make-up of a hit show that tackled both crime and some of the larger mysteries of life. Introduces significant philosophical concepts that arise in the cult TV show, Veronica Mars Tackles topics relevant to contemporary youth culture, including trust and friendship, revenge, knowledge and skepticism, race, class, gender, and feminism Offers insights into darker themes explored in the series, which is noted for the complexity and intricate plotting of its storylines Delves deeply into the psychology of Veronica Mars during her transition from high school to college Written for fans of the television show, philosophy students or readers interested in popular culture Timed for release with the highly anticipated Veronica Mars feature film

Vers un Pays-Lumiere

by Bruce W. Powe

B.W. Powe’s visionary work of political philosophy dares to re-imagine Canada. First conceived in 1993, this fully revised, expanded, updated edition, complete with an inspired new introduction that considers Canada in a post-9/11 context, is a landmark book that has become a classic text for understanding the work-in-progress that is Canada. Countering George Grant’s pessimistic Lament for a Nation, which defined the intellectual climate in Canada for decades, Powe argues that our country is in fact a completely original model of what an enlightened polity might be for the 21st century. Here is a passionately inspired portrait of Canada as a communication state – a counter-nation of loose ties and subtle associations where dialogue, ideas, debate and the exchange of information is the currency that holds us lightly together. Towards a Canada of Light points to the urgent realization of a new and liberating way of what it means to be Canadian.

The Verso Book of Dissent: Revolutionary Words from Three Millennia of Rebellion and Resistance

by Tariq Ali Audrea Lim Andrew Hsiao

Throughout the ages and across every continent, people have struggled against those in power and raised their voices in protest--rallying others around them and inspiring uprisings in eras yet to come. Their echoes reverberate from Ancient Greece, China and Egypt, via the dissident poets and philosophers of Islam and Judaism, through to the Arab slave revolts and anti-Ottoman rebellions of the Middle Ages. These sources were tapped during the Dutch and English revolutions at the outset of the Modern world, and in turn flowed into the French, Haitian, American, Russian and Chinese revolutions. More recently, resistance to war and economic oppression has flared up on battlefields and in public spaces from Beijing and Baghdad to Caracas and Los Angeles.This anthology, global in scope, presents voices of dissent from every era of human history: speeches and pamphlets, poems and songs, plays and manifestos. Every age has its iconoclasts, and yet the greatest among them build on the words and actions of their forerunners. The Verso Book of Dissent will become an invaluable resource, reminding today's citizens that these traditions will never die.

The Verso Book of Feminism: Revolutionary Words from Four Millennia of Rebellion

by Rosie Warren Jessie Kindig Sophia Giovannitti Charlotte Heltai

An unprecedented collection of feminist voices from four millennia of global historyThroughout written history and across the world, women have protested the restrictions of gender and the limitations placed on women's bodies and women's lives. People–of any and no gender–have protested and theorized, penned manifestos and written poetry and songs, testified and lobbied, gone on strike and fomented revolution, quietly demanded that there is an "I" and loudly proclaimed that there is a "we." The Book of Feminism chronicles this history of defiance and tracks it around the world as it develops into a multivocal and unabashed force.Global in scope, The Book of Feminism shows the breadth of feminist protest and of feminist thinking, moving through the female poets of China's Tang Dynasty and accounts of indigenous women in the Caribbean resisting Columbus's expedition, British suffragists militating for the vote and the revolutionary petroleuses of the 1848 Paris Commune, the first century Trung sisters who fought for the independence of Nam Viet to women in 1980s Botswana fighting for equal protection under the law, from the erotica of the 6th century and the 19th century to radical queer politics in the 20th and 21st.The Book of Feminism is a weapon, a force, a lyrical cry, and an ongoing threat to misogyny everywhere.

Verstehen: The Uses of Understanding in the Social Sciences

by Michael Martin

In late nineteenth-century German academic circles, the term verstehen (literally, understanding, or comprehension) came to be associated with the view that social phenomena must be understood from the point of view of the social actor. Advocates of this approach were opposed by positivists who stressed the unity of method between the social and natural sciences and an external, experimental, and quantitative knowledge. Although modified over time, the dispute between positivists and antipositivists--nowadays called naturalists and antinaturalists--has persisted and still defines many debates in the field of philosophy of social sciences. In this volume, Michael Martin offers a critical appraisal of verstehen as a method of verification and discovery as well as a necessary condition for understanding.In its strongest forms, verstehen entails subjectively reliving the experience of the social actor or at least rethinking his or her thoughts, while in its weaker forms it only involves reconstructing the rationale for acting. Martin's opening chapter offers a reconsideration of the debate between the classical verstehen theorists--Wilhelm Dilthey, Max Weber, R.G. Collingwood--and the positivists. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with positivist critiques of verstehen as a method of social scientific verification and understanding. In the subsequent chapters Martin considers contemporary varieties of the verstehen position and argues that they like the classical positions, they conflict with the pluralistic nature of social science. Chapter 4 discusses Peter Winch's and William Dray's variants of verstehen, while chapters 5 through 9 consider recent theorists--Karl Popper, Charles Taylor, Clifford Geertz--whose work can be characterized in verstehenist terms: In his conclusion Martin defines the limitations of the classical and recent verstehen positions and proposes a methodological pluralism in which verstehen is justified pragmatically in terms of the purposes and contexts of inquiry. This volume is the only comprehensive and sustained critique of verstehen theory currently available. It will be of interest to sociologists, philosophers, political scientists, and anthropologists.

Versuch über den Sinn des Lebens

by Richard Raatzsch

Die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens sieht aus wie eine ganz normale Frage, nur ihr Gegenstand scheint von besonderer Wichtigkeit zu sein. Die Wichtigkeit scheint so groß zu sein, die Bedeutung der Frage so tief, dass sie leicht als die eigentliche Frage erscheint. Diese Auffassung ist extrem, und sie trifft sich deshalb mit der Vermutung, dass die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens vielleicht gar keine Frage ist. Nur dass es, wenn etwas mit der Frage als solcher nicht stimmt, dann wiederum so aussieht, als ginge mit ihrer Natur als Frage auch das Wichtige an ihr verloren. – Die vorliegende Betrachtung versucht, ausgehend von der Wichtigkeit dessen, worum es in der Frage zu gehen scheint, näher zu bestimmen, in welchem Sinn es sich hier wirklich um eine Frage handelt, und damit auch, in welchem Sinn es hier gerade nicht um eine Frage geht. Die nähere Bestimmung der Natur der Frage entfaltet sich dabei entlang einer Betrachtung verschiedener Antworten, oder eben vermeintlicher Antworten, auf die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens. Wenn diese Betrachtung die Natur der Frage tatsächlich erfasst, dann liegt der Nutzen einer Suche nach einer Antwort weder in der Antwort selber, noch in der Suche nach ihr, sondern in der Klarheit, die sich im Verlauf der Suche einstellt.

Vertellingen (Routledge filosofie)

by Richard Kearney

Verhalen bieden ons bijzonder veelzijdige en duurzame inzichten in de menselijke conditie en hebben al sinds Aristoteles de aandacht van de filosofie getrokken.Het leidmotief van Vertellingen is dat dit digitale en naar verluidt 'postmoderne' tijdperk niet de ondergang van het verhaal aankondigt, maar juist zelf een bron van nieuwe verhalen vormt.Richard Kearney, filosoof en schrijver, ontrafelt in een heldere en meeslepende stijl waarom verhalen deze uitwerking op ons hebben en betoogt dat het onvertelde leven niet waard is om geleefd te worden.Vertellingen is onmisbaar, voor iedereen die helder wil nadenken over de rol van verhalen in ons leven en onze cultuur.

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