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The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction

by Neil Gaiman

The View from the Cheap Seats draws together myriad non-fiction writing by international phenomenon and Sunday Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman. From Make Good Art, the speech that went viral, to pieces on artists and legends including Terry Pratchett and Lou Reed, the collection offers a glimpse into the head and heart of one of the most acclaimed writers of our time.'Literature does not occur in a vacuum. It cannot be a monologue. It has to be a conversation'Welcome to the conversation. Neil Gaiman fled the land of journalism to find truths through storytelling and sanctuary in not needing to get all the facts right. Of course, the real world continued to make up its own stories around him, and he has responded over the years with a wealth of ideas and introductions, dreams and speeches. Here 'we can meet the writer full on' (Stephen Fry) as he opens our minds to the people he admires and the things he believes might just mean something - and makes room for us to join the conversation too.(P)2016 HarperCollins Digital

The View From The Studio Door

by Ted Orland

In the perennial best-seller Art & Fear, Ted Orland (with David Bayles) examined the obstacles that artists encounter each time they enter their studio and stand before a new blank canvas. Now, in The View From The Studio Door, Orland turns his attention to broader issues that stand to either side of that artistic moment of truth.In a text marked by grace, brevity and humor, Orland argues that when it comes to art making, theory and practice are always intertwined. There are timeless philosophical questions (How do we make sense of the world?) that address the very nature of art making, as well as gritty real-world questions (Is there art after graduation?) that artists encounter the moment they're off the starting blocks and producing work on a regular basis.Simply put, this is a book of practical philosophy. As a teacher and working artist himself, Orland brings authentic insight and encouragement to all those who face the challenge of making art in an uncertain world. The breadth of material covered is reflected in chapters that include Making Sense of the World, Art & Society, The Education of the Artist, Surviving Graduation, Making Art That Matters, The Artistic Community, and more.The View From The Studio Door is the perfect companion piece to Art & Fear, and will appeal to a similar (and already-established) audience of students, working artists, teachers and professionals. For students' benefit, The View is also modestly priced, with wide page margins for easy note-taking and annotation.

View of Moralization: Study on Confucian Moral Thought

by Chenhong Ge

This book summarizes the author’s extensive research on Confucian morality issues and focuses on elaborating the extremely important and unique role of moral thought in Confucian ideology. The book shares the author’s own standpoints on a range of issues – including where moral thoughts originated, what the major principles are, and what methods were adopted in Confucianism – to form a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation, and help readers achieve a better understanding.Moreover, the book focuses on the similarities and differences between Chinese and western cultures and presents an in-depth analysis of the differences and roots regarding various aspects, including Chinese and western historical development paths, thoughts and cultures, national spirits, national mentalities, and social governance models. The formation of either culture has its own practical reasons and historical roots. The book represents a major contribution, helping readers understand the similarities and differences between Chinese and western cultures and social civilizations, enabling them to integrate and learn from Chinese and western cultures, and promoting a better development for Chinese society and the international community alike. Combining detailed data and an approachable style, it contributes to the legacy of Confucianism by applying a critical attitude. The author thinks out of the box in terms of theoretical analysis and studies on certain issues. As such, the book will be of great academic value in terms of studying China’s ideological culture, especially its morality culture, and will benefit scholars and research institutions alike.

Viewpoint Relativism: A New Approach to Epistemological Relativism based on the Concept of Points of View (Synthese Library #419)

by Antti Hautamäki

This book offers new insights into truth, knowledge, and reality. It details a unique approach to epistemological relativism based on the concept of points of view. In a point of view, an aspect represents an object for a subject. By applying this concept of points of view, the author develops a consistent and adequate form of relativism, called viewpoint relativism, according to which epistemic questions like “Is X true (or justified or existing)” are viewpoint-dependent. The monograph examines central issues related to epistemological relativism. It analyzes major arguments pro and con from different opinions. The author presents the arguments of well-known philosophers. These include such thinkers as Paul Boghossian, John Dewey, Nelson Goodman, Martin Kusch, C.I. Lewis, John MacFarlane, Hilary Putnam, W.V.O. Quine, Richard Rorty, John Searle, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. In the process, the author deconstructs the standard account of correspondence theory of truth. Viewpoint relativism is a moderate relativism, which is not subjected to standard criticism of extreme relativism. This book argues that knowledge creation presupposes openness to different points of view and their comparison. It also explores the broader implications of viewpoint relativism into current debate about truth in society. The author defends a critical relativism, which accepts pluralism but is critical against all points of view. In the conclusion, he explores the relevance of viewpoint relativism to democracy by showing that the main threat of modern democratic society is not pluralism but absolutism and fundamentalism.

Views of Nature and Dualism: Rethinking Philosophical, Theological, and Religious Assumptions in the Anthropocene

by Thomas John Hastings Knut-Willy Sæther

In the face of the anthropogenic threats to the singular planetary habitat we share with other human beings and non-human species, humanities scholars feel a renewed sense of urgency 1) to acknowledge the ways our species has funded particular histories of environmental exploitation, alienation, and collapse, 2) to unpack inherited assumptions that impact our views of nature and interspecies relations, and 3) to suggest ways of thinking and acting that seek to repair the damage and promote mutual flourishing for all of earth inhabitants. This volume brings together scholars in philosophy, theology, and religion who take up this urgent ethical task from a broad range of perspectives and locations.

Views on Hindu Dharma by M.K. Gandhi

by Neerja Arun Gupta

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi took pride in calling himself a Sanatani Hindu. He lived by what he professed. Indeed, he spiritualized his entire political existence and his very opinion, world view and discourse was weighted with morality and ethics born of Hindu Dharma.This timely compilation of Mahatma Gandhi’s views on Hindu Dharma is a remarkable and systematically arranged compendium of his ideas on every aspect of India’s social and political life.Gandhi’s views – disseminated through many short essays in Harijan and other journals of his time – on Sanatan Dharma, idol worship, Rama as a God, compulsory teaching of Gita in schools, conversion, cow-slaughter and protection, varnashramas, untouchability and other aspects are presented here in his own words.This volume is indispensable for scholars of Modern South Asian History, Gandhian Thought, Colonialism and Religious Studies. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

La vigencia de la filosofía

by Emilio Lledó

Una defensa acérrima de la utilidad de la filosofía en nuestros días de la mano del gran pensador Emilio Lledó. «[...] la filosofía se nos aparece como una ocupación de algunos hombres, tan real e importante como esas otras ocupaciones que han modificado, técnica o artísticamente, la faz del mundo y las relaciones humanas.» ¿Está la filosofía en crisis o sigue siendo una ocupación necesaria para entender y analizar el mundo? ¿Puede considerarse la filosofía un oficio? ¿Cómo debe dialogar la filosofía con la historia precedente o con la ciencia y la tecnología de nuestro siglo? Bajo estos interrogantes, el gran pensador Emilio Lledó atiende la urgencia de recuperar la filosofía como una materia indispensable para ejercer un pensamiento crítico y teje un texto que ensalza las virtudes inexcusables y atemporales del saber filosófico en la modernidad y la era del consumismo. Galardonado con el Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas 2014 y el Premio Princesa de Asturias 2015, Emilio Lledó ha colocado la filosofía en el centro de todas sus obras y la ha defendido como base de toda educación. El texto aquí presentado pertenece a su obra Sobre la educación (Taurus, 2018). Sobre el autor:«Si hubiera muchos intelectuales como Lledó el nuestro sería un país bien distinto.»Elvira Lindo «Pocos intelectuales se ciñen con tanta justeza al concepto de sabio. Desde la atalaya de sus 94 años, Lledó sigue mirando al futuro».Guillermo Altares, El País «Un diccionario de alertas con el destello de los grandes filósofos detrás para advertir de la gran herencia de la cultura como herramienta de civilización, de progreso, de justicia y de verdad.»Antonio Lucas, El Mundo «Un gran ensayista y divulgador de alto nivel, entre los temas que trata destacan la defensa de la lectura, la felicidad, el silencio, la bellezay la verdad.»Winston Manrique, El País

Vigilant Faith: Passionate Agnosticism in a Secular World (Studies in Religion and Culture)

by Daniel Boscaljon

In Vigilant Faith: Passionate Agnosticism in a Secular World, Daniel Boscaljon takes up the contemporary challenges to faith by skepticism and secularism. He proposes a model of faith for believers and unbelievers alike—a passionate agnosticism—that is rooted in a skeptical consciousness. Skepticism and faith are structurally similar, he writes, in that they share an "unknowing" quality. The author argues that vigilance—the act of keeping watch, a spiritual practice in its own right—is as necessary a precondition for the structure of faith as it is for the structure of skepticism. A suspension in uncertainty and an openness to possibility require vigilance, he attests, if faith and skepticism are to avoid the often dogmatic tendencies of both theism and atheism to cling to their own brands of certainty and knowledge.Boscaljon has three aims: to expand the current, post-theistic definitions of God for greater relevance to human beings on an individual and existential level; to integrate skepticism into faith so that it will restore the importance of faith to current theology and recover it from anti-intellectual bias; and to conceptualize the vigilance of faith in such a way that can provide a vocabulary for distinguishing "good faith" from "bad faith." He offers a variety of cultural examples ranging from film to poetry to represent a life of faith and to show how its components come together in practice. As an alternative to the prevailing fundamentalisms in today's world, his book proposes a paradigmatic understanding of faith in which theism, atheism, and agnosticism refuse to differ.

A Vigilant Society: Jewish Thought and the State in Medieval Spain

by Javier Roiz

A Vigilant Society presents a provocative hypothesis that argues that Western society as we know it emerged from the soil of Jewish intellectual advances in the thirteenth century, especially those formulated on the Iberian Peninsula. A paradigmatic shift began to occur, one that abandoned the pre–Gothic Sephardic wisdom found in, for example, the writings of Maimonides in favor of what author Javier Roiz calls the "vigilant society." This model embraces a conception of politics that includes a radical privatization of an individual's interior life and—especially as adopted and adapted in later centuries by Roman Catholic and Calvinist thinkers—is marked by a style of politics that accepts the dominance of power and control as given. Vigilant society laid the foundation for the Western understanding of politics and its institutions and remains pervasive in today's world.

Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer (Tribuna Feminista Ser. #Vol. 18)


«No deseo que las mujeres tengan podersobre los hombres, sino sobre sí mismas.» Una nueva edición que incluye el prólogo de Nuria Varela. El término feminismo no existía cuando Mary Wollstonecraft escribió este libro, que fue, sin embargo, la primera gran obra de la literatura feminista. En una época en la que la defensa de los derechos humanos había llevado la revolución a América y a Francia, Mary Wollstonecraft produjo su propia declaración de independencia en 1792. Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer atacó la idea dominante de una feminidad dócil y decorativa, y sentó los principios de la emancipación femenina. En estas páginas encontrarás la esencia de sus ideas, a favor de la educación de las mujeres y de su contribución a la sociedad. Racionalista y revolucionaria a la vez, y sin más poder que su pluma, Mary Wollstonecraft puso en marcha el movimiento que cambiaría el mundo para siempre y que, más de dos siglos después, continúa transformándolo. Prólogo de NURIA VARELA Traducción de MARTA LOIS GONZÁLEZ Comentarios sobre la colección Great Ideas:«De veras que la edición es primorosa y pocas veces contenido y continente pueden encontrarse mejor ensamblados y unidos. ¡Qué portadas! Para enmarcar. [...] Ante las Great Ideas, solo cabe quitarse el sombrero. ¡Chapeau!»ABC «Taurus propone un doble envite con este lanzamiento. Por un lado aumenta su compromiso con el ensayo; por otro, recupera el gusto por la estética. A los volúmenes se les ha proporcionado una portada delicada y cuidada (copian el original británico) que invita a la lectura.»La Razón «Un fenómeno editorial.»The Guardian «Aparte de los contenidos, en general muy bien elegidos, son tan bonitos quesi los ven seguro que cae alguno.»El País «Ideas revolucionarias, crónicas de exploraciones, pensamientos radicales vuelven a la vida en estas cuidadísimas ediciones, muy atractivas para nuevos lectores.»Mujer Hoy «Grandes ideas bien envueltas. De Cicerón a Darwin, esta colección entra por los ojos.»Rolling Stone «Original y bella iniciativa la emprendida por Taurus con su colección Great Ideas.»Cambio 16 «Hay libros inmortales, libros únicos que contienen pensamientos y reflexiones capaces de cambiar el mundo, tesoros en miniatura reagrupados en la colección Great ideas.»Diario de León

Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer (Serie Great Ideas #Volumen 19)


Ideas que han cambiado el mundo. A lo largo de la historia, algunos libros han cambiado el mundo. Han transformado la manera en que nos vemos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Han inspirado el debate, la discordia, la guerra y la revolución. Han iluminado, indignado, provocado y consolado. Han enriquecido vidas, y también las han destruido. Taurus publica las obras de los grandes pensadores, pioneros, radicales y visionarios cuyas ideas sacudieron la civilización y nos impulsaron a ser quienes somos. Esta apasionada declaración de independencia de la mujer escrita por Mary Wollstonecraft hizo añicos el estereotipo de la dama dócil y ornamental, anticipando una nueva era de igualdad y consagrando a su autora como fundadora del feminismo moderno. Comentarios sobre la colección Great Ideas:«De veras que la edición es primorosa y pocas veces contenido y continente pueden encontrarse mejor ensambladosy unidos. ¡Qué portadas! Para enmarcar. [...] Ante las Great Ideas, solo cabe quitarse el sombrero. ¡Chapeau!»ABC «Taurus propone un doble envite con este lanzamiento. Por un lado aumenta su compromiso con el ensayo; por otro, recupera el gusto por la estética. A los volúmenes se les ha proporcionado una portada delicada y cuidada (copian el original británico) que invita a la lectura.»La Razón «Un fenómeno editorial.»The Guardian «Aparte de los contenidos, en general muy bien elegidos, son tan bonitos que si los ven seguro que cae alguno.»El País «Ideas revolucionarias, crónicas de exploraciones, pensamientos radicales vuelven a la vida en estas cuidadísimas ediciones, muy atractivas para nuevos lectores.»Mujer Hoy «Grandes ideas bien envueltas. De Cicerón a Darwin, esta colección entra por los ojos.»Rolling Stone «Original y bella iniciativa la emprendida por Taurus con su colección Great Ideas.»Cambio 16 «Hay libros inmortales, libros únicos que contienen pensamientos y reflexiones capaces de cambiar el mundo, tesoros en miniatura reagrupados en la colección Great ideas.»Diario de León

A Vindication of Love: Reclaiming Romance for the Twenty-First Century

by Cristina Nehring

"A fierce and lively book. . . .This is one of those rare books that could make people think about their intimate lives in a new way." — New York Times Book Review “A rousing defense of imprudent ardor and romantic excess. . . . It’s difficult to deny that [Nehring] is on to something.” — Wall Street JournalA thinking person’s “guide” that makes the case for love in an age both cynical about and fearful of strong passion. Bold and challenging, A Vindication of Love has inspired praise and controversy, and brilliantly reinvigorated the romance debate. A perfect choice for readers of Alain de Botton’s How Proust Can Change Your Life and Pierre Bayard’s How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

by Eileen Hunt Botting Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft's visionary treatise, originally published in 1792, was the first book to present women's rights as an issue of universal human rights. Ideal for coursework and classroom study, this comprehensive edition of Wollstonecraft's heartfelt feminist argument includes illuminating essays by leading scholars that highlight the author's significant contributions to modern political philosophy, making a powerful case for her as one of the most substantive political thinkers of the Enlightenment era. No other scholarly work to date has examined as closely both the ideological moorings and the enduring legacy of Wollstonecraft's groundbreaking and courageous discourse.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects

by Mary Wollstonecraft

This revolutionary work from the eighteenth century is one of the first tracts of feminist philosophy Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in opposition to the gender norms of the eighteenth century. In this seminal text, Wollstonecraft argues that women should receive a comprehensive education in order to benefit society. Women and men, she argues, are moral equals in the eyes of God, and women, at the time that Wollstonecraft was writing, occupied an inferior station because they were trained to serve only men rather than civilization as a whole. Written in response to Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord’s assertion that women ought only to receive a domestic education and should be confined to the home, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was a remarkably forward-thinking political text.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With Strictures On Political And Moral Subjects (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Mary Wollstonecraft

In an era of revolutions demanding greater liberties for mankind, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was an ardent feminist who spoke eloquently for countless women of her time.Having witnessed firsthand the devastating results of male improvidence, she assumed an independent role early in life, educating herself and eventually earning a living as a governess, teacher and writer. She was also an esteemed member of the radical intellectual circle that included William Godwin (father of her daughter, novelist Mary Godwin Shelley, and later her husband), Thomas Paine, William Blake, Henry Fuseli and others.First published in 1792, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman created a scandal in its day, largely, perhaps, because of the unconventional lifestyle of its creator. Today, it is considered the first great manifesto of women's rights, arguing passionately for the education of women: "Tyrants and sensualists are in the right when they endeavor to keep women in the dark, because the former want only slaves, and the later a plaything."No narrow-minded zealot, Wollstonecraft balanced passionate advocacy with a sympathetic warmth--a characteristic that helped her ideas achieve widespread influence. Anyone interested in the history of the women's rights movement will welcome this inexpensive edition of one of the landmark documents in the struggle for human dignity, freedom and equality.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: Strengthen The Female Mind By Enlarging It, And There Will Be An End To Blind Obedience

by Mary Wollstonecraft

This revolutionary work from the eighteenth century is one of the first tracts of feminist philosophy Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in opposition to the gender norms of the eighteenth century. In this seminal text, Wollstonecraft argues that women should receive a comprehensive education in order to benefit society. Women and men, she argues, are moral equals in the eyes of God, and women, at the time that Wollstonecraft was writing, occupied an inferior station because they were trained to serve only men rather than civilization as a whole. Written in response to Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord’s assertion that women ought only to receive a domestic education and should be confined to the home, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was a remarkably forward-thinking political text. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Cambridge Texts In The History Of Political Thought Ser.)

by Mary Wollstonecraft

A seminal book in a feminist conversation that still continues today.Now regarded as one of the founding feminist philosophers, Mary Wollstonecraft's writings have inspired conversation and action since their first publication. Wollstonecraft produced this declaration of female independence in 1792. Passionate, eloquent and forthright, it launched a scathing attack on the current understanding of women and laid out the tenets for a new vision: equal education, an end to prejudice and a chance for women to become defined by their profession, not their partner. Whereas Mary Wollstonecraft's work was received at the time with a mixture of admiration and outrage, she is now rightly viewed as a powerful matriarch of modern feminism.Part of a boldly designed series of classics, with wider margins for notes, this book is perfect for design-lovers and students alike. With bold, eye-catching graphic covers by Evi O Studio, this collection aims to introduce a selection of the most celebrated works of the last thousand years to a new audience. Featuring tales of adventure, fiction from the 19th and 20th centuries, feminist writings, and reflections on art, politics, philosophy and the origins of man, this is a small, wide-reaching and essential collection.'My own sex, I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures.'

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Vintage Feminism Short Editions)

by Mary Wollstonecraft

Discover Wollstonecraft’s classic feminist text in an abridged, digestible form.WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ZOE WILLIAMS The term feminism did not yet exist when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this book, but it was the first great piece of feminist writing. In these pages you will find the essence of her argument – for the education of women and for an increased female contribution to society. Her work made the first ripples of what would later become the tidal wave of the women’s rights movement. Rationalist but revolutionary, Wollstonecraft changed the world for women.Vintage Feminism: classic feminist texts in short form

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

by Mary Wollstonecraft

First published in 1792, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was an instant success, turning its thirty-three-year-old author into a minor celebrity. A pioneering work of early feminism that extends to women the Enlightenment principle of "the rights of man," its argument remains as relevant today as it was for Woll-stonecraft's contemporaries. "Mary Wollstonecraft was not the first writer to call for women to receive a real, challenging education," writes Katha Pollitt in the new Introduction. "But she was the first to connect the education of women to the transformation of women's social position, of relations between the sexes, and even of society itself. She was the first to argue that women's intellectual equality would and should have actual consequences. The winds of change sweep through her pages." This classic work of early feminism remains as relevant and passionate today as it was for Wollstonecraft's contemporaries. This edition includes new explanatory notes.From the Trade Paperback edition.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects

by Mary Wollstonecraft Katha Politt

Arguably the earliest written work of feminist philosophy, Wollstonecraft produced a female manifesto in the time of the American and French Revolutions. This era induced many to reconsider not only the rights of men, but also of women, and none argued for female emancipation more eloquently or effectively than Wollstonecraft. Her strong use of analogy and philosophical language compared women of her day to both slaves and soldiers: forced to be docile and decorative. Wollstonecraft is passionate and candid as she lays out the principles feminine freedom, stating that education should be equal, there should be an end to the prejudices that proved so restrictive, and that women should be defined, not by their partner, but by their profession. Although received with both approval and anger, "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" was ahead of its time, even modern, in its ideas, and it continues to be a foundational work for those who support women and equal rights.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: Abridged, with Related Texts

by Mary Wollstonecraft Stephen Shapiro Philip Barnard

This edition features a shrewd, annotated abridgment of Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) accompanied by an array of texts that help situate the Vindication in its political, historical, and intellectual contexts. Included are key selections from Wollstonecraft's other writings; from closely related works by Burke, Paine, Godwin, Rousseau, Macaulay, Talleyrand, and Brockden Brown; and from the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and de Gouges' Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen (1791).

The Vindication of the World: Essays Engaging with Stephen Phillips (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy)

by Matthew R. Dasti Malcolm Keating

Stephen Phillips has devoted his career to excavating some of the most valuable gems of Indian philosophy and bringing them into conversation with contemporary thought. This volume honors him and follows his lead by continuing his lifelong project: faithfully interpreting Sanskrit texts to think along with their authors about ideas that still perplex us today.It features ten new essays focusing on epistemology, logic, and metaphysics from outstanding philosophers and scholars of Sanskrit philosophy, with contributions varying in methodology: both historical and cross-cultural. Further, in addition to essays on Nyāya and Advaita Vedānta, it engages with Navya-Nyāya (“new Nyāya”), an important but understudied part of Indian philosophy. Through these investigations, in conversation with Phillips's groundbreaking work, the contributors show the value of cross-cultural engagement for philosophical progress.The Vindication of the World will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in Indian philosophy, comparative philosophy, and, more generally, epistemology, logic, and metaphysics.

Vindicatory Justice: Beyond Law and Revenge (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #93)

by Raúl Márquez Porras Riccardo Mazzola Ignasi Terradas Saborit

This volume offers a new theoretical approach to the analysis of the law/revenge binary, and attempts to dismantle the common idea of revenge as lacking any legal, moral or rational dimension. In contrast, the book puts forward a model of a complex system of justice—which it terms 'vindicatory'—wherein vendetta constitutes an authorized action, the core of which does not (just) lie in vengeance but also in settlement procedures for peace—or 'composition.' The first part of the book ("Vindicatory Justice: Conceptual Analyses and Forerunners") seeks to identify the nature of vindicatory justice and to shed light on the structure of so-called vindicatory systems. In turn, the second part ("Mapping Vindicatory Justice") illustrates, using examples gathered from a range of sociolegal contexts, the dynamic relationship between composition and authorized revenge in vindicatory systems. Taken as a whole, the volume shows that applying a longue durée historical perspective to the study of revenge systems allows us to clearly recognize composition and authorized revenge as features of the same legal system, even though one of them may seem predominant (or more eye-catching) than the other in certain cultural settings.

Vindiciae, Contra Tyrannos: Or, Concerning the Legitimate Power of a Prince Over the People, and of the People Over a Prince (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)

by George S. Garnett Stephanius Jurius Brutus

The Vindiciae, contra tyrannos was the most infamous of the monarchomach treatises produced during the French wars of religion. This edition presents the first complete and accurate English translation of the work, a comprehensive apparatus, and an introduction that provides the first detailed analysis of the argument and also reconsiders the much-disputed question of authorship. It will be of interest to a wide range of scholars working on the history of political thought and early modern Europe.

Vinyl Theory

by Jeffrey R. Di Leo

Why are vinyl records making a comeback? How is their resurgence connected to the political economy of music? Vinyl Theory responds to these and other questions by exploring the intersection of vinyl records with critical theory. In the process, it asks how the political economy of music might be connected with the philosophy of the record. The young critical theorist and composer Theodor Adorno’s work on the philosophy of the record and the political economy of music of the contemporary French public intellectual, Jacques Attali, are brought together with the work of other theorists in order to understand the fall and resurrection of vinyl records. The major argument of Vinyl Theory is that the very existence of vinyl records may be central to understanding the resiliency of neoliberalism. This argument is made by examining the work of Adorno, Attali, Friedrich Nietzsche, and others on music through the lens of Michel Foucault’s biopolitics.

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