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Showing 38,326 through 38,350 of 39,119 results

Winter in America: A Cultural History of Neoliberalism, from the Sixties to the Reagan Revolution

by Daniel Robert McClure

Neoliberalism took shape in the 1930s and 1940s as a transnational political philosophy and system of economic, political, and cultural relations. Resting on the fundamental premise that the free market should be unfettered by government intrusion, neoliberal policies have primarily redirected the state's prerogatives away from the postwar Keynesian welfare system and toward the insulation of finance and corporate America from democratic pressure. As neoliberal ideas gained political currency in the 1960s and 1970s, a&8239;reactionary cultural turn&8239;catalyzed their ascension. The cinema, music, magazine culture, and current events discourse of the 1970s provided the space of negotiation permitting these ideas to take hold and be challenged.Daniel Robert McClure's book follows the interaction between culture and economics during the transition from Keynesianism in the mid-1960s to&8239;the&8239;triumph of&8239;neoliberalism at the dawn of the 1980s. From the 1965 debate between William F. Buckley and James Baldwin, through the pages&8239;of BusinessWeek and Playboy, to the rise of exploitation cinema in the 1970s, McClure tracks the increasingly shared perception by white males that they had "lost" their long-standing rights and that a great neoliberal reckoning might restore America's repressive racial, sexual, gendered, and classed foundations in the wake of&8239;the 1960s.

Wir lieben Wissenschaft: Mit einer wissenschaftlichen Grundhaltung gegen Betrug, Leugnung und Pseudowissenschaft

by Lee Mclntyre

Angriffe auf die Wissenschaft sind alltäglich geworden: Die Erforschung des Klimawandels sei keine „anständige“ Wissenschaft, die Evolution „nur eine Theorie“, die „Wahrheit“ über Impfstoffe werde vertuscht. In diesem Buch diskutiert Lee McIntyre, was Wissenschaft von Nicht-Wissenschaft unterscheidet: der Stellenwert der Evidenz und die Bereitschaft, Theorien auf Basis neuer Evidenz zu verwerfen. Diese beiden wesentlichen Eigenschaften nennt er die „wissenschaftliche Grundhaltung“. McIntyre führt Beispiele an, die sowohl den wissenschaftlichen Erfolg (eine Verringerung des Kindbettfiebers im 19. Jahrhundert) als auch das Scheitern (die fehlerhafte „Entdeckung“ der kalten Fusion im 20. Jahrhundert) veranschaulichen. Er beschreibt den Wandel der Medizin von einer weitgehend auf Vermutungen beruhenden Praxis zu einer Wissenschaft, die sich auf Beweise stützt; er betrachtet wissenschaftlichen Betrug und untersucht die Positionen von ideologiegetriebenen Leugnern, Pseudowissenschaftlern und „Skeptikern“, die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse ablehnen.Das Buch macht in einer Welt der „alternativen Fakten“ klar, dass die Beachtung von Fakten ein einzigartig wirkungsvolles Instrument zur Verteidigung der Wissenschaft selbst ist.

Wir und die fremde Welt: Neue Abstiegssorgen, eigene Gemeinschaftsmodelle und die Kraft der Kritik von Produktionsarbeitenden

by Hendrik Brunsen

Die Studie schaut mit einem pragmatischen Forschungsansatz in einen Leuchtturmbetrieb der Metall- und Elektrobranche und beschäftigt sich mit einer Formation indirekter Leistungssteuerung, die auf dem Argument einer betrieblichen Gemeinschaft aufbaut. Für die Arbeitenden, so der Ausgangspunkt, ist das auf einer Standort- und Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit basierende Gemeinschaftsargument einerseits plausibel. Andererseits bringen sie aber auch Zweifel zur Sprache. Erforscht wird entlang der Kritik der Arbeitenden, wie die Zweifel begründet werden und welche Folgen sie haben. Grundlage der Kritik sind zwei eigene Gemeinschaftsmodelle, die von den normativen Gemeinschaftsprinzipien des Zusammenhalts und der Arbeitsteilung angeleitet werden und den Arbeitenden zu kompetenten Urteilen verhelfen. Von diesen normativen Standpunkten aus diagnostizieren die Arbeitenden eine Entwertung von Produktionsarbeit, welche das Gemeinschaftsargument aus ihrer Perspektive konterkariert und zu neuen sozialen Abstiegssorgen führt. Überzeugt von der Richtigkeit und Angemessenheit der eigenen Gemeinschaftsmodelle sowie zwecks Bearbeitung der Abstiegssorgen stellen die Arbeitenden der diagnostizierten Entwertung anschließend eine praktische Aufwertung als Produktionsexperten entgegen.

The Wire and Philosophy: This America, Man

by Joanna Crosby Seth Vannatta David Bzdak

By many accounts, HBO's The Wire was and remains the greatest and most important television drama of all time. <P><P>Conceived by writers David Simon and ex-Baltimore homicide detective Ed Burns, this five-season, sixty-episode tour de force has raised the bar for compelling, intelligent television production. With each season addressing a different arena of life in the city of Baltimore, and each season's narratives tapping into those from previous seasons, The Wire was able to reveal the overlapping, criss-crossing, and colliding realities that shape-if not control-the people, institutions, and culture of the modern American city.The Wire and Philosophy celebrates this show's realism as well as its intellectual and philosophical clarity. Selected philosophers who are fans of The Wire tap into these conflicts and interconnections to expose the underlying philosophical issues and assumptions and pursue questions, such as, Can cops really tell whether they are smarter than their perps? Or do they fall victim to intellectual vanity? Do individuals really have free will to resist the temptations-of gangs, of drugs, or corruption-that surround them? Is David Simon a modern-day Marx who sees capitalism leading ultimately to its own collapse, or is Baltimore's story uniquely its own?

Wirtschaftspolitik: Eine Einführung (Elemente der Politik)

by Hermann Adam

Das Buch bietet eine knappe Einführung in die Ziele und Zielkonflikte sowie die Akteure der Wirtschaftspolitik. Es stellt die wichtigsten ökonomischen Steuerungsinstrumente und den komplizierten politischen Entscheidungs- und Abstimmungsprozess bei wirtschaftspolitischen Fragen dar. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Analyse der in diesem Politikfeld verfolgten kontroversen Interessen gelegt. Am Schluss werden die Grenzen nationaler Wirtschaftspolitik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung aufgezeigt. Weiterführende Literaturhinweise erleichtern einen vertieften Einstieg in das komplexe Thema.

Wisdom: From Philosophy to Neuroscience

by Stephen S. Hall

A compelling investigation into one of our most coveted and cherished ideals, and the efforts of modern science to penetrate the mysterious nature of this timeless virtue. We all recognize wisdom, but defining it is more elusive. In this fascinating journey from philosophy to science, Stephen S. Hall gives us a dramatic history of wisdom, from its sudden emergence in four different locations (Greece, China, Israel, and India) in the fifth century B. C. to its modern manifestations in education, politics, and the workplace. We learn how wisdom became the provenance of philosophy and religion through its embodiment in individuals such as Buddha, Confucius, and Jesus; how it has consistently been a catalyst for social change; and how revelatory work in the last fifty years by psychologists, economists, and neuroscientists has begun to shed light on the biology of cognitive traits long associated with wisdom--and, in doing so, begun to suggest how we might cultivate it. Hall explores the neural mechanisms for wise decision making; the conflict between the emotional and cognitive parts of the brain; the development of compassion, humility, and empathy; the effect of adversity and the impact of early-life stress on the development of wisdom; and how we can learn to optimize our future choices and future selves. Hall's bracing exploration of the science of wisdom allows us to see this ancient virtue with fresh eyes, yet also makes clear that despite modern science's most powerful efforts, wisdom continues to elude easy understanding.

Wisdom: A Skill Theory (Elements in Epistemology)

by Cheng-hung Tsai

What is wisdom? What does a wise person know? Can a wise person know how to act and live well without knowing the whys and wherefores of his own action? How is wisdom acquired? This Element addresses questions regarding the nature and acquisition of wisdom by developing and defending a skill theory of wisdom. Specifically, this theory argues that if a person S is wise, then (i) S knows that overall attitude success contributes to or constitutes well-being; (ii) S knows what the best means to achieve well-being are; (iii) S is reliably successful at acting and living well (in light of what S knows); and (iv) S knows why she is successful at acting and living well. The first three sections of this Element develop this theory, and the final two sections defend this theory against two objections to the effect that there are asymmetries between wisdom and skill.

Wisdom and the Well-Rounded Life

by Peter Milward

Reflecting on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom in higher education and in life, this thoughtful treatise considers the roots and philosophical underpinnings of university education. Examining such subjects as philosophy, science, nature, art, religion, and finding one's place in the world, Peter Milward shares his sage thoughts on obtaining a well-rounded base of knowledge.Peter Milward is a Jesuit priest and literary scholar. He is professor emeritus of English literature at Sophia University in Tokyo, where he was director of the Renaissance Centre and a leading figure in scholarship on English Renaissance literature.

Wisdom as a Way of Life: Theravāda Buddhism Reimagined

by Steven Collins

This wide-ranging and powerful book argues that Theravāda Buddhism provides ways of thinking about the self that can reinvigorate the humanities and offer broader insights into how to learn and how to act. Steven Collins argues that Buddhist philosophy should be approached in the spirit of its historical teachers and visionaries, who saw themselves not as preservers of an archaic body of rules but as part of a timeless effort to understand what it means to lead a worthy life. He contends that Buddhism should be studied philosophically, literarily, and ethically using its own vocabulary and rhetorical tools. Approached in this manner, Buddhist notions of the self help us rethink contemporary ideas of self-care and the promotion of human flourishing.Collins details the insights of Buddhist texts and practices that promote the ideal of active and engaged learning, offering an expansive and lyrical reflection on Theravāda approaches to meditation, asceticism, and physical training. He explores views of monastic life and contemplative practices as complementing and reinforcing textual learning, and argues that the Buddhist tenet that the study of philosophy and ethics involves both rigorous reading and an ascetic lifestyle has striking resonance with modern and postmodern ideas. A bold reappraisal of the history of Buddhist literature and practice, Wisdom as a Way of Life offers students and scholars across the disciplines a nuanced understanding of the significance of Buddhist ways of knowing for the world today.

Wisdom Chi Kung: Practices for Enlivening the Brain with Chi Energy

by Mantak Chia

Taoist meditation practices for increasing and maintaining mental awareness, memory, and clarity • Details techniques to increase the level of chi energy in the brain • Explains how to synchronize the left and right brain by activating the body’s energetic potentials • Shows that by emptying the mind there is more energy to heal the body Wisdom Chi Kung teaches practitioners how to revitalize the brain: to repair function, increase memory, and expand capacity. Every day we use up so much of our brain’s capacity to function that we have very little left at the end of the day. By thinking or worrying too much, the brain can use up to 80 percent of the body’s entire energy reserve. Learning to stop the brain, to empty the mind from the ceaseless chatter of the “monkey mind,” and then recharge it with chi energy can increase our mental capacity, focus, and clarity. Using the Inner Smile meditation technique, practitioners learn how to recharge chi energy for the brain in a form that is most useful. Practitioners smile and empty the mind into the lower tan tien and the organs. The organs then transform this chi energy. When the mind is empty, the energy transformed by the organs is sent back to the brain to revitalize it. This process synchronizes the left and right brain by activating and tapping in to the body’s energetic potentials. As the mind continues to empty, receive, and also enhance the transformed chi energy, it is able to open itself to connect with universal chi energies and fill the body with enhanced life force.

Wisdom Energy

by Alexander Berzin Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche Jonathan Landaw Lama Thubten Yeshe

Wisdom Energy is a simple and compelling introduction to Buddhism by two Tibetan lamas renowned for their insight and skill in teaching Westerners. Containing an entire meditation course, it goes to the heart of basic Buddhist practice and discusses the meaning and purpose of meditation, the causes of dissatisfaction and unhappiness, and the methods for subduing them and gaining control over our minds and lives. Originally published in 1976, Wisdom Energy still preserves the power, humor, and directness of the lamas's first teaching tour of North America, giving the reader the feeling of an intimate audience with two highly respected teachers.

The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, Part 1, Revised Edition: Selections from the Works of Daisaku Ikeda (The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Pe)

by Daisaku Ikeda

Gleaned from more than sixty years of Daisaku Ikeda's works, thisrevised edition adds new selections that further provide a windowinto the SGI president's thought and philosophy. His words are aboundless source of inspiration, hope, and courage for a worldincreasingly beset with sorrow and suffering.Chapters in this volume:“What Is True Happiness?”“Developing a Life State of Happiness”“The Practice for Transforming Our State of Life”“‘It Is the Heart That Is Important'”“Transforming Suffering Into Joy”“The Principle of Cherry, Plum, Peach, and Damson”“Happiness for Both Ourselves and Others”“Facing Illness”“Creating a Brilliant Final Chapter in Life”“Joy in Both Life and Death”

The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, Part 2, Revied Edition: Selections From the Works of Daisaku Ikeda (The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Pe)

by Daisaku Ikeda

Gleaned from more than fifty years of Daisaku Ikeda' s works, this revised edition adds new selections that further provide a window into the SGI president' s thought and philosophy. His words are a boundless source of inspiration, hope, and courage for a world increasingly beset with sorrow and suffering.Chapters in this volume:“ What Is Human Revolution?” “ Transforming Karma Into Mission” “ ‘ Faith for a Harmonious Family' ” “ ‘ Be Good Citizens!' ” “ ‘ Faith for Overcoming Obstacles' ” “ Buddhism Is About Winning” “ Making the Most of Each Day” “ Buddhism Is a Teaching of Dialogue” “ Making the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Our Foundation” “ Encouragement for Youth”

The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, Part 3: Kosen-rufu and World Peace, Rev. Ed.

by Daisaku Ikeda

Gleaned from more than fifty years of Daisaku Ikeda' s works, thisrevised edition adds new selections that further provide a windowinto the SGI president' s thought and philosophy. His words are aboundless source of inspiration, hope, and courage for a worldincreasingly beset with sorrow and suffering.Chapters in this volume:“ A Life Dedicated to Kosen-rufu” “ The Mission and Vow of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth” “ Valuing Each Individual” “ The Organization for Kosen-rufu” “ The Unity of 'Many in Body, One in Mind'” “ Leaders Who Guide Others to Happiness” “ The Mentor-Disciple Relationship Is the Heart of the Soka Gakkai” “ The Three Founding Presidents and the Path of Mentor and Disciple” “ A Religion That Exists for People's Happiness” “ The Future Division— The Treasure of the Soka Gakkai” "The Great Path to World Peace" "Conclusion: Toward the Future"

Wisdom for the New Millennium

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

A book by Indian Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar, it is a book for self improvement as well and talks about how to live a happy stress free life.

Wisdom, Information and Wonder: What is Knowledge For?

by Mary Midgley

In this book one of Britain's leading philosophers tackles a question at the root of our civilisation: What is knowledge for? Midgley rejects the fragmentary and specialized way in which information is conveyed in the high-tech world, and criticizes conceptions of philosophy that support this mode of thinking.

Wisdom, Knowledge, and the Postcolonial University in Thailand (Postcolonial Studies in Education)

by Zane Ma Rhea

This book examines Thai knowledge and wisdom from the perspective of postmodern, postcolonial globalization. Ma Rhea explores the ways in which the Thai university system attempts to balance old knowledge traditions, Buddhist and rural, with new Thai and imported knowledge. It traces the development of Thai university partnerships with outsiders, focusing on the seventy year relationship between Thailand and Australia. In comparison, it analyses the old Thai Buddhist wisdom tradition and in the final chapters proposes its worthiness as a pedagogical pathway for universities globally.

The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

Reverence for Life—Albert Schweitzer&’s pivotal philosophyMusician, physician, humanitarian, and philosopher, Albert Schweitzer was a twentieth-century Renaissance man who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his &“Reverence for Life&” philosophy. The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer explores this core philosophy, which inspired one of the world&’s great humanitarians. While traveling in Africa, Schweitzer recognized that all living creatures have a will to live and believed that through a &“reverence for life&” mankind had an ethical imperative to aid in the welfare of all living things, including the environment. His words have remained an inspiration for generations of humanitarians and environmentalists.

The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

Reverence for Life—Albert Schweitzer&’s pivotal philosophyMusician, physician, humanitarian, and philosopher, Albert Schweitzer was a twentieth-century Renaissance man who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his &“Reverence for Life&” philosophy. The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer explores this core philosophy, which inspired one of the world&’s great humanitarians. While traveling in Africa, Schweitzer recognized that all living creatures have a will to live and believed that through a &“reverence for life&” mankind had an ethical imperative to aid in the welfare of all living things, including the environment. His words have remained an inspiration for generations of humanitarians and environmentalists.

The Wisdom of Bertrand Russell (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

An A-to-Z compendium of Russell&’s writingOne of the great minds of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell explored philosophy, mathematics, and a variety of other intellectual, political, historical, and social issues in his lifetime. In this indispensable and easily accessible guide, drawn from his books and essays, readers will find Russell&’s fundamental principles, from objectivity to ontological arguments to logical certainty, in his own words. Russell also explored topics such as war, evil, and the purpose and goal of human existence. Russell&’s intellect transcends time and remains a relevant source of inspiration and thought today.

The Wisdom of Bertrand Russell (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

An A-to-Z compendium of Russell&’s writingOne of the great minds of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell explored philosophy, mathematics, and a variety of other intellectual, political, historical, and social issues in his lifetime. In this indispensable and easily accessible guide, drawn from his books and essays, readers will find Russell&’s fundamental principles, from objectivity to ontological arguments to logical certainty, in his own words. Russell also explored topics such as war, evil, and the purpose and goal of human existence. Russell&’s intellect transcends time and remains a relevant source of inspiration and thought today.

The Wisdom of Buddha: The Wisdom Of The Torah, The Wisdom Of The Talmud, The Wisdom Of The Koran, The Wisdom Of Muhammad, And The Wisdom Of Buddha (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

Discover the origins of Buddhism and its tenets from the seminal texts Drawn from the sacred books of Buddhism, this collection reveals the insights and beliefs at the heart of the world&’s fourth-largest religion. Siddhartha Guatama, a sixth-century Hindu warrior prince, renounced the world in his search for the meaning of life and became the Buddha, or &“Enlightened One,&” while meditating at Bodh Gaya. From that moment forward the Buddha sought to share his own enlightenment with all of mankind. Through the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, the Buddha taught followers to let go of desire and worldly attachments in order to alleviate suffering while embracing practices of meditation, mindfulness, and right conduct. Covering the birth and death of the Buddha, as well as the major tenets of Buddhism, including karma and the middle doctrine, The Wisdom of Buddha offers a profound view of the Buddhist religion and its founder.

The Wisdom of Confucius (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

Hundreds of sage observations from China&’s most revered scholar Teacher, politician, philosopher, and student, Confucius offered wisdom and aphorisms on a variety of topics that transcend borders and time. Whether considering his own life, human nature, or a society&’s responsibilities, Confucius&’s teachings emphasize personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, and sincerity. He aimed to effect social and political reform, and left a legacy of wisdom that remains true today. Organized by topic and accompanied with contextual footnotes, this collection of quotes, sayings, and lessons is often as entertaining as it is educational.

The Wisdom of Confucius (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

Hundreds of sage observations from China&’s most revered scholar Teacher, politician, philosopher, and student, Confucius offered wisdom and aphorisms on a variety of topics that transcend borders and time. Whether considering his own life, human nature, or a society&’s responsibilities, Confucius&’s teachings emphasize personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, and sincerity. He aimed to effect social and political reform, and left a legacy of wisdom that remains true today. Organized by topic and accompanied with contextual footnotes, this collection of quotes, sayings, and lessons is often as entertaining as it is educational.

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