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You Can Still Go to Hell, and Other Truths About Being a Helping Professional

by David Moreau

From the back cover: Reading this collection while drinking bad coffee in a cheap motel room, I was struck by Moreau's honesty and humor These poems are irreverent, funny and provocative, raising important questions. Like, Why is no one recording staff's bowel movements? My coffee began tasting better, and I decided that everyone in the world should buy this book. Peter Leidy. Singer/Activist, author of Greetings from Human Service Land Read these poems. They pull no poetic punches, recording the skirmishes between human empathy and the institutions set up to organize it. David Moreau. with his eagle eye and his ear for the music of speech, details the clash between system and soul, fellow feeling and bureaucratic b.s. His clients may be limited in some ways, but in Moreau's fast-paced colloquial narratives, their humanity is heartbreakingly clear. And that clarity, mixed with edgy humor and affection, is cause for gratitude and hope. Betsy Sholl. Poet Laureate of Maine This is a wonderful (please buy it) collection. David Moreau doesn't waste a single word on setting or scenery, but I can tell you, I can draw a picture. This is a place for which a Holiday Inn architect phoned in the design, with each room having no egress to fresh air. This is no-exit land, but each resident has a personality and character and style. There are real people here and God bless them all. Bravo, Dave!

You Cannot Shoot a Poem: Poems

by Paula Closson Buck

In You Cannot Shoot a Poem, Paula Closson Buck offers sharp-witted, deeply felt, and skillfully structured poems. With clear and powerful imagery, these poems reveal an urgent need to rethink the way we interact with each other and the planet. Touching on racism, environmental exploitation, and failed political diplomacy, Closson Buck relies on the ability of poetry to enter otherwise hidden or forbidden territories.Closson Buck transports readers to the abandoned city of Varosha, Cyprus, with its history of interethnic violence; to Venice, Italy, as the water in the Lagoon rises; to Niagara Falls, New York, where she sets a personal moral compass against environmental degradation and religious zeal. She examines the decline of these cities with precise attention to the lives caught in the current.Sometimes satiric and sometimes elegiac, You Cannot Shoot a Poem inhabits a troubled world while inspiring confidence in the human ability to create change.

You Can't Hang a Man With a Wooden Leg

by Lin Palmer

This is Lin's second book of poems. Her first being Plymouth Maid. Once again, these poems are based on true events and daily happenings involving Lin, her family, pets and friends. They range from the sorrowful, to comical, and if you enjoyed Lin's first book, then you will certainly want to catch up with more recent goings-on in this book.

You Can't Kill Me Twice: (So Please Treat Me Right)

by Charlyne Yi

A deeply personal collection of poetry and art by the award-winning actor, comedian, and composer.With a poetic voice that is by turns lyrical and plainspoken, Charlyne Yi writes about the uncertainty of relationships, the absurdity of societal expectations, family trauma, and identity. In this intimate collection, you’ll find poems and accompanying line illustrations that are playful and profound, sometimes darkly funny, and often acutely moving.“Direct, personal and attention holding. It’s Yi as you may not have seen or heard her before . . . In short bursts that barely fill a page, often accompanied by line illustrations to underscore them, the poetic voice in Yi’s first book of poetry can be alternately angry, playful, blunt, and lyrical.” —The MetroWest Daily News“It’s clear that the reader is about to embark on a literary journey marked by an acceptance—and worship—of all things tender, open, sensitive, authentic, and human. It also offers ideas on kindness, race, culture . . . a testimony to being alive—it’s powerful in its quietness, its exactness. It’s soft, real, and to the point.” —Little Infinite

You Come Too

by Robert Frost

A marvelous collection of Frost's poems including: The Pasture, Good Hours, Going for Water, Blueberries, Looking for a Sunset, Bird in Winter, Acquainted with the Night, A Hillside Thaw, Good-bye and Keep Cold, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Come In, A Patch of Old Snow, Christmas Trees, Birches, A Young Birch, A Passing Glimpse, The Last Mowing, Pea Brush, The Telephone, The Rose Family, One Guess, Fireflies in the Garden, Blue Butterfly Day, Departmental, A Drumlin Woodchuck, Runaway, The Cow in Apple Time, and many others.

You Don't Have to Be Everything: Poems for Girls Becoming Themselves

by Diana Whitney

Poems to Turn to Again and Again – from Amanda Gorman, Sharon Olds, Kate Baer, and More Created and compiled just for young women, You Don&’t Have to Be Everything is filled with works by a wide range of poets who are honest, unafraid, and skilled at addressing the complex feelings of coming-of-age, from loneliness to joy, longing to solace, attitude to humor. These unintimidating poems offer girls a message of self-acceptance and strength, giving them permission to let go of shame and perfectionism. The cast of 68 poets is extraordinary: Amanda Gorman, the first National Youth Poet Laureate, who read at Joe Biden's inauguration; bestselling authors like Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Acevedo, Sharon Olds, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Mary Oliver; Instagram-famous poets including Kate Baer, Melody Lee, and Andrea Gibson; poets who are LGBTQ, poets of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, poets who sing of human experience in ways that are free from conventional ideas of femininity. Illustrated in full color with work by three diverse artists, this book is an inspired gift for daughters and granddaughters—and anyone on the path to becoming themselves.No matter how old you are, it helps to be young when you're coming to life, to be unfinished, a mysterious statement, a journey from star to star.—Joy Ladin, excerpt from "Survival Guide"

You Have to Write

by Janet S. Wong

Ages 8 and up. You have to write! It's a class assignment. But you have nothing to write about. All the other kids seem to have something to tell because they start in right away. What can you do? Stop and think. No one else can tell your stories--about your family, your dog or cat. No one else can tell how it was when your library book got soaked in the rain. But what if you don't like what you write? There are all sorts of ways to change it, to make it better. Keep on playing with your words, putting them together in different ways. You want whatever you write to be good. It will get better and better as you work on it.

You Haven't Asked About My Wedding or What I Wore: Poems of Courtship on the American Frontier

by Jana Harris

“Nowhere / on these parchment leaves do I find / myself, my likeness, my name, / not a whisper—Cynthia—not one / breath of me.” For thirty years poet Jana Harris researched the diaries and letters of North American pioneer women. While the names and experiences of the authors varied, Harris found one story often connected them: their most powerful memories were of courtships and weddings. They dreamed of having a fine wedding while they spent their lives hauling water, scrubbing floors, and hoping for admirers. Many married men they hardly knew. Based on primary research of nineteenth-century frontier women, Harris uses her compelling poetry to resurrect a forgotten history. She captures the hope, anxiety, anger, and despair of these women through a variety of characters and poetic strategies, while archival photographs give faces to the names and details to the settings. Harris’s meticulous research and stirring words give these pioneer women a renewed voice that proves the timelessness of the hopes and fears of love and marriage.

You Kiss by th' Book: New Poems from Shakespeare's Line

by Gary Soto

In his engaging new collection, National Book Award finalist Gary Soto creates poems that each begin with a line from Shakespeare and then continue in Soto's fresh and accessible verse. Drawing on moments from the sonnets, Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, and others, Soto illuminates aspects of the source material while taking his poems in directions of their own, strategically employing the color of "thee" and "thine," kings, thieves, and lovers. The results are inspired, by turns meditative, playful, and moving, and consistently fascinating for the conversation they create between the Bard's time and language and our own here and now.

You Kiss by th' Book: New Poems from Shakespeare's Line

by Gary Soto

Inspired by Shakespeare, an award-winning poet creates &“smart, surprising and affecting [poetry] . . . Poems that are easy to read and difficult to forget&” (David Scott Kastan, Yale University). In his engaging new collection, National Book Award finalist Gary Soto creates poems that each begin with a line from Shakespeare and then continue in Soto&’s fresh and accessible verse. Drawing on moments from the sonnets, Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night&’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, and others, Soto illuminates aspects of the source material while taking his poems in directions of their own, strategically employing the color of &“thee&” and &“thine,&” kings, thieves, and lovers. The results are inspired, by turns meditative, playful, and moving, and consistently fascinating for the conversation they create between the bard&’s time and language and our own here and now. &“I read Gary Soto&’s poems with delight. There&’s no one I know, certainly in this language, who writes like him.&” —Gerald Stern, National Book Award–winning poet &“Soto insists on the possibility of a redemptive power, and he celebrates the heroic, quixotic capacity for survival in human beings and the natural world.&” —Publishers Weekly &“Gary Soto is a consummate storyteller . . . Intelligent, funny, and bitingly honest. He is also a craftsman, a master of metaphor and simile, his language capable of dazzling somersaults.&” —Martin Espada, National Book Award–winning poet &“Shakespeare&’s words are never more alive than when they are being seized upon, twisted, remade and made anew. Gary Soto, a brilliant recycler, has laden his ship with old gold. Himself a brilliant recycler, Shakespeare might well have been pleased.&” —The Norton Shakespeare

You Must Remember This: Poems

by Michael Bazzett

&“Hauntingly fable-like and delightfully idiosyncratic.&” —ADA LIMÓNA woozy logic dominates these poems: a heart can become a buzzing hive of bees, a rooster can trigger a series of bombs, a young man can embrace a city bus as his spirit animal. Yet in this collection—selected by Kevin Prufer as the winner of the 2014 Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry—Michael Bazzett slices through his poems with a dangerous sense of humor. &“Your humor is deft and cutting / my fingers off one by one.&” Once dismembered, Bazzett&’s poems can re-member us and piece together the ways in which we once thought we knew ourselves, creating a new, strange sense of self.A meditation on who we are, who we&’ve been, and what we might become, Bazzett&’s writing is like a note written in invisible ink: partially what we see on the page, but also the &“many dozen doorways that we don&’t walk through each day.&” You Must Remember This is a consistently slippery, enrapturing collection of poems.

You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence: Craft Discourse and the Common Reader in Canadian Poetry Book Reviews

by Donato Mancini

While Canadian poetic practices have steadily pluralised since the early 1960s, the poetry review has remained stubbornly constant. You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence is a critical, and at times hilarious survey of reviews of innovative Canadian poetry in English since 1961. What is at stake in the reviewing of poetry? What fantasies are inherent to the practice? How is poetry itself produced in the reviewing of poetry? Why has the reviewing of poetry remained largely invisible to self-reflexive critique? These are some of the many questions You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence dares to ask in its query to determine if poetry reviewers can claim to have the authority they imagine they have over their chosen subject. As a retort to the retrograde trend that is poetry reviewing in Canada, You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence is the first book to detail the production and structure of an "aesthetic conscience" and demonstrate how this functions as the dynamic administrative apparatus of any aesthetic ideology. In short, this book opens for the first time a new and desperately needed channel in Canadian criticism.

You/Poet: Learn the Art. Speak Your Truth. Share Your Voice.

by Rayna Hutchison Samuel Blake

Offering a variety of advice for tapping into your creative voice, sharing your work online, and honing your writing skills, You/Poet shows you how to express yourself creatively through the art of poetry.You may think that writing poetry requires a specific set of skills. You may have read books on writing poetry that were stuffy and full of strict rules and regulations. But You/Poet proves that all you need to be a poet is the desire to share your inner thoughts and emotions with the world. Let HerHeartPoetry—an online poetry community, Instagram, digital zine, and poetry press—take you on a journey of self-discovery and surprise, and show you how to embrace the world of writing poetry with arms wide open. Writing poetry is an act of bravery. It’s just you, your thoughts and feelings, and the words you choose to express them. You/Poet can help you do just that. With encouragement and advice on poetry writing basics, how to identify your unique creative voice, and prompts and exercises to help you channel your thoughts and emotions through writing, this all-in-one guide will help you share your talent with the world.

You Read To Me, I'll Read To You

by John Ciardi

‘Thirty-five imaginative and humorous poems for an adult and a child to read aloud together. . . . The entertaining verses are varied as to length, rhythm, and subject and are illustrated with harmoniously amusing drawings. ’ —BL.

You Read to Me, I'll Read to You: Very Short Stories to Read Together

by Michael Emberley Mary Ann Hoberman

Here's a book With something new - You read to me! I'll read to you! We'll read each page To one another - You'll read one side, I the other. But who will read - Now guess this riddle - When the words are In the middle? The answer's easy! Plain as pie! We'll read together, You and I.

You Read To Me Mother Goose

by Mary Ann Hoberman

Join the fun as 17 familiar nursery rhyme characters take starring roles in this latest addition to the New York Times bestselling series You Read to Me, I'll Read to You. Designed with budding readers in mind, each of the tales is set in three columns with color-coded type as a script for two voices to read separately and together. Whether it's Humpty Dumpty negotiating with a doctor to fix his cracked shell, Little Miss Muffet inviting the spider to share her curds and whey, or Old King Cole enjoying a feline fiddle recital, these tales with a twist will delight and amuse young readers.

You Remind Me of You: A Poetry Memoir

by Eireann Corrigan

For three years, Eireann Corrigan was in and out of treatment facilities for her eating disorders. By the time she graduated high school, her doctors said she was going to die if things didn't change. That July, her high school boyfriend attempted suicide. In one gunshot moment, everything was altered. In a striking and vivid voice, Eireann Corrigan recounts these events, finding meaning in the hurt, humor in the horror, and grace in the struggle that life demands.

You Remind Me of You: A Poetry Memoir (Push Poetry)

by Eireann Corrigan

A startling, remarkable poetry memoir of love and pain, hurt and recovery.For three years, Eireann Corrigan was in and out of treatment facilities for her eating disorders. By the time she graduated high school, her doctors said she was going to die if things didn't change. That July, her high school boyfriend attempted suicide. In one gunshot moment, everything was altered. In a striking and vivid voice, Eireann Corrigan recounts these events, finding meaning in the hurt, humor in the horror, and grace in the struggle that life demands. You Remind Me of You is a testament to the binding ties of love and pain, and the strange paths we take to recovery.

You Should Probably Listen to This: Bullets and Butterflies

by Karl Lokko

From one of the most potent and inspiring young voices in the country, Bullets and Butterflies is an audio original like no other. Karl Lokko is the man who should be dead. A former gang leader, by the age of 16 he had been cut in the face, stabbed, and shot at more times than he'd had birthday parties. In Bullets and Butterflies, Karl shares how he rejected the shocking violence in his past to become one of the most inspiring young voices in the country. Let Karl introduce you to the 'hidden alumni' and his vision for the future as he lays out his manifesto for change. Captivating, thought-provoking and unexpected, you should probably listen to this...(P)2021 Headline Publishing Group Limited

You, Too, Could Write a Poem

by David Orr

A collection of reviews and essays by David Orr, the New York Times poetry columnist and one of the most respected critics in America today, his best work of the past fifteen years in one place Poetry is never more vital, meaningful, or accessible than in the hands of David Orr. In the pieces collected here, most of them written originally for the New York Times, Orr is at his rigorous, conversational, and edifying best. Whether he is considering the careers of contemporary masters, such as Louise Glück or Frederick Seidel, sizing up younger American poets, like Matthea Harvey and Matthew Zapruder, or even turning his attention to celebrities and public figures, namely Oprah Winfrey and Stephen Fry, when they choose to wade into the hotly contested waters of the poetry world, Orr is never any less than fully persuasive in arguing what makes a poem or poet great—or not. After all, as Orr points out in his introduction, “Poetry is a lot like America, in the sense that liking all of it means that you probably shouldn’t be trusted with money, or scissors.” Orr’s prose is devoted to common sense and clarity, and, in every case, he brings to bear an impeccable ear, an openhandedness of spirit, and a deep wealth of technical knowledge—to say nothing of his shrewd sense of humor. As pleasurable as it is informative, Orr’s journalism represents a high watermark in the public discussion of literature. You, Too, Could Write a Poem is at heart a love note to poetry itself.From the Trade Paperback edition.

You Wait Till I'm Older Than You! (Puffin Poetry)

by Michael Rosen

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF!Well what would you say if your brother kept whacking you with a spoon, or the spider made it all the way up the toilet bowl or your mum made you wear that horrible shirt?Find out in this fantastically funny collection of poems all about growing up from the brilliant Michael Rosen, Children's Laureate 2007 - 2009.

You Who Cross My Path: Selected Poems By Erez Bitton

by null Erez Bitton

This first US publication of Erez Bitton, one of Israel's most celebrated poets, recalls the fate of Moroccan Jewish culture with poems both evocative and pure. Considered the founding father of Mizrahi Israeli, a major tradition in the history of Hebrew poetry, Bitton's bilingual collection dramatically expands the scope of biographical experience and memory, ultimately resurrecting a vanishing world and culture.Preliminary Background WordsMy mother my motherfrom a village of shrubs green of a different green.From a bird's nest producing milk sweeter than sweet.From a nightingale's cradle of a thousand Arabian nights.My mother my motherwho staved off evilwith her middle fingerswith beating her cheston behalf of all mothers.My father my fatherwho delved into worldswho sanctified the Sabbath with pure Araqwho was most practicedin synagogue traditions.And I—having distanced myselfdeep into my heartwould recitewhen all were asleepshort Bach massesdeep into my heartin Jewish-Moroccan.Erez Bitton was born in 1942 to Moroccan parents in Oran, Algeria, and emigrated to Israel in 1948. Blinded by a stray hand grenade in Lod, he spent his childhood in Jerusalem's School for the Blind. He is considered the founding father of Mizrahi poetry in Israel—the first poet to take on the conflict between North African immigrants and the Ashkenazi society, and the first to use Judeo-Arabic dialect in his poetry. His most recent award is the Bialik Lifetime Achievement Award (2014).

You'll Never Walk Alone: Poems for life's ups and downs

by Rachel Kelly

Words can be a way to unlock our feelings. Poetry allows us to be in touch with our emotions and helps us unlock and explore our vulnerability.You'll Never Walk Alone is a collection of the kind of inspirational texts - mainly poems - that can accompany us, whatever we are feeling, from sorrow to delight. The texts are not just about words which can console us or comfort us - though they often do this too. Rather these are poems that allow us to enjoy a full range of emotions. The poems are organised according to the season in which they 'belong': we all have seasons of our minds, be they wintery and dark, or more spring-like and hopeful. Comprising 52 poems, with analysis by Rachel, You'll Never Walk Alone introduces a poem for each week of the year plus tips on bringing poetry into your life. This book will show you how to bring poetry into your everyday emotional reality, where it can be a new tool for wellbeing. And one that means you'll never walk alone.'Like Rachel Kelly, I passionately believe in the power of poetry to reach the soul. In times of heartache and joy, this wonderful anthology will help and delight all through the year. Kelly's brilliant introduction and explanations of each choice make this an indispensable companion, always.'- Bel Mooney, writer, journalist and broadcaster

You'll Never Walk Alone: Poems for life's ups and downs

by Rachel Kelly

A wise and soulful poetry prescription for every season and every mood.Words can be a way to unlock our feelings. Poetry allows us to be in touch with our emotions and helps us unlock and explore our vulnerability.You'll Never Walk Alone is a collection of the kind of inspirational texts - mainly poems - that can accompany us, whatever we are feeling, from sorrow to delight. The texts are not just about words which can console us or comfort us - though they often do this too. Rather these are poems that allow us to enjoy a full range of emotions. The poems are organised according to the season in which they 'belong': we all have seasons of our minds, be they wintery and dark, or more spring-like and hopeful. Comprising 52 poems, with analysis by Rachel, You'll Never Walk Alone introduces a poem for each week of the year plus tips on bringing poetry into your life. This audiobook will show you how to bring poetry into your everyday emotional reality, where it can be a new tool for wellbeing. And one that means you'll never walk alone.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Young Cornrows Callin Out the Moon

by Ruth Forman Cbabi Bayoc

<p>Who needs a backyard when there are brownstone steps, double dutch, and freeze tag beneath the sizzling summer sun? The jingling bell of the ice cream truck mingles with laughter and sidewalk rhymes. Frosty lemonade from the corner store and tight cornrows beat the heat with style. There's nothing like summer in the city with friends, family, and a child's imagination for company. <p>Ruth Forman offers a poetic testament to childhood, language, and play, and Cbabi Bayoc's richly hued paintings bring the streets of South Philadelphia to vivid life.</p>

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