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The Essential Odyssey

by Homer Sheila Murnaghan Stanley Lombardo

This generous abridgment of Stanley Lombardo's translation of the Odyssey offers more than half of the epic, including all of its best-known episodes and finest poetry, while providing concise summaries for omitted books and passages. Sheila Murnaghan's Introduction, a shortened version of her essay for the unabridged edition, is ideal for readers new to this remarkable tale of the homecoming of Odysseus.

The Essential Odyssey (abridged)

by Homer Sheila Murnaghan Stanley Lombardo

This abridgement of the Odyssey offers nearly half of the text of Stanley Lombardo's 2000 translation of the complete epic and provides narrative bridges for omitted passages.

The Essential Paul Elmer More: A Selection of His Writings

by Byron C. Lambert Paul Elmer More

The Essential Paul Elmer More: A Selection of His Writings. Edited with an introduction and notes by Byron C. Lambert. Foreword by Russell Kirk.

Essential Pleasures: A New Anthology of Poems to Read Aloud

by Robert Pinsky

This lively, abundant book is distinguished by its focus on hearing poetry read aloud. Robert Pinsky, beloved for his ability to bring poetry to life as spoken language, has collected poems that sound marvelous in a reader's actual or imagined voice. Pinsky has organized the book into sections with brief introductions that emphasize the attentive, intuitive, and reflective process of listening to poetry. This structure provides an implicit, generous definition-by-example of poetry itself: beginning with "Short Lines, Frequent Rhymes" and "Long Lines" and proceeding through fundamental themes such as "Love Poems," "Odes, Complaints, and Celebrations," and "Jokes, Ripostes, Parodies, and Insults." Essential Pleasures gives a fresh setting to traditional favorites, including poems by William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, and Robert Frost, placed among contemporary poems by John Ashbery, Louise Gluck, Yusef Komunyakaa, and many others. This is an inviting and distinguished collection and an essential book for every home.

The Essential Poet's Glossary

by Edward Hirsch

A Poet’s Glossary was an extraordinary achievement that continues to stand as a definitive source for poets and poetry lovers alike. Here, The Essential Poet’s Glossary gleans the very best from that extraordinary volume. "An instant classic that belongs on the bookshelf of every serious poet and literature student."—Washington PostChancellor of the Academy of American Poets Edward Hirsch has compiled poetic terms spanning centuries and continents, including forms, devices, movements, aesthetics, rhetorical terms, and folklore. Knowing how a poem works is crucial to unlocking its meaning—entries will deepen readers’ relationships with their favorite poems and open greater levels of understanding in each new poem they encounter. Shot through with the enthusiasm, authority, and sheer delight that made A Poet’s Glossary and How to Read a Poem so beloved, this Essential edition is the book that all readers, writers, teachers, and students of poetry will return to again and again.

Essential Quotes for Scientists and Engineers

by Konstantin K. Likharev

This book brings together about 2,500 quotations on various topics of interest to scientists and engineers, including students of STEM disciplines. Careful curation of the material by the editor provides the reader with far greater value than can be obtained by searching the internet.The quotes have been selected for various attributes including: importance of topic, depth of insight, and - not least - wit, with many of them satisfying all these criteria. To make sequential reading of the quotes more engaging, they are grouped into broad topical sections, and the entries within each section are organized thematically, forming quasi-continuous narrative threads. The text and authorship of each quote have been carefully verified, and the most popular cases of misquotation and misattribution are noted. The book represents a valuable resource for those writing science and engineering articles as well as being a joy to read in its own right.

The Essential Rumi (New Expanded Edition)

by Coleman Barks

This revised and expanded edition of the comprehensive one-volume edition of the ancient poet includes a new introduction by Coleman Barks, and 57 new poems never published before.

The Essential Rumi - reissue: New Expanded Edition (Essential Booksales Ser.)

by Coleman Barks

The best-selling Rumi book ever is now better than ever! This revised and expanded edition of the comprehensive one-volume edition of America's most popular poet includes a new introduction by Coleman Barks, and 57 new poems never published before. The ecstatic, spiritual poetry of Rumi is more popular than ever, and The Essential Rumi continues to be far and away the top-selling title of all Rumi books. With the addition of many new poems and a new introduction, The Essential Rumi is now clearly the definitive, and most delightful selection of Rumi's poetry.

The Essential T.S. Eliot

by T.S. Eliot

A selection of the most significant and enduring poems from one of the twentieth century’s major writers, chosen and introduced by Vijay SeshadriT.S. Eliot was a towering figure in twentieth century literature, a renowned poet, playwright, and critic whose work—including “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (1915), The Waste Land (1922), Four Quartets (1943), and Murder in the Cathedral (1935)—continues to be among the most-read and influential in the canon of American literature. The Essential T.S. Eliot collects Eliot’s most lasting and important poetry in one career-spanning volume, now with an introduction from Vijay Seshadri, one of our foremost poets.

Estados de un exanónimo

by Porta

Porta, uno de los músicos más influyentes en castellano, debuta en la escritura con Estados de un exanónimo , un libro en el que hace gala de una prosa poética que revisa las pulsiones que nos salvan y nos hieren cada día. «Cuando vuelo el mundo me parece un regalo apasionante y la vida un puzle por completar.»Cuando me dejo llevar me olvido de lo que quiero y dejo que suceda lo que, sin esfuerzo ni angustia, llega a mí.» Lo bueno y lo malo y todos sus grises; y cómo lo afrontamos; y cómo nos refugiamos en ello; y cómo nos condiciona en cada momento. Eso es lo que Porta examina y disecciona con una voz cercana en este libro que consta de cuatro partes, como los estados de ánimo en torno a los cuales nos movemos todos.

El estilo de mis matemáticas

by Mauricio Redoles

La poesía única y las mejores canciones de Mauricio Redolés, legendario ícono de la cultura chilena Con sus canciones, poemas y apariciones públicas, Mauricio Redolés se ha convertido en una figura incomparable de la cultura chilena. Atrevido, perspicaz, lírico, delicado y humorístico son términos con los que su trabajo podría ser descrito. Pero quedan cortos. Redolés es imprevisible, va por la libre. Pasa como si nada del poema coloquial al tango audaz, de la elegía amorosa al canto paródico, del chiste político al verso filosófico. El año 2000, bajo el título Estar de la poesía o el estilo de mis matemáticas, el propio autor editó un volumen con sus mejores poemas que se convirtió en un verdadero best seller alternativo. La presente edición es una remasterización de ese libro mítico prologada por el poeta y filósofo Yanko González.

Estrella de mar / Starfish

by Lisa Fipps

¡Seleccionado como Honor Book por el Premio Printz! Ellie está cansada de que la avergüencen por su peso y decide cambiar eso en esta conmovedora novela en verso, la primera de Lisa Flipps. Desde que Ellie usó un traje de baño de ballena y causó gran revuelo en su fiesta de cumpleaños número 5, ha sido acosada por su peso. Para sobrellevar la situación, trata de vivir según las Reglas de las Chicas Gordas, como “no hacer olas”, “evitar comer en público” y “no moverse tan rápido para que su cuerpo no se mueva”. Ha encontrado su espacio seguro, su piscina, donde se siente ingrávida en un mundo obsesionado con las grasas. En el agua, puede estirarse como una estrella de mar y ocupar todo el espacio que quiera. También es donde puede alejarse de su madre, quien piensa que criticar con insistencia el peso de Ellie la motivará a hacer dieta. Pero Ellie tiene aliados como su padre, su terapeuta y su nueva vecina, Catalina, que ama a Ellie por quien es. Con este apoyo, Ellie finalmente podrá dejar de lado las Reglas de las Chicas Gordas y las estrellas de mar en la vida real, sin disculparse por ser ella misma ni por ser fabulosa.

Estuche Verso&Cuento: Con tal de verte volar | Ahora que ya bailas

by Miguel Gane

La poesía de Miguel Gane nace en la calle, en las historias cotidianas, en la mirada de mujeres valientes. Descubre a este joven poeta si todavía no lo has hecho con sus dos libros en un pack exclusivo. Con tal de verte volar, el primer poemario de Miguel Gane, es un grito, un homenaje a la libertad en su pleno significado. Un conjunto de textos poéticos que reclama las calles como lugar, el rock and roll como banda sonora y la valentía de recuperar la vida después del dolor de un amor tóxico. Una despedida mirando al cielo desde la felicidad de quien deja ir y ama al mismo tiempo. Ahora que ya bailas, el segundo poemario del autor, es la historia de Ella, la que fue callada porque sus gritos resonaban demasiado alto, la que dejó ir su sonrisa porque quien debía liberarla la acabó enjaulando y aplastando contra el asfalto. La que, sola, fue capaz de levantarse, de mirar a la cara a todo eso, y decirle: "No mehas vencido; soy indestructible".

Etcetera: The Unpublished Poems Of E. E. Cummings

by E. E. Cummings

A new volume in the Liveright series of Cummings reissues, offset from the authoritative Complete Poems 1904-1962. The poems in Etcetera were discovered in three Cummings manuscript collections and selected from more than 350 unpublished pieces. Many of the poems are from his early years and all convey his freshness and youthful spirit, exhibiting his celebration of love and delight in common natural phenomena. Etcetera was first published by Liveright in 1983. This newly reissued edition is published in a uniform format with Is 5, Tulips & Chimneys, ViVa, XAIPE, and No Thanks.


by Shuarma

El primer poemario de Shuarma, artista, vocalista de Elefantes y uno de los compositores más populares del panorama pop nacional. «Los textos que componen este libro persiguen la voluntad de alejarte de la realidad, llevarte a otro lugar y sugerirte nuevas visiones, no las mías, sino las que te surjan a ti a través de mis propuestas. Yo enciendo la mecha y tu explotas. Aunque a decir verdad eres tú quien enciende la mecha al decidirte a leer. Siempre comienzas tú». El error es un maestro; crear, la libertad más absoluta. De la magia de lo incompleto, de la sabiduría que se esconde tras la duda y del juego del arte habla este libro. En él, Shuarma -músico, vocalista del célebre grupo Elefantes y artista multidisciplinar- recoge textos que van de lo íntimo a lo lúdico y lo surrealista, que permanecen abiertos a la interpretación, a la espera de que el lector los experimente de una manera única y particular. Una reflexión sobre el poder de la creación y una reivindicación de la misma como acto universal.

The Eternal City: Poems (Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets #55)

by Kathleen Graber

Finalist for the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle AwardWith an epigraph from Freud comparing the mind to a landscape in which all that ever was still persists, The Eternal City offers eloquent testimony to the struggle to make sense of the present through conversation with the past. Questioning what it means to possess and to be possessed by objects and technologies, Kathleen Graber’s award-winning second collection of poetry brings together the elevated and the quotidian to make neighbors of Marcus Aurelius, Klaus Kinski, Walter Benjamin, and Johnny Depp. Like Aeneas, who escapes Troy carrying his father on his back, the speaker of these intellectually and emotionally ambitious poems juggles the weight of private and public history as she is transformed from settled resident to pilgrim.

Eternal Echoes: Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong

by John O'Donohue

There is a divine restlessness in the human heart, our eternal echo of longing that lives deep within us and never lets us settle for what we have or where we are.In this exquisitely crafted and inspirational book, John O'Donohue, author of the bestseller Anam Cara, explores the most basic of human desires - the desire to belong, a desire that constantly draws us toward new possibilities of self-discovery, friendship, and creativity.


by Pablo Pérez Rueda (Blon)

Pablo Pérez, más conocido como «Blon», sorprende ahora con su primer poemario, en el que se constata su amor a la palabra con su talento para moldearla. Mi intención no es cambiar el mundo, es que me dejes construir una pequeña parte del tuyo cuando entres por las puertas de mi vida. Yo te regalo el lápiz y una hoja en blanco para que hagas lo mismo con el mío. Lo que creemos juntos no durará siempre, todo se acaba, pero seguirá en el recuerdo eternamente. Te espero apoyado en el horizonte, acomódate, tenemos una larga charla por delante. Reseña:«Entre luces, destellos y sombras, vas a encontrar al poeta que de tanto estar callado aprendió a gritar; que de tanto temer aprendió a amar.»Miguel Gane


by Pablo Pérez Rueda

Pablo Pérez, más conocido como «Blon», sorprende ahora con su primer poemario, en el que se constata su amor a la palabra con su talento para moldearla. Mi intención no es cambiar el mundo, es que me dejes construir una pequeña parte del tuyo cuando entres por las puertas de mi vida. Yo te regalo el lápiz y una hoja en blanco para que hagas lo mismo con el mío. Lo que creemos juntos no durará siempre, todo se acaba, pero seguirá en el recuerdo eternamente. Te espero apoyado en el horizonte, acomódate, tenemos una larga charla por delante. Reseña:«Entre luces, destellos y sombras, vas a encontrar al poeta que de tanto estar callado aprendió a gritar; que de tanto temer aprendió a amar.»Miguel Gane

Ethics and Enjoyment in Late Medieval Poetry

by Jessica Rosenfeld

Jessica Rosenfeld provides a history of the ethics of medieval vernacular love poetry by tracing its engagement with the late medieval reception of Aristotle. Beginning with a history of the idea of enjoyment from Plato to Peter Abelard and the troubadours, the book then presents a literary and philosophical history of the medieval ethics of love, centered on the legacy of the Roman de la Rose. The chapters reveal that 'courtly love' was scarcely confined to what is often characterized as an ethic of sacrifice and deferral, but also engaged with Aristotelian ideas about pleasure and earthly happiness. Readings of Machaut, Froissart, Chaucer, Dante, Deguileville and Langland show that poets were often markedly aware of the overlapping ethical languages of philosophy and erotic poetry. The study's conclusion places medieval poetry and philosophy in the context of psychoanalytic ethics, and argues for a re-evaluation of Lacan's ideas about courtly love.

Ethics and Politics in Modern American Poetry (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)

by John Wrighton

From the Objectivists to e-poetry, this thoughtful and innovative book explores the dynamic relationship between the ethical imperative and poetic practice, revitalizing the study of the most prominent post-war American poets in a fresh, provocative way. Contributing to the "turn to ethics" in literary studies, the book begins with Emmanual Levinas’ philosophy, proposing that his reorientation of ontology and ethics demands a social responsibility. In poetic practice this responsibility for the other, it is argued, is both responsive to the traumatized semiotics of our shared language and directed towards an emancipatory social activism. Individual chapters deal with Charles Olson’s The Maximus Poems (including reproductions of previously unpublished archive material), Gary Snyder’s environmental poetry, Allen Ginsberg’s Beat poetics, Jerome Rothenberg’s ethnopoetics, and Bruce Andrew’s Language poetry. Following the book’s chronological and contextual approach, their work is situated within a constellation of poetic schools and movements, and in relation to the shifting socio-political conditions of post-war America. In its redefinition and extension of the key notion of "poethics" and, as guide to the development of experimental work in modern American poetry, this book will interest and appeal to a wide audience.

The Ethnic Avant-Garde: Minority Cultures and World Revolution (Modernist Latitudes)

by Steven S. Lee

During the 1920s and 1930s, American minority artists and writers collaborated extensively with the Soviet avant-garde, seeking to build a revolutionary society that would end racial discrimination and advance progressive art. Making what Claude McKay called "the magic pilgrimage" to the Soviet Union, these intellectuals placed themselves at the forefront of modernism, using radical cultural and political experiments to reimagine identity and decenter the West. Shining rare light on these efforts, The Ethnic Avant-Garde makes a unique contribution to interwar literary, political, and art history, drawing extensively on Russian archives, travel narratives, and artistic exchanges to establish the parameters of an undervalued "ethnic avant-garde." These writers and artists cohered around distinct forms that mirrored Soviet techniques of montage, fragment, and interruption. They orbited interwar Moscow, where the international avant-garde converged with the Communist International. The book explores Vladimir Mayakovsky's 1925 visit to New York City via Cuba and Mexico, during which he wrote Russian-language poetry in an "Afro-Cuban" voice; Langston Hughes's translations of these poems while in Moscow, which he visited to assist on a Soviet film about African American life; a futurist play condemning Western imperialism in China, which became Broadway's first major production to feature a predominantly Asian American cast; and efforts to imagine the Bolshevik Revolution as Jewish messianic arrest, followed by the slow political disenchantment of the New York Intellectuals. Through an absorbing collage of cross-ethnic encounters that also include Herbert Biberman, Sergei Eisenstein, Paul Robeson, and Vladimir Tatlin, this work remaps global modernism along minority and Soviet-centered lines, further advancing the avant-garde project of seeing the world anew.

Etymology and the Invention of English in Early Modern Literature

by Hannah Crawforth

How did authors such as Jonson, Spenser, Donne and Milton think about the past lives of the words they used? Hannah Crawforth shows how early modern writers were acutely attuned to the religious and political implications of the etymology of English words. She argues that these lexically astute writers actively engaged with the lexicographers, Anglo-Saxonists and etymologists who were carrying out a national project to recover, or invent, the origins of English, at a time when the question of a national vernacular was inseparable from that of national identity. English words are deployed to particular effect – as a polemical weapon, allegorical device, coded form of communication, type of historical allusion or political tool. Drawing together early modern literature and linguistics, Crawforth argues that the history of English as it was studied in the period radically underpins the writing of its greatest poets.

Eucharist and the Poetic Imagination in Early Modern England

by Sophie Read

The Reformation changed forever how the sacrament of the Eucharist was understood. This study of six canonical early modern lyric poets traces the literary afterlife of what was one of the greatest doctrinal shifts in English history. Sophie Read argues that the move from a literal to a figurative understanding of the phrase 'this is my body' exerted a powerful imaginative pull on successive generations. To illustrate this, she examines in detail the work of Southwell, Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Vaughan and Milton, who between them represent a broad range of doctrinal and confessional positions, from the Jesuit Southwell to Milton's heterodox Puritanism. Individually, each chapter examines how Eucharistic ideas are expressed through a particular rhetorical trope; together, they illuminate the continued importance of the Eucharist's transformation well into the seventeenth century - not simply as a matter of doctrine, but as a rhetorical and poetic mode.

Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse: Commentary (Vol. 2)

by Aleksandr Pushkin

When Vladimir Nabokov first published his controversial translation of Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin in 1964, the great majority of the edition was taken up by Nabokov’s witty and detailed commentary. Presented here in its own volume, the commentary is a unique and exhaustive scholarly masterwork by one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers—a work that Nabokov biographer Brian Boyd calls “the most detailed commentary ever made on” Onegin and “indispensable to all serious students of Pushkin’s masterpiece.”In his commentary, Nabokov seeks to illuminate every possible nuance of this nineteenth-century classic. He explains obscurities, traces literary influences, relates Onegin to Pushkin’s other work, and in a characteristically entertaining manner dwells on a host of interesting details relevant to the poem and the Russia it depicts. Nabokov also provides translations of lines and stanzas deleted by the censor or by Pushkin himself, variants from Pushkin’s notebooks, fragments of a continuation called “Onegin’s Journey,” the unfinished and unpublished “Chapter Ten,” other continuations, and an index.A work of astonishing erudition and passion, Nabokov’s commentary is a landmark in the history of literary scholarship and in the understanding and appreciation of the greatest work of Russia’s national poet.

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